VINAY KUMAR MAURYA applied for a new driving license and light motor vehicle test on October 12, 2020. He paid a total of 200 rupees, which included a 150 rupee fee for a new light motor vehicle license and a 50 rupee fee for the light motor vehicle test. The receipt from the RTO Lucknow office acknowledges the online payment and provides details of the transaction, application, and fees paid.
VINAY KUMAR MAURYA applied for a new driving license and light motor vehicle test on October 12, 2020. He paid a total of 200 rupees, which included a 150 rupee fee for a new light motor vehicle license and a 50 rupee fee for the light motor vehicle test. The receipt from the RTO Lucknow office acknowledges the online payment and provides details of the transaction, application, and fees paid.
VINAY KUMAR MAURYA applied for a new driving license and light motor vehicle test on October 12, 2020. He paid a total of 200 rupees, which included a 150 rupee fee for a new light motor vehicle license and a 50 rupee fee for the light motor vehicle test. The receipt from the RTO Lucknow office acknowledges the online payment and provides details of the transaction, application, and fees paid.
VINAY KUMAR MAURYA applied for a new driving license and light motor vehicle test on October 12, 2020. He paid a total of 200 rupees, which included a 150 rupee fee for a new light motor vehicle license and a 50 rupee fee for the light motor vehicle test. The receipt from the RTO Lucknow office acknowledges the online payment and provides details of the transaction, application, and fees paid.
Applicant Name VINAY KUMAR MAURYA Receipt No UPT/3480639 Date of Birth 04-04-2000 Bank / Gateway SBI License No NO Bank Reference No CPAAIYXWZ1 Application No 2920050220 Transaction ID UP2020T18639917 Application Date 12-10-2020
Transaction Class of Additional
Fee Amount Total Name Vehicles Fee / Fine
LLTEST 50.00 0.00 50.00
TOTAL Amount : 200.00
TOTAL Amount (In Words) Two Hundred and Rupees only
Note: Visit the Concerned Office with Required Forms and Documents along with this Receipt