Radiata L.) in Response To Inm in Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India
Radiata L.) in Response To Inm in Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India
Radiata L.) in Response To Inm in Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India
Significant improvement in LAI, number of trifoliate, SPAD value of green leaf chlorophyll, dry matter
accumulation, yield, harvest index (%) and nutrient content of mungbean were recorded due to application of
75% RDF + 2.5 t/ha vermicompost (VC) + Rhizobium (Rh)+ phosphorus solublizing bacteria (PSB),
followed by 100% RDF + 2.5 t/ha VC and 100% RDF + Rh + PSB. The highest seed yield of mungbean was
obtained with the application of 75% RDF + 2.5 t/ha VC + Rh + PSB (12.34 q /ha) followed by 100% RDF +
2.5 t/ha VC (12.05 q /ha) and 100% RDF + Rh+ PSB (11.95 q /ha).
In Asian agriculture, during green revelation era cultivation of HYVs of crops and use of huge
amount of agrochemicals has led to severe depletion of nutrients from the soil. Normally, farmers
use imbalanced chemical fertilizers for individual crop without considering integrated nutrient
management approach. As a result, productivity and soil biodiversity has been affected. Recently
growth and yield of mungbean have been affected by poor management and low soil fertility
(Bradl 2004). Nutrient elements are needed in relatively very small quantities for adequate plant
morphology and production, their deficiency may cause great disturbance in the physiological and
metabolic processes involved in the plant (Babaeian et al. 2011, Meena et al. 2013). A bio-
fertilizer is a natural product carrying living microorganism derived from the root or cultivated soil
helps in atmospheric N2 fixation, phosphorous solubilisation and stimulate growth hormones
providing better plant morphology, chlorophyll and increased nutrient content of crop (Mohamed
et al. 2012, Ram Swaroop and Ramawatar 2012). Vermicompost is nutrient rich products of a
non-thermophilic biodegradation of organic materials through interactions between earthworms
and microorganisms (Aira et al. 2002, Sallaku et al. 2009). However, the information on
integrated use of organic manures, chemical fertilizers and bio-fertilizers on plant morphology and
productivity of mungbean are meager (Meena 2013, Meena and Sharma 2013). The present study
reports the effect of manures and such fertilizers on the productivity of mungbean in eastern Uttar
Pradesh, India.
A field experiment was conducted during rainy (kharif) season of 2013 at Agronomy Farm,
Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU, Varanasi (UP). The soil was sandy clay loam with pH
7.32, available N 160.13 kg/ha (Subbiah and Asija 1956), P 22.64 kg/ha (Olsen et al. 1954), K
211.41 kg/ha (Stanford and English 1949) and 0.36% organic carbon (Jackson 1973). The 12
treatments comprised of control, three levels of RDF (75, 50 and 100% NPK) and other eight in
combination viz., 50% RDF+ Rh + PSB, 50% RDF + 2.5 t/ha VC, 50% RDF + 2.5 t/ha VC/ha +
Rh + PSB, 75% RDF+ Rh + PSB, 75% RDF + 2.5 t/ha VC, 75% RDF + 2.5 t/ha VC + Rh + PSB,
100% RDF + Rh + PSB and 100% RDF + 2.5 t/ha VC were laid out in randomized block design
*Author for correspondence: <rsmeenaagro@gmail.com; meenars@bhu.ac.in>, 1Department of Soil Science
and Agricultural Chemistry, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU, Varanasi (India)-221 005.
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with three replications. Recommended dose of fertilizer 20: 40: 20 kg/ha (N2: P2O5 : K2O) and
vermicompost were applied as per treatments as basal dose at the time of sowing in furrows at 30
cm apart in at the depth of 10 cm. The required quantity of Rhizobium cultures, i.e. @ 200 g
culture per 10 kg seed was mixed to 10% sugar solution to form slurry. The culture of PSB 200 g
per 12 kg fine soil was well mixed and then applied. Vermicompost was applied thoroughly as
per treatment before sowing in 15 cm top soil layer. Green gram variety HUM 12 (Maliviya
Jenchetna) was sown at the rate of 15 kg/ha in line at 30 cm apart at the depth of 5 cm on 6
The data showed (Table 1) that source of nutrient like, 75% RDF + VC + bio-fertilizers (Rh
and PSB) caused significant increase in LAI, number of trifoliate, SPAD value of chlorophyll, dry
matter accumulation, yield, harvest index and nutrient content compared to other treatments
followed by 100% RDF + 2.5 t/ha VC and 100% RDF + Rh + PSB. Significantly higher leaf area
index, trifoliate leaves/plant and SPAD value of chlorophyll were recorded on 45 DAS with the
various integrated nutrient management up to 75% RDF + 2.5 t/ha VC + Rh + PSB, followed by
100% RDF + 2.5 t/ha VC and 100% RDF + Rh + PSB. It is clear from data that crop dry matter
accumulation was significantly influenced by integrated nutrient management, in combination of
75% RDF + 2.5 t/ha VC + Rh + PSB recorded the maximum.
Integrated nutrient management viz., 75% RDF + 2.5 t/ha VC + Rh + PSB significantly
improved seed, straw, biological yield harvest index and nutrient content (Table 2) of mungbean
followed by 100% RDF + 2.5 t/ha VC and 100% RDF + Rh + PSB. The highest seed yield of
mungbean was obtained with the application of recommended dose of 75% RDF + 2.5 t/ha VC +
Rh + PSB (12.34 q /ha) followed by treatments 100% RDF + 2.5 t/ha VC (12.05 q /ha) and 100%
RDF + Rh + PSB (11.95 q /ha). The combined application of NPK increased availability of major
nutrients to plant due to enhanced early root growth and cell multiplication leading to more
absorption of other nutrients from deeper layers of soil ultimately resulting in increased plant
growth attributes and finally increased yield. Further, the translocation and accumulation of
photosynthates in the economic sinks, resulted in increased grain, straw and biological yields.
Increased yield attributes and yield by various workers have been reported at different places with
INM practices Rajkhowa et al. (2003), Patel et al. (2003). The synergistic effect of Rhizobium and
PSB as discussed above might have increased the growth, yield attributes and ultimately the yield
in present investigation due to increased nitrogenous activity and available phosphorus status of
soil. Similar finding was reported by Yadav et al. (2007), Meena and Sharma 2012.
Table 2 Effect of integrated nutrient management on yields, harvest index and nutrient content of
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