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1. Introduction
Rice is a staple food that globally provides calories to more than 3.5 billion people. It
has contributed almost 19% of global human per capita energy and 13% of per capita
protein [1]. Paddy soils used for rice growth are contained by embankments, called galen-
gan in Indonesia, or canal to hold water. Indonesian farmers have per capita paddy fields
of only <0.5 ha, which decreases over time due to population growth and conversion to
non-agricultural activities. The total area of rice fields in Indonesia is around 7,483,948 ha
[2]. The average production is around 7–8 tons ha−1 when the soil is relatively fertile.
However, when the soil is less fertile, rice production is very low, below 4 tons ha−1. The
fertility of paddy soils has decreased, as indicated by the decreasing availability of macro-
and micro-nutrients, low organic matter content, and slightly low pH (Table 1) [3, 4].
The fertility of paddy fields continuously decreases with the time of land use due
to harvest and irrigation.
According to Table 2, paddy soils in Musi Rawas, South Sumatra, have a pH
ranging from 5.40 to 5.56 with a low organic C content of 1.75–1.85%, moderate to low
soil CEC ranging from 15.31 to 19.58 cmol(+)kg−1, moderately available P between
14.10 and 20.80 mg kg−1, medium K-exchangeable of 0.58 cmol(+)kg−1, exchangeable
Na between 0.33 and 0.70 cmol(+)kg−1, exchangeable Ca ranging from 2.10 to 6.48
Heavy Metals - Recent Advances
% Cmol(+)kg−1
1 6.14 2.58 0.13 19.85 5.41
2 6.36 2.37 0.13 18.23 4.97
Table 1.
Some characteristics of paddy soils in Sidoarjo (East Java) near the industrial area [3].
20 40 60 80
pH (H2O) 5.56 sa 5.52 sa 5.44 a 5.40 a
Table 2.
Characteristics of soils based on the age of use of paddy soils [5].
Table 3.
Average fertilizer usage in five sub-districts of Musi Rawas Regency, Indonesia [5].
farmer uses around 150.26 kg ha−1 P fertilizer in each growing season, exceeding the
recommended dose of 100 kg ha−1 [5].
Paddy soil is not a typical soil classification term but indicates how to man-
age various soil types for rice cultivation. There are four paddy soil ecosystems:
(a) flood-prone rice ecosystem, characterized by a flat to slightly wavy or basin
surface; it is flooded due to high tides for more than 10 consecutive days as deep
as 50–300 cm during plant growth; (b) aerobic to anaerobic and rice cultivation
is carried out by transferring or spreading seeds on dry plowed soil; (c) rainfed
lowland rice ecosystem, characterized by a flat to the slightly wavy land surface,
bordered by bunds, and inundated due to discontinuous tides with varying depths
and periods; and (d) aerobic–anaerobic soil alternating with varying frequency and
period, where rice planting is carried out by transferring seeds to silted soil [12].
Intensive management of paddy soils in the long term can reduce soil productivity
and environmental quality. High inputs of agrochemicals can deplete nutrients in
the soil and cause negative impacts in the form of increased residues of materials.
Additionally, consumer demands for food or agricultural products that are safe and
hygienic, have a high nutritional value, and are free of contamination are a public
concern for the quality of the environment and human health [13]. Furthermore,
[13] reported that around 21–40% of paddy soils in the Pantura of West Java
were contaminated with these two types of heavy metals; even 4–7% of them
were contaminated in the heavy metals category, which was Pb > 1.0 mg kg−1 and
Cd > 0.24 mg kg−1.
2. Heavy metals
Various sources and causes of contamination of paddy fields that can lead to soil
degradation include agrochemicals, industrial waste, mining activities, and house-
hold waste. The two sources of heavy metals are natural and anthropogenic [1]. The
use of synthetic fertilizers (inorganic fertilizers) and industrial activities play an
important role as a source of pollution in rice fields [14]. There are many reports of
contamination of rice fields, especially areas adjacent to factories [15–17]. The amount
of waste generated from industrial processes causes water sources to be polluted.
Furthermore, materials consisting of toxic compounds can settle in the rice soil. This
process is repeated over time, accumulating these materials and heavy metals in the
Heavy Metals - Recent Advances
soil. Therefore, there will be undesirable changes in the physical, chemical, and bio-
logical properties of the soil. Productivity decreases with the ability to support plant
growth [18]. Heavy metal contents in agricultural soils can directly affect human
health by consuming crops grown in contaminated soils [17]. These metals are nones-
sential elements but can accumulate in plants and adversely affect human health [19].
Contaminated soil adversely affects the whole ecosystem when these toxic metals
migrate into groundwater or are taken up by plants, which may threaten ecosystems
[20]. In general, the metals are accumulated mostly in the root compared to the stem,
leaf, and grain [1]. The occurrence of these metals in paddy field soils ranks in the
order Mn > Zn > Pb > Cr > Cu > Cd [19]. Heavy metals are potentially toxic to crop
plants, animals, and humans when contaminated soils are used for crop production
[21]. Environmental contamination of the biosphere due to intensive agricultural and
other anthropogenic activities poses severe problems for the safe use of agricultural
land [22]. Heavy metals such as Cd and Pb are of primary concern in soil and food
contamination because of their toxicity, particularly in the rice cropping system [23].
These toxic elements accumulate in the soils, contaminating the food chain, endan-
gering the ecosystem’s safety, and causing soil degradation.
Degraded soil will have properties that do not support rice growth. It will lose the
topsoil or arable layer, lose nutrients needed by rice plants, and result in reduced lev-
els of organic carbon. In addition to these observable characteristics of degraded soils,
it can also be distinguished by plants that typically do not thrive in such conditions.
The performance of plants is reduced when planted in soil with degraded physical,
chemical, and biological qualities. The parameters used to evaluate the level of soil
degradation are decreasing base saturation, available nutrients including N, P, K and
trace elements, bulk density, soil permeability, and organic carbon [24].
Soil properties influence rice growth and development. The characteristics
supporting plant growth should be maintained, one of which is soil conservation
measures to prevent chemical damage/degradation. Degraded soil can also lose the
top layer, impacting the loss of nutrients needed by plants, changes in soil structure,
and reduced levels of organic carbon. The organic carbon has a major role in improv-
ing the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil [25]. It can also be
identified by using plants with poor growth performance. In this regard, the plant can
be used as an indicator of soil degradation. Many definitions of soil degradation have
been reported, showing a decrease in soil chemical properties compared to non-
degraded soil. Land degradation results from one or more processes that decrease the
actual or potential ability to produce food and fiber and provide ecosystem services.
This definition shows a general understanding of agriculture’s broad scope [26].
Land or chemical degradation is often associated with a use that does not follow the
aspects of the balance of inputs and outputs. Inputs are related to soil improvement
or fertilization in cultivation activities. In contrast, the output is associated with plant
nutrient uptake and the possibility of leaching through erosion mechanisms. The
phenomenon of land degradation is found in areas of land that promote agricultural
activities. Land degradation can be indicated by symptoms of poor plant growth or
the growth of weeds on the soil. The marginalization will continue with low inputs for
farming and dry land management technology, which ultimately causes physical and
chemical degradation. On sloping land, land degradation will occur quickly due to
erosion, which reduces the quality of the physical and chemical properties of the soil.
Consequently, the soil will be damaged or degraded due to acidification, accumula-
tion of salts (salinization), and contamination of heavy metals, organic compounds,
and xenobiotics such as pesticides or oil spills.
Heavy Metals in Indonesian Paddy Soils
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.109027
3. Characteristics of Pb and Cd
Lead (Pb) is accumulated in plant organs, namely, leaves, stems, roots, and
tubers (shallots), and the transfer depends on the soil composition and pH. High Pb
concentrations (100–1000 mg kg−1) have a toxic effect on photosynthesis and growth
[27]. Pb is one of the nonessential heavy metals that are toxic to living organisms. It
causes stunted growth, irritates the eyes, and contributes to lung [28] and kidney [29]
damage. The highest accumulation in roots was proven by [30] through a study of Pb
in kale (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica). In the 6-week-old kale plant, Pb concentration
in the roots reached about 3360 mg kg−1, and in other parts of the plant, it reached
2090 mg kg−1. In 3-week-old kale, the Pb content in the roots was 1.860 mg kg−1 in
the sample but 1.130 mg kg−1 in other parts. These data indicate that most Pb in water
spinach is accumulated in the roots.
The largest Pb pollution comes from burning gasoline, which produces PbBrCl and
PbBrCl2PbO. The pollution can come from Pb components in dissolved air or water,
such as PbCO3 [31]. According to [32], heavy metals in the media are rapidly absorbed
by plants at very low concentrations. The mechanism of absorption and accumula-
tion can be divided into three continuous processes: (a) Absorption by roots: metals
should be brought into the solution around the roots (rhizosphere) in several ways to be
absorbed. Water-soluble compounds are usually taken up by the roots with water, while
the surface absorbs hydrophobic compounds. (b) Translocation of metals from roots
to other plant parts: After penetrating the root endodermis, metal or other foreign com-
pounds follow the transpiration flow through the transport tissue (xylem and phloem)
to other parts. (c) Metal localization in cells and tissues: This aims to keep metals
from inhibiting plant metabolism. Plants have detoxification mechanisms in certain
organs, such as roots, to prevent metal poisoning of cells. Metals in the root cells are
transported to other plant parts through the xylem and phloem network when translo-
cation occurs in the plant body. At low concentrations, heavy metals do not affect plant
growth but cause damage to the soil, water, and plant at high concentrations.
Satpathy et al. [33] argued that Pb originating from air/atmosphere pollution is
in the form of dust particles, which will stay on the plant’s surface. Clouds and rain
can cause Pb to be dissolved and enter the plant through the stomata, which can
cause damage and contaminate food. Air pollution by Pb mainly comes from exhaust
fumes from motor vehicles, and this metal is the remnant of combustion between
the fuel and the vehicle engine. The presence of Pb in motor vehicle fuel functions as
an anti-knock agent. The Pb element is released into the air through the exhaust of
the vehicle’s gasoline. Some will form particulates in the free air with other elements,
while others will stick and be absorbed by the leaves of plants along the way. Soil
contamination by Pb is more extensive than other heavy metals. This is because the
largest contribution is from anthropogenic sources. The research results [34] showed
that the Mn, Co, Cr, and Ni on the soil surface come from lithogenic and anthro-
pogenic sources. These results indicated a significant need for developing pollution
prevention and reduction strategies for heavy metal pollution. Accumulation of heavy
metals can degrade soil quality, reduce crop yields and agricultural product quality,
and negatively impact humans, animals, and the ecosystem. The solution can be
achieved by identifying the source and measuring the concentration of heavy metals
and the spatial variability in the soil. The results revealed could be used to determine
the increase in Cd and Pb concentrations [35].
Heavy Metals - Recent Advances
mg kg−1
PR Christmast 38 - 60
PR Tunisia 76 - 42
PR Marko 57 - 113
PR Jordan 5 344 im
PR China Huinan 3 - im
PR Ciamis 28 20 im
PR Sukabumi 65 - 65
SP-36 11 4 im
im = immeasurable.
Table 4.
Heavy metals in various types of natural phosphate rock and SP-36 [43].
(1–300 mg kg−1) [44]. Long-term P fertilizer applications are likely sources of heavy
metals (Pb and Cd) in agricultural soils and crops [45, 46].
From the analysis of P fertilizer, TSP fertilizer contains 120.60 Pb mg kg−1 and
4.90 mg kg−1 Cd, while single superphosphate (SP)-36 contains 5.3 mg kg−1 Pb and
10.43 mg kg−1 Cd. Rai et al. [47] explained that using P fertilizer could cause the soil
accumulation of Pb and Cd. Furthermore, it contains heavy metals Pb and Cd from
the raw material for making P fertilizer. Natural phosphate rock has various associ-
ated elements such as Pb and Cd in high enough quantities. Meanwhile, the elements
can be dissolved in soil solution, adsorbed by organic and inorganic colloidal surfaces,
firmly bound in soil minerals, deposited by compounds in the soil, and contained in
living materials.
4.2 Pesticide
local governments. Other biosolid materials are sawdust, rice/corn straw, or plant
residues [50]. Heavy metal contamination of the soil may result from the continued
application of biosolids. The most common heavy metals found in biosolids are Pb,
Ni, Cd, Cr, Cu, and Zn, and the concentration depends on the intensity of industrial
activity [51]. The application can be leached into the soil profile and potentially
contaminate groundwater. It was shown that continued application of biosolid to
several soils in New Zealand resulted in increased concentrations of Cd, Ni, and Zn
in drainage water [52].
It is estimated that 20 million hectares of agricultural land are irrigated with waste-
water from industry or households. In several cities in Asia and Africa, studies show
that agriculture based on wastewater irrigation accounts for 50% of the vegetable sup-
ply to urban areas. Farmers are less concerned about environmental benefits or harms,
maximizing yields and profits. Even though the concentration of heavy metals in
wastewater is relatively low, long-term irrigation can lead to its accumulation in the soil
[53]. In Indonesia, heavy metal pollution has been identified in watersheds. According
to [54], paddy soils in the Solo downstream watershed have been contaminated with
Pb. Furthermore, paper mill effluent irrigation water has polluted the soil with Cu, Pb,
and Cd. The Juwana sub-watershed indicates that heavy metal Cr contamination has
the potential to contaminate agricultural land because the irrigation uses sugar indus-
try waste. Table 5 shows the industrial type producing some heavy metals.
Industry type Hg Pb Cd Cr Cu Zn Ni Al Fe Co Mn
Plastic/resin + - + - - + + - - - -
Pharmacy/cosmetic + + - - - + - - - - -
Chlorine + - - - - - - - - - -
Control/measurement + - - - - - - - - - -
Electronics/electrical + - - - - - - - - - -
Electroplating - - - + + + + + - - -
Anti-rust paint + - - - - - - - - - -
Textile + - + + + + - - + + -
Ceramic - + + - - + - - - - -
Skin tanning + - - + - - + - - - -
Batteries + + + - - - + - - - +
Soap/detergent + + - - + + + - + - -
Metal/metal product + + - + + + + + + - +
Pesticide - + + - - + + - - - -
+ exist; - no exist.
Table 5.
Types of industries whose raw materials produce heavy metals [55].
Heavy Metals in Indonesian Paddy Soils
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.109027
The results for Pb based on paddy soil use can be seen in Tables 6 and 7. The data
show that the highest and lowest soil Pb content was found in 80-year-old rice fields
and control areas, namely, 20.56 and 1.20 mg kg−1, respectively. Compared with
20-year-old paddy fields, Pb content in 80 years was increased by around 16-fold. The
Pb content in Pati, Central Java, and the lowland watershed of Solo Hilir, Lamongan
Regency, ranged from 0.23 to 2.55 mg kg−1 [54] and 0.20–2.94 mg kg−1 [59]. In the
highland rice fields of Wonosobo, Central Java, Gowa, South Sulawesi, and India, Pb
content was 9.32–14.82 mg kg−1 [60], 0.0151 mg kg−1 [61], and 5.3–19.8 mg kg−1 [19].
Meanwhile, [17] reported that Pb content in paddy soil in Tanzania ranged from 8.0 to
28.5 mg kg−1. The heavy metal content of Pb in the paddy field of Semarang Regency
of Central Java is still below the standard provisions of India (250–500 mg kg−1)
and Europe (300 mg kg−1) [62]. Possible sources of Pb include pesticide spraying by
farmers and car exhaust near the village road [63].
20 17.82 1.385,00
40 19.48 1.523,33
60 20.46 1.605,00
80 20.56 1.613,33
Table 6.
Soil Pb content and percentage increase based on the age of use of paddy fields [5].
Soil Pb Cd Hg
1 1 1.48 0.48 0.93
Table 7.
Content of various heavy metals in rice fields in Sidoarjo, East Java [9].
Heavy Metals - Recent Advances
The relationship between soil Pb and time follows a logarithmic pattern, where
the content increases with land use. The mathematical equation for soil Pb content as
a function of time is Y = 11.88 + 2.02 Ln (x) and R2 = 0.956, where Y = Pb content in
soils (mg kg−1) and x = age of land use (year).
The soil Cd analysis results based on paddy fields can be seen in Table 8. The
table shows that the highest and lowest Cd content was found in 80- and 20-year-
old rice fields, namely, 0.72 and 0.26 mg kg−1. Compared with 20-year-old paddy
fields, the highest soil Cd increase was in 80-year-old fields by 1340%. Pradika
et al. [64] also reported that P fertilization could add Cd metal to agricultural
land. This is because the raw material for making P fertilizer comes from phos-
phate rock, which naturally contains Cd metal. The concentrations in surface
soils range from 0.06 to 1.10 mg kg−1 with an average of 0.41 mg kg−1 [65].
Satpathy et al. [19] reported that Cd content in Indian paddy soils ranged from
0.02 to 0.6 mg kg−1.
The relationship between soil Cd content and time follows an exponential pattern,
where the content increases with the age of land use. The mathematical equations as
a function of time are Ln (Y) = 0.17 + 0.02 x and R2 = 0.913, where Y = Cd content in
soil (mg kg−1) and x = age of land use (year). The presence of heavy metals Pb and Cd
in the soil can be caused by the intensive use of P fertilizer and exceeding the recom-
mended dose. Heavy metals Pb and Cd can increase in line with the age of paddy fields.
The results of the Pb analysis of rice based on the age of the paddy fields can be
seen in Table 9. The data show that the highest and lowest Pb content was found in
80- and 20-year-old rice fields, namely, 3.11 and 2.35 mg kg−1. The Pb content has
exceeded the critical limit set by WHO, which is 2 mg kg−1. The Pb content in grain
from paddy fields in Pati, Central Java, and Wonosobo highlands ranged from 0.23 to
1.23 mg kg−1 [54] and 0.28–1.32 mg kg−1 [60]. In the present study, the concentration
of Pb was found to be higher in roots than in shoots and grains [19].
The relationship between the Pb content of rice with time follows an exponential
pattern. The mathematical equations as a function of time are Ln (Y) = 2.06 + 0.005 x
and R2 = 0.928, where Y = Pb in rice (mg kg−1) and x = age of land cultivation (year).
20 0.26 420
40 0.32 540
60 0.39 680
80 0.72 1,340
Table 8.
Soil Cd content and percentage increase based on the age of use of paddy fields [5].
Heavy Metals in Indonesian Paddy Soils
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.109027
20 2.35
40 2.40 2.12
60 2.86 21.70
80 3.11 32.34
Table 9.
Pb levels in rice based on the age of use of paddy fields [5].
20 0.15
40 0.16 6.66
60 0.21 40.00
80 0.29 93.33
Table 10.
Cd content in rice based on the age of use of paddy fields [5].
Heavy Metals - Recent Advances
6. Conclusion
Rice fields in Indonesia are used very intensively, and the fertility is negatively
affected following the decrease in pH. Furthermore, the paddy fields in Indonesia have
experienced heavy metal pollution, especially Pb and Cd, which is indicated by their
accumulation in soil and rice. These heavy metals come from phosphate fertilizers and
industrial waste. The proposed solution uses organic materials to immobilize the metal
or form ligand bonds. Cadmium and lead input from phosphate fertilizers threaten
the environment and human health due to soil contamination, crop absorption, and
bioaccumulation in the food chain. A decrease in non-polluted recycled and mineral P
fertilizer dependence could alleviate the Cd and Pb pollution of the paddy soils.
Author details
© 2022 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0),
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
Heavy Metals in Indonesian Paddy Soils
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.109027
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