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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,718,919 B2

Machado et al. (45) Date of Patent: May 18, 2010


(52) U.S. Cl. ............................. 219/121.43; 219/121.52
(75) Inventors: Ricardo Machado, Caxias do Sul/RS (58) Field of Classification Search .............. 219/76.16,
(BR), Waldyr Ristow, Jr., Caxias do 219/121.36, 121.43; 41.9/36; 373/29, 41,
Sul/RS (BR): Aloisio Nelmo Klein, 373/60, 62, 112
Florianópolis/SC (BR), Joel Louis Rene See application file for complete search history.
Muzart, Florianópolis/SC (BR): Marcio
Celso Fredel, Florianópolis/SC (BR): (56) References Cited
Paulo Antonio Pereira Wendhausen,
Florianópolis/SC (BR); DaviFusão, U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
Florianópolis/SC (BR); Paulo Roberto 4,381.965 A * 5/1983 Maher et al. ........... 219,121.43
Alba, Caxias do Sul/RS (BR): Nilton 4,630,280 A * 12/1986 Gunthner ....... 373/41
Francisco Oliveira da Silva, São 6,579,493 B1 6/2003 Klein et al.
José/SC (BR); Luciano Antonio 2007/0045246 A1* 3/2007 Fujioka et al. ......... 219,121.52
(73) Assignee: Lupatech S.A., Caxias do Sul/RS, CEP WO WO9000308 A1 * 1, 1990
(BR) WO WO O2/OO569 1, 2002

(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this OTHER PUBLICATIONS
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Maria Antonia Dos Santos, Matheus PizzalungaNeivock, Ana Maria
U.S.C. 154(b) by 567 days. Maliska, Aloisio Nelmo Klein, Joel Louis Rene Muzart, Plasma
Debinding and Pre-Sintering of Injected Parts, Materials Research,
(21) Appl. No.: 11/631,824 vol. 7, No. 3,505-511, 2004, Florianopolis-SC, Brazil.
(22) PCT Filed: Jul. 14, 2005 * cited by examiner
Primary Examiner Quang T Van
(86). PCT No.: PCT/BR2OOS/OOO128 Assistant Examiner—Hung Nguyen
S371 (c)(1) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Hedman & Costigan, P.C.
(2), (4) Date: Jan. 4, 2007 (57) ABSTRACT
(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2006/012718 Industrial plasma reactor for plasma assisted thermal debind
PCT Pub. Date: Feb. 9, 2006 ing of power injection-molded parts is a reactor used for the
e 19 plasma assisted debinding and sintering of metallic or
(65) Prior Publication Data ceramic parts produced by the powder injection molding
process, comprising a vacuum chamber (1) containing a cath
US 2007/O292556A1 Dec. 20, 2007 ode-anode (7.8) system for plasma generation and a resistive
(30) Foreign
oreign Application PrioritV Dat
Application Priority Uata heating system (6) in the same vacuum chamber (1) ambient.
Aug. 6, 2004 (BR) ................................. O403536-4 10 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
- 3

10 -

13 e 9

/ 6



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Fig. 2
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Fig. 4
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Fig. 5

Fig. 6 Fig. 7
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Ny w/7 vvy S. !, N 8
Fig. 8

Fig, 9
US 7,718,919 B2
1. 2
INDUSTRAL PLASMA REACTOR FOR and vacuum pumping system and there is a total reduction of
PLASMA ASSISTED THERMAL DEBINDING debinding time over 80% when compared to traditional ther
OF POWDER INUECTION-MOLDED PARTS mal debinding processes. The process uses the reactivity of
the ambient characteristic of the plasma (abnormal electrical
Describes the constructive configuration of industrial reac glow discharge) created by a direct current electrical dis
tor for thermal debinding, assisted by plasma, of parts pro charge generated between an anode and a cathode placed in a
duced by powder injection molding. low-pressure gas (0.1 to 15 Torr). The furnace/reactor to
The powder compacting techniques are appropriate for perform the binders removal, described and claimed in this
manufacturing of near net shape parts with tight dimensional report, has constructive characteristics that make viable the
tolerances which are economically competitive for the serial 10 binder removal process described in those patents. The pro
production of finished parts on iron, steel and other metallic cess concerns the use of electron energy generated in the
alloys, as well as ceramics and particulate composites. electric discharge. The electron’s energy is transferred to the
Among the powder forming techniques, the double action organic macromolecules by inelastic collision causing their
pressing with moving die and the powder injection molding dissociation into smaller C, H, organic radicals. Atomic
(PIM) are the most important for the manufacturing of engi 15 hydrogen is also generated within the plasma and it reacts
neering components with high dimensional precision and chemically with the radicals preventing their recombination
quality. into longer molecules. The molecules originated from the
The powder injection molding technique overcomes the dissociation have Smaller molecular weight and exist in the
limitations of the double action pressing of parts with com gas state under atmospheric conditions, being removed with
plex geometrical shapes. The process consists basically of the gas outflow from the reactor promoted by the vacuum
mixing powders with a binder system to obtain a homoge pump.
neous feedstock with reological properties appropriate for The Success of the process and upscale to industrial con
injection, heat-up the paste to temperatures in which it is in a ditions requires an adequate design of the anode-cathode
liquid State and inject it into a die with the desired geometry. configuration. The present patent application claims list com
The binder cools down inside the die, becoming solid, and 25 prises this whole physical cathode-anode set configuration. A
reaching the needed green mechanical strength. After cool large number of electrons must be generated near the parts to
ing, the injected green parts are removed from the die. promote the dissociation of all organic molecules. The gen
In sequence, the binder removal and the sintering are per eration of energetically excited atoms and molecules around
formed. Among the most used materials in powder injection the parts is also important, for the chemical reaction with the
molding process are the oxides, nitrides, carbides, steels, 30 debinding products preventing the deposition of organic resi
refractory metals, intermetalic compounds and particulate dues. Another aspect of critical importance is related to the
composites. The main applications of injected products (me possible warping of the electrodes (anode and cathode) as a
tallic, ceramic and composites) are dental implants and pros result of the elevated temperature, reaching 1300° C. during
theses, injection nozzles, Surgical and odontological instru sintering, that they are subjected to. When warping occurs,
ments, machine and equipment components, printed circuits, 35 the electrical discharge becomes unstable, resulting in the
machining tools, computer accessories, porous components, formation of micro electric arcs and this totally prevents the
turbine rotors, i.e., applications where complex geometries use of the equipment in industrial settings. Constructive
and a high material quality are simultaneously required. details of the cathode-anode arrangement are claimed in this
The powder injection molding is done in conditions basi patent application.
cally similar to polymer injection and after injection it is 40
necessary to proceed debinding and sintering. The furnace? SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
reactor for debinding is the object of this report Supporting the
patent application. The debinding is presently done by differ This report describes the development of equipment suited
ent routes Such as Supercritical extraction, which is rarely for the plasma assisted thermal debinding of parts produced
used and is still not adequately developed, a combination of 45 by powder injection molding. When convenient or necessary,
Solvent and thermal debinding and, depending on the binder both debinding and sintering steps can be performed in the
system used, a thermal debinding only. A different binder same equipment and thermal cycle. The equipment described
system developed by BASF(R) from Germany uses a catalytic has in the same reactor chamber, the electrode system in the
process followed by thermal debinding of the remaining form of confined anode-cathode geometry, to generate the
binder. Therefore, the choice of the binder extraction process 50 plasma, and an auxiliary electrical resistive heating system
depends on the binder system used. The most commonly used suited to safely raise the reactor temperature above 1100°C.,
binder systems for metal powder injection molding (MIM) which is the typical sintering temperature range of injected
are composed of a base polymer, Such as polyethylene and parts. Since the Voltage applied to the resistive heating ele
polypropylene, and low molecular weight additives such as ments is low (10 to 60 V), there is no interference from the
paraffin, ethylene-vinyl-acetate, Stearic acid and waxes. After 55 resistive heating system in the electrical discharge generated
injection, the debinding must be performed carefully to avoid between the anode and the cathode.
the formation of defects. Also, the thermal debinding tech In a plasma reactor, heat is generated as a result of the ions
niques currently used leave organic residues deposited onto and neutral particles colliding against the cathode. When the
the furnace Surfaces and vacuum pumping system, when it is electrical discharge is the only source of heat generation, the
performed under vacuum; moreover, they demanda relatively 60 temperature obtained is a function of the plasma electrical
long debinding time in order to avoid the formation of defects, parameters, i.e., the Voltage applied, the gas pressure (or gas
increasing the overall costs, and they produce gas pollutants, mixture pressure), the current density, and other plasma setup
since they release hydrocarbons and also carbon monoxide, parameters. Thus, high power plasma is needed to reach the
when there is combustion in the presence of oxygen. pre-sintering and sintering temperatures, usually higher than
The plasma assisted debinding process, described in the 65 that needed to promote the debinding of injected parts and
BR PI990.1512-9, EP 1230056 and U.S. Pat. No. 6,579,493 also thermo-chemical Surface treatments, such as plasma
patents avoids the formation of organic residues in the furnace nitriding. To correctly perform the plasma assisted extraction
US 7,718,919 B2
3 4
of organic binders followed by pre-sintering and sintering, in mixture inlet(2), to keep the internal ambient at the required
addition to the anode-cathode system, a resistive heating sys gas or gas species concentration appropriate for the plasma
tem is used as the main source of heat. This allows the adjust discharge that is established between the anode and the cath
ment of the plasma parameters to better degrade the organic ode. There is an electric power supply(5) to feed the plasma
binder and promote the physical-chemistry gas phase reac electrodes. The resistive heating system has the purpose of
tions. regulating and stabilizing the vacuum chamber(1) tempera
The equipment described here allows the industrial scale tures when it operates at lower temperatures and of providing
removal of organic binders and sintering of parts produced by the required thermal energy to reach the higher process tem
powder injection molding, in a single thermal cycle, using an peratures (500° C. to 1400° C.).
electrical discharge in hydrogen or in hydrogen containing 10 The electrode subset, composed of anodes(8) and cathodes
gas mixtures. The claims presented in this patent application, (7), is placed inside the vacuum chamber(1). The anodes(8)
contain a description of the geometrical shape and arrange also support the trays(13) that hold the parts(9). The subset
ment of the elements that form the reactor in the exact way cathode-anode(7 and 8) is manufactured with a refractory
that allows for the plasma assisted removal of binders metal alloy. Both the cathode(7) and the anode(8) are made
described in patents BR PI990.1512-9, EP 1230056 and U.S. 15 with structural elements with cylindrical, rectangular or other
Pat. No. 6,579,493. cross-sections, which are joined by welding, screws or any
FIG. 1 presents a rendering of the reactor, comprising a other mechanical linkage, so as to form a rigid structure.
vacuum chamber(1) with gas inlet(2) or gas mixture and The trays(13) are placed on anodes(8) on top of shelves
outlet(4) for the vacuum system, pressure measurement sys (81), which are arranged in many levels, as shown in FIG. 4.
tem(3), electrical energy connections for cathodes(7) and When the parts(9) are placed on top of trays(81) made of
anodes(8), being the anodes the Support for the plates or ceramic plates, they remain in floating potential. When they
trays(13) that contain the parts(9) and an auxiliary resistive are in electrical contact with the anode(8), which is grounded,
heating system formed by resistors.(6). they are in a Zero potential, while the cathode is connected to
FIG. 2 presents an illustrative example of the arrangement the negative terminal of the power Source. In both configura
of the parts(9) on trays(13). 25 tions, there is an intense electron bombardment on the Surface
FIG.3 presents details of the anode(8) assembly, which has of the parts(9), allowing the activated degradation of the
the shape of a truss cage with shelves(81) fixed at the edges organic binder. Also, since the luminous Zone of the plasma
(82) of the cage. The shelves are arranged as Successive discharge Surrounds the parts(9), the reactive species gener
horizontal, parallel layers. ated by the plasma discharge chemically react with the deg
FIG. 4 presents the trays(13), containing the parts(9), posi 30 radation products with a high degree of conversion. In this
tioned on top of the shelves(81) of the anode(8) set. way, the products of the degradation of the organic binder are
FIG. 5 presents details of the cathode(7) assembly which converted to low molecular weight gases, such as methane,
has the shape of a truss cage formed by transversal bars(72) which are in turn removed by the vacuum pump, keeping the
fixed to vertical poles(71) being the transversal bars(72) ren vacuum chamber(1) clean of deposits.
dered fixed by linking bars(73) which rigidly link their ends. 35 The cathode(7) is assembled in the form of a rigid cage in
The transversal bars(72) have cylindrical grooves(75) along which the rectangular horizontal planes, formed by transver
their length for positioning the removable bars(74). Each pair sal bars(72) and linking bars(73), are arranged in successive
of transversal bars(72) is fixed to a pair of linking bars(73), parallel layers, as shown in FIG. 5. This cathode (7) structure
forming a rigid square structure. These squares are then is intertwined with the anode(8) structure, as shown in FIGS.
arranged vertically as a succession of horizontal parallel lay 40 6 to 8. After the cathode(7) is assembled around the anode(8),
CS. the removable bars(74) are placed on grooves(75) existent on
FIG. 6 is a frontal view of cathode(7), as showed in FIG. 5, transversal bars(72) exactly over and under trays(13) involv
which structurally has the shape of a truss cage having verti ing each shelf(81), so as to generate plasma around the parts
cal poles(71) with transversal bars(72) fixed to the vertical (9) under treatment. These cathode's removable bars(74) are
poles(71) and with linking bars(73) rigidly joining the ends of 45 separated horizontally by 3 mm to 50 mm, according to the
transversal bars(72) required cathodes area. The removable bars(74) are simply
FIG. 7 shows the cathode(7) and the anode(8) inserted into placed on machined grooves(75) on transversal bars(72), in a
one another so that a set of removable bars(74) stays between way that they can be removed when needed, as shown in
shelves(81) in layers parallel to the horizontal layers formed FIGS. 5 and 9.
by shelves(81). 50 The electrodes are made of molybdenum or molybdenum
FIG. 8 presents a lateral view of the cathode(7) and anode alloys or another material with a good electrical conductivity
(8) assemblies, as shown in FIG.7, but now with the trays(13) able to resist, with little warping, the temperatures needed for
filled with the parts(9) placed on top of the shelves(81). pre-sintering and sintering of metal and ceramic parts. With
FIG. 9 shows details of the cathode(7), with emphasis on this configuration and using molybdenum or molybdenum
the removal of removable bars(74). The removable bars(74) 55 alloys, warping is minimized, thus avoiding instabilities in
are removed during the anode(8)-cathode(7) assembling. the electrical discharges. This is of fundamental importance
for the up Scaling of the concept for industrial application.
DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The plasma technology is presently being used for nitrid
ing, carbonitriding, cementation, oxidation, debinding, sin
The equipment rendered in FIG. 1, comprising a vacuum 60 tering, and other processes. The equipment hereby described
chamber(1) surrounded by a double wall case(11) with a is Suited to the plasma assisted debinding, with the possibility
water-cooling jacket. Near the vacuum chamber(1) inner to perform both the debinding and the sintering in a single
walls there is a set of metallic shields(10) for insulation of thermal cycle, and for the plasma assisted Surface treatment,
vacuum chamber(1) reducing the heat loss of the radiation Such as nitriding, cementation and carbonitriding.
heat flux generated by the plasma and the resistive heating 65 The invention claimed is:
system.(6). There is a gas or gas mixture outlet(4) to connect 1. An industrial plasma reactor for plasma assisted thermal
the vacuum pump to said vacuum chamber(1) and a gas orgas debinding of powder injection-molded parts comprising a
US 7,718,919 B2
5 6
vacuum chamber (1) which encloses an anode/cathode sys claim 3, characterized by having the removable bars (74) of
tem for plasma generation, the anode/cathode system com cathode (7) System parallel and horizontally spaced in dis
prises: tances ranging from 3 mm to 50 mm.
an anode (8) system in a shape of a parallelepiped truss 5. The industrial plasma reactor for plasma assisted ther
cage formed by parallel horizontal shelves (81) fixed to mal debinding of powder injection-molded parts according to
vertical poles (82); and claim 2 wherein the cathode (7) system further comprises
a cathode (7) System in a shape of a parallelepiped truss removable bars (74) removably linking the transversal bars
cage interposed within the anode (8) system wherein the (72) and are interspersed within the parallel shelves (81) of
cathode (7) System parallelepiped truss cage is formed the anode (8) system.
by vertical poles (71) with transversal bars (72) fixed to 10 6. The industrial plasma reactor for plasma assisted ther
said vertical poles (71) having horizontal bars (73) link mal debinding of powder injection-molded parts according to
ing rigidly to the ends of said transversal bars (72) and claim 5, characterized by having the removable bars (74) of
the transversal bars (72) having a number of transversal cathode (7) System parallel and horizontally spaced in dis
grooves spaced along their lengths. tances ranging from 3 mm to 50 mm.
2. The industrial plasma reactor for plasma assisted ther 15 7. The industrial plasma reactor for plasma assisted
mal debinding of powder injection-molded parts according to debinding of powder injection-molded parts according to
claim 1, characterized by having the horizontal parallel claim 1 further comprising a resistive heating system.
shelves (81) vertically spaced in distances ranging from 3 mm 8. The industrial plasma reactor for plasma assisted
to 200 mm. debinding of powder injection-molded parts according to
3. The industrial plasma reactor for plasma assisted ther claim 2 further comprising a resistive heating system.
mal debinding of powder injection-molded parts according to 9. The industrial plasma reactor for plasma assisted
debinding of powder injection-molded parts according to
claim 1, wherein the cathode (7) system further comprises claim 3 further comprising a resistive heating system.
removable bars (74) that removably link the transversal bars 10. The industrial plasma reactor for plasma assisted
(72) and are interspersed within the horizontal parallel 25 debinding of powder injection-molded parts according to
shelves (81) of the anode (8) system. claim 4 further comprising a resistive heating system.
4. The industrial plasma reactor for plasma assisted ther
mal debinding of powder injection-molded parts according to k k k k k

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