Us 8354082
Us 8354082
Us 8354082
U.S. Patent Jan. 15, 2013 Sheet 1 of 9 US 8,354,082 B2
U.S. Patent Jan. 15, 2013 Sheet 2 of 9 US 8,354,082 B2
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U.S. Patent Jan. 15, 2013 Sheet 3 of 9 US 8,354,082 B2
U.S. Patent Jan. 15, 2013 Sheet 4 of 9 US 8,354,082 B2
U.S. Patent Jan. 15, 2013 Sheet 5 Of 9 US 8,354,082 B2
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U.S. Patent Jan. 15, 2013 Sheet 6 of 9 US 8,354,082 B2
U.S. Patent Jan. 15, 2013 Sheet 7 Of 9 US 8,354,082 B2
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U.S. Patent Jan. 15, 2013 Sheet 8 of 9 US 8,354,082 B2
U.S. Patent Jan. 15, 2013 Sheet 9 Of 9 US 8,354,082 B2
US 8,354,082 B2
1. 2
SYSTEM FOR HEAT INTEGRATION WITH tor in the fuel path, wherein the first methanator includes a
METHANATION SYSTEM first exothermic methanation region, a second methanator in
the fuel path downstream from the first methanator, wherein
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION the second methanator includes a second exothermic metha
nation region. The methanation section also includes a first
The subject matter disclosed herein relates to new methods heat exchanger disposed along the fuel path between the first
and systems directed towards heat integration in Substitute and second methanators, a second heat exchanger disposed
natural gas production and integrated gasification combined along the fuel path downstream from the second methanator,
cycle (IGCC) plants. and a fluid path extending through the first and second heat
With the Volatile prices of natural gas, gasification pro 10 exchangers, wherein the second heat exchanger is configured
cesses which produce Substitute Natural Gas (SNG) from to transfer heat from the second exothermic methanation
coal, coke, or any carbonaceous feed are highly desirable. In region to a fluid to generate a saturated Steam along the fluid
general, SNG production involves gasification of a carbon path prior to delivery to the first heat exchanger. The first heat
aceous feed to produce an untreated syngas product which exchanger is configured to transfer heat from the first exo
includes carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2), among 15 thermic methanation region to the Saturated Steam to generate
other products. The Syngas is treated and then converted to a Superheated Steam along the fluid path.
methane in a methanator reactor.
In general, integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
power plants are capable of generating energy from various
carbonaceous feedstocks similar to those in SNG production These and other features, aspects, and advantages of the
plants, such as coal, relatively cleanly and efficiently. In a present invention will become better understood when the
similar manner to SNG production, IGCC technology may following detailed description is read with reference to the
convert the carbonaceous feedstock into a gas mixture of CO accompanying drawings in which like characters represent
and H, i.e., syngas, by reaction with oxygen and steam in a like parts throughout the drawings, wherein:
gasifier. These gases may be treated, processed, and utilized 25 FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating an embodiment of a
as fuel in a conventional combined cycle power plant. For plant for producing Substitute natural gas and generating
example, the Syngas may be fed into a combustion turbine of power utilizing the unique heat integration features described
the IGCC powerplant and ignited to power the gas turbine for herein;
use in the generation of electricity. FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating an embodiment of a
30 plant for producing Substitute natural gas and generating
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION power utilizing the unique heat integration features described
Certain embodiments commensurate in Scope with the FIG. 3 is a block diagram illustrating an embodiment of a
originally claimed invention are Summarized below. These system utilizing a quench gasifier and a methanation section
embodiments are not intended to limit the scope of the 35 utilizing the unique heat integration features described herein
claimed invention, but rather these embodiments are intended to produce Superheated high pressure steam at the methana
only to provide a brief summary of possible forms of the tion section;
invention. Indeed, the invention may encompass a variety of FIG. 4 is a block diagram illustrating the methanation
forms that may be similar to or different from the embodi section of FIG. 3, which utilizes the unique heat integration
ments set forth below. 40 features described herein to produce Superheated high pres
In a first embodiment, a system includes a methanation Sure Steam;
section generally including a fuel inlet configured to receive FIG. 5 is a block diagram illustrating an embodiment of an
a first fuel, a fuel outlet configured to output methane, a first integration of a syngas cooler with a methanation section
fuel path configured to route a first flow of the first fuel from utilizing the unique heat integration features described herein
the fuel inlet to the fuel outlet, wherein the first fuel path 45 to recover exothermic heat at the syngas cooler to produce
includes a first methanator configured to generate the meth Superheated high pressure steam at the methanation section;
ane from the first fuel in an exothermic methanation region. FIG. 6 is a block diagram illustrating the methanation
The system may also include a second fuel path configured to section of FIG. 5, which utilizes the unique heat integration
route a second flow of a second fuel without conversion to features described herein to produce Superheated high pres
methane, wherein the second fuel path is configured to 50 Sure Steam;
receive heat from the exothermic methanation region. FIG. 7 is a block diagram illustrating another embodiment
In a second embodiment, a system includes a syngas of an integration of a syngas cooler with a methanation sec
cooler, a methanation section, a fuel path extending through tion utilizing the unique heat integration features described
the syngas cooler and the methanation section, wherein the herein to recover exothermic heat at the Syngas cooler to
fuel pathis configured to flow a syngas from the syngas cooler 55 produce Superheated high pressure steam;
to the methanation section, and the methanation section is FIG. 8 is a block diagram illustrating the methanation
configured to generate methane from the syngas in a first section of FIG. 7, which utilizes the unique heat integration
exothermic methanation region. The system also includes a features described hereinto produce high pressure steam; and
fluid path extending through the syngas coolerand the metha FIG. 9 is a block diagram illustrating an integrated gasifi
nation section, wherein the syngas cooler is configured to 60 cation combined cycle power plant utilizing an embodiment
transfer heat from the syngas to a fluid along the fluid path. of the unique heat integration features described herein to
The methanation section is configured to transfer heat from generate power from a heated Syngas source.
the first exothermic methanation region to the fluid along the
fluid path, and the fluid may be steam along at least a portion DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
of the fluid path. 65
In a third embodiment, a system includes a methanation One or more specific embodiments of the present invention
section which generally includes a fuel path, a first methana will be described below. In an effort to provide a concise
US 8,354,082 B2
3 4
description of these embodiments, all features of an actual stock. Additionally, water, or other suitable liquids may be
implementation may not be described in the specification. It added to the fuel source 12 in the feedstock preparation sub
should be appreciated that in the development of any such system 16 to create slurry feedstock. In other embodiments,
actual implementation, as in any engineering or design no liquid is added to the fuel source in the feedstock prepa
project, numerous implementation-specific decisions must be ration Subsystem 16, thus yielding dry feedstock.
made to achieve the developers specific goals, such as com The feedstock may be passed to a gasifier/cooler 18 of the
pliance with system-related and business-related constraints, feedstock, gasification, and scrubbing system 14 from the
which may vary from one implementation to another. More feedstock preparation subsystem 16. The gasifier/cooler 18,
over, it should be appreciated that such a development effort in the depicted embodiment and for the purposes of the
might be complex and time consuming, but would neverthe 10 present discussion is a syngas cooler (SGC) gasifier, which
less be a routine undertaking of design, fabrication, and may convert the feedstock into a combination of CO and H.
manufacture for those of ordinary skill having the benefit of i.e., syngas. This conversion may be accomplished by Sub
this disclosure. jecting the feedstock to a controlled amount of steam and
When introducing elements of various embodiments of the oxygen at elevated pressures, e.g., from approximately 20 bar
present invention, the articles “a,” “an.” “the and “said are 15 to 85 bar, and temperatures, e.g., approximately 700°
intended to mean that there are one or more of the elements. C.-1600°C., depending on the type of gasifier utilized in the
The terms “comprising.” “including, and “having are gasifier/cooler 18. In the depicted embodiment, the gasifier/
intended to be inclusive and mean that there may be addi cooler 18 is a SGC gasifier that operates between about 400
tional elements other than the listed elements. pounds per square inch gauged (PSIG) and about 800 PSIG
The present disclosure is directed towards enhanced steam (e.g., about 400, 450, 500,550, or 600 PSIG). The gasification
and/or heat recovery within substitute natural gas (SNG) pro process may also include the feedstock undergoing a pyroly
duction and integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) sis process, whereby the feedstock is heated. Temperatures
power generation systems. Based on given implementation inside the gasifier of the gasifier/cooler 18 may range from
specific plant requirements, a methanation section may be approximately 150° C. to 700° C. during the pyrolysis pro
used for the generation of Superheated high pressure steam 25 cess, depending on the fuel source 12 utilized to generate the
that may be used to power turbines or other steam-driven feedstock. For example, the temperature may be about 150,
equipment. In general, the conversion of syngas to SNG is a 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, or 700° C.
highly exothermic reaction. The heat produced in this process The heating of the feedstock during the pyrolysis process may
poses a great challenge for reactor and plant design, and is a generate a solid, e.g., char, and residue gases, e.g., CO, H2,
potential source for driving various processes. For example, 30 and nitrogen (N). The char remaining from the feedstock
the heat generated by the production of SNG from CO and H after the pyrolysis process may weigh up to approximately
gas, hereinafter referred to as methanation, may be on the 40% to 50% of the weight of the original feedstock (e.g.,
order of 50 kcal/gmol of CO converted, representing roughly about 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, or 50%).
20 percent of the total energy input into a methanation reac A combustion process may then occur in the gasifier/cooler
tion (in the form of stored energy from CO and H). That is, 35 18. To aid with this combustion process, oxygen 20 may be
the actual syngas collected may represent 80 percent of the Supplied to the gasifier/cooler 18 from an air separation unit
total input of energy, with the other 20 percent being underuti (ASU) 22. The ASU 22 may operate to separate air 24 into
lized in typical configurations. Present embodiments describe component gases by, for example, distillation techniques that
various ways of utilizing this exothermic heat released during may be cryogenic or may utilize pressure Swing adsorption
the conversion of syngas to SNG to produce superheated 40 (PSA). For example, ASU 22 may separate the air 24 into
steam and/or to facilitate the conversion of fuel into net power oxygen 20 for delivery to the gasifier/cooler 18 and nitrogen
produced by the plant. Depending upon the type of technol 26 for collection or for further use in power generation, e.g.,
ogy, process requirements and design constraints, a skilled as a diluent gas or as blending gas.
practitioner may select any one or a combination of these and Accordingly, the oxygen 20 is received by the gasifier/
related approaches to generate power for powering various 45 cooler 18 from the ASU 22 for combustion purposes. The
areas of a plant or to export a power Surplus. combustion may include introducing oxygen 20 to the char
FIG. 1 illustrates a block diagram of an integrated substi and residue gases so that the char and residue gases may react
tute natural gas (SNG) production-IGCC system 10 using a with the oxygen 20 to form CO and CO, thus providing heat
methanation section 64 to generate Superheated high-pres for the Subsequent gasification reactions. The temperatures
sure steam 100 and heated syngas 70 in accordance with the 50 during the combustion process may range from approxi
disclosed embodiments. System 10 includes, among other mately 700° C. to 1600° C. Next, steam may be introduced
features, areas for generating SNG as well as using syngas (a into the gasifier/cooler 18 during a gasification step. The char
SNG intermediate) as a fuel source for the generation of may react with the CO and steam to produce CO and H at
power. Elements of the system 10 may include a carbon temperatures ranging from approximately 800° C. to 1100°
aceous fuel Source 12, Such as a solid feed, that may be 55 C. In essence, the gasifier utilizes steam and oxygen to allow
utilized as a source of energy and/or for the production of some of the feedstock to be combusted to produce CO, and
SNG. The fuel source 12 may include coal, petroleum coke, energy, thus driving a main reaction that converts further
biomass, wood-based materials, agricultural wastes, tars, feedstock to H and additional CO. In such embodiments,
coke oven gas and asphalt, or other carbon containing items. once the gasification reaction has begun, the energy Surplus
The solid fuel of the fuel source 12 may be passed to a 60 may be used to drive other processes, as described herein. For
feedstock, gasification, and Scrubbing system 14. The feed example, in embodiments where the gasifier/cooler 18 is a
stock, gasification, and Scrubbing system 14 may include syngas cooler, boiler feedwater 28 may be heated by the
several Subsystems. For example, the feedstock, gasification, exothermic gasification reaction to produce a stream of satu
and scrubbing system 14 may include a feedstock preparation rated high pressure steam 30 that may be directed to another
subsystem 16 that may, for example, resize or reshape the fuel 65 area of the plant for further use, in effect serving to cool the
Source 12 by chopping, milling, shredding, pulverizing, bri syngas generated by the gasifier. In some embodiments, the
quetting, or pelletizing the fuel Source 12 to generate feed saturated high pressure Steam 30 may have a temperature that
US 8,354,082 B2
5 6
is between about 500 and 700 degrees Fahrenheit (e.g., 48 may further include a CO removal subsystem that may
greater than about 500, 550, 600, 610, 620, 630, 640, 650, or strip the CO, from the treated syngas. The stripped CO may
700°F). Further, as defined herein, the saturated high pres be transmitted as a stream of CO 58 from the acid gas and
sure steam 30 may have a pressure that is between about 800 CO removal unit 48 to a CO dehydration and compression
and 2200 PSIG (e.g., greater than about 800,900, 1000, 1100, unit 60 that may dehydrate and compress the CO for storage
1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000, 2100, and Subsequent use. For instance, this high pressure CO 62
or 2200 PSIG). The same may be true for other streams may be sent through a pipeline leading to one or more carbon
presently disclosed as a high pressure stream (e.g., high pres sequestration sites, such as enhanced-oil recovery (EOR)
sure feedwater or steam). The particular pressure exhibited by sites or saline aquifers. Alternatively, the CO, dehydration
the Saturated high pressure steam 30 may depend on a number 10 and compression unit 60 may transmit the dehydrated and
of factors including process requirements, equipment capa compressed CO to, for example, a chemical plant for use
bilities, desired net power production, and the like. therein. In one embodiment, the acid gas and CO2 removal
Nevertheless, the gasifier/cooler 18 produces a gaseous unit 48 may remove between approximately 50 and 95 per
product. The gaseous product may include approximately cent (e.g., greater than about 50, 55, 65, 75, or 80%) of the
85% of CO and H, as well as CH, HCl, HF, NH, HCN, COS 15 CO present within the syngas.
and HS (based on the sulfur content of the feedstock), which At this point, the treated Syngas 50 may have approxi
in total may be considered raw or untreated syngas. The mately H/CO molar ratio of 1:1 to 4:1, CO in between
gasifier/cooler 18 may also generate waste, such as slag 32, 0-10%, depending up on downstream application, and may be
which in some embodiments may be a wet ash material. The substantially free of sulfur compounds. Further, the treated
slag 32 may be removed from the gasifier/cooler 18 by a syngas 50 is cooler than the syngas exiting the gasifier/cooler
scrubbing Subsystem 34 of the feedstock, gasification, and 18. For example, the WGS reactor system 38 and/or the acid
scrubbing system 14. The slag 32 may be disposed of, for gas and CO2 removal system 48 may cool the Syngas in a
example, as road base, or as another building material. Addi variety of processes, including heat exchange, gas expansion,
tionally, the scrubbing Subsystem 34 may clean the untreated and so forth. Accordingly, the treated syngas 50 may be
syngas by removing any particulate matter from the untreated 25 between ambient temperature (which may vary depending
syngas, such as the wet ash. upon the location of the plant) and about 150°F. In some
A stream of untreated syngas 36 may then be passed to a embodiments utilizing the approaches described herein, a
water-gas shift (WGS) reactor 38. The WGS reactor 38 may portion of the treated syngas 50 may be provided to a metha
perform a WGS reaction in which CO reacts with water (e.g. nation section 64, for example through an inlet to the metha
steam) to form CO, and H. Accordingly, the WGS reactor 38 30 nation section 64, while another portion bypasses the metha
may produce a condensate 40 that is recycled back to the nation section 64 through a bypass 66. As discussed below,
feedstock, gasification, and scrubbing system 14. For the disclosed embodiments uniquely use the heat generated in
example, the condensate 40 may be directed to the scrubber the methanation section 64 as a heat Source to generate Super
34 for cooling purposes and scrubbing of syngas. Steam that heated high pressure steam 100. The ratio of treated syngas 50
is not used in the WGS process, for example, leftover low 35 that is provided to the methanation section 64 and the bypass
pressure steam 42, may be directed to a turbine via HRSG 82 66 may be tailored to Suit plant-specific requirements, con
for use as a working fuel. The WGS process may adjust the Sumer demand, and heat demands for Superheating steam to
ratio of H to CO in the untreated syngas 36 from approxi generate superheated high pressure steam 100. That is, the
mately 1 to 1 to approximately 3 to 1 for use in the methana portion that is directed to the bypass 66 may be between about
tion process. Additionally, the WGS reactor 38 may include a 40 10% and about 80% of the syngas 50 (e.g., about 10, 20, 30,
bypass 44 that may be utilized to aid in proper control of the 40, 50, 60, 70, or 80%) with the amount depending on how
H to CO ratio of the untreated shifted syngas. It should be much substitute natural gas is desired and/or how much actual
noted that the WGS reactor 38 may be a sour WGS reactor, power production is needed from the system 10. In this way,
that is, Sulfur may be present in the untreated syngas stream the system 10 may operate as a combination of a SNG pro
36 into the WGS reactor 38 during the WGS reaction. Further, 45 duction plant and an IGCC power plant.
the WGS reactor 38 may cool the shifted syngas to facilitate In the disclosed embodiment, the methanation section 64 is
gas separation processes performed in Subsequent areas of the uniquely used as a heat Source to heat the syngas flowing
plant. through the bypass 66, rather than using an external heat
Subsequent to the WGS reaction in the WGS reactor 38, the Source. For example, the bypass 66 may lead to a heat
system 10 may transmit a stream of untreated shifted syngas 50 exchanger 68, which may or may not be a part of the metha
46 to an acid gas and CO2 removal unit 48. The acid gas and nation section 64 (represented as a dashed box in the illustra
CO removal unit 48 may scrub the untreated shifted syngas tion). The heat exchanger 68 may use heat generated in the
46 (e.g., syngas product of the WGS reactor 38 and containing methanation section 64 to heat the portion of the syngas
Sulfur) to remove unwanted elements. For example, acid flowing through the bypass 66 to a temperature of between
gases such as HCl, HF, COS, HCN, and H2S may be removed 55 about 300 and 600°F. (e.g., greater than about 300,350, 400,
from the untreated shifted Syngas 46 to generate a stream of 450, 460, 470, 480, 500, 550, or 600°F) to generate a stream
treated syngas 50 (e.g., syngas without Sulfur). Additionally, ofheated syngas 70. The stream of heated syngas 70 may then
the acid gas and CO2 removal unit 48 may transmit the be directed to a combustion turbine 72 (e.g., gas turbine
unwanted elements of the untreated shifted syngas 46 (e.g., engine).
the HCl, HF, COS, HCN, and HS) to a sulfur recovery and 60 In the combustion turbine 72, the heated syngas 70 may be
tail gas treating unit 52. The Sulfur recovery and tail gas combusted at a much higher efficiency than the original car
treating unit 52 may separate sulfur 54 by, for example, an bonaceous fuel 12 fed into the feed subsystem 14. Air 24 may
acid gas removal process. In this manner, the Sulfur 54 may be also be provided to the combustion turbine 72 to mix with the
isolated for disposal or for sale. Any remaining tail gas heated syngas 70 in a fuel-to-air ratio sufficient for combus
exhaust 56 may then be recycled to the gasifier/cooler 18. 65 tion, and nitrogen 26 may be provided to the combustion
The disclosed embodiment also may include a carbon cap turbine 72 from the ASU 22 to cool the combustion reaction
ture system. For example, the acid gas and CO removal unit and/or reduce emissions. The combustion turbine 72 may
US 8,354,082 B2
7 8
drive a variety of loads, such as an electrical generator 74 for Additionally, the methanation section 64 may include a
delivery of power to the plant 76 and/or as a net power export Sweet methanation reactor that utilizes treated syngas (e.g.,
78. Exhaust 80 from the combustion turbine 72 may then be Sulfur has been removed from the syngas) prior to the syngas
fed to a heat recovery and steam generation system (HRSG) being converted into SNG and water 102. The methanation
82, which may recover heat from the exhaust 80 as well as a section 64 may transmit the stream of generated SNG and
stream of condensate 84 fed from the methanation section 64 water 102 through an outlet to a SNG dehydration and com
and other process steam exports, such as the low pressure pression unit 104. This SNG dehydration and compression
steam 42 exiting the WGS reactor system 38. Indeed, in unit 104 may separate the water from the SNG, so that the
another embodiment, the stream of Saturated high pressure SNG may be compressed and transmitted to produce pipe
steam 30 may be at least partially directed to the HRSG 10 line-grade SNG 106. The pipeline grade SNG 106 may be
system 82 in addition to or in lieu of the methanation section transmitted to storage facilities, additional SNG treatment
64. The recovered heat may be used to generate steam 86 to facilities via an SNG pipeline, or may be used in any other
application known in the art that utilizes pipeline SNG as a
drive a steam turbine 88, which may drive a generator 90 for feed source.
power delivery to the plant 92 or as a net power export 94. A 15 FIG. 2 is a block diagram of another embodiment of an
condensate 96 may be directed back to the HRSG system 82 integrated substitute natural gas (SNG) production-IGCC
to replenish any water used to generate steam 86. The HRSG system 110 using a methanation section 64 to generate Super
82 may also have an exhaust 98 through which pressure may heated high pressure steam 100 and heated syngas 130 in
be relieved to the atmosphere. Additionally, in the disclosed accordance with the disclosed embodiments. The system 110
embodiments, the methanation section 64 may deliver a generally includes similar features as system 10 illustrated in
stream of superheated high pressure steam 100 to drive the FIG.1. As such, similar features are discussed using the same
steam turbine 88. As discussed below, the methanation sec element numbers in FIGS. 1 and 2. However, those features
tion 64 is uniquely used as a Superheater to generate the which perform a function under different conditions are
superheated high pressure steam 100. referred to using different element numbers in the following
As previously mentioned, the acid gas and CO removal 25 discussion. The illustrated system 110 includes the feedstock,
unit 48 may transmit a portion of the syngas 50 to the metha gasification, and scrubbing system 14, which includes a gas
nation section 64. The methanation section 64 may convert ifier/cooler 112 which operates under different conditions
the CO and the H in the syngas into CH and HO, that is, into than described with respect to FIG. 1. More specifically, in
methane (e.g., SNG) and water in one or a series of exother Some embodiments, the gasifier/cooler 112 is a syngas cooler
mic reactions. According to some embodiments, the metha 30 gasifier that operates at an elevated pressure and/or tempera
nation section 64 may include one or more heat exchangers ture compared to the gasifier/cooler 18 of FIG. 1. For
that utilize a coolant (e.g., water) to cool the hot SNG and example, the gasifier/cooler 112 may operate at pressures
water that is produced by the exothermic methanation reac between about 600 PSIG and about 1000 PSIG (e.g., greater
tions, which occur in each methanator within the methanation than about 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, or 950 PSIG).
section 64. As the coolant (e.g., water) cools the methanation 35 Accordingly, a stream of untreated Syngas 114 which exits
section 64, it becomes heated by the exothermic methanation the feedstock, gasification, and scrubbing system 14 may
reactions. In other embodiments, the heat produced by the have a higher pressure, as well. A portion of the high pressure
exothermic methanation reaction may be used to heat other untreated syngas 114 may be directed, as in FIG. 1, through a
Sources of water, Such as sources of water and/or steam from bypass 116 designed to handle elevated pressures. As before,
the gasifier/cooler 18, a source of boiler feedwater, and so 40 the bypass 116 may serve to control the ratio of gases (e.g.,
forth. Various implementations and designs are discussed in ratio between H and CO) within a stream of high pressure
more detail below. shifted syngas 118 which exits the WGS reactor 38. Again,
Again, the disclosed embodiments employ the methana the WGS reactor 38 may provide condensate 40 to the feed
tion section 64 as a heat source, rather than an external heat stock, gasification, and scrubbing system 14 as well as low
Source, for the generation of steam. In the illustrated embodi 45 pressure steam 42 to a turbine via HRSG 82. Nevertheless, the
ment, the methanation section 64 may generate high pressure high pressure shifted syngas 118 is transported to the acid gas
superheated steam 100, which may be transmitted to the and CO removal unit 48. According to one aspect of the
steam turbine 88 for generation of power 92,94. The Super disclosed embodiments, the process of acid gas and CO
heated high pressure steam 100 may be generated utilizing removal may be more efficient at the higher pressures in
various implementations of the present technique, and may 50 system 110 as compared to the lower pressures in system 10.
have a temperature ranging from about 700 to about 1500°F. For example, in one embodiment, byproduct gases from the
(e.g., greater than about 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200, gasification reaction may have a higher solubility in aqueous
1300, 1400, or 1500°F.). In some embodiments, the tempera Solvents (e.g., alkanolamines dispersed in water) used for
ture increase may be measured by the temperature above the removal of the acid gases, which may lead to an increased
saturation temperature of the steam. For example, high pres 55 efficiency of separation. Accordingly, the acid gas and CO
sure superheated steam 100 may have a temperature above the removal unit 48 may use less solvent flow in the embodiment
saturation temperature of steam by about 500 to 1000 F. of system 110 than the system 10, as a lower amount of
(e.g., greater than about 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, or 1000°F. Solvent may be suitable to treat an equal amount of syngas. In
above the Saturation temperature) Likewise, the temperature Some embodiments, the acid gas and CO2 removal unit 48 of
increase may be measured by the percentage above the Satu 60 system 110 may use between about 10 and about 50% less
ration temperature. Therefore, the temperature of the high solvent than used in system 10 (e.g., about 10, 15, 20, 25, 30,
pressure superheated steam 100 may be between about 10 and 35, 40, 45, or 50 percent less).
about 500%, or about 20 and about 300%, or about 30 and Once treatment of the syngas 118 has occurred, as before,
about 250%, or about 40 and about 200%, or about 50 and byproducts from the gasification reaction (sulfur, acid gas,
about 150% above the saturation temperature (e.g., greater 65 etc.) may be sent to the Sulfur recovery and tail gas treating
than about 10, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, or unit 52. Further, a stream of high pressure CO. 120 may be
500% above the saturation temperature). sent to the CO dehydration and compression system 60,
US 8,354,082 B2
which may use less energy for compression due to the previ SNG and/or IGCC plant, such that the heat produced by the
ously elevated pressure of the CO, stream 120. Upon treat exothermic methanation processes carried out within the
ment at the acid gas and CO2 removal unit 48, a portion of a methanation section 64 may be harnessed to drive other plant
stream of high pressure treated syngas 122 is delivered to the processes. Accordingly, FIG. 3 is a block diagram of an
methanation section 64, while a separate portion is sent embodiment of a system 140 having integration of the metha
through a bypass 124. The bypass 124 flows the high pressure nation section 64 with the feed subsystem 16 and/or the WGS
treated syngas 122 through an expander 126. The expander reactor 38 in a process using a quench gasifier 138. It should
126 may, as its name Suggests, expand the high pressure be noted that system 140 is a modification of systems 10 and
syngas 122 Such that the pressure is reduced by a predeter 110, and as such may contain similar features. As illustrated,
mined amount. In some embodiments, the pressure may be 10 the system 140 includes a path 142 of the carbonaceous fuel
reduced from the original operating pressure of the gasifier/ 12 that flows through the system 140. For example, the fuel
cooler 112 (between about 600 PSIG and 1000 PSIG) to undergoes quench gasification at the quench gasifier 138,
between about 400 PSIG and about 550 PSIG (e.g., about 500 cleaning at the scrubber Subsystem34, shifting and cooling at
PSIG), depending upon downstream requirements. In other the shift reactor and gas cooling section (GC) 38, acid gas
embodiments, the pressure drop may be measured by a per 15 removal at the acid gas removal (AGR) section 48, and metha
centage. For example, the pressure drop may be a drop of nation at the methanation section 64 to eventually produce
between approximately 10 percent and 50 percent. That is, the SNG and water 102. Such a progression may be considered
pressure drop may be greater than about 10, 15, 20, 25, 30,35, the fuel path 142 of the carbonaceous fuel 12 (e.g., a first fuel
40, 45, or 50 percent. In one particular embodiment, the path). The system 140 also includes a path of low-level heat
pressure drop may be from about 900 PSIG to about 500 PSIG 144 (e.g., a heat path or fluid flow). Low-level heat 144 may
(e.g., approximately 45%). Additionally, in Some embodi be heated to produce steam at one or more sections of the
ments, the expander 126 may be an expansion turbine, which plant or a similar heat carrier (e.g., a warmed coolant). As the
may generate power used to drive other processes. For low-level heat 144 passes through the methanation section 64.
example, the expansion turbine may drive a compressor, Such it may pass through one or more heat exchangers contained
as the compressor within the CO dehydration and compres 25 within the methanation section 64 until it exits as a converted
sion system 60. low-level heat 146, which may have a different temperature
The disclosed embodiment uniquely employs heat from and pressure than the low-level heat 144. For example, the
the methanation section 64 to heat the syngas flowing through methanation section 64 may increase the temperature of a
the bypass 124. For example, upon leaving the expander 126, coolant (e.g., water or steam) by approximately 10 to 100%
a stream of reduced pressure shifted syngas 128 is then 30 from low-level heat 144 to converted low-level heat 146. By
directed to heat exchanger 68. The heat exchanger 68 may be further example, the methanation section 64 may convert
placed within or downstream from the methanation section water to steam and/or superheat steam from low-level heat
64, e.g., at or after a first methanation stage, second metha 144 to converted low-level heat 146. As depicted, the con
nation stage, etc. Accordingly, the heat exchanger 68 may verted low-level heat 146 may be directed to the feed sub
increase the temperature of the reduced pressure shifted syn 35 system 16 and/or the WGS reactor 38. In embodiments where
gas 128 by an amount proportional to the placement of the the converted low-level heat 146 is directed to the feed sub
heat exchanger 68 within the methanation section 64. For system 16, the converted low-level heat 146 may be used to
example, if the placement of the heat exchanger 68 is towards heat a variety of substrates within the feed subsystem 16, such
the beginning stages of the methanation section 64, the as slurry for slurry-fed gasification processes, nitrogen for
reduced pressure shifted syngas 128 may be heated by a large 40 dry-feed gasification processes, and so forth. Further, the
amount. If the heat exchanger 68 is placed towards the end converted low-level heat 146 may serve as a source of steam
stages of the methanation section 64 (or outside of the metha used in the WGS reactor 38, which, as mentioned, uses steam
nation section 64), then the reduced pressure shifted syngas to react with CO to form CO and water. A stream of leftover
128 may be heated by a lesser amount. Again, the operation of condensate and/or low-level steam 148 may exit the WGS
the methanation section 64 is discussed in greater detail 45 reactor 38 to be either recycled or delivered to another section
below. Once heated, a stream of heated reduced pressure of the plant.
syngas 130 is directed to the combustion turbine 72, which in In a similar manner to the low-level heat 144, a source of
Some embodiments may be designed to operate at a lower cold high pressure boiler feedwater (HPBFW) 150 may be
pressure (e.g., the pressure of the reduced pressure syngas provided to the methanation section 64 to generate Super
130). For example, the combustion turbine 72 may be 50 heated high pressure steam 100. The superheated high pres
designed to operate at about 400, 450, 500, 550, or 600 PSIG sure steam 100 may be directly used in one or a series of steam
to produce power for the plant 76 and/or net power 78 for turbines (e.g., Steam turbine 88) as well as in heat exchange
export. implementations. To illustrate the operation of the methana
For the portion of syngas 122 that does not bypass the tion section 64 in further detail, FIG. 4 is a block diagram
methanation section 64, one or a series of methanation reac 55 illustrating an embodiment of heat integration according to
tions are performed to produce high pressure SNG 132. The the approaches described herein. In particular, FIG. 4 is an
high pressure SNG 132 may have substantially the same illustration of an embodiment where the methanation section
pressure as the pressure of operation of the gasifier/cooler 112 64 is used to generate high pressure superheated steam 100
(e.g., between about 600 and 1000 PSIG). For example, the from the high pressure cold boiler feedwater (HPBFW)
high pressure SNG may have a pressure of greater than about 60 source 150 by directing the path of the water through a series
650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, or 950 PSIG. Thus, the high of heat exchangers proximate to methanators of the metha
pressure SNG 132 may not undergo a large amount of com nation section 64.
pression within the SNG dehydration and compression sys Accordingly, FIG. 4 illustrates a series of methanators
tem 104 to produce the pipeline SNG 106, which may have a including a first methanator 160, a second methanator 162,
pressure of about 1000 to 1100 PSIG. 65 and a third methanator 164 disposed along the carbonaceous
As mentioned above, the disclosed embodiments uniquely fuel path 142. It should be noted that there may be any number
integrate the methanation section 64 with various areas of a of methanators within the methanation section 64, and that
US 8,354,082 B2
11 12
three methanators are described herein as one particular exchangers 172,170, and 166. Thus, the fluid path 176 may
implementation. Further, in a general sense, the methanators successively intersect the carbonaceous fuel path 142 at the
may generally be disposed along the carbonaceous fuel path positions of the fourth, third, and first heat exchangers 172,
142 in order of decreasing exothermicity. That is, the first 170, and 166, adjacent to the third, second, and first metha
methanator 160 may generate a large amount of heat from the nators 164, 162, and 160, which are successively hotter than
exothermic conversion of syngas to SNG in relation to the one another in the upstream direction. In this manner, fluid
other methanators 162, 164 within the methanation section contained within the fluid path 176 (which may be defined as
64. In one embodiment, this may be due to the first methana a fluid entrained within a conduit) may be heated to a first
tor 160 converting a large amount of syngas to a large amount temperature in the fourth heat exchanger 172, a second tem
of SNG, with the leftover (unconverted) syngas being con 10 perature in the third heat exchanger 170, and a third tempera
verted to SNG in the second and third methanators 162, 164. ture in the first heat exchanger 166, wherein the first, second,
As such, the first methanator 160 may produce the most heat, and third temperatures are successively hotter than one
with the second methanator 162 producing the second most another.
heat, and so forth. In some embodiments, the fourth heat exchanger 172 may
Using the current techniques, a number of heat exchangers 15 heat the cold high pressure boiler feedwater 150 by a tem
may be contained within and/or adjacent to the methanation perature between about 200 and 600°F. (e.g., about 200, 250,
section 64 Such that the heat generated by each methanator 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, or 600 F). The hot high
may be used to drive various processes. More specifically, the pressure boiler feedwater 178 may then be passed to the third
heat exchangers may be disposed proximate and/or within an heat exchanger 170 between the second and third methana
exothermic methanation region of each methanator. In the tors 162, 164 to generate high pressure steam 180. The third
illustrated embodiment, a first heat exchanger 166 is disposed heat exchanger 170 may be configured to heat the hot high
proximate to and immediately downstream from the first pressure boiler feedwater 178 by between about 600 and 900°
methanator 160 along the carbonaceous fuel path 142, e.g., F. (e.g., 600, 650, 700, 750, or 800°F). As depicted in FIG.4,
proximate and/or within an exothermic methanation region of the high pressure steam 180 is then directed to the first heat
the first methanator 160. A second heat exchanger 168 may be 25 exchanger 166 proximate the first methanator 160. The first
disposed along the carbonaceous fuel path 142 between the heat exchanger 166 is configured to heat the high pressure
first heat exchanger 166 and the second methanator 162. steam 180 to a temperature between about 1200 and 1500°F.
Likewise, a third heat exchanger 170 is disposed along the (e.g., 1200, 1250, 1300, 1350, 1400, 1450, or 1500 F). It
carbonaceous fuel path 142 in between the second methana should be noted that the terms first, second, third, fourth, and
tor 162 and the third methanator 164 proximate and/or within 30 fifth with regard to the heat exchangers 166 through 174 are
an exothermic methanation region of the second methanator merely used to facilitate discussion, and are not necessarily
162. In a similar manner to the heat exchangers 166, 168 representative of the order that a fluid may pass through the
proximate the first methanator 160, fourth and fifth heat heat exchangers. Indeed, in embodiments where the heat
exchangers 172 and 174 may be disposed along the carbon exchangers are described in order of fluid flow according to
aceous fuel path 142 proximate to and immediately down 35 the embodiment depicted in FIG.4, the fourth heat exchanger
stream from the third methanator 164. Therefore, the metha 172 would be the first heat exchanger which heats a high
nators 160, 162 and 164 and the heat exchangers 166, 168, pressure fluid, the third heat exchanger 170 would be the
170, 172 and 174 may all be disposed along the carbonaceous second, the first heat exchanger 166 would be the third, and so
fuel path 142, which may allow the heat exchangers to utilize forth. Further, the presence of five heat exchangers in the
the heat generated by each methanator to increase the tem 40 embodiment depicted in FIG. 4 is merely included to facili
perature of a coolant (e.g., Steam, Syngas, SNG), a fuel (e.g., tate discussion, and configurations using more or less than
syngas, steam, SNG), or another flow. As mentioned, as the five heat exchangers (e.g., one, two, three, four or more) are
heat generated by the methanators 160, 162, and 164 gener also contemplated, as described below.
ally decreases along the progression of the carbonaceous fuel Using the present techniques, one or more heat exchangers
path 142, so may the ability of the heat exchangers 166 45 may be used to facilitate the processes performed within the
through 174 to heat a fluid. That is, the first heat exchanger methanation section 64. For example, after plant start-up (i.e.
166 proximate the first methanator 160 may heat a fluid to a after an initial input of energy), the methanation process of
higher temperature (or by a greater percentage) than the fifth converting syngas to SNG may be a power-producing pro
heat exchanger 174 proximate the third methanator 164, and cess. As such, in addition to generating Superheated high
so forth. 50 pressure steam 100, the methanation section 64 may also have
In the configuration illustrated, in addition to being dis features configured to heat fuel used in the methanation pro
posed along the carbonaceous fuel path 142, the heat cess (i.e., syngas) and to warm the final product of the metha
exchangers 166 through 174 may also be disposed along a nation section 64 (i.e. SNG). In the illustrated embodiment,
fluid path 176, e.g., a water/steam path or a coolant path. the second and fifth heat exchangers 168 and 174 may be
Indeed, in some embodiments, the fluid path 176 may be a 55 configured to perform these tasks. In one implementation, the
high pressure (e.g., between about 800 and 2200 PSIG) cold syngas 50 from the acid gas and CO, removal unit 48
water-steam path configured to carry the cold high pressure may be heated by the second heat exchanger 168 using the
boiler feedwater 150 through the series of heat exchangers heat not utilized by the first heat exchanger 166. Accordingly,
166 through 174 to generate superheated high pressure steam the second heat exchanger 168 may heat the syngas 50 to a
100. That is, the fluid path 176 may also be a coolant path 60 temperature between about 500 and 600°F. (e.g., about 500,
and/or a fuel path. 510,520, 530, 540, 550,560, 570,580,590, or 600°F). In
According to the embodiment depicted in FIG. 4, the fluid doing so, a stream of heated Syngas 182 may be delivered to
path 176 may travel in a generally opposing direction in the first methanator 160, which may facilitate the start of the
relation to the carbonaceous fuel path 142. In other words, as methanation reaction and/or increase the efficiency of the
the fuel flows downstream along the fuel path 142 succes 65 methanation reaction. In a similar fashion, the low-level heat
sively through the methanators 160, 162, and 164, the fluid 144 which, as mentioned, may be low pressure Steam or a
flows upstream along the fluid path 176 through the heat similar fluid, may be further heated or cooled by the fifth heat
US 8,354,082 B2
13 14
exchanger 174 to produce converted low-level heat 146 and/ boiler feedwater 178 to produce saturated high pressure
or to warm or cool the SNG and water 102 produced by the steam30. As mentioned, the fluid path 192 circulates between
methanation section 64. In Such an embodiment, any process the methanation section 64 and the SGC gasifier 188. As such,
utilizing the SNG and water 102 may be facilitated (e.g., the saturated high pressure steam 30 from the SGC gasifier
combustion, compression and/or dehydration). 5 188 is delivered to the first heat exchanger 166, which gen
FIG. 5 is a block diagram of an embodiment of a system erates the Superheated high pressure steam 100 for eventual
190 with a unique heat integration of a syngas cooler/gasifier delivery to a steam turbine or other plant equipment.
188 and the methanation section 64. For example, the illus Further depicted in FIG. 6 is a different path of what origi
trated system 190 uniquely integrates the gasifier 188 and the nates as the low-level heat 144. As before in FIG. 4, the
methanation section 64 to generate Superheated high pressure 10 low-level heat 144 is delivered to the fifth heat exchanger 174,
steam 100, while also using the methanation section 64 as a which warms or cools the SNG and water 102 (depending on
heat source for other flows (e.g., low-level heat 144). System desired product or plant specifications) to produce converted
190 includes the carbonaceous fuel path 142, which delivers low-level heat 146. However, in the illustrated embodiment,
the fuel 12 through the feed subsystem 16 and to a syngas rather than delivery to another area of the plant, the converted
cooler/gasifier (SGC gasifier) 188. The SGC gasifier 188 15 low-level heat 146 is delivered to the third heat exchanger
generates syngas for the eventual production of SNG 102. 170, where it is heated to generate the low-level steam 194.
According to certain embodiments, the SGC gasifier 188 may This low-level steam 194 may then be delivered to other
produce a stream of Saturated high pressure steam 30 sections of the plant to facilitate a number of processes
described with respect to FIG.1. The saturated high pressure including those that use steam as a coolant, a reactant, a
steam 30 may be generated, for example, from the cooling 20 warming agent, low-pressure Steam turbines, expanders,
process when the syngas is first produced in the gasifier. More dehydrators, feed warmers, and so forth.
specifically, a Source of water is used to cool the syngas A modification of the embodiment depicted in FIG. 5 is
produced in the SGC gasifier 188, which in turn is converted illustrated as a block diagram in FIG. 7, where a system 210
to the saturated high pressure steam 30. In system 190, this utilizes a different fluid path 212 to generate the superheated
saturated high pressure steam 30 is directed to the methana- 25 high pressure steam 100 at the syngas cooler gasifier 188. It
tion section 64 along a fluid path 192 to produce the super should be noted that in order to produce superheated high
heated high pressure steam 100. The source of water which is pressure steam 100 at the syngas coolergasifier 188, the SGC
used for cooling in the SGC gasifier 188 may be hot high gasifier 188 may undergo design modifications to contain the
pressure boiler feedwater (HPBFW) 178, which is delivered temperatures and pressures of the Superheated high pressure
along the fluid path 192 from the methanation section 64 to 30 steam 100. As depicted, system 210 utilizes the fluid path 212
the SGC gasifier 188. Ofcourse, the hotboiler feedwater 178 to carry what originates as the cold high pressure boiler feed
may initially be in the form of cold high pressure boiler water (HPBFW) 150 through the methanation section 64 to
feedwater (HPBFW) 150 as a source delivered to the metha generate a stream of saturated high pressure Steam 214, which
nation section 64. may or may not be similar in temperature and pressure to the
Further, in the illustrated embodiment, the low-level heat 35 saturated high pressure steam 30 of FIG.5. The saturated high
144 may flow though a series of heat exchangers to generate pressure steam 214 is delivered to the SGC gasifier 188, for
a stream of low pressure steam 194, which may be provided to example, to cool the syngas generated in the SGC gasifier 188
a number of areas within the system 190. For example, the and to produce the superheated high pressure steam 100.
steam 194 may be directed to the shift reactor 38, where the Additionally, the low-level steam 194 may be directed to the
steam 194 may be utilized in the shift reaction or as a warmer 40 WGS reactor 38, which may utilize the steam 194 in the WGS
or coolant, resulting in the generation of a new stream of reaction and/or as a coolant to produce the low-level heat
low-level heat 196. The steam 194 may also be provided to the source 196. The steam 194 may also be utilized by the feed
feed system 16 to generate a heated and/or slurried feed for system 16, as mentioned above, to heat and/or slurry feed that
the SGC gasifier 188. Therefore, by integrating the SGC is sent to the SGC gasifier 188.
gasifier 188 with the methanation section 64 via the fluid path 45 The heat integration scheme within the methanation sec
192, the illustrated embodiment produces superheated high tion of FIG. 7 is depicted in greater detail in the block diagram
pressure steam 100 while simultaneously improving efficien of FIG. 8. As in the above descriptions, the methanation
cies of gasification and methanation. For example, by using section 64 includes the carbonaceous fuel path 142 having the
steam 194 to heat and/or slurry the feed to the SGC gasifier methanators 160, 162, and 164 and the heat exchangers 166
188, the SGC gasifier 188 may generate syngas using less 50 through 174. According to the illustrated embodiment, the
energy than would otherwise be used if the feed were not cold high pressure boiler feedwater (HPBFW) 150 is heated
modified by the steam 194. at the fourth heat exchanger 172 to generate hot high pressure
An embodiment of the methanation section 64 of FIG. 5 is boiler feedwater (HPBFW) 178. The hot high pressure boiler
illustrated in further detail in the block diagram of FIG. 6. The feedwater 178 moves along the fluid path 212 until it reaches
methanation section 64 of FIG. 6 includes, among other fea- 55 the first heat exchanger 166, where it is heated to generate
tures, the first, second, and third methanators 160, 162, and high pressure Steam 214, which, as mentioned, is further
164, as well as the heat exchangers 166 through 174 along the heated at the SGC gasifier 188 to produce superheated high
fuel path 142. In the illustrated embodiment of heat integra pressure steam 100.
tion, in a similar manner to the embodiment depicted in FIG. As before, low-level steam 194 is generated by passing
4, the fourth heat exchanger 172 receives and heats the source 60 low-level heat 144 (e.g., water) through the fifth heat
of cold high pressure boiler feedwater 150 to produce hot high exchanger 174 (concomitantly heating or cooling the SNG) to
pressure boiler feedwater (HPBFW) 178. However, unlike produce converted low-level heat 146 (e.g., heated water).
the embodiment depicted in FIG. 4, the hot high pressure The converted low-level heat 146 is then heated at the third
boiler feedwater 178 is delivered to the SGC gasifier 188 for exchanger 170 to produce the low-level steam 194. Again,
further heating along the fluid path 192 (FIG. 5). Thus, in 65 according to the embodiment depicted in FIG. 7, low-level
addition to its above-described purpose, the SGC gasifier 188 Steam 194 is directed to the WGS reactor 38 for use in the
may also act as a heat exchanger to heat the high pressure hot WGS reaction. However, embodiments are also contem
US 8,354,082 B2
15 16
plated where the low-level heat 144 and/or the converted 258 may include a combination of SNG and syngas, depend
low-level heat 146 may be superheated to produce super ing on the amount of syngas 50 bypassing the methanation
heated low pressure. Other possible implementations may Section 256.
include using the low-level steam 194 in a reboiler, such as a In one implementation of the depicted embodiment, about
reboiler in an acid gas reactor. 10 to 20 percent of the syngas 50 may be directed into the
FIG. 9 is a block diagram of an embodiment of a system bypass 254, which may be heated upon contacting hot SNG
230 with heat integration using the present approaches. In the exiting the single-stage methanation section 256. For
illustrated embodiment, the system 230 includes similar fea example, the Syngas may be heated to a temperature between
tures to systems 10 and 110, and contains features configured about 400 and about 1500°F. (e.g., about 600, 700, 800,900,
to heat syngas without the use of heat exchangers for the 10 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, or 1500 F). Therefore, by
production of exportable power and/or Substitute natural gas. directly mixing the hot SNG with the syngas, the illustrated
The system 230 includes features similar to those described embodiment produces aheated mixture of fuel (stream 258),
which is then directed to the combustion turbine 72 for the
within FIGS. 1 and 2, including the feed, gasification, and generation of plant power 76 and power for export 78. Uti
scrubbing system 14. Accordingly, the fuel 12 is converted 15 lizing Such a configuration, the combustion turbine 72 may
into an untreated syngas, which is passed to a one-stage operate more efficiently relative to combustion with an
water-gas shift (WGS) reactor and heat/condensate recovery unheated fuel. Additionally, it should be noted that the com
system 232. In a similar manner to the WGS reactor 34, the bustion turbine 72 may be in fluid connection with the heat
system 232 may converta portion of the CO within the syngas recovery steam generator 82 in a manner consistent with the
to CO. The system 232 may also recover condensate 234 embodiments depicted in FIGS. 1 and 2. As a result of per
from a gas cooling system 236, which may use steam and/or forming the exothermic methanation reaction, the single
a similar coolant to cool a shifted Syngas. As with systems 10 stage methanation section 256 may also generate steam 260
and 110, the WGS reactor and heat/condensate recovery sys and condensate 262. Steam 260 may be utilized in a manner
tem 232 may also transfer the condensate 40 to the feed, consistent with the embodiments depicted in FIGS. 1 and 2.
gasification, and Scrubbing system 14. The gas cooling sys 25 For example, the steam 260 may be used in a steam turbine or
tem 236 may be configured to cool a shifted syngas produced in heat exchange implementations. Likewise, the condensate
by the system 232 using a coolant, such as a boiler feedwater, 262 may be directed to the HRSG system 82 and/or recycled
which produces the condensate 234. The gas cooling system to other areas of the plant.
236 produces a cooled gas (i.e. a cooled syngas) that is This written description uses examples to disclose the
directed to the acid gas and CO removal system 44, which 30 invention, including the best mode, and also to enable any
separates a stream of acid gas 238 from the cooled syngas. person skilled in the art to practice the invention, including
The acid gas 238 is provided to an acid gas enrichment section making and using any devices or systems and performing any
240, which separates acid gas from CO to produce a stream incorporated methods. The patentable scope of the invention
of enriched acid gas 242 and a CO, slip stream 244. The is defined by the claims, and may include other examples that
enriched acid gas 242 is then directed to the sulfur recovery 35 occur to those skilled in the art. Such other examples are
and tail gas treating unit 48 to separate Sulfur 54 and tail gas intended to be within the scope of the claims if they have
246, which is combined with the CO, slip stream 244 to structural elements that do not differ from the literal language
produce a stream of recycled gas 248. The stream of recycled of the claims, or if they include equivalent structural elements
gas 248 may be compressed at a recycle compression unit 250 with insubstantial differences from the literal languages of
to a pressure Substantially equal to that of the operating ranges 40 the claims.
of the gasifier 18 within the feed, gasification, and scrubbing
system 14. The pressurized recycled gas stream 252 may then The invention claimed is:
be provided to the feedstock, gasification, and scrubbing sys 1. A system, comprising:
tem 14 for further use. a methanation section, comprising:
As the treated syngas 50 exits the acid gas and CO removal 45 a fuel inlet configured to receive a first fuel;
system 44, a portion may entera bypass 254, which bypasses a fuel outlet configured to output methane;
a single-stage methanation section 256. According to certain a first fuel path configured to route a first flow of the first
embodiments, the amount of syngas 50 that enters the bypass fuel from the fuel inlet to the fuel outlet, wherein the
254 may vary between about 0 to about 100 percent. That is, first fuel path comprises a first methanator configured
anywhere from substantially none to substantially all of the 50 to generate the methane from the first fuel in an exo
syngas 50 may enter the bypass 254. For example, the bypass thermic methanation region, and
254 may flow approximately 10 to 90, 20 to 80, 30 to 70, or 40 a second fuel path configured to route a second flow of a
to 60 percent of the syngas 50, while the remaining syngas second fuel without conversion to methane, wherein the
flows through the single-stage methanation section 256. In second fuel path is configured to receive heat from the
Some embodiments, the bypass 254 may flow approximately 55 exothermic methanation region.
25, 25, 45,55, 65, 75, 85, or 95 percent of the syngas 50, with 2. The system of claim 1, wherein the first fuel and the
the remaining portion being converted to methane in the second fuel comprise a syngas, the first fuel path and the
single-stage methanation section 256. As previously men second fuel path are coupled together upstream of the exo
tioned with regard to the methanation section 64 of FIGS.1-8. thermic methanation region, and the second fuel path
the process of converting syngas to SNG may be a highly 60 bypasses the exothermic methanation region.
exothermic process, with heat generation Sufficient to 3. The system of claim 2, wherein the first flow of the first
increase the temperature of a fluid at a heat exchanger by fuel comprises a first portion of the syngas, the second flow of
anywhere from 200 to 2000 F. However, with regard to the second fuel comprises a second portion of the syngas, and
system 230, the heated SNG produced by the single-stage the first portion is at least greater than or equal to approxi
methanation section 256 may be directly combined, for 65 mately 75 percent of the Syngas.
example at a joining of two conduits, with the syngas 50 in the 4. The system of claim 3, comprising a heat exchanger
bypass 254 to produce a mixed stream 258. The mixed stream downstream from the exothermic methanation region,
US 8,354,082 B2
17 18
wherein the heat exchanger is configured to transfer the heat heat exchanger is configured to transfer heat from the first
from the exothermic methanation region to the second fuel. exothermic methanation region to the syngas prior to delivery
5. The system of claim 2, wherein the first flow of the first to the first methanator.
fuel comprises a first portion of the syngas, the second flow of 15. The system of claim 13, wherein the methanation sec
the second fuel comprises a second portion of the syngas, and 5 tion comprises a third methanator having a third exothermic
the first portion is at least less than or equal to approximately methanation region, and a second heat exchanger down
25 percent of the syngas. stream of the third methanator, wherein the second heat
exchanger is configured to transfer heat from the third exo
6. The system of claim 5, wherein the first fuel path and the thermic methanation region to the fluid to generate a heated
second fuel path are coupled together at a fuel mixing region 10 feedwater prior to delivery to the syngas cooler.
downstream from the exothermic methanation region, and the 16. The system of claim 10, wherein the methanation sec
fuel mixing region is configured to mix the methane directly tion is configured to transfer heat from the first exothermic
with the second fuel. methanation region to the fluid to generate a saturated Steam,
7. The system of claim 2, wherein the second fuel path and the syngas cooler is configured to transfer heat from the
comprises a gas expansion turbine. 15
syngas to the Saturated Steam to generate a Superheated Steam.
8. The system of claim 1, comprising a gasifier coupled to 17. The system of claim 16, wherein the methanation sec
the first or second fuel path upstream from the methanation tion comprises a first methanator having the first exothermic
section, wherein the gasifier comprises a quench cooler or a methanation region, a second methanator having a second
exothermic methanation region, and a first heat exchanger
radiant syngas cooler. between the first methanator and the second methanator,
9. The system of claim 1, comprising a fluid path coupled wherein the first heat exchanger is configured to transfer heat
to the methanation section, wherein the methanation section from the first exothermic methanation region to the fluid to
is configured to transfer heat to a fluid along the fluid path to generate the saturated Steam.
produce a heated fluid, the heated fluid is routed to a heat 18. The system of claim 17, wherein the methanation sec
recovery steam generation (HRSG) system, and the heated tion comprises a second heat exchanger between the first
fluid comprises heated water, steam, or Superheated Steam. 25 methanator and the second methanator, wherein the second
10. A system, comprising: heat exchanger is configured to transfer heat from the first
a gasifier configured to generate a syngas from a fuel exothermic methanation region to the syngas prior to delivery
Source, wherein the gasifier comprises a syngas cooler to the first methanator.
configured to cool the syngas generated within the gas 19. A system, comprising:
ifier with a fluid; 30 a methanation section, comprising:
a methanation section; a fuel path;
a fuel path extending through the syngas cooler and the a first methanator in the fuel path, wherein the first
methanation section, wherein the fuel path is configured methanator comprises a first exothermic methanation
to flow the syngas from the Syngas cooler to the metha 35 a second methanator in the fuel path downstream from
nation section, and the methanation section is config the first methanator, wherein the second methanator
ured to generate methane from the syngas in a first comprises a second exothermic methanation region;
exothermic methanation region; and a first heat exchanger disposed along the fuel path
a fluid path configured to flow the fluid and extending between the first and second methanators;
through the syngas cooler and the methanation section, 40 a second heat exchanger disposed along the fuel path
wherein the Syngas cooler is configured to transfer heat downstream from the second methanator, and
from the syngas to the fluid along the fluid path, the a fluid path extending through the first and second heat
methanation section is configured to transfer heat from exchangers, wherein the second heat exchanger is
the first exothermic methanation region to the fluid along configured to transfer heat from the second exother
the fluid path, and the fluid comprises Steam along at 45 mic methanation region to a fluid to generate a satu
least a portion of the fluid path. rated steam along the fluid path prior to delivery to the
11. The system of claim 10, wherein the syngas cooler or first heat exchanger, and the first heat exchanger is
the methanation section is configured to Superheat the steam. configured to transfer heat from the first exothermic
12. The system of claim 10, wherein the syngas cooler is methanation region to the Saturated Steam to generate
configured to transfer heat from the syngas to the fluid to 50 a Superheated Steam along the fluid path.
generate a saturated Steam, and the methanation section is 20. The system of claim 19, wherein the methanation sec
configured to transfer heat from the first exothermic metha tion comprises:
nation region to the Saturated Steam to generate a Superheated a third methanator in the fuel path downstream from the
13. The system of claim 12, wherein the methanation sec second methanator, wherein the third methanator com
tion comprises a first methanator having the first exothermic
55 prises a third exothermic methanation region; and
methanation region, a second methanator having a second a third heat exchanger disposed along the fuel path down
exothermic methanation region, and a first heat exchanger stream from the third methanator, wherein the fluid path
between the first methanator and the second methanator, extends through the first, second, and third heat
wherein the first heat exchanger is configured to transfer heat exchangers, and the third heat exchanger is configured to
60 transfer heat from the third exothermic methanation
from the first exothermic methanation region to the Saturated region to the fluid to generate a heated feedwater along
steam to generate the Superheated Steam. the fluid path prior to delivery to the second heat
14. The system of claim 13, wherein the methanation sec exchanger.
tion comprises a second heat exchanger between the first
methanator and the second methanator, wherein the second