RRP Notice

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Public Works Department

Sector-19, North Block, Nava Raipur,Atal Nagar Distt.- Raipur(C.G.)

E-Procurement Tender Notice
E-mail : tenders-pwd.cg@gov.in

NIT No. 382 /TC/2020-21 Dated 09.12.2020

The Engineer-in-Chief, Public Works Department on behalf of Governor of Chhattisgarh invites

percentage rate bids on electronic tendering system under RCPLWE RRP-II in the Division of
Rajnandgaon for Construction & up-gradation of Road Works with estimated cost amounting Rs.
200.90 Lacs including their maintenance for five years from the contractors registered with unified
registration system (e-registration) in Chhattisgarh. Non registered bidders may submit bid; however
the successful bidder must get registered in appropriate class under “Unified Registration System (e-
Registration) of Chhattisgarh before signing the agreement.
The bid document shall be available to bidders online free of cost and should be submitted
online e-procurement system of government of Chhattisgarh in https://eproc.cgstate.gov.in. Bids form
will be available on the website from 09.12.2020 and may be submitted up to 17:00 Hrs. on 21.12.2020
For participating in bidding process, bidders are required to register in the above web-site with
nominal fee of Rs 500/- to be paid online to service provider. For submission of the bids, the bidder is
required to have a valid Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from authorized certifying authorities.
The bidders are required to submit (a) original bid security in approved form and (b) original
affidavit duly verified and notarized as per clause 4.4 B (a) (ii) and 4.4 B (c) to Chief Engineer,
Tender Cell, First Floor, Nirman Bhawan, PWD, North Block, Sector-19, Nava Raipur,Atal
Nagar Distt.- Raipur(C.G.) 492-002 as per provisions of bid document through Speed/ Registered
post, failing which the bids shall be declared non-responsive.

Detailed schedule of important dates may be seen on notice board of offices and also available
on website of Public Works Department http://pwd.cg.nic.in

Chief Engineer
(In-charge Tender Cell)
O/o Engineer-in-Chief, PWD
Nirman Bhawan, Sector-19, North Block
Nava Raipur,Atal Nagar Distt.- Raipur(CG) 492-002
Public Works Department
Nirman Bhawan, Nava Raipur,Atal Nagar Distt.- Raipur(C.G.)

List of Important Dates of Bids for Construction /Up gradation Work of Roads/Bridges under RCPLWE
and their Maintenance for Five years

1. Name of Work
S.n Length Cost
District Block Package No. Name of Road
o (Km) Const. Maint. Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Construction & Maintenance
of Pendodi To
Pankhajur(P.V. 113) Road
( Length 3.30 Km) I/C.
1 Rajnandgaon Manpur CG15/150 3.30 186.05 14.85 200.90
Culverts At Block-
Manpur,Distt. Rajnandgaon
( Dn. Rajnandgaon)
(Sixth Call)

2. Maintenance Period is five years from the completion date

3. Date of Issue of Notice Inviting Bid 09.12.2020

4. Period of availability
Of Bidding Documents on website
https://eproc.cgstate.gov.in.– From 09.12.2020 , 17:00 Hours
To 21.12.2020, 17:00 Hours
5. Time, Date and Place of Pre-bid Meeting 15.12.2020, 15:00 Hours

6. Deadline for Submission of online Bids 21.12.2020, 17:00 Hours

7. Date of Submission of original documents 24.12.2020., 17:00 Hours
8. Opening of Part-I of the Bid 26.12.2020, 10:00 Hours
9. Opening of Part-II of the Bid 30.12.2020, 10:00 Hours
who Qualify in Part I of the Bid.
Chief Engineer
(In-charge Tender Cell)
O/o Engineer-in-Chief, PWD
Nirman Bhawan, Sector-19, North Block
Nava Raipur,Atal Nagar Distt.- Raipur(CG) 492-002
E-mail : tenders-pwd.cg@gov.in

Public Works Department

Sector-19, North Block, Nava Raipur, Atal Nagar Distt.- Raipur(C.G.)


1. The Engineer-in-Chief, Public Works Department, Raipur (CG) on behalf of Governor of

Chhattisgarh invites the percentage rate bids, in electronic tendering system, for construction of road
under Road Connectivity Project under Left Wing Extremist area for each of the following works
including their maintenance for five years from the eligible and approved contractors registered with
“Unified registration system (e-registration)” of Chhattisgarh. Unregistered contractor & Joint Venture
may submit bid however; the successful bidder must get them registered under unified registration
system (e-registration) of Chhattisgarh in appropriate class before signing the agreement. In case of
Joint Venture all partners must get them registered under unified registration system (e-registration) of
Chhattisgarh in appropriate class before signing the agreement

Period Bid SOR

Tender Len of Security Applicable
S. No. gth Compl Rs in
District Name of Road
no Package (Km etion Lacs
No. ) Main
Const. Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pendodi To
Pankhajur(P.V. Issude by
113) Road CE CG
( Length 3.30 Rural Road
69907 Km) I/C. Culverts
Rajnandgaon nt Agency
1 At Block- 3.30 08
186.05 14.85 200.90 4.02 wef.22.02.2
CG15/150 Manpur,Distt. Month
018 & its
Rajnandgaon(Dn. ammend.
Rajnandgaon up to
(Sixth Call) 22.02.2018

2. Date of release of Invitation for Bids through e-procurement: 09.12.2020 , 17:00 Hours

3. Processing Fee (Non-Refundable) as per Online.

4. Availability of Bid Document and mode of submission: The bid documents are available online and
bid should be submitted online on website https://eproc.cgstate.gov.in. . For downloading and
submission of bids, bidders require valid Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from the authorized
certifying authorities (CA). Bidders are required to register in the web-site on a nominal fee of Rs 500
to be paid online to service provider. “Unregistered bidders do not possesses user ID and password for
participating in e-tendering in e-procurement system of Chhattisgarh State may obtain the same from
the same website.

5. Submission of Original Documents: The bidders are required to submit (a) original bid security
in approved form and (b) original affidavit as per provisions of Clause 4.4B (a) (ii) and 4.4B (c) of
ITB to Chief Engineer, (Tender Cell), First Floor, Nirman Bhawan, North Block, Sector-19,
Nava Raipur,Atal Nagar Distt.- Raipur(CG) 492-002 on a date as mentioned in Section-1,
schedule of dates of bid documents by registered/Speed post only. Document submitted otherwise
shall not be accepted.

6. Last Date/ Time for receipt of bids through e-tendering: 21.12.2020 up-to 17:00 Hours.

7. The site for the work is available.

8. Bids submitted online on website https://eproc.cgstate.gov.in shall be considered for evaluation.
The technical qualification part of the bids will be opened online by the authorized officers. If any
activity scheduled in tender on a particular day is declared holiday, the same activity will be
performed on “next working” day at the same time and place mentioned in the bid documents.

9. The bidder is not required to quote his rate for routine maintenance. The rates to be paid for
routine maintenance are indicated in the Bill of Quantities. Further, the payment for routine
maintenance to the contractor shall be regulated based on his performance of maintenance

10. The bids for the work shall remain valid for acceptance for a period not less than ninety days after
the deadline date for bid submission.

11. Bidders may bid for any one or more of the works mentioned in the Table above. To qualify for a
package of contracts made up of this and other contracts for which bids are invited in the same
NIT, the bidder must demonstrate having experience and resources sufficient to meet the aggregate
of the qualifying criteria for the individual contracts.

12. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents. The Employer shall not be held responsible for
any delays due to system failure beyond its control. System attempts to notify the bidders of
updates for various activities, the Employer shall not be liable for any information not received by
the bidder. It is the bidders’ responsibility to verify the website for the latest information related to
the tender. Bidders are advised to perform activities to be performed by them well in advance to
avoid the chances of failure in submission of bid for technical fault /requirement of online bidding
13. The undersigned has right to extend or cancel the tender without declaring any reason.

14. FDR of EMD shall be placed in favor of officer mentioned under clause 16.2, ITB of Section-2 of
bid document for particular work. Bids not accompanying with FDR in order with respect to
amount and name shall be declared nonresponsive.

15. As per ITB Clause 14.1.1 Bidder shall have valid registration with Employees Provident Fund
organization under EPF and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and it should be submitted online.
16. Key dates and time schedule for online submission as per Section –I.

17. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents.

Chief Engineer
(In-charge Tender Cell)
O/o Engineer-in-Chief, PWD
Nirman Bhawan, Sector-19, North Block
Nava Raipur,Atal Nagar Distt.- Raipur(CG) 492-002
E-mail : tenders-pwd.cg@gov.in

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