Tesi HE Pneumatic Retraction Unit - Power Technology
Tesi HE Pneumatic Retraction Unit - Power Technology
Tesi HE Pneumatic Retraction Unit - Power Technology
High-energy pneumatic
Energize Igniter
Command / from DCS
Interface Relay
Protection Fuse
5x20 - 6.3A T
X1 Power supply Spark tip
0 Terminal point
230 VAC
The introduction of High Energy he introduction of High Energy expenditures. Conventional igniters
Retractable Igniters comes manufacturers, including Tesi, have 25μF
Retractable Igniters comes from from the need to reduce manu- accepted this challenge by developing
HEA Status
Igniter running
2200 V HE Spark rod
connection box
the need to reduce manufac- facturing and operating costs a High-Energy (HE) system that, unlike (feedback to
in thermal power plants. In thermal power High Voltage (HV) igniters, presents 2
turing and operating costs in plants, which are mostly coal-ired, the electrical requirements so to deliver en- GND
thermal power plants most frequent way to start coal combus- ergy up to 24 Joules, needed to light the
tion in boilers is to ignite HFO (Heavy Fuel HFO directly, without use of gas. The
Oil). Main HFO burners, in turn, are lighted coniguration of this new high-energy High energy
by gas pilot burners, mainly natural gas. technology ensures that the type of fuel Transformer TR
terminal points
Pilot torches have no real function for the employed (liquid or gaseous) does not overtemperature 240-2100 Vac
process; their lame is only used to light affect ignition. High-Energy igniters have thermostat - 120 °C
the main burner and to support combus- been designed in order to resist to high
tion. Usually the pilot is turned on irst; temperatures, since for a reliable igni-
then, after having detected the lame, fuel tion, the positioning of the ignition tip Spark gap
1400 V
is introduced to ignite the main burner. close to the fuel mixture is key. Inside
This process presents a number of rel- the power plant boiler, main HFO burn-
evant operating costs: ers are not ixed but can rotate +/- 15° tion (both manufacturing and operating) reaches the threshold switching voltage retracted position of the spark-tip.
■ pilot torches costs (usually there are 24 in order to create a unique central ire- deriving from the replacement of pilot of the spark-gap device, the gap will ion- The unit is powered by compressed air
in a middle size power plant); ball to heat up the whole furnace before torches and gaseous fuel previously ize. The discharge current will low from and must be connected to an instru-
■ pilot torches related equipment coal is injected. High-energy igniters, needed to light HFO. the capacitor through the spark gap to ment air circuit in which the air is pre-
■ BMS (Burner Management System) therefore, has to be able to tilt accord- the spark tip through a high-energy cable treated to remove water, oil and solid
costs; ingly to the main burners angle, having a THE HIGH ENERGY CIRCUITRY and the spark rod. The spark is generated particles. Air pressure has to be in the 4
■ cost of natural gas burned in pilot lexibility of 30°. This lexibility to follow The High Energy electric Spark dis- through special semiconductor material, to 7 bar range. It can be equipped with
torches. the angle of HFO burners allow to spark charge Igniter works on the principle of not in the air, and therefore is not affected a two-speed regulator, so that speed in
and light directly heavy fuel oil lames. storing an electric charge in a capaci- by any environmental condition. When both directions can be inely adjusted if
Main boilers manufacturers, realizing the HE igniters, furthermore, are able to tor and discharging it through a special the energy is delivered as spark to the necessary.
high expenses involved in this process, satisfy an additional requirement: being spark tip to produce electrical sparks of igniter tip, the storage capacitors will be
have set themselves the challenge to in direct contact with lames, they are suficient energy to ignite oil particles. completely discharged as sparks at the CONCLUSIONS
minimize manufacturing and operating provided with a retraction device devel- When the High Energy system is ener- igniter tip, and immediately the charg- HE ignition systems, compared to tradi-
costs arising from using pilot torches. oped to protect the tip from lames once gized by the control room, 230 Volts AC, ing of the capacitors will start again. The tional ignition methods, present a series
It was therefore necessary to design a sparking is inished. In conclusion, the 50 Hz, the high energy control circuit charge-discharge cycle will be repeated of operational beneits:
new tool with electrical and mechanical new ignition tool presents several ad- automatically regulates the power (volt- at the rate of 4 times per second (+/- ■ possibility to ignite directly low lam-
characteristics capable of replacing pilots vantages, mainly related to the stream- age and current) to be supplied to the 10%) to produce sparks at the same rate. mable fuels;
thus allowing a decrease in power plant lining of the process and costs reduc- primary side of the transformer. The energy of each spark is proportional ■ replacement of traditional air/gas pilot
The power is always the minimum value to the square of capacitor voltage peak torches;
required to reach the preset perfor- and half value of capacitance (E=½CV²). ■ retraction systems protecting tips from
mances in terms of output energy and dirt and lames;
rate, so that device overheating is THE RETRACTOR UNIT ■ lexible rod to follow the main burners
limited. An overheating protection circuit The retractor assembly is a pneumatically angle.
is still provided to avoid any damage in operated system designed to advance
the case of highly intensive use of the the spark tip into the burner zone and re- All these elements turn in a consider-
device. Electrical power supplied to tract the spark tip after successful ignition able reduction in manufacturing and
the primary winding of the transformer or after the lapse of a preset time. operational costs of power plants man-
induces a high voltage on the secondary The retractor assembly is equipped agement. In brief, HE Ignition systems
winding of the power transformer; this is with a solenoid valve for controlling the can provide the most reliable and cost-
rectiied and the capacitor is charged. pneumatic cylinder and end point limit effective fuel ignition whether gas, light
Andrea Vercellone, Tesi Spa When the voltage of the capacitor switches for detecting the advanced or oil, diesel or heavy oil is used.