Research Background and Problems
Research Background and Problems
Research Background and Problems
2. Research questions
+ Analysis and assessment of SMES’s development.
+Analyze the factors impact the development of SMES:
Những nhân tố nào ảnh hưởng?
Đâu là những chính sách của nhà nước
+ Provide a system of view and solutions for the development of
To what extent, government policy ảnh hưởng đến sự phát triển
của SMES.
3. Research methods
This study utilises two data sources. The first is taken from the
surveys of development of SMEs in Vietnam conducted by
United Nations University. The second data source is provided
by World Bank. Aimed at assesing the ỉnfrastructure quality,
finance policy and regulation on starting business of Vietnamese
Government. We evaluate the relationship between these
factors on development of SMES by using econometric model.