Chapter One 3

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Chapter one


1.0 Introduction

This chapter will focus on Background of the study, Problem statement of the study,
Purpose of the study, Research objectives, Research questions , Scope of the study,
Significance of the study, Operational definitions of the study and Conceptual
framework of the study.


Globally, Economic development in Germany is from the intellectual property

perspective mainly based on the development of higher R&D intensive products and
services, questioning the economic relevance of utility model protection, what is
supported by the decreasing application numbers since 1999. The third key factor of
intellectual property for the German GDP development is according the analysis the
protection of designs, what supports theoretical assumptions about positive economic
contributions as well as entrepreneurial protection efforts in practice. Growing
numbers of German enterprises recognize the economic importance of product design
beside the ‘‘classical’’ functional characteristics of material, construction or
technology. The development of matured product markets with close functional
substitutes, showing only marginal differences in product characteristics, encourages
enterprises to invest intensively in modern esthetical product solutions, targeting not
only on customer preferences but also on product differentiation.

Economic development is considered to be as progressive when the subsequent

period, in comparison with the previous one, has a higher rate of growth of
macroeconomic indicators and a lower rate of risk (SD). On the contrary, decreasing
in growth and increasing in risks are associated with the regressive policy of
economic development.
The structural power determined by the economic development in general and the
situation at the labour market in particular which basically decide the strength and
bargaining position of the trade unions. Therefore, the unions have a strong interest in
shifting Germany’s one-sided export-oriented development into a more balanced
development between export and domestic sectors. At this point the circle will be
closed as a move towards a more sustainable economic development model in
Germany requires – among other things – more expansive and more solidaristic wage

In Africa, economic development in some countries through substantial amounts of

financial inflows or remittances. Cross-border movements of people also contribute
not only to information sharing and the associated reductions of informational
frictions across countries, but also stimulate bilateral financial flows as migrants
create or integrate into pre-existing international business and financial networks
thereby bolstering business and financial contacts and activities between their home
and host countries.

The positive effect of electricity and FFCs on economic development in this supply,
which may be linked to inefficiency and ineffectiveness in the energy sector. This has
interfered with the smooth running of most economic activities especially that of
small enterprises, which happen to be the major source of livelihood and economic
development. Many people have had to resort to alternative sources of energy with the
resultant effect of a high concentration of pollutant emissions that generate heat and
cause climate change.

Economic development is an economic growth and development that attempts to

improve the condition of citizens. In other words, sustainable economic development
is a kind of economy that meets the needs of the citizens without affecting the lives of
the future generation in responding to their needs .Thus, it is necessary to diversify the
economy in order to achieve sustainable economic growth and development based on
the above submission, it can be inferred that, the current situation and condition of Al-
Major children in the Northern part of the country. Thus, improvement of social
economic conditions of Al-Major children is essential in order for government to
address the problem of poverty in the country.
In Somalia, The study thought to establish the effect of gross domestic product on the
economic development of Somalia and asked respondent whether higher Gross
Domestic Product leads to low infant mortality, results from the study indicated that
majority of the respondents agreed to the statement as shown by the mean value of
4.08 and a lower standard deviation of 0.902. Infant mortality refers to deaths of
young children, typically those less than one year of age. It is measured by the infant
mortality rate (IMR), which is the number of deaths of children under one year of age
per 1000 live births. In countries with low per head GDP, macroeconomic growth is
often considered as key policy instrument for improving health. The premise is that,
economic growth will increase the average income of individuals, especially
improving the incomes of poor people, which in turn will improve the life quality by
providing better qualified consumption of goods, have access to health care services,
better housing and sanitation, leads to reduction in infant mortality.

There are countless private sector enterprises that are profitable, and some of the
larger companies have gone global for example Dahabshil, and regional. According to
Cassanelli (2010), even though the private sector contributed to economic
development in the country they are also hindering lasting political stability in the
country. There are incentives to avoid taxation, and a functional taxation system is not
yet in place.

first surveying the principle features and recent history of corporate taxation, followed
by considering the incentives that tax systems provide for the behavior of
corporations. Tax systems encourage firms to use debt rather than equity finance and
more generally to economize on dividend payments to shareholders. Taxation reduces
corporate investment and directs investment to assets receiving favorable tax
treatment. Tax considerations influence particularly strongly the operations of
multinational corporations, due in part to their ability to choose between jurisdictions
with different tax features. The location and magnitude of foreign direct investment
respond to tax rate differences, as does international tax avoidance through financial
and other means. But in spite of growing knowledge of the effect of taxation on
corporate activity, it is still not known whether owners of corporations or others in the
economy ultimately bear the burden of corporate taxes. (View at

In Somalia, corporate taxation serves as a vital source of revenue for the

government, but the lack of a well-structured corporate tax system can hinder
economic development by discouraging investment and stifling business growth. If
tax rates are too high, they can drive businesses into the informal sector, while low
tax rates may fail to generate sufficient revenue to support public services and
infrastructure. The challenge for Somalia’s policymakers is to develop a corporate tax
policy that promotes business investment while also generating necessary public
revenue. This research seeks to address this challenge by analyzing the mathematical
relationship between corporate tax rates and economic development in Somalia.
(Sahane, 2021)

1.3 Purpose of the study

The main objective of the study was to investigate the effect of taxation on economic
development of Somalia.

1.4 Specific objectives

1. To determine the effect of direct tax on Economic Development in Somalia.

2. To examine the effect of indirect on Economic Development in Somalia.

3. To assess the benefits of Digital economy on Economic Development in Somalia.

1.5 The research questions of this study will be:

In carrying out this research, certain questions need to be answered and these
questions are:

I. How the effect of direct tax on Economic development in Somalia?

II. How the effect of indirect on Economic development in Somalia?

III. What are the benefits of Digital economy on Economic development in


1.6 Scope of the study

This study is deeply impounded the role in which taxation manipulate the economic
development in Mogadishu, Somalia.

The reason I choose to gather data from Mogadishu is that the main office of the
ministry of finance are located at Mogadishu , and it will be focused gust the way in
tax effects the development of economic in Somalia . This study will be connected
between Oct – March 2026.

This is the period that university board of research has allocated for the students to
conduct their students.

1.7 Significance of the study

The study will also help in shaping and providing a better understanding to citizenries
how taxation is charged on and its contribution to the economy. More so, it will help
other researcher to carry out further research on this subject area.

 It also helps to other researchers who are going to conduct a research in this

 It will contribute to spread this innovative concept “the impact of taxation

on economic development of Somalia.
 The study also helps for private and non-government sector development,
and importantly brings the benefits of the development efforts to the

1.8 Operational definitions of the study

Mathematical analysis

The mathematical analysis is presented in detail for the single-phase, miscible

displacement of one aid by another in a porous medium. It is shown that initial
boundary value problems with various boundary conditions for this miscible
displacement possess a weak solution under physically reasonable hypotheses on the
data. In the second part of this paper, it is proven how the analysis can be extended to
two-phase aid own and transport equations in a porous medium.

Economic Development

Economic development is the creation and use of increasingly sophisticated methods

of production, often characterized by their “roundaboutness.” Almost any productive
activity can serve as an example. Let’s take construction. In developing countries,
construction is a pretty labor-intensive activity.

Digital Economy

Digital economy that is more and more dependent on 37 the use of software. Yet
many questions remain about how countries should benefit from what was achieved
through Article 12B. We hope our study will be useful in moving forward with
negotiations within the UN Tax Committee and that more work on the topic will bring
clarity on a fairer model for international taxation.

Direct Tax

The term green taxes describe environ mental taxes or taxes levied with the objective
of protecting the natural environment. These can be referred to as taxes to control the
negative effect of certain activities and products on the environment. The idea is to
dissuade certain ecologically harmful activities and actions by citizens and
companies, thus encouraging environmentally sensitive decisions and actions.
Environmentally taxes are such that the cost of the negative externalities or
unfavorable impact in the economy is incorporated in the prices to ensure production
and consumption decisions that are ecologically friendly.

Indirect Tax

Direct taxation has been influenced by the well-known Atkinson-Stieglitz and

Chambly-Judd analyses. However, we conclude that the policy relevance of the sharp
finding of the optimality of no taxation of capital income is thoroughly undercut by
the implications of large uncertainty about future earnings and the growing disparity
in earnings as a cohort ages. Adding such uncertainty and disparity to the frameworks
employed by AtkinsonStiglitz or Chambly-Judd results in the conclusion that taxation
of capital income or of wealth is indeed part of optimal taxation. Furthermore, the full
thrust of the ChamleyJudd result depends critically on bequest behavior, but behavior
assumed in the model is not widespread in the population.

Indirect Tax

Indirect tax has contributed to a long animated debate, in political and academic
circles, regarding the virtues and defects of those two forms of taxation. In this
chapter we provide an overview of the evolution of the ratio of direct taxes to indirect
taxes across countries over the past three decades, the theorizing that has gone behind
the alleged superiority of one form of taxation or the other, the determinants that
appear to be behind the intensity with which both forms of taxation are used, and the
economic relevance of the choice of tax structure in terms of economic growth,
macroeconomic stability, the distribution of income, and the flow of foreign direct
investment (FDI).

1.9 Conceptual framework of the study


Corporate taxations

Direct Tax Economic

Development in
Indirect Tax
Digital economy

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