RICS APC Counsellor Guide Aug 2015 WEB PDF
RICS APC Counsellor Guide Aug 2015 WEB PDF
RICS APC Counsellor Guide Aug 2015 WEB PDF
Counsellor guide 2
Assessment of Professional Competence Counsellor guide
I am grateful for the contribution that you are making to RICS through
committing your time and expertise to support potential new professionals.
The Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) is the start of a lifelong
professional commitment to our standards for thousands of people each
year. As an APC counsellor you play an important role in ensuring that those
following the APC have the experience and potential to fulfil our ethical
standards and professional competency requirements to become members.
Your role in preparing candidates is vital to the effectiveness of the
assessment and the success of candidates. This guide explains what
support you should offer to plan and review their experience and prepare
them for the final assessment.
Thank you for your commitment to RICS and to ensuring the future of
the profession. I hope you will find the role both professionally and
personally rewarding.
Sean Tompkins
Chief Executive
Counsellor guide 3
Assessment of Professional Competence Counsellor guide
Section 1
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 05
Section 2
Providing support to candidates following a structured training programme ............................ 06
Section 3
Providing support to other APC candidates ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 08
Section 4
Preparing for final assessment ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 09
Section 5
Supporting the referred candidate ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Counsellor guide 4
Assessment of Professional Competence Section 1
All candidates pursuing professional membership of RICS must appoint
a counsellor, who is a chartered surveyor, to support them, to guide them
and to sign them off as competent to sit their final assessment interview.
This guide provides an overview of the counsellor (and supervisor) role
for all APC candidates. It is essential that as a counsellor you familiarise
yourself with the APC candidate guide and the appropriate pathway guide.
The principles behind your role as a counsellor are the same for each type
of candidate but there are variances in the programmes the candidate will
need to follow. The professional standards, competence requirements and
final assessment interview are identical.
As a counsellor you will support any of the following APC candidates:
· RICS accredited degree – At least 24 months’ structured training and
a minimum of 96 hours’ Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
· RICS accredited degree with a minimum of 5 years’ relevant
experience – At least 12 months’ structured training and a minimum
of 48 hours’ Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
· RICS accredited degree with a minimum of 10 years’ relevant
experience – Demonstrate a minimum of 48 hours’ Continuing
Professional Development (CPD) over the preceding 12 months.
No structured training period required.
· Bachelor degree (or membership of a RICS approved professional
body) with a minimum of 5 years’ relevant experience (at least
12 months must be post qualification) – Successfully complete
the preliminary review and a minimum of 48 hours’ Continuing
Professional Development (CPD).
Please note: Candidates who have an accredited degree and over ten
years’ experience will be able to submit for final assessment as soon
as you feel they are competent to be assessed. Although they are not
required to complete a preliminary review they may apply for one.
Counsellor guide 5
Assessment of Professional Competence Section 2
The structured training is in place to enable the candidate to demonstrate • Help the candidate choose the appropriate pathway and competencies
how they have gained the skills and abilities needed to perform specific on enrolment
tasks or functions as required by the competencies for their pathway. • Support, guide and encourage the candidate
In this case your role as an APC counsellor is to: plan the training • Plan and monitor their continuing professional development – CPD
programme, monitor the progress and guide the candidate throughout their • Discuss whether they need additional experience or training and agree
training period. It is also recommended that the candidate appoints an APC who will organise it and how they will gain it
supervisor ideally selecting someone who has day-to-day responsibility for • At six monthly reviews use both their diary and logbook to assess them
the candidate and knows their work well, to provide a regular assessment of against their competencies and review their overall progress
progress against the competencies of the candidate’s chosen APC pathway. • At six monthly reviews work with your candidate to update the summary
of experience template and review the logbook
Note: Preferably, both roles should be undertaken by members of RICS • At the halfway point review, liaise with the supervisor (if they have one)
and from the same area of professional practice as the candidate. and the candidate, agree progress and focus for the coming months
• At six monthly reviews judge what competencies have been achieved
and when. Are they ready for final assessment?
• Discuss the topic for their case study. What would show the best spread
of skills, which will cover 2 or more technical competencies? What project
have they worked on in the last 24 months that best demonstrates their
analytical ability and ability to give sound professional advice?
• If you have a supervisor in place, work with them to give the best advice
and guidance to your candidate to help them in preparing for the final
assessment presentation and interview
• Liaise with the supervisor and make sure that all the relevant
documentation is included in the final assessment submissions
• Conduct a mock interview to help them prepare for the type of questions
they may get asked.
Counsellor guide 6
Assessment of Professional Competence Section 2
If you are appointed as an APC supervisor, you will need to complete the
following tasks/activities to support your candidate through to their Assessing progress
assessment: A key element of any supporting role is the assessment of your candidate’s
• Read the APC candidate guide and chosen pathway guide progress against the chosen pathway competencies. A key aspect to the
• Help the candidate choose appropriate competencies on enrolment successful management of the training period is therefore your in-depth
knowledge and understanding of these competencies. The competency-
• Support, guide and encourage the candidate
based approach, while still assessing what people know, also assesses
• Plan their continuing professional development – CPD what they can do. You have to ensure that your candidate not only has the
• Give guidance on how to capture their experience in a diary to transfer knowledge and understanding but can also put this into practice.
into their summary of experience and log book
If you are the candidate’s manager you will already be doing much of what
• Regularly review the log book. Are the competency references correct? is required to assess them, using similar skills to those for appraising staff:
Are they claiming too many days or not enough?
• be aware of how they are performing in day-to-day activities,
• Help the candidate interpret the competencies to ensure that they assessing competencies such as working in a team, problem solving
receive credit for all activities carried out and working to deadlines
• Assess your candidate against the competencies every three months, • look at work they have produced, learning more about their technical
updating their summary of experience template and log book and professional knowledge and understanding
• At the halfway point, review progress with the counsellor and • ask questions about why they chose a particular approach, exploring
the candidate their knowledge and understanding – this will help in developing their
• With the counsellor, assess whether the candidate has achieved the case studies and prepare them for their interview
competency requirements of the APC pathway and has all the relevant • ask about the wider implications of their work, testing their
evidence for the final assessment submissions understanding of the whole work environment.
• Support and guide the candidate on the case study layout and topic.
From this you can begin to form a judgement of how well they are doing.
Read it with them a number of times to guide them. Make sure they
The point at which they are competent, to level 2, is when you are confident
check it for grammatical and spelling errors
that they can carry out an activity without supervision to a standard
• Prior to final assessment, discuss the candidate’s progress and that is acceptable to you and for level 3, that they are able to give sound
readiness with the counsellor. Complete the summary of experience professional advice.
• If the candidate has been referred, agree a plan of action that will Candidates need guidance and support to get the most out of their training
allow the candidate to remedy the deficient areas as per their referral programme. This is particularly important where you have reviewed their
report. Work closely with them to help them build confidence and progress and have decided they are not yet competent. The candidate
understand the reasons for the referral. requires clear guidance on where they need to develop. They may not
realise there is a problem and miss out on a learning opportunity. These
issues should be dealt with at the three/six monthly reviews.
Counsellor guide 7
Assessment of Professional Competence Section 3
Counsellor guide 8
Assessment of Professional Competence Section 4
Ethics module at length about this. The following questions will help determine whether
they have met the competencies or not.
All APC candidates are also required to successfully complete the • Is the work they have produced relevant to the competencies they
RICS online ethics module prior to final assessment. This is made up are claiming?
of three elements: • Is it sufficient? Are you sure they could do this again in similar
1. The ethical standards and what they mean circumstances?
2. Real life ethical scenarios that members have faced • Are they drawing upon current experience? If the examples they are
3. A 20 question multiple choice test. using are not current, can they still complete the task accurately and
Judging the evidence For some of the competencies, you should have enough recent knowledge
of your candidate’s work to be able to judge from personal experience.
Think about the type of evidence that will best demonstrate your candidate’s However, they may tell you that some of the competencies were achieved
competence (for example reports, valuations, correspondence). Base your in the past, perhaps ten years ago or more. For these competencies,
decisions on actual evidence of work produced rather than their ability you will have to form a judgement based on your discussions with them –
to talk about what they do. Competency-based assessment is about the you may feel you have to ask some probing questions to assure yourself
candidate being able to operate under normal work pressures, such as that the candidate’s experience is of sufficiently high quality and is using
interruptions and tight deadlines. It is also about having interpersonal skills, current practices and legislation.
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Assessment of Professional Competence Counsellor guide
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Assessment of Professional Competence Section 5
Counsellor guide 11
Confidence through professional standards
RICS promotes and enforces the highest professional qualifications and standards We believe that standards underpin effective markets. With up to seventy per cent of the
in the development and management of land, real estate, construction and world’s wealth bound up in land and real estate, our sector is vital to economic development,
helping to support stable, sustainable investment and growth around the globe.
infrastructure. Our name promises the consistent delivery of standards – bringing
With offices covering the major political and financial centres of the world, our market
confidence to the markets we serve. presence means we are ideally placed to influence policy and embed professional standards.
We accredit 118,000 professionals and any individual or firm registered with RICS is We work at a cross-governmental level, delivering international standards that will support
subject to our quality assurance. Their expertise covers property, asset valuation and real a safe and vibrant marketplace in land, real estate, construction and infrastructure, for the
estate management; the costing and leadership of construction projects; the development benefit of all.
of infrastructure; and the management of natural resources, such as mining, farms
We are proud of our reputation and we guard it fiercely, so clients who work with an RICS
and woodland. From environmental assessments and building controls to negotiating
professional can have confidence in the quality and ethics of the services they receive.
land rights in an emerging economy; if our members are involved the same professional
standards and ethics apply.