APC Assessor Guide - Aug 2021
APC Assessor Guide - Aug 2021
APC Assessor Guide - Aug 2021
Assessor guide
August 2021
Published by: RICS, Parliament Square, London SW1P 3AD.
All rights in this publication, including full copyright or publishing right, content and design, are owned by
RICS, except where otherwise described. Any dispute arising out of this publication is subject to the law and
jurisdiction of England and Wales
Assessor guide 2
APC assessor guide
Foreword................................................................................................................................................ 4
Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 5
Section one
APC explained....................................................................................................................................... 6
Pathways and competencies .................................................................................................................. 6
Entry requirements................................................................................................................................... 6
Standards of assessment........................................................................................................................ 6
Candidate profiles.................................................................................................................................... 7
Section two
Interview guidance............................................................................................................................... 8
Procedure................................................................................................................................................ 8
Assessment Resource Centre (ARC) ....................................................................................................... 8
Pre-interview preparation ........................................................................................................................ 8
Conflicts of interest.................................................................................................................................. 9
Candidate submissions.......................................................................................................................... 10
Interview structure.................................................................................................................................. 11
Audit and quality assurance................................................................................................................... 12
Questioning techniques ........................................................................................................................ 13
Post-interview assessment ................................................................................................................... 15
Referred candidates .............................................................................................................................. 16
Equal opportunities ............................................................................................................................... 16
Assessor guide 3
I am grateful for the contribution that you are making to RICS through committing your time and
expertise to assess potential new professionals.
The Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) is the start of a lifelong professional commitment
to our standards for thousands of people each year. As an APC assessor you play an important role
in ensuring that only those who fulfil our ethical standards and professional and technical competency
requirements become RICS chartered professionals.
It is vital to our professional status and credibility that the assessment process is consistent
worldwide. This guide explains the criteria involved and provides guidance on how to conduct the
final assessment interview.
Candidates will present themselves from a variety of backgrounds, showing the diversity of the
profession and that all must meet the standards required.
Thank you for your commitment to RICS and to ensuring the future of the profession. I hope you will
find the role both professionally and personally rewarding.
Sean Tompkins
Chief Executive
Assessor guide 4
This guide has been written for all APC assessors who have completed RICS assessor training.
It will help you:
• understand the ideas behind the APC and the stages that lead to the final assessment
• understand the approach to interviewing
• manage the preparation process and understand the various documents
• take part in the assessment process
• carry out post-interview assessment procedures and decide whether candidates should pass
or be referred.
This acts as a support document for your training and for future reference each and every time you
act as an APC assessor.
Assessor guide 5
1 2
APC explained
Pathways and Entry requirements Standards of
competencies RICS recognises that a mix of academic/
professional qualifications with relevant experience
The RICS qualification covers many different can provide the skills and levels of competence The purpose of the assessment is to ensure that
professional disciplines in land, property required to become a chartered surveyor. The knowledge and understanding, gained through
and construction. RICS has identified eligibility requirements to begin the APC are: a combination of qualifications, experience and
competencies required for each of these training, are applied in practice and measured
• RICS accredited degree – At least 24
disciplines – these groupings of competencies consistently internationally. This demonstrates to
months’ structured training and a minimum
are known as pathways. all stakeholders that only those with the agreed
of 96 hours’ Continuing Professional
There is a guide for each pathway, which explains level of competence become RICS chartered
Development (CPD).
the competencies in detail and in context – professionals (MRICS).
• RICS accredited degree with a minimum
visit rics.org/pathway. of 5 years’ relevant experience – At All APC candidates will follow the same process
least 12 months’ structured training and a and attend the final assessment interview.
Competencies minimum of 48 hours’ Continuing Professional
A competency is a statement of the capabilities Development (CPD). Variations
required to perform a specific role. RICS • RICS accredited degree with a minimum To ensure a fair assessment you must always
competencies are defined at three levels. of 10 years’ relevant experience – take into account the local practice and norms
Level 1 – knowledge and understanding Demonstrate a minimum of 48 hours’ of the country in which the candidate practises,
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) while remembering the high standards of RICS
Level 2 – application of knowledge and
over the preceding 12 months. No structured qualifications. Relevant experience can be gained
training period required. in a variety of countries; all relevant experience is
Level 3 – reasoned advice and depth of valid and should be considered during assessment.
• Bachelor degree (or membership of
knowledge. Candidates are required to have an understanding
a RICS approved professional body) with
Each pathway is made up of three types of a minimum of 5 years’ relevant experience of the local legislation and practice for the country
competency: (at least 12 months must be post they are practising and being assessed in. You
qualification) – Successfully complete the also need to consider significant differences in
Mandatory – personal, interpersonal and
preliminary review and a minimum of 48 hours’ experience and job role responsibilities.
business skills common to all pathways.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Ultimately it will be up to you and the other
Core – Compulsory and relate to the primary
This guide explains how you should prepare for assessors to judge what level of questioning
technical skills of the chosen pathway.
and conduct the final assessment interview to is appropriate and the answers you will need
Optional competencies – selected from the list
reach a decision on each candidate. to receive to be satisfied that each candidate
of technical skills for the chosen pathway.
has met the competency requirements for the
chosen pathway.
Assessor guide 6
APC explained 1 2
Assessor guide 7
1 2
Interview guidance
RICS has one standard required to qualify as a Each assessor will be involved in every element • understand the assessment process to
chartered surveyor through the APC, irrespective and will assist the chairperson in performing ensure the delivery of a professional and
of the candidates’ profiles. The assessment these responsibilities. competent assessment.
standard, technical and professional requirements The chairperson’s guide provides more detail On receipt of the submissions, you must check
and structure of the interview remain the same. on the role. that the documents comply with the requirements.
You must interview all APC candidates following Staff will have performed a basic check against
the same procedure assessing against the same the requirements but will not have read the
standard of competence and professionalism, to Assessment Resource submissions; you must check that the submissions
ensure a fair and consistent assessment for all.
Centre (ARC)
are suitable for you to assess the candidate
at the interview. You are not judging whether
who will be questioning on each competency
Managing the questioning
preparation requirement for all assessment panels. If a
panel discussion has not been arranged you
• Controlling timing The chairperson will make contact with you before
should contact the chairperson or your RICS
• Initiating the decision-making process after the final assessment day to arrange a time for you
staff contact.
the interview to discuss the candidate as a panel.
• Ensuring all assessors adhere to the You must commit the necessary amount of time
assessment policies to prepare for each interview to ensure you:
• Writing the referral report (if necessary). • have read the submissions
• understand the candidate’s background
and experience
• are familiar with the candidate’s declared
Assessor guide 8
Interview guidance 1 2
Assessor guide 9
Interview guidance 1 2
Assessor guide 10
Interview guidance 1 2
While level 1 may not be practical experience, Those on a part-time or distance learning
accredited degree can use the final year as Candidate’s presentation 10 minutes
candidates are permitted to record level 1 in their
counting towards their CPD for that year but on case study
logbook - it is valuable learning that they will able
to apply in practice and may have been gained this should be supplemented by other CPD
activities for that year. Questions on the presentation 10 minutes
in formal education and/or formal training in the
workplace or on-the job experience. Discussion on overall 30 minutes
Level 1 knowledge provides assessors with good
evidence of understanding, but it is important
Interview structure experience including CPD,
technical competencies,
candidates ensure their structured training period The interview will take place using video calling Rules of Conduct and
reflects mainly level 2 (the application of the technology approved by RICS. Instructions on professional practice
knowledge and understanding you have gained) using the technology, including a tutorial and
and level 3 (providing reasoned advice and depth demonstration, are available separately. Chairperson’s areas of 10 minutes
of knowledge). It is essential that all interviews, while having some questioning may include
There is no specified number of days candidates flexibility, are broadly structured the same. This will professional and technical
should record against each level; this is a allow you to focus on the assessment and ensure matters, CPD, Rules of Conduct,
judgement for the candidate, their counsellor and each candidate has similar time allocated to the mandatory competencies; and
supervisor (if appointed). individual elements of the interview. Any deviation close of the interview
may give rise to an appeal if the candidate is
Continuing Professional referred. Total 60 minutes
Development (CPD) As a guide, the interview follows the structure in
the table opposite.
All candidates are required to complete CPD. Time management
Candidates following a structured training When the candidate joins the video call the
The chairperson is responsible for managing
programme must complete a minimum of 48 hours chairperson will welcome them, make some
the timings of the interview. If the interview is
per 12 months of structured training and all other introductions and check that everything is set up
interrupted due to technology or other unforeseen
candidates need to demonstrate a minimum of 48 appropriately before the interview officially starts.
issues the chairperson will extend the time of the
hours in the 12 months prior to final assessment. When everything is ready the chairperson will interview accordingly to ensure the full 60 minutes
This information adds to your understanding of the ask the candidate to start their presentation. At is achieved as allocated. Any extension to achieve
candidate’s training and experience and will give this point, the one-hour time limit for the interview the full 60 minutes is at the sole discretion of the
you ideas for areas of questioning in the interview. starts. chairperson, who has been trained to manage the
The CPD must be split between formal A 60-minute interview cannot cover the full extent interview timing and determine what accounts for
development such as professional courses, of the candidate’s experience. The panel must an interruption.
seminars or online events and informal cover as many of the competencies as possible With the exception of the above, you must not give
development such as private study or on the job within the allocated time. the candidate either a longer or shorter interview.
training. At least 50% of the CPD undertaken must Making the interview less than 60 minutes could
be dedicated to formal development. give the wrong signal. The candidate may assume
Assessor guide 11
Interview guidance 1 2
they have been successful or feel that they weren’t Before the interview starts the chairperson will for the duration of the interview unless they are
given the opportunity to show their full experience/ ask the candidate to complete a 360-pan of their instructed otherwise by the chairperson or staff
competence. surroundings, including the area above them facilitator.
If the candidate is referred they could appeal on and desktop/floor area in front of them. The
chairperson can request repeats of this procedure You should be prepared to share your assessment
the grounds that in the additional time they would
at any time during the interview or before the preparation work with them. At the end of the
have had the opportunity to address any issues
video call ends. post-interview discussion the auditor will provide
that led to the referral decision.
you with feedback. They are there to help and
If the interview exceeds 60 minutes and a
candidate is referred, they could appeal on the
Staff facilitator role advise as well as provide quality assurance of
the assessments. The auditor report will also be
grounds that they were subjected to more testing An RICS staff member trained to perform the staff
used if the candidate appeals the result of their
than other candidates. Even where you feel that an facilitator role may be present on the video call.
extension in time would benefit the candidate you The purpose of the staff facilitator is to support
must not exceed 60 minutes. the panel and candidate with the use of the
video call technology. They will not participate
The only circumstances in which an interview can
in the interview or any pre- or post-interview
exceed the 60 minutes is where the candidate has
discussions with the panel. Their video will be off
declared a special consideration and RICS has
and microphone muted for the duration of the
agreed beforehand to extend the time. See the
video call unless there is a technology issue or
equal opportunities section in this guide for more
any other unforeseen issue that requires them to
intervene. Any intervention by the staff facilitator
Assessor guide 12
Interview guidance 1 2
• Be alert throughout the interview – even when To level 3 Ethics, rules of conduct and
and sound advice, against the full extent of their
you are not asking the questions. professionalism
ability and knowledge.
• Ask open questions; use closed questions only To level 2 Client care
Remember – the candidate can select the level
of some of the competencies. It is important to confirm information given. Communication and negotiation
that you do not question beyond that level. • Be flexible with your questioning; be prepared Health and safety
You are assessing them against their declared to follow up the candidate’s answers with To level 1 Accounting principles and procedures
competencies and competency levels. further questions before moving on to the Business planning
next topic.
Conflict avoidance, management and
Examples of competence-based • Ensure your questions are well phrased, dispute resolution procedures
questioning clear and concise.
Data management
• Be objective but look out for the areas of
You must ask open questions. For example: Diversity, inclusion and teamworking
deficiency as you should focus more on these.
• How did you go about the process? Inclusive environments
• Ask one question at a time and use short
• What process/procedures did you adopt? Sustainability
Assessor guide 13
Interview guidance 1 2
Questions on technical competencies will often concerned when framing your questions. In Interview conduct
address the mandatory competencies too. Be addition, you should ask some questions about
The way you conduct yourself in an interview will
aware of this and record the responses against issues of current concern to the profession.
have an impact on the candidate and the quality
both technical and mandatory competencies if
All APC candidates are required to successfully of the interview. Showing attention and interest will
relevant. For example, every question will test the complete the RICS ethics module prior to encourage the candidate and help calm nerves.
candidate’s communication skills. Similarly ethical final assessment. The module includes online
issues could be linked to technical or business learning and an online assessment. This is a Questions must relate directly to the candidate’s
issues covered throughout the interview. study element of the APC and ethics and rules training and experience, it will show the candidate
of conduct must still be assessed as part of the that you are prepared. Eye contact and the
Ethics, rules of conduct and final assessment interview. occasional acknowledgement are encouraging.
professionalism Address the candidate by name from time to time.
This competency must be tested to a greater Continuing Professional Be aware of your body language. Voice projection
extent. It is the only mandatory competency is also important. Your tone needs to be
Development (CPD)
required to encouraging and the pace should enable the
level 3. You can question the candidate on their CPD candidate to follow and understand your questions.
activities. You may wish to use this as a focal point
Candidates must be aware of and act in Listening skills are vital; first to ensure that you
for questions on the mandatory competencies too.
accordance with RICS Rules of Conduct, act interpret the candidate’s responses correctly and
with professional integrity and objectivity, and second to help you develop your supplementary
recognise their duties to clients, employers and questions. Never enter into a debate with the
the community. You must make notes. Without good notes there candidate or the other assessors. Do not give
is a risk you will base your final judgement on any indication of how well or badly the interview
RICS has professional and ethical standards
what you remember you particularly liked or is going.
designed to provide help and guidance to
disliked. Brief notes on the questions asked and
members in every situation. You must be familiar Be aware of possible distractions. Ensure, for
the candidate’s response should be sufficient to
with them. For more information visit rics.org/ example, that all mobile phones are turned off.
act as a reminder at the end of the interview. Avoid
obvious marking systems that may be visible to the
When considering this competency, you may find candidate or the other panel assessors.
evidence in the submissions and presentation.
Remember your notes will help you and your
You should look for opportunities to question
chairperson if you have to write a referral report or
the candidate on ethical issues throughout
an appeal is logged by the candidate. Your fellow
the interview. In addition the chairperson must
assessors should take notes when you are asking
dedicate time to ask specific questions on a
questions and vice versa. When taking your notes,
number of related issues. remember to keep eye contact with the candidate
There are many issues that can be covered, for as much as possible.
example conflicts of interest or bribery, but you
must take account of practice in the country
Assessor guide 14
Interview guidance 1 2
assessment Ethics, rules of conduct and professionalism. is outstanding it will weigh up against the weak
After the candidate has left the video call, the Approach
chairperson will ask you to take a few minutes to Your judgement should be based on whether Marksheet
reflect on the interview. Note your thoughts and the candidate has demonstrated competence to The marksheet is a management tool that has
comments on the candidate’s performance on the the level required. You must base your decision been developed to help you arrive at a decision.
assessment marksheet. The chairperson will do on the required levels; do not expect a level of Please use it to ensure consistency in the process.
the same. knowledge equal to your own.
You must take into account all elements of the Outcome
Holistic Criteria The chairperson will lead a discussion, seeking
assessment including the candidate’s answers to
Review the evidence and take a holistic approach; the questions, presentation and the submissions. each assessor’s views. It should cover all
consider whether: aspects of assessment but with particular
Use your discretion. The decision must be
• the candidate’s spread and balance of made on balance. For example, you would not reference to the competencies. The marking
experience is satisfactory normally refer a candidate if he/she has shown process should show whether the candidate has
• the candidate has achieved the required a deficiency in only one optional competency reached the required levels.
number of competencies to the correct levels required to level 1. Consensus decisions are best. However, they
• the candidate has the required level of written are not always possible. In a three-person
and oral communication skills. Weighting panel, the decision will be by majority. Even if the
Common faults, which may influence the outcome, Attach the greatest importance to the candidate’s chairperson is in the minority, they must accept
include the following: competence as tested by questioning. the decision. In a two-person panel, if agreement
cannot be reached the assessment must be
• The submissions are not presented in the Give considerable importance to the presentation.
declared null and void and RICS will notify the
required format, greatly exceed the word It is a significant indicator of how well the
candidate and arrange a new assessment.
count or contain significant technical or candidate demonstrates professionalism and
professional errors makes an impression; remember communication If you are conducting several interviews and you
is one of the mandatory competencies. cannot reach agreement in the time between
• The presentation does not reflect the
interviews, you must make a decision before the
candidate’s written submissions Finally, the submissions. Although they are
end of the day.
• The candidate’s communication, important and must satisfy the requirements, they
documentation or attitude is not professional are the starting point for the interview. A good
• The candidate is unable to demonstrate interview could overcome weaker submissions.
knowledge or experience relating to the However, badly presented submissions and
declared competencies. This could be errors could give you serious concerns about the
deficiency in just one competency or a range
of competencies.
Assessor guide 15
Interview guidance 1 2
Assessor guide 16
Delivering confidence
We are RICS. Everything we do is designed to effect positive change in the built and natural
environments. Through our respected global standards, leading professional progression
and our trusted data and insight, we promote and enforce the highest professional standards
in the development and management of land, real estate, construction and infrastructure.
Our work with others provides a foundation for confident markets, pioneers better places
to live and work and is a force for positive social impact.
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