06 Boston Ear Maps Orthopaedic Organ Heart Web PDF

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32nd International Congress on Veterinary Acupuncture


Dr. med. vet. Uwe Petermann, (DVM), Veterinary Acupuncturist,
49326 Melle, Germany

In the first moment ear acupuncture seems to be very different to the well known body
acupuncture. Initially, the modern style of ear acupuncture was based only on a scientific,
western approach, while modern body acupuncture was first base on the traditional Chinese
approach. Nowadays they come together in both diagnosis and treatment and together are
building a bridge between TCM and western medicine. In the meantime we have more than 30
years of experience with ear acupuncture in human and nearly 20 years of experience in animals.

In this paper it is shown how to work easily with ear acupuncture, to treat orthopaedic diseases,
internal diseases and much more. All the new maps of orthopaedic points (hip point, elbow point
etc.), the organ points (liver point, lung point etc.) and all the pathways of the meridians on the
dog’s ear that I have developed over the last year are introduced.

Keywords: Ear acupuncture, dog

It is our good fortune that acupuncture is for us today so easily accessible. Thanks largely due to
Dr. Paul Nogier, whose huge contribution in the pioneering field of ear-acupuncture and RAC
(VAS) Control Diagnosis, opened the door to a modern, scientific acupuncture. Further
contributions have been made by the European Academy of Acupuncture (EAA) with Prof. Dr.
Frank Bahr as its President.

Without discarding traditional Acupuncture, the attempt was made to locate the exact ear
acupuncture points for every organ, nerve, joint and vertebra, as well as every point of the body,
including functional points. So we have in ear acupuncture points like the ACTH point,
Endorphin point, Histaminic point, Prostaglandin point, or organ points, e.g. liver point, kidney
point, supra renalis point, thalamic point, and so on. Amazingly, both methods, modern ear
acupuncture and traditional body acupuncture, lead us to the same therapeutic points.

The further we delve into both methods, modern ear acupuncture that is closer to western
conventional medicine and body acupuncture that is developed by far eastern medicine, the more
interesting it becomes. We see the many similarities and parallels which are so manifold. This
should not be surprising since both methods describe the same conditions, though by a different
means. Still today, for me and for many people with western education, the more simple method
for a diagnosis and therapy is the western medicine approach, using modern ear acupuncture. The

32nd International Congress on Veterinary Acupuncture

ear provides us with ear points for organ systems, e.g. kidneys, liver, thymus point, or locations
of joints and vertebras
Methodology of creating the orthopaedic ear chard
The ear chart created here was developed with the help of the double laser technology under
RAC/VAS check in 3 dogs. RAC and VAS are synonyms for a method of finding active
acupuncture points by a vegetative reflex to the stimulation of the active point. This reflex one
can feel on the pulse. It only happens when an active, that means imbalanced acupuncture point,
is stimulated. RAC means “reflex auriculo-cardial”, because originally Nogier supposed that the
change in the pulse was caused by a stronger heart contraction. VAS means “vaso-autonomic
signal” because, as we know now, the reflex works by vegetative contraction of the arterial-
venous shunts. With the double-laser-technique the joint points, the spinal column and the points
for each tooth in the upper and lower jaw of all 3 dogs were treated with a 90watts pulsed laser,
Frequency C, according to Nogier. (Multimed; company Reimers and Janssen, Berlin). At the
same time the ear is diagnostically searched for RAC resonance with a 2nd pulsed laser, also set
with Frequency C. A corresponding point in the ear was clearly found for each point of the
body. For the research two white Labrador females, 1 and 3 years old, and an 11 year old Terrier
female were available. All points were marked on the ear of the first dog and at the same time
drawn to an ear chart. The same method was used to determine the points on the two other dogs.
The results were then compared.

The RAC/VAS Rebounds at the ear were to be found very exactly and clearly. A complete
correspondence of the determined ear locations could be seen.

Figure 1: Ear Chard of the Joint and Vertebral Points; HWS= neck vertebras,
BWS= thoracic vertebras, LWS= lumbar vertebras.

32nd International Congress on Veterinary Acupuncture

Lameness and organ diagnostic by RAC

Orthopaedic diagnostics for animals are more difficult than for humans, for the veterinary doctor
has no information about place, severity level of the pain and above all, he has no information of
which special movement causes the pain reaction in which place of the body. The veterinary
merely can see on which foot/ limb the animal has the lameness. Further, he can try to provoke a
pain or reaction e.g. by stretching, bending or palpating the limb. In this way, he can draw
conclusions on the source of the lameness. Finally, the location of the source of lameness can be
limited by radiographic diagnostics. Through this, the place for the local therapy is often
incorrectly chosen. Controlled Acupuncture could offer valuable diagnostic assistance, if an ear
chart with accurate orthopaedic point locations is available. So the ear-acupuncture-chart in
veterinary medicine has not only therapeutic, but also an important diagnostic implications.

Different authors created ear charts of some animal species in the past few years. The points of
the ear located with electrical point detecting devices were in most cases found with well-known
orthopaedic pain localizations or by laser provocation tests. We use ear acupuncture for
diagnosis and for treatment. How can we find “active ear points”? First we find active ear points
with electric point- finder. In body acupuncture we can find every body point by reduced electric
skin resistance with help of an electric point-finder. Here we have no difference between “active”
points, meaning acupuncture points that are not in balance, and “non-active” points, ones that are
not out of balance and so must not be treated. At the ear only “active” points have reduced
electric skin resistance and so can be determined by electric point finders.

The second way to find “active” points is very much easier by RAC-control. Feeling the pulse
(RAC-Control) is nearly indispensable as an instrument for locating the pathologic points of the
ear (and for me as well as those on the body). The RAC (Reflex auriculo-cardial or VAS/ vaso-
autonomic signal), as already mentioned, is a genial discovery chanced upon by the French
doctor of acupuncture, Paul Nogier, and is based on a vegetative micro stress reaction. With the
help of RAC it is as if to have a detailed look into the body often with much more specificity; as
with pictures explaining procedures.

The procedure of lameness diagnostics by RAC- controlled ear acupuncture

First, of course, a thorough clinical examination must be done. After that one has to look for
active ear-points, which means looking for the affected joint. So, if there is a lameness of the
right forelimb you irradiate the area of the ear that represents the forelimb with the laser
frequency “C” and at a certain point you will get a clear RAC-rebound. You mark the point,
compare it with the card and realize that you have the point of the shoulder joint, for example. So
you not only have found out what joint is affected, you also have at the same time the main point
for acupuncture treatment of the lameness. As next you look for the area of the vertebras also
with laser frequency “C” and you find the connected blockade in the spinal column and in the
same moment the master point of its treatment.

The organ-points at the ear

While transferring the orthopaedic points to the ear was very simple, finding out the organ points
was very difficult and cannot be explained in this lecture. But also these points have been found
in the 3 dogs and have been compared afterwards with very good correspondence.

32nd International Congress on Veterinary Acupuncture

Figure 2: Ear Chart of the Organ Points

Diagnostic and treatment by the body-points at the ear

In internal diseases RAC controlled ear acupuncture again is a very helpful diagnostic system.
We look with the laser frequency “B” in the area of the organs, the concha of the ear, for RAC–
rebounds and we find, for example, the point of the kidney and the point of the lung. This is
telling us there is a problem in the kidney connected with a lung problem, as we may find in
allergic lung disease. Perhaps we also find the Thymus point and a point of a tooth and then we
already not only have the organ points, but also the point associated with the main reason of the
allergic disease of the lung; the disturbing focus point of the tooth. With the detected points we
also have the master points of treatment in this patient.

Transposition of body-points to the ear

In the EAA during the last ten years the complete meridian system has been transposed to the ear
from the body by RAC-control. Thus, we can treat every acupuncture point not only at its
location on the body but also at its corresponding/ resonating location on the ear.
The meridian points of the dog’s ear

While working on my second book about ear acupuncture in horses and dogs I decided to try to
transpose all the body points in horses and dogs to the ear. If I really had known what a lot of
work was waiting for me to do this, I wouldn’t have done it. But now, after I have finished, I am
glad to be able to present the complete ear meridian maps of all 14 channels.

32nd International Congress on Veterinary Acupuncture

Figure 3: Example of a meridian pathway on the dog’s ear; the Heart meridian

Again the two Labradors, now 5 and 7 years old, were taken as “test persons” for transposing the
points. The method of finding the corresponding ear points from the body was known from
human acupuncture. As already mentioned, irradiation of joints with the so called “orthopedic
frequency” [“C”] according to Nogier activates the ear point of the radiated joint. So this cannot
be a possibility to activate the ear projection of a body acupuncture point. In human medicine it
was found, that you can irradiate a body acupuncture point with the frequency “5” according to
Bahr to activate the corresponding ear point.

This, of course, worked in horses and dogs in the same way. So I looked for all body acupuncture
points by RAC control with the special meridian frequencies according to Reininger. Reininger
discovered that each meridian is in resonance with a special laser frequency. Thus, when
searching with the “liver” frequency“, I only get RAC rebounds on “liver” points. So I looked for
all body points with the meridian laser frequencies. When I had found one point, I turned over to
the frequency “5” and irradiated the point to activate its ear representation and looked with a
second laser with frequency also set to “5” on the ear. In this way I found for each body
acupuncture point its corresponding ear point and draw it down on the map. So we can now treat
every body point as well in dogs on the ear. And of course we can treat every ear point with the
idea of ear acupuncture for the body. For example, if presented to us is an uterus problem such as
a pyometra (without an acute state with absolute indication of operation) we can treat the Uterus
point, Sp6, the Ovarian point, Sp5, and in some cases the Hypophysis point for Gonadotropin

32nd International Congress on Veterinary Acupuncture

regulation, Liv13, and we have the same effect as if we treat the ear points. But the huge
advantage of ear acupuncture is in diagnostic. We only have to test a small area of the ear for
RAC rebounds to come to a diagnosis as “Liver”, “Heart”, “Lung” or “shoulder”, “elbow,

Ear-points, their identical body-points and corresponding flower remedies or

homeopathic drugs
Following is a list of ear points with their corresponding body points and their anatomical or
functional areas of influence as determined by VAS/RAC investigation. In some cases there are
also homeopathic, herbal or flower remedy correspondences also listed. These points normally
support a special organ. The Liver point of the ear (identical with body point LIV 8) supports the
liver. The Lung point of the ear (LU 7) supports and regulates the function of the lung. The
uterus point of the ear (SP 6) supports the uterus. That means when the organ is ill, you just can
give the point to treat the illness. This looks very simple and it is very simple indeed, but it
works! When one gives the corresponding Flower Essence or the corresponding homeopathic
drug they work in the same way as treating the point with a needle. Giving the flower remedy
balances the point.

LU 7 is identical with the lung point of the ear, LU7 is the resonance point of the inheritance
nosode “Tuberculinum”3 and the Californian Flower Essence, “Golden Ear Drops”
LU 11 is identical with the larynx point of the ear
LI 1 is identical with the front teeth points of the ear
LI 1/1 beside LI 1, laterality point (Ginseng)
LI 4 Thalamus point, important for pain reduction
LI 20 Nose point, against sinusitis
SP 2 Spleen point - left side, Pancreas point - right side; Californian Flower Essence
“Alpine Lilly” works on this point
SP 4 Interferon point, Echinacea
SP 5 Ovarian point, Californian Flower Essence “Black Cohosh”
SP 6 Uterus point, Californian Flower Essence “Angels Trumpet”
HT 3 motoric heart point (for the heart muscle)
HT 4 vegetative heart point, Californian Flower Essence “Hibiscus”
HT9 Point against shock situation, Magnesium point, anti-depression point, Californian
Flower Essence “St. Johns wort”
SI 3 Plexus coeliacus (vegetative nerve plexus for the intestine), spasmolytic master point,
Californian Flower Essence “Deerbrush”
SI 1 Molar teeth
BL 31 Uterus point (like SP 6)
BL 40 Histamine-point, Californian Flower Essence “Morning Glory”
BL 62 Physeal point (in the brain), California Flower Essence “Sunflower”
KI 6 Diazepam point, Californian Flower Essence “Larkspur”
PC 6 Stellate Ganglion, Californian Flower Essence “Quacking Grass”
PC 9 Adrenalin point, right in gold
TH 3Cortisol point

Inheritance nosodes are Tuberculinum, Psorinum, Medorrhinum and Syphyllinum.

32nd International Congress on Veterinary Acupuncture

TH 4 Insulin point
TH 5 Thymus point, Californian Flower Essence “Snap Dragon”
GB 1 Eyes point, Californian Flower Essence “Baby Blue Eyes”
GB 41 Prostaglandin E1 (PE1)-Point, Californian Flower Essence “Rabbitbrush”
LIV 13 Hypophysis point (ACTH)
LIV 3 Neural liver point,
LIV 8 Liver parenchymal point, Californian Flower Essence “California Poppy”
GV 8 Zero point, “the middle”, resonance point of the inheritance nosode “Psorinum”
GV 12 Mercury resonance point (important for identification of Mercury pollution (chronic
poisoning of the body)
GV 17 Resonance point of the inheritance nosode, “Luesinum”

Different options to get RAC rebounds

For getting RAC rebounds on active points at the ear (and at the body as well) we have a lot of
options. The best results we get with lasers especially when we have the right frequencies that are
in resonance to the point, e.g., frequency “C” for orthopaedic points and Frequency “B” for organ
points. Also we get very good results with electric fields. Here we use the so called 3 volt
hammer. With its (+) pole we find the gold points, points in sufficiency, and with the (−) pole we
find the silver points, points that are in heat. The body also reacts with RAC on Gold or Silver
needles, an Ultracain® ampulla (anaesthetics) and other drugs, e.g., histamine, prostaglandin, ß-
mimetic drugs. The advantage of RAC is localisation of active acupuncture points quickly and
effortlessly. RAC finds and distinguishes the most important points. RAC opens the way for
diagnosis of lameness via the ear, diagnosis of internal diseases and prophylaxis by finding the
affected or weakened organ(s) before illness occurs.

What tools do we need for ear acupuncture in dogs?

For humans special ear needles are available. These needles we can’t use for dogs. They are too
big and fall out of the ear immediately. But we can use fine painless needles for body
acupuncture, semi- permanent-needles, injection of local anaesthetics and injections of
homeopathic drugs. A very special kind of long term treatment is setting Gold beads into ear
acupuncture points. This is very simple and has the same effect as Gold bead acupuncture in
body points. My personal favourite tool for ear acupuncture is the laser. With the laser we only
need 20 sec of time to stimulate each point.

Indications for ear-acupuncture in combination with local laser therapy

The following list of indications for local laser therapy is derived from long years of personal
experience involving real applications tested and found successful on countless patients.

Healing of wounds
Healing of wounds, local inflammation, traumatic, infectious; maturation and demarcation of
abscesses is outstandingly supported by local laser treatment in combination with the ear point.

Another area of ear acupuncture is for all orthopaedic problems. Ear acupuncture is very good
and easy to use in back problems. Laser treatment is used most frequently for spinal problems.
All forms of lameness, acute and chronic, in dogs are indicated. Very often, costly and unreliable

32nd International Congress on Veterinary Acupuncture

operations can thereby be avoided. Most commonly used acupuncture points are: Thalamus
point (LI 4), Prostaglandin point (GB 41), Point against angriness (LIV 3), Anabolic point (SP
2), Plexus Coeliacus (SI 3), Epiphysis point (BL 62).

Principally, disability in dogs due to discopathy or trauma; due to ataxia and cauda equina
syndrome should be mentioned here. These illnesses are very often curable, however often
at not inconsiderable cost. Acupuncture points in these cases are very individual, because of
the use of various local points, but again we find Plexus Coeliacus, Epiphysis, the local
point of the spinal cord and the connected vertebra as active and valuable points to use.
Another special point is the master point of the frequency “E” zone of the ear (the frequency
for the spinal cord); this is KID 4.

Internal diseases
Liver problems, kidney problems, Hirudismus (dysfunction of the Hypophysis), metabolism
disturbances, COPD, infections of different organs and organ systems and many other problems
should be mentioned here. The points, very simple, are Kidney point, Liver point, Hypophysis
point, Lung point, etc. One can combine the point thinking in western pattern as well as in a
traditional Chinese medicine way.

Eye conditions
We can treat successfully former treatment-resistant corneal injuries, corneal ulcers and also in
some cases deep eye injuries. Acupuncture points are Prostaglandin point (GB 41), Points of the
Eye (ST 1, TH 23, BL 1 and GB 1), and LIV 8.

Gynaecological conditions and birth problems

Treatment of gynaecological problems in dogs is really a pleasure. The main points are the
Ovarian point, Uterus point, Kidney point, Prolactin point (very close to Hypophysis or ACTH
point, all LIV13) and the bladder point (BL 67). Also problems following castration, like
incontinence, can be treated by these points.

Ear acupuncture contra body acupuncture

There is not any “contra” at all! Ear acupuncture and body acupuncture can now be used in the
western thinking way and in the TCM way. Both ways are right! Both ways are very helpful in
many illnesses. Very often one comes from thinking in the two different ways to the same
treatment. But for me it seems to be much easier for beginners in acupuncture to start with the
western idea of ear acupuncture and to learn later on step by step the TCM way. By this way one
also learns the connections between these two approaches to illness and their treatments.


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