1) Live Coding: Glovo Final Interviews

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Below is an outline of what to expect and recommended preparation for your finals 
at Glovo. Your itinerary will be sent to you by the Scheduling team in due course 
however, please reach out to Rosario if you have any questions. 

1) Live Coding 

In this interview, you will be expected to solve a "real" work problem. We're looking 
for how you approach the problem and organise your code. You can expect to have a 
discussion about your approaches and ideas on the problem, and the interviewers 
can potentially give some suggestions on how they might want various features 
implemented. Most of all, we want to see how you work in a realistic environment, 
how you work in a team with other engineers, and how you architect your code. 

Important: Please bring your laptop and your IDE of choice prepared. 

2) System Architecture Interview   

In this interview you will be challenged with a system design problem that will be 
given at the beginning of the interview and for which you will sketch a solution on 
the whiteboard. During the interview, you will be expected to analyze and design a 
maintainable, simple and scalable system using industry standard patterns and 
technologies. You will be able to identify performance bottlenecks and scaling 
problems, to recognize possible alternative solutions for them and to reason about 
the pros and cons of the different choices.  

Note: ​You will need a tool for the whiteboard drawing. We don’t have a strong preference, so 
it’s up to you to choose the tool that is most suitable for you. 

We strongly encourage you to try the one that makes you most comfortable during the 


There are several tools online for this. Here you have a list of some that we have used in the 


● https://docs.google.com/drawings/ 
● https://www.draw.io/ 
● https://awwapp.com/ 


Personal attributes and behaviours and how they are aligned to the Glovo values: 


Gas: ​We think big and take calculated risks to go for all business opportunities, no 
matter how challenging they are! We work hard as a team and execute fast. 

Care: W
​ e consider all parties on everything: couriers, customers, partners. We think 
long term when building solutions. We listen to our users before making decisions 

Good vibes: O
​ ur teams are built of people that radiate positive energy and 
managers that are honest and fair. We stay optimistic no matter what, infecting 
each other with positivity, joy, and the desire to spend time together. 

Stay Humble: A
​ lways act humble: Everybody must roll up their sleeves and get their 
hands dirty to make our big plans a reality. We are tiny! We are conscious of how big 
the opportunity is and how much we’ve got left to do. 

Glownership: A
​ ct as one company—one team: Care first about Glovo, not your role 
or your department. Own your stuff, no questions, but go beyond your role; help 
before you are asked. Everything you need to make things happen, you do it. Glown 

In addition to technical skills (coding and design) we want to understand more 

about you beyond the information in your CV (such as how you handle feedback, do 
you communicate well, what are you motivated by, what impact will you have on 
those around you) 

● Think about what you’ve learnt and take away from the experiences that 
you’ve had, rather than just stating your experience 
● Research some typical interview questions and practice answering these 
type of questions out loud – examples: 
○ Can you give an example of a valuable piece of feedback that you 
have received? 
○ Describe a time where you had a disagreement or conflict within 
your team? 
○ Can you describe a situation where you had to work with a decision 
that you didn't agree with? 
○ Describe a technical mistake you have made? 
○ How would your coworkers describe you in one word? 
● You can expect to be asked again "what would you like to do at Glovo?" so 
be prepared to talk specifically about your interests and how they relate to 
Glovo as a tech company and/or as a product 

Good luck with the preparation & we look forward to meeting you soon !   

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