Syllabus Area: Theory and Methods Aims and Objectives
Syllabus Area: Theory and Methods Aims and Objectives
Syllabus Area: Theory and Methods Aims and Objectives
Syllabus Area
“T he range of methods, techniques and strategies involved
in sociological research:
Surveys, experiments, ethnography, case-studies, content-
analysis. Multiple methods. The use of secondary data. The
role of values. Ethical issues”.
Learning Objectives
The basic answer to this question is that we don’t. People, in their daily
lives, produce and consume knowledge all the time without ever “doing
research” (sociological or otherwise). This everyday knowledge (or
common sense) has, however, at least one crucial difference from
sociological knowledge; it is, by and large, “taken for granted” (if
common sense knowledge is “what everyone knows”, then it follows that
it goes unquestioned).
If, as I’ve suggested, this difference is true (or valid), it points us towards
the need to develop a set of guidelines that tell sociologists how to go
about the task of testing ideas about the social world. This, in short,
involves the development of a systematic process of research and
leads us into a classic and widely-accepted model of research
methodology proposed by Karl Popper.
“Hypothetico” means “based Deduction (or to give it its In sociological terms, a model
on hypotheses” (see below proper name, deductive logic) is is a small-scale
for a more-detailed a way of making authoritative representation of something
explanation of an hypothesis). statements (proofs)about what (such as, in this instance, a
For Popper, the research is not known by a thorough research process) that helps us
process revolves around the analysis of what is known. The to clarify the relationship
ability to develop and clearly ability to make deductive between the things involved by
state hypotheses that can be statements is a very powerful describing the relationship
tested in some way through tool since it is the basis for between them in simplified
social research. drawing logical conclusions terms. In this case, Popper’s
about specific events from model suggests the various
general events. steps that we need to follow in
order to “do research” and, as
such, helps us to organise the
research process.
Exercise 1
1. Explain the difference between common sense and sociological
1. Phenomena
2. Observation and
Generation of Ideas
4. Systematic Observation
and Data Collection
5. Data Analysis
7. Hypothesis
Falsified (Refuted) 6. Testing of Hypothesis
9. Hypothesis is Confirmed
10. Theory
(Consists of confirmed
We can interpret each step in the above model in the following way.
1. Phenomena
The next step in the research process, therefore, is the collection of data
that allows the researcher to test their hypothesis. This is the stage at
which various methods of research are introduced and since there are a
wide variety of methods available we will need look at these separately -
and in some detail - in further Units in this Module. However, two points
can usefully be noted here:
How? To make this a little more understandable, we can use the following
3. Define indicators. 3. The dimension we might want to test is the idea of the
existence of the latter type of norm. Various indicators could
be used, such as:
5. Design ways to collect data. 5. Our research method could consist of noting the
various ways that people “behave similarly” in the
As the basis for the following exercises to test your understanding so far,
you might like to think back to the idea of the “poverty” hypothesis noted
earlier. In order to test this hypothesis we have to operationalise the
concept of poverty. In this respect, before we can collect data about
poverty (and then use it to test or our hypothesis) we need to:
• 1. Define poverty.
Exercise 2. Use your recommended textbook (Sociology In Focus (pages 171 - 173) or
Themes and Perspectives (page 124)) to identify two different definitions of
poverty. Briefly describe the main characteristics of each definition.
Exercise 3.
For each of the two definitions of poverty you’ve identified, complete the following:
Hint: You cannot “see” education (it’s not a thing with physical substance), but you know it is
happening because you are sitting in a classroom experiencing it. What “indicators of education”
can you identify?
For example: If you decide that one indicator of education is that people learn things, what
indicator of learning could you use to measure this idea?
5. Data Analysis.
Once the data has been analysed a decision can then be made about
whether or not the tested hypothesis has either been:
If the evidence collected suggests that If, on the other hand (stage 9), the
the hypothesis is false (stage 7), a hypothesis is not shown to be false (for
decision has to be made (stage 8) example, if all of the poor who were
about whether it should be totally sampled and researched we involved in
rejected or whether it can be revised theft), hypothesis can be considered as
and re-tested in a slightly different form confirmed and contributes to the final
(a return to stage 3). stage in the research process.
Applying The Hypothetico-Deductive Model of Research.
1. Phenomena The first step is to decide on an area of the course you want to
study. In this example I’ve chosen to look at family life.
2. Observation and The next step is to think about a general research problem that
Generation of Ideas you want to study. In this area of the course there are numerous
possibilities, but I’ve chosen the area of domestic labour
(housework) and I’m generally interested in testing the idea that
men do as much housework as women.
5. Data Analysis Once the data has been collected, it is necessary to analyse it
and interpret it in the light of sociological theories. In basic
terms, as part of the project exercise you have to say what the
data shows and what it means.
IBS Project
This also includes brief discussion
1. Rationale Steps 1-3. of sociological theories you may be
testing and any relevant sociological
research already done by others.
AEB Project