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An Easy Way To Open A Savings Account Online Instantly
An Easy Way To Open A Savings Account Online Instantly
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cost Rs 500-600:
parties over corruption allega- KAUNAIN SHERIFF M Keyto
tions against him, JD(U) leader
Mewalal Choudhary on
At the site of the encounter near Nagrota, on the outskirts of Jammu city on Thursday. PTI NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 19 India’s Serum CEO
Thursday resigned as Bihar THE OXFORD-ASTRAZENECA ● Covid fight
Education Minister within an
hour of taking charge.
Choudhary is facing charges Mewalal Choudhary after
4 Jaish militants killed; foiled plan Covid-19 vaccine candidate has
triggered a robust immune re-
sponse in older adults in phase 2
SUCCESS OF the Oxford
AstraZeneca candidate is
regarding allegeddiscrepancy in
the appointment of assistants
taking charge on Thursday
to disrupt DDC polls: J&K Police clinical trials, demonstrating its
especially important for
India because Serum
will likely apply to India’s top
and scientists during his tenure
as Bihar Agriculture University,
P5 city early Thursday morning. tionseizedfromthem,wereplan-
asectionof thepopulationthatis
among the most at risk of illness
Institute of India already
has 40 million shots
drug regulator next month for
emergency approval for limited
Sabaur, Vice-Chancellor be- ARUN SHARMA Two police personnel were ning"somethingverybig".Eleven from the novel coronavirus. ready, and is licensed to use of 'Covishield' on frontline
tween2010and2015.Bookedby JAMMU, NOVEMBER19 injured in the three-hour en- AK-47 rifles, three pistols, 29 Preliminary findings pub- manufacture and distrib- workersandtheelderly,theCEO
thepolice,hehadgoneabscond- counter near the Ban toll plaza, grenades and other devices in- lished in The Lancet medical ute it in large volumes. of the Pune-headquartered vac-
ing till he got bail. THE JAMMU and Kashmir Police on theJammu-Srinagar national cludingmobilephonesandmed- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Triggering an immune cine manufacturer said at a me-
Sources said the BJP ex- claimed to have foiled a plan to highway, that involved the CRPF icines with Pakistani marking response in the elderly is dia summit on Thursday.
pressed reservations over con- THE EXPRESS disrupttheDistrictDevelopment and Army along with police. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 a significant challenge Covishield is the name in
tinuance of Choudhary in the
Cabinet. The JD(U), however,
maintained that he resigned on
INTERVIEW Council (DDC) polls in the Union
territory, starting November 28,
with the killing of four Jaish-e-
IGP, Jammu zone, Mukesh
Singh, said the four, who are yet
tobeidentified,wereontheirway 10 YRS MORE IN JAIL
that the vaccine candi-
date has overcome.
India of the Covid-19 vaccine
candidate developed by the
his own. Choudhary said, "I am RJD LEADER Mohammad militants near to Kashmir and, going by the FOR HAFIZ SAEED
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 NagrotaontheoutskirtsofJammu quantity of arms and ammuni- PAGE 12
China sees rising India as Need to reform banking, BUSINESS AS USUAL Cases up, Delhi reserves 80% pvt ICU
rival, wants to constrain be watchful on trade BY UNNY beds, hikes fine to Rs 2,000 for no masks
ties with US: State Dept protectionism: N K Singh EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
critical surgeries. Kejriwal also
ing masks has been increased
patients. Health Minister
Satyendar Jain said this will lead
few months. four-fold,fromRs500toRs2,000. to an increase of 2,644 beds.
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE In New Delhi last month, ENS ECONOMIC BUREAU FACING A sharp surge in Covid Hours after the announce- TheMinistryof HomeAffairs,
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 19 Pompeo said that Indian and US NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 19 cases,DelhiChiefMinisterArvind ment, the Health Department is- meanwhile,advisedtheHaryana
leadersandcitizensseewith“in- Kejriwal said Thursday that all suedanorder,directing42private and UP governments to hold a
CHINA PERCEIVES a “rising India creasing clarity” that the INDIA NEEDS to be watchful of privatehospitalsinthecapitalwill hospitals to implement the deci- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
as a rival” and wants to constrain Communist Party of China (CCP) the “transient” tendencies of have to reserve 80 per cent of sion,whichwillleadtoanincrease
its strategic partnership with the is “no friend to democracy and trade protectionism emerging their ICU beds and up to 60 per of 260CovidICU beds.In another
US, its allies and other democra- rule of law”, and that the US globally and the geopolitics sur- cent of normal beds for coron- order, 90 private hospitals have MORE REPORTS
cies,theUSStateDepartmenthas would “stand with the people of roundingtherecenttradegroup- N K Singh at the Express avirus patients, and defer non- beenaskedtoreserve60percent PAGE 3
said in a report. It has underlined India to confront threats to their ings, while keeping in mind that Adda on Thursday
thatChinaintendstodisplacethe sovereignty and to their liberty". tradecontinuestoremainanim-
USastheworld'sforemostpower. The detailed policy docu- portant engine of growth, said
The Chinese People's ment by the State Department N K Singh, Chairman, Fifteenth
Liberation Army, the report said, highlights that China is under- Finance Commission.The future
recently provoked skirmishes mining the security, autonomy of trade policy should become
along its disputed border with and economic interests of many clear from January onwards
India, which killed dozens on nations in the region. when the new US government
bothsides,andremainsinatense “China perceives rising India outlines its stance.
standoff with India's military. as a rival and seeks to impel it to Speaking at the Express e-
The State Department’s re- accommodate Beijing's ambi- Adda (detailed transcript to be
portcomesundertheleadership tions by engaging economically published next week) organised
of Secretary of State Michael R while constraining New Delhi's by The Indian Express Thursday,
Pompeo who has been critical of strategic partnership with the Singh stressed that a lot more
Beijing’s aggression in the last CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
To stop manual
Govt to amend
law, make
cleaning must
New Delhi
■ CUSTOMIZABLE Foranypoliticalparty,introducingitscandidateinanapproachableandcongenialwayiskeytowinningfavour,
How SC decides what to
Indian Express
CPMinthelocalbodypollsappearindelightfuldigitalpostersinthenaturalsettingstheyliveandworkin. hear, BJP’s TN push,
★★★★★ ■4.6
Pfizer vaccine update
CHINA’S ‘MICROWAVE DIGITAL In today’s episode we look at what cases the
WEAPONS’ COLONISATION Supreme Court hears, then we’re looking at
India has dismissed as How it is keeping the BJP’s push to grow in Tamil Nadu and,
SCANTHISQRCODETO ‘fake’ a report on China’s Internet away from Pfizer’s announcement on its vaccine.
‘microwave weapons’ Indian languages
tantsalongtheinternationalbor- Subrahmanyam, Secretary, conversation with Shankar US government outlines its pol- you look at, historically, maybe will be stalled or postponed for
der in the Jammu division, and Ministry of Social Justice and Acharya, economist and former icyontrade.“Whilecertainlywe that decision may have served a few days,” Kejriwal said.
the BSF had earlier this month Empowerment. Chief Economic Adviser; Anant cannot afford to be a protection- its purpose and we need to When contacted, AHPI
detected a damaged tunnel-like The employment or engage- Goenka, Executive Director, The ist country, we need to be active move on,” Singh said. Director-General Dr Girdhar
Since 2001
structure in the R S Pura Sector. ment of people to manually Indian Express; and P partners in the games of trade, While Insolvency and Gyani told The Indian Express
clean drains, sewer tanks, septic Vaidyanathan Iyer, Executive we need to watch the transient Bankruptcy Code (IBC) and end- that the organisation had op-
ONLINE Scavenging tanks is an offence punishable Editor (National Affairs), The nature in which the economics ing the culture of ever-greening posed the move as some of
OFFLINE word manhole is not to be used by imprisonment and fine un- Indian Express. of value added chain plays itself of bad loans have been goods these critical care facilities are
Your Key to Success Requires Ambition COURSE
anymore and only machine- der the Manual Scavenging Act, “Whocandisagreethattrade out. We also need to be mindful moves, a lot more reforms are engaged in cancer care, kidney
hole is to be used from now on,” 2013.Aspertheprovisionsof the must be an important engine of of the ways in which geopolitics required for the sector including and liver transplants, and brain
said Mishra. law,manualscavengersaretobe growth,” Singh said, while re- plays itself out,” he said. completion of the ongoing stroke and heart surgery.
The Ministry is also tying up identified and rehabilitated. sponding to a question from On the banking sector, amalgamation of banks, imple- "How will a hospital with
with MTNL to roll out a national However, the problem per- Acharyawhethersomeof there- Acharya pointed out that during mentation of Indradhanush 40 ICU beds earmark 80 per
24X7 helpline number where sists in urban areas, said cent tariff measures and India the term of the government led packageof bankreforms,greater cent of those beds for Covid pa-
such cases can be reported. Subrahmanyam. “The amend- not joining the Regional by former Prime Minister Atal accountability for shareholders tients and the rest for non-
On the challenge, officials ment in the law will make Comprehensive Economic Bihari Vajpayee, a proposal was and greater autonomy for bank Covid patients? In the absence
saidthaturbanlocalbodies,state mechanised cleaning manda- Partnership (RCEP) point to- drafted to reduce the minimum boards, Singh said. of proper segregation, the re-
capitalsandsmartcitiesareeligi- tory. It should not be wards protectionism,whichcan government ownership from 51 Singh, who recently pre- maining 20 per cent beds can-
ble to participate. They said the optional...some municipalities affect economic growth. per cent to 33 per cent — which, sented the Fifteenth Finance not be used for non-Covid pa-
243citiesthatareeligibletopar- like Hyderabad, etc., have done “...We should ask ourselves if enacted, would have been a Commission’s final report to tients. Instead, the government
ticipate will be split into three wonderfulworkinmechanising the question…has the world key reform. Singh agreed with President Ram Nath Kovind and should designate some more
sub-categoriesbasedonpopula- the system. But it should not be turned increasingly more pro- Acharya’sassertionthatbanking Prime Minister Narendra Modi, private hospitals as Covid facil-
tion: up to 3 lakh, 3-10 lakh and a best practice, it has to be the tectionist? Have the compara- sector reforms cannot happen said the Commission has ities and spare some for other
over10lakh,withprizesranging only practice,” he said. tivefactoradvantagesandfactor overnight and the government “sought to balance the objec- life-threatening ailments," he
from Rs 8-12 crore. According to an assessment efficiencies of reaching a better can start by privatising one or tives” of the Centre and states. said.
WithSwachhBharatMission bytheSocialJusticeMinistry,de- place in the value-added chain two banks and see the outcome No state government was "The government of India
identified as a top priority area spitetheManualScavengingAct yielded place to a different of that decision. happy with the 42 per cent had issued clear instructions in
bythe15thFinanceCommission, and Prevention of Atrocities Act, model of arrangement of the in- Singh, a former top finance award (of tax devolution) and March to not mix Covid and
AFTER NOVEMBER END, IT WILL BE ENHANCED and funds available for smart 1989 being in place, FIRs are sel- ternational economic order? ministry bureaucrat, said the wanted 50 per cent, while the non-Covid patients in the same
BY 30% APPROXIMATELY. cities and urban development, dom lodged in deaths caused by Multilateral institutions,includ- proposalof loweringthegovern- Central government had a dif- hospital or wards. We need to
Union Minister of Housing and this practice, convictions are ing the World Trade ment's stake in state-owned ferent view. enforce that as not doing so is
Urban Affairs Hardeep Puri said rare, and the Supreme Court- Organisation, are languishing. banks to 33 per cent did not see Singh was speaking days af- also resulting in further spread
the money needed to shift to mandated compensation of Rs Wemaycontinuetobelievethat the light of day as there was stiff ter therelease of his autobiogra- of the infection. AHPI is all for
mechanisedcleaningwouldnot 10 lakh is not paid in all cases. Indiabelievesinmultilateralism opposition from the Congress phy, Portraits of Power: Half a using the private sector in full
be a constraint. andmultilateralinstitutions,but party at that time. Century of Being at Ringside, a force but would like to follow
Contact for Advt. Booking: M/s Friends Publicity Service The Social Justice and N K Singh the factremains that suddenlyit “…The path forward would riveting account of India's eco- demarcation/ segregation on
Empowerment Ministry, mean- needs to done in the direction of has become less relevant by the be at least in case of one or two nomictrajectoryandhiskeyrole logical lines," Gyani said.
23276901, 23282028 (M): 9212008155, 9212665841. while, has decided to directly banking and financial sector re- very people who practiced banks to move forward to do in the shaping of policy. FULLREPORTSON
providefundstoworkerstopur- forms and it is now the time to virtues of this going back on away with the kind of present The Express Adda is a series
New Delhi
Very Poor Poor Poor Very Poor
0-50 Good 51-100 Satisfactory 101-200 Moderate 201-300 Poor 301-400 Very Poor 401-500 Severe
Chhath, even if one of them is were jailed under UAPA for their Ankita, a Pinjra Tod activist,
corona infected, the virus will wrote Thursday. numberoflaptopstoeachcollege alleged role in the Delhi riots, shared updates from Narwal
bring everyone under its sweep. EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE Aishwarya Reddy (19), a sec- for use by students and faculty. If but their families, who met and Kalita’s jail stay.
We have only disallowed cele- NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 19 ond-year student of LSR College some of them are still functional, New Delhi: The Delhi doorstep Thursday virtually during a Arrested under UAPA for “Devangana told us there
brating Chhath Puja in a public for Women, committed suicide they could be made available to delivery of public services public meeting organised by their alleged role in the may not be much difference be-
water pond or any water body THE STAFF Association of St on November 2 at herTelangana students in need. scheme can now be availed by the collective, had only smiles Delhi riots, Pinjra Tod tween jails and hostels, except
in the open. Let's celebrate Stephen's College has written to home.Herfamilycouldn'tafford "Applications can be invited workers looking to sign up with to exchange. Determined to activists Devangana Kalita that jail authorities are a little
Chhath Puja by staying indoors," the principal asking him to set a laptop for her to attend online from students for laptops and the construction labourers wel- continue the “resistance”, they (left), Natasha Narwal have more responsive than hostel
Kejriwal said. up a committee "to consider the classes. they can be sent to their place of fare board, Deputy Chief said they were inspired by their been in prison for 6 months ones. She also said she and
The BJP and the Congress needs of students for financial "The staff association would stay by courier. Requiring stu- Minister Manish Sisodia said daughters. Natasha have been playing with
also picked holes in the AAP's support and disburse all schol- like to request you to set up a dents to come to Delhi to collect Thursday.Sisodia,whotookover Narwal’s father and brother the children in the jail, Natasha
Covid strategy. The BJP said the arships, financial aid and bur- committee comprising heads of thesedeviceswouldnotbeadvis- the Labour Department last and Devangana’s parents and part of your resistance,” he said, more than her, and that she has
government did not make saries urgently". all 11 courses taught in college to able...," wrote Narain. month,said the movewoulden- brother also shared updates adding that resistance was “not now begun writing her MPhil
timely interventions despite "Someofourstudentsarefac- consider needs of students for fi- WhilePrincipalJohnVarghese sure that more workers are able from the court. just to get them out of jail but to thesis.
agencies like NCDC predicting a inggenuinedifficultiesinaccess- nancial support and disburse all didnotrespondtoqueries,Bursar to register with the board with- Natasha’s father Mahavir save all good ideas, truth”. “They also had a reading of
surge in cases during the win- ing online classes and in paying scholarships, financial aid and Renish Abraham said he would out any hassle. Narwal told Kalita’s family that Kalita’s father Hemchandra Sultana’s Dream (a feminist
ters, while the Congress de- fees.Somefacultymembershave bursaries urgently. The college have to check if the email was re- “The workers can now just the case would conclude by Kalita also said both were in novel) in their barracks with the
manded that tests in private labs beenreceivingrequestsfromstu- maycomeoutwithanotification ceived from the staff association. dialthenumber1076andsaythat November 26-27, as Kalita’s “very good spirits”. women and kids one night.
be made free for the general dents for help with both fee pay- on its website inviting applica- Asked if laptops could be distrib- theyareaconstructionworkerin mother Kalpana responded say- “Sometime in late January, I They’ve also been doing Yoga
public. mentandobtainingdevicestoat- tions from interested students," uted, he said, "We used to issue Delhi, and want to get registered ing, “That’s a nice message for was in Delhi. She was part of the regularly. Natasha is currently
Kejriwal, on his part, urged tendonlineclasses.Wefearthere Narain said. laptops to students while they withtheboard.Amobilesahayak us.” agitation, but came home and the head librarian, since the last
the parties to keep politics aside are many more students out Aresolutioninthisregardwas were on campus, but now, since will go to the worker’s home at a Narwal said he had much to stayed with me one night. I we heard from them,” she said.
for the time being and serve there who haven't yet reached takeninaStaff Associationmeet- laptops are provided by the uni- suitabletime,andthedocuments learn from his daughter. “She is could sense that she’s actively Kavita Srivastava from
people. "This is a difficult situa- out. There has been a very tragic ing on November 17. versity,Idon'tthinkwecansendit will be uploaded there. Upon in fact not feeling jailed, she is involved in the cause. I told her People's Union for Civil
tion for Delhiites. The coming case of a student of a DU college The Association also said to their residence… Probably we completion of the verification feeling she is like all other peo- to be careful, as this govern- Liberties, historian Uma
generations will remember us committing suicide as a result of somestudentsmayneedtechni- need to have a policy on this. I'm process,theapplicantwillreceive ple. Those outside are also suf- ment is very vindictive... She Chakravarti, Dalit activist and
for our service to the people the financial distress and lack of cal and infrastructural support not sure how we're going to go an SMS confirming the registra- fering, just like those in jails. said somebody has to speak be- artist Sambhaji Bhagat and
when Delhi was going through institutional support," staff asso- from college. "Some years ago, aboutitnow.Ifwegetarepresen- tion," Sisodia told a press confer- Nobody in my family is demor- cause they want that people journalist Pamela Philipose also
this difficult time," he added. ciationpresidentNanditaNarain Delhi University had sent a large tation, we will consider it." ence. ENS alised or intimidated. We are all should not speak,” he said. spoke at the meeting.
In new Parliament complex, 120 office spaces spread over four floors
Independence Day celebrations. Parliamentary Affairs, Lok Sabha verted into ‘open-to-all’ mu- Themaximumcapacityofthe Speaker. The seats will be 60 cm
ANANYATIWARI According to officials of Secretariat, Rajya Sabha secre- seum-grade galleries with ex- new Lok Sabha hall will be 1,272 wide and 40 cm tall, bigger than
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 19 HCP Design, Planning and tariat; offices of the Prime hibits showcasing India’s her- seats for joint sessions. It will thepresent45-cmwidthand40-
Management Pvt Ltd, which has Minister, some MPs; and offices itage. Curation for the public come up in an area of 3,015 sqm cm height seats.
AS MANY as 120 office spaces, won the contract to redesign the forstaffandsecuritypersonnel— galleries has not begun yet,” said as against the present 1,145 sqm The official added that provi-
“open-to-all”publicgallerieswith CentralVista,thenewParliament will be housed in the new an HCP official. and888seatsallocated.TheRajya sionswillbemadeinthefurniture
museum-grade features, six en- will have four floors — lower Parliament. As per HCP’s design, the new Sabha will have an area of 3,220 for smart displays, biometrics for
trances — these are among a few ground, upper ground, first and Some of the offices that will Parliamentbuildingwillhavesix sqm, as against the current 1,232 easeofvoting,digitallanguagein-
upgrades in the new Parliament secondfloors—andwillalsohave remaininthepresentbuildingare entrances:aceremonialentrance sqm in the old building. It will terpretation or translation sys-
complex, construction for which a reading room for MPs. additional offices of the ministry for the President and Prime have 384 seats more than the tems,andrecordinginfrastructure
will begin in December. Tata HCP officials said they are yet of Parliamentary Affairs, Lok Minister; one for the Speaker of present 245. to produce real-time metadata
Projects has been awarded the to take a final call on distribution Sabha Secretariat, Rajya Sabha theLokSabha,Chairpersonofthe TheHCPofficialsaidMPswill andprogrammablemicrophones.
contract to construct the new of officesbetweenthetwobuild- Secretariat;airandrailwaybook- RajyaSabha,andMPs;aceremo- be seated in two-seater benches, Interiors of the halls will be fitted
Parliament building which is ex- ings but added that a few impor- ing offices; and estate manage- nial entrance in general; another which will accommodate three withvirtualsoundsimulationsto
pected to be completed by 2022, tant ones — committee rooms; ment offices. “The galleries and As per the design, the new Lok Sabha can seat 1,272 people entrance for MPs; and two pub- in case of joint sessions, in a set the right levels of reverbera-
in time for India’s 75th major offices of the ministry of theConstitutionHallwillbecon- lic entrances. horseshoe pattern in front of the tion sound and limit the echo.
New Delhi
woman held
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 19 the arts — something that has DELHIPOLICEhasarrestedapro-
New Delhi: A Delhi court brought India eminence to the fessional poker player and her
Thursday granted bail to MORE than 20 artistes from the country nationally and interna- friendinGoaforallegedlyrobbing
a man in a Northeast country — eminent names such tionally — and the fact that the USD 3,300 from a man in Delhi.
Delhi riots case, saying as Kathak exponent Pandit Birju Kathak exponent Pandit pandemic is on. Police said the accused, Amrita
there were gaping holes Maharaj, dhrupad vocalist Ut Birju Maharaj, Mohiniyattam Pt Birju Maharaj, in an audio Sethi (27), is a social media influ-
in the statement of the Wasifuddin Dagar, iconic dancer Bharati Shivaji are statement, appealed to PM encerwithover80,000followers Amrita Sethi (R) and Akshat
eyewitness. Additional Mohiniyattam dancer Bharati among the many who have Narendera Modi and made a ref- onInstagram.Sethiwascaughtat Jhamb were arrested in Goa
Sessions Judge Amitabh EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Shivaji, Kathak guru Geetanjali been asked to leave erencetohisageandhisserviceto a five-star hotel in Goa with her
Rawat granted bail to GURGAON, NOVEMBER 19 Lal, Kuchipudi dancer Guru the art form after the notice friend Akshat Jhamb. Police said
Gurmeet Singh on fur- Jayarama Rao and painter and landed with him. thetwocametoGoaaftertherob- inDelhi.Theownerof thecartold
nishing a bail bond of Rs TWO WEEKS after a 26-year-old sculptor Jatin Das, among others whom are now Padma and A senior official from the bery and were using the money police that his son, Kushaal, had
20,000 with one surety woman died following a gun- — have been asked to vacate Sangeet Natak Akademi Ministry of Culture told The for hotel stay and poker games. borrowedthecarandhadn'tcome
of like amount in the shot to the head by three men in their government accommoda- awardees, were allotted accom- Indian Express that in 2014 itself DCP (South) Atul Kumar home for 2-3 days. “ The Goa po-
case related to grievous a case of attempted loot near tions in various parts of Delhi. modations at nominal rents for the government had decided to Thakur said the incident took licehelpedusbytracingthemtoa
bullet injury received by Gurgaon’sGolf CourseExtension Union Culture Minister three-yeartermswhichwereex- phase out all kinds of quotas in place on November 5 when the hotel in Arpora and apprehend
one Rizwan on February road,policearrestedtheaccused Prahlad Patel confirmed the tended regularly. The extensions accommodation, be it for accused called a man from a cur- them,”saidthepolice
25 at Kardampuri pulia near Bhondsi Wednesday night. The accused were arrested move to The Indian Express and hadexpiredin2014andtherehas sportspersons, journalists or rencyexchangecompanytomeet Police said they found Sethi,
during the riots. The The victim, Pooja Sharma, from Bhondsi, Wednesday said, “They (artistes) have been beenaconstantbackandforthof artistes. He added once the them at Panchsheel Park " The Jhamb and Kushaal at the hotel.
court said Singh was ar- workedatWiproinGurgaonand given time till December 31, letters between the artistes and housesarevacated,theywillonly complainant was told to bring While Sethi and Jhamb have
rested from Mandoli jail was heading home with her col- 2020 to vacate the houses, fail- the Culture Ministry since then. beallottedtocentralgovernment USD 3,300 and take an exchange been arrested, Kushaal’s role in
and so the question of league Sagar Manchanda (30) to take their phones and wallets: ing which, they will have to pay ThequotafortheCultureMinistry employeesasperthenewpolicy. amountofRs2.45lakh.However, the crime is being probed.
how an eyewitness had when the incident took place on “The complainant (Manchanda) their outstanding dues. But if allowed for 40 residential units. The official added, “Any fur- theaccusedtookthecomplainant Sethi said in an Instagram
identifiedtheaccusedby November 3.According topolice, had taken Sharma to see a flat they vacate within the deadline, While 23 have been vacated till ther extension of the deadline in their car and later snatched his post: “He (Jhamb) is a thief and is
his face remained unan- the men — Gurgaon residents whichhehadbookedinSector65. all their dues will be waived off.” date, the rest are still occupied. can only be decided at the level bag," said DCP Thakur. involvedin10-15casesofsnatch-
swered.Italsonotedthat Irshad,HariomandJitender—re- They were returning to Sharma’s Since the 70s, the artistes be- Dhrupad vocalist Wasifuddin of the Cabinet Committee on Senior police officers said the ing/robbery. He has cheated me
CCTV footage was not of turnedtothecrimesceneafter10- placeinSector40whentheywere tween the age of 40-70, many of Dagar,whohasbeenaskedtova- Accommodation.” carusedbytheaccusedwastraced and his family is harassing me.”
the place of the incident 15minutesinaSwiftcar tocheck stopped by the accused. One of
confessed to another murder
which took place days after the
fused, another man moved to-
wards the front and fired at the
ridership data’; senior IAS officer writes to CM
Delhizoo quarrel.“Theytargetpeoplenear
Golf CourseExtensionRoad,Rajiv
side of the vehicle fired a bullet, the Haryana government’s re- crony capitalist public loss, pri-
New Delhi: A15-year-old ChowkandIFFCOChowk,”saida which hit her in the head. The VARINDER BHATIA quest,tookoverinOctober2019. vate gain model of business”,
Royal Bengal Tiger died senior police officer. men fled from the spot.” CHANDIGARH, NOVEMBER 19 As per documents accessed by Khemkasaidridershipfiguresfor
at the National The three have been booked Sharma died two days later. TheIndianExpress,averageactual Gurgaon Metro also “seem
Zoological Park in Delhi under sections of murder and ACP Sangwan said the men got THE PROPOSED 28-km Gurgaon daily ridership of the Rapid highlyimprobable”.Khemkaalso
Thursday morning after ArmsAct,saidpolice.ACP(Crime) to know about the death from Metro is likely to result in huge Metro — operated by Rapid demandedthatridershipfigures
a prolonged illness. The PreetPalSangwansaid,“Wehave newspapers and were changing losses and be financially non-vi- MetroRail Gurgaon Limited projectedinGurgaonMetroDPR
tiger, B-2, had chronic been told they intended to get their hideouts frequently. able,primarilybecauseof “exag- (RMGL) and Rapid MetroRail be verified.
kidney disorder and married... There were no CCTVs ShehailedfromChhattisgarh gerated daily ridership figures” GurgaonSouthLimited(RMGSL) TheIndianExpresssentqueries
passed away at 9.25 am, atthespot.Wescannedmultiple and was the eldest of three chil- projected in the Detailed Project between October 23, 2019 and to DS Dhesi, Chief Principal
said zoo curator Riaz CCTVsnearbybutfootagewasn’t dren. She had been staying with Reports (DPRs) purportedly to March 21, 2020 — was approxi- Secretary to Chief Minister; Vijai
Khan. The tiger was clear. Manchanda, the eyewit- her family during the lockdown. seek hefty bank credits, docu- mately50,000.FromMarch-end, Vardhan, chief secretary and
brought to Delhi in 2014 ness, was also unable to give a On October 25, she came to ments show. IAS officer Ashok Khemka also highlighted operational duetoCovidrestrictions,services chairmanofHaryanaMassRapid
from Van Vihar zoo in clear description of the accused. Gurgaon to collect a laptop. TheGurugramMetro(HUDA losses already being incurred to run the Rapid Metro line were suspended before they re- Transport Corporation, but did
Bhopal. "It was under in- We deployed several informers The second murder the ac- City Centre - Subhash Chowk - sumed in a graded manner post notreceivearesponse.TheIndian
tensive care for more andinterrogatedmanycriminals cused confessed to was over per- Palam Vihar - Sector 22 - Cyber September 7. Express also contacted Vinay
than 20 days. The post- (outonbail)inthetwoweeks.On sonal enmity, police said. On City with a spur to Dwarka tobe5.34lakhby2025;7.26lakh line, senior Haryana IAS officer In theRapidMetroLine DPRs Singh, Managing Director, HM-
mortem will be con- Wednesday, we received a tip November 14, the trio went to a Expressway) is estimated to by 2031; and 8.81 lakh by 2041. Ashok Khemka has written to prepared for obtaining bank RTC,whosaid"hewouldnothave
ductedbyapanelof vets, that the accused are hiding near friend’splaceinGandhiNagarand come up at a cost Rs 6,821 crore, Highlightingthepurportedly the CM requesting a probe. credit, a daily ridership figure of much details about the Gurgaon
and the viscera will be Bhondsi. We conducted a raid consumed alcohol. However, a with theCouncilof Ministers led exaggerated daily ridership fig- Built by IL&FS Infrastructure, 3.72 lakh was projected for Rapid project" as he was "new to
sent toIndian Veterinary and arrested them.” fightbrokeoutbetweenthemand by Chief Minister Manohar Lal ures, and operational losses al- Rapid Metro was on the brink of RMGL and 2.67 lakh for RMGSL theassignment".NadeemAkhtar,
Research Institute in A police officer said the ac- they allegedly killed their friend Khattar approving the DPR in ready being incurred to run closure in September 2019 due by 2020 — 10-12 times higher AdvisorPlanning,HMRTC,toodid
Bareilly," said a zoo offi- cusedsawSharmadrivingaround Gaurav(22).Acasewasregistered August. As per the report, the India’s first fully privately fi- to a financial crunch before the than the actual figure. not respond to calls and mes-
cial. ENS 11.15pminSector65andwanted at Shivaji Nagar police station. dailyridershipfigureisprojected nanced 11.7-km Rapid Metro DelhiMetroRailCorporation,on Calling it “a quintessential sages.
All Sikh Citizens of Delhi are hereby informed that the work
relating to Revision and preparation of Photo Electoral Rolls of all
46 Gurdwara Wards of Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management
The Executive Engineer, Agartala Division No. 1,
Committee, has started w.e.f 22.10.2020 and the last date for PWD(R&B), Agartala, West Tripura invites e-tender
against press NIeT No. 16/EE-1/2020-21 Dated
receipt of claims and objections, was upto 20.11.2020. 16.11.2020.
For Improving Earthquake Resiliency of Masonry
It has been decided to extend the last date of receipt of claims Lifeline (ERML) buildings in Tripura under Pilot
Project/ SH: Seismic Retrofitting and rehabilitation
and objections, upto 11.12.2020 by 5.00 pm, in public interest, at work of (i) Mandai bazaar H.S. School, Mandai, West
all the designated Zonal Offices of EROs and as well as online. Tripura, (ii) Ranir Bazaar PHC, Ranir Bazaar, West
Tripura (iii) PWD (R&B) office building Division-I, Netaji
List of designated Zonal Offices and process for online Chowmuhani, West Tripura and (iv) Melaghar Girls
H.S. (+2) School, Melaghar, Sepahijala Tripura.
applications are available at With Estimated Cost: Rs. 2,01,41,163.00, Earnest
Money: Rs. 2,01,412.00 Time of Completion: 12
“”. (twelve) months. Last Date of bidding for bids:
17.12.2020 upto 15.00Hrs.
The Sikh Citizens are requested to avail this opportunity, to get For more details kindly visit:
themselves enrolled, if not done already, for the free and fair Note: *NO NEGOTIATION WILL BE CONDUCTED
conduct of General Elections of DSGMC-2021. ICA-C-2154-20
Photo Electoral Rolls, in order to avoid any confusion/problem December 2020 to Friday 25th December 2020 everyday at 3.00 pm using
Video Conferencing. In absence of the mandatory quorum the meeting will
adjourned and will be held at 3.30 pm & no mandatory quorum will be neces-
in your identification, at the time of Polling. sary for the adjourned meeting. All members are requested to join meeting
through link, which will be provided separately on your registered Mobile No.
3. If you have shifted from previous place, you need to apply OR recorded email address.
Notice of the Annual General Meeting (soft copy) is forwarded to all members
on their registered e-mail address/mobile numbers. Agenda of the meeting and
afresh at the new address, for enrolment through Form 4 and Annual report for FY 2019-2020 is available on the website of the bank.
also fill up the details of previous address, enabling the Members may send their suggestions and may send their questions on the
Agenda points through email ( 7 days before the
Directorate to delete the earlier entry. scheduled date of the Meeting.
Date:20-11-2020 By The Order of Board of Directors
(NARINDER SINGH) Note :-All members are requested to register their Mobile No.and email
address with the Share department Head Office ,Akola (Mob.No. 9923966166)
DIP/Shabdarth/0442/20-21 DIRECTOR (GE) at an earliest Members may send their personal details along with Mobile no.
and Email via email ( to receive the official link of
the Annual General Meeting.
New Delhi
farm unions
boost Thursday with 472 farm parts. Farmers from states near He speaks to DIPANKAR GHOSE the poor mandate given to his
outfits from across the country Delhi,includingPunjab,Haryana, on the poll campaign, the results party...?Weareenteringaverydif-
extending support to “Delhi Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and and the way forward. Excerpts ficult phase, much worse than
Chalo” call by All India Kisan Uttar Pradesh, will reach the what we have seen under Mr
SUCHA LONG JOURNEY Sangharsh Coordination
Committee (AIKSCC) under
National Capital through five
highways — Amritsar-Delhi na-
After the counting day, RJD
went to EC, alleging electoral
Kumar, as far as governance and
social fabric of the state are con-
ATANeventtoreleaseabookonacollectionof PresidentRam which agitating farmers will tional highway (Kundli border), malpractice. The party refused cerned. Having said that, we are
NathKovind’sspeechesonThursday,DefenceMinisterRajnath reach the National Capital on Hisar-Delhi highway AMID SUSPENSION of goods to attend the swearing-in too. the opposition, a strong and re-
Singh and I&B Minister Prakash Javadekar recalled their long November 26-27 to press the (Bahadurgarh), Jaipur-Delhi trains to Punjab, Chief Minister Is this petulance or is RJD sponsibleopposition.Andweare
association. Singh said both of them have played “different central government to scrap the highway (Dharuhera), Bareilly- Amarinder Singh on Thursday taking these allegations goingtodischargeourdutieswell.
were sitting together and discussing their association in poli-
contentious legislation.
The AIKSCC, Rashtriya Kisan
Delhi highway (Ballabhgarh).
urged the Centre to show mag-
nanimity and not link restora-
forward? Are you
approaching court?
THE EXPRESS Wewillbevigilant,wewillbede-
manding, and we will hold this
tics. “We were recalling,” Singh said, “when I was the all-India
president of the party’s youth wing, we needed a general sec-
of Bharatiya Kisan Union have
Farmers from other states
would hold protests in their re-
tion of freight
services with
We would not have ap-
proached the Election INTERVIEW government to account.
retary, and found Prakash Javadekar.” Both have been work- joined hands and formed a spective states at district and vil- movement of Commission if we did not have Therehavebeencontroversies
ingtogethersince,headded.AbouthisassociationwithKovind, 'SamyuktaKisanMorcha',which lage level. passenger substantial basis for raising con- onthecabinettoo.Notasingle
Singh said they came to know each other in 1994, when both held a meeting in Chandigarh Mullah said if the govern- trains. He also cernsaboutthemalpractices.We JHA Muslimrepresentative.Anda
filed their Rajya Sabha nominations together. over the ‘Delhi Chalo’ march. ment stops the farmers from en- asked the areveryseriousabouttheseissues RJD RAJYA SABHA MP ministerwhosteppeddown
Aseven-membercommittee teringDelhicitingCovid-19,they Centre to sup- and in the process of collecting followingacorruptioncharge.
has been formed to coordinate would lay siege to the highways port the state dataandevidencefromreturning Howdoyouseethis?
HIT THE GROUND the operations of the ‘morcha’.
The members include Bharatiya
leading to Delhi. “We will sit on
an indefinite dharna at the bor-
in creating a
our research, we will decide on a
It is all very unfortunate. The
hollowness of the so-called good
IN HIS first meeting with those recently given charge of the Kisan Union (Rajewal) president der,” he said. congenial en- way forward. takeawaysforyou? governance promise/slogan
partyindifferentstates,BJPpresidentJPNaddahadspecialin- Balbir Singh Rajewal, AIKSCC Lashing out at the Centre for vironment for I think the analysis is going to stands exposed.
structions for those tasked to handle the party in poll-bound convenor VM Singh, "imposing economic blockade" ending the prolonged farmers’ Yousaythereisabasisfor take some more time as the dif-
states — to see that no section or group of voters are ignored. Swabhimani Shetkari on Punjab, Yadav demanded the agitation. goingtotheEC.Therewere ferences in vote share and mar- Therehasbeencriticismthat
All“prabharis”—statein-charges—havebeenaskedtovisitthe Sangathana president Raju government to resume goods A government statement narrowseatsyes.Butthesefell gins are very thin. Also, there are theRJDmayhaveconducteda
statesundertheirchargefrequentlytonotjustsuperviseorgan- Shetty (represented by Hannan trains in the state. said that the CM is likely to hold bothways--totheNDAandto somanyvariables.Weranaclean goodcampaign,butwas
isational activities but also to keep state leaders and workers Mullah), Kisan Mazdoor Rajewal said if the Centre in- meetings soon with the farmer you.Thedatashowsthatthere campaign and connected very missinginactionbeforeit.In
in high spirits. They have also been asked to give honest feed- Mahasangh president vites them for talks, they will go unions in Chandigarh, as well as isonlyoneseat,Hilsa,where well with the people... Though fact,manybelievethatif the
backfromthestatestotheparty'stopleaders.BJPgeneralsec- Shivkumar Kakaji, BKU (Ekta but will not withdraw their the Prime Minister and the thewinningmarginissmaller they are never a reliable index, partyanditsleaderswere
retary (organisation) B L Santosh has given a presentation on Sidhupur) Jagjit Singh Dallewal, 'Delhi Chalo' protest call. Union Home Minister in Delhi. thanthepostalballotcount. most exit polls favoured us. The morevisibleduringtheCovid
various tasks these in-charges would have to take up. Whatistheevidenceof broadtakeawayforusisthatpeo- migrantcrisis,oronthestreets
wrongdoing? ple did repose their faith in us — before,thiscouldhavetaken
The evidence is scattered all we are still the largest party... youovertheline.
over the public sphere. Our sup- Throughoutthemigrantcrisis
porterswhokeptakeeneyeonthe Yourpartycolleaguehas during the lockdown, it was the
AT THE launch of a novel challenge to free the cities of manual delayindeclarationofresultsasthe attackedtheCongressasa RJD rather than the Bihar govern-
scavenging,ministerHardeepPurithrewa"challenge"todiffer- dayprogressedhaveseenenough weaklink,basicallysaying mentthatwasonthegroundhelp-
ent states. Called in alphabetical order, the officer of the state evidence. On what grounds were theirleadershipisnot ing Bihari migrants... Our leaders
concernedcameonscreenandsaid"weacceptthechallenge". suchalargenumberof postalbal- committed.Theywon19out andourcadresworkedtirelessly...
When West Bengal's turn came, there was no response. Even lotsdeclaredinvalid? of 70seats.Isthataproblem Our politics is humanitarian, not
though there was video of the officer on screen, it seemed as if youtoohaveidentified? justthatof hollowoptics.
WestBengalwasrefusingtoparticipateinthescheme.Officials Youareapartythatsaysyou Thosearepersonalviewsofin-
later explained it was just a case of poor network connectivity, believeindemocraticethos. dividuals. I think the alliance Lastly,withafractured
and that there was nothing more to it. Anelectionwasfought,one worked very well together, both mandate,thesearetenuous
sidewon,anotherlost,albeit onthelevelof ideasaswellasthe alliances.If yousayNitish
narrowly.Whatdemocratic execution,andwehadalotgoing Kumariscornered,istherea
to infiltrators: India Defence Minister Rajnath Singh during the launch of ‘The Republican Ethic’, a book
containing selected speeches of President Ram Nath Kovind, at South Block in Delhi. PTI
mortemof theresults,and
the workings of democracy, one
is also keenly aware of the less
onthesideof thepeople.
India slams
No difference in Kovind’s Tharoor, Lekhi
INDIA ON Thursday said that de-
spite repeated calls for restraint
Pak for GB
elections words and deeds: Rajnath in war of words
as House panel
and adherence to the ceasefire
understandingof2003,Pakistani New Delhi: India on
forces continue to provide sup- Thursday slammed the Publications Division of the lifebasedonvaluesandethicscan
porting cover fire to infiltrators. Pakistan for holding elec- EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE Information and Broadcasting be seen,” he said.
Ministry of External Affairs
(MEA) spokesperson Anurag
Srivastava said the incessant in-
tions in Gilgit-Baltistan,
filtration of terrorists and induc- pation of the territory. and leaders, President Ram Nath to his suggestions to improve the speeches”and“underlinestheim- MP announces
tion of weapons to fuel terror ac- Ministry of External Kovinddoesnotallowanygapbe- judicial system, now a verified portance of Indian values in his EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE
tivities continue unabated. Affairs (MEA) spokesper- tween what he says and what he copy of the judgments in Hindi addresses which have a greater NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER19 200 days of
Such activities are not possi- son Anurag Srivastava as- does, Defence Minister Rajnath andlocallanguagesisbeingmade impact because these values are
ble without the support of sertedthatGilgit-Baltistan SinghsaidonThursday.Speaking available by the Supreme Court partof hispersonallife”. SOCIALMEDIA giant Twitter was MGNREGA work
Pakistani forces deployed along was an integral part of at an event to launch a book of and many high courts”. Issues such as girls education, inthecrosshairsoftheMeenakshi
the Line of Control (LoC), he said India since 1947. Kovind’s speeches, Singh said, He said the President, who is empowermentofwomen,welfare Lekhi-ledparliamentarycommit- in Maoist-hit dist
at an online briefing. Asked at an online “When there is a difference be- the Supreme Commander of of the weaker sections, find men- tee on personal data protection
“Despiterepeatedcallsforre- briefing about elections tweenwordsanddeeds,itcreates India's armed forces, “has also tion in the speeches, which, Singh Bill once again on Thursday. The Lekhi, Tharoor EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
straint and adherence to the heldinGilgit-Baltistanand a crisis of credibility.” But the gone to areas such as Siachen to said,“reflectshiselevatedmind”. panelaskedrepresentativesofthe BHOPAL, NOVEMBER 19
ceasefireunderstandingof2003... protests against the poll Presidenthas“neveralloweditto meet Army personnel, which is a I&B Minister Prakash micro-blogging site as to why it
Pakistani forces continue to en- process there, Srivastava happen”, he said. symbolofaffectionandrespectfor Javadekar, who released the e- did not remove stand-up come- Thursday’s meeting . He is learnt WITH A view to boost employ-
gage in providing supporting said, “Elections in Gilgit- Thebook,titledTheRepublican the forces in his mind”. book, said Kovind “comes from a dianKunalKamra’stweetsonthe tohaveaskedhowTwittercanal- ment in Maoist-affected
cover fire to infiltrators,” Baltistanarenothingbuta Ethic and Loktantra ke Svar in Singh said the compilation of very common family and has Supreme Court and a judge, and low use of abusive language Balaghat district, Chief Minister
Srivastavasaid.HesaidtheCharge sham and their aim is to Hindi,isacompilationof Kovind’s Kovind’sspeeches“presentsapic- reachedthecountry’stopposition sought a reply from it in a week. against a Constitutional func- Shivraj Singh Chouhan on
d'Affaires of the Pakistan High hide Pakistan's illegal oc- 58speechesmadeinthethirdyear ture of his work, personality and and is handling it well”. He said The move was questioned by tionary. He told the officials that ThursdayannouncedthatMGN-
Commission was summoned by cupation of areas of the of hispresidency.Ithasbeencate- values”. “the mission of India’s life is re- Shashi Tharoor, head of the India was a conservative society REGA work days will be in-
the MEA on November 14 and a UnionTerritoryof Jammu gorisedintoeightsections. “Inthesespeeches,theprefer- flected in the speeches of the Parliamentary Standing Comm- anddoesnottoleratedisrespectof creased to 200 from the 100 at
strong protest was lodged.over and Kashmir.” ENS Singh, who released physical ences of a sensitive and idealistic President,thePrimeMinisterand ittee on Information Technology. constitutional functionaries. present.
unprovoked ceasefire violations. copies of the book, published by publicservant,afairpersonliving other senior leaders”. “Dear @M_Lekhi, as far as I am Lastweek,AttorneyGeneralK The decision came after a re-
aware your Committee was KVenugopalhadgrantedconsent quest from the district adminis-
New Delhi
Huge potential to expand economic Army selects 422 women officers Will continue
talks with China,
engagement with Luxembourg: PM for permanent commission another round
Accordingtotheresultsofthe fromserviceinthenearfutureaf- soon, says MEA
have good cooperation in areas
like steel, financial technology,
selection board, 57 women offi-
cers who were found fit for per-
ter completing the terms of their
engagement under short service EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
sive possibility of taking it for-
G-20 summit manent commission have opted
OUT OF the 615 women officers not to take it. Sixty-eight women
STRESSING THAT there was a Narendra ward,"thePrimeMinistersaidat New Delhi: PM Narendra Modi considered for permanent com- officers who have not been been selected for permanent INDIA ON Thursday said it will
huge potential to further ramp Modi the meeting with his Luxem- will attend the 15th G-20 sum- mission in the Army, 422 have grantedpermanentcommission commission belong to branches continue dialogue and commu-
up economic engagement be- bourg counterpart Xavier Bettel. mit, which will be held on beenfoundfit,accordingtoresults will now be released from serv- such as Engineers, Signals, nication through military and
tween India and Luxembourg, Luxembourg is one of the November 21 and 22, at the in- of a special selection board re- ice with pension. Intelligence Corps, Army Air diplomatic channels with China
the third largest source of Addressing the summit, held mostimportantfinancialcentres vitation of King Salman bin leased by the Army on Thursday. A total of 106 officers who Defence, Army Aviation Corps, on the border standoff in eastern
Foreign Portfolio Investments through videoconferencing, globally. Several Indian compa- Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi The Army had constituted havenotbeenrecommendedfor Army Ordnance Corps, Army Ladakh and that both sides have
(FPI) for the country, Prime Modi also talked about the com- nies have raised capital by issu- Arabia, said MEA spokesperson Number 5 Selection Board, permanent commission will be Service Corps and Corps of agreed to hold another round of
Minister Narendra Modi while mon values such as democracy, ing Global Depositary Receipts Anurag Srivastava on Thursday. whose proceedings were held allowed to serve till 20 years of Electronics and Mechanical talks soon.
addressing the first summit in rule of law and freedom, which at the Luxembourg Stock The theme of the summit is from September 14 to 25, to servicetoearnapensionandthen Engineering. There are approxi- External Affairs Ministry
two decades between the two have strengthened the bilateral Exchange. Several Luxembourg- "Realising the opportunities of screen short service commis- released from service. mately 1,653 women officers spokespersonAnuragSrivastava,
countries on Thursday pitched ties. based investment funds hold 21st Century for all". sioned women officers for per- A total of 42 officers have had servingintheArmycurrentlyout while referring to the ongoing
forstrengtheningof cooperation "There is a huge potential to substantial banking and asset Srivastava said, "The focus of manent commission. This was their candidature postponed be- ofatotalofnearly43,000officers. military talks between the two
in a range of areas such as finan- expand economic engagement management market share in the summit will be on inclusive, done following an order of the causetheyareinatemporarylow Withpermanentcommission countries, also rejected as “base-
cial and digital technologies. between the two countries. We portfolio investments in India. resilient and sustainable recov- Supreme Court in February, medical category and have been being granted to women officers less"areportinaBritishdailyThe
ery from the COVID- which directed the Army to in- given time. The result of six offi- in these branches, they would Times, which quoted a Chinese
19. During the G20 duct all eligible women short cers has been withheld due to now be eligible for promotion to professor to claim that the
CXq´fiq ´ffUSX MÑfaÀfd¸fVf³f IYfSX´fûSXZVf³f dÕX0 summit, the leaders servicecommissionedofficersin non-receipt of requisite medical higher ranks. However, there is Chinese PLA had used “mi-
d³fdUQf Af¸fa{¯f Àfc¨f³ff A³fb·fUe I ßfZ¯fe willdiscusspandemic permanent commission. documentswhiletheresultof 40 still ambiguity on whether they crowaveweapons”toforceIndian
I f¹fÊQf¹fe ÀfaÀ±ffAû/Af´fcd°fÊI °ffÊAû ÀfZ dUôb°f ´ffSZ¿f¯f preparedness and the The five-member board in- officershasbeenwithheldonad- will be offered commands of soldierstoleavepositionsineast-
¸faO Õ, ¦fiZM S ³fûEOf IZ A³°f¦fÊ°f d³f¸³f I f¹fûË WZ°fb BÊ- waysandmeanstore- cluded a woman Brigadier from ministrative grounds. unitsandregimentsasmanywho ern Ladakh.
d³fdUQf¹fZa BÊ-´fûMÊ Õ ´fS EUa store jobs.” ENS the Army Medical Corps. There are also a number of areseniorinageandservicehave He said the objective of the
Qû ·ff¦fû ¸fZÔ d³fdUQf JûÕ³fZ I e dQ³ffaI I û 12.00 women officers who not been able to do essential military talks is to ensure com-
¶fþZ °fI Afa¸fd{°f I e þf°fe W`Ü 1. d³fdUQf Àfa£¹ff have not been granted courses as they were not open to plete disengagement and full
Government of Odisha, “e” Procurement Notice permanentcommission them as short service commis- restorationofpeaceandtranquil-
Me-98/2020-21 : dUôb°f ´ffSm ¿f¯f J¯O, WORKS DEPARTMENT and will be released sioned officers. lity along the LAC in the western
¶fb»faQVfWS IZ A³°f¦fÊ°f 220 IZ .½fe. C´fIZ ³ýi, Bid Identification No. S.E.K.C., Keonjhar No. 13/2020-21 sector.
dÀfI ³ýif¶ffQ WZ °fb Àff¸f¦fie I e Af´fcd°fÊÜ ²fSûWS SfdVf e-mail: At an online media
÷ . 2,000/- d³fdUQf ´fi´f{ Vfb»I ÷ . 590/-(I S Letter No. 3280 dt. 11.11.2020 briefing, he recalled the
ÀfdW°f)Ü JbÕ ³fZ I e dQ³ffaI 19.12.2020Ü 2. 1 No of the work: :- 09 Number of Building Works eighth round of talks bet-
d³fdUQf Àfa£¹ff Me-99/2020-21 : dUôb°f ´ffSm ¿f¯f 2 Estimated cost :- Rs. 219.18 Lakhs to Rs. 579.77 Lakhs weenseniormilitarycom-
J¯O, JbªffÊ IZ A³°f¦fÊ°f 132 IZ .½fe. C´fIZ ³ýi, 3 Period of Completion :- 09 (Nine) Calendar Months to 11 (Eleven) manders of India and
Calendar Months
China in Chushul on
dVfI fS´fbS ´fS A³fbS Ãf¯f Àfa¶fad²f°f I f¹fÊÜ ²fSûWS SfdVf 4 Date and Time of availability :- From 11.00 Hours of 27.11.2020 to 16.00
÷ . 1,400/- d³fdUQf ´fi´f{ Vfb»I ÷ . 590/-(I S of Bid document in the portal Hours of 09.12.2020
sions were candid, in-
ÀfdW°f)Ü JbÕ ³fZ I e dQ³ffaI 19.12.2020Ü IÈ ´f¹ff 5 Last date/Time for receipt of :- 16.00 Hours of 09.12.2020
bids in the portal depthandconstructive,he
dUÀ°fÈ°f þf³fI fSe, OfC³fÕûO, A³¹f ÀfaVfû²f³fûa EUa 6 Date of opening of Bid from :- 12.00 Hours on 10.12.2020 said. "We will continue
BÊ-d³fdUQf ´fiÀ°fb°f I S³fZ IZ dQ³ffaI °fI dUÀ°ffS AfdQ Portal our dialogue and com-
IZ Àf¸¶f³²f ¸fZa IÈ ´f¹ff ´fS 7 Name and address of the :- Superintending Engineer, Keonjhar (R&B) municationthroughmil-
Officer Inviting Bid Circle, Keonjhar-758001. itary and diplomatic
Õfg¦f Afg³f I SZaÜ WXÀ°ff./- A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ff
channels and have also
dUôb°f ´ffSXZ¿f¯f ¸faOXÕX CX0´fi0´ff0MÑf0IYf0dÕX0, Further details can be seen from the e-procurement portal
“” agreed to have another
Government of Odisha “e” Procurement Notice 400 IZY0Ue0 CX´fIZY³Qi, ´ffÕXe, ¦fiZMXSX ³fûEOXfÜ round of talks soon with
WORKS DEPARTMENT "SXfáÑX dWX°f ¸fZ DYþfÊ ¶f¨ff¹fZa"Ü ´f{faIY 1846 Superintending Engineer, a view to achieve this ob-
Bid Identification No. S.E.K.C., Keonjhar No. 16/2020-21 dU0´ff0¸fa0/¦fiZ0³ff0/T-98 & 99/2020-21 Keonjhar (R&B) Circle, Keonjhar jective," he said.
e-mail :
B-431 Letter No. 3400 dt. 16.11.2020
dQ³ffaIY :- 19.11.2020 OIPR-34033/11/0014/2021
nf{k.kkapy fo|qr forj.k fuxe fyŒ
1. No. of the work :- 09 Number of Building Works vYidkyhu bZ&fufonk lwpuk
2. Estimated cost :- Rs. 542.07 Lakhs to Rs. 579.00 Lakhs jh&Vs.Mj lwpuk
3. Period of completion :- 11 (Eleven) Calendar Months bl dk;kZy; }kjk vkeaf=r bZ&fufonk la[;k
4. Date and Time of :- From 11.00 Hours of 10.12.2020 to & 46/SE/EDCH/2020-21,47/SE/EDCH/
availability of Bid 16.00 Hours of 22.12.2020 2020-21, 48/SE/EDCH/2020-21,
document in the portal 4 9/ S E/EDC H/20 20-21 tks fnuk¡ d
5. Last date / Time for receipt :- 16.00 Hours of 22.12.2020 04-11-2020 dks 12%00 cts rd bZ&fufonk ds
of bids in the portal ek/;e ls Lohdkj dh tkuh Fkha rFkk ftuds
6. Date of opening of Bid :- 12.00 Hours on 23.12.2020 [kqyus dh fu;r frfFk 04-11-2020 ds 15%00
from Portal cts rd dh gS] esa fdlh Hkh fufonkdkj }kjk
7. Name and address of the :- Superintending Engineer, Keonjhar Hkkx ugha fy;s tkus ds dkj.k mä
officer inviting Bid (R&B) Circle, Keonjhar-758001. bZ&fufonkvksa dks jh&Vs.Mj fd;k tkrk gSA
vc mä bZ&fufonk,a fnukad 06-12-2020 dks
Further details can be seen from the e-procurement portal
12%00 cts rd bZ&fufonk ds ek/;e ls
Superintending Engineer
Lohdkj dh tk;saxh rFkk bu bZ&fufonkvksa dk
Keonjhar (R&B) Circle, Keonjhar rduhdh Hkkx ¼çFke Hkkx½ fnukad 06-12-2020
dks 15%00 cts v/kksgLrk{kjh }kjk bZ&fufonk
dh osclkbV ij [kksyk tk;sxkA
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2214/fo-fo-e-g/ih&1¼çdk'ku½/fufonk/2020-21 fnukad 18&11&2020
jk"Vª fgr esa fctyh cpk;as
New Delhi
First signs of ‘herd immunity’ in
small population groups in Pune
carefulnottosuggestthatthecity ing antibodies,” said Professor blastkillsfive,
ANURADHA was approaching ‘herd immu- Aurnab Ghose, principal investi-
MASCARENHAS nity’, this is the first documented gator of the study.
PUNE, NOVEMBER 19 case in the country where the in- “We have found that there
fectionrateinapopulationgroup was a close association — low in-
INAfirst-of-its-kindfindingforany hadgoneupsohighthatthecon- cidence of new diseases in areas
Indiancity,anewstudyconducted cept of herd immunity could al- of high sero-prevalence and vice
in Pune has revealed that close to ready be playing out. versa. These are early observa-
85percentofthepeoplewhohad This is also supported by the tions,butmaybeanindicationof steps have been taken. A senior
been found infected with coron- fact that in Lohianagar, the prab- population-level protection EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE ministerhasflowntositeanditis
avirusinanearlierserosurveyhad hag with the highest disease against Covid-19, at least in the KOLKATA, NOVEMBER 19 time to be factually correct. The
developed protective antibodies. prevalence detected in the sero- short term,” he said. governmentishelpingthevictims
Ineffect,theyhadacquiredimmu- survey, the incidence rate has Pune has so far reported 3.44 FIVEWORKERSwerekilledandat and their families," tweeted the
nityfromthedisease. fallen sharply in the last three lakh confirmed cases of coron- least four others injured in an ex- Home Department.
The latest finding is the result months. This indicates that there avirus infections, the third high- plosion at a plastic factory in SP Alok Rajoria said the blast
of a follow-up study done in five may be population-level protec- est for any city, after Delhi and Sujapur area of West Bengal’s occurredduetoa“mechanicalfail-
prabhags (comprising three or tion against the disease. Bengaluru. These are the people Malda district on Thursday. ureofa45-horsepowermachine”.
four municipal wards each) of “I don’t think we can still say who were tested and found to be The injured are being treated Four of the deceaseddiedonspot
Punewhereaserosurveyconduc- thatPunehasachieved,orisreach- positive.Thecityhasalsorecorded at Malda Medical College and andanotheronreachinghospital.
tedearlierthisyear,inJulyandAu- ing,herdimmunity.Butthestudy over 7,200 coronavirus-related Hospital.Theexplosion,whichoc- Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar
gust, had found that, on an aver- isimportantbecauseitshowsthat deaths, the maximum after curredat11.30am,broughtdown tweeted,“Anguishedatdeathsin
age,about51percentofthepeople wherever there was high sero- Mumbai and Delhi. a major portion of the building, reported blast that ripped estab-
ried out in several other cities as
positivity, the incidence rate has
fallen subsequently,” Dr Gagand-
Serosurveys estimate the
wider prevalence rate, because
not every infected person shows
BEFORE THE BELL andpartsofmachinerywereflung
a few metres away.
The BJP demanded an impar-
lishment apart at Sujapur area of
well,estimatetheextentofthedis- the study whose preprint was re- symptoms and gets tested. BMC staff sanitise benches in a classroom at a BMC-run school in Nagpada, Mumbai, on tialinquiryintotheblast,alleging ataOfficial to proactively contain
easespreadbydetectingantibod- leasedonThursday,said.Thestudy EpidemiologistJacobJohn,an- Thursday. Schools will open in Maharashtra for Classes IX-XII from Monday. Prashant Nadkar thatthefactorywasillegallyused illegal bomb making and ensure
ies among surveyed population isstilltobepeerreviewed. other co-author of the study, said to make bombs. professional non-partisan inves-
groups. However, the presence of However, Kang added, “Pune if the current level of public be- BJPnationalgeneralsecretary tigations @WBPolice."
antibodies only indicates that the residents mustnotrelax or lower haviourcontinued,asecondwave, Kailash Vijayvargiya tweeted: “A TheChiefMinisterhasordered
personhadbeeninfectedwiththe their guards, and crowd market the kind the US and some 19 POSITIVE STUDENTS IN REWARI SCHOOL blast at a plastic factory in Malda a detailed probe into the case.
262 CASES: RECOVERED: 83,83,602 Classes 9-12 on November 2 on ing downtheschoolsagain. brother, who is in Class 10 at the
amid steep rise voluntary basis, following a gov- Althoughadecisionisyetto school and tested negative, said,
DAYS SINCE 89,58,483 DEATHS: 1,31,578 ernmentorderallowingthesame, be taken, the Directorate of “The online material is okay but I
in virus cases PANDEMIC
BEGAN TESTS: 1,28,508,389 | DOUBLING RATE: 161.55** hasnowbeenshuttillNovember School Education Thursday havebeenhavingtroublewithsci-
30. In total, 35 students were issued SOPs for schools ence and math."
tested,and19werepositive.Allof across the state. ENS The16-memberfamilyshares
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE them are asymptomatic and at afive-roomhouseandareincred-
AHMEDABAD, NOVEMBER 19 home,andthegovernmentisnow ulous that the elder brother, with
organising tests for all the family kept a watch to ensure students no symptoms, has the virus.
AHMEDABADCITYwillgounder members. observed Covid restrictions. The principal said that they
complete curfew beginning Saidtheprincipal,“Ofour430 The principal said, “I person- hadbeengetting30-40students
Friday night, till Monday morn- students in Classes 9-12, we had ally called the parents of 20 stu- daily since September, when
ing with only shops selling milk
KEYSTATES TOTAL SURGEIN 7-DAYAVG DOUBLING about 120-160 students coming dents per day or visited them to Haryanaallowedthemtovolun-
and medicines allowed to re-
TOWATCH CASES 24HOURS GROWTH* TIME** —intwoshiftsoftwo-and-a-half- get their consent for classes. I tarily visit to clear doubts with
main open. ■ Maharashtra 17,57,520 5,011 0.21% 341.95 hours each. This means there foundmanyparentstobeenthu- teachers. Around 75% of the stu-
The decision was taken fol- ■ Kerala 5,39,919 6,419 1.03% 70.24 were around 60-70 students per siastic about sending their chil- dents were connected to
lowing a steep surge in Covid-19 ■ Delhi 5,03,084 7,486 1.29% 55.90 shift... and 15-18 students per dren to school.” While the school their teachers via smartphones,
cases following the Diwali festi- class.Wecheckedtheirtempera- has not been conducting live on- he said. The blast site, at Sujapur in Malda district. Express
val. The decision came hours af- ■ West Bengal 4,41,885 3,668 0.83% 86.53 turesandoxygenlevelsatthegate, line classes, teachers have been Altogether, 72 students have
ter Additional Chief Secretary, ■ Haryana 2,07,039 2,562 1.21% 59.51 and sanitised their hands. sending notes and worksheets to testedpositivein12schoolsacross
forest and environment Rajiv Attendance was taken at entry, students over WhatsApp, and Rewari district in the past few
* Compounded Daily Growth Rate over last 7 days ** Calculated over 7-day growth
Kumar Gupta, who is in charge andfromthere,thestudentswent someteachershavebeensending days. Cases have also been re- GOVERNMENT OF INDIA
of the Covid situation in the tofixedclassrooms,todesignated recorded lectures. ported in Jind, Jhajjar and Hisar
Ahmedabad Municipal
benches.” The students come from districts.
Corporation (AMC), announced
The time they were in school, nearby villages, most of them by Pinky Sharma, an ASHA KANKE, RANCHI-834006 (JHARKHAND)
an indefinite night curfew 1.48 7.12 45,576 thestudentswereconfinedtothe foot.Ofthe19whotestedpositive, workeratthevillagewith10cases, ADMISS
RSES 20211 S
ES - 202 SES
from Friday. NOW: NOW: RECOVERED TODAY: rooms, he added. The two shifts 10 belong to one village, 2.5 km said with few testing positive, Applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission to
Following this, the Gujarat 1.47 6.97 48,493 wereaccommodatedindifferent away.Themotherofoneofthem, therewashardlyanyscareregard- the following postgraduate degree/diploma courses of Ranchi
government also decided to put Deaths as a ratio of Positives against Becoming sick vs rooms, and these were sanitised aClass11student,saidshewanted ing Covid and people wearing University commencing from May, 2021 and conducted at this
on hold the reopening of schools positive cases (in %); number tested recovering; more after every session. him to go to school. “His teachers masks were rare. “This is the first Institute.
and colleges from November 23. indicator of progress (in %); indicator of recoveries for 14 days The school is spread out over were sending study material on timewehavehadmanycasesto-
in averting deaths the spread of disease may signal the peak GROUP A
“Yeswehavewithdrawnthedeci- a large area, and is airy and well- thephone,buthewouldn’tstudy, gether.Beforethis,wehadaround 1. Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology - 4 s e a t s - ( N O
sion to reopen schools and col- includedatafrompreviousdays.Assuch,trendsbasedondailynumbersareindicative,notdefinitive maintained.Theclassroomshave just watch TV and play on his five cases in total, all mild or RESERVATION)
leges from November 23 for the CCTV, and the principal said they phone. There is nobody at home asymptomatic,” she said. Duration - 2 years
time being. It will be decided in Qualification - M.Phil (Medical & Social
the due course of time which Psyschology/Clinical
would be not taken in a hurry,”
Education Minister 5 MBBS seats reserved for Covid Centre rushes teams to 4 Psychology) from a
University recoznized by the
New Delhi
two days after Union
Minister Prakash
itsjurisdiction inaproperwayto
protect the personal liberty of a
citizen. If courts do not interfere,
October after Bengaluru crime
branch began probe into a com-
Voice clip triggers ED in FEMA PANDEMIC AID
violation case
Javadekar said the min-
then we are travelling the path
of destruction. This proposition
one Chandrakanth Ramalingam,
a director with Ramalingam political storm Relief provided, court’s
intervention not needed,
ening regulatory mecha- of law has been laid down by the Construction Company Limited.
nisms. “I would urge all apex court in its decision in the AccordingtoRamalingam'scom- jail without mandatory permis- ANJU AGNIHOTRI CHABA
themembersbroadcasters case of Arnab Manoranjan plaint, Shetty had coerced him SHAJU PHILIP sion. He demanded that the JALANDHAR, NOVEMBER 19
during this twelve-week
period to take all the nec-
Goswami vs the State of
on 11.11.2020.”
into saying that he made pay-
ments to political persons for
of persons who visited her.
DGP (prisons) Rishiraj Singh
AFTER MISSING two earlier
dates, Punjab Chief Minister
Centre tells top court
content of their channels The court cited other orders conversationswererecordedand A SHORT voice clip, purportedly saidcyberpolicehavebeenasked AmarinderSingh’sson,Raninder portunity for this court to inter-
and move away from the wheretheSChascalledforliberal telecast by Power TV. of gold smuggling case accused toexaminetheauthenticityofthe Singh, appeared before the ED EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE fere under Article 32,” Mehta
tyranny of ratings and en- interpretation of the legal provi- FULLREPORTON SwapnaSureshwhoisnowinju- clip. DIG (prisons) Ajaya Kumar, on Thursday morning in an al- NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 19 said.
surethattheindependent sion for anticipatory bail since it dicialcustody,haskickedupapo- who met Swapna after the clip leged case of Foreign Exchange Mehta told the court that it is
self-regulatory model litical storm. emerged, said the voice was Management Act (FEMA) viola- THE CENTRE told the Supreme theresponsibilityof thebanksto
adopted by the news In the clip put out by a local prima facie identified as that of tion. Court on Thursday that the gov- credit the compound interest
broadcasters is vigorously MADHYA PRADESH news portal, Swapna is purport- her, but it was not recorded from Raninder came to the ED of- ernmenthasextendedsufficient waiver for loans up to Rs 2 crore,
supported and its deci-
sions adhered to by all of
us,” he said. ENS
Unable to pay Rs 200 edly heard saying that she would
be made an approver if she con-
fessed that she went to UAE with
the jail. She has said she didn’t
know who recorded it, said
fice at around 11:05 am along
with his counsel Jaivir Shergill
and Congress leader Tejinder
pandemic-related relief to spe-
cific sectors and, therefore, fur-
ther intervention by the court in
the bank of the scheme.
The S-G briefed the bench on
Gond families face social
andanaccusedinthecase—forfi- targeting the Chief Minister. After coming out, Raninder The submissions were made The Supreme Court also
nancialnegotiationsmeantforthe An ED source said, “The voice said: “I am very happy to appear when the bench resumed hear- posedaquestiontotheCentreas
electrocuted Chief Minister. She is also heard clip shows certain quarters are and will assist any inquiry any ing a clutch of petitions seeking to why are the credit card hold-
2heldforsexual considered.
Deprived of all facilities like
with him.
As the boycott continued portunity before forcing us to should thank everyone. I was family and lives in a 400-sq-ft,
assaultofminor buying ration and denied work,
the families finally approached
from November 3 to November
17, the families headed by
compete with CBSE, ICSE stu-
ranked 21st, and managed to get
two-room house that has a large
portrait of B R Ambedkar, a wed-
Kolkata:Twopersonshave the district administration, RadhelalMadsole,zillapresident I would tell him, ‘I will prove my- iftherewasnoreservation(7.5per ding gift for her parents.
been arrested for alleged which resolved the issue this of Gond Samajh Mahasabha, A GOMATHI, 19, was among 227 self, but give us equal education cent) for government school stu- On Thursday, Tamil Nadu's
sexual assault of a minor week. submitted a memorandum to government school students of before you make us write a com- dents,Iwouldhavegotin,butina School Education Minister, K A
girl in Kolkata, a police of- On October 14, local puja or- thepoliceinspectoratLamtapo- Tamil Nadu selected for medical monexam’,”Gomathihadsaidin college away from Chennai,” Sengottaiyan, said that seeking
ficer said on Wednesday. ganisers Sarwajanik Durga Puja lice station. As the villagers re- admission in the state on the first 2018,aftershefailedtoclearNEET Gomathi told The Indian Express. permanent exemption for the
Actingonacomplaintfiled Sanstha held a meeting in Lamta mained undeterred after two dayofcounsellingonWednesday, even after topping her school in She said she did not take- state from NEET is a policy deci-
by the girl’s mother, the village of Balaghat where it was rounds of meetings, the families thanksto7.5percentreservation Class XII Board exams. coachingandstudiedonherown. sionofthestategovernment,and
two accused -- one a sen- decided that all 170 families in approached the Balaghat introducedbythestateexclusively Even as several suicides of For Anbazhagan, with his Chief Minister Edappadi K
ior citizen and another in thevillagewillcontributeRs200 Collector along with the for government school students medicalaspirantsshookthestate monthlysalaryof Rs7,500,itwas Palaniswami is taking consistent
his mid-50s — who hap- each towards the celebration. Superintendentof Policeandthe whocleartheNationalEligibility- A Gomathi. Asfhaq Ahmed in the last three years, Gomathi impossibletocollectRs45,000re- efforts to achieve this.
pened to be their neigh- Butasmanyas40Gondfamilies, Sub-Divisional Magistrate. cum-Entrance Test (NEET). did not let the “unfair” exam sys- quired for NEET coaching for his In the ongoing counselling,
bours, were arrested on manyof whoworkedasmigrant Collector Deepak Arya told Gomathi’sstruggle—“Adayin tem kill her spirit. She worked daughter. many students from weaker sec-
Tuesday night, the officer labourers and walked for days to The Indian Express: “These fami- the life of A Gomathi, an aspiring clear NEET despite getting high hard–20hourseveryday,study- Gomathi’s grandfather, tions – like Gomathi – benefited
said.“Theincidentissaidto reach home after the lockdown, liesapproachedusandwehelda medicalstudentfromTamilNadu marks in Class XII. ing textbooks – as her parents, Virugambakkam Aranganathan, from the state’s policy to imple-
have taken place on expressed inability to pay the meeting with the villagers. They state board”—was published first After the report on her strug- dailywagelabourers,struggledto wasoneofthefirstprotestorswho ment 7.5 per cent reservation for
Monday.Wehavearrested money. havebeenwarnedthatifthiscon- inTheIndianExpressinJuly2018. gle in the face of a centralised ex- run the family. immolated himself in the anti- governmentschoolstudents.The
the two and booked them Under social pressure, 26 of tinues, action will be taken Itwasatimethestatewaswitness aminationformedicaladmission, On Thursday, she was at Hindi agitation in Tamil Nadu in statehadtakenanexecutiveroute
underPOCSOAct.“Themi- the families finally relented. The against them. The matter has to heated debates and protests, DMK chief M K Stalin had met Stanley Medical College in 1965. In his memory, a busy sub- after a Bill was unanimously
nor girl has been sent for a remaining 14 families offered to been resolved and situation has followed by suicides of several Gomathi and handed over a Chennai with her father R way lane in Chennai’s Saidapet is passed in the Assembly but was
test,”headded. PTI pay Rs 100 but it was refused. normalised.” FULLREPORTON Tamil students from ecomically cheque for her education. Anbazhagan,whousedtoworkas knownasAranganathanSubway. pendingfortheGovernor'sassent
AftertheDurgaPuja,another poor background who failed to “Whynotprovideusequalop- a cleaner at a TV showroom. “I Gomathi comes from a Dalit for over a month.
New Delhi
Surat police Pvt trains: 102 firms cleared for RFP stage dk;kZy; eq[; egkizcU/kd] fuekZ.k foax
mÙkjk[k.M is;ty lalk/ku fodkl ,oa fuekZ.k fuxe
mRrjk[k.M ljdkj dk midze
403@1 bfUnjk uxj] nsgjknwu&248001 nwjHkk"k@QSDl%0135&2764075 E-mail:-
arrest director, New Delhi: L&T, GMR and ing 151 trains, the na- gible for the RFP stage. The wouldbeselectedthrough
Ref.No: 2978/fufonk¼x<+½@432
In Continuation of NIT No. 2971/NIVIDA(Garhwal)/430
Dated:- 19.11.2020
Welspun are among the tional transporter said project envisages private a two-stage competitive
manager of top firms that have been
found eligible to partici-
The Railway ministry
investment to the tune of
Rs 30,000 crore for run-
bidding process compris-
ing Request for
Dated 18.11.2020 from this office which published in
Indian Express News Paper Delhi Edition and Amar Ujala
Daily News Paper Dehradun Edition on 19.11.2020. The
cheating case
pation in operation of Request for Proposal (RFP) first time. The RFQ for 12 clusters Construction Wing, Uttarakhand Peyjal Nigam,
passenger train services stage out of which 102 ap- The private entities for were published on July 1, Dehradun. All other details Shall remain inchanged.
over 12 clusters compris- plications were found eli- undertaking the project 2020. ENS General Manager (Garhwal)
Tax Department, the Surat police
Wednesday arrested the manager and
director of Sanket Media Pvt. Ltd,
PVS Sarma, for their alleged involve-
ment in cheating government and pri-
Rs 2.7 crore.
Manager Mukhtar Baig and direc-
tor Sitaram Adukiya were accused of
lished by the media company, in
Gujarati and English, to get advertise-
ment through DAVP and other adver-
tising firms. Sarma attempted suicide
by hanging earlier this week, and is in
Made to erase
Akhil Gogoi
mural, say artists;
police deny
New Delhi
Amidchanginggeopolitics, eachshotfiredonLoC,each
proposal onLAC,willmeanseveraldotshavetobejoined
dia attention in Delhi and elsewhere. These Kashmiris. Upinthenorth,China’sPLAhadperceived
IT BY AN alarming rise in COVID infections over the past three weeks, Delhi eventsvanishjustassoonastheycome.They The leadership, too, is virtually non-exis- a cakewalk in terms of military coercion of a
onceagainfacesthedifficultchallengeofbalancinglivesandlivelihoods.The are, many a time, seasonal and calendar- tent with many areas being served by rookie stretched Indian Army, to rein in the gallop-
Delhigovernmenthas,sofar,rightlyrefusedtoreimposeatotallockdown.It based, making them seem predictable and localterrorists.Withterroriststrengthreduced ing strategic confidence of India after 2014.
has,instead,talkedofincreasingthenumberoftests,improvingcontacttrac- therefore less significant. The result is that duetofailedinfiltrationandpoorrecruitment, With the PLA’s strategic objectives not
ingandscalingupitshealthinfrastructure—theCentrehasalsopitchedintosupportthena- public and institutional memory of them is networks that support terror under strain achieved and clearly unlikely to be achieved
poor, making quick meaningful assessments with their finances stretched, the challenge unless it decides to deploy a far higher quan-
tional capital’s endeavour. But with experts blaming the current surge on crowding in mar-
difficultandoftenendingintransactionaland for the separatists and their sponsors is in- tum of troops, China is seeking options for a
kets during festivals, questions continue to be raised about Delhi’s containment methods. routine conclusions. That is how the recent tense. It is the LoC to which the target of the drawdownwithoutlossofface.Pakistan’scol-
Much of the criticism is valid — the Delhi government did not read the early signs of a surge spurtinactivityattheLoCwhichcommenced Pakistani frustration and ire has shifted. The lusion can help if the situation in J&K is taken
ininfection,itsinformationdriveduringthefestiveseasonleftmuchtobedesiredandthetask on November 7 with an infiltration attempt number of CFVs has gone up from 3,168 in toahigherpitchofresistanceandturbulence.
of ramping up medical amenities was left too late. But as it responds to the current emer- foiledintheMachilsectorontheShamshabari 2019to4,052in2020,of which394occurred What is currently manifesting at the LoC is a
gency,theArvindKejriwalgovernmentshouldstaythecourseonitsstatedpositiononlock- range, is being viewed. in October and 128 in November. Pakistanistrategyindisarray.Itcannotcrossa
Intheensuinggunfights,welostanofficer Four to five years ago, the international thresholdlevelofactivitylestanintenseIndian
downs. While it considers imposing selective restrictions — it has reportedly sought the
andtwojawansandneutralisedthreeterror- border(IB)betweenJammuandKathuacame response leads to an embarrassment of the
Centre’s permission to shut down markets in hotspots — the government would do well to ists. That led, a week later, to the triggering of alive with heavy exchanges of firing leading Pakistan Army at a time when internally
sendoutthemessagethattheproposedmeasuresdonotportendareturntothedayswhen someof themostintenseexchangesof fireon tomassrearwardexodusofthemainlyHindu things aren’t looking too rosy either; the
businesses lost contact with customers and people were locked out of the job market. theLoCallalongtheKashmirfrontierextend- populationof theregion.Itwasthenassessed Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) has
Lockdownsarebluntinstrumentsthatshouldnotbethefirstlineof responseinapublic ing into the Poonch sector. These continue to that Pakistan aimed at creating a communal founditsenergyandismovingwithfocusto-
becalledcease-fireviolations(CFVs),although It is true that with the schism in Jammu by targeting such villages. wardsitsaimofremovingthePakistanArmy’s
health emergency. They were necessary to check the dangerous transmission of the coron-
the much spoken of cease-fire of November quantum and quality of Nowitistargetingdenselypopulatedvillages hand from governance.
2003 has remained in tatters for the last six terrorists in the Valley, the in Uri knowing fully well that those being These are complex times, especially with
The measures have unleashed a collateral tragedy that continues to take a high toll more yearsorso.Therehavebeenfatalcasualtiesof killedareMuslimswhohaveneversupported thechangedcontoursofinternationalgeopol-
than four months after the easing of the lockdown. Reports in this newspaper have shown soldiers and, for the first time at the Kashmir
campaign by Pakistan to Pakistan. Uri is where I commanded the itics, a new leadership at the helm in the US
how the economic disruption dealt a cruel blow to the lives and fortunes of people ranging LoC segment after 2003, of civilians. keep optimally high levels of brigadeandamfullyawareofthepatrioticna- and China’s renewed ambitions. India’s role
fromworkersatthelowestrungoftheeconomicladdertomiddle-classfamilies.Manywho Infiltrationactivityisexpectedatthissea- turbulence in place isn’t tureofthePaharicommunitywhichoccupies in the emerging world order is likely to be of
hadleftsmalltownstoseekabetterlifeinthecountry’smetrosandbigcities,includingDelhi, sonal moment. It is also usual to have losses going to last long. In 1990-91, the LoC villages. muchsignificance,whichChinawouldliketo
from time to time due to the very nature of It is true that with the quantum and qual- see diluted; Pakistan is a partner in achieving
operationsandsowetendtorelegatethesig- it had faced a similar ity of terrorists in the Valley, the campaign by that intent. The way to achieving this lies
alightonthedevastatingtollonthecapital’sworkingwomen,manyof whomarefirst-time quandary when the local
nificance of these events. However, the con- Pakistan to keep optimally high levels of tur- through J&K and Ladakh.
earners and sole breadwinners in their families. text and history are relevant. resistance started to peter bulence in place isn’t going to last long. In AdvantagegainedbyIndiaineitherof the
ThelatestsurgeinDelhiisanotherindicatoroftheunpredictablewaysofthecoronavirus. Importantly,thiscalendaryearhashadan 1990-91,ithadfacedasimilarquandarywhen standoffs with China or with Pakistan will go
out at the start of the
Butwearemuchbetterequippedtodealwiththecontagion,bothintermsofscientificknowl- assessed strength of just 26-30 infiltrators the local resistance started to peter out at the farinenhancingitsinternationalrole,itsworth
confirmed to have entered into Kashmir. campaign. Then the Afghan start of the campaign. Then the Afghan and fortheUSanditsallies,anditsfuturestanding.
theory—afeweventsorlocalitiesareresponsibleforcreatingwebsoftransmission—isnow Compare this to the 2,000 or more that used and other foreign other foreign mujahideen were brought in, Indiaisnotcomplacentinitspursuitofstrate-
to enter every year, 20 years ago. The infiltra- mujahideen were brought in, comfortably infiltrating through the sparsely gicaffairsbuttheabilitytowadethroughcom-
tion this year began with a high-profile en- mannedLoC.Thatphaselastedtill1996when plexity will pose the biggest challenge. Each
ibratedandtargetedresponsestothepathogen,thatcancontainitsspreadwithoutdestroy- comfortably infiltrating
counter in the Keran sector on April 1 in high the pipeline of foreign terrorists ran dry. shotfiredontheLoCandeachproposalonthe
inglivelihoods.ItisthisknowledgethattheDelhigovernmentmustturnto,anddrawfrom, levelsof snowinwhichfiveterroristsandfive through the sparsely Today, things are different. There are no LAC will mean several other dots have to be
as it grapples with the virus. Special Forces personnel were killed. manned LoC. That phase foreignmujahideenavailable;thelaunchpads joined. A larger consultative approach under
Thereafter, it has been a successful year in lasted till 1996 when the haveonlysomePakistanifightersbutthevigil these circumstances is the way forward.
terms of the number of terrorists neutralised bytheIndianArmyisintenseandthecounter
in the hinterland, almost 200 of them. The
pipeline of foreign terrorists infiltration measures are not easy to get past. The writer, a former corps commander of the
SHADOW IN BENGAL numberof younglocalsgettingrecruitedinto ran dry. Today, things are There is desperation across the LoC to do Srinagar-based 15 Corps, is chancellor, Central
“tanzeems” has witnessed a decrease, espe- different. somethingtokeeptheproxywaraliveinJ&K. University of Kashmir
Mahagathbandhan in Bihar. As many ob- thefinancialmeltdownof 2008canbehalted democratic, secular and pro-people in the
HEWRITINGHASbeenonthewallforawhilenowbuttheongoingcampaigns servershavepointedout,theseatshareof the concerning their ideological, if progressive forces come together. However, Indian political and social arena by rising
left was much less than its strength on the with Trump giving a tough fight to Biden and againstclass,casteandgender-baseddiscrim-
for the three-tier Kerala local body polls have underlined it — if you hope to political positions. They
ground.Still,theCPI,CPMandCPI(ML)joined theBJPemergingasamajorforceinBihar,there ination with more vigour and sensitivity.
make it, you have got to look it. Across districts, candidates of all the three ma- the Mahagathbandhan because of the grave cannot afford to take right or ismuchworktobedonebyprogressiveforces
jorpoliticalcoalitionsinthestatehaveturnedtosleekdigitalcampaignstoen- dangeroftheRSS-BJPclaimingpower.Theleft right-of-centre positions. to undo the polarisation on communal, caste The writer is general secretary, CPI
panchayat in Kasaragod district. In an almost cinematic campaign poster, Vatsala is shown
working on her sewing machine, a reference to her employment with a tailoring unit in
This trend is not entirely new. Social media has shown time and time again that there is NOVEMBER 20, 1980, FORTY YEARS AGO
no better way to draw in an audience than with sleek, well-shot photographs that establish
immediate recall value and emotional connect. As far back as in 2006, during the legislative FARMERS’ STIR VAJPAYEE’S CHALLENGE IRAN SPURNS PEACE
assembly elections in the state, candidates had given in to the appeal of Photoshop, ironing NEARLY1,000PEOPLEwerearrestedinNasik THE BJP PRESIDENT Atal Bihari Vajpayee has IRAN’S PRESIDENT ABOLHASSAN Bani Sadr
outperceivedimperfectionsforpicture-perfectposters.Whatisdifferentthistime,though, and helmeted police swung into action in challenged Union Home Minister Giani Zail has rejected the peace terms of Iraq and
Vidarbha region rounding up a number of Singh to prove that his party was involved in vowed to carry on the 59-day Persian Gulf
is how the campaigns, like the now-ubiquitous wedding photoshoots, have turned a ritual
people as the 10-day farmers’ agitation for fomenting communal discord, else with- war to victory. With his forces counter at-
exerciseintoanalmostcinematiccelebration.Insituatingcandidatesintheirmilieuxforthe remunerative prices continued to snowball draw his allegation. He demanded that the tacking on the war’s two major theatres in
shoots, the campaigns give them ownership of their stories, and, by extension, an intimacy into other parts of Maharashtra. At least 100 Home Minister give the names of the BJP Susengerd and Abadan, the Iran president
with their target audience — their electorate. people including 10 directors of the Niphari members involved in creating communal told a rally that he won’t accept Iraq presi-
There is another subtext to these campaigns that acts as a measure of political engage- Sugar Cooperative courted arrest at Nasik’s strife and asked if they were being prose- dent Saddam Hussein’s offer of withdraw-
ment.Mostof thesedigitalcampaignsfocusonmontagesof communitylife—thefounda- Panchavati Square. At least 500 people, most cuted. He said not a single member of the ingfromwesternandsouthernIranif Tehran
tional wellspring of any democracy. In this year of social distancing, it is this community of themfarmers,werearrestedinBolana.The party had been arrested under the National recognisedBaghdad’s claimoverborderland
agitators tried to take out processions to de- Security Ordinance. He said an inquiry com- andthe190-kmShattAlArabwaterway.Bani
mand the immediate release of their lead- mission set up by the previous government Sadr said Iraq’s real objective had nothing to
witha highfemale turnoutandanoverall 57percentpolling —marginallyhigher thanthe ers. Prohibitive orders banning processions was squashed once it was revealed that do with territorial disputes but was about
state’s 2015 turnout — not even an ongoing pandemic can dampen the spirit of the people and assemblies have been put into force in Congress members were involved in the bringing down the Iranian revolutionary
as they go to vote. the Vidarbha region. Aligarh riots. regime.
New Delhi
New Delhi
WORLD As US counts a quarter million dead, Pakistan court
Covid response remains disjointed gives another
to Hafiz Saeed
Tedros Adhanom WITH CORONAVIRUS cases on
Ghebreyesus the rise in all but one state and a ■ Tokyo raised its
newly reached American death coronavirus alert to the
toll of 250,000, this would not highest level on Thursday
ETHIOPIA seemthemomentfortheUnited as its daily tally of new 26/11 mastermind was arrested in July 2019
Armyaccuses States to take a patchwork re-
sponse to the pandemic.
infections rose to a record
534 and its governor
WHOheadof But that is what it has done, called for maximum M ZULQERNAIN
backingrebels and that was perhaps never
caution. “The number of
coronavirus cases is rising
Geneva: Ethiopia’s mili- schoolboardandgovernorsstrug- so we are considering MUMBAI TERROR attack mas-
tary accused World gled to fend off the onslaught. what steps will be needed termind and Jamaat-ud-Dawa
Health Organization In Ohio, it was a nightly cur- with the view that (JuD) chief Hafiz Saeed was on
(WHO) head Tedros few. In Mississippi, it was an ex- infections could reach Thursday sentenced to 10 years
Adhanom Ghebreyesus panded mask mandate, and in 1,000 cases a day,” Tokyo in jail by an anti-terrorism court
on Thursday of support- Iowa a statewide one — the Governor Yuriko Koike in Pakistan in two more terror
ing and trying to procure state’s first ever. In Maryland, all said cases.
arms and diplomatic bars, restaurants and night clubs A UN-designated terroriston Hafiz Saeed was arrested in
backing for Tigray state’s were ordered closed by 10 pm. whom the US has placed a $10- July last year
dominant political party, AndinPennsylvania,theauthor- CASESINRUSSIA million bounty, Saeed was ar-
which is fighting federal
troops. “This man is a
ities said anyone traveling to the
state would needed to be tested
Business owners protest to remain open despite restrictions in San Diego, California. Reuters SURPASS2MILLION rested on July 17 last year in ter-
ror financing cases. He was has been announced after the
member of that group,” beforearrival.NewYorkCity,just ■ Russia’s Covid-19 case sentenced to 11 years in jail by statements of witnesses were
army chief of staff
General Birhanu Jula said
in a televised statement.
eight weeks after open its
schools, said it was closing them
Europe’s Black, Asian Covid toll tally passed the 2 million
mark on Thursday as the
number of daily deaths
an anti-terrorism court in
February this year in two terror
financing cases.
Nayyar and Mohammad Imran
Fazal Gul Advocate,” the official
An Ethiopian of Tigrayan
descent, Tedros served as
Early in the week, Dr.
Anthony S Fauci, the govern-
shows issue with ‘non-race’ data and infections hit new
highs. The coronavirus
crisis response centre
security Kot Lakhpat jail.
“The Anti-Terrorism Court
A total of 41 cases have been
andforeignministerfrom pert, said the nation needed “a munities, and thereby help in the United Kingdom, for ex- reported 23,610 new daily (ATC) of Lahore on Thursday JuDleaders,outof which24have
2005-2016 in a govern- uniform approach,” not a “dis- REUTERS countries tailor testing and care ample, showedthat 60%of Black infections and 463 deaths sentenced four leaders of been decided while the rest are
ment coalition led by the jointed” state-by-state, city-by- LISBON, NOVEMBER 17 to better protect them. people did not feel their health related to the coronavirus. Jamaat-ud-Dawa, including its pending in the ATC courts. Four
TigrayPeople’sLiberation city response. There is no easy fix. Even in was equally protected by the chief Hafiz Saeed, in two more cases have been decided against
Front (TPLF). REUTERS But there has been a notable MANY EUROPEAN countries Britain, where more detailed National Health Service as white cases,” a court official told PTI. Saeed so far.
lack of national direction. avoid breaking down data along data on race and ethnicity is people’s. MUTATEDMINKVIRUS Saeed and his two close Saeed-led JuD is the front or-
Even before the election,
there was squabbling within the
racial or ethnic lines out of con-
cern over privacy or discrimina-
root causes of higher infections
The UN High Commissioner
for Human Rights, Michelle
‘MOSTLIKELYEXTINCT’ aides, Zafar Iqbal and Yahya
Mujahid, have been sentenced
ganisation for the Lashkar-e-
Toiba (LeT) which is responsible
SRI LANKA Trump administration overhow tion, butCovid-19’soutsizedim- among certain groups. Bachelet, said earlier this year ■ A new, mutated strain of to ten-and-half years each, for carrying out the 2008
to contain the virus. pact on Black and Asian people The conditions people live that fuller data in countries in- the novel coronavirus while JuD chief's brother-in-law Mumbai attack that killed 166
Eventsto On Wednesday, President- has exposed flaws in the ap- and work in explain most of the cluding Brazil, Britain and the stemming from mink Abdul Rehman Makki was people, including six
commemorate elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. asked
that the government give him
proach, some scientists and ac-
tivists said.
disproportionate impact, stud-
ies show. Whether minority
United States served an impor-
tant purpose.
farms in Denmark is “most
likely” extinct, the health
sentenced to six months
The US Department of the
LTTEbanned access now to federal resources
to help him plan a coronavirus
They want more compre-
hensive data collection across
communities trust hospital staff
“The data tells us of a devas-
tating impact from Covid-19 on
ministry said on Thursday,
amid fears the new strain
“Judge Arshad Hussain
Bhutta of ATC Court No. 1 heard
Treasury has designated Saeed
as a Specially Designated Global
Colombo: Two Sri Lankan response. “This is like going to the continent to improve under- access to healthcare, could also peopleof Africandescent,aswell could compromise the case No. 16/19 and 25/19 Terrorist.Hewaslistedunderthe
courtshavebannedevents war,” he said. “You need a com- standing about how and why play a role. as ethnic minorities in some Covid-19 vaccines. filed by Counter Terrorism UN Security Council Resolution
commemorating LTTE mander in chief.” Covid-19 affects different com- ArecentsurveybyClearView countries,” she said. Departmentinwhichtheverdict 1267 in December 2008. PTI
cadres who died during a
30-year armed campaign
land in the north and east
provinces. “The magis-
Boris Johnson
unveils largest
Imran in Afghanistan as US set
trate’s courts of Vavuniya
and Mannar have issued
restraining orders on any-
military spend for drawdown, peace talks stall
one trying to commemo- for UK in 30 yrs
rate the LTTE," police REUTERS
spokesman Ajith Rohana KABUL, NOVEMBER 19
said Thursday. Before ADITI KHANNA
2009, the LTTE celebrated LONDON, NOVEMBER 19 PAKISTAN’S PRIME Minister
November 26, the birth- Imran Khan arrived in Kabul on Australian Defence Force
day of the LTTE supremo BRITISH PRIME Minister Boris Thursday to meet with Afghan chief Gen Angus Campbell
Velupillai Prabakaran, as Johnsonlaidoutthebiggestpro- PresidentAshraf Ghani,atatime
Hero's Day. Prabakaran grammeof investmentinBritish when peace negotiations be-
would make policy
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Israeli PM
Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem. AP/PTI
defencesincetheendof theCold
War in Parliament on Thursday,
tween the Afghan government
Australian probe
the end of the war, Tamil pumping in an extra 4 billion stalled and violence is rising. finds its special
politicians organised pound a year over the next four This will be Khan’s first visit
events to light lamps. PTI
Pompeo visits West years.
Addressing the House of
to Afghanistan since assuming
forces killed 39
unarmed Afghans
Bank, calls boycott
UNITED STATES Commons via videolink, he said highestprofilevisitbyaPakistani
1stambassador thatthemovewill"endtheeraof
retreat, transform our armed
began between the Taliban and
Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan at the Presidential
Palace in Kabul on Thursday. AP
campaign ‘anti-Semitic’
forces and bolster our global in- the Afghan government in the REUTERS
fluence". Qatari capital of Doha. SYDNEY, NOVEMBER 19
namedindecade The Opposition Labour Party And it comes days after the greater than in neighbouring talks has been key, according to
leader, Sir Keir Starmer, said he Pentagon announced it would Pakistan. Washington,particularlygivenits AUSTRALIAN SPECIAL forces al-
Caracas: Washington has ward Israel and the Palestinians. welcomedmoredefencespend- reduce the number of U.S. mili- Mistrust has cloaked rela- influenceovertheTalibanleader- legedly killed 39 unarmed pris-
its first ambassador for THE NEW YORK TIMES “We want to stand with all ingbutquestionedhowitwould tary personnel in Afghanistan tions between the neighbours, ship,thoughPakistansaysthatin- onersandciviliansinAfghanistan,
Venezuelainadecadede- JERUSALEM, NOVEMBER 19 other nations that recognize the be funded and asked whether from 4,500 to 2,500 by mid- due to Pakistan’s covert support fluencehaswanedovertheyears. with senior commandos report-
spite the U.S. having no B.D.S. movement for the cancer the money would be raised January. for the Taliban during the past Washington’s special repre- edly forcing junior soldiers to kill
diplomats at its Caracas SECRETARY OF State Mike that it is,” Mr. Pompeo said on through tax rises. Due to leave office on Jan. 20 two decades. And as militants sentative for Afghan peace, defenceless captives in order to
embassy amid a break- Pompeo on Thursday became the second day of a visit to Israel The mega investment plan after losing this month’s presi- laterbeganlaunchingattacksin- Zalmay Khalilzad has a made a “blood” them for combat, a four
down in relations. James thehighest-rankingUSofficialto as he stood alongside Prime will fund space and cyber de- dential election to Democrat Joe side Pakistan, it accused number of trips to Islamabad to year investigation found.
Story’s nomination as visit an Israeli settlement in the Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, fence projects and is expected to Biden, President Donald Trump Afghanistanof stirring troublein discuss the peace process. Australia said Thursday that
ambassador was con- occupied West Bank, shortly af- who called the decision “simply create thousands of new jobs, isseekingtoendthe19-yearwar its borders. Ghani had last visited 19 current and former soldiers
firmed Wednesday by a ter he declared that the Trump wonderful.”Mr.Pompeosaidthe Downing Street said. inAfghanistan,theUnitedStates’ “Focus would be on further Pakistan in June 2019, according willbereferredforpotentialcrim-
U.S.Senatevoicevote.The administration now viewed an US would deny government “The international situation longest conflict. deepening the fraternal bilateral to Pakistan’s foreign office. inal prosecution for allegedly
South Carolina native international campaign to boy- support to groups that partici- is more perilous and more in- Critics slammed Trump for relations between Pakistan and A spokesman for the Afghan killing the 39 Afghan locals.
takes the job that he will cott, divest from and impose pated in the movement. tensely competitive than at any timing the withdrawal to his Afghanistan, the Afghan peace presidential palace, Dawa Khan Detailing the findings of a
carry out from the capital sanctions on Israel as anti- On Thursday afternoon, he time since the Cold War and own calendar as opposed to process, and regional economic Minapal, said the main purpose long-awaited inquiry into the
of neighboring Colombia Semitic. also planned another first for a Britain must be true to our his- some kind of breakthrough in development and connectivity,” of the visit would be bilateral conductof specialforcesperson-
as Venezuela endures a The secretary’s day was a USsecretaryof state:Hewilltake tory and stand alongside our al- Afghanistan that would justify a Pakistan’s foreign office said in trade and economic relations, nel in Afghanistan between
historic economic and whirlwind of what the Trump a helicopter up to the long-dis- lies. To achieve this we need to major drawdown. a statement as Khan headed for but the fight against militancy in 2005 and 2016, Australia’s
political crisis. AP administration is portraying as puted Golan Heights, along upgrade our capabilities across And outside of Afghanistan, Kabul. the region would also be at the General Angus John Campbell
victory laps over its policy to- Israel’s frontier with Syria. the board,” Johnson said. PTI nowhere is the risk of instability Pakistan’s role in the peace top of the agenda. said there was credible informa-
GERMANY tionof 39unlawfulkillingsby25
Parliament AustralianSpecialForcesperson-
probesintruder A group of villagers, a migrant boat and a deadly end in Senegal nel in 23 separate incidents.
“These findings allege the
most serious breaches of mili-
incident demicthathasforcedthousands trawl the waters daily. passed in front of the boat to cre- tary conduct and professional
EDWARD MCALLISTER to seek a better life, around Foreign Minister Arancha ate waves to slow it down. values,” Campbell told reporters
Berlin:Germanparliamen- MECKHE (SENEGAL) 17,000 migrants have arrived on Gonzalez Laya is expected in Eventually, the coastguard in Canberra. “The unlawful
taryofficialsareinvestigat- NOVEMBER 19 the Canary Islands this year, an Senegal on November 21 to dis- rammed the fishing boat, caus- killing, of civilians and prisoners
inghowpeopleprotesting over 1,000 per cent increase cuss the issue. ing it to capsize, throwing about is never acceptable.”
against government lock- SEVEN NEIGHBOURS from a vil- from 2019, according to Spanish In all, 21 men departed the 80passengersintothewater,the The report said the majority
downmeasureswereable lage in western Senegal boarded Interior Ministry data. village of Meckhe, in north-west survivors said. When people of those killed, which included
to enter the Bundestag a fishing boat crammed with mi- The surge in migrants to Senegal, together before dawn cried for help, the coastguard prisoners, farmers and other lo-
building and harangue grants just after midnight on Spain’sautonomouscommunity on October 25. Only seven made waited for 15 minutes before it cals, were captured when they
lawmakersaheadofacru- October 26. Their destination: off the coast of northwestern it on the boat, which left in a picked anyone up, they said. were killed and therefore pro-
cial vote. Senior lawmak- Europe, 1,000 miles away over Africa alarms observers who say hurry when it heard the coast- InastatementonOctober26, tected under international law.
ers planned to meet open ocean. thousands could be dying en guard was near. the Senegalese army said a col- Following the recommenda-
Thursday to examine Two of them are now miss- route without detection. “I have always dreamed of ... lision occurred and that it saved tionsof thereport,Campbellsaid
claims that deputies from ing, presumed dead, after the UnliketheMediterraneanSea working in Senegal, creating 39 people. It did not say how 19 current and former members
thefar-rightAlternativefor boat carrying dozens of people route from Libya to southern jobs,”saidAbdouAziz,a22-year- many drowned. An army of Australia’s military will be re-
Germany party used their capsized in a collision with the Europe,thewoodenfishingboats Reports indicate that over 400 migrants from Senegal are old shop owner from Meckhe spokesman declined to com- ferredtoasoon-to-beappointed
credential to help a small Senegalese coastguard. on the choppy Atlantic do not known to have died since October. Representative image/Reuters file who scraped together $700 for ment on the migrants’ allega- specialinvestigatortodetermine
number of protesters get One can barely walk from his carry satellite phones, and peo- the boat. “Since Covid-19, every- tions on Wednesday but said an whether there was sufficient ev-
through security. Video injuries. Another is haunted by ple cannot make distress calls. thing changed. Everything has inquiry was underway. idence to prosecute.
posted on social media the memory of clinging to a Alarm Phone, a hotline serv- occur ... due to the lack of possi- boats, a plane, a helicopter and a become more expensive.” Meanwhile, the group has re- Australia’s Minister for
showedafemaleprotester piece of flotsam. ice for migrants stranded at sea, bilitiesforboatstocommunicate submarine to slow the flow. After leaving, the Senegalese turned to Meckhe, a collection of Defence LindaReynoldssaidlast
accusing Economy “You see people die in front said reports indicate that over oncetheyarefarfromthe coast,” However, it is unclear how the coastguard ordered the boat to single-storeyhousesandshopson week that Canberra had been
Minister Peter Altmaier of of you and you cannot do any- 400 from Senegal are known to said Paola Arenas from Alarm deployment will drastically cut stop, said four survivors, but the a dusty highway surrounded by advised that local prosecution
having “no conscience” thing,” survivor Sidi Gaye said. have died since the beginning of Phone. departures from Senegal’s long captain sped up. During an hour- parchedsavannah-theplacethey would negate charges at the
and insulting him. AP Driven by economic hard- October alone. Spanish security forces said coastline where thousands of long chase, the patrol boat fired tried to escape. Some are already International Criminal Court at
shipduringthecoronaviruspan- “Invisible shipwrecks must they will deploy at least three identical looking fishing boats tear gas at the migrants and planning to try again. REUTERS The Hague.
New Delhi
If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to
valves fail to filter exhaled air (FPIs) are taking medium- to long-term po-
sitions in the Indian market. They have
pumped in a net of over Rs 42,000 crore in Stock prices displayed at the Bombay
for another 10 years or 15 years, and with-
draw when they turn, say, 65 or 70, depend-
ing on the need.
November alone, so far. In fact, FPI inflows SENSEX: NOV RALLY Stock Exchange last week. PTI Those who have been looking to book
this year are set to be the highest ever — the some profits to utilise the money for any of
net FPI inflow for FY21 has already reached 43,599.96 their financial goals can do so at this time as
Rs 138,107 crore, marginally short of the Rs 45,000 sectors, etc — and so, investors need to do the markets are trading high.
140,032 crore in FY13. 44,000 theirduediligencewhileparkingtheirfunds. Itisimportanttounderstandthatinterest
So, if you were to follow FPIs, there is a 43,593.67 Fund managers with mutual funds as ratesarecertainlynotgoingtogointodouble
clear signal to invest or to remain invested. 43,000 well as brokerage houses say investors must digits, and so equities could be the best bet
On the other hand, if you look at the trend of 42,000 40,431.6 look at quality companies and not get for protection against inflation.
domestic investors, it would emerge that swayed by the rally.
they have been busy booking profits amid 41,000 WhileFPIshavebeeninvesting,manysay What are the concerns to keep in mind?
the sharp rise in markets. Trade data of do- 40,000 that once retail investors start investing, so Evenasthreevaccineshavereportedhigh
(From left): A mannequin exhaling with an exhalation valve, no mestic institutional investors including mu- 39,614.07 will domestic institutional investors. efficacy in phase 3 trials, and are expected to
exhalation valve, and no mask. Matthew Staymates/Physics of Fluids tual funds show that they have pulled out a 39,000 be made available over the next couple of
net of close to Rs 30,000 crore in November. So, should one invest at current levels? months, many feel that the impact in India
ItisimportanttonotethatDIIsdon’tinvestor Investors should never look at levels to will be slow in comparison to low-popula-
IT IS widely understood why health The videos book profits for themselves — if mutual fund Source:Bombay Stock Exchange invest. While it matters for traders, it does- tion countries, as it will take a longer time to
authorities around the world, includ- Staymatescreatedtwovideoswith investors start redeeming their units, the n’t matter for disciplined monthly investors cover the massive population. There are also
ing in India, recommend against us- mannequins, using different tech- fund house will have to sell stocks in the who are willing to invest for 10, 15 or 20 concerns over the pace of economic recov-
ing a mask with an exhalation valve. niques. One video was created using scheme to honour the redemption. inlargesumsof moneyintoIndianequitiesin years. Investments should be done in a dis- ery, as India is among the countries hardest
Now, a study has used videos to show the“schlierenimagingsystem”,which November,andtheSensexhasralliedbyover ciplined manner, and there is no harm in hit by Covid-19 in terms of economy.
howmaskswithvalvesfailtofilterex- makesexhaledbreathmorevisiblebe- What is fuelling the rally? 4,100 points or 10.6% in the same period. starting now. One must remember that While the markets have had a significant
haled air, thus protecting the wearer causeitiswarmerandlessdensethan Therallyisclearlydrivenbypositivenews whenever the Sensex has hit a new high or rally, George said, “I do not see that the econ-
but not others. thesurroundingair.“Theopticalcom- flows. The outcome of the US Presidential Will the rise in markets continue? landmark — be it 10,000, 20,000, 25,000 or omy will jump in the immediate future to
The study is published in Physics ponents are fairly simple, except for election in the first week of November fu- For now, the markets are flush with liq- 30,000 — each of these levels has seemed justify the market levels… However, FPIs are
of Fluids. The author, Matthew the large mirror that I use,” he said. elled FPI inflows into emerging markets and uidity — and since money will find its way expensive at that point of time. However, taking a call on the Indian economy and in-
Staymates, is a research Theschlierenimaging led to a sharp rally in equity markets world- into the equity markets, they are likely to re- with time, investors have concluded that it vesting in the market.”
physicist with the US system shows the move- wide including in India. This was followed main strong. Market participants, however, was a mistake not to have started invest- In fact, a report by Oxford Economics on
National Institute of mentoftheairitself,while by successive announcements of promising remain cautious, and there is a feeling in the ments then. Thursday said that India’s growth equilib-
Standards and the“fogvisualisationsys- results in Covid-19 vaccine trails by Pfizer & market that the investment stories will keep With the Sensex having rallied swiftly by riumwillworsenoverthemediumterm,and
Technology. Staymates, tem”, with which the BioNTech, Modernaand Russia, boosting eq- changing—fromlargecapstomid-andsmall 4,180 points or 10.6% in a matter of 14 trad- potential growth would average at 4.5% over
whose work involves other video was made, uity markets over the last 10 days. caps, from pharma and IT to banking and fi- ing sessions, there is always a possibility of 2020-25, as opposed to its pre-coronavirus
flow visualisation tech- shows the movement of TheresulthasbeenthatFPIshavepumped nance, and then to infrastructure-oriented some profit-booking, and thus a dip in the forecast of 6.5%
niques that capture the PAPER exhaled particles. “A fog
movementof aironcam-
CLIP droplet generator is used
era, turned thisexpertise
toward masks.
“Our intuition was
that these valve masks
to produce the fog within
the ‘throat’ of the man-
is positioned behind the
Why gangster Pujari doesn’t want to go to Mumbai
are not appropriate for source control headof themannequin,andthishelps hiscustodynotbegiventoan- Sources said one of the tipped off the police about a gang member.
during this pandemic,” Staymates to brightly illuminate the droplets as MOHAMED THAVER other state police force till the main reasons why Pujari Pujari then started working in the gang at a
toldThe IndianExpress,byemail.“This theyexitthemouthofthemannequin,” MUMBAI, NOVEMBER 19 trial is completed in the main does not want to be sent to time when Dawood Ibrahim and Chhota
new work was designed to visually Staymates said. cases against him in Mumbai is that he fears a Rajan were together.
show why this is the case. The videos The second video shows droplets GANGSTER RAVI Pujari, who was extradited Karnataka. threat to his life, especially in Later, after the 1992-93 riots in Mumbai,
are powerful and easy to understand escapeunfilteredthroughthe valveof to India from Senegal in February last year, Mumbai. In a city marked by when the gang split and Rajan and Dawood
for a broad audience, and our hope is an N95 mask. When there is no valve, has so far been questioned by the Karnataka How was the Mumbai intense gang wars over the became enemies, Pujari sided with Rajan.
that many people get a chance to see no breath is visible because the mask Police in cases registered there. Mumbai police awarded his years, aides of various gangs However, when there was an attack on
this and realise why valves are not a has filtered out the droplets. Policelastweekwonacourtorderforhiscus- custody? are kept in separate barracks Pujari’s life in Bangkok in 2000, he became
good idea right now.” KABIR FIRAQUE tody, but the gangster has opposed this. A sessions court in in the same prison, or ideally suspicious about several people, including
Bengaluru allowed Mumbai in separate prisons so that Pujari, who might have leaked his location.
How many state police forces have Police to take his custody they do not attack each other. Pujari then started his own gang and mod-
sought custody of Pujari ? based on a letter and a pro- In the past, an aide of Chhota elled his persona as a ‘Hindu don’, like Rajan.
The police forces in Mumbai, Gujarat and duction warrant a special Ravi Pujara. Express Archive Rajan, O P Singh, was killed in Sincethen,hehasfunctionedindependently.
Keralaaretryingtogetcustodyof Pujari,who court in Mumbai. This court Nashik prison by rival gang
has cases registered against him there, be- is conducting the trial in a members in 2002. In 2013, When is Pujari likely to be sent to
sidesinKarnataka.Mostof theserelatetoex- 2015 caseinvolvinga chargeof conspiracyto gangster Abu Salem was attacked in Taloja Mumbai?
tortion, and his victims include actors and murder against political leader Raju Patil. prisonbyanotherprisoner,DevendraJagtap, While the Mumbai Police said they will
politicians. Mumbai Police plans to try Pujari Pujari too is an accused in that case. who had managed to smuggle in a firearm. try to get him to the city in a week’s time,
in 19 major cases and had approached the Salem survived the attack. Pujari’slawyerislikelytoopposethesessions
Karnataka High Court several times seeking Why does Pujari not want to be taken in court order in the High Court. The lawyer is
his custody, but had not been successful un- Mumbai Police custody? Which gangs Is Pujari affiliated to? expectedtoarguethattheRajuPatilcasewas
til last week. The Crime Branch in Karnataka Incourt,hislawyerDilrajSequeiraargued Rajan moved to Mumbai in his early not mentioned in the list of cases he could
is investigating him in 107 cases. that sending him to Mumbai would delay years, living first in Dombivli and later in be tried for in the extradition order by the
Once the Mumbai Crime Branch started the cases in Karnataka. Sequeira also ex- Andheri. He caught the attention of Chhota Senegal government last year. If the High
seeking his custody, Pujari’s lawyer filed a pressed fears for Pujari’s life owing to the Rajan following the murder of a man called Court does not intervene, heshouldbe in the
writ petition in the High Court praying that high number of Covid-19 cases in Mumbai, Bala Zalte, whom Pujari suspected of having city by next week, an officer said.
Broken economy or family feud: Why has Erdogan son-in-law quit govt?
terErdoganhadfiredtheGovernorofTurkey’s That was the year when Albayrak took How is Albayrak’s tenure as Finance So, how should the resignation be
MEHRGILL Central Bank, Murat Uysal, 16 months after over as Finance Minister. Since then, the Minister perceived? understood?
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 19 he had taken office. Some believe this is the economy has been marked by slowdowns Due to high rates of unemployment, The news portal The Middle East Eye
reason Albayrak resigned. Erdogan replaced and the weakening of the Turkish lira, both double-digit inflation and the declining wrote that Albayrak’s resignation could
EARLIER THIS month, Turkey president Uysal with former Finance Minister Naci of which have been exacerbated by the value of thelira(it haslostmore than25% of have been prompted by a realisation from
Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s son-in-law, Berat Agbal,whohasbeencriticalofAlbyarak’seco- pandemic. And 2018 was also the year itsvaluesincethebeginningof thisyearand Erdogan about the unmanageable scale of
Albayrak, announced his resignation as the nomic policies over the last two years. when the parliamentary government sys- is one of the worst performing currencies Turkey’s economic crisis, with the tipping
country’sTreasuryandFinanceMinister.The According to some media reports, Albayrak tem was replaced with a presidential sys- of the year), Albayrak was considered an point being Albayrak’s decision to start us-
question commentators are asking is was not briefed about Uysal’s sacking. tem, concentrating power in the President, unpopular Finance Minister of what was ing up foreign currency reserves to keep in-
whether the move is related to the worsen- and giving Erdogan greater powers to in- once seen as one of the fastest-growing terest rates down. As per an estimate by
ingTurkisheconomy,orwhetheritconcerns Why is the resignation significant? fluence institutions such as the country’s global markets. GoldmanSachs,Turkeyhasspentover$101
the power equations within the family. Media reports have noted that Albayrak Central Bank. However,asGürsesnotesonhisblog,be- billion to intervene in its currency markets.
was viewed as Erdogan’s heir apparent, and When Albayrak took over as Finance ingthePresident’sson-in-law“gavehimvery From one perspective, Albayrak’s resig-
What has happened with the President that he was being groomed for the role. Minister, his early initiatives were aimed at solidpoliticalsupportandstrength”,because nation can be seen as a case of “palace in-
and his son-in-law? On his blog, the Turkish economist Ugur Berat Albayrak was seen as heir keeping interest rates low and inflation in of which he was able to sign “wrong deci- trigue” — as a Washington Post analysis has
Albayrak announced his decision on Gürses has called Albayrak’s resignation “a apparent to Erdogan. AP check. This unorthodox approach is some- sionsinablindfold”.Someof thesedecisions called it — and as an attempt by Erdogan to
InstagramonNovember8,sayinghewasre- privilegeof hisown”sincethereisnoexam- thing Erdogan is known to favour. In fact, include imposing interest restrictions on have the final say in financial matters.
signing for health reasons. The resignation pleinthe17-yearErdoganadministrationof one of the reasons that the lira has been hit- bank deposits and loans, restrictions on for- From another perspective — that of fi-
wentlargelyunreportedbythemainstream someone“whoresignedwithpersonalpref- How bad is Turkey's economy? ting record lows against the dollar is be- eign exchange transactions, and pressuring nancial analysts surveyed by Reuters — this
Turkishmedia,apparentlyforfearof aback- erence”. He noted that Albayrak’s resigna- Erdogan has been in power since 2003, cause of pressure from Erdogan on the companiestolowerpricesfollowingthecur- series of events can be seen as a shift to-
lashfromErdogan.IttookthePresident’sof- tionisananomaly,consideringallministers firstasPrimeMinister,andthenasPresident Central Bank not to raise interest rates. rency shock in August 2018. wardsmore “orthodox”and restrictiveeco-
fice over 24 hours to acknowledge and ac- have so far been dismissed or relocated at since 2014. In these years, Turkey’s econ- In September this year, however, the In contrast, new Central Bank Governor nomic policies, with hope placed in the
cept the resignation. On November 11, Erdogan’s will. omynearlydoubledinsizeatanannualrate Central Bank raised its benchmark interest Agbal and Finance Minister Elvan, in com- combination of Agbal and Elvan to salvage
Erdogan appointed former Deputy Prime Thatmakestheresignationespeciallysur- of about 5.6%,according toaBBC report,but rate by 2 percentage points in the hope that ments they made last week, have promised the currency, and possibly stabilise it, by fo-
Minister Lutfi Elvan as Albayrak’s successor. prising, given that Albayrak is thought to be then it shrank in the third and fourth quar- thiswillbringdowninflationandattractin- to improve the quality of public finance by cusing on increasing interest rates and un-
Albayrak’sannouncementcameadayaf- the country’s second most powerful person. ters of 2018. vestors to buy the lira. maintaining fiscal discipline dertaking structural reforms.
New Delhi
SENSEX: 43,599.96 ▼ 580.09 NIFTY: 12,771.70 ▼ 166.55 NIKKEI: 25,634.34 ▼ 93.80 HANG SENG: 26,356.97 ▼ 187.32 FTSE: 6,333.80 ▼ 51.44 DAX: 13,087.92 ▼ 113.97
International market data till 1900 IST
‘Post unlock, sharp decline in Shareofdebtwith IC<1companiesdownto35% Tech adoption in last few months Pradhan: 1K
LNG stations
more than that of a decade: PM
■ % of sample debt with companies with IC<1
stressed debt across sectors’ ■ %notcoveringinterestinatleast4quarters
CoC defers decision Sensex drops 580 pts on rising virus cases
centre,” said Pradhan during the
BRIEFLY foundation-laying ceremony for
50 LNG stations.
inkloanpact on DHFL takeover, to Benchmark rallied 4,565 pts in last 13 sessions; breached 3 milestones in 7 sessions The Sensex had rallied 4,565 while defensive sectors such as productislikelytocontract7.5per Google signs
New Delhi: A loan agree-
ment for $500 million
(about Rs 3,700 crore) was
take call after Dec 3 ENSECONOMICBUREAU
by strong portfolio inflows.
FMCG and pharma fared better.”
The positivity in auto sales
cent in the current financial year,
but could see a double-digit
growth in 2021-22, said
signed on Thursday
between the government ENSECONOMICBUREAU Inafiling, DHFLsaid the
nearly 1.3 per cent Thursday, fol-
increasing infections raised fears
an indicator of economic recov-
Narendra Solanki, head—equity
research, Anand Rathi Shares &
pacts with
and the New Development
Bank (NDB) for funding the
receivedane-mail with
lowing weak cues from global
peers as investors grappled with
sidering its impact on global eco-
fections, which is again being re-
portedinsomepartsof India,can
Stock Brokers.
However, upside remained six French
Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut THE COMMITTEE of creditors risingcoronaviruscases,freshre- nomicactivity,globalmarketsen- offset this nascent recovery. capped as European markets
RRTS Corridor. (CoC) of Dewan Housing Finance certainattachments strictions and economic worries. timentsturnednegative.Thiswas During the afternoon session opened mixed amid concerns
Corporation (DHFL) has deferred Afterhittinganewhighof44,230, inspiteof optimismsurrounding markets briefly scaled back and aboutrisingCovidcasesandnew
fromoneof thePRA,the
RE-INVEST:PM adecisiononselectingthebidder
fortakeoverofthemortgagefirm. contentsof whichare
the benchmark Sensex plum-
meted 580 points to close at
velopment. Indian markets also
touched its all-time high levels
Onthesectoralfront,banks,finan- REUTERS
toinaugurate “TheCoCwilltakeadecisiononly
notyetknownsincethe 43,599.96andtheNSENiftyIndex
fell 167 points at 12,771.70 on
cent highs, as investors turned
chief economic adviser’s state-
cials and other rate sensitive sec-
tors led markets lower while
New Delhi: Prime Minister beendeferred,”saidaseniorban- e-mail hasnotbeen profit taking. cautious.Financialsledthelosses ment that India’s gross domestic FMCGremainedslightlypositive. ALPHABET’S GOOGLE has signed
NarendraModiwillinaugu- king source. The Piramal Group, openedbythe copyright agreements with six
rate the 3rd Global oneofthefourbidders,hasprotes- French newspapers and maga-
New Delhi
(A wholly owned Government of Gujarat Undertaking)
1) Est. Cost
(Rs. in
(a) Pre-bid Meeting
(b) Last date for online downloading/
Objections/Claims related Press Note
lacs) submission of tender documents (Panjiri Plant Gharaunda)
2) Tender Fee (c) Date for physical submission of
It is informed to Sh. Jagdish Bajaj, M/s Bharat Trading Company
Tender Notice No, & (in Rs.) tender documents
Name of the work 3) EMD (d) Online verification of tender SEARCH FOR MISSING Gohana (Sonipat) that 800 empty tins were auctioned in Panjiri Plant
Gharaunda on 12.04.2012 and auction was left in the Name of Sh.
(Rs. in lacs) documents Jagdish Bajaj, M/s Bharat Trading Company Gohana (Sonipat). But
4) Class (e) Online opening of Technical bid General public is hereby informed that Sh. Jagdish Bajaj did not left these 800 empty tins form Panjiri Plant
5) Time Limite (f) Online opening of price bid a lady namely Suman with her son, Gharaunda even after repeated notices. Now the Director General,
W/o Deepak R/o H.No. 28/880, DDA Women and Child Development Department Haryana Panchkula has
1 2 3 Flats, Madangir, New Delhi has been decided to auction these 800 tins again after giving Objections/
missing since 03.11.2020 from the area Claims related Press Note in Newspapers. Sh Sh. Jagdish Bajaj, M/s
Work under the Chief Engineer, (Dam & Vadaodar), Kevadia Colony
of PS Ambedkar Nagar, Delhi. In this Bharat Trading Company Gohana (Sonipat) is informed through this
Tender Notice No- 1 of 2020-21 1) N.A. (a) 25/11/2020 @ 11.30 hrs. regard, DD No. 72-A dated 04.11.2020 Suman and Rishav press note that he should lift these 800 tins within one week from the
ID No. 435637 2) 29,500/- (b) 03/12/2020 up to 18.00 hrs has been registered at PS Ambedkar date of issue of this press note otherwise your objections and claims
Shortlisting of Agencies for providing 3) N.A. (c) 04/12/2020 up to 16.00 hrs Nagar, Delhi. Sincere efforts have been made by the local will not be accepted on these tins thereafter and these 800 tins will
Comprehensive Architectural Services 4) N.A. police to trace out the missing lady and her son but no clue has be auctioned again.
(d) 04/12/2020 at 16.00 hrs.
for Development of Multi Storeyed State 5) N.A. onwards (if possible) come to light so far. The description of the missing lady and her Sd/-
Bhavans/ Guests Houses and Central & son are as under: Manager,
(e) 04/12/2020 at 16.30 hrs Panjiri Plant Gharaunda
State PSU Bhavan at Kevadia, Name: Suman, Gender: Female, Age: 29 years, Height: 5'5”, 83909/HRY
(if possible) Complexion: Fair, Face: Round, Built: Strong, Wearing: Blue
Narmada (f) N.A. suit-salwar and black shoes on her feet.
Note : The details regarding contact place for physical submission and opening of tender, Name: Rishav@Veer, Gender: Male, Age: 11 years, Height:
please visit website INF/1300/20-21 3'4", Complexion: Fair, Face; Long, Built: Thin,
If anyone has any information regarding this the missing lady
and her son, kindly inform SHO/Ambedkar Nagar, Delhi.
E-mail :
Fax: 01933-241318, Email:
Ph.: 011-24368638, 24368641 SHO
Government of Jammu and Kashmir Fax : 011-24368639 P.S. Ambedkar Nagar, Delhi.
Sealed tenders affixed with revenue stamp of Rs. 5/- for and on behalf of the Lieutenant Governor of J&K Union Territory
are invited from reputed registered and authorized dealers/reputed firms/stockiest for the supply of Refreshment, and
other items with theme on BBBP like Tentage, Hoardings, Banners on cloth, posters, Animated movies, Multicolour TENDER NOTICE
Booklets,Writing pads, Multicolour Stickers, Baby care kit, Caps, Pens, Public Address System, Hiring of vehicle, each Sr. Name of Name of Start/Date Tender Technical Website
this office within 15 days upto 4:30 p.m from the date of publication of the notice.The tenders shall be opened in the No. Department Work Closing Date Value Bid Opening
office of undersigned on the next working day at 1:00 p.min presence of the tenderers, whosoever may wish to be pres-
ent. The District Level Purchase Committee reserves right to reject any dubious tenders wholly or partially without 1. MNSS, Rai Purchase of Books & 19.11.2020 15 Lacs 14.12.2020 at
assigning any reason thereof.The details of items are given hereunder: Stationery (Tender ID- (1200 hrs.) (Approx.) at 1200 Hrs
2020_HRY_150943_1) 11.12.2020
Sr. Item Description Quantity Units Rate (1600 Hrs.)
1 2 3 4 5 2. MNSS, Rai Supply of Dry Ration 18.11.2020 1 Crore 09.12.2020 at
(Tender ID- (1600 hrs.) 12.50 Lacs at 1200 Hrs
1 Banners on plain cloth Durable shining fast colour Different themes 1 No Rate per sq. feet 2020_HRY_150961_1) 08.12.2020 (Approx.)
on BBBP Different (Length*Breadth) (1600 Hrs.)
2 Animated film on BBBP 1 No Rate per minute Sd/-
3 5 Minute Documentary on BBBP 5 No. Rate per documentary Principal & Director,
83912/HRY MNSS, Rai
4 Posters Black & White English/ Urdu Themes /slogan on BBBP (A4 size) 1 No Rate per page
5 10’x10’ Metallic hoarding raised on angle iron Durable shining fast 1 sq. feet Rate per hoarding
colour Different themes on BBBP Different (Length* Breadth)
6 6’x6’ Wall painting shining fast colour double painted (normal size 1 sq. feet Rate per sq. feet
rate per sq. feet
7 6’x6’ Guddi Gudda Hoardings raised on angle iron durable shining 1 No Rate per hoarding
fast colour Different themes on BBBP
8 Posters MulticolourEnglish/ Urdu Themes /slogan on BBBP (A4 size) 1 No Rate per page
9 Booklets Black & White English/Urdu Themes /slogan on BBBP A4 size 1 No Rate per page
10 Booklets Multicolor English/Urdu Themes /slogan on BBBP A4 size 1 No Rate per page
11 Note books Coloured theme on BBBP on cover page English/Urdu 1 No Rate per page
A4 size pages
Writing pads with Coloured theme on BBBP on cover page 1 No Rate per writing pad
Delhi Agricultural
English/Urdu half size of A4 25 pages
Stickers Black & white English/Urdu with Theme /Slogan on BBBP 1 No Rate per sticker
Marketing Board
half of A4 ssize (Govt. of NCT of Delhi)
9, Institutional Area, Pankha Road,
14 Stickers Multicolour English/Urdu with Theme /Slogan on BBBP half 1 No Rate per sticker Janakpuri, New Delhi- 110058
of A4 size Tel: 28522085, 28525232 Fax: 011-28522085
15 Himalaya/Johnson Baby care kit: 1 Kit Rate per kit E-mail:-, Website:-
a) Shampoo40 ml
b) Powder 100 ml NOTICE OF E-TENDERING
c) Soap 75 ml The E-tendering on behalf of Secretary FP&EMC.
Flower vases different colours rate
Medals Golden Colour with different theme on BBBP
per vase
rate per medal
Name of work Estimated Earnest period of Last date & time Tender ID/NIT
cost money compln. of receipt of
Tenders through
Pantheon Road, Egmore, Chennai-600 008.
Caps white colour with different themes on BBBP e-procurement
18 1 No rate per cap Phone : 28191890 / 28190259; Fax: 044 –28190636 E-Mail:
19 Hiring of vehicle for village to village campaign 1 Day rate per day including fuel (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
20 Stationary items for Trainings/monitoring: 1. Name of work:- Rs Rs 12 27.11.2020 Up to NIT No.: 24 INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING – TENDER EXTENSION NOTICE
a) Photo state paper plan (A4) 1 Rim rate per rim
Providing labour and
supply of building
10,75,588/- 21,600/- months 14.30 Hrs. DAMB/Engg./
1. The Tender due dates are extended as follows:
material for day to day Tender Id No.
b) Photograph paper (Shining white) A4 size 1 No rate per sheet maintenance work at 2020_DAMB_
1) Tender No.PKG3/ICB/TNUHP/JICA/C2/USG/TNMSC/ENGG/2020, dt.04.02.2020 -
c) File covers different colours (normal size) 1 No rate per cover Fish & Poultry market 196587_1 Ultrasound Machine (5), Ultrasonogram Colour Doppler with 3 probes (18) & Portable Ultrasound
d) Transparent covers different colours(normal size) 1 No rate per cover Machine (6)
2. Renovation of dhallow at Rs Rs Three 27.11.2020 Up to NIT No.: 23
e) White board marker different colours(normal size) 1 No rate per marker Fish Market Gazipur 1564212/- 31300/- months 14.30 Hrs. DAMB/Engg./ 2) Tender No.PKG6/ICB/TNUHP/JICA/C2/OPE-I/TNMSC/ENGG/2020, dt.04.02.2020 - Multipara
Delhi PE-II/2020
f) Transparent tape multicolours medium size 1 No rate per tape roll Tender Id No. Monitor (4), Multipara monitor with IBP (4), Multipara monitor with ETCO2 (18), Defibrillator (15),
g) Pens with theme on BBBP different colour 1 No rate per pen
2020_DAMB_ Anesthesia Work Station with monitor (18), Anesthesia Work station (20), Operation Theatre
Tuners Black colour ( No.1108)
fracture Table (with ortho attachment, C-arm compatible) (17) & Operation Theatre Table (with
h) 1 No rate per tuner
To be opened online in the office of Project Engineer-II, DAMB, 9 Institutional General Surgery attachment) (10)
i) Tuners Colour (No. Ricoh MPC-2004) 1 No rate per tuner
Area, Pankha Road, Janak Puri, New Delhi- 110058: Technical Bid at 15:00 Hrs. Sl. No. Sale period Submission of Bids Opening of Bids
j) Seasor medium size durable 1 No rate per seasor on 27.11.2020.
21 Tentage with decorated roof and rent charges of the following items: Tender documents, Terms & conditions and details can be seen & downloaded 1 Upto 14.12.2020 15.12.2020, 03.00 PM 15.12.2020, 04.00 PM
from the website
a) Shamyana canvas (neat & clean) 1 Sq. feet rate per sq.feet 2 Upto 17.12.2020 18.12.2020, 03.00 PM 18.12.2020, 04.00 PM
b) Matting plain jute (neat & clean) 1 Sq. feet rate per sq. feet Project Engineer-II for details visit and TNMSC website
c) Matting plain duret (neat & clean) 1 Sq. feet rate per sq. feet DIP/Shabdarth/0440/20-21 DAMB DIPR/ 4329 /Tender/2020 General Manager (Equipment)
d) Carpet matting (neat & clean 1 Sq. feet rate per sq. feet
e) Plastic chair (normal size) superior covered with cloth (different colour) 1 No rate per chair
f) Plastic chair (normal size) superior 1 No rate per chair
g) Table with table cloth (normal size) superior 1 No rate per table
h) Sofa set normal superior. 1 Set rate per set
i) Office chairs wooden superior normal size 1 No rate per chair
j) Public address system with cordless mike system & collar mike & 1 No rate per system
large speakers
k) Tea-poy normal size 1 No rate per tea-poy
l) Stage 10*12*12 with carpet matting 1 Sq. feet rate per sq.feet
21 Refreshment
a) Kehwa with roti & spices and service (normal cup) 1 Cup rate per cup with roti
b) Rice with sabzi/dal with salad and service (normal plate) 1 Plate rate per plate
c) Rice with meat 2 pieces with salad and service (normal plate) 1 Plate rate per plate
d) Samoosa with tomato Ketchup with service (normal size) 1 No rate per smoosa
e) Kababof sheep meat with nan and chatni& with service (full plate) 1 Plate rate per plate
f) Kababof sheep meat with nan and chatni& with service (half plate) 1 No rate per plate
g) Chicken plain cooked with service (full plate) 1 Plate rate per plate
h) Chicken plain cooked with service (half plate) 1 Plate rate per plate
i) Mineral water Bislari /Aquafina with service in glasses 1 Bottle rate per bottle
j) Biryani Chiken with service (full) 1 No rate per biryani
k) Biryani Chiken with service (half) 1 No rate per biryani
l) Tea Lipton with spices and service (normal cup) 1 Cup rate per cup
m) Shirmal sweet /salty well prepared normal size) 1 No rate per shirmal
n) Juice Rani (normal size) with service 1 No rate per tin
21) Installation of LED Screen on at least five places i.e. District 5 No. No. Rate per screen
Hospital/Sub-District Hospital and CHCs for depicting of Monthly (3’x3’)
1. The tender document is available in the office of undersigned and on the Web Site of District Development
Commissioner Pulwama district web site
Office of the Executive Engineer,
2. Rs. 200/- (Rupees two hundred) on account of cost of tender document shall be deposited in the Government Mahad Public Works Division, Mahad-Raigad.
treasury under Major Head: 0235-SSW after proper receipt and receipt copy may be deposited with the tender doc- Email :- Ph. No. 02145 222167
3. The tender document should be accompanied with CDR/FDR worth Rs. 20000/- (Rupees Twenty Thousands) on NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER
as Earnest money from any Scheduled Bank of India/J&K Bank Ltd. Pledged to the District Programme Officer,
ICDS Pulwama. e-Tender Notice No. 28 for 2020-21
4. The tenderer shall carefully examine the conditions and specifications of tender documents enclosed and in case ONLINE tenders in "C" Form are invited by the Executive Engineer, Public Works Division
of any doubt the tenderer shall get it clarified before signing the contract.
5. The tenderer should be approved firm /agency and possesses valid licence (copy of registration/licence may be Mahad, District Raigad 402301 for the following works Department of Maharashtra State. The name of
deposited with the tender document. work, estimated cost, earnest money, security deposit, time limit for completion etc. The details can be
6. No conditional tender shall be entertained/accepted. viewed and downloaded online directly from the Government of Maharashtra e-tendering Portal
7. The tender document should be numbered and bear signature of authorized signatory with seal on each & every https// as under.
8. The specification/ brand of the item should specially be mentioned. e- Name of Work Estimated Bid Security Cost of Period of completion
9. The Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any tender or part thereof, without assigning any reason and Tender Cost (Rupees) (E.M.D.) Tender Form. of work (Calendar
does not bind it to accept the lowest tendered rates. The Committee reserves the right to accept/ approve even
higher rates on the basis of quality of the products/ goods to be supplied.
No. (Rupees) via (Rupees) via Months) (Including
10. The unit rate of any item must not, under any circumstances, be altered and the rates should be entered in words Online Online Monsoon)
as well as in figures and the successful tenderer shall not assign or sublet his contract or any part thereof to any 1 2 3 4 5 6
other agency. 1 Construction of Major Bridge at 5,94,83,016/- 2,98,000/- 3,360/- 24 (Twenty Four
11. The rates should be inclusive of all taxes including F.O.R.VAT/GST Excise duty, Octori, Toll Tax, Freight, Loading,
Un-loading, Handling and all other incidental charges including Entry tax if any.
Village Birwadi on Birwadi Months)
12. The rates quoted shall be valid from the date of submission of bid to the delivering and no price escalation shall Walan Sandoshi Road, S.H. 102,
be allowed during the tenure of the contract under any circumstances. Taluka Mahad, District Raigad.
13. All the items to be supplied shall be of good quality and strictly in accordance with the tender specification. The
item must be of approved and standard brand and quality.
14. All liabilities on account of VAT/GST, Income Tax and other Taxes in vogue shall be borne by the supplier and
deduction shall be made from the bills of the suppliers as per standing Government Orders/Instructions. Hence the 1) Period of Sale, Downloading & Online 23.11.2020 to 18.12.2020
rate quoted shall be inclusive of all taxes /charges up to destination. Submission of bid documents (From 1000 Hrs to 1800 Hrs
15. The successful tenderer shall have to abide by the standard terms and conditions as laid down in the J&K Financial
Rules / Code & the conditions as per the contract and the contract of supply can be repudiated at any time if the 2) Pre Bid meeting In office of the Chief Engineer, (P.W.) Region, Konkan, Marzban
supplies are not made to the satisfaction of the department. Road, Fort, Mumbai. Date- 09.12.2020 @ 1500 Hrs
16. If approved suppliers fail to supply the goods of the prescribed specification/approved sample and on approved
rates, the purchasing officer shall be at liberty to arrange the supply either by retendering or otherwise after giving 3) Online opening of Technical & Price bid Probably on date 22.12.2020 at 1500 Hrs. in the office of the
notice to the approved suppliers. The extra cost, if any, involved in re tendering or making alternative arrangements, Superintending Engineer, Raigad (P.W.) Circle, Konkan Bhavan,
shall be recovered from the supplier besides firm will be black listed along with the name of the proprietor for future Navi Mumbai.
dealing with the Department and the extra cost incurred will be recovered from CDR’s/ earnest money or in case
of shortfall the recovery shall be made underthe provisions of J&K Land Revenue Act. Note :-
17. In case approved supplier fails to make the supply within the stipulated period of time or makes the short supply, ● Bid documents & Details of Schedule are available on
a penalty upto 15% of the un-executed value of the orders shall be imposed at the discretion of District ● Bidders have to submit Technical bid as well as Price bid in electronic format only on
Development Commissioner Pulwama. till the last date and time for submission.
18. The contract shall be a binding upon the successful tenderer from the time of the acceptance of the rates of the
items approved are communicated to them. Sd/-
19. Any other clause if found necessary shall be entered in the agreement to be executed with this department by the (R. K. Bamane)
supplier. Sd/- No. MHD/AB/TC/3109 Executive Engineer
District Programme Officer (ICDS) Date : 12.11.2020 Public Works Division, Mahad
DIPK-9275 (Coordinating Officer BBBP), Pulwama DGIPR 2020-21/C1248
New Delhi
Service No.153934241, Rank:- Be it known by all that my client Sh. Ram
Havildar, Name:- Sh. Satyjit Singh S/o Sh. Budh Ram R/o H.No. 57,
Singh Presently residing at Village Mohmmad Pur, Delhi-110036, that
Village Sailani, Post Hanumanti, he has severred all his relations with his
son Sh. Deepak as well as his daughter-in-
Distt. Pauri Garhwal, law Smt. Yogita Attri and has disowned them
Uttarakhand-246127. have from all of his movable and/or immovable
PERSONAL changed my name from assets. If any person(s) deals with the above
RAJESWARI RAWAT to said Sh. Deepak and his wife Smt. Yogita
I Kavita Singhal D/o Sh.Mahavir
Singhal W/o Sh.Gaurav
I,Bhawana Sethi,W/o Sh.Sunil
Sethi R/o H.No.D-6,Old
RAJESHWARI DEVI, for all Attri in any manner whasoever, such person(s)
shall do so at his/her/its/their sole risks,
Aggarwal R/o A-29, Laxmi H.S.I.L.Colony,Bahadurgarh
Purposes liablilites, responsibilities, consequences etc, Solid Waste Management Department
0040555331-5 and my client shall be liable for the same
Vihar, Mohan Garden, Delhi- distt.Jhajjar(Haryana)have in any manner under any circumstances. S.W.M.C.No.A7/3041-46/2020
110059 have changed my name changed my name,from Rajnish & Associates (Advocate) ERRATA
after marriage to Kavita Bhawana Sethi to Bhawana LOST & FOUND Off. No. 449, 2nd Floor, Dahiya Bhawan, Above Canara
Bank ATM, Main Bus Stand Sant Nagar, Delhi-84
Eratta Published on “The Hindu” Tamil Newspaper and “Indian Express”
Aggarwal for all purposes. Bindra. 0040555586-7 English Newspaper, Dated: 11.11.2020.
I, Prem Singh Kaintura S/o
0040555539-1 I, Vijay Sitaram Thukrul S/o Sh.Bachan Singh have lost PUBLIC NOTICE OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER To Published to be read as
Sitaram Thukarul R/o Room It is to bring to the notice of general public that JAMMU POWER DISTRIBUTION CORPORATION LIMITED (JPDCL) The Superintending Engineer (SWM), Greater The Superintending Engineer (SWM), Greater
I Shantanu Nandi Father of Ms. following Documents (1). Chennai Corporation (GCC) invites online Chennai Corporation (GCC) invites online
No-10, Shapurji Palanji
the following Four Original Sale Deeds
Batote Power Development Department
Lavnya Nandi R/o G-1367, C. R. Org.Noc for water and belonging to (1) M/s. Ramprastha Promoters tender for Reclamation of Perungudi Dumping tender for Reclamation of Perungudi Dumping
& Developers Pvt. Ltd Vasika No-26810, E-Mail:
Compound, Dr. Vijaykumar electricity- Ground through Bio-mining (Package 1 to 5) Ground through Bio-mining (Package 1 to
Park, New Delhi-110019 have Regn. Dated 22/03/2010 pertaining to 0 Bigha
e-NIT No. 38 of 2020 Dated 16.11.2020 and Reclamation of Perungudi Dumping Ground 5) and Reclamation of Perungudi Dumping
Walimbe Marg, Opposite F.No.339(339)05/NP/NS/1363 2 Biswa 11 Biswansi (0.080 Acres) Village
changed my daughter’s name Gadoli Kalan Gurugram, (2) M/s. Ramprastha 1. INVITATION: through Biomining and construction of Interim Ground through Biomining and construction
Sadhana Building, Parel, Dated- 27/09/2005. (2). Township Pvt. Ltd. Vasika No-6149 Regn.
For and on behalf of the Lieutenant Governor of the UT of Jammu and Landfill site (Package 6) for which RFP documents of Interim Landfill site (Package 6) for which
to Ms. Lavanya Nandi. Dated 15/06/2006 pertaining to 4 Bigha 10
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400012, Org.Possession letter F.No- Biswa 10 Biswansi (2.828 Acres) Village Kashmir, the Executive Engineer, Electric Division JPDCL Batote are available in online RFP documents are available in online
0040555543-1 from 18.11.2020 onwards from 25.11.2020 onwards
have changed my name to 1/339(339)2005/NPRS/NA/1363 Gadoli Kalan Gurugram, (3) M/s. Ramprastha
(Distribution), hereinafter referred as ‘Employer’, invites online e-Bids from
Buildtech Pvt. Ltd. Vasika No. 1693, Regn. Pre Bid Meeting Pre Bid Meeting
It is for general information Vijay Sitaram Thukarul ,Dated. 27/09/2005. Against the dated 21/04/2006 pertaining to 10 Bigha 17 Class ‘A’ registered Contractors or Self Help Groups for SUPPLY, EREC- 25th November 2020 at 11.00 AM 02nd December 2020 at 11.00 AM
that I,TUNGDIM PHILIP 0070721293-1 Reg.No./Aap.No.8586 Reserved
Biswa 0 Biswansi (6.781 Acres) Village Gadoli
Kalan Gurugram, and (4) M/s. B.S.Y
TION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING OF INFRASTRUCTURE FOR Last Date and Time of Submission of Bid Last Date and Time of Submission of Bid
Cat.GE Priority-No.42974 and Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd Vasika No-6227, Regn. IMPROVEMENT OF HT/LT NET WORK BY WAY OF REPLACING 08th December 2020 at 03.00 PM 23rd December 2020 at 03.00 PM
I, Subhash, S/o Raje, residing at Demand-Letter-No.48717, for
dated 16/06/2006 pertaining to 12 Bigha 10
STRANDED CONDUCTOR, BARBED WIRE/WORN-OUT POLES/ Bid Opening Date and Time Bid Opening Date and Time
THANGKHOKAM TUNGDIM R/o Biswa 3 Biswansi (7.817 Acres) Village Gadoli
TREES ETC. AT VILLAGE MANGIT IN BLOCK BANIHAL IN RAMBAN 09th December 2020 at 04.00 PM 24th December 2020 at 04.00 PM
the staff quarter No. 10, the LIG-Flat No.309, GF, Sector- Kalan Gurugram, have been lost/misplaced.
51,Delhi Govt.Officers The general public is hereby informed not to
Korean Embassy, A10 Pocket-6 Group-3,Narela enter into any transaction pertaining to the
Flats,Greater Kailash-1,New DICTION OF ELECTRIC DIVISION JPDCL BATOTE. Bidders are
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi have Delhi, finder Contact-
said immovable properties on the basis of the
Delhi-110048 declare that my said missing original title deeds. If any person
advised to study the Bidding Document carefully. Submission of e-Bid
changed my name Subhash to 9818687094. 0040555564-2 has entered into/ carried out/ is being carrying
name has been wrongly out any transaction based on the said missing against this SBD shall be deemed to have been done after careful/con-
Subhash Kumar for all
written PHILIP I, Jyoti tanwar D/o prem singh
documents, kindly inform the undersigned
scious study and examination of the procedures, terms and conditions of
purposes. within 7 days of publication of this notice and
the Standard Bidding Document with full understanding of its implications.
THANGLIANMANG in my R/o Main market badi choupal desist from undertaking any such transaction.
0040555551-1 Sd/-
1. The tender document is available at website
Degree Certificate and my badarpur Have lost my original Janak Singh (Authorised)
Service Record.The actual I, Shambhvi D/O, Virandra (Address) Plot No- 114, Sector- 44 Interested Bidders may view, download the e-Bid document, seek clar-
certificate/marksheet class- Gurugram Mobile No. 9812510692
ification and submit their e-Bid online upto the date and time men-
name of mine is TUNGDIM Sharma R/o I-139, Delta 2, 10th year-2015 Rollno-8741112 tioned in the table below:
PHILIP THANGLIENMANG Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh CBSE-DELHI. PUBLIC NOTICE A Tender Document Sale/Download Start Date 16.11.2020; 10.00 Hrs.
respectively which may be have changed my name to 0040555582-9 It is hereby informed to the general public
amended accordingly. Shambhvi Sharma for all that my client Sh. Kishan Kumar Sharma B Tender Document Sale/Download End Date 23.11.2020; 12.00 Noon
S/o Ram Nath Sharma R/o Plot No. G-
0040555582-4 purposes. Notice is hereby given that 176A, G/F, KH.No. 9/12, Kunwar Singh
0040555602-4 Share Certificate. No.003057586
Nagar, Nangloi, New Delhi-110041, has
Executive Engineer,
severed all his family relations with his
I,Vinay Kumar Malhotra S/o
I, Sayra Khatoon w/o for 8620 Equity Shares of Rs.2/- younger son namely Lokesh Sharma and
DIPJ/2580 Electric Division, JPDCL, Batote.
Sharvan Kumar Malhotra R/o disowned him from his all moveable &
Mohammad Taiyab Ansari r/o (Rupees Two only) each bearing immovable properties due to his constant
313/84/1,Tulsi Nagar, Gali no.- Distinctive.No(s).25517671- disobedience and cruel behaviour
Apartment,Pitampura, Delhi-
110034,have changed my 5, Inderlok, Delhi-110035 have 25526290 of HDFC Bank Limited
towards my client & other family
members, if someone keeps any type of E-TENDER NOTICE
changed my name to SAIYRA having its registered office at relations or financial dealings with
minor son’s name from HDFC Bank House Senapati Lokesh Sharma, my client shall not be Online Bids” (Under Two Bid System) from Prospective
Dhruvan Malhotra aged-12 KHATOON permanently. Saiyra responsible for his acts in future
Khatoon and Sayra Khatoon Bapat Marg Lower Parel (Wes) whatsoever in any manner. vendors/ firms (firms registered vendors on CPPP
years to Arnav Malhotra. Sd/- NARESH SHARMA (ADVOCATE)
both are same and one person Mumbai–400013 registered Chamber No. 236, (Defence Procurement Portal) using their personal digital
0040555582-2 in,the name,of Dhiraj Sarna Rohini Courts, Delhi.
signature can only participate) are invited by the Directorate
0040555545-1 have been lost. Dhiraj Sarna has
I,Shakuntala Devi Singh, W/o applied,to the,company PUBLIC NOTICE of Personnel Officers-3, for and on behalf of the President of
I, Saira Anees alias Saira alias
Late Sh. Anjani Kumar Singh,
Saira Rastogi alias Saira Bano for,issue duplicate-
Be it known to all concerns that my
clients Sh. Bhim Sain S/o Late Sh. Rijhu India for Procurement of IAF Publicity items listed in Part II of
resident of Village Bahapur certificate.Any person who Ram and Smt. Kanta Mukhi W/o Sh.
this RFP. Details of Procurement under Progress are as
Khurd, Post-Gaddopur, Distt. D/o S.M.Shah R/o B-205, Bhim Sain both R/o B-15, Flat No. F-1,
Delhi-110061, have changed area measuring 168 sq. mtrs., Block- AE,
West Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi- 110026, Online and Physical Bid 26 Nov 2020 at 1000 Hrs
ROY R/O- D-168, POCKET-D, has disinherited, debarred and disowned
my name to Adhrav Shah Shalimar Bagh, Delhi, from M/s. D Pal her son Jaideep Singh Chandok Aged submission Start
SARITA VIHAR, DELHI-110076 Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. Who have represented about 18 years from the inheritance of all
HAVE CHANGED MY NAME TO 0070721292-1 that they are the absolute owners of the her movable and immovable properties due
to his non caring nature, non obedient
Online and Physical Bid 04 Dec 2020 at 1030 Hrs
said property, purchased from Mrs.
SHRABANI ROY. 0040555602-1 nature, non cooperative attitude and submission End
I, RENU SAXENA W/o Ajit Kumar Jasmeet Kaur and Mr. Navneet Singh
disrespectful behavior towards my client
Anand vide Sale Deed dated 30.03.2019
I,Rikky Devi spouse of,Achhe Saxena R/o 1006 Vikas Kunj (Reg No. 4538) who had purchased from
and he has made life of my client
Opening of Tender Box for 10 Dec 2020 at 1100 hrs
Lal Bhagat,R/o-Vill-Ramdas District Centre Vikas Puri,Tilak Mr. Charanjit Vig vide 2 no.s Sale Deeds
Majhauli,Post-Bochahan,Teh- Nagar,West Delhi-110018 Have dated 25.02.2010 (Reg No. 2332 and
Therefore, my client has served all
relations with him and he has no right to
Physical Verification of
Muzaffarpur,Bihar- Changed my Name to RENU
2334). Mr. Charanjit vig was the owner of claim over any properties of my client in
any case. That if anybody deals with him,
one half share in the property and the other
843103,have changed my AJIT SAXENA. 0070721285-1 half was inherited by him from his mother will do so at their own risk, costs &
Opening of Technical Bids 11 Dec 20 at 1100 Hrs
consequences and my client shall not be
name,from Rinki Devi to Rikky Mrs. Shakuntala Devi vide Will dated responsible for any act or misconduct
I, Pinky Sharma W/o Late 02.06.2000 (Reg. No. 26272.) If anybody, done by him, in any case. Commercial bid opening Will be intimated in due
Devi. 0040555586-3 Person, Body Corporate has any right, lien
Vijendra Kumar Sharma R/o A- Sd/- HARPREET SINGH (Advocate)
GH-03,F-706, Stellar-Jeevan, Block no-13, Springfield immovable property and severed all
relationship in future due to the
Sector-1,Greater-Noida West, colony, Sector-31, Amarnagar, misbehavior and misconduct of her. Any
Gautam-Buddha Nagar,U.P- Faridabad, Haryana-121003 person dealing with said person shall be
doing so at own risk and responsibility.
201318.have changed my have changed my name to
name to Neeraj Panjwani Nida Ahmed. Advocate
0070721284-1 CHAMBER NO. 823, LAWYERS
I, Mohd Taiyab s/o Mohd Sipahi COURTS, NEW DELHI-110085
I,NAZAM,W/O-SHAHID,ADD- Jan r/o 313/84/1, Tulsi Nagar,
1818/14 B,ANAR KOTHI Gali no.-5, Inderlok,Delhi- PUBLIC NOTICE
MALKAGANJ NORTH DELHI- 110035 have changed my name This is to bring to the notice of the General Public
that my client Smt. Anuradha Goel wife of Shri
110007,changed my name to to MOHAMMAD TAIYAB Ravi Goel resident of Tajpur Road, Village
Singhola, Delhi also at 272 Nav Sansad Vihar
NAZMA,for all,future ANSARI permanently. Mohd CGHS, Sector-22, Dwarka, Delhi had cancelled/
revoked the registered General Power Of
Purposes. 0040555586-5 Taiyab Ansari and Mohammad Attorney dated 09.04.2015 vide document no.
677 dated 09.04.2015 which was executed in
I,Meenal Lamba,W/o Saurabh Taiyab Ansari both are same favor of Ujjwal Goel son of Shri Devender Kumar
Resident of H.No. 41, Road No. 78, West Punjabi
Khanna,R/o-A-106,New and one person. Bagh, Delhi with respect to property bearing
khasra No. 93/5 situated in village Alipur, Delhi
Friends Colony,Delhi- 0040555545-2 vide registered Cancellation Deed dated
12.11.2020 duly registered vide document no.
110025,have change my name I, Mahinder, S/o man singh, R/o
723 dated 12.11.2020. Any member of the
General Public either dealing or entering into any
to Meenal Khanna for all house number 105, near
transaction or agreement with the above
mentioned person Ujjwal Goel w.r.t aforesaid
future purposes after animal hospital village Palwali
property shall not be binding upon my client Smt.
Anuradha Goel under any circumstances
marriage. 0040555588-5 post office kheri kalan have
I,M Danish Malik S/o.Sirajuddin changed my name to Office at- 65-D, Block CA
Shalimar Bagh, Delhi-110088
Malik R/o-A-68, street No-4 Mahinder Singh.
Madhu-vihar, Delhi- 0070721388-1
110092,have Changed my I, Kumudini Jena D/o,Ratnakar
Name from M Danish malik to Jena W/o,Biranchi Narayan
Mohammad Danish Malik for Mohanty R/o-D-40,
all future purposes T.F.,Sudershan Park, N.Delhi-
0040555564-1 110015,have changed my
name to Shruti Rekha
I,Laxmi Kochhar,W/o Chander Mohanty.
Shekhar Kochhar R/o-195, Sec- 0040555586-1
7A, Faridabad HR,have
changed my name to Lakshmi I, JAGDISH KUMAR,.S/o Shri.Hira
Kochhar. 0040555586-4 Lal,R/o-J-8,second-floor,Old-
I,Kiran Dhar,W/o-Sh. Sushil New Delhi-110024, changed my
Kumar Dhar,D/o-Sh. Joginder name to JAGDISH KUMAR
Pal Mehta,R/o-G- ASHRA,for all purposes.
23/261,Sector-7, Rohini,Delhi-
85,have changed my name 0040555582-1
from Jyoti Dhar to Kiran Dhar I, Chhabi Lal Chhetri,R/o-985
for all future purposes. DSC Platoon,attached with 714
0040555588-6 SU Airforce-Station,
Arjangarh, NewDelhi-47,have
I,Jaideep, S/o,Late Sh.Puran changed my son name,from
Chand,R/o-CU-84,Uttari Samundar Chhetri,to
Pitampura,Delhi 110034,do Samundra Chhetri,Vide-
hereby declare that in some Affidavit,date-18-11-2020
official documents my name is
mentioned as Jaideep Thakur. 0040555602-3
Both the names “Jaideep” and I, Baool Prasad Shivdhari
“Jaideep Thakur” refer to one Prasad Jaiswar S/o Shivdhari
and the same person for all Prasad R/o Dehua,
future purposes herein after. Bharathipur, Jaunpur, UP-
0040555586-2 222203, have changed my
name to Chhabban
I,Harneet Singh Mehta S/o-
Jaspal Singh Mehta R/o-16/1, 0070721316-1
Ground Floor, Right Side,West I Shruti Bhatia D/o Sh.Ravinder
Patel-Nagar, Delhi- Bhatia R/o H.No.F-8,
110008,have changed my Mansarovar Garden, New
name to Harneet Singh. Delhi-110015 is also known as
0040555588-1 Shruti. Both names are of one
and the same person.
NAND KISHORE R/O 0040555539-2
FLATNO.127,2nd- I Manish Malhotra S/O,
FLOOR,JAMNA Baldevraj Malhotra R/o F-
APARTMENT,SECTOR- 2/122,sector-11, Rohini, Delhi -
9,ROHINI,DELHI- 85 have changed my name to
110085.CHANGED MY NAMETO Khush Malhotra for all
GANGA BISHAN. purposes.
0040555588-7 0040555552-1
New Delhi
Australia-bound Rohit Sharma started his fitness training at the National
Cricket Academy here on Thursday. Rohit is not part of India's limited overs
squad for the Australia tour and selectors included him in the revised Test squad
after he played two IPL games for Mumbai Indians besides the final. PTI
Why India dropped to 2nd NEWS AND VIEWS
Zero new cases in South Australia,
Former Sri Lanka paceman Nuwan
Zoysahasbeenfoundguiltyof match-
tion tribunal and will be sanctioned,
spot in Test C’ship table a No. 4 question for India
New and views around India's tour down under
the sport’s governing International LOCKDOWN WORKS ON DAY ONE and an average north of 55. But not
CricketCouncil(ICC)saidonThursday. SHAMIK CHAKRABARTY The ‘circuit-breaker’ six-day only his absence, the Aussie great
The 42-year-old Zoysa was provision- NOVEMBER 19 lockdown in South Australia yielded has suggested that the Indian team
ally suspended in October 2018 and positive results on the very first day. management might sweat over
chargedwiththreeoffencesunderthe THE ICC Board on Thursday ratified its After recording 21 cases over the last picking the right bowling
ICC’s anti-corruption code, including Cricket Committee’s decision to change the three days, the Australian state had combination. “... I think India have
“beingpartytoanagreementoreffort qualification structure for the final of the zero new Covid cases on Thursday, as got a few more questions to answer.
tofix”amatch.."Zoysa...hasbeenfound World Test Championship (WTC). Under the per the data on the Government of (Fast bowlers Mohammad) Shami,
guiltyon all chargesafter heexercised changed system, the WTC league standings South Australia website. Active Jasprit Bumrah – will it be Ishant
hisrighttoahearingbeforeatribunal," would be determined by the percentage of cases, too, have reduced by one to 34. (Sharma), with it be Umesh Yadav,
the ICC said in a statement. “Zoysa re- points earned by teams. Yesterday, while imposing the six- will it be a young guy like (Navdeep)
mains suspended and sanctions will day lockdown, the South Australian Saini or (Mohammad) Siraj?
follow in due course.” What is the change? premier, Steven Marshall, had said: “They’ve got a lot of questions to ask
The ICC Cricket Committee, headed by “The reality is you don’t get a second as well. And which spinner? They’ve
Prajneshreaches Anil Kumble, decided to make the Covid-
forced cancelled matches null and void and
chance to stop a second wave and so
we are trying absolutely everything
got a few spinners in their squad and
they’ve got to figure out which one
Orlandoquarters determine the WTC league standings only
from the matches played. Although, the cur-
and we know Victoria was in
lockdown for 112 days and we want
to pick for the pink-ball game in
Adelaide,” Ponting said in the
Prajnesh Gunneswaran reeled off rent WTC regulation dictated for points split to have six days. This circuit breaker interview.
sevengamesinarowbeforehisoppo- for abandoned matches, the global body’s is so we don’t have more pain down
nent Tung-Lin Wu retired in the de- Chief Executives' Committee and the Board the track.” GREEN GOOD FOR TESTS, NOT ODIS
cider as the Indian tennis player en- ratified the change. Adelaide, South Australia’s capital, Cameron Green could be a shoo-in
tered the quarterfinals of the Orlando will host the India-Australia Test for the Australian Test XI, but he
Challenger event. Prajnesh was lead- So how will the teams be ranked? series opener, a pink-ball affair, from might not make the cut in the
ing5-77-52-0whenWuoptedoutof According to the ICC, it will be deter- Virat Kohli-led India were the table-toppers in the old system, with 360 points December 17. limited-overs team. It usually doesn’t
the second round contest that had al- mined by the percentage of points earned followed by Australia on 296 points. BCCI happen like that, but according to
readyspannedtwohours30minutes. from the matches played. Percentage of PUNTER STARTS MIND GAMES Australia coach Justin Langer, the
Prajnesh was trailing 5-7 2-5 at one points (PCT) is the percentage of points It’s a marquee Test series with two youngster needs to warrant his
stageandtheTaipeiplayerwasserving won out of total number of superpowers playing, and the Aussie selection in the limited-overs side as
for the match but the Indian kept his points contested. For exam- qualify for the final, to be played in mind games look to be already in full an allrounder, not purely as a
nervesandforcedadeciderintheUSD ple, India will be facing England in June next year. Rank Team Series PtsC Pts %Pts swing. Until about 10 days ago, Ricky batsman. “In one-day cricket he’ll
52nutes. Prajneshwastrailing5-72-5 Australia in a four-Test series 1 Aus 3 360 296 82.22 Ponting was wearing the hat of Delhi only play if he can bowl a few overs
at one stage and the Taipei player was Down Under in December- What is the reason for the Capitals head coach in the IPL. As a because that’s how we’ll set up the
serving for the match but the Indian January. Each series is allot- change? 2 Ind 4 480 360 75.00 former Australia captain, he is now team,” Langer was quoted as saying
kepthisnervesandforcedadeciderin ted 120 points. So, for a four- As per the ICC statement, “to 3 Eng 4 480 292 60.83 targeting India with Virat Kohli’s by Cricket Australia’s website. The
the USD 52nutes. Test series, points allotted per
Test are 30, 15 and 10 for a
● date, just under half of the World
Test Championship matches have
4 NZ 3 360 180 50.00 absence after the first Test.
Kohli has been granted paternity
head coach added: "He (Green)
hasn’t had the white-ball experience
5 Pak *3.5 420 166 39.52
BelgiuminNations win, tie and draw respec-
tively. If, for example, India win the series 2-
been played”. The pandemic
forced the cancellation of six series this sea- 6. Lanka 2 240 80 33.33
leave and will return home after the
first Test in Adelaide, bestowing
to come in as a pure batsman but if
he can bowl a few overs, my gosh he
Leaguefinalfour 0 with another two Tests being draws, they
will get 80 points; 66.67 per cent of the to-
son – five series and a Test between Pakistan
2 240 40 16.67
2 240 24 10
captaincy to Ajinkya Rahane for the
next three Tests.
becomes a good prospect. “But Test
cricket is different. He’s earned the
Romelu Lukaku underlined his status tal points contested. body has a race against time to complete the And Ponting feels that India will be right to play Test cricket on his
9 B'desh *1.5 180 0 0.00
as Belgium’s key attacker with two As on date, India have contested for 480 cycle by March next year. The late March to under pressure without their batting. I love watching him bat. For
* One game of the Pak-Bangla series was
goalstohelphisteambooktheirplace points, notching up 360 points. So their PCT May window is reserved for the Indian talismanic captain. “India will feel such a tall batsman, he’s got so much
in next year’s Nations League finals is 0.750 (75%). The final team standings will Premier League (IPL). that without Kohli there (for three time.” The 21-year-old Green is
PtsC= Points contested
witha4-2homevictoryoverDenmark be determined by the total number of As per the original schedule, each team Tests), for his batting and leadership, included both in the limited-overs
on Wednesday. Lukaku extended his points contested and the total percentage in the ongoing WTC cycle was to play six se- that’ll put all sorts of pressure on and Test squads. He had suffered a
record scoring form for his country of points won. ries. But now, only India are likely to fulfil ing teams based on completed matches and different players. You’d think second back stress fracture a year ago
with a second-half double as Youri their quota, as after playing in Australia, they points earned as this reflects their perform- (Ajinkya) Rahane will take over the and has been managing his
Tielemans and Kevin De Bruyne also Does the change affect India? will host England for a five-Test series. India ance and doesn’t disadvantage teams that captaincy, which will put extra workload.A genuine allrounder and
netted for Belgium. Denmark scored Yes. In an updated league table, where so far have played four series, winning three have been unable to compete all of their pressure on him, and they’ve got to capable of bowling at 140kph, Green
through Jonas Wind after 17 minutes, PCT is all-important, India have dropped to of them. matches through no fault of their own,” ICC find someone to bat at that really bowled just 12 overs in his last
heading home from close range, and second position in the team standings. They chief executive Manu Sawhney said. important No.4 spot,” Ponting said Sheffield Shield game, turning up for
Belgium gifted them a second with a were the table-toppers in the old system, Does the change create a level playing He added: “We explored a whole range in an interview with Cricket Western Australia against Victoria.
comical own goal credited to Nacer with 360 points followed by Australia on 296 field? of options, but our Members felt strongly Australia’s (CA) website.In 12 Tests He scored 56 in the first innings,
Chadli four minutes from time. points. But Australia’s PCT, 0.822 (82.2%), is The ICC believes, it does. “Both the that we should proceed as planned with the Down Under, Kohli has six hundreds batting at No. 4. ENS
AGENCIES higher, for they have won 296 points out of Cricket Committee and Chief Executives first ever World Test Championship Final in
360 points contested. Top two teams will Committee supported the approach of rank- June next year.”
New Delhi
Rublev signs
off from ATP
Finals with win
A coming-of-age season, unlike any other
The quality of players in the new ISL is arguably better than ever before, but the bio-bubble presents unique challenges
An impressive ensemble
REUTERS NOT SO LONG ago, Vicente Gomez enjoyed,
LONDON, NOVEMBER 19 very briefly, a view from the top. foreign players will
Under Quique Setien, Las Palmas – the feature in this edition of DEBUTS FOREB, BAGAN
RUSSIANYOUNGSTERAndreyRublevsigned Canary Islands club Gomez represented for the ISL. Each of the 11 Thiswillalsobethefirstseasonin
off from his maiden ATP Finals in style by eight years – had transformed themselves clubs is allowed a maximum of theISLfortwoof India’soldest
beatingDominicThiem6-27-5onThursday. frombeingthelaggardsofLaLigaintothelead- seven foreigners in their squad and clubs,MohunBaganandEast
The aggressive 23-year-old took full ad- ers of the league in October 2016, ahead of one of them has to be from Asia. Bengal.Bagan,whowontheI-
vantage of a rather flat performance by Lionel Messi’s Barcelona and Cristiano Twenty-one out of the 73 are from Leaguelastseason,mergedwith
Thiem who had already sealed his place in Ronaldo’s Real Madrid. Spain, the most, followed by three-timeISLwinnersATK.The
the semi-finals with two wins in the London Their stay at the summit was short; very Australia (10) and Brazil (8). Most clubwillbecalledATKMohun
Group. Defeats by Rafa Nadal and Stefanos short.ButLasPalmashadeveryone’sattention. have experience of playing in the Bagan.EastBengal,meanwhile,
Tsitsipas meant Rublev could not advance And Gomez, a central midfielder, was one of first or second division leagues in madealateentryintotheleague
but the $153,000 and 200 ranking points for the pivots of Setien’s daring and entertaining Europe and Australia.. aftergettingnewsponsors.The
a group stage proved a sizeable carrot. side,barelyayearafterhehadmadehisLaLiga season’sfirstKolkataderbywillbe
But for a double fault when he had a debut; coming on as a like-for-like substitute FOREIGN ARRIVALS onNovember27.
match point against Tsitsipas on Tuesday, for Hernan Santana against Atletico Madrid. Vicente Gomez (Kerala Blasters),
Rublevcouldnowbelooking ataplace inthe Beforetheyrubbedshoulderswiththebig Igor Angulo and Edu Bedia (both FC MIZORAM,ATALENTPOOL
semi-finals. Instead he will leave London full boys, Gomez and Santana had earned their Goa) are some of the top new Mizoram,onceagain,hasproven
of belief afterasuperb2020inwhichhewon stripes under Sergio Lobera, who joined Las Kerala Blasters’ Vicente Gomez is one of the high-profile names to feature in this arrivals from Spain this season. A tobeoneof thebiggestcatchment
a season-leading five titles. Palmas after spending more than a decade at season's ISL, which gets underway in Goa on Friday. Kerala Blasters majority of the Spanish players areasfortheclubs.Thirtyplayers
“I would maybe still have a chance to be Barcelona – first as a youth team coach and come from the country’s second- fromthenorth-easternstatewill
in the semi-finals. But it’s part of life.” then as an assistant to Tito Vilanova. tier. Some, like Gary Hooper takepartthisseason;FCGoaisthe
The worldnumbereight,playing againin This season, the trio will reunite in Goa. ment destination for ageing stars. competition that has wandered aimlessly in (Kerala), Anthony Pilkington (East onlysidewithoutaMizoplayer.
a drab-looking olive green tee-shirt, put the Gomez,afterspendingtwoyearsatDeportivo Take for instance Gomez’s teammate at the last few years. Bengal) and Adam Le Fondre MumbaiCity’s18-year-old
hammer down from the start and broke the La Coruna, has become one of Kerala Blasters’ Kerala Gary Hooper, who has scored close to (Mumbai City) have played in the midfielderVikramPratapSingh,
Thiem serve twice for a 4-0 lead. most high-profile signings. Santana, mean- 200goalsaltogetherinthepremierleaguesof Rusty legs? premier leagues of England and KeralaBlasters’Nongdamba
Rublev, who delivers his forehand with while, has come in a loan deal from Sporting England and Scotland, and the Champions Butthiswillalsobeaseasonlikenonebe- Scotland. Naorem,FCGoa’sMakanChote
brutish force, grabbed an early break in the Gijon to Mumbai City, where he will be League.OrSydneyFCstrikerAdamLeFondre, fore.Mostof theplayerswillbeplayingacom- andATKMohunBaganmidfielder
second set but faltered at 4-3 when a netted coached by Lobera. whofeaturedintheAustralianleague’steamof petitive match for the first time in eight SPANISH CONNECTION SahilSheikhwillbeotheryoung
forehand allowed Thiem to level. theseasonfortwoyearsinarowbeforeagree- months because of the pandemic. The lock- Seven out of the 11 managers are from Indianplayerstowatchoutfor.
But Rublev broke the Austrian world Top picks ing to join Mumbai City on a loan deal. down and consequent travel restrictions Spain as well. Bengaluru FC (Carles
numberthreeagainat5-5withayetanother They also represent the two most striking Then there is FC Goa’s Spanish striker Igor meant preparation for the season has been Cuadrat) and ATK Mohun Bagan
forehandwinnerandfinishedthejobagame themes of the new Indian Super League sea- Angulo, who ruled the goal-scoring charts in far from ideal for all the teams, which means (Antonio Lopez Habas) are the only ROUND 1 FIXTURES: Nov 20: Kerala
later to record a third straight win over son,whichbegins on Friday:the overwhelm- the Polish league and Finnish-German mid- even though the quality of players may have teams who haven’t changed their Blasters vs ATK Mohun Bagan; Nov 21:
Thiem. “I was so close in my second match. I ingSpanishinfluenceintheIndiantopdivision fielder Matti Steinmann, who played in the improved compared to previous seasons, it coaches during the off-season. Sergio NorthEast United vs Mumbai City; Nov
hadmatchpointandIwasserving,soitcould andthehigh-classplayingfield,oneofthebest- German, Danish and Australian top divisions is likely a lot of them will be rusty in the ini- Lobera (former Barcelona assistant 22: FC Goa vs Bengaluru FC; Nov 23:
have been a completely different story if I ever in the domestic competition in terms of before agreeing to join East Bengal. tial part of the campaign. manager), Owen Coyle (ex-Burnley, Odisha FC vs Hyderabad FC; Nov 24:
won two matches,” Rublev said on court. quality.Forthesecondseasonrunning,nearly “In my opinion, this ISL season is going to Living in the bubble, too, will pose some Blackburn and Bolton manager) and Jamshedpur FC vs Chennaiyin FC.
U.S.OpenchampionThiem,runner-upto one-third of the foreign players in the ISL will be more competitive and difficult than the uniquechallenges.Thepowerfulstarcastthat Liverpool legend Robbie Fowler are All matches live on Star Sports
Tsitsipas in last year’s final here in London, be from Spain. The Asian player quota (as per previous ones,” Lobera said. “The sides have has assembled in Goa will play in front of some of the big names. Network, 7.30 pm onwards
now has a day off to shrug off the defeat and rules,atleastoneoutofthesevenforeignsign- madealotof efforttobringthoseplayersand empty stands because of the restrictions im-
prepare for Saturday’s semi-final when he ings has to be an Asian) for all but two out of theincreasedcompetitionwillbegoodforall posed.Theplayerswillbeallowedtoleavetheir
will face either world number one Novak the11teamshasbeentakenupbyAustralians, the teams.” hotel only for training and matches, and their Football Confederation competitions. an audience, it seems like a fake league
Djokovic or Alexander Zverev. who have flocked to India by the dozen be- Add to the mix some promising young physical contact with the outside world, in- For the players and coaches in the but you have to adapt,” Gomez, who also
“It was difficult to keep the intensity like cause of the financial crisis clubs are facing Indianplayers–fromuncappedinternationals cludingfamilymembers,willbecutoffatleast bubble, ‘adapt’ has become a buzzword. played in front of empty stands in Spain
I had in the first two matches,” Thiem, who Down Under. like 18-year-old Vikram Pratap Singh of till mid-January. “You have to adapt to the challenges this during the lockdown, was quoted as saying
produced a masterful display to beat Nadal Theseplayersaren’tnecessarilyhousehold MumbaiCityandATKMohunBagan’s19-year- After that, some of the bio-bubble rules season. It is a unique situation for every- by Las Palmas-based daily La Provincia. “I
on Tuesday, told reporters. names. But they have tons of experience of old defender Sumit Rathi to the likes of might be revised depending on the Covid- one,” says Antonio Lopez Habas, the coach am ready for this adventure and the new
“WhenI’mnotat110%atthistournament playing in leagues bigger than the ISL and are Chennaiyin’sAnirudhThapaandSahalAbdul 19 situation, as FC Goa, Bengaluru FC and of defending champions ATK Mohun Bagan, challenge.” In the canary yellow colours of
there is no chance against any player, that’s stillintheirprime,unlikethecaseinyearsgone Samadof KeralaBlasters–andonegetsafeel- ATK Mohun Bagan may have to leave the who will open their campaign on Friday Kerala, just like his boyhood club in the
what happened today.” bywhentheISLwaslargelyviewedasaretire- ingthiscouldbeacoming-of-ageseasonfora cocooned environment to play in the Asian against Gomez’s Kerala Blasters. “Without Canary Islands.
Vol LXXXIX No. 9 Regd.No. DL-21046/03-05 R.N.I. No.506/57. Printed and Published by R.C. Malhotra on behalf of The Indian Express (P) Limited and Printed at The Indian Express (P) Limited Press, A-8, Sector-7, Noida - 201301 and Published at The Indian Express (P) Limited, Mezzanine Floor, Express Building, 9 &
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