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Ayodhya breaks ground today

Temple work will set in motion rise of new township Navya Ayodhya and pilgrims’ corridor
dissent, nudge
system onto right
path: Viral Acharya
Not in Ayodhya, ‘Govt, bureaucracy regressing, need
Advani says to embrace market-based economy’
Rath Yatra was
his pivotal duty
reported on the demolition L K ADVANI, the man who con-
of the Babri Masjid on verted a local legal dispute into ENS ECONOMIC BUREAU Ex-RBI deputy governor at
December 6, 1992, for The a national movement for the NEW DELHI, AUGUST 4 the Idea Exchange session
Indian Express, returns to construction of the Ram Temple
Ayodhya for August 5 and infused it with the political VIRALACHARYA,formerDeputy
capital that catapulted the BJP to Governor of the Reserve Bank of government and the bureau-
power, will not be present when India, who quit in July 2019, six cracy are stuck in the old mode
AUGUST 4 Prime Minister Narendra Modi months before his term was of functioning even though the
lays the founda- scheduled to end, said on Indian economy is no longer the
WATER TANKERS hosed roads, tion stone for Tuesday that central bankers nationalised era economy. They
policemenransecuritydrills,the the temple in who worked “tactfully” with the are regressing… they need to
mayordistributed1lakhdiyasas Ayodhya on government in the last decade embrace a more market-based
Ayodhya prepared to welcome Wednesday. didnotproducebetteroutcomes. economy…,” he said.
the Prime Minister Wednesday “Destiny Hisexit,andthatofRaghuram Responding to a question on
for the bhoomi pujan of the Ram made me per- Rajan, Urjit Patel and Arvind whether the RBI’s communica-
temple, a single act it hopes will form a pivotal Subramanian, should be seen as tion with the government could
bury its turbulent past and start The banks of the Sarayu in Ayodhya are lit up on Tuesday in preparation for the August 5 bhoomi pujan . Prem Nath Pandey ‘Dream duty in the form a“formofdissent”whichhelpsin havebeenbetterandthoseatthe
a new journey. getting of the Ram Rath strengthening the institutional helm could have built allies in
Frozen in time ever since the fulfilled’ Yatra,” Advani framework and protecting the the government system, he said,
dispute over the Ram
Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid BUSINESS AS USUAL Ceremony starts at 12.30 pm, PM to said on Tuesday,
the eve of the
RBI’s autonomy, Acharya said in
an Idea Exchange online interac-
“…to everyone who says we do
not know how to work tactfully,

offer prayers to idol, address gathering

found its way to the courtroom ground-breaking ceremony. A tion with The Indian Express. wedonotknowhowtocommu-
andthetemplemovementgath- BY UNNY year after the Palampur resolu- “We should not interpret ex- nicate,wedidnotbuildallies,we
ered steam, Ayodhya is weary of tion of 1989, in which the BJP its as a problem. In my view, we didnotbringeveryoneonboard,
its past and present. ship of the main shila made of the koormshila — marking the adoptedthebuilding of atemple should interpret exits as a form my question is when things
Many here were born after AVANEESH MISHRA silver, the worship of the land on “pratishthapayami (installation)”. at the birthplace of Lord Ram in of voice, as a form of dissent that werebeingdone inthatmanner,
that December day in 1992 AYODHYA, AUGUST 4 which the temple will be built, Modiisscheduledtoarriveat Ayodhya as its political plank, the system requires to have the do you have evidence to show
when kar sevaks tore down the and prayers to other eight Lucknowairportat10.35amand Advani led the Yatra that gal- right public debates and get to me that the next 10 years of
Babri Masjid within five hours, THEUTTARPradeshInformation smaller shilas, including the fly down to the Saket Degree vanised the movement for the the right path… In my view, the CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
deepeningthecommunaldivide Department on Tuesday put out koormshilaorshilaof aturtle.The College helipad in Ayodhya at temple and split Indian politics
in the country even as it cata- a detailed itinerary for the last will be right under where 11.30am.Hisfirststopwillbethe into a deep and bitter secular-
pulted the BJP to power.
to the construction of the tem-
bhoomi pujan ceremony for the
with prayers being offered to
the idol of Ram Lalla will be kept
at the temple.
Between “exactly” 12.44 pm
Hanuman Garhi temple where,
will reach Ram Janmabhoomi
communal divide.
“Sometimes significant
dreams in one’s life take a long
Recruiters to trainees,
ple, starting with the bhoomi pu-
Lord Ganesha at 12.30 pm by
Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
This will be followed by wor-
of “five elements” and decorated
with nine stones will be kept on
the makeshift Ram Lalla temple.
time to fruition, but when they
are finally realised, the wait
veterans, the services
sector bears brunt
Trump bars firms on TRACKING INDIA’S COVID CURVE DU prof Apoorvanand AASHISH ARYAN,

federal funds from 155 CASES:

DAYS SINCE 18,55,745
RECOVERED: 12,30,509
DEATHS: 38,938
questioned over riots NEW DELHI, AUGUST 4


hiring H-1B workers
BEGAN TESTS: 2,08,64,750 | DOUBLING RATE: 22.13** ing, says Dheeraj Kumar. The 33- AN EXPRESS SERIES

year-old chef had to return to
MANRAL & ARANYA ‘Probe must Hamirpur in Himachal Pradesh While agriculture has been
SHANKAR focus on last month after the café in resilient, and manufacturing ac-

AASHISH ARYAN NEW DELHI, AUGUST 4 the real Mumbai,whereheworked,shut tivityrekindledbyunlockdowns,

NEW DELHI, AUGUST 4 instigators’ down. After rising up the ranks muchof theservicessectorisstill
Techieson THE DELHI Police Special Cell in the city’s booming food busi- struggling as physical contact is
US PRESIDENT Donald Trump ● the radar questioned Delhi University ness over the last 16 years, an intrinsic prerequisite for a
has signed an executive order Professor Apoorvanand for calledthe‘DelhiProtestsSupport Kumar is now among a growing business to get back on track.
barringagenciesrunningonfed- MOST INDIAN IT compa-
KEYSTATES TOTAL SURGEIN 7-DAYAVG DOUBLING about five hours on Monday in Group (DPSG)’. number of employees laid off in Eateries that opened after re-
eral funds from replacing US nies have hinted that they
TOWATCH CASES 24HOURS GROWTH* RATE** connection with the Northeast A senior police officer told the wake of the Covid lockdown. strictions were eased have
workers or green card holders would like to reduce their ■ Maharashtra 4,50,196 8,968 2.31% 31.19 Delhi riots. The police later The Indian Express: “The profes- From food to aviation, and IT recorded minimal footfalls, ac-
with H-1B visa holders or other dependence on H-1B ■ Delhi 1,38,482 805 0.77% 93.19 seized his phone. sor, who teaches Hindi at Delhi to hospitality, the decimation cording to trade bodies, with
foreign workers. The executive visas. The latest order will 5,609 2.55% Apoorvanand was sum- University, was summoned on caused by the economic distress restaurants allowed to operate
■ Tamil Nadu 2,63,222 28.26
order also bars agencies receiv- mainly impact the job moned for questioning as the August 1. He was questioned at isechoingacrosstheservicessec- only till 9 pm until recently, and
ing federal funding from con- prospects of independent ■ Karnataka 1,39,571 4,752 4.66% 15.45 Special Cell (New Delhi Range) Lodhi Colony (on Monday), ini- tor,whichisestimatedtoemploy 10pmfromJuly31.Moreso,they
tracting or subcontracting their IT consultants and work- ■ Andhra Pradesh 1,66,586 7,822 7.21% 9.99 claimedtohavefoundlinkswith tially by an ACP rank officer and over33percentof theemployed say, because around two-thirds
work to foreign countries. ers from India. the students’ outfit, Pinjra Tod, then the DCP (Special Cell). population and contribute over of revenues for most restaurants
* Compounded Daily Growth Rate over last 7 days ** Calculated over 7-day growth
H-1B visas, most often used and with a WhatsApp group CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 55 per cent to the GDP. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
nies,aregenerallyapprovedfora ers change employers to extend

Before anniversary of split, J&K sarpanch

period of three years for an indi- their US stay.
vidual but many such visa hold- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 2.25 8.56 52,050

After backlash, Vivo all

Deaths as a ratio of
positive cases (in %);
Positives against
number tested
Becoming sick vs
recovering; more
shot at, Farooq calls parties for a meeting
set to pull out of 2020 IPL
indicator of progress (in %); indicator of recoveries for 14 days
Accordingtopolice,militants Thakur confirmed to The Indian
in averting deaths the spread of disease may signal the peak
BASHAARAT MASOOD barged into the house of Express that Ahmad was associ-
SRINAGAR, AUGUST 4 sarpanch Arif Ahmad, in Akhran ated with his party and con-
Confirmingthedevelopment, village of Kulgam district, on demned the “barbaric attack”.
a BCCI official told The Indian
onthewithdrawalwillbeissued THE WORLD
EVEN AS security has been
stepped up on the eveof the first
anniversary of the abrogation of
from close range. “He has a bul-
in December 2018, two
sarpanchs have been killed in
TWO DAYS after the IPL govern- in “a couple of days”. Jammu and Kashmir's special mains critical,” said Dr militant attacks in South
ing council decided to continue The parting of ways, tempo- status under Article 370, a Mohammad Iqbal, Medical Kashmir.
withVivoastheT20tournament’s rary and by mutual consent, fol- MASSIVE BLAST IN sarpanch was critically injured THE EDITORIAL PAGE Superintendent of the Inaseparateattack,militants
title sponsor, the Chinese smart- lows a public backlash after the BEIRUT, 10 DEAD, in a militant attack in Kulgam Government Medical College in lobbed a grenade on Special
phonemakerisallsettopullout— council decided Sunday to hold HUNDREDS INJURED district on Tuesday. Two police- NEXT,INTHEVALLEY Anantnag where Ahmad has OperationsGroup(SOG)person-
atleastforthe2020editionstart- the IPL from September 19 to PAGE 12 men were injured in a separate PAGE 8 been admitted. nel in Wanpora village of
ing next month in the UAE. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 attack in Pulwama. BJP spokesperson Altaf CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

ANCHOR Farmer’s son, IIT graduate, fireman: UPSC success stories
Atotalof 829candidateshave Singh says while he hoped to sarpanch twice, his grandfather that he hoped the 29-year-old
SUKHBIR SIWACH, qualifiedforthecivilservices,in- do well, the first rank surprised and grandmother also held the wouldbeaninspirationforother
ASAD REHMAN , SHAJU cluding the IAS, IPS and IFS. All him. Father Sukhbir Singh, who post earlier. youths of the state.
PHILIP & ALIFIYA KHAN the top three rank-holders — owns eight acres in Sonipat’s In2008,Sukhbirsays,Pradeep Verma,26,whorankedthird,
CHANDIGARH, LUCKNOW, Singh,JatinKishoreandPratibha Tewri village, credits it all to his topped his school in Class 12 ex- said the news is yet to sink in.
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, Verma, respectively — are serv- hard work, as does the rest of his ams.Afterthat,hedidB.Techand, One of four children of govern-
PUNE, AUGUST 4 ingofficials.WhileSinghisares- family — his mother, elder in2013,wasselectedasinspector ment school teachers, the
EBRAHIM ALKAZI, identof Haryana,Kishoreisfrom brother who has a degree in me- for the Excise and Taxation Sultanpur resident said her fam-
GRAND OLD MAN OF WHENEVER HE felt he was Delhi and Verma, an IIT-Delhi chanical engineering and a Department.Whilehehadtaken ily and friends had contributed
INDIAN THEATRE, DIES struggling to keep up with the graduate, is from Uttar Pradesh. younger sister who is an MSc in coachinginitially,Singhthistime the most in her “journey”.
PAGE 6 demands of his job and prepara- Last year, Singh had ranked mathematics. prepared on his own. Having done BTech in
tion for competitive exams, 260 in the UPSC exam, and was "Forthefirstthree-fouryears, As an IAS officer, Singh said, Engineering Physics from IIT-
Pradeep Singh says, it was his fa- undergoing training as an Indian Pradeep studied at a private “Iwilltrytodosomethingforthe Delhi in 2015, she worked at a
KERALA GOLD CASE: ther who motivated him to stay Revenue Service officer. Kishore school in the village but in 2000, poorandcontributetothedevel- telecommunications company
N.I.A. TEAM TO the course. On Tuesday, in his is a 2018-batch officer of Indian we moved to Sonipat town to opment of the country." for two years but then left. “I
TRAVEL TO UAE fourth attempt, the 29-year-old Economic Service and currently Top-ranker Pradeep Singh with his family in Sonipat. PTI ensurebetterstudiesforthechil- Congratulating Singh, wanted to experience how the
PAGE 6 son of a Sonipat farmer ranked postedasAssistantDirectorinthe CIVILSERVICESEXAM:TWOFROMDELHIINTOP4.PAGE3 dren," Sukhbir says. While Haryana Chief Minister private sector works, but my
first in the UPSC exam. Ministry of Rural Development. Sukhbir himself has been village Monahar Lal Khattar tweeted CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

New Delhi




J&K: One year after
Indian Express
tofacilitateconstructionofRamtemple,onJuly18 the abrogation of
★★★★★ ■4.6
Article 370
PARTS OF MUMBAI REVIEW In today’s episode of the 3 Things podcast,
Over 230 mm of rainfall Naseeruddin Shah we take a look at the changes that J&K has
SCANTHISQRCODETO recorded in last 10 towers over the seen since the last year
hours, said BMC web series


Ceremony starts ble leaking of sensitive user data cal situation of the country. A BCCIsourcessaidthataccord-

Ayodhya breaks ground today

andtheftof intellectualproperty, number gets announced as the ing to the IPL's sponsorship con-
He will then move on for the it said. real deficit and everyone is tracts,amutualagreementtopart
bhoomi pujan. After the event, he TheneworderissuedMonday happy… everyone in the system ways“willsparebothpartiesalot
would address the gathering be- is seen as an extension of an ear- saysoh how can we question the of technical and legal hassles”.
fore leaving for the helipad. lier one by the administration, real official statistics of the gov- Apart from Vivo, the IPL’s
Ayodhya DIG Deepak Kumar which had barred entry of non- going to draw more and more going to push for grant of her- will be a reality in five years. Vishwa Hindu Parishad ernment. But when they are not Chinese connections include
said the city was under tight se- immigrant worker visas till the people, driven by faith, belief itage status to the existing And given that it expects a spokesperson Sharad Sharma right, they are not right. I want to Paytm, with investment from
curity and protocols both of SPG end of 2020. The administration or mere curiosity. town. While it is too con- sharp rise in pilgrim numbers says the commencement of fundamentallydisagreewiththe Alibaba,asofficialumpirepartner.
security and Covid will be fol- had also said that some work The temple work will set gested for any new interven- inthenearfuture,theRailways temple construction means thesis that those who agree have Dream 11, the online fantasy
lowed. All roads leading to visas, including H-1B and H-2B in motion the rise of a new tion, it has to be preserved, he machinery, too, is moving to their movement has reached been able to pave a better out- leaguepartner,andSwiggy,anas-
Ayodhya are blocked, with entry visas, would remain suspended. township, Navya Ayodhya, says, given its cultural and his- transformtheAyodhyarailway its goal, a journey that began come for the country,” he said. sociate sponsor, are linked to in-
allowed after proper checking. In his executive order, Trump over 500 acres near Manjha torical significance. station, complete with a tem- in 1984. He says the VHP will AcharyalefttheRBIonJuly23 ternet giant Tencent.
On Tuesday, prayers were of- called for more scrutiny of jobs, Baretha along the Faizabad- As chief of the Ayodhya ple-look design. now resume its work against 2019,whileUrjitPatelhadquitas Thelatestmove,however,ap-
fered to the nishan (flag) of Lord especially those where the gov- Gorakhpur highway. Officials municipal corporation – the The pandemic has led to conversion and focus on so- the RBI Governor on December pears to have taken the IPL fran-
Hanuman,reveredastheprotec- ernment is the employer. say the plan has been around civic bodies of Ayodhya and extensionof deadlines,butsta- cial empowerment. 10,2018,almost10monthsahead chises by surprise. One franchise
tor of the city. Prakash Sharma, Suchagencieswillalsounder- for three years, but is now Faizabad were merged to cre- tionsuperintendentMahendra While he says the future is of his term. Rajan announced in official described the move as
former national convener of the takeanauditof thecontractsand poised to take off with Chief ate a single entity and Nath Mishra says work is un- “Sundar Ayodhya, Swachh June 2016 — about three months “shocking”. “The IPL is a huge
BajrangDalandoneoftheorgan- sub-contracts awarded in 2018 Minister Yogi Adityanath tak- Upadhyay became mayor fol- derway for the new station. Ayodhya, Vikasit Ayodhya”, beforehistermwastoend—that brand and a replacement will be
isers, said prayers were also of- and 2019 and check whether the ing personal interest. lowing elections in November Itwillhavesixplatforms,he he acknowledges the concern hewillnotbetheRBIGovernoraf- available, but the sponsorship
fered at Ram Lalla. jobs offered to foreign workers Resorts near the Saryu, 2017 – he plans a heritage says, as against the existing over lack of employment ter September 4, 2016. amountmaynotbeonaparwith
StartingTuesday,alllocaltem- couldhavebeendonebydomes- luxury hotels, apartment walkway through the old three, and there will be mod- opportunities. Patel and Acharya both re- theexistingone,”saidtheofficial.
ples started an Akhand Ramayan tic workers. The heads of such complexes, proximity to the town. ernfacilitiesforpassengers.The “Samajkirozi-rotisarkarke signed to stall attempts by the TheBCCIsharesthebroadcast
recitation with temples and agencieswillalsoassesstiftheac- proposed Ram statue, For now, he hopes to exe- electrification plan for greater karyasepoortihogi(livelihood government to weaken the cen- revenueofIPLwiththefranchises
homes being lit. The same will tionresultedinUSnationalsecu- planned as the tallest in the cute plans for sewers and operational efficiency and line issues will have to be resolved tralbank,andrulesgoverningsur- ona50:50ratio,apartfromhand-
continue August 5 night. rity being compromised. country, and its linking to the drains within the extended capacity is also moving. via government works),” plus transfer to the government. ing over 10-20 per cent of the
OnMonday,ChampatRai,the The White House also said temple site via a pilgrim cor- municipal limits, estimated to While there are great ex- Sharma says. Acharya, presently the C.V. other sponsorshiprevenue.Inan
generalsecretaryof theShriRam that the US Department of Labor ridor are part of the plan to cost Rs 600 crore and Rs 324 pectations here, there’s also Ayodhya is already looking Starr Professor of Economics in IPL away from home, with in-
Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra would “finalize guidance to pre- transform the landscape. crore, respectively. concern. Of matters more beyond August 5, at a future the Department of Finance at creased overhead expenses and
Trust set up to build and run the vent H-1B employers from mov- Ayodhya’s first mayor Navya Ayodhya is now a pressing, jobs for the youth, for that has, on the ground here, NewYorkUniversitySternSchool without gate receipts, franchises
temple,said175peoplewouldat- ing H-1B workers to other em- Rishikesh Upadhyay says he is priority and Upadhyay says it instance. always seemed elusive. of Business, said tensions be- are already walking a financial
tend the bhoomi pujan. ployers’ job sites”. tween the government and the tightrope. “We would do well to
Among the invitees are BJP, centralbankarisebecausethefor- just break even,” said the official.
RSS and VHP leaders, Uttar
Pradesh Governor Anandiben
Patel, Chief Minister Yogi
J&K sarpanch
Pulwama district. Police sources
Advani says Rath Yatra was pivotal duty mer focuses on short term goals
whereas the RBI’s approach is
long term.
heart was set on being a civil ser-
Adityanath, and Trust president in the attack. becomes very worthwhile. and emotional day not only for leaders and people from India long way in strengthening the “Thisexcessivefocusonshort vant. Living in Sultanpur, I have
Mahant Nritya Gopal Das. The “They received splinter in- One such dream, close to my me but for all Indians,” Advani and the world over who made bond between Indians. Shri termgrowthnumberscansortof seenhowdistrictmagistratesand
PM, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat, juries and are stable,” a police of- heart is now getting fulfilled,” said. valuable contributions and Ram occupies an esteemed capture the minds of the author- othercivilservantscanmakeadif-
Patel, Adityanath and Das will be ficer said. The two have been the 92-year-old Advani said in “A grand Mandir for Shri sacrifices in the Ram place in India's cultural and ities because that’s their single ference in society."
the only ones on the main dais. identified as Head Constable astatementissuedonTuesday. RamatRamJanmabhoomihas Janmabhoomi Movement,” he civilisational heritage and is an minded focus, that we have to Advising people to keep off
Rai said due to the pandemic, Khurshid Ahmad and Special The statement came when been a desire and mission for said. The Rath Yatra triggered embodiment of grace, dignity generatehighgrowthintheshort distractions like social media if
they had to restrict both the invi- PoliceOfficer(SPO)IshfaqAhmad. it was still not clear whether the Bharatiya Janata Party,” communal violence across the and decorum. It is my belief runbecausethenwecansaythat they wanted to give a shot at the
teelistaswellasnotallowanyone National Conference presi- Advani had been officially in- Advani, who also issued a countryandcontributedtothe that this temple will inspire all India is growing at 8%, 9%, 10%. UPSC,Vermasaidshealsowanted
above 90 years of age. “It might dentFarooqAbdullahannounced vited for Wednesday's Bhumi video statement, said. circumstances that led to the Indians to imbibe His virtues.” And that can create pressure to toworkfortheempowermentof
cause pain to some and we have that he was calling a meeting of Pujan. VHP leaders said he had “Destiny made me perform demolition of the 16th century Theveteran,whoisstillfac- keep monetary policy accom- women.
personallycalledthemandasked mainstream political leaders at been advised to stay away apivotaldutyintheformofRam Babri Masjid mosque in 1992. ing trial in the demolition case, modative,openupliquiditytaps,” Oneofthemostinspiringsto-
for forgiveness. We have also hisresidenceWednesday.Itisun- given his age and the Covid-19 Rath Yatra from Somnath to But on Tuesday, Advani ex- said he believed the temple he said. ries of the results today was of
given attention to the age factor. likelytohappenasmostofthepo- pandemic. Ayodhyain1990,whichhelped pressed happiness that due to would “represent India as a Overthelastdecade,thisshort JayantMankale,whosuffersfrom
How can someone more than 90 liticalleadersarestillunderhouse “Prime Minister Shri galvanise the aspirations, ener- the decisive verdict of the strong, prosperous, peaceful term approach has gone “spec- 70%lossofvision,andranked143.
years of age come? How can K detention. Narendra Modi is laying the gies and passions of countless Supreme Court in November and harmonious nation with tacularlybad”,asseeninthecase Thiswasthe27-year-old'ssecond
Parasaranji (the advocate who Moreover,whiletheadminis- foundation for the construc- participants,” Advani said. 2019, the construction of the justice for all and exclusion of of discoms debt which have not attempt; he ranked 937 earlier. A
fought the Ayodhya case for the tration has lifted the curfew that tion of Shri Ram Mandir in “On this auspicious occa- temple was beginning in “an nonesothatwecantrulyusher beenmeaningfullyresolvedover mechanical engineer from Beed,
Hinduside)comefromChennai? wasimposedonMonday,restric- Ayodhya, the birthplace of Shri sion I want to express my grat- environment of tranquility”. in Ram Rajya, the epitome of the last decade, he said. he worked for two years in Pune,
How can Advaniji come?” tionson“movementofmorethan Ram. It is indeed a historical itude to the scores of Saints, “This”, he said, “will go a good governance”. during which time he developed
Rai said soil from more than three persons” remain in place. Vivo a rare eye illness.
Additionally, there is “complete
lockdown”incontainmentzones. Delhi riots stroyed the protests and also lakhpeopleemployedbytheseg- Ahmedabad airport, who ob-
November 10 in the UAE, and
continue with its China-linked
Mankale, who was raised by
his mother after his father died
has reached Ayodhya. These SpeakingtoTheIndianExpress, He was asked about his associa- causedlossoflivelihoodandlives ment, such as Kumar from tained his diploma in hospitality sponsors. whenhewas10,sayshereliedon
places, according to the Trust, in- Abdullah confirmed he had tion with a WhatsApp group of the people of Delhi,” he said. Hamirpur.“Ihaveahouseloanto last June, has found his career Vivo acquired the IPL title YouTubevideosandradiotopre-
clude Haldighati and Chittor Fort “planned a meeting tomorrow”. formed in December 2019. “We Following the February riots, payonwhichIhavesoughtanex- grounded.“Iamreconsideringmy sponsorship for Rs 2,199 crore in pare.
(linked to Maharana Pratap), “But you see, they have already have not found incriminating anFIRwasregisteredonMarch6, tension. My mother has been plansseeingthataviationmaynot 2018inafive-yeardeal.“We(BCCI For Ashish Das, 32, an em-
Golden Temple in Amritsar, stationed(security)vehiclesout- posts from his side, but he was basedoninformationprovidedby sending money from her savings recover soon. For the first two and Vivo) sat after the governing ployeeofKerala'sFireandRescue
Vaishno Devi in Jammu, the Satti sideourhouses.Isthisthegovern- asked about his association with an “informer” to Sub-Inspector because my salary was heavily months I received just half of my council meeting and agreed on a Services Department, it was his
Chaura ghat in Kanpur and the ment?” he said. other group members. He was Arvind Kumar. In the FIR, Kumar cut,” Kumar said. salaryandthenIwassentonleave one-year moratorium. We will fifth attempt at the UPSC. He
fort of Nana Saheb nearby (both Sources said Abdullah has also asked where he was during saidtheinformerhadtoldhimthe It's not just restaurants and without pay,” he says. alsoseeiftheircontractcanbeex- ranked 291.
sites that figured in the 1857 called senior leaders of the PDP, the Northeast Delhi riots and the violence was a “premeditated cafes, food-delivery platforms In June, the first full month of tended by one year after 2023. Posted at the Pathanapuram
mutiny), Ravidas Temple in PeoplesConference,Congressand violence inandaroundtheJamia conspiracy” and named several. ZomatoandSwiggydecidedtolet domestic flight operations since This issue will be settled amica- FireStationinKollamdistrict,Das
Varanasi and all the 'Jyotirlings'. some smaller parties. campus in December, and about The case was transferred to go of 1,641 staffers in May. resumption on May 25, bly,” the BCCI official said. said,"Ihadneverbeenatopscorer
“Yes, we have received an in- his association with Pinjra Tod theSpecialCell;theunithassince The IT sector witnessed Ahmedabadairportrecorded1.05 An IPL council member, too, inschoolorcollege.Ididnothave
H-1B workers vite from Farooq sahib,” said PDP and the Jamia Coordination invoked the stringent UAPA growth over the past six months lakh domestic passengers -- 86 confirmedthedevelopment.“We anymajorplanabouthigherstud-
The new order could nega- leader Waheed Parra. “Since Committee (JCC).” against several people. Nineteen but with job losses as businesses per cent lower than June 2019. willissueanewRFP(RequestFor ies.Aftermygraduation,Ialsodid
tively impact companies such as Mehboobaji is under detention, Anil Mittal, the Delhi Police people have been arrested, in- prepared for an uncertain future. Thiswasinlinewithcountrywide Proposal).Theprocesswillbevery a hotel management course."
Infosys, TCS, and Wipro, which we have asked Fayaz (Ahmad Additional PRO, confirmed that cluding 15 under the UAPA. Four According to Oxford University's numbers, according to the transparent,” the member said. With his wife, a nurse, and
bidheavilyforcontractsfromfed- Mir)Sahib(RajyaSabhamember) Apoorvanand had been ques- have got bail, while 15 are still in The Online Labour Index (OLI), Airports Authority of India. On the possibility of getting a theirseven-month-olddaughter
eral agencies across the world. toattendthemeeting,butweare tioned “in a case relating to the jail. The 15 include Pinjra Tod’s which provides an online gig India’s largest airline IndiGo new sponsor in such a short pe- in Saudi Arabia, Das said he kept
Infosys, for example, had in not sure if it will be allowed.” NortheastDelhiriots”,andthathis Devangana Kalita and Natasha economy equivalent to conven- recently announced that it was riod, amid the Covid distress, an- attempting the UPSC to "gain
2019 set up a US subsidiary to fo- The Peoples Conference phone was taken. Narwal, who are also part of the tionalmarketstatistics,Indiaisthe layingoff10percentofits27,000- othercouncilmembersaid:“The some competency to attempt
cus on winning servicing con- spokesperson,AdnanAshraf,said Sources said 15-20 members WhatsApp group in question. largest overall supplier of online strongworkforce.Expertssaythe IPL is the game’s most saleable suchexams".Hesaysheneverat-
tractsfromhealthcareandrelated party chief Sajad Lone had re- of the WhatsApp group have labourandhometo34percentof move is worrying because the product.Also,becauseofthepan- tended regular coaching, just a
projectsfromtheUSandCanada, ceived an invite. “Sajad sahib has beenquestionedsofar--mostre- Services sector online workers across the globe. company has the strongest bal- demic, people are staying home, few classes here and there. In the
among other countries. Wipro already been told he can’t move centlyformerJNUstudentleader comefromcustomerscomingfor But for Nadiya Begum, 26, ance sheet among its peers. which means more eyeballs on first three attempts, he didn't get
andTCS,too,haveUSsubsidiaries, out of his house till August 6,” Umar Khalid, whose phone was dinner. who worked as an HR profes- In a recent research report on TV. So if we can present our case through the preliminary stage,
which focus on winning federal Ashrafsaid.“Ifallowed,hewould also seized. According to Federation of sional with ITC Infotech in emergingmarkets,ratingagency properly, we will have takers. and in the fourth reached the in-
government contracts. definitely attend the meeting.” Apoorvanand told The Indian HotelandRestaurantsAssociation Bengaluru, the loss of her job S&P says it expects the Indian Already, they (senior board offi- terview round. "This time, I ex-
AccordingtodatafromtheUS Theproposedmeetingwould Expressthatwhilethepolicewere ofIndia(FHRAI),whichrepresents came with a twist of irony. She economy to contract sharply in cials) are in talks with a couple of pectedtomakeittothefinallist."
Department of Labor, 1,800- have been the first assembly of “courteous” in their questioning, 10,000 hotels and restaurants, hadbeenworkingwiththecom- 2020andtheservicessectortobe people,” he said. Das's father Yesudas runs a
2,000,orabout3percent,ofallH- mainstreampoliticalleaderssince their“narrative”thatpeoplewho only 20 per cent of its members pany since last November and, "severely affected". TheIPL'sdecisiontocontinue cold storage unit, while mother
1B visas approved each year are August5 lastyear,when the cen- supported the anti-CAA protest- have reopened -- and, 20-30 per when the pandemic struck, with its China-linked sponsors Rosammaretiredasahelperfrom
employed by federal agencies. tral government abrogated J&K's erswere“oneofthemainsources centoftheseareplanningtoclose nearly 35 of her 58 team mem- Viral Acharya came amidst calls from various aprivateschool.Hesayshisjobas
TheUSgovernmenthasacap special status. On August 4 last ofviolence”intheriotswas“wor- againbecauseofnon-feasibleop- bers were asked to resign. India'sgrowthhavebeengreat?” sectionstoboycottChineseprod- a fireman has taught him to be
of85,000H-1Bvisasforeachyear. year,themainstreamleadershad rying”. “I do appreciate and re- erations. “SinceIhadon-boardedmany He said he was “fundamen- uctsinthewakeofborderclashes prepared. "We don’t know what
Of this, 65,000 visas are issued to assembled at Abdullah’s resi- spect the right and intent of the The Sagar Ratna chain of employeesinthepastsixmonths, tally questioning this thesis”. thatledtothekillingof 20Indian the next challenge before us is."
highly skilled foreign workers, denceandvowedto“standunited policetolookintoallprobabilities restaurants,whichemploys7,000 mynumberislistedasarecruiter “…when the central bank toed soldiers. Among the top rankers was
whiletherestcanbeadditionally in their struggle for safeguarding while investigating the violence. people from across the country, onmanyjobportals.Imaginethe theline,andthewaytodowasto Following the IPL move, for- Abhishek Augustya, 27, from
allotted to highly skilled foreign identity, autonomy and special Thepolicehaveeveryrighttoseek especially from Assam, Odisha irony when some people, who strikebackdoorcompromises,the mer J&K CM and National Jammu,whocameinatNo.38in
workers who have a higher edu- status of the state”. cooperation of any citizen in its andBihar,hasseen35-40percent hadalsolosttheirjobsduringthe way to move forward was to Conference leader Omar his fifth attempt at the UPSC
cationormastersdegreefroman But some political leaders pursuit of truth,” he said. of its workforce go back to their pandemic, started calling me up agree to relaxations, recognising Abdullahtweeted:“Chinesecell- exam. The son of a government
American university. questioned the timing of the “(But) It is worrying to see a homestates.“Wearearemaking to ask if I could hire them. I could that there were political short phonemakerswillcontinueasti- school teacher, the NIT Srinagar
Workers placed in federal meeting. “Farooq sahib knows narrative getting credence that do with whatever we have left. not tell them even I was jobless.” term pressures, in my view, we tlesponsorsof theIPLwhilepeo- 2014 graduate is a serving audit
agencies come mostly from the that the government would not one of the main sources of vio- Wehavelandlordssupportingus Begum says she had usedher are paying the cost of that right ple are told to boycott Chinese and accounts officer.
H-1B holders who do not have a allow this meeting on August 5,” lence were the people who were by reducing or foregoing rents,” savings, about Rs 1.5 lakh, during now,” he said. products. It’s no wonder China is J&K saw 13 candidates clear
higher education degree from a said a senior mainstream leader supporting the protesters. saysRoshanBanan,managingdi- her marriage last year. And now, AccordingtoAcharya,thecon- thumbingitsnoseatuswhenwe the UPSC exam Tuesday, includ-
US university. said. “He should have called the Protests,evenchakkajam,cannot rector, adding that the group has sheisdependentonherhusband. flictbetweenthegovernmentand are so confused about how to ing a 23-year-old economics
The new order was triggered meeting after a few days.” be treated as violence. And vio- notrecoveredeven10percentof Intheaviationsector,whichis the RBI arose because of the for- handle Chinese money/ invest- graduate from Kupwara, a me-
by an announcement made by In another development, the lence on them cannot be seen as itsearningsbeforethelockdown. globally one of the worst hit, the mer’s push for opening liquidity ment/sponsorship/advertising.” chanicalengineerfromAnantnag,
the federally-owned Tennessee administrationliftedthe48-hour a reaction to this,” he said. The chain is now considering shutdownofdomesticpassenger andcredittapstoboostshortterm TheConfederationofAllIndia and a doctor from Bhaderwah.
ValleyAuthoritythatitwouldout- curfew imposed on Monday, cit- Hesaidit“wouldnotservethe borrowing from institutional flights in India for almost two growth,disregardinglongerterm Traders (CAIT) said that it has Another three qualified from
source 20 per cent of its technol- ing a "review of the incident-free cause of justice if the instigation lenders. “We have salaries, elec- monthshashadacascadingeffect goals of a stable financial system. written to Union Home Minister Ladakh.
ogy jobs to foreign applicants. situationonAugust4".TheAugust of violenceagainsttheprotesters tricitytoworryabout.Wearetalk- on ancillary sectors such as air- “Why are we not able to take the Amit Shah and External Affairs Of the total qualified candi-
This action, the White House 3orderhadcitedinputs“suggest- bypowerfulpoliticalleadersisig- ingtolendersandintheprocessof ports, ground handling, ground necessary expenditures and Minister S Jaishankar, opposing dates, 304 are from the general
said, could result in job losses for ing that separatists and Pakistan- nored”. “I hope that the focus of arranging funds... mainly for op- transportation, etc. transfersthatperhapsneedtobe the BCCI’s decision. The RSS affil- category, 78 from EWS, 251 from
up to 200 “highly-skilled sponsoredgroupsareplanningto theinvestigationwouldbeonthe erational costs,” says Banan. For instance, a 24-year-old madetohouseholdsinthemidst iate, Swadeshi Jagran Manch, OBC, 129 from Scheduled Castes
Americantechworkers”.Theout- observe5thAugustasBlackDay”. real perpetrators of the violence The hit taken by restaurants customer service trainee for a of Covid, is because we have not called on fans to consider boy- and 67 from Scheduled Tribes.
sourcing couldalso leadtopossi- WITHNAVEEDIQBAL which, in fact, targeted and de- has had a ripple effect on the 70 ground-handling company at hadanopendebateaboutthefis- cotting the league. WITHENS,SRINAGAR,DELHI

New Delhi

Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory

57 62 74 60
PM: 10 Pollutant: PM: 10 PM: 10 500
0 500 0 500 0 500 0
0-50 Good 51-100 Satisfactory 101-200 Moderate 201-300 Poor 301-400 Very Poor 401-500 Severe


Five from ‘Delhi
Active cases in city dip below 10,000 Police family’ to
testing strategy is on the "right
The capital performed 4,108
join civil services
THE NUMBER of active Covid-19 HOSPITAL BEDS 13,568 10,595 5,187 rapid antigen tests in the SOMYA LAKHANI &
cases in Delhi came down to less
than 10,000 on Tuesday, ac-
1,39,156 VENTILATORS 1,216 832
last 24 hours. Over the last three
days, the number of rapid anti-
counting for 7% of the total Daily cases Recoveries Deaths Tests gen tests (RAT) have come
number of cases. Congratulating down. Last month, the Delhi ONTUESDAY,asnewstrickledin
Aug 3 805 937 17 10,133
residents, Delhi Chief Minister High Court asked why the gov- that Delhi Police constable Firoz
Arvind Kejriwal tweeted: Aug 4 674 972 12 9,295 ernment was choosing RAT, Alam had secured the 645th All
“Active cases left in Delhi less Total 9,897* 1,25,226 4,033 10,83,097 which has a high rate of false India Rank (AIR) in the civil serv-
than 10,000 today. Delhi is now negative results, over the RT- ices exam, the 29-year-old was
*Total active cases
at 14th position in terms of ac- PCR testing method. mostly incommunicado. Alam,
tive cases. Number of deaths Meanwhile, Delhi Health deployed with the PCR unit, was
have come down to 12 today. I 24 hours, taking the tally to millionthanthenationalaverage. Minister Satyender Jain said the home in UP’s Azampur Dehpa
am proud of you, Delhiites. Your A health worker collects swab sample at a Covid centre set 1,39,156 and the death toll to As per data shared by the third round of the serological with his parents, trying to wrap
‘Delhi model’ being discussed up at a school in Darya Ganj on Tuesday . Abhinav Saha 4,033. Close to 90% of those in- Union Health Ministry, the survey, which was supposed to his head around the fact that he
everywhere. But we should not fected with Covid have recov- highest testing average per mil- be completed by August 5, will will be the first “officer” in his
get complacent and take all pre- ered, with 972 more recoveries lion population is reported from be extended: “There were few family and village.
cautions.” and treat. Delhi Model is test and recognised across the globe. I beingreported.Atpresent,there Goa with 84,927, followed by holidays in between due to “This was my sixth and last
The ‘Delhi model’ also drew home quarantine, which is a want to thank the South Korean are 9,897 active cases, of which Delhi with 57,855 tests per mil- which the survey will be ex- attempt; the news is not sinking
praise from South Korean very effective and wise meas- Ambassador for his encouraging 5,461 are under home isolation. lion. The national testing aver- tended for a day or two.” in. My parents studied till class
Ambassador to India Shin ure… I would like to congratu- words. All nations coming to- The city has 13,578 beds ear- age per million is at 15,119. An official said three dis- VI and can only read Urdu. No
Bongkil. In a video message, he late the Delhi government for gether to defeat Covid is the markedforCovidpatients,outof Ministry officials said there are tricts have completed collect- one in my village has cleared the
said, “I am very impressed with this achievement.” need of the hour.” which10,624arevacant.Delhiis 28 states and union territories ing samples. The survey results exam before. When I joined
the Delhi model. Actually, the The CM responded: “Happy Thecapitalreported674fresh among the 24 states/UTs that which have positivity less than are expected to be released af- Delhi Police in 2010, I saw DCPs
Korean model is 3Ts — test, trace that our Delhi model is being cases and 12 fatalities in the last have conducted more tests per 10%, which indicates that the ter 10 days. and other high-ranking IPS offi-
them. When Iwason duty, Ionly
BRIEFLY concentrated on that, but if I had
spare time, I would go through
notes on my phone. My dream
Centre’s started with my job,” said Alam.
Apart from proud parents
housing and friends, another man beam-
schemefor was ACP Jitendra Kumar (56),
one of the few people whose
urbanpoor calls Alam took. “When he first
joined the PCR unit under me in
New Delhi: The Centre 2018 and I found out about his
plans to start a subsidised attempts at cracking the civil
rental housing scheme services exam, it reminded me
for the urban migrant of my own youth. I joined the
poor working at factories force as a sub-inspector and
and construction sites wantedtobeanIPS.MaybeIdid-
across Delhi, by providing n’t get the right guidance, or got
one-two bedroom units too busy with work... but I never
in vacant government- sat for the exam. I wanted Alam
funded housing or con- to crack it no matter what. He is
structing dormitories on hard-workingandheneverused
empty land. The scheme exam prep as an excuse to get
is called the Affordable out of work; in turn, we made
Rental Housing surehegotleaveseasily,”hesaid.
Complexes (ARHCs), a Two Delhi Police probation-
sub-scheme of the ers, and two children of police Constable Firoz Alam; ACP
Pradhan Mantri AWAS personnel too crackedthe exam. Natisha Mathur; ACP
Yojana - Urban. It was DelhiCommissionerofPoliceS Garima; Navneet Mann,
launched in July. N Shrivastava tweeted: “Very daughter of inspector
According to Durga happy to share that at least five Sukhdev Mann; Vishakha,
Shankar Mishra, secre- successful Civil Services aspirants daughter of ASI Rajkumar
tary of the Ministry of
Housing and Urban
Affairs, these units are to
VIRAL WORKOUT come from Delhi Police family.
Heartiest congratulations to
Vishakha d/o ASI Rajkumar (6 phone, they were overwhelmed.
be set up under a PPP A staffer sanitises equipment at a gym in Ghaziabad’s Sahibabad, a day before its reopening, on Tuesday. Praveen Khanna rank),Navneetd/oInspectorMann NotonlyamIthefirstofficerinthe
model by a business or (33),ACPNatisha(37),ACPGarima family, I am also the first gradu-
group for 25 years. (459)andConstableFiroz(645).” ate.”

Day before mandir event, Goel

Delhi has around 22,000 On Tuesday, ASI Rajkumar ACP Garima (26), too cracked
dwelling units and
Faridabad has around
In Gurgaon, prep lags was at DCP Dwarka’s office
when he got a call from his
daughter Vishakha (26) about
for dengue, malaria defaces Babar Road signboard the result.“Therehasbeenstress
at home latelybecause weknew
lage in Haryana’s Sonepat, had
HChears treat dengue and malaria pa-
the result is due in a day or two.
She called and said she ranked
she completed her undergradu-
petitionsover SAKSHI DAYAL
tients,” said Civil Surgeon Dr
of her, she studied so hard for
civil and police service,” she said.
DU’sOBE DESPITE THE ongoing monsoon
said anonymously that the
NEW DELHI, AUGUST 4 this,” he said. Late afternoon,
DCPDwarkaAnto Alphonsemet
Navneet Mann (25), who
ranked 33rd, said her father
New Delhi: During the season, Gurgaon’s Civil Hospital, health department had on A DAY before the Ram Temple Vishakha at his office. Sukhdev Mann, an inspector,
hearing on petitions chal- whichhasbeenfocussedontest- Tuesday afternoon zeroed in on bhumipujaninAyodhya,former ACPNatishaMathur,undergo- played a big role: “I’m seeking
lenging the online open ingandtreatingCovid-19patients thehospital’sbasementtosetup Union minister Vijay Goel ingpolicetrainingandscoredAIR personal growth through public
book examination (OBE) overthelastfourmonths,isyetto the ward. However, the base- Tuesday defaced the Babar Road 351lastyear,securedrank37this service in which my father has
for Delhi University final setupawardtotreatcasesofvec- mentispronetoinstancesof wa- signboard in Central Delhi, de- time: “This was my fourth at- beenakeymotivator.Ihaveseen
year students, the Delhi tor-borne diseases such as terlogging each time there is a manding that it be called 5 tempt, I relied heavily on self- himworkinthefieldforsomany
High court was told by dengue and malaria, which tend heavy downpour. August Marg instead. study...Iamatthetrainingschool years and handle difficult situa-
the petitioners in the case to surface during this season. SpeakingtoTheIndianExpress Goel, the former Delhi BJP and can’t go home and celebrate tionsverycalmlywithalotof pa-
that the OBE was imple- Although fogging and onTuesdayevening,DrYadavalso president, said he has written to with my parents due to Covid. I tience,” she said. This was her
mented without any “ap- Gambusia fishes, which con- confirmed that an alternate facil- UnionHomeMinisterAmitShah had to break the news over the second attempt.
plication of mind” as all sumelarvaeof mosquitoes,have ityisbeingsetupinthebasement. and the New Delhi Municipal
students were “looked been introduced to prevent “We are providing the facility in Council (NDMC) to rename the
through the same prism”
even as there are stu-
dents with no internet
mosquito breeding, the provi-
sions to admit and treat those
who contract vector-borne in-
the basement. The ward used to
road near Bengali Market.
tacked Hindustan and demol-
Vijay Goel next to the defaced signboard
Rank 2 & 4: Both from
access stuck in contain-
ment zones and flooded
areas. Justice Pratibha M
fections have suffered neglect
amid the Covid outbreak.
“The ward earlier used to
a problem. We are in talks with
the Public Works Department to
resolve this," said Dr Yadav.
ished Ram Mandir. The PM is go-
ing to perform a groundbreaking
ceremony for a grand temple in
Lutyens' Delhi where the sign-
Hindu Sena had blackened the
Babar Road signboard in Bengali
DU, on 2nd attempt
Singh adjourned the treat those with vector-borne “It should be ready within Ayodhya tomorrow. At such a anewposterwhichread5August TN Meena, senior engineer
matter for Wednesday, diseaseshadtobeconvertedinto the week. Most cases start com- time, it will be an appropriate Road. Goel also said he would (roads) at New Delhi Municipal ARANYA SHANKAR
when the university’s an isolation ward due to the ing after August 15, with the move to rename Babar Road as 5 startwriting5AugustMargonhis Council (NDMC), said, “We got to NEW DELHI, AUGUST 4
counsel is expected to re- Covid outbreak. We are working peak usually in September. The August Marg," Goel said. letterhead and all his correspon- knowthatsomegrouphadpasted
spond. ENS on alternate arrangements and ward will definitely be ready by Goel, along with some sup- dence henceforth, and launch a astickeronBabarRoadboard,but JATIN KISHORE (26) and
figuring out space for a ward to then,” said the official. porters,wenttothehigh-security signaturecampaign.Lastyear,the we have removed it now.” Himanshu Jain (23) from Delhi
4 respectively in the UPSC civil
servicesexamination 2019. Both
are alumni of Delhi University,
SEVERAL LOWER INCOME FAMILIES AT LOSS and both cracked the exam in
their second attempt. Himanshu Jain(L); and Jatin

With just 1 phone, siblings struggle with online classes Kishore, a resident of East of
Kailash, completed schooling
Vihar before joining St Stephen’s

would prefer the AGMUT

but I will soon, and I take the how his children, in classes VI their classes,” said Kumar, who fair too. Afsana (30), a resident College for BA in Economics. He (Arunachal Pradesh- Goa-
ASHNA BUTANI phone with me. With rent and At Nehru Place, and VIII at a government school, was without a job during the of Trilokpuri, said, “It would be completed MA in Economics Mizoram-Union Territories)
NEW DELHI, AUGUST 4 living expenses, I cannot afford shopkeepers say there would be able to study. lockdown and used to earn better if normal classes begin as from Delhi School of Economics. cadre . Overall, I’m interested in
another phone now... argu- “Initially, I gave my neighbour’s around Rs 6,000 until March. not everyone has smartphones.” While his father is a Deputy working on education and envi-
RINKU DEVI (33), a domestic ments often break out between has been an increase in number to the school so my At Nehru Place, known for While her 18-year-old daughter CommissionerintheIncomeTax ronment-relatedissues,”hesaid.
help, is worried how she will get the children over the phone as demand for second- children could access assign- reasonable tech products, shop- dropped out in class IX, her two Department, his mother is a A native of Hodal in Palwal
a new phone for her three chil- well...,” she said. ments and classes that are held keepers said there has been a other children are in classes V school teacher. “After complet- district of Haryana, Jain had
dren who study in classes IX, X While she earns Rs 6,000 a
hand phones and a few hours every week. After a rise in demand for second-hand and XI in a government school. ing my post graduation, I took a movedwithhisbusinessmanfa-
and XII at a government school, month working at one home, tablets, but products point, it became inconvenient phones and tablets, but the They couldn’t attend classes for gap of one year, during which I ther and homemaker mother to
once she rejoins work. With her husband, a tailor, is out of are out of stock for them. So I had to buy an- products are out of stock. a few days as Afsana was unable prepared for IES. I’m now work- Delhi when he was 15. “I studied
schools shut amid the pandemic work. The family lives in Lajpat other phone,” he said. Ram (29), who works at a to recharge the phone. ing with the Ministry of Rural Economics (Hons) from Hansraj
and online classes resuming af- Nagar. After working overtime, mobile store, said, “Many peo- “My husband, a rickshaw Development. Thelast timeI ap- College. After my BA, I started
ter summer break, Devi said her The situation finds an echo devices that support such making Rs 1,000 a day and bor- ple come looking for second driver, is the only earning mem- peared for the UPSC exam, I had preparing for UPSC but couldn’t
children are often marked ab- among several lower income classes. rowing money from relatives, he hand phones but we don’t have ber and just about manages Rs notattemptedenoughquestions crack it the first time” he said.
sent as their classes take place families in the city, with children Raju Kumar (37), an auto eventually collected Rs 8,000 to any at the moment as no one is 200-250 a day. This goes to- in the prelims. I didn’tmake that Heisinterestedinjoiningthe
at the same time. facing trouble accessing online driver who lives in Khanpur, buy a smartphone. “Now, I need selling old products.” wards food and paying rent... if mistake this time. I also tried to Haryana cadre as his first prefer-
“I have not been going to classes because of lack of regular had only one phone and it was- Rs 500 for a SIM and recharge... For some, buying a second- anything is left, it goes in study consistently,” he said. ence since he is familiar with the
work because of coronavirus, access to adequate internet and n’t working. He was worried Once I get that, they can resume hand phone is an expensive af- recharge,” she said. “Since I am from Delhi, I issues of the state.

New Delhi


Social distancing still in place but crowded
Tax defaulters new bus stops make a comeback in capital
worry for Delhi govt
“People are already tired while
ASHNABUTANI travelling.Manyhavechildrento
NEW DELHI, AUGUST 4 take care of. So if we ask them to
CROWDED BUS stops and many Similarconcernswereechoed
people without masks have be- byauthoritiesatbusstopsinSarai
comeacommonsightinthecap- Kale Khan. Ved Prakash, a home
TOP 5 DEFAULTING SECTORS ital, despite social distancing
guard, said, “We are doing what-
ever we can from our end — ask-
still in place. ingpeopletowearmasks,telling
OF THE 15,000 taxpayers regis- Sector Number of % out of At Anand Vihar bus terminal them to maintain distance. But it
tered with the government un- Dealers 10,800 on Tuesday afternoon, several hastocomefromwithin,wecan-
der GST, whose returns were Properties, Leasing & Rental 1,051 9.73% people could be seen jostling to not keep forcing it. Ever since
analysed by the government, get into buses — which are only caseshavegonedowninthecity,
Services (Misc) 954 8.83%
10,800orovertwo-thirdpaidei- allowedtoferry20passengersto peoplehavebecomemorecasual
therlowertaxornotaxbetween Consulting 590 5.46% ensuresocialdistancingamidthe aboutsocialdistancing.”Prakash
January and March this year. Retail 355 3.29 % Covid pandemic. A majority of added if the Metro services were
This, the government said, Electronics 354 3.28% commuters were not wearing functioning,busstopswouldnot
was despite taxpayers collecting masks due to the “hot weather”. have to bear all the crowd. Delhi
tax from people as part of pay- With Covid cases in the capi- Metro has been shut since the
ments.Thegovernmenthasnow tal seeing a dip over the last lockdownwasimposedinMarch.
sent notices to all defaulters to weeks, officials at bus stops said Meanwhile, with the cap on
clear dues within 15 days, and there has been a noticeable travellers in buses, many strug-
hassaid thatevaluationof 7 lakh Deputy CM Manish Sisodia, changeinbehaviourandtheyare Outside Seemapuri bus depot on Tuesday. Praveen Khanna gled to find a spot. Nanak (36), a
companiesregisteredunderGST who is also Delhi’s Finance finding it difficult to manage the daily wager waiting with his
will be done in the future. Minister, warned of situation due to the sheer num- wife and two children for a bus
Of the defaulting companies, stringent action against the ber of people taking buses. ahead and take it off again.” plained that it is “difficult to decorum and distance.” to Mathla in UP, said, “We are
the top sector was properties, companies that do not A CISF constable stationed at Pointing to the foot over- breathe through them”. Several commuters who got waiting for a private bus. We will
leasing and rental followed by deposit the full tax amount the bus terminal said, “We have bridgeneartheterminal,hesaid, A police sub-inspector said, off buses at Anand Vihar also try to maintain distance once we
miscellaneous services. triedeverything.Earlier,weused “Around 70-80 people use it. “Weissuee-challansifweseeve- rushed to catch shuttles and au- get in. My children are young.
Delhi has faced a significant tostoppeopleontheroadandtell How do we control such hicles carrying too many people tos. Ashu Wahlia (40), an auto We have masks for them, but
shortfall in GST and VAT collec- aftertheevaluation,”astatement ManishSisodia,whoisalsothefi- them to wear masks, but they crowds?”Manyonthebridgedid or people without masks... but it driver, who had a gamcha tied they keep taking it off as it is un-
tion since the pandemic hit. The issued by the government said. nance minister, said. would wear it for a while, walk not have a mask on and com- becomes difficult to maintain around his face as a mask, said: comfortable.”
assessment of collections be- Since March, government A government spokesperson

Delhi govt counsel says testing matter can

tween January and March done revenue has been hit, but has said two defaulting companies
recently, however, has revealed seenanupwardtick.InApril,the were identified and asked to pay
that collections had dipped by governmentgotRs240crore,fol- Rs 10 crore as pending amount
Rs 2,015 crore. In 2019, the gov- lowed by Rs 494 crore in May, Rs lastweek.“Thedepartmentisalso

be closed, HC asks why resist monitoring

ernmentcollectedRs5,792crore 762 crore in June and Rs 1,300 analysingthetaxpaymentprofile
as tax returns between January crore in July. However, these ofsuchtaxpayersalongwiththeir
and March, which dipped to Rs have been well below what the overall tax profile in the previous
3,777 crore this year. city was bringing in last year. quarters,” the spokesperson said.
“Around 15,000 taxpayers In July 2019, the city got The state trade and taxes de- about a common order passed in the matter, stated it has been technical plea taken by the
were analysed and nearly 970 Rs 3,500 crore in collections. The partment also conducted search ANAND MOHAN J by a coordinate bench of the “constantly monitoring as to GNCTD on the maintainability
taxpayers have not filed returns year before that, collection was operationsagainstdefaulters,in- NEW DELHI, AUGUST 4 High Court to urge that the issue how the testing of Covid-19 in- of an application in a disposed
for 2020-21 from January to Rs 4,078 crore. The government cludingmarbleandgranitecom- being considered by the present fectionis beingconductedtoen- of matter would have engaged
March at all. The Delhi govern- has also issued notices to 111 panies and bulk taxpayers, last THE DELHI High Court Tuesday court had attained finality and surethereisspeedyandaccurate this court had it been a routine
ment has also found that this liquorcompaniesthatdidnotpay week to collect Rs 20.70 lakh as said “resistance of the Delhi no further proceedings were detection of the infection and litigation between two private
year, nearly 10,800 companies VATbetweenJanuaryandMarch. tax from them. government” to the court mon- needed. He said the court “may steps are taken to arrest its parties. This is not so here,” the
paid lesser or zero tax from “Iappealtoallthosewhohave “In one case, the company’s itoring the progress made in dropthepresentproceedingsfor spread”. court said.
January to March. Taking cog- not deposited the full tax to im- office was sealed. In the second ramping up testing was “incom- the reason even on merits, it is The litigation is in the “In the above background, Thecourtalsostateditiswell
nizance of these findings, the mediately deposit the amount. case,thecompany’spaperswere prehensible”. The observations apparent the Delhi government interest of Delhi’s citizens the resistance of the Delhi settled that in public interest lit-
Delhi government has prepared This is public money which the confiscated. The Delhi govern- were made by a bench of Justice has madesincere effortsto bring and is not adversarial: HC government to this court mon- igations, it can monitor steps
a list of defaulters... Delhi has till companies have collected from ment also acted against move- Hima Kohli and Justice down the infection in the city itoring the progress made in taken by the respondents/au-
now evaluated 15,000 compa- the people but did not deposit to ment of goods without carrying Subramonium Prasad on a plea and ensure adequate testing kits ramping up the testing is incom- thorities to ensure its directions
nies but in the future, evaluation the government. The Delhi gov- e-waybills.FromJune23,around byadvocateRakesh Malhotraon are available”. has in fact conducted 5,24,481 prehensible when admittedly, are being implemented in letter
of 7 lakh companies registered ernment will take stringent ac- 140 vehicles have been detained the issue of ramping up Covid The court, however, declined RT-PCR tests till July 30, which this is not an adversarial litiga- and spirit: “The history of the in-
under GST will be done. The tionsagainstthecompanieswho and tax and penalty collected up tests in the capital. to close the matter and exam- works out to 27,604 RT-PCR tion and is purely in the interest stantcaseshowsthiscourtinthe
Delhigovernmentwilltakestrict will not deposit the full amount to approximately Rs 1 crore,” the Additional standing counsel ined a status report filed by tests per million (i.e. double of of the citizens of Delhi that all instant writ petition is monitor-
action against all the defaulters of tax,” Deputy Chief Minister statement said. Satyakam informed the court Satyakam, which stated that the the national average of 13,647 government departments and ingstepstaken by authoritiesfor
“Delhi government has neither tests per million)”. agencies act in tandem and conducting tests to identify
discouraged nor inhibited the The court, while mentioning work collectively to deal with Covid-19 patients to ensure the
scope of the RT-PCR testing and thepreviousordersithadpassed the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic does not spread.”


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2 168 ÕXû.d³F.d½F. CX´FÀFa·FF¦F IiY.-2 IYMX§FûSXF IZY Aa°F¦FÊ°F d½Fd·FÖF 60.00
3 169 ÕXû.d³F.d½F. CX´FÀFa·FF¦F IYûSX¶FF IZY Aa°F¦FÊ°F d½Fd·FÖF ¸FF¦FûÊ ¸FZa 65.00
5 171 d½FIYFÀF J¯OX SXF¹F¦FPXÞ A³°F¦FÊ°F ¦FiF¸F ¸FWXF´Fne ¸FZÔ d¸F³Fe ÀMZXdOX¹F¸F 48.12
2.80 dIY.¸Fe. d³F¸FFʯF IYF¹FÊÜ
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New Delhi




DELHI CONFIDENTIAL Ram belongs to all is Congress refrain,

finds an echo across Opposition questionsaboutthesecularchar- fire at karsevaks who had gath-
MANOJCG acter of the State and the ered in Ayodhya on the call given
NEWDELHI,AUGUST4 Constitution,”saidCPIgeneralsec- by the VHP and the RSS.
retary D Raja. Calling it a “passing phase,”
EVERSINCEthe1980s,theproject Both the parties said that the BSP’s Lok Sabha MP Kunwar
tobuildaRamtemplehassplitthe Covid preventive protocol stipu- Danish Ali said: “One thing is
political establishment but as latedbytheUnionHomeMinistry clear:asoftoday,nopoliticalparty
Prime Minister Narendra Modi rules out such religious wantstoantagoniseHindusenti-
headstoAyodhyaforthebhoomi gatherings. ment. The hardcore RSS and
PRADHAN TESTS POSITIVE pujan Wednesday, nine months
The Trinamool Congress did
not react despite requests for
Hindutva ideology have created
ON TUESDAY, another minister in the Union cabinet tested verdict cleared the decks, there is commentandtheRJDquestioned ing against Hindutva, it is seen as
positive for Covid-19. Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas a significant recalibration in the thetimingofthebhoomipujan.It you are talking against
Dharmendra Pradhan tweeted, “After showing Covid-19 re- Opposition ranks. wasitspatriarchandarchitectLalu Hinduism...So people are afraid.”
lated symptoms, I got myself tested and my report has come The Congress invoked faith Prasad Yadav, who as Chief “We have no views. We had
positive; on the advice of doctors I have been admitted in the and humanity, from Priyanka MinisterofBihar,hadstoppedLK opposed the destruction of the
hospital.” Pradhan is the second cabinet minister to test pos- GandhiVadraunderliningthein- Advani’s Ram Rath Yatra in 1990 mosque. Now it is over and the
itive; he and Home Minister Amit Shah are getting treatment clusive, all-encompassing nature and had him arrested. Courthadordered.Whatwehave
at the same hospital. Two other Union ministers — Ravi of Ram to Kamal Nath hosting “After the Supreme Court’s gottosayinthisnow,”DMKleader
Shankar Prasad and Babul Supriyo — are in isolation as they Hanuman Chalisa at home and verdict,everybodyknewthatthe and Rajya Sabha MP T K S
had met Shah before he tested positive. announcing that he would send temple was going to come. Elangovan said.
11 silver bricks for the construc- Whenever we think of Ram, we Lok Sabha MP and AIMIM
tion of the temple. SPG vehicles in Ayodhya on Wednesday. PM Narendra Modi will attend the bhoomi pujan on go back to the imagination of chief Asaduddin Owaisi, on the
SPEED BREAKER The remaining Opposition
parties, especially those from
August 5. Prem Nath Pandey MahatmaGandhi...hisRamisnot
other hand, hit out at Opposition
AT A meeting of the Committee on Subordinate Legislation Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, sug- said Ram is god Jehova, Shiv, “Whenever it comes to the
in Parliament House on Tuesday, the MPs asked officials from gested that it was time to Ram personifies each one of us. nounced it will include the may not have mirrored the Khuda, Vishnu etc etc. With that realissuesoftheMuslimcommu-
the Delhi traffic department and NHAI why there is no coor- “move on”. Mahatma Gandhi’s Raghupati RampalareaintheBastardistrict, Congress but were guarded in kind of imagination, if you actu- nity,whetheritistheBabriMasjid
dination between them on speed limit signboards in the na- After much thought, sources Raghav Raja Ram bestows divine whereitsaidRamhadestablished their response while the Left ally wanted to pay tribute to Lord or educational and political em-
tional capital. The members said that different speed limits said, the Congress entered the wisdom and equanimity. Waris a shivling and performed rituals, stood out. Ram, the bhoomi pujan should powerment, all secular parties
createconfusion.Rulingoutauniformspeedlimitforallroads, bhoomi pujan discourse with a Ali Shah says, Rab is Ram,” and Ramaram in Sukma district, CPMgeneralsecretarySitaram have waited. Because you are havebeenintellectuallypolitically
the officials are learnt to have told the MPs that there are 34 statement from Priyanka, in she said. where he had worshipped Yechury told The Indian Express struggling with hospitals, strug- dishonest,” he said.
surveillancecamerasattrafficjunctionsand100speedcheck- charge of UP. She said the “world, On tomorrow’s event, she Bhudevi, among the places it that the party’s Politburo has al- glingwithinstitutionalcare,peo- Referring to Priyanka’s state-
ing cameras across the city, but they are on a pilot project. The particularlytheIndiansub-conti- said: “Let Lord Ram shower his plans to develop as part of the ready said that “the takeover of ple are dying in the pandemic,” ment, Owaisi said: “Why don’t
officialsarealsolearnttohavesaidthatadequatemeasuresare nent,hasadeeprootedandindeli- blessing so that this function be- Ram exile tourism circuit. the bhoomi pujan ceremony at said RJD leader and Rajya Sabha you completely adopt the
in place to avoid wrongly penalising drivers. ble cultural imprint of the epic comes a celebration of national Gujarat Congress Working AyodhyabytheUPadministration Manoj Kumar Jha. Hindutva ideology in toto?...In
Ramayana…(which is) lumi- unity, fraternity and cultural PresidentHardikPatelannounced along with the Central govern- SaidSamajwadispokesperson 1986,RajivGandhiwastheprime


nouslyetchedinourcultural,spir- affinity.” he and his family will donate Rs ment involvement at the highest Rajendra Chaudhary: “The minister when locks were
itual and religious memory.” Rajasthan Chief Minister 21,000 towards the construction level of the Prime Minister goes Samajwadi Party believes that opened. In 1989, shilanyas was
She referred to “Ramkatha” AshokGehlotsaidtheevent“isan of the temple. Kamal Nath wel- against both the Supreme Court sincetheSupremeCourthasgiven done. Buta Singh was Home
AS THE August 10 deadline for suggestions on the EIA draft manifesting itself in “immeasur- opportunity for the Prime comed the construction of the verdictandtheletterandspiritof itsdecision,aRamtempleshould MinisterandNDTewaritheChief
approaches,20 lawcollegestudent councilsandlegalaid clin- able forms” North to South, East Ministertoshowcourage”andask temple and pointed out that its the Constitution of India.” bebuiltthere.”Hesaid“thereisno Minister. On December 6, 1992,
ics, 150 law students, 70 other student councils and clubs and to West. “Ram belongs both to people to resolve to end the foundation had been led by late “The bhoomi pujan gottrans- political challenge. Yeh religious (when Babri Masjid was demol-
1,600 students have written to the Environment Ministry to Sabri as also to Sugriv. Ram be- “stigmaof untouchability…treat primeministerRajivGandhi“who formed into a government func- kaam hai. This is neither a politi- ished), P V Narasimha Rao was
withdraw the draft notification. In a 22-page letter drafted by longs to Valmiki as also to Bhasa. Dalits, Adivasis, backwards with had opened the Ram tion with full involvement of the calworknorapoliticalchallenge.” PrimeMinister.Thisisthehistory
the legal aid clinic of Jindal Global Law school, the students RambelongstoKambanasalsoto equality.” Janmabhoomi temple site UP government and the Union MulayamSinghYadavwasthe of how the Congress Party de-
have listed their objections and suggestions. To make sure Ezhuthachan. Ram belongs to TheBhupeshBaghelCongress in 1985”. government.ThePrimeMinister’s chief minister of UP when in ceived Muslims on the Babri
they are heard, they have also sent the letter to the PMO and Kabir, to Tulsidas and to Raidas. government in Chhattisgarh an- The other Opposition parties participation has raised serious October 1990, the police opened Masjid issue,” he said.
registered their complaints with mygov.in.

Chhattisgarh Sacrifice for Ram: Kar sevaks

Rajasthan SOG govt to develop
temple who survived Godhra blaze
drops sedition dedicated to
Ram’s mother
I am very happy with the temple
construction and that joy would
aspartof themobilisationforthe
temple. They were in the S-6

charge, transfers GARGIVERMA

have been doubled if this pan-
demic was not there,” says
Jayantibhai’s aunt as she plans to
19 of them died at Godhra.
Now with former VHP leader

cases to ACB
RAIPUR,AUGUST4 TWENTY-FOURpeople,including lightdiyasonWednesdaytomark Pravin Togadia’s Antarrashtriya
18 women, from Roon village of the ‘bhoomi pujan’ in Ayodhya. Hindu Parishad (AHP) as its city
EVENASpreparationsfortheRam Sojitra taluka in Anand district Jayantibhai, 58, a farmer, has unitsecretary,Shah’sregretisthat
TempleinAyodhyaareunderway, went to Ayodhya in 2002 as kar no regrets about not being at the Togadiahasnotbeeninvited“but
the Congress-led Chhattisgarh sevaks.Ofthem,sixwomenwere siteonWednesday.“Evenif there those who are associated with
JAIPUR,AUGUST4 BJP MLA, BSP governmenthasplannedtospend
more than Rs 15 crore to develop
killed in the S-6 coach of the
Sabarmati Express at the Godhra
was no coronavirus, it would be
difficult to accommodate every-
are”. “I survived the February 27

THE SPECIAL Operations Group

challenge anexistingtemple,believedtobe
the birthplace of Lord Ram's
cluding Jayantibhai Patel’s 56-
one,” he says.
“Once this Covid gets over, I
day,” he says.
(SOG) of Rajasthan Police has
withdrawn the sedition charge
single-judge mother Kaushalya, while "pre-
serving its original form".
year-old mother Champaben,
while four were injured.
will certainly visit Ayodhya one
day with my two sons for dar-
nection with the alleged attempt
bench ruling Work on the temple, which
Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel
shan,” says Navinchandra
Brahmbhatt (65) from Vadnagar
cused in the 2002 riots, says, “I
to topple the Ashok Gehlot gov- Jaipur: The BSP and BJP wants to be as beautiful as "cities wish to be identified. She recalls in Mehsana district, whose wife went there in 1990 and later in
ernment. The cases have now MLA Madan Dilawar in mythological tales", will begin how she held her sister-in-law’s Neeruben was killed in the fire 1992tobepartofthehistoricmo-
been transferred to the Anti- Tuesday filed separate later in August. The bhoomi poo- handwhenthefireengulfedtheir when they were returning from mentwhenHindusdecidedtore-
Corruption Bureau (ACB). appeals before a division jan took place on December 22. coach. “Later her (Champaben’s) Ayodhya after a darshan. claim the temple... Each one of us
Thedevelopmentcomesdays bench of Rajasthan High Thetemplestandsinthemid- grip loosened... Somehow I man- The VHP, which was behind had picked up a stone and joined
after Gehlot appeared to make a Court, challenging the dleofalakeinChandkhurivillage, aged to escape through the win- the temple movement and was in the effort to bring down the
conciliatory move, saying that he single-judge bench’s rul- 25 km from Raipur. Dedicated to dow,” she says. alleged to be responsible for the (Babri) Masjid.” Jain, who now
will welcome back the rebel ing in the matter pertain- Kaushalya, it is accessed by a Thetrain-burningincident,in violence that followed the train- heads the Hindu Jagran Manch,
Congress MLAs if the party lead- ing to the merger of six bridge called Hanuman Pul, which 59 passengers, mostly kar burning incident, has split. sayshewillvisitthetemplewhen
ership “forgives them”. A key BSP MLAs with the which has a statue of Hanuman sevaks, died, led to communal ri- Mahesh Shah ,57, a former theconstructioniscompletetoof-
grouse of former Deputy CM Congress. over it. Posters declaring the sig- otsacrossGujarat,inwhichnearly Bajrang Dal Sahyojak from fer “ice-cream and gulab jamun”
Sachin Pilot that triggered the re- The bench of Justice nificance of the temple are hung 1,200 people, mostly Muslims, Ahmedabad, escorted 80 people to Lord Rama — two sweet items
bellionwithinRajasthanCongress Mahendar Kumar Goyal atthecourtyard,whichopensinto BJP leader Uma Bharti at Sarayu Ghat in Ayodhya on were killed. from different areas of that he gave up as a vow for Ram
was the FIRs being filed by SOG on July 30 issued notices a small sanctum containing idols Tuesday. Prem Nath Pandey “No one reserves any hatred Ahmedabad, including Odhav, Mandir. FULLREPORTON
under the sedition charge. While to the Speaker and the ofKaushalyaholdingababyRam. about the lives lost... we believe it Ramol, Khokhra and Amraiwadi, www.indianexpress.com
it did not name Pilot, it was seen legislators, asking them "Nooneknowswhentheidols

Rlys readies plan to boost

as targeting him. to reply by August 11. appeared.Thetemplehasalways
Sources also pointed out that
the SOG’s move to drop the sedi-
However, it did not stay
the merger.
existed, though it was damaged
many times and rebuilt," said It’s not about adding one
more temple, but Hindu
tionchargewasaimedatprevent- BSP’s counsel Dinesh Rajesh Dhiwar, a villager who sat

Ayodhya station infra

ingNIAfromtakingoverthecases. Kumar Garg saidthe divi- at the entrance with a bottle of
TheRajasthanHighCourtwas sion bench will hear the sanitiser.
hearing a petition by rebel
appeal Wednesday. ENS The Baghel government has
planned a Rs 137-crore project to
enhancetourismbydeveloping9 south side of the Ayodhya station Railway, told The Indian Express.
renaissance: VHP
quashingoftheFIRagainsthimor Sharma, Jain, and one Gajendra outof51spotsacrossthestatere- AVISHEKGDASTIDAR with a 50-year perspective. Officialssaidplanswereexpe- can’t win elections while insult-
itstransfertotheNIA.OnTuesday, Singh — Congress claimed it is lated to Ram. The spots, consid- NEWDELHI,AUGUST4 The Railways, which has ditedaftertheSupremeCourtver- DIVYAA ingHindusentiments)”.Hecred-
SOG told the bench of Justice Jodhpur MP and Union minister ered to be part of the sought land from the Uttar dict.Itisexpectedthatthepilgrim- NEWDELHI,AUGUST4 ited both the Modi government
Satish Kumar Sharma that it is Gajendra Singh Shekhawat. DandakaranyaforestwhereRam, GOING BY the traffic projections Pradeshgovernmentfordevelop- agecircuitof Ayodhyaalongwith andthemandiragitationinwhich
dropping sedition charges and “We said that IPC 124A is not SitaandLakshmanspenttime,are oftheRailways,theRammandiris mentofaround1lakhsqmofad- Bharat Kund, Shrigvraverpur — a ADAYaheadofthebhoomipujan the VHP played a part for this. “It
transferringBhanwarLal’scaseto at all made out in the FIR and the part of Rama Vana Gaman Path. likely to transform the Ayodhya ditional space, wants to create a spot near Prayagraj where Lord atthetemplesiteinAyodhya,Alok has brought about a situation
the ACB. investigating agency admitted it The temple, said to have been town into a pilgrimage centre as newstationonaparwiththelarge Ram is believed to have taken a Kumar,thecentralworkingpresi- when nobody tries to keep dis-
Inalowercourt,atthehearing in court today and that they are builtinthe8thcentury,wasreno- big as Varanasi or Prayagraj. stations in India. The concept of boat to cross the river on his way dentoftheVHP,defendedthepar- tancefromHinduism,particularly
onthebailpleaofSanjayJain,one cancellingit,”saidSharma’scoun- vated in 1973. The Congress gov- Officials in the Lucknow thegreenfieldprojecthasameni- to South India — and Chitrakoot ticipation of Prime Minister at the time of elections.”
of the accused named in the FIR selSwadeepSinghHora,whorep- ernmenthasdecidedtorefurbish DivisionofRailwayssaidthefoot- ties like sojourn for pilgrims etc. Dham will attract a huge flow of Narendra Modi in the event, Saying he was proud of being
along with Sharma, the SOG resentedhiminthehighcourt.“So itintoatouristdestinationintwo fallinAyodhyastationisestimated Thisisinadditiontotheongo- pilgrims. addingthattheCongressitself at- at the helm of the VHP at a mo-
Tuesday said that “based on the nowthequestionarises,somany phases. tojumpatleast12timesfromthe ing first phase of the redevelop- To cater to this, small stations tendsDussehrafunctionswhileall ment like this, Kumar said they
investigationconductedsofar,no teamsweresent(bySOGtoNCR) The BJP has taken a dig at the present 5,000 per day after the ment of the existing station. The there, like Acharya Narendra Dev partiesinthecountryholdiftar. hopedtonurtureitintoadrivefor
offence under IPC 124A has been and such a big drama was being RamaVanaGamanPath,withBJP Ramtempleisopenedtothepub- RailwaysonSundayreleasedpic- Nagar and Ramghat Halt, will be “Every year on Dussehra day, Hindu renaissance, including all
found” and investigation under done when they knew from day leaderBrijMohanAgarwalsaying, lic, bringing it on a par with turesof theredevelopedstation’s included in the larger plan to dis- Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, the castesandclasses.ToensureDalits
The Prevention of Corruption Act one that offence is not made out. "People who have stood against Varanasi and Prayagraj. design. The redevelopment will tribute the traffic load, turning PM and President go to the Red were not ignored in the temple
is active. Hence, the files and the So how mala fide it is.” Lord Ram, contested in courts Along with Ayodhya, the be complete by June 2021 and is Ayodhyaintoarailhub.“Thetraf- Fort Ramlila and participate in construction, he said the VHP
case are being transferred to the Another case, lodged on July againsthisexistence,aresuddenly nearby Faizabad station will bear estimated to cost Rs 104 crore. fic load of Prayagraj is served by Ravandahan.Allthesepeoplegive went to major Valmiki temples
ACB, SOG told the court. 10 under the same IPC sections, showing their devotion to him. the increased load and Ayodhya “We expect passenger traffic not just the main station but by iftar parties, and attend events to amongotherstocollectsoilforthe
On July 17, SOG lodged two was also being investigated by There is nothing happier for us." willbecomealocalrailhub,asper to grow significantly in Ayodhya several satellite stations as well. mark Buddha Purnima and bhoomipujan.“Thisisnotadding
FIRs based on complaints by SOG. It was in connection with Baghel, who went to moni- the plan of infrastructure aug- in the coming years. Along with We expect the traffic here to be Mahavir Jayanti. This is a country onemoretemple,weareworking
Congress chief whip Mahesh this FIR that SOG sought time tor the work at the temple and mentation being executed. redevelopmentof thestation,we morethanPrayagraj,”saidasenior that celebrates all religions, not towards social renaissance. We
Joshi.BothwerelodgedunderIPC from Pilot for a statement. pray along with his family on AftertheNovember2019ver- have undertaken massive infra- divisional official. negates them,” he said. expect Hindu society to visit its
sections124A(sedition)and120B In astatement,SOG saidsedi- July 29, has claimed that the BJP dict on the Ram temple dispute, structureaugmentationtherethat PresentlyAyodhyaisonalter- Kumar said every party has Ahilyas, Shabris (characters be-
(punishmentforcriminalconspir- tion charges are being dropped while celebrating the birthplace theplanforasecondphaseofsta- will result in more trains to and nateroutebetweenLucknowand “come to understand ki woh longingtolowercastesintheepic
acy). While one didn’t mention fromallthreeFIRsandtheyarebe- of Ram has ignored his mother's tion development in a greenfield from Ayodhya,” Rajiv Chaudhry, Varanasi and is single line from Hindukibhaavnakaapmankarke Ramayana) again and that caste
any names, the other mentioned ing transferred to ACB. birthplace. projecthasbeenconceivedonthe General Manager, Northern Barabanki to Zafrabad (238 km). chunaavnahinjeetsakte(thatthey differences vanish.”

New Delhi



Bhushan refuses to Bihar govt recommends CBI NREGS surge:

ministry spends
apologise: Regret
if misunderstood
probe into Sushant death 72% of budget in
SC to hear Rhea plea
seeking transfer of first quarter
BIHAR CHIEF Minister Nitish
ADVOCATE PRASHANT Bhushan Kumar on Tuesday said his gov- der NREGA during the current fi-
logy for alleged remarks against
the judiciary in an interview to
ernment has recommended a
CBI probe into actor Sushant
Singh Rajput’s death.
nancial year, which is over 58% of
the 280.65 crore persondays
planned for the entire year.
Tehelka for which a case of crimi- Nitish tweeted in Hindi, “The Uddhav Thackeray and state WITHTHEdemand forunskilled Data available on the NREGA
nalcontemptwasinitiatedagainst Bhushan said he supports state government has sent a rec- MOHAMED THAVER Home Minister Anil Deshmukh workunderNREGAatahigh,the portal shows that Rs 45,253.65
him and the magazine’s former the judiciary and especially ommendationforaCBIprobeinto Sushant Singh Rajput MUMBAI, AUGUST 4 both have said that the Mumbai Ministry of Rural Development crore was spent under the rural
editor Tarun Tejpal in 2009. the SC ‘of which I am a part’ thecaselodgedbySushantSingh Police is capable enough to in- (MoRD) hasspent72% of its total job guarantee scheme from April
Instead, he issued a “state- Rajput's father K K Singh regard- THE SUPREME Court on vestigatethecase,andthereisno budget for this financial year in 1 to August 4, against the Rs
ment...tothecourt”,seekingtoex- ing his death.” gating agency.” Wednesday will hear a plea filed need to transfer it to the CBI. the first quarter itself. 61,000 crore allocated in the
plain his remarks. aryinwhichIhavecompletefaith. OnJuly25,Rajput’sfatherhad Almost all political parties in byactorRheaChakraborty,seek- Also on Tuesday, Of theRs1,22,398.43croreal- budget presented on February 1.
Apressnotebyhisofficesaida ...Iregretifmyinterviewwasmis- filed an FIR in Patna against actor Bihar have welcomed the state ing that the FIR registered Maharashtra Tourism Minister located to the ministry for 2020- Whilethegovernmenthadal-
Supreme Court bench headed by understood as doing so...” RheaChakrabortyandfiveothers, government'sdecisiontorecom- against her in Bihar in connec- AadityaThackerayissuedastate- 21, it spent Rs 87,611.41 crore in located a lower amount for
Justice Arun Mishra, which took The court’s order after the accusingthemofabetmenttosui- mend a CBI probe. tion with Sushant Singh Rajput’s ment denying any links with the April-June. NREGA this financial year, it an-
up the case Tuesday, told Senior hearing said “explanation/apol- cide, cheating, criminal breach of Deputy CM and BJP leader deathbetransferredtoMumbai. case. “ There has been unneces- In contrast, according to data nounced a Rs 40,000 crore in-
Advocates Rajeev Dhavan and ogy submitted by Mr. Prashant trust, criminal intimidation and Sushil Kumar Modi thanked OnJuly25,Rajput’sfatherhad sary mudslinging personally on available on the Controller crease in allocation as part of its
KapilSibal,appearingforBhushan Bhushan/ Respondent No.1 and wrongful confinement. Nitishforthemove,whileLeader filed an FIR in Patna against actor me and Thackeray family in GeneralofAccounts'site,themin- economicpackageinresponseto
and Tejpal, respectively, that “the Mr. Tarun Tejpal/Respondent Nitish said his government oftheOppositionintheAssembly RheaChakrabortyandfiveothers, Sushant’ssuicidecase.Thispolit- istryspent29%ofitsbudgetaryal- the pandemic.
judgeswantedtoputanendtothe No.2,havenotbeenreceivedsofar. tookthedecisiontorecommenda Tejashwi Prasad Yadav said, “We accusingthemofabetmenttosui- icalgrouseisbecauseof theirde- location in the first quarter of While NREGA is its biggest
mattertoprotectthedignityofthe In case we do not accept the ex- CBI probe after Rajput’s family aresatisfiedthatthestategovern- cide, cheating, criminal breach of spondency.Thisattemptof play- 2019-2020,39%inthefirstquarter scheme,theministryalsoadmin-
court and of the judges”. “They planation/apology, we will hear made a formal request. menthasmadeCBIproberecom- trust, criminal intimidation and ingpoliticsoversomeone'sdeath of 2018-19, and 32% in the first isters the Pradhan Mantri Awaas
therefore asked the parties to is- thematter.Wereservetheorder”. The decision comes even as mendation in Sushant's case...” wrongful confinement. is a blot on humanity,” he said. quarter of 2017-18. Yojana (Grameen) and Prime
sue statements tendering their Soon after it took up the mat- Chakraborty filed a plea in the Senior Congress leader Prem On Tuesday, Chakraborty’s Meanwhile, the probe of the The increased pace of spend- Minister Gram Sadak Yojana,
apologies. Mr. Prashant Bhushan ter, the bench, also comprising Ju- SupremeCourt,seekingthetrans- Chandra Mishra said, “While we lawyer, reacting to Bihar Chief Bihar Police SIT sent to Mumbai ing comes in the backdrop of an among others.
refused to tender an apology but stices B R Gavai and Krishna Mur- fer of the case against her to welcome the decision, Nitish Minister Nitish Kumar’s recom- to investigate Rajput’s death has unprecedented spike in the de- TheMoRDhasemergedasthe
agreed to issue the following st- ari,toldDhavan“wearealwaysfor Mumbai. The Bihar government Kumar should ensure his recom- mending a CBI probe into come to a halt. mand for unskilled work under top spender in the first quarter.
atement,”thenote,forwardedby freedom of speech” and there is a hasalsofiledacaveatinthematter. mendation for a CBI probe into Rajput’sdeath,said,“Thepetition On Sunday, Patna City NREGA,duetotheCovid-19pan- Only six other ministries have
Advocate Cheryl Dsouza, added. “thinlineyoumayhavecrossedbe- Meanwhile, the Bihar Police Sushant's case is implemented.” filed by Rhea Chakraborty in (Central) SP Vinay Tiwari, who demic. spentover27%of their annual al-
Bhushan, it said, had stated, tween freedom and contempt”. hasaccusedtheMumbaiPoliceof Supreme Court that Bihar Police led the team, was put into home Inthefirstfourmonthsof this location in the first quarter:
...“in my interview to Tehelka in Thehearinglaterwentoff camera notgiving“anycooperationinin-
Bengali women face hadnojurisdictiontoinvestigate quarantine by the BMC and the financial year (April 1-August 4), Ministry of Consumer Affairs,
2009Ihaveusedthewordcorrup- with the judges speaking to Dha- vestigation”. online abuses, probe on the case will continue to be other three members of the SIT 5.36 crore households availed Food and Public Distribution
tioninawidesensemeaninglack vanandSibaloveraWhatsAppcall. Bihar DGP Gupteshwar Kolkata: Police have initiated an heard.Therecannotbeatransfer wereaskedtoremainindoorson NREGA work. This is marginally (43%); Ministryof Chemicalsand
ofpropriety.Ididnotmeanonlyfi- ThestatementfromBhushan’s Pandeysaid,“MumbaiPolicehad investigation after receiving a to CBI of a case that had no legal Monday. Tiwari’s “selective lowerthanthefull-yearfigurefor Fertilisers (36%); Ministry of
nancialcorruptionorderivingany officesaidthat“thecourthowever not been cooperating with us. complaint over Bengali women basis for Bihar to get involved. At quarantine” led to his superior 2019-2020(5.48crore),butmore PetroleumandNaturalGas(36%);
pecuniary advantage. If what I reassembledintheafternoonand They quarantined our IPS officer being targeted on social media. the most (what could have been officer, Patna IGP Sanjay Singh to than the annual figure for any Ministry of Health and Family
have said caused hurt to any of whenJusticeMishraindicatedthat who was sent to monitor the in- Rajput’s death has triggered registered in Bihar) is a zero FIR write to BMC commissioner to otherfinancialyearsince2013-14. Welfare(32%);MinistryofLabour
them or to their families in any hemaypassanorderholdingthat vestigation. Our four-member many debates in India, with sev- transferable to Mumbai Police.” seek a clarification. “Until the Infact,ifthepresenttrendcontin- and Employment (30%); and
way, I regret the same. I unre- anystatementofcorruptioninthe Patna team had not been able to eral people on social media tar- A senior officer said they will BMC replies and in light of the ues, the number of households Ministry of Railways (28%).
servedlystatethatIsupportthein- judiciary would amount to per se doanythingsubstantial.Nowthat geted Bengali women and in- hear what theBihar Policehasto hearing in the Supreme Court, I availing NREGA work could ex- Overall,thegovernmentspent
stitutionofthejudiciaryandespe- contempt, he was told by Dr. a CBI probe has been recom- dulged in name calling. say in the Supreme Court and have ordered the other mem- ceedlastyear'stotalbytheendof Rs 8,15,943.78 crore, or 27% of its
ciallytheSupremeCourtofwhich Dhavan,thatsuchafindingcannot mended, Mumbai Police would Some also described Bengali “will play it by the ear”. The offi- bersof theinvestigationteamon this month. totalbudgetofRs30,42,230.09for
I am a part, and had no intention be and should not be rendered havetocooperate.Wewillalsoco- womenas“witcheswhoperform cer, however, said that in the Monday also to stay indoors.” As of August 4, over 163 crore 2020-21; the corresponding fig-
tolowertheprestigeof thejudici- withouthearingtheparties”. operatewiththepremierinvesti- black magic”. ENS past,MaharashtraChief Minister --WITHENS,MUMBAI persondays were generated un- ure for last year was 26%.

Elderly should
be given priority
Rise in market share Patnitop case:
CBI searches
Elgaar Parishad:
DU prof sent to
in govt hospitals, of domestically offices, homes of further 3-day
says apex court J&K officials NIA custody
manufactured Jammu: The CBI on Tuesday
launched searches at the offices SADAF MODAK

ventilators: Govt
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE and residential premises of vari- MUMBAI, AUGUST 4
NEW DELHI, AUGUST 4 ouspublicservantsin11locations
across Jammu and Kashmir in A SPECIAL court sent Delhi
THESUPREMECourtTuesdayob- connection with large-scale ille- University associate professor
servedthat“elderlypeopleshould will be procured, 50,000 are be- gal constructions and encroach- Hany Babu, arrested on July 28
begivenpriority”inadmissionsin KAUNAIN SHERIFF M ingfundedbythePMCaresfund. ment of land at the tourist resort as an accused in the Elgaar
government hospitals consider- NEW DELHI, AUGUST 4 “The domestic capacity of of PatnitopinUdhampurdistrict. Parishadcase,to furthercustody
ingtheirvulnerabilitytoCovid-19. manufacturing ventilators was A release said the agency has of the NIA for three days till
Italsosaidthatpensiontotheeld- ALMOST SIX months into the insignificant. In 2019, the Indian recovered “incriminating docu- August 7, while refusing to grant
erly should be disbursed on time pandemic, the country has wit- ventilators market was roughly ments,hugeinvestmentinFixed seven-day custody as was
and caregivers in old age homes nessed a significant shift in the 8,510 units and its annual value Deposits and immovable prop- sought. The court observed that
across the country be provided manufacturing of ventilators, was Rs 444 crore; 75 per cent of erties”andfurtherinvestigations the progress of the investigation
with personal protective equip- with the share of domestically themarketshareof ventilatorsin were in progress. "reveals various developments".
ment(PPE)duringthepandemic. manufactured ventilators cur- India was with imported equip- It has been alleged that the The agency also claimed it re-
“In event of any complaint rently more than 96 per cent by ment...Therewasanexponential public servants “having jurisdic- covered letters “voluminous” in
made by the elderly people, the
the Centre said on Tuesday.
Health Secretary Rajesh
spiracy with the owners of ho-
tels/ guest Houses/ resorts, etc,
HEAVY RAIN BATTERS MUMBAI nature from electronic articles
seized from Babu, and it required
edy their grievances,” a bench Bhushanalsohighlightedthesig- “…In March…in India, even allowed illegal construction/ il- Mumbai and its suburbs witnessed the season’s most intense showers, recording over confront him. The NIA also
headedbyJusticeAshokBhushan nificantriseindomesticsharehas those who were manufacturing legaluseof thesaidlandinviola- 260 mm rainfall in 24 hours till Tuesday morning. The rain spells were accompanied by claimed he was using various so-
and also comprising Justice R also resulted in a drop in the pro- the ventilators, were importing tion of law, leading to loss to the high-speed winds and thunder in south Mumbai and the suburbs. Ganesh Shirsekar cialmediaaccountsfor“commu-
Subhash Reddy said after former curement price due to competi- components… four months government”. ENS nication with other co-accused”,
Union minister Ashwani Kumar tive pricing of domestic ventila- backsweweredependentonven- suspects as well as members/
told the court that the elderly are torsthatcurrentlyrangebetween tilators that cost Rs 10-20 lakh. sympathisersofbannedoutfitCPI
notgettingpriorityingovernment Rs 1.5 lakh to Rs 4 lakh per unit as Nowthecountry’sentrepreneurs KERALA GOLD SMUGGLING CASE (Maoist).“Disclosureanddataex-

NIA team to travel to UAE for further probe

hospitals irrespective of their ca- comparedtoimportedventilators and innovators, have not only traction of said social media ac-
pacitytopayfortreatment. that cost around Rs 10-20 lakh. started producing the compo- counts are pending and the pres-
Kumar, on whose plea the However, theCentre empha- nentsbutmanufacturingtheven- ence of accused is required for
court on December 13, 2018, is- sised that only 0.27 per cent of tilators…outofthe60,000venti- gation of arrested accused Sofar,NIAhasarrested12per- getting all cooperation from confrontation,” the NIA stated.
suedcertaindirectionsregarding the total active cases were on lators that are now being EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Ramees KT, who said they were sonsinconnectionwiththecase. there,” an NIA officer said. His partner Jenny Rowena
the elderly population, Tuesday ventilators across the country. procured, Make in India ventila- NEW DELHI, AUGUST 4 his aides. It said the decision to Meanwhile,ateamof NIAof- Notably,NIAhasinvokedter- said when she sought the hash
highlightedtheneedforcareand “At no point, the country has torsshareis96percentbyvolume arrest them was taken after ficersispreparingtoleaveforthe ror charges in the case and sus- values of seized electronic items
protection for this section during reached the one percent mark and90percentbyvalue,”hesaid. The NIA has arrested two more “theirrolesintheconspiracyand UAE to investigate the links of pects the network to be funding to ensure there was no tamper-
thepandemic.Hesubmittedthat on patients being put on venti- Meanwhile, the government people in connection with the pursuant smuggling of gold those arrested here and to seek terror activties. ing, the officials refused. Lawyer
the older people living alone are lators,” Bhushan said. said that 36 WhatsApp groups Kerala gold smuggling case, offi- through diplomatic baggage ad- thehelpof thatcountry'sauthor- OnSunday,theagencyhadan- Susan Abraham, representing
theworstsufferersandnotableto According to theofficialdata, havebeencreated,onegroupfor cials said Tuesday. dressed to the UAE Consulate”. itiesinnabbinganaccusedinthe nounced that it arrested six peo- Babu, opposed the NIA plea for
get medicines, masks, sanitizers more than 1,8000 ventilators each state and Union territory, Thosearrestedwereidentified The agency produced case who is absconding. “We ple in the case, including Popular further custody stating that he
andotheressentialgoods.Healso have been supplied to various consisting of doctors, suppliers, asSharafudeen(38),a residentof Sharafudeen and Shafeeq on need to probe how this whole Front of India member voluntarily came to Mumbai af-
pointed out that caregivers of Central and state government and government officials for MalappuramdistrictandShafeeq Tuesday before the NIA Special racket worked in UAE. The au- Muhammad Ali, who had been ter being summoned by the
these people are untrained and Covid-19 facilities across 700 handholding and resolving any (31) from Palakkad district. Court, Ernakulam which re- thorities there are equally con- charged with chopping off the agency and was questioned for
not equipped with PPEs. hospitals. The Centre said that issue arising out of the use of the NIA claimed their names manded them to four days of cerned as UAE diplomatic cargo handof aprofessorinErnakulam five days. The court did not ac-
Taking note, the SC directed outof the60,000ventilatorsthat ventilators. cropped up during the interro- NIA custody. was being used for this. We are districtbutwasacquittedin2015. cept the contention.

For the grand old man of Indian theatre, the world was a stage
tified older people should be
provided necessary medicines,
tial goods by respective States”. Alkazipassedaway inDelhi's was a genius, a colossus,” said demic,” said Baokar. “He preferred to play to inti-
“As and when any individual re- DIPANITA NATH Escorts hospital on Tuesday. He Anuradha Kapur, a formerdirec- Alkazi’s directorial produc- mate audiences and was not in-
quest is made, the same shall be PUNE, AUGUST 4 was 94. The entire theatre com- tor of NSD. Theatre in India has tionsalignedwiththeambitions terested in numbers more than
attendedtobytheAdministration munity of India would be traditionally been an art form of a country in motion and rein- 300. He felt that intimate shows
with all promptness,” it said. IN THE early decades of the re- mourning his death. that has been passed on infor- forced its quest for a cultural offered the most powerful expe-
Thebenchorderedthat“care- public, as India was building in- “Hewascomfortableandnot mally in a group or by a guru. identity. The stories were drawn riences,” Feisal Alkazi, the mas-
givers of… old age homes should stitutions, the National School of inanykindof pain.Hehadavery With NSD, theatre became for from history and mythology but ter's son and a theatre director
be provided personal protection Drama (NSD) in Delhi was good constitution. He had heart the first time a discipline that presented to international himself, said.
andappropriatesanitizationsho- headed by Ebrahim Alkazi. fibrillationandhisbreathingwas was to be mastered with aca- standards. After leaving NSD in 1977,
uld also be undertaken in the old “When he first came to work, he uneven, so his body could not demic precision and techniques. In public imagination, Alkazi Alkazi established Art Heritage
agehomes”.Itaskedstatestoreply foundthebathroomswerefilthy. maintain it due to his age,” said Among Alkazi’s students wasacreatorof grandspectacles in Delhi with his wife Roshan
totheavermentsmadeinKumar’s Heputupanoticesaying,‘Please Amal Allana, Alkazi’s daughter were Om Shivpuri, Sudha —AndhaYugatFerozShahKotla, Alkazi to encourage artists and
application within four weeks. don't throw paan spit in the and a former chairperson NSD. Shivpuri, Uttara Baokar, Surekha which was attended by scholars, and mounted more
HearingKumar’spetition,the sinks’. Nobody bothered and, af- Alkazi, who was born in Sikri, BV Karanth, Ratan Thiyam, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Tughlaq than 500 exhibitions.
SC had in 2018 said some of the ter two days, he came with de- Pune, trained at the Royal Naseeruddin Shah, Om Puri, at Purana Qila — but he was a Until before the pandemic
governmentschemes for the old tergent and a mop and cleaned Academy of Dramatic Arts in EBRAHIM ALKAZI Rohini Hattangadi, Kirti Jain, M proponent of intimate theatre. put a stop to performances,
“are comparatively dated” and the place himself. The staff then London, and produced and di- 1925-2020 K Raina and Anupam Kher. Ashadh Ka Ek Din was staged in Alkazi's Meghdoot theatre was a
“it is high time that the realisedthathemeantbusiness,” rected a wide range of plays in “Iusedtodoashetoldme.He the aangan of NSD’s old prem- bustling hub of plays, music, and
Government of India has a said theatre director M K Raina. Mumbai and Delhi. He was still was a guide who held our hands ises in Kailash Colony, while dance in the capital. The world
relookattheseschemesandper- “He said to me, ‘Remember, if inhistwentieswhenhereceived BBC Award for Broadcasting. Vibhushan. and taught us to walk. I want to Waiting for Godot and Oedipus was a stage for Alkazi and, when
haps overhaul them with a view you do good work, muck will be awards such as the British Later, he was honoured with the “Modern Indian theatre has go to Delhi for his last rites but Rex were performed for audi- it wasn’t, he built one.
to bring about convergence and thrown at you. You don't stand Drama League Award for Work Kalidas Award, the Padma Shri, been touched and shaped by cannot due to the restrictions ences of about 80 at Rabindra FULLREPORTON
avoid multiplicity”. back. You lead from the front.” of Outstanding Merit, and the Padma Bhushan, and Padma himinwaysdifficulttocount.He imposed by the Covid-19 pan- Bhavan. www.indianexpress.com

New Delhi
Kerala man may be
among IS group which
India hits back at new Pak map: Bajwa, Dullo copying CALL FOR CBI PROBE INTO HOOCH DEATHS

stormed Afghan jail ‘An exercise in political absurdity’ Pilot’s playbook, strict
shared the news about the birth
of twobabiesof EjasandShihaz,” SHUBHAJIT ROY
“We have seen a so-called
politicalmapof Pakistanthathas
veiled by Pakistan Prime
Minister Imran Khan, who
princely state of Junagadh.
The map also shows the
action needed: Jakhar
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, a source said. NEW DELHI, AUGUST 4 been released by Prime Minister claimedthatitnegatesIndia’s“il- Federally Administered Tribal
AUGUST 4 Their father Abdul Rahman, Imran Khan. This is an exercise legal action” of August 5, and Areas as being part of Khyber EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
a Gulf returnee, could not be ON THE eve of the first anniver- in political absurdity, laying un- that it had been endorsed by the Pakhtunkhwa province. CHANDIGARH, AUGUST 4
INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES have reached. saryof thewithdrawalof Jammu tenable claims to territories in federal cabinet. This map will The Pakistan cabinet also ap-
prima facie identified one of the A close relative said, “They and Kashmir’s special status un- the Indian State of Gujarat and now be officially used in proved the decision to rename a CLAIMING THAT the playbook
Islamic State members who at- (the family) had considered the der Article 370 and its bifurca- our Union Territories of Jammu Pakistan’scurriculum,Khansaid. major road in Islamabad as usedinRajasthanbytheCongress
tacked a prison in Afghanistan’s two sons as lost forever. Earlier, tion into Union territories, & Kashmir and of Ladakh. These The map depicts the entirety Srinagar Highway. The road was leadersagainsttheirowngovern-
Jalalabad as Ejas Kettiyapurayil, therehadbeenrumours that the Pakistan on Tuesday released a ridiculous assertions have nei- of Jammu and Kashmir as a dis- previously called Kashmir mentisbeingreplicatedinPunjab, (Left) Partap Singh Bajwa;
hailingfromKasaragodinKerala. youths died in Afghanistan. We newpoliticalmapwhichdepicts ther legal validity nor interna- puted territory while also incor- Highway. state party chief Sunil Jakhar Shamsher Singh Dullo
Sourcessaidfamilycircleshad are not keen on the issue as we J&K as a disputed territory, and tionalcredibility.Infact,thisnew porating Siachen as part of This is not the first time TuesdaysaidhewillwritetoAICC
identified Ejas from the photo- thought them to be dead much claims the regions of Sir Creek effort only confirms the reality Pakistan. It does not show any Pakistan has tried to portray president Sonia Gandhi seeking
graphsshowntothem.However, earlier,’’ he said. and the erstwhile state of of Pakistan’s obsession with ter- borders in the east of Kashmir, Junagadh as part of its territory. “strictaction”againstthe“brazen cases(whichhassincebeentaken
no official confirmation could be Militants affiliated with the Junagadh in Gujarat as part of its ritorial aggrandisement sup- where China illegally occupied The 2012 Atlas of Islamic indiscipline” of Rajya Sabha MPs over by Punjab Police) or the ED
made at this stage, sources said. Islamic State group stormed a territory. Reacting sharply to the ported by cross-border terror- Aksai Chin. It also incorporates Republic of Pakistan also por- PartapSinghBajwaandShamsher probe into drugs, launched dur-
Ejas, a doctor by profession, prison in eastern Afghanistan in move, India called it an “exercise ism,” the MEA said in an official Sir Creek into Pakistani territory trayed Junagadh as a separate Singh Dullo. ingtheerstwhileSAD-BJPgovern-
joined Islamic State in 2016 a daylong siege that left at least in political absurdity”. statement. The map was un- as well as parts of the erstwhile territory. Targeting their own party’s ment?” he asked.
along with his wife Rahaila, then 39peopledead,includingtheas- government in Punjab over the From Sutlej Yamuna Link
three months pregnant, and sailants, and freed nearly 400 of spurious liquor tragedy that has canal to the grant for Punjab, GST
brother Shihaz, a management
their fighters before security
forces restored order, a govern- LAC standoff: China 4% seats in professional claimed111lives,BajwaandDullo
refunds, Covid aid and the most

says avoid differences colleges reserved for

graduate, joined the IS along ment official said Monday. It is ure”onpartofstate’sadministra- twoMPshadstudiouslychosento
with his wife Ajmala, a physio- unclear if Ejas was among those tion and petitioned Governor VP “keep quiet” in the Upper House
therapist. killed. Singh Badnore for a CBI and ED oneverymatterof importanceto
Sources said they were part
of the Kasaragod module of
Islamic State which had moved
The Islamic State presence in
Kerala had come to the fore with
the disappearance of youths
escalating into disputes Ladakh students: J&K probe into the alleged “illegal”
liquor trade in the state.
Jakhar described the move as
Punjab, he said.
Meanwhile, Bajwa claimed
that he was forced to raise the is-
to Nangarhar province of mainly from Kasaragod in 2016. boundary issue in an appropri- Kashmir, and that the Act and a “copy-paste job” of what hap- sue with the Governor as he had
Afghanistan in 2016 after having The NIA had then identified SHUBHAJIT ROY ate position in bilateral relations BASHAARAT MASOOD Rules do not apply to Ladakh. pened in Rajasthan in January af- not heard from Chief Minister
gone missing from Kasaragod in Abdul Rashid, an engineer and NEW DELHI, AUGUST 4 and avoid differences escalating SRINAGAR, AUGUST 4 “Twenty four seats from en- ter the deaths of 107 infants over Capt Amarinder Singh.
May-June that year. “Ejas was in education activist, as the leader into disputes. It is hoped that gineering colleges and 35 seats which, then deputy chief minis- “As a result of his conscious
touch with the family even after of this IS module. TWO DAYS after the fifth round IndiawillworkwithChinainthe THE JAMMU and Kashmir ad- frommedicalcollegeswillbede- ter Sachin Pilot had targeted his decision to ignore us and the
reaching Afghanistan. They had -WITHAPINPUTS of military-level talks to resolve same direction and jointly safe- ministration has reserved 4 per ducted from the total number of own government. “Had action liquormafia,117innocentindivid-
the border standoff at the Line of guard bilateral relations...” cent seats in professional col- available seats (of J&K) and the been taken against Pilot then it- ualsweremurderedincoldblood
ActualControl,ChinaonTuesday While responding to a ques- leges across the UT for students reservation for the residents of self, what is happening today in for the greed of a few. Would

MEA: 2 more Indians saidthatthetwosides“shouldal-

tion on whether India is consid-
ering measures to prevent trade
from Ladakh for the academic
year 2020-21. The decision has
J&K will be calculated on re-
maining seats...”the release
Rajasthan today could have been
avoided,” said Jakhar.
Jakhar have preferred that we ig-

released from captivity

anappropriate position” in bilat- partners, mainly in Southeast been taken as Ladakh doesn’t quoted Subrahmanyam as say- Hesaiditwastimeto savethe the name of party discipline? I
eral relations and “avoid differ- Asia, from rerouting Chinese haveanymedicalorengineering ing said. Congress from the “petty machi- have not bartered away my con-
ences escalating into disputes”. goods to India with little added colleges. However, several termed the nations” of the likes of Bajwa and science for a seat,” said Bajwa.

in Afghanistan, return While there were no specific

details about the latest round of
talks between Indian and
value, Wang said, “China has
noted relevant reports. Chinese
products exported to India meet
Ladakh, comprising Leh and
the erstwhile state of Jammu
reservation a “lollipop to calm
their anger”.
“This is eyewash,” said Sajad
Dullo, who have “no shame” in
biting the hand that feeds them.
He said he would urge Sonia
He said that it would have
to have visited the families of the
morewerereleasedlastOctober. Chinese military commanders, the demand of India’s domestic and Kashmir. According to the Hussain, apolitical andsocialac- Gandhi for “strict action” against deceased.
SHUBHAJIT ROY While no group had claimed the Chinese side reiterated its market… Practical cooperation 2011 census, Leh had a popula- tivist from Kargil. “We the peo- thetwoMPswhowere“disgrace- “The CM had the arrogance
NEW DELHI, AUGUST 4 responsibility and the Taliban position as was spelt out by the between the two countries is tion of 1,47,104 and Kargil had a pleof Kargilwereopposedtothe fullyexploiting”atragedyto“fur- andtheaudacitytopubliclycom-
has not said anything on the is- Chinese ambassador last week. mutually beneficial . It is not in population of 1,43,388. creation of a UT... There is anger ther” their own political ambi- mentinapressconferencethathe
TWO MORE Indian nationals of sue so far, Baghlan Governor Chinese Foreign Ministry India’s own interest to sabotage Thereservationdecision was in Ladakh and the government tions. Such “back-stabbing” does not read our communica-
the seven who were kidnapped Abdulhai Nemati had, soon after spokesperson Wang Wenbin this pattern of cooperation.” taken at a review meeting is trying to pacify people by an- members should be shown the tionsandthattheywerenotwor-
by suspected Taliban gunmen — theabduction,saidthataTaliban said in Beijing, “We also believe Thiscameonadaythe China chaired by J&K Chief Secretary B nouncing this reservation, it is door before they cause serious thy of response,” he added.
in Afghanistan in May 2018 — groupwasbehindtheabduction. that stronger solidarity and co- Study Group (CSG), led by V R Subrahmanyam. An official not going to work.” damage, he added. Jakhar de- “Had Jakhar shown the
havebeenreleasedandreturned Nemati was quoted as saying operation between China and National Security Advisor Ajit release said the meeting was in- Political outfits in Kargil have scribedtheactionsof thetwoMP couragetoquestiontheCMonhis
to the country on Tuesday, the that Afghanauthoritieshadspo- India... will notonly inject strong Doval, reviewed the discussions formed that reservation in pro- called for a complete shutdown as a manifestation of their “des- constantignoranceoftheseissues,
Ministry of External Affairs said ken with the Taliban group, via impetus into our respective de- of the fifth meeting on August 2 fessionalinstitutionsisgoverned on Wednesday to demand for peratedesiretograbthehighseat lives may have been saved… The
in a statement. local people, and had been told velopment, but also add stabil- of the Corps Commanders at by the Jammu and Kashmir the restoration of the statehood of power by hook or by crook.” weak-kneed and spineless lead-
Seven Indians working with that the KEC employees had ity and positive energy to world Moldo and approved the next ReservationActandRules,which to Jammu and Kashmir. “How many times in all these ership shown by Jakhar has left
Indian power firm KEC been mistaken for government peace and prosperity. The two steps in the disengagement havebeenamendedafter the re- People in Leh too said the years did they ask for expediting the Congress workers in Punjab
International Limited were kid- staff. sides should always place the process on the LAC in Ladakh. organisation of Jammu and reservationwastoolittletoolate. the CBI inquiry into the sacrilege demoralised,” he said.
napped in northern Baghlan According to local reports,
province on May 6, 2018, and six the KEC employees were ab-
of them have been released so
far. The MEA statement came a
day after Indian and Afghan po-
ducted by armed men in Bagh-
e-Shamal village of the provin-
cial capital Pul-e-Khomri, while
J&K: Places of worship SCHOOL OF PLANNING AND
(An institution of National Importance under the Ministry of Human Resource Development,

can reopen from Aug 16

Govt. of India) S.No. 4/4, ITI Road, Vijayawada – 520 008, Andhra Pradesh, India
litical leaders and diplomats they were travelling to the area Advt.No.SPAV/DTCP/2020 Dated 03.08.2020
spoke to each other. The issue of where KEC has a contract to op- WEB NOTICE
their abduction has been a part erate an electricity substation. Applications are invited for GIS Specialist, Research Associate
of the conversation between On Monday, Prime Minister remain shut. and Research Assistant on purely temporary and contractual
leadersandofficialsof bothsides Narendra Modi and Afghan EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE The movement of individuals for all basis. The application can be downloaded from institute’s
in the last two years. President Ashraf Ghani had dis- JAMMU, AUGUST 4 non-essentialactivitieswillremainpro- website and filled application may be sent to recruitmentdtcp@
In a statement on Tuesday, cussed the evolving security sit- hibited between 10 pm to 5 am and for spav.ac.in on or before 14.08.2020. For further details regard-
ing qualifications, remuneration etc, please refer the SPA Vijay-
the MEA said, “Two Indian na- uation in the region against the THE J&K administration Tuesday de- this, the District Magistrates shall issue awada website www.spav.ac.in.
tionals, who were released from backdrop of a spike in terrorist cidedtoallowallplacesofworshipinthe specificprohibitoryorders Sd/- Registrar
captivity in Afghanistan on 31 violence in Afghanistan. UT to reopen from August 16. underSection144ofCrPC. Si 6 4
July 2020, returned to India to- The two leaders had a phone Pointingoutthatthiswillbesubject Liquor shops will re-
day... Six Indian nationals have conversation and exchanged to observance of SOPs, which would be open across the UT.
now been released so far from greetings on the occasion of Eid- issued separately, an order issued by Private hospitals, e- OBITUARY
captivity… We thank the ul-Azha.GhanithankedModifor Chief Secretary and Chairman of the commerce and courier
Government of the Islamic timely supply of food and med- State Executive Committee of Disaster services, all agriculture, Corps of Signals salutes its following Signallers who left us for
Republic of Afghanistan for their ical assistance to meet Management, Relief Rehabilitation and horticulture, animal hus-
constant and unwavering sup- Afghanistan’s requirements, ac- Reconstruction Department BVR bandryandrelatedactivi- their heavenly abode during the month of Jul 2020.
portinsecuringthereleaseof the cording to an official statement. Subrahmaniyamsaid“religiousproces- ties; home deliveries by (a) 15726407M Sigmn Rahul Singh
Indians.” The phone conversation co- sionsandlargereligiousgatheringsshall, restaurants and hotels; (b) 15674087L Hav T Satya Prakash M
The seven men were work- incided with a meeting in Kabul however, remain strictly prohibited’’. banking and financial
ing on power projects run by the between Afghan National Apartfromthis,schoolsandcolleges, services and services of (c) 15696123L Nk Peeyoosh Kumar Singh
Afghan government when they Security Adviser Hamdullah cinema halls, swimming pools,amuse- plumbers,techniciansand On behalf of the Corps, we sincerely pray to Almighty
wereabducted.Oneof themwas Mohib and Indian ambassador mentparks,spas,theatres,bars,audito- electricianshavealsobeen for peace to departed souls & strength to the bereaved
freed in March 2019 while three Vinay Kumar. riums and assembly halls will allowed.
families to bear this irreparable loss.


Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Deptt of Financial Services
2nd Floor, Paras Tower, Mazra, Saharanpur Road, Dehradun, UK. 248171
IN T.A. No. 07 OF 2019
Dy. No. 29 Date : 28.07.2020
The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. V/s Deepak Uniyal & Ors.
1. Satishwar Prasad Uniyal S/o Ruparam Uniyal, R/o THDC Colony,
Banjarawala, Dehradun, UK.
2. Alok Singh Negi, S/o Ajay Singh Negi R/o 150, Nehru Colony,
Dehradun, UK. Second Address : 123, Nawada Majri, PO Nehru
Colony, Dehradun, UK.
Take notice that O.A. No. 558/2015 was pending before the Debts
Recovery Tribunal, Lucknow against you for recovery of debts of
Rs. 11,45,028/- filed by Applicant Bank which has been transferred to
Debts Recovery Tribunal, Dehradun in view of change of jurisdiction in
pursuant to establishment of new DRT at Dehradun on 16th February
2017 vide Gazette Notification S.O. 454(E) dated 15.02.2017, S.O. 784(E)
dated 23.02.2018 and corrigendum Gazette Notification S.O.816(E) dated
27.02.2018. The above referred case was re-numbered as T.A. No.
07/2019 and was listed before this Hon’ble Presiding Officer on
Whereas, it has been shown to the satisfaction of the Tribunal that it is
not possible to serve you in ordinary way. Therefore, this notice is given by
way of this publication directing you to appear in person or through your
duly authorized agent or legal practitioner before the Tribunal on
09.09.2020 at 10.30 A.M.
Take notice that in case of default of your appearance on the specified
day and time before the Tribunal, the case shall be heard and decided in
your absence.
NOTE: For appearance in person or through legal representative on the
next date of hearing through V.C., contact the Registrar on Mobile No.
95600-72676 or through e-mail on the official e-mail ID of the DRT
drtdehradun-dfs@gov.in, at least three days in advance along-with details
of e-mail ID as well as whatsapp enabled mobile number. So that V.C. link
could be provided in advance to participate in the hearing through V.C.
Given under my hand and seal of this Tribunal on this the 28th day of
July, 2020. By order of Tribunal
Registrar, Debts Recovery Tribunal, Dehradun

New Delhi



It’s clear that prevention will never be sufficient.
That’s why we need a vaccine that will be safe.

Ram, I will not find you there

Thistempleisthefirstrealcolonisationof Hinduismby

NEXT, IN THE VALLEY Pratap Bhanu Mehta

A year ago, J&K changed irreversibly. Restoring rights,
RAM. YOU CAN be properly addressed just about children fulfilling the unjust promises snatch snippets of a fragile justice here and
democratic politics, people's voice are key to road ahead withthatname.Anyproclamationannounc- of their father and setting off a chain of de- there. It is the ultimate hubris to think that

ing your triumph, like Jai Shree Ram, dimin- structiveevents in its wake.IntheRamayana we need to protect you rather than you to
YEARAFTERtheBJP-ledNDAgovernmentmadeArticle370redundant,with- ishes you. The necessity of proclaiming your andMahabharata,thereisnotasinglefather, protect us.
drewthespecialstatusof Jammu&Kashmir,andbifurcatedthestateintotwo victory implies you could have been de- from Shantanu to Dhritarashtra to Arjuna, Revenge does not help. Past conflicts are
Unionterritories,thefaitaccomplihasseepedin.TheUnionterritoryofJ&Kmay feated. I must also make a confession. You where the children don’t have to pay for the being used as pretexts to reconfigure con-
become a state again, but there will be no turning back the clock on Article were the radiant and intimate presence in unjust choices of the father. Yours did too. temporary power. The forces that will con-
370. For the BJP, it was the fulfilment of a long-standing ideological promise to “integrate” my life: The ground of our Being. You were Then there is Vali who you slayed like a cow- secratethistempleconvertedyournameinto
the Mind and the Senses. You were the ard, Shambuka whose penance challenging the very opposite of what it signifies. They
the Muslim-majority state with the rest of the country. By all accounts, the move has been
Virtues. You were Compassion and the caste order you unjustly punished, and made Ram synonymous with revenge, with
met with acquiescence, if not support, across the country — no national political party has Divination.Yournamewasutteredinthean- Sita whosetruthhadto be sacrificedtoopin- an insecure pride, with a blood curdling ag-
prominently protested the Centre’s move, nor any regional parties outside J&K. In the past guish of suffering and the ecstasy of libera- ion. You could reconcile these blemishes be- gression, violence towards others, a coars-
year, there has been no visible outpouring of protest in J&K, no major militant strikes. That tion. You were the householder, the son, the cause you were divine. You couldsin and still eningof culture,andtheerasureof everylast
doesnotmean,of course,thattheseven-decade-oldproblemhasbeenresolvedorthatthe brother,thedisciple,thefriend.Youwerethe redeemthem.“Svargatashambukasamstuta shredof genuinepietyinpublicdevotionand
people have accepted the changes imposed on them. The reality is, they have not yet been king, but also the renouncer. You were Ram,” as it goes in the beautiful Nama public life.
Dharma.Youwereoccasionallycruelandun- Ramayana (you sent Shambuka to heaven They will say Ram is a national symbol, a
just. But your anguish seems to recognise who was apparently grateful to you). symbol of Hindu pride. But did you consent
what began as a departure from democratic norm — the NDA government decided on the your own cruelty. You were divine. But your They will say Ram is a But we mortals cannot worship your tobeingconvertedtosomethingasbanaland
state's future by cutting out the people, their political leaders and even the BJP’s own allies equivocations were human. You were the national symbol, a symbol of morals. We humans have to have a lesser nasty as the symbol of an ethnic national-
—hasplayedoutovertheyearintheimprisonmentofpoliticalleadersandhundreds ofoth- last Refuge I woke to, and slept to, the reas- morality, since we cannot redeem those we ism?Youredeemedyourdevotees,thoseyou
Hindu pride. But did you slay or banish. Vali, and Shambuka and Sita wronged, but your opponents as well. But
ers, effectively erasing the degrees of difference between the mainstream and separatists
laaj, sada sada main sharan tehari, tum ho consent to being converted to willrequirejusticehere,noteternalredemp- this temple is a monument to exclusion, a
and those in between. Curbs on the press, routinely calling journalists to the police station,
deepen the distrust.
garib nawaz (I seek protection in you, pro- something as banal and nasty tion. So we cannot emulate your maryada brute majoritarianism subordinating others.
tector of destitute souls)”. as the symbol of an ethnic (integrity). It was appropriate to you. No Look at the men, both political and spiritual,
While many leaders have been released since, the detention of former chief minister Today, those who waged war in your wonder your greatest devotees, who speak in your name, and the blood,
Mehbooba Mufti under the Public Safety Act has just been extended by three months and name will consecrate your temple at
nationalism? You redeemed Madhusudhan Saraswati, Tulsi, Gandhi, power and intimidation they have on their
many others continue to be in official and unofficial detention. The lockdown imposed on Ayodhya. They are describing this as the ul- your devotees, those you never felt they needed a temple to discover hands. Your name will be used to shore up
August 5 last year has segued into a second lockdown, induced by the COVID-19 pandemic. timate act of devotion to you, the ultimate wronged, but your opponents their morality. the coarsest forms of personalised power;
Even though 2G has been restored, the unavailability of high speed internet has made life obeisancetoyoursovereignty.Theyare,they as well. But this temple is a Perhaps we are consecrating a higher the entire liturgy is a display of the most cor-
say,reclaiminghallowedground,desecrated principle.“ShuddhaBrahmaParatparaRam” rupt of monarchical power, in a democratic
and work difficult, for businessmen who need to communicate with partners outside the
by barbarous invaders. They are describing monument to exclusion, a as the first line of Nama Ramayana goes — garb. I understand that so many of my fellow
state, for those applying for jobs and college seats, to those trying to download information brute majoritarianism
this as a cathartic overcoming of Hindu hu- the purest Brahmana. But that never needs a Hinduswillexperiencethisasagreatcathar-
on the pandemic. Students, too, have suffered. There is an air of uncertainty. Militancy con- miliation. They are describing this as a new subordinating others. Look at temple. The beautiful Shiva-Uma-Rama of sis, as the weight of history being lifted. But
tinues—localyoungmenareeasyrecruitsevenascross-borderinfiltrationhascomedown. renaissance for Ram Rajya. You will now be the Ramrahasya Upanishad cannot take the deep down we need to ask: How did we be-
the men, both political and
Except for the decision to make new domicile rules in keeping with the abrogation of the symbol of a community united in form of a singular representation. In conse- come so insecure that we need a cowardly
strength, full of a new found pride. It will be spiritual, who speak in your cratingyouatAyodhya,theywanttodislodge victory of razing down a monument to sati-
35A that defined “permanent residents”, and the delimitation exercise, the government
has appeared unclear on a roadmap ahead. It should be clear to it that the continuing po- said, secretly, this is restoring wholeness to a name, and the blood, power thedifferentformsinwhichyouresideinour ate out collective narcissism? And is this a
litical vacuum in the Valley can only cause damage. There is a limit to how much, or how
broken culture. and intimidation they have on inner citadel, one no invader has been able kind of insecuritythat is never satiated, it ex-
But I know I will not find you there. This to breach, and replace it with a new Teflon pands its circle until it colonises all senti-
long,panchayatsfromaflawedelectioncanbeproppedupinplaceof anelectedAssembly. their hands. Your name will be
is because what is being consecrated is a diety, manufactured by a political machine. ment? This temple is the first real colonisa-
Though the Election Commission took exception to his comments, Lieutenant Governor monumenttoaviolent,collectivenarcissism. used to shore up the coarsest So the temple is dangerous or unneces- tion of Hinduism by political power. I feel
GCMurmuwasrightinsayingthatelectionscouldfollowthecompletionof delimitation. You know a temple to you is dangerous or forms of personalised power; sary. You know this temple is founded on chained like never before.
The government must expedite the restoration of political processes in J&K. It must re- superfluous. Superfluous if we understand the entire liturgy is a display something akin to an act of terrorism, the You came to earth to lighten its load; this
your true meaning; dangerous if we arro- razing down of a mosque. You know this temple burdens us with evil. Like the last
lease Mehbooba Mufti and others who are still in detention. It must restore all freedoms
gantly emulate you. Valmiki described you
of the most corrupt of temple is not a product of piety, but retalia- genuine devotee of Ram in modern India,
guaranteedundertheConstitution,includingtherighttofreespeech,whichinthisdayand monarchical power, in a
in human form as “nara chandrama” (moon tion and revenge for an event centuries ago. Gandhi, we can only mourn in silence, as our
age, includes access to the Internet. Most importantly, it must set the stage for the people amongst men). Your greatest chronicler democratic garb. I understand Kings and invaders of years past must have garib nawaz forsakes us. Your radiant pres-
to elect their representatives. could see right through you. He had the razed many temples to the ground and they ence is gone. Only the oppressive yoke of
that so many of my fellow
moon’s blemishes in mind. You are admit- likelydestroyedatempleatAyodhyatoo.But zealotry remains.
tedly an epitome of sacrifice. You gave up a
Hindus will experience this as that is neither here nor there. History is a
kingdom, to honour an unjust promise of a great catharsis, as the weight slaughter housethatnodivinity of anystripe The writer is contributing editor,

A STEP AT A TIME your father. It is puzzling that our itihasa is of history being lifted. has been able to redeem. All we can do is The Indian Express

The Oxford vaccine has sparked much hope, but it’s too early to
pronounce victory against the coronavirus


try’s top drug regulator’s approval to conduct late-stage human trials for the Oxford-
in early trials. Its mild side effects augur a safe vaccine. But scientists have rightly ad- Ram temple movement has restructured discourse, recast polity
vised the tempering of hope with caution: Large-scale trials are required to ascertain if the
vaccine actually protects against the pathogen.
The immune system has two ways to defend the body against pathogens like the coro- Vinay Sahasrabuddhe
navirus — by producing antibodies that disable an infectious agent and by manufacturing
T cells that have a long memory of such agents. Early research has suggested that antibod- THEBHOOMIpujanofthegrandRamTemple PrimeMinisterJawaharlalNehrutothepartic- decades, moves like changing the name of
ies fade away within months of contracting the coronavirus. However, a robust T cell re- at the very place of birth of Ram at Ayodhya is ipationof PresidentRajendraPrasadatthein- Allahabad, Mughal Sarai railway station or
ahistoriceventformultiplereasons.Whilethe augurationofthereconstructedSomnathtem- New Delhi’s Aurangzeb Road would have
sponse can prevent the infection from recurring. The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is de-
BJP national executive resolution demanding ple in the 1950s. While Nehru was causedahugebrouhaha.Today,thereareonly
signed to trigger both kinds of reactions. But we do not know how protective the memory construction of a Ram Temple at Ayodhya at apprehensive about the “wrong signals” the feeblemurmurs.Nehrucouldaffordtoopenly
intheTcells,inducedbythevaccine,willbeagainstthecoronavirus.Moreover,thetrialswere the1988Palampursessiongaveabigimpetus President’s participation may give, the latter oppose Rajendra Prasad’s Somnath pro-
conductedonvolunteersaged18-55.Theefficacyof thevaccineinolder,andmorevulner- to the cause, the campaign was truly a mass went ahead while reminding Nehru that as gramme,hisgreat-grandchildrencannoteven
able, people is still not known. movement.Themootquestioniswhetherthe government “we are neither irreligious nor think of such a move.
AccordingtotheWHO,morethan150vaccinecandidatesareundergoingtrialsindiffer- changes triggered in the Indian polity by the anti-religion”. But sadly, the Congress contin- Going beyond the temple, every Hindu
ent parts of the world. Three of them — the Oxford vaccine, the vaccine being developed by RamJanmabhoomimovementaregoingtobe ued with its disregard towards all issues re- must realise that unless caste discrimination
institutionalised. lated to Hindu sentiments. This emboldened is abolished lock, stock and barrel, a common
The answer to this question depends on Muslim communalists to hijack the polity. consciousness and Hindu unity will remain a
—havereachedthethirdstage.Thesetestsareusuallythemostextensivebeforeavaccineis several factors: First, whether political parties Key guiding principles of the Constitution chimera.Muslimsmustrealisethatitiswrong
givenregulatoryapproval.TheOxfordvaccine,forinstance,wasadministeredtoalittlemore wouldrefrainfromvotebankpolitics;second, became victims of this perverse secularism. to see the temple movement as anti-mosque
than 1,000 people in the initial trials. It will reportedly be tested on more than 30,000 peo- if the Muslim community would choose the The constitutional position on the abrogation or anti-Muslims. The Indian ethos, with spiri-
ple in different parts of the world — 1,600 of them in India — in the final phase. The US FDA Hamid Dalwai approach or go for the of Article 370 and common civil code contin- tual democracy at its core, can never accept
listsmorethan20caseswheretheresultsof thePhase3trialsdivergedfromtheinitialtests. Asaduddin Owaisi way; third, whether the uedtobeviolatedfordecades,ironically,inthe rulers imposing their way of worship by de-
opinion-makingclassessticktotheirtraditional name of secularism. A politics of “hurt emo- stroyingotherplacesofworship.Thedestruc-
Moreover, though vaccine research has made enormous progress from the 1950s, when
outlook while analysing identity politics or tions”resultedintheendlesspamperingofmi- tion of Ram temple by Babur was a historic
thousandsofchildrendevelopedamilderformofpolioafterbeinginoculated,therearerea- showopennessandamendtheirapproaches. Going beyond the temple, norities,eventuallygivingimpetustothemo- wrong, which is being corrected today.
sonstobecautiousevenafteraCOVIDvaccineentersthemarket.In1999,arotavirusvaccine These factors are important because the bilisation of Hindus as Hindus. In this context, Lokmanya Tilak’s descrip-
every Hindu must realise
hadtoberecalledafteritcausedadversereactions.Itwouldalsobeworthrememberingthat Ram Janmabhoomi movement was not con- The Ram Janmabhoomi movement tion of Shivaji’s attack on Afzal Khan is educa-
flu viruses mutate. We are still some way away from victory against the coronavirus. finedtotheconstructionof agrandRamtem- that unless caste achievedatleastthreethings.First,thebrazen- tive. Tilak wrote: “Shivaji killed Afzal Khan be-
ple.Thedemandforthetemplehadbecomea discrimination is abolished ness with which minority politics was in- cause he was an impediment in his path
powerfulsymbolofthepublicunrestagainsta lock, stock and barrel, a dulged in earlier is no more to be seen. towardsSwarajya.Hedidn’tkillhimsimplybe-
politicsofappeasementandminority-ism,in- Remembertermssuchaspseudo-secularism, cause he was Muslim. Had that been the case,


common consciousness and
dulged in for electoral gains by the Congress minorityappeasement,andminority-ismthat Shivaji wouldn’t have sent Afzal Khan’s wife
and others. The Congress took an otherwise Hindu unity will remain a LalKrishnaAdvanicontributedtothepolitical safelyandhonourablybacktoVijapurafterpre-
divided Hindu society almost for granted. It chimera. Muslims must lexicon?Today,thenumberofoccasionswar- sentinghersomeornaments.Allhavetowork
BCCI prods young players to come clean on age-fudging. was seen as afraid of being viewed as siding realise that it is wrong to see rantingtheuseof suchtermshasbeendrasti- forthenation,disregardingcasteorreligion.”
with the Hindus, even at the cost of showing callyreduced.Thisisbecauseofthedeterrence
But it may take more than that absolutedisregardforajustifiedHinducause.
the temple movement as createdbytheRamJanmabhoomimovement. The writer is president, the Indian

Acaseinpointwastheneedlesshesitationfirst, anti-mosque or anti- The Ram temple movement has also cre- Council of Cultural Relations, and a
HEBCCIHASfinallybestirreditselfonanage-fraudincricketafterRahulDravid, and later, strong opposition from the then Muslims. ated consciousness about Hindu ethos. For Rajya Sabha MP of the BJP
involved as coach and mentor to successive batches of national junior teams,
saw the menace first-hand. The cricket board has come up with a voluntary


authentic age group. It's the gentlest prod possible for a problem that is fiendishly wide-
U19 teams brazenly went about winning World Cups.
However, while the BCCI might, in its paternalistic largesse, excuse this behaviour by WRITTEN ASSURANCE generalsecretaryBhriguPhukan,andtheAll- ber of products and the rash of duty investi-
making boys play in the correct age bracket, they are in no position to forgive what is a le- THE ASSAM AGITATION leaders have given a AssamGanaSangramParishadconvener,Atul gations in regard to Indian products under-
gal infringement — lying on oath. Making fake birth certificates is a serious crime and im- written undertaking to give up all further ag- Bora. taken by the US Department of Commerce.
plies perjury committed by parents or coaches in front of a magistrate. While the BCCI itationalprogrammespendingcompletionof
claims that 250 players were banned last season, the board has left it to the birth registrar
negotiations.Theagitationleaders’assurance INDIA WARNS US PRINCE CHARLES’ VISIT
to the government, however, did not cover INDIA HAS CONVEYED to the United States PRINCE CHARLES, THE Prince of Wales, will
authorities to initiate action into the very act of tampering official documents. “theblockadeoncrudeoil,”whichisexpected governmentitsconcernoverworseningcom- pay a 13-day visit to India from November
Agefudgingpointstoadeeperproblemof ethicsamongthoseaspiringtoplayforIndia. tocontinue.Theassurancewascontainedina mercial relations between the two countries 24. Beginning his visit in Delhi, Prince
Noamountof inspirationalmentoringcanoffsetthevalues,orlackof them,ataformative letter addressed to M D Tyagi, Development and expressed the fear that the US levies on Charles will subsequently tour many indus-
stage. Going forward, both doping and match fixing can get rationalised in these impres- Commissioner of Manipur, in the absence of Indianimportscouldhavepoliticalrepercus- trial and rural areas. The prince, who has
sionable minds. It’s a tad naive of the BCCI to leave it to cheating players to grow a con- the Manipur Chief Minister Dorendra Singh, sions. This is understood to have been con- served in both the Royal Air Force and the
who left for Imphal this morning. The letter, veyedtotheUSAmbassador,RobertGoheen, Royal Navy and is the Colonel-in-Chief of
science in the absence of an effective deterrent or sure punishment. They will need to en-
which is a reversal of the agitators’ threat of bytheCommerceSecretaryASGill.Whathas the Royal Regiment of Wales, is expected to
force strict document verifications for every player. Even one player who cheats and gets last night that they will resume the agitation, souredtraderelationsnowistheUSinsistence take an interest in the three wings of the
away with it in the Indian U19 team denies opportunity to hundreds. wassignedbytheAll-AssamStudentsUnion onthelevyofcountervailingdutiesonanum- Indian defence forces.

New Delhi



“As throughout this pandemic, the challenge for the authorities is to
communicate in such a way as to maximise the positive effects on health, while
minimising other harms, including the social divisions created by the
pandemic’s differential impact on different groups.” — THE GUARDIAN

Great unifier, The second exile

universal hero
August 5 ceremony may gladden
many hearts. But will it gladden
the heart of the deity?
Ayodhya represents a shared sentiment of sacredness, not merely because of its association lan and chakla marking the spot. Where
was this rasoi? Whatis real, what is myth-
with Ram, but also because of the value system it represents ical? It’s all astha, we are told. Either you
and actions. A slight slip can get you
stampedasanti-national,especiallyif you
are a Muslim.
Syeda Hameed the tallest intellectuals India produced. His
He actually called him Imam-e-Hind. First,
ASISITdowntowriteontheeveofAugust5, hepraisesIndiaasthebirthplaceof philoso-
2020, my mind goes back to December 6, phers, mystics and thinkers: Labrez hai
Ram Madhav 1992. I was in my Jamia home, comfortable sharaabehaqeeqatsejaameHind/Sabfalsafi
in the belief that after many years in foreign hainkhittaemaghrebkerameHind(Thecup
climes I had returned home where the re- of Hind/Overflows with wine of Truth
EVERY NATION HAS its sacred spaces and mains of my loved ones were in nearby /Philosophers of West are its devotees). Ye
everyreligionitssacredplaces.Culturedeter- kabristans.Forme,gharwapsimeantjustthat. Hindiyon ke fikr e falak ras ke hai asar/Riffat
mines the sacredness of physical and meta- Iwatchedasstrokebystroke,karsevaks meinaasmaansebhioonchahainaameHind
physical spaces. Cultures are the soul of na- did what they had to — youths donning or- (It is the high calibre of her
tions. Nations create their sacred identities angeheadbandsstoodatopthedome,their philosophers/Which makes her name soar
around cultural manifestations like language, pickaxesheldupfortheTVcameras,before higherthantheskies).HaiRamkewujoodpe
history, religion, and morals. During the revo- strikingthe16th-centurystructure.Leaders Hindostankonaaz/Ahlenazarsamajhteyhain
lution years in France, only half of its popula- reached the spot to be seen and to cheer- usko Imam e Hind (Hind is proud of the ex-
tion spoke French and only 12 per cent spoke lead the mobs. A sense of triumph was vis- istence of Ram/The discerning eye seen in
it “correctly”. The renowned American histo- ibleonthethreefacesthatareetchedinmy him, an Imam).
rian Eugen Weber narrates how France toiled mind — L K Advani, Uma Bharti, Murli Khushwant Singh loved Iqbal and often
in the aftermath of the revolution through a Manohar Joshi. quoted this poem as a mark of the India of
“traumatic and lengthy process” for what he Cut to 2020. Twenty-eight years later, his dreams. In his book, Need For A New
describesas“self-colonisation”.Thateffortled they are too old and vulnerable to infection Religion In India, which he dedicated to me,
tothecreationofthemodernFrenchstateand tohelplaythefirststoneof theRamMandir. he wrote: “What matters most is whether
gave birth to notions of “French superiority Iwonderwhattheymustbefeelingnow,sit- or not India will continue to remain a secu-
over non-European cultures”. tingsequesteredintheirhomes.IqbalAnsari, larstatecommittedtosocialismorbecome
TheodorHerzlwasthevisionaryfounder son of the original litigant Hashim Ansari a Hindu Rashtra wearing a secular mask
of the Zionist movement in the early 20th C R Sasikumar (nowdeceased),hasalsobeeninvited.Iwill with an agenda of its own, including build-
centurythatlaidthefoundationof theJewish attend,hesays.GayatriDevi,wholivesclose ing a mammoth Ram Mandir at Ayodhya,
stateof Israel.Herzlwasnon-religious.Buthe tunesofthosesites.Mosquesbecamechurches perityofothers,andinwarabletostriketerror by, will also go but for a different reason — preservingtheRamSetuandotherrelicsas-
understoodthatJudaismwasaninseparable and cathedrals turned into mosques. Some, intheheartsofGods.”Narad’sreplywas“Ram, togivepeacetothesoulofherhusbandwho sociated with Hinduism. The choice is be-
aspect of Jewish personal and public exis- like the Hagia Sophia cathedral in Istanbul, the son of Dashradh”. fellto“andhadhund”policefiringduringthe tween an India of the dreams of Mahatma
tence.Jewishhistoryislargelylinkedtoitsre- which has been turned into a functioning Valmiki goes on to describe Ram as demolition. Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru on the one
ligion.That’swhyHerzlalwaysrespectedre- mosquerecently,standtestimonytothesecon- “Vigrahavan Dharma” and “Maryada IalsorecallDecember7,1992,thedayaf- side(secular),andthoseof VirSavarkarand
ligion.ThefirstZionistCongress,heldatBasel quests of the sacred to this day. Purushottam” — the epitome of Dharma and ter, when I tried to drive myself to work. Guru Golwalkar on the other (Hindutva)…
in France in 1903 under Herzl’s leadership, Non-SemiticlandslikeIndiatooweresub- morals.ForGandhi,Ramwastruthfulness.His Jamia was then a sleepy place, a university Wehavetochoosebetweenremainingwhat
had a special announcement on the invita- jectedtoinvasionsofscaredspacesduringthe RamRajyameant“peoplefirst”.Rambecame campuswhichwasidentifiedasa“Muslim” we are or opt to become a Hindu Rashtra.”
tion — “Yesh Achsanya Kshera” — meaning, medieval conquests. Countless temples were great not when he was ruling, but when he institution.Nearmyhouse,Iwasstopped.It From Allama Iqbal to Kaifi Azmi and
“there is a Kosher restaurant in Basel”. destroyed and converted. But hierophany in was struggling. Power, for him, was an object was in front of a gurdwara where random hundreds of Urdu poets, Muslims and non-
“Sabbath lives in the hearts of the people”, Indiaisnotaboutjustthephysicalspacesasso- of worship. Two phrases Valmiki used to de- groups of young men did not ask my reli- Muslims, have written on Ram. The August
Herzl declared at the Congress and rejected ciated with the divine persona — they are far scribe Ram’s rule were — “Raamo gionorharmmebutwarnedmeof “khatra” 5 ceremony may gladden many hearts but
the British offer for a Jewish homeland in too many — but about the values and morals Raajyamupaasitva” (Ram worshipped his and asked me to turn back. let me ask: Will it gladden the heart of the
Kenya,invokingaPsalmfromtheJewishBook they represent. Places like Ayodhya represent kingdom); and “Aaraadhanaaya AsIdroveback,IthoughtofJamia’ssilver deity who is the ostensible raison d’être of
of Psalms: “If I forget thee, O Jerusalem! Let a universal sentiment of sacredness, not Lokasya”(worship of the people). jubilee,whenMahatmaGandhi,Jawaharlal it all? Once again, it is the poet (who Plato
my right hand forget its cunning.” merely because of their association with the Ayodhya is sacred not only for Hindus. At Nehru and Maulana Azad sat on a wooden called the unacknowledged legislator of
All religions have sacredness attached to epic Ramayana and its hero Ram, but also be- least five of the Jain Tirthankaras came from stage, alongside Jamia’s founders Zakir mankind)whosaysitall.KaifiAzmiwrotea
spaces and places. The Romanian scholar of causeofavaluesystemthattheyrepresented. Ayodhya. The city of Saket in Buddhism is Husain, Mohammad Mujeeb and Abid poem that seems to have been written for
religion at the University of Chicago, Mircea The restoration of the temple at Ayodhya Ayodhya only,where Buddhawas believedto Husain, and lauded the secular character of tomorrow. Doosra Banwaas was about
Eliade, had coined the term “hierophany”, mustbeseeninthecontextof thissacredness havelivedforseveralyears.Sikhism’sconnec- an institution that called itself Jamia Millia Bhagwan Ram returning to Ayodhya after
meaning the sacredness attached to places of a value system that is at the core of this tion with Ayodhya is much deeper. Guru Islamia. Each stroke of the pickaxe was a thedemolition.Helookswithanguishatthe
brushed by God’s presence. For the Jews, the country. Ram and the Ramayana are hugely Granth Saheb vividly describes Babur’s inva- blow to that secular character, which was dead,theburning,thelootingandtherazed
WailingWallinJerusalem,believedtobelong popular across Asia. Robert Goldman, the sionsandiconoclasm.ThetenthguruofSikhs, the credo of each person present there. structure. Before entering a holy place, it is
to the temple built by Solomon in 10th cen- Sanskrit professor from the University of GuruGobindSinghledanarmytoAyodhyato With the razing of Babri, Muslims customary to do ablutions, for Muslims
turyBCEissacred,whileitisJerusalemforthe California, observes that “Few works of liter- support Baba Vaishnavdas who was fighting stepped on the road which would lead a wuzu,forHindusashnaan.Butwhatdidthe
Christians,becauseofitsassociationwithJesus ature produced in any place at any time have to reclaim the Ram Janmabhoomi from the decade later to Gujarat 2002, to lynchings, Bhagwan do?
—fromchildhooduntilaftertheresurrection. beenaspopular,influential,imitatedandsuc- Ayodhya is sacred not only Mughals.SantKabir,whoneverbelievedinidol pogroms,riots,killings,incarceration,tothe PaaoonSaryumeinabhiRamnedhoeybhi
ForMuslims,Meccaissacredasthebirthplace cessful as the great and ancient Sanskrit epic for Hindus. At least five of worship, declared “Raam bina nahi tham” — Ayodhya judgment in 2019 and finally, the na tthe/Ke nazar aaye wahan khoon ke gehre
of the Prophet. Even the Greek still attach sa- poem, the Valmiki Ramayana.” the Jain Tirthankaras came thereisnoplacewithoutRam.That’swhyRam Bhoomi Pujan. dhabbe/Paaoon dhoye bina Saryu ke kinarey
crednesstoclassicalGreeksitesliketheshrine Ramisagodtomany.ButthesageValmiki ManoharLohia,therenownedSocialistleader, Epithets and phrases race through the se utthe/Ram ye kehte huey apne dwarey se
of Apollo at Delphi or the temple at Ephesus, presents him both as an avatar of Vishnu as from Ayodhya. The city of called Ram the greatest unifier. mind. “Ye to pehli jhanki hai/ Kashi Mathura utthe/Rajdhani ki fiza raas nahin aayi
the ancient Greek city, now in Turkey. wellasanidealhumanbeing.“Whoisthemost Saket in Buddhism is ThePrimeMinisterwillbelayingthefoun- baqi hai”. Shahjahan’s Taj Mahal or Rajput mujhe/Chhe December ko mila doosra ban-
InthehistoryofSemiticreligions,thereare accomplished man on earth at the present Ayodhya only, where dationofthosegreatvalues,hiddeninthefab- HindutempleTejoMahalaya?Qutubuddin waas mujhe. (In the Saryu Ram had barely
manyinstancesof sacredplacesbeingdefiled time?”,heasksNarad,explainingtheword“ac- ulous tale of Ayodhya that has for millennia Aibak’s Qutab Minar or Vishnu Stambh? washed his feet/With bloody blotches the
Buddha was believed to have
andrestored.Whetheritwasduringtheearly complished”as“onewhoknowsthesecretof been “treasured as the common property of More jingles — “desh ke ghaddaron ko/goli waterwasreplete/Fromtheriverbankarose
BabylonianconquestsoftheGreekcitiesorthe religion, one who knows gratitude, truthful, lived for several years. every Hindu — as well as that of many marosalonko”.Throughthiscacophony,the Ram without washing his feet/Saying this
Roman conquests of the Jewish lands, or the one who is ready to sacrifice his self-interest Sikhism’s connection with Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, and country will witness the grand ceremony from his home he did retreat/The air of my
medieval religious wars between the even when in distress to fulfil a religious vow, Ayodhya is much deeper. Christians”, as historian William Dalrymple wherepoliticalandreligiousleaders,wear- capital cityhas turnedvile/On December 6,
Christians and the Muslims, called the virtuousinhisconduct,eagertosafeguardthe puts it. ingprotectivemasks,willassembletohon- I am sentenced to a second exile.)
Crusades — the sacred places have all along interests of all, strong, pleasing in appearance
Guru Granth Saheb vividly our the deity and devour prasad thalis.
been a target of the victors. As the fortunes of with power of self-control, able to subdue describes Babur’s invasions The writer is national general secretary, BJP, Ramchandra Gandhi, grandson of the The writer is former member,
the crusading parties changed, so did the for- anger,illustrious,withnojealousyforthepros- and iconoclasm. and director, IndiaFoundation Mahatma,wroteasmallbookonSita’srasoi Planning Commission


The heavy hand in Kashmir UNFAIR TO BEIJING
Gujaratmodelmayhavebeenamyth,butKashmirmodeliscomingyourway THIS REFERS TO the editorial, “One
Country, One System” (IE, August 3). It
unfairly comments on China’s internal
Saifuddin Soz and Salman Soz affairs and sends wrong messages to ONLY IN THE EXPRESS
the public. The Hong Kong National
AYEARAGO,onAugust5,theIndiangovern- parties in Parliament delighted in the nation- Over the last year, the Prime Minister’s model, the Modi government is copying the Security Law will not change the prin- ● THE EXILE IS
mentabrogatedtheconstitutionalprovisions alistic project. Even those who portray them- promise of development lies in tatters. The Xinjiang model. ciple of "One Country, Two Systems", OVER:
guaranteeingautonomytoJammuandKash- selves as champions of states’ rights, justified KashmirChamberofCommerceandIndustry However,KashmirisnotXinjiang.Ithasits Hong Kong’s capitalist system and the AKHILESH MISHRA
mir. The Narendra Modi government con- the unilateral dismemberment of a state. The (KCCI),inarecentreport,puteconomiclosses own unique history and geopolitical charac- high degree of autonomy it enjoys. It
tended that Article 370 impeded develop- votaries of cooperative federalism couldn’t in the Kashmir Valley in the past year at Rs ter.ThecomplicationsofJ&KandLadakhwere targets a few criminals but protects the ● HISTORYWILL
ment, engendered corruption, and fanned contain their glee as support swelled for their 40,000 crore. That is about a 50 per cent de- laid bare by China’s recent intrusions across majorityof people,ensuresstabilityand
terrorism. Ending autonomy for J&K would destruction of constitutional federalism. clineinKashmir’seconomicoutput(basedon the Line of Actual Control. Since August last improvesthebusinessenvironment.It's
free its people. That seemed to be the argu- The Supreme Court refused to stay the 2018-19 state GDP). Can you imagine what year, India’s global image as a pluralistic necessary to postpone elections to en- M R SHAMSHAD
ment,mostlyforinternationalconsumption. government’s constitutionalsleight of hand. would happen if India’s economy declines by democracy has taken a beating. Kashmir is a sure the health and safety of Hong
The substantive reality was about the asser- It sat on habeas corpus petitions related to 50 per cent in a year? bigreasonforthat.Kashmirisinthegripof an Kong’s people and ensure that the www.indianexpress.com
tion of Hindutva politics. politicians, business leaders, lawyers and For all the talk of ending terrorism, the undeclared emergency. But this anti-demo- process is fair. China never engaged in
J&K was sliced apart. Grief descended on journalists. As this newspaper noted in a re- numbers tell a tale not significantly different craticvirusisspreadingtotherestofthecoun- aggression or expansion. It's absurd to
Kashmir and some other parts of J&K. As BJP cent editorial (IE, August 1, 2020, “Barbed fromthepreviousyears.DatafromtheSouth try.TheGujaratmodelmayhavebeenamyth, link Hong Kong’s affairs to this ground- triumph. But it is important to remem-
supporters and others celebrated across the Wire”), “In case after case involving citizens’ Asia Terrorism Portal will prove that. Images buttheKashmirmodelisarealityanditiscom- less accusation. There should be no in- ber that these events have been politi-
country, secular India’s only Muslim majority fundamentallibertiesandallegedtransgres- of an inconsolable three-year old on top of ing your way. terferenceintoChina'sdomesticaffairs. cally contentious.
state was no more. Kashmiris felt humiliated. sionsbythestate,the courtsseem togivethe his grandfather’s lifeless body shredded the For now, Kashmiris feel besieged. Anger Ji Rong, Spokesperson, Sanjay Chopra, Mohali
Asthousands,includingtheentiremainstream government the benefit of the doubt.” Who government’s propaganda. Even so, New and alienation are bottled up inside. Those Chinese Embassy in India
politicalleadership,weredetained,aheavyse- does one turn to? Delhi continues to use an extremely heavy who seek genuine integration between
curity clampdown snuffed out any chance of
large scale protests. As with so many other
hand in Kashmir. The local media is intimi-
dated, dissenting voices are silenced, and
Kashmirandtherestof thecountrymustun-
derstand that abusive relationships do not
POLITICAL AGENDA THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘Lip service
Modi government initiatives, this too was a RSS and the BJP were elevating their political governance, if you can call it that, is out- leadtolove.AsfarastheRSSandBJParecon- THIS REFERS TO the article, “August 5” to the Bhasha’ (IE, August 4). The NEP
“masterstroke”. The silence of Kashmiris was interestabovethenationalinterest.Perhapsit sourced to an unaccountable security and cerned, their goal is not integration but con- ( IE, August 4). Is it mere coincidence, or talks of the “Three Language Policy” ac-
sold as acceptance. isbecausetheirideaofnationhoodisnotwhat bureaucratic establishment. trolthroughthemarginalisationofKashmiris. a well thought out political move, that cording to which schools have the op-
The government imposed a harsh lock- Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and the other AnewdomicilelawinJ&Kiscreatinganx- In the short-term, they may succeed. thebhoomipujaninAyodhyawillbeon tion of teaching any of the three lan-
down and blocked all communications. For foundershadinmind.TheSanghParivarwants ietiesinKashmiraswellasinJammu.Ladakhis Mainstreampoliticiansaremorediscredited the day that marks one year of the de- guages selected by a state government.
seven months, people in J&K had no access to adifferentnation.RepressingKashmiriidentity are worried too. Fears that the government is than ever. Even organised separatist politics cision to change the constitutional sta- The compulsion of learning in English
theinternet.Thisbecamethelongestinternet is fuel for that project. working to change J&K’s Muslim majority is on the wane. However, a new separatism tus of J&K? Ayodhya and Kashmir have has been scrapped. Many private
shutdown in a democracy. Months before The government concocted a false narra- character are justified. In its vision document, is emerging. It is a separatism of the hearts long been an important part of the rul- schools will continue to carry on teach-
COVID-19becametheworld’scollectivenight- tiveofArticle370beinganti-development.On the RSS says that, “The state of Jammu & andminds,especiallyintheyoungKashmiris. ing BJP’s core political agenda. Keeping ing in English as they are aware of its
mare, Kashmir’s schools and colleges re- a variety of development indicators, J&K was Kashmir, with its oppressive Muslim-major- Itisthefuturewemustthinkof evenassome aside the merits of each case, it is very global importance. At the same time,
mainedshut.Basichealthservicessuffereddis- aheadofmanyotherstates.Thepovertyhead- itycharacter,hasbeenaheadacheforourcoun- claim pyrrhic victories today. obvious that the party will try to show- acquisition of vocational training will
ruptions. The economy was a scene of count was well below the national average. try ever since independence.” Hundreds of case both the construction of the tem- help students take the lead in the race
destitution as business activity grounded to a J&K’shumandevelopmentwasabovethena- thousands of new domicile certificates have Saifuddin Soz isa former Union minister pleandthefirstanniversaryof abrogat- for employment.
halt.Thepoorestwageworkersekedoutaliv- tional average. Even the terrorism narrative already been issued. Perhaps, the RSS and BJP and Salman Soz is deputy chairman of the All ing article 370 completely as a political Ayushi Singh, Agra
ingwithassistancefrommercifulneighbours. was baseless. Article 370 had existed for are in thrall of the Chinese Communist Party. IndiaProfessionals’ Congress.
ForKashmiris,therewasnorecourse.Most decades without any terrorism in Kashmir. InsteadoflearningfromtheChineseeconomic Views are personal

New Delhi

Classifieds In first six months

VIHAR, DELHI-110095 have
changed my name to AKASH

DEEPP, permanently.
Short EOI Notice No. 4 for FY 2020-21
of this year, TB
I ,Shiba Narayan Sahoo,S/o
Sanatan Sahoo,R/o
I, Gurpreet Kaur D/o Late
Nirmolak Singh R/o 1b, Sujan
It is notified for the information
PMRDA invites short term Emergency Expression of
Interest through offline tendering for
Procurement of Medical Equipments for 800 Bedded
notification drops
by 3.4 lakh cases
564,Akshardham Singh Park, Model Town,
Apartments,Sector 19,Pocket Sonipat, Haryana -131001
that my original qualifying Covid Hospital (600 Oxygenated beds+ 200 ICU beds)
examination certificate of at COEP ground, Shivajinagar, Pune
3,Dwarka,New Delhi-110075 inform that name of my father
Secondary School Examination The Expression of Interest (EOI) document can be
hereby declare that in the has been wrongly written in
of year 2011-2013 and roll no.
School records,CBSE records & educational document as downloaded from the website: www.pmrda.gov.in from 05 Dr Sachdeva said it was too
8150117 issued by CBSE has
Aadhar of my daughter Aditi Sardar Nirmolak Singh instead
been lost. Kartik Gupta R/o H-
August 2020 at 15.00 Hrs. onwards. ANURADHA earlytogeneraliseastohowmany
Sahoo, my name has been of Nirmolak Singh
19/165, Sector-7, Rohini, New Last date for offline submission of the proposal is 10 MASCARENHAS persons with TB may have been
wrongly written as Shiv 0040543794-1 August. 2020 upto 11.00 Hrs. Prebid meeting by VC link
Delhi-110085 PUNE,AUGUST4 missedduringlockdownmonths.
Narayan Sahoo. My real name (https://meet.google.com/prp-shfr-mhm) on 07 August,
is Shiba Narayan Sahoo. I, Deepika W/o Omanshu 0050167239-1
2020, at 15.00 Hrs. “Updateddataisawaited.Due
Sharma R/o 617, SF-2, Niti THERE HAS been a drop of 3.4 to the impact of the pandemic
0070710402-1 IT,is notified for the information
Khand-2, Indirapuram, Opening of Technical bid on 10 August 2020 at 12.00 Hrs.
that my,Original Qualifying lakh tuberculosis (TB) cases re- emergency and larger external
I Arti Bafna W/O-Rahul Ghaziabad UP-201014, have
Examination Marksheet Opening of Financial bid on 10 August 2020 at 15.00 Hrs.
Mahendra Bafna R/O-B- changed my name to Deepika Detail information and Changes if any shall be available on ported from January to June this environmentalfactors,weantici-
Certificate of,Class-10th, Year-
401,Ireo Victory-Valley Golf Sharma for all future purposes. www.pmrda.gov.in yearasagainstthesameperiodin pate a reduction, but it may be
2018, Roll.No.8239654 issued
Course-Extn.Road, Sector- 0040543818-1 by,CBSE has been-actually lost. (Sd/-) Vivek Kharwadkar, Chief Engineer 2019.Expertsattributethedecline prematuretoassessthequantum
67,Gurgaon Haryana- to the inability of TB patients to of decline in TB case findings.
122101,Have Changed my I, GROUSHARAN SINGH S/O Akarsh Nagpal s/o Vipin Pune Metropolitan Region Development, Authority, Pune
KASHMIRA SINGH, Nagpal R/o-F-371, Sarita Vihar, avail health services during the However, the notification/regis-
Name to Arti Rahul Bafna.
HNO.24,ABCHAL NAGAR, N.D. 0040543817-1 lockdown months and caution tration is likely to improve in the
NILOTHI EXTENSION, NANGLOI, thatTBcontrolprogrammesmust subsequent months once the sit-
I,Yogesh kumar S/o Arjun kumar DELHI-110041. CHANGED MY PUBLIC NOTICE preparethemselvesformajordif- uation normalises,” Dr Sachdeva
My client Davinder Pal Singh Bedi
thakur R/o-118-C, Pocket- NAME TO GURUSHARAN SINGH. (D.P.S. Bedi) S/o Late Shri. Baba ficulties ahead as a consequence told The Indian Express.
E,Dilshad Garden, Delhi-110095, Charan Singh Bedi R/o 11-B
have to Changed my Name
0040543846-1 Pocket C Phase 3 Ashok Vihar of the Covid-19 pandemic. In2019,theCentralTBdivision
from Yogesh kumar to Yogesh I, Chander Shaker s/o Vishwa Delhi- 110052, Declare That Late
Kailash Kaur and Late Kailash
Asagainstatotalof 12.50lakh couldreach24lakhTBpatients,as
thakur for all future purposes Nath R/o-D-73A, First-Floor, Bedi D/o Late Shri Baba Charan TB cases that were notified to the against an estimated 26.90 lakh
Panadav-Nagar, Delhi- Singh Bedi, R/o 11-B Pocket C
0040543793-2 Phase 3 Ashok Vihar Delhi- National TB Elimination patientsinthecountry.According
110092.have changed my name 110052 are the name of one and ProgrammefromJanuarytillJune toofficials,missingcaseshavere-
I, Vinod Krishnan Lalithambika to Chander Shekhar same person and both are his
s/o-Gopala Krisnan Nair R/o- Sharma,Permanently. sister’s name. in2019,thisyear,fromJanuarytill duced from 10 lakh (2017) to 2.9
FN-256, Pocket-7,DDA-Flat, ADVOCATE June, a total of 9.15 lakh TB cases lakh last year. Missing cases refer
Durga-Park,Nasirpur, Delhi- ENROLMENT NO. UP193/17
were notified. “TB notification to the difference between the es-
110045.have changed my name I, Anuj Sharma S/o Ghanshyam B.G.S BLOCK, TIS HAZARI rates have fallen across the coun- timatedcasesandthenumberre-
to Vinod Nair,Permanently. Sharma R/o D-565, Near Central COURT, DELHI 110054.
try,” Dr K S Sachdeva, deputy di- ported to the TB programme, as-
School Tagore Garden
Extension, Tagore Garden, rectorgeneralandheadofCentral suming an incidence of 199
I, Thomson,S/o Late.Sohan Rajouri Garden, Delhi-110027, TB Division, Union Ministry of cases/one lakh population as
Masihi,R/o-24-A/1093/1,FIRST- have changed my name to Health and Family Welfare, told statedintheIndiaTBreport2020.
FLOOR,REAR SIDE WARD.NO.1 Anuuj Sharrma The Indian Express. According to a report in the
St.JOHNS Church Compound- 0070710397-1 While each state has varying Indian Journal of Tuberculosis, in
Mehrauli,New Delhi-
110030.I,have changed my I, Ankush Vohra S/o Jatinder Pal TB burdens, almost all saw a dip India, weekly counts of reported
name,from Thomson to Vohra R/o J-1244, Palam Vihar, in notifications from the private cases dropped by 75 per cent in
Thomson Sohan Masihi,for Gurgaon, Haryana-122017, and government sector. For in- thethreeweeksfollowingthefirst
all,future proposes. have changed my minor stance,Gujaratreported82,817TB lockdown, compared to an aver-
daughter’s name from Saanj
0040543823-8 casenotificationsfromJanuaryto ageof45,875weeklycasesduring
Vohra aged 8 years to Khushee
I, Sunil Chauhan S/o Sultan A Vohra 0070710392-1 June in 2019. In the same period the previous weeks of 2020.
Singh Chauhan R/o 194, thisyear,thenumberofTBnotifi- Dr Zarir Udwadia, consultant
I, Anjuli Bahuguna w/o shri Ankit
Karehara, Mohan Nagar,
Singh R/O-House no.55,Sector-
cations was 64,141. Maharashtra pulmonologist at P D Hinduja
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh- reported 1,15,082 TB case notifi- Hospital and Medical Research
4,Chiranjeev Vihar
201007 Have Changed my
Ghaziabad(u.p.)201002, have cations from January to June in Centre,Mumbai,andotherexperts
Name to Sunil Dutt Chauhan.
changed my name to ANJULI 2019 but this year, the figure publishedanewreport,‘‘Covid-19
0070710408-1 SINGH. 0040543823-9 dippedto78,454TBnotifications. -Tuberculosisinteractions:When
I, Shivani Singh R/o 3 A/ 40 I, Aman Kumar S/o Anirudh Arya According to Central TB darkforcescollide’,intheJulyedi-
Nehru Nagar Ghaziabad Uttar R/o D-1, Hauz Khas, Delhi- Divisiondata,therewereatotalof tion of the Indian Journal of
Pradesh 201001 have changed 110016, have changed my name 52,766TBnotificationsinAndhra Tuberculosis.Itsaidthetworespi-
my minor daughter’s name to Aman Arya 0070710400-1
from Kaashvi Gautam to Pradesh from January till June in ratory epidemics – Covid 19
Shivanya Gautam for all I, Akshay Kumar S/o Anirudh 2019.Thisfellto33,781duringthe caused by the novel SARS CoV-2
Arya R/o D-1, Hauz Khas, Delhi-
purposes. 0040543795-1 sameperiodthisyear.TamilNadu virus and TB, are bound to collide
110016, have changed my name
I, Seema Goyal W/o Manoj Goyal to Akshay Arya reported 58,522 TB case notifica- andimpactoneanotheradversely.
R/o-E-3 New-Aashiyana tions from January till June last “Theimpactofanovelviralin-
Appatment, Plot-10,Sec-21D year, which dipped to 37,456 this fection, SARS-CoV-2, on an an-
Faridabad, Haryana,have I, Ajay Kumar Mittal S/o year.Therewere2,50,843TBcase cientbacterialdisease,tuberculo-
changed my name Seema Narender Kumar Mittal R/o DIPR/ARN-10799-10801
notifications sis, is likely to be devastating,” Dr
Gupta,for all purposes. 26/18, Block-26, Shakti Nagar,
Delhi-110007 changed my lastyearfrom Udwadia said. “TB is a challenge
name to Ajay Mittal January to for the entire health system,” Dr
I, Rudra Narayan,S/o Salik Ram
0070710406-1 June in UP, Sachdevaadmittedandsaidthey
R/o-757/1/16, prithvi Raj- which came have taken up several proactive
Nagar-II,New Delhi-11007,HAVE TANWAR H.NO-225, VILLAGE-
down to measureswiththeonsetofCovid.
changed my name to Rudra ANKHIR SECTOR-21D 1,74,543 this FULLREPORTON
Narayan Agrahari,FOR FARIDABAD HARYANA-121001 year. www.indianexpress.com
all,FUTURE purposes. have changed my name to
0040543823-7 ANKIT. 0040543823-6

I, Rahul Mahendra Bafna R/O-B- I Tarun Laxmichand Badlani,S/O

401,Ireo Victory-Valley Golf Laxmichand Kevalram Badlani
Course-Extn.Road,Sector-67, Resident-E-1903,M2K Victoria
Gurgaon,Haryana-122101,Have Gardens, Azadpur Delhi-
Changed my Minor Child Name 110033, have changed my name
Vivaan Bafna to Vivaan Rahul to Tarun Lakhmichand Badlani.
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I, Parmjeet Singh s/o Santokh I Surjit Singh S/O, Jagbir Singh
Singh r/o Plot no.-23, Chand R/o H. no. 602, vpo Kiloi Khas, MUNICIPAL CORPORATION BATHINDA, LOCAL GOVT. PUNJAB, DEPTT, PUNJAB
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The Corporation Engineer, Municipal Corporation, Bathinda invites item rate e-tenders on double bid system, for the following works:-
REETDAMAN SINGH. 0040543813-1 Date and Time Schedule, Sr. No. 1
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I, Nikhil S/O-Hari Kumar R/O- H. No. 602, Vpo Kiloi Khas submission of Bidding Document Documents Bidding Documents
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Name To Nikhil Hari Kumar. 0040543815-1 No. Amount money for Fees Period
(in lacs) contractor
I Rizwan Ahmad Khan S/O, Mr. 1 Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of Gas based Human Body 33.05 66100/- 1000/- 3 Months
I, Neetu w/o Makhan Singh r/o Abrar Ahmed Khan R/o F-17/1, Crematorium at Bathinda with E.T.P. including Civil Work, Carriage,
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0040543796-1 PUBLIC NOTICE Corporation Engineer,
My client S. Amar Singh Kataria. son of Municipal Corporation, Bathinda
52,camero-complex subroto- I Ravi Arthi is legally wife of No. Late Sh. Sukha Singh Kataria. resident 59466/Pb
park,New Delhi-110010,have 15425170P Sep (Chef Mess) of House No. A-6/53, Paschim Vihar,

changed my name,from Ravi S presently residing at

New Delhi-110063 have severed his all
relations and disowned his elder son Government of Jammu & Kashmir
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harassment and torture.
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I, Mukesh Mittal s/o Rameshwar changed my name to Arthi R for risk and responsibility. GIST of e-Tender
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110026 have changed my name Y-9, LAWYERS CHAMBER,
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permanently. 0040543807-1 Ram Lal R/O-F-397, Madipur
or Registered/ reputed and experienced firms for the following works-
Colony Paschim vihar Delhi-
I, Sapna Kumar W/o Anirudh Name of Work Est. Cost of Earnest Time of Position of
110063. changed my nameto PUBLIC NOTICE Cost T/Doc. Money Comp- AAA/ Funds
Arya R/o D-1, Hauz Khas, Delhi- Rakesh Kumar. Public at large in hereby informed that I (Rs. In (in (Lacs of letion
110016, have changed my name Kanhia Lal S/O Late Sh. Chhotu Ram. Lacs) rupees) Rs) (in months)
to Sapna Arya 0070710399-1 0040543823-1 R/O E-599, J.J. Colony, Nangloi,
Delhi-110041, have severed all kinds of 1 2 3 4 5 6
I, Mohan Lal Sharma S/o Sh. I Priyanka Bharti W/O Sharish relationship from my son Brij Mohan
87.00 2000 1.74 2 months
and his wife Smt. Sapna and debared Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Available as
Kumar,R/O H.NO-705-A/1-C, Commissioning 04 No. 06 Passenger Lifts
Jagat Ram Sharma R/o 287/3, them from my all kinds of movable and communicated by
Ward.No-3, Mehrauli, New- immovable properties. If any person at Commercial Shopping Complex, SRTC intending
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Sharma S/o Jagat Ram Sharma I Meenu kumar W/o Sujeet Advocate can be seen from the departmental website www.jktenders.gov.in from 03.08.2020 (18.00
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I, Khyali Ram Meena S/o Sh. Changed my Name to Minoo from 04.08.2020 (10.00 hrs) to 21.08.2020 (15:00hrs ) in two (02) covers.
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Should you continue your SIP?
If you can, yes. Those in distress can consider reducing ticket sizes or the option to ‘pause’.
To build a corpus for contingencies, make fresh investments in debt funds
443,813 327,609 count of the drop in net asset value of MF
Mexico Colombia FALLING SIP CONTRIBUTIONS & TICKET SIZE units – and so, a rise in markets at a later date
433,100 would bring significant gains for investors.
Peru Month New SIPs Outstanding SIP Contributions Average ticket The priority, however, in current times
registered* no. of SIPs* (In ` crore) size of SIP (in Rs) should be to build at least six months' con-
2,750,318 1,855,745 Mar ’20 8.49 311.97 8,641 2,770 tingency funds that are sufficient to meet
India EMI expenses, school fees, and household
516,862 April ’20 7.50 314.07 8,376 2,667
362,962 South Africa
Chile May ’20 8.08 320.49 8,123 2,535
Sandeep Singh June ’20 9.13 323.48 7,917 2,447 What should you do with your existing
TOTAL CONFIRMED: 18,340,451 DEATH COUNT: 695,318 *SIP counts in lakh; Source: AMFI equity investments?
ACROSS SECTORS and industries, the Covid- Even as your cash flow constraints may
Source: Johns Hopkins University, updated at 11 pm on August 4. JHU’s India tally and 19 pandemic has resulted in salary cuts and In these times of uncertainty, whether to force you to close your incremental monthly
Health Ministry’s tally (below) may not match if these are accounted at different times. retrenchments, and there are concerns over continue with monthly mutual fund investments in equity schemes, one must
the stability of future incomes both for investments is the big question for many avoid liquidating those investments to meet
salaried and self employed individuals. expenses or other liabilities.
A method proposed for The fragility of the economy, dwindling
company revenues, and volatility in the
One must look at one’s investment port-
folio including fixed deposits, gold, tradi-

converting PPE into biofuels markets, along with the long, uncertain wait
for a medical solution to Covid-19 have
raised anxiety among individuals who want
tional insurance investment plans, debt mu-
tual fund investments, and investments in
small savings — and it is advisable to with-
PLASTICFROMusedper- effects to humankind to keep liquidity at hand to meet any future draw from one of them rather than pulling
sonal protective equip- andtheenvironmentbut contingency. the next five years. One needs to take a very ratio,” said Vishal Dhawan, founder and CEO out of equity schemes.
ment (PPE) can be trans- also produce a source of For many, the big dilemma is whether to pragmatic call. of Plan Ahead Wealth Advisors. Eventhoughtheyhavebouncedbacksig-
formed into renewable energy, the researchers continue with their monthly mutual fund An investor who is unsure about the sus- OtherthanstoppingtheirincrementalSIP nificantly,marketsarestilltrading around 12
liquid fuels, according to from The University of investments. tainability of her job, and foresees the possi- inflows,investorscanconsidertwootherop- per cent lower than the highs they had hit in
a new study in the jour- Petroleum and Energy bilityof afurthercutinhersalary,shouldlook tions: if they are concerned about their cash January 2020 — and many investors who
nalBiofuels,publishedby Studies said. Should you invest in the markets? towards building liquidity for current times flows for the next two to three months, they would have started their SIPs 2-3 years ago
the Taylor & Francis PAPER The researchers call Even as the fall in markets has opened a — and equity assets do not fit the bill. caneithergoforathree-monthpauseoption may still find their capital in the negative.
Group. The research de-
verting billions of items
CLIP for PPE waste to be con-
verted into fuel using
window of opportunity for investors to in-
ful about which stock to pick. This makes
Should you continue with your SIPs?
A fall in equity markets on account of any
with their mutual funds, where the money
months — or, they may go for the option of
For example, if aninvestor started her SIP
in a scheme tracking the BSE Sensex and in-
vested towards the end of every month over
of disposable PPE from NEW RESEARCH pyrolysis. This breaks mutual funds the preferred mode when it adverseglobalordomestic event,amidstthe reducing the ticket size of the SIP. So, one can the last two years, her average cost of invest-
its plastic state into bio- downplasticathightem- comes to taking equity exposure. But the ongoingpandemic mayjustmakeitunfeasi- reduce the SIP amount from Rs 10,000 a ment would be higher than the current re-
fuels.Thetransformation perature–between300- question that arises is: should you invest in ble for an investor to withdraw from her eq- month to say, Rs 5,000 a month, or a lower demption value, and she may thus incur a
into biocrude, a type of synthetic fuel, 400°C for an hour – without oxygen. equities at all in these times? uity portfolio, as that would mean booking sustainable amount. While this will reduce loss on her capital investment.
will not just prevent the severe after- Source: Taylor & Francis Group There can’t be one answer for all, espe- losses on capital investment. the monthly outgo, it will also ensure that It is important to remember that equity
ciallyatthis time. While thosewho havecer- Since these are times to build liquid re- you continue to derive some benefit from SIPswillworkforyouif investmentsaredisci-
tainty of income can not only continue with serves, one advice is for wary investors to lower net asset values on account of the fall plinedandredemptionsareplanned.Sobook
INDIA COUNT: 18,55,745 (38,938 DEATHS) their existing investments but also look to
increase them (as the expenditure compo-
move their SIPs from the equity to the debt
in markets. yourprofitswhenthemarketsareatahigh,or
when your financial goal has been achieved.
REST OF INDIA nentwouldhavecomedown),forothers,the “Since investors may be looking to pro- What should the less impacted ones do? It is for times like these that investors are
TOP 10 STATES AndamanandNicobarIslands 830
ArunachalPradesh 1758
situation is tricky. tect the capital and maintain liquidity, they Individuals who are not too constrained advised to have a diversified portfolio across
With uncertainty all around — from re- can move their systematic investment plans on the income front, and who have seen asset classes — equities, fixed deposits, gold,
Assam 45,275
97,362 UP Chandigarh 1159
covery in the economy to the sustainability from equities to debt funds. As the idea is to their disposable incomes rise on account of debt mutual funds, small saving schemes —
1,38,482 Chhattisgarh 9779 of jobs or salary levels — the risks associated buildcontingencyprovisions,thebestsuited the fall in monthly expenses, may not only and not put all their eggs in one basket. It is
Delhi 59,328 Dadra&NH/Daman&Diu 1274 withequitieshaveonlygoneup.Thefactthat wouldbeultrashort-termfundsandlowdu- continue with their existing equity SIPs, but also important to seek the advice of a certi-
Bihar Goa 6816 equity investments are meant for at least ration funds. Within that, rather than track- may even look to direct their additional sav- fied financial advisor.
Haryana 37,173
HimachalPradesh 2818 three to five years, means investors should ingpastperformance,investorsshouldgofor ings into equities.
JammuandKashmir 22,006 park only that component of their income schemes that have the highest exposure to An investment in current times may NEXT: SHOULD YOU DIP INTO YOUR EPF
Jharkhand 13,478 into equities, which they may not require for AAA rated papers, and have a lower expense mean a higher accumulation of units on ac- RESERVES?
Kerala 26,873
78,232 Ladakh 1485

What US job curbs mean for Indian H1-B holders

64,585 West Bengal MadhyaPradesh 34,285
Gujarat 68,946 Manipur 2920
Meghalaya 902
4,50,196 Mizoram 501
Maharashtra Nagaland 2129
1,66,586 Odisha 36,297
Andhra Pradesh Puducherry 3982 Australia chose Infosys last November to portunities for domestic workers were im-
Punjab 18,527 AASHISH ARYAN “transform the entitlement calculation en- pacted by such hiring.
Rajasthan 44,975
2,63,222 Karnataka Sikkim 688
NEW DELHI, AUGUST 4 gine for the nation’s welfare system”.
Tamil Nadu Tripura 5505 Calling the new executive order “ based What led to the order?
Uttarakhand 7800 ON MONDAY, US President Donald Trump onmisperceptions,andmisinformation”,in- Ever since Trump became President in
signed an executive order barring federal dustry body Nasscom said that such a meas- 2016,theUSgovernmenthadstartedmoving
UnionHealthMinistryupdateasof 11pm,August4.Somestatesmayhave agencies from hiring H-1B visa holders and ure could slow down the recovery phase of towards a more conservative work visa
reportedhighernumbers.Onlystates/UTswithatleastonecaselistedabove. other foreign workers in place of US citizens the US as countries start unlocking. “The or- regime, alleging that Indian and Chinese IT
12,30,509 PATIENTS DISCHARGED IN 35 STATES AND UNION TERRITORIES or green card holders. der is particularly coming at a time when companieshadbeensendingworkersatvery
there is a huge shortage of STEM skills in the low cost, which hurt the prospects of skilled
Who are given such visas? US that workers on short-term non-immi- workers in the US.
Have a question on the COVID-19 outbreak and what you should/should not do? AccordingtodatafromtheUSDepartment grant visas like H-1B and L-1 help bridge,” The immediate trigger for the executive
Write to explained@indianexpress.com of Labor, of 65,000 new visa applications ap- President Trump holds up the signed Nasscom said in a statement. order was an announcement by federally-
proved every year, an average 1,800 to 2,000, executive order. AP owned Tennessee Valley Authority that it
orroughly3%,areH-1Bvisasgrantedtowork- What does the new order say? would outsource 20% of its technology jobs
ers employed by federal agencies. The executive order has called upon fed- to foreign countries.
To keep costs in check, federal agencies agencies, the executive order will also im- eral agencies to stop replacing US workers This action, the White House said, could
in theUS — and variousother countries — ei- pact workers of Indian companies that are and green card holders with H-1B visa hold- result in loss of jobs for up to 200 “highly-
ther hire a large number of foreign workers on contract with federal agencies. Bigger ers or other foreign workers. President skilledAmericantechworkersinTennessee”.
or outsource their back-end database upda- federal agencies such as state-run banks Trump has also asked the heads of depart- It said this could also lead to possible leaking
tion and other jobs to business process out- give the contract for supply and mainte- ments of all such agencies under the federal of sensitiveuser dataand theft of intellectual
sourcing firms from around the world. Such nance of their databases and other services government to review the contracts they property, which in turn would be detrimen-
jobs in developed countries pay minimal to bigger Indian companies such as Infosys, gave out in the two previous financial years, tal to national security.
wages, which are not lucrative enough for TCS, or Wipro. and the performance of such contracts or In his new order, seen as an extension of
employable individuals in these countries. In 2019, Infosys set up a US subsidiary to subcontracts. an earlier order in which the entry of non-
focus on winning servicing contracts from Theheadsof departmentswillundertake immigrant visa workers had been banned
How will the new order impact Indian healthcare and other related projects in the an audit of these contracts and subcontracts, until the end of 2020, Trump too has said
workers in the US? US and Canada. Beyond the US, the and check whether the jobs could have been outsourcing of jobs should be avoided as far
Apart from workers hired by federal Australian federal government's Services performed by US workers, and whether op- as possible.

How Covid-19 has helped the groundnut stage a comeback and the highest since the record 97.14 lt of sumption or exported, leaving little for oil One reason, of course, is prices expected in-shell. Yields of the fibre crop have actu-
2013-14. Yet, it is currently trading in
Rajkot’s wholesale market at Rs 5,300- INDIA’S EDIBLE OIL extraction. That makes it more of a dry fruit
thanan oilseed. B V Mehta, executive direc-
to remain firm, supported by rising home
ally fallen in the last 5-6 years due to re-
peated pink bollworm attacks.
5,400perquintal,asagainstRs 4,900-5,000 CONSUMPTION (LAKH TONNES) tor of the Solvent Extractors’ Association of export demand for the kernels. SOMA’s Whathasreallytiltedthebalance,ontop
AS THE novel coronavirus has forced a year ago and the government’s minimum Palm 90 India(SEA), estimatesannualgroundnut oil Sameer Shah is confident that domestic of the above, is prices. These, in the case of
Indians to eat more home-cooked food — support price (MSP) of Rs 5,275. The oil is consumption at 4 lt, which is hardly 2% of groundnut oil rates will not fall way below groundnut,hitarecordRs6,000/quintalearly
Soyabean 40
eateries haven’t fully reopened, while the also fetching around Rs 130/kg, up from Rs the country’s edible oil demand and below the present levels of Rs 2,000 per 15-kg tin. thisyear,overtakingtheaverageRs5,000lev-
ban on weddings and social functions re- 105-110 last year at this time. Sunflower 25 even other indigenous oils such as cotton- But prices apart, there are also the com- els for kapas. Regular MSP-based procure-
mains — it is also showing up in the pattern “Groundnut oil prices had been rallying Mustard 25 seed and rice bran (see table). parative returns vis-à-vis other crops. In ment by government agencies has further
of edible oil consumption. since early this year in line with other veg- Cottonseed 10 That situation could, however, change Saurashtra, where the major groundnut- boosted farmers’ confidence to plant. The
On the one hand, imports of palm oil — etable oils. But unlike, say, palm oil, its con- Rice Bran 9 thisyearwithfarmerssubstantiallyexpand- cultivating districts are Rajkot, Junagadh, NationalAgriculturalCooperativeMarketing
thepredominantfryingmediumusedbyho- sumption and prices have remained steady ingtheareasownundergroundnut.Acreage Jamnagar and Devbhoomi Dwarka, the Federationof IndiaorNafedprocured2.16lt
Groundnut 4
tels,restaurants/dhabas,canteensandcater- even post lockdown. In Gujarat especially, under the oilseed in the ongoing kharif competing crop is basically cotton. of theoilseedfromGujaratalonein2016-17,
ers aswellas namkeen and mithai makers— people had to switch entirely to eating at Coconut 4 planting season has already touched 45.45 Saurashtrafarmersthistimehavesownjust whichroseto8.28lt,4.25ltand5ltinthefol-
havefallenbyalmost40%year-on-yeardur- home and they chose groundnut oil, which Total* 225 lakh hectares (lh), up from last year’s corre- 14.87 lh area under cotton, as against the lowing three cropping years.
ingApril-June.Ontheother,oilsdirectlyused is their traditional cooking medium,” says sponding 30.54 lh. The coverage in Gujarat, 16.50 lh under groundnut. The latter has Gujaratis,incidentally,alsothecountry’s
in home kitchens — whether soyabean and Sameer Shah, president of the Jamnagar- Imported 150 at 20.38 lh, is an all-time-high, way above clearly gained at the former’s expense. largestcottonproducer.Butprocurementof
sunflower or indigenous mustard, ground- based Saurashtra Oil Mills Association Domestic 75 the normal planted area of 15.18 lh and sur- Forfarmers,groundnutcanbeharvested kapas through the Cotton Corporation of
nut,coconutandsesame—havereportedno (SOMA). *Includes sesame, safflower, maize and passing the previous best of 19.72 lh for the in 90-110 days by October-November, India hasn’t been on the scale of groundnut
decline, if not increase, in consumption. But it’s not just oil. tree-borne oils. crop in 2002-03. The other states to have whereas a full cotton crop cycle can take up purchases undertaken by Nafed.
Anequallysignificantfactorthatiskeep- recorded a surge in plantings so far are to 180 days over 3-4 pickings. The shorter If the monsoon remains normal —
The groundnut rally ing groundnut prices firm is exports. In AndhraPradesh(from2.43lhto6.78lh)and durationgivestheflexibilitytoplantwheat, Saurashtra,AndhraPradesh, Karnatakaand
One example of “consumer-facing”, as 2019-20(April-March),Indiaexported6.64 An interesting fact about groundnut is Rajasthan (5.26 lh to 7.06 lh). These figures chana(chickpea),jeera(cumin)orcoriander Tamil Nadu have received excellent rains –
opposedto“institution-consumed”,oilsfar- lt of groundnuts – both kernels and in-shell that its importance as an oil source has di- are likely to go further in the coming days. during the rabi winter-spring season. Not and there is no damage from pests and dis-
ing well in lockdown/unlockdown India is — valued at Rs 5,096.38 crore, compared to minished vastly in recent times. Till the only are groundnut cultivation costs lower, eases (white grub insect, leaf spot and rust
groundnut. According to the Union 4.89 lt worth Rs 3,298.33crore theprevious mid-seventies, groundnut accounted for Behind the comeback their stems are very good fodder for cattle fungi, etc), a record groundnut crop is in the
Agriculture Ministry, production of this fiscal. These shipments were mainly to over 50% of India’s edible oil consumption. So,whataccountsforthiscomeback,es- and buffaloes. Yields per hectare, at 10-20 offing. And that, according to SEA president
oilseed in 2019-20, at 93.47 lakh tonnes (lt), Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, But today, more than half of the country’s pecially in Gujarat where the crop is mainly quintals,aremoreorlesssimilarbothforka- Atul Chaturvedi, could also restore its sta-
was more than the previous year’s 67.27 lt Thailand and China. groundnut kernels are used for table con- grown in the Saurashtra region? pas(rawun-ginnedcotton)andgroundnut- tus as an oilseed and not just dry fruit.

New Delhi



Massive explosion rocks Beirut


10deathsreported,hundredstakentohospitals;Lebanonministersaysblastoccurredatsitewhereexplosiveswerestored schoolinGazaCityissanitised
onTuesdayaheadof the

Martina Brostrom was REUTERS & AP Blast stirs up resumptionof classes. Reuters

a policy adviser at
UNAIDS. Reuters
BEIRUT, AUGUST 4 memories of war UN chief: Covid
A MASSIVE explosion rocked in a city that has
downtown Beirut on Tuesday, created largest
UNITED NATIONS flattening much of the port, seen relative
UNstaffersays damaging buildings and blow-
ing out windows and doors as a calm recently
disruption of
sackedfor giant mushroom cloud rose education ever
reportingabuse above the capital.
Themostpowerfulexplosion NEW YORK TIMES
A POLICY adviser fired by to hit Beirut in years shook the AUGUST 4 YOSHITA SINGH
the UN agency fighting ground, leaving some residents UNITED NATIONS, AUGUST 4
AIDS is appealing her dis- thinking an earthquake had BEIRUT SUFFERED more than its
missal for misconduct, struck. Dazed and weeping, share of explosions — car bomb- THECOVID-19pandemichascre-
saying she was actually some of them wounded, people ings, shelling and airstrikes — ated the largest disruption of ed-
sacked for reporting that walkedthroughstreetschecking during a prolonged civil war and ucationinhistory,affectingnearly
she had been sexually as- to see if relatives were hurt. fighting between Israel and the 1.6billionstudentsinallcountries
saulted by a senior col- The blast occurred in the militant group Hezbollah. andcontinents,withanadditional
league, her appeal docu- city’s port area. Lebanon’s inte- But if the latest explosions 23.8millionchildrenindangerof
ments show. Martina riorministersaidinitialinforma- were found to have been caused dropping out or losing access to
Brostrom, from Sweden, tion indicated highly explosive intentionally,theywouldshatter school next year due to the pan-
wasfiredforsexualandfi- material, seized years ago, that a prolonged stretch of relative demic’seconomicimpact,theUN
nancial misconduct in hadbeenstoredtherehadblown calm in the Lebanese capital. SecretaryGeneral’spolicybriefon
December. Her appeal, up. Lebanon-based broadcaster Less than a week ago, Israel education said.
whichshesaidwassentin Mayadeen cited the country’s said it had thwarted a raid by a “Education is the key to per-
ApriltotheGlobalBoardof customs director saying tonnes After the blast in Beirut, Lebanon, on Tuesday. Reuters “terroristsquad”fromHezbollah, sonaldevelopmentandthefuture
AppealoftheWHO,which of nitrate exploded. the Shia group that is part of of societies. It unlocks opportuni-
oversees UNAIDS, has not Footage of the explosion Lebanon’s government, in a dis- ties and narrows inequalities. It is
been made public but shared by residents on social Lebanese President Michel It was not immediately clear again if it felt it was necessary. peared” after the explosion. putedborderarea.Israeliofficials the bedrock of informed, tolerant
Reuters has reviewed it. mediainitiallyshowedacolumn Aoun called for an emergency what caused the blaze that set ButlateTuesday,theIsraeliof- “Isawafireballandsmokebil- said there was an exchange of societies, and a primary driver of
Then UNAIDS Deputy of smoke rising from the port meeting of the country’s off the blast. ficial said Israel was not involved lowing over Beirut. People were gunfire,whichHezbollahdenied. sustainable development. The
Executive Director Luiz district followed by an enor- Supreme Defence Council, ac- in the Beirut explosion. He spoke screamingandrunning,bleeding. Israeli military officials say Covid-19pandemichasledtothe
Loures denies her accusa- mous blast that sent a ball of cording to the presidency’s Israel denies role on condition of anonymity be- Balconies were blown off build- Hezbollah has planted many largest disruption of education
tionthathegropedherina whitesmokeandfireballintothe Twitter account. Prime Minister AnIsraeligovernmentofficial causehewasnotauthorizedtodis- ings. Glass in high-rise buildings rocketsinsouthernLebanonthat ever,” Secretary General Antonio
hotel elevator in Thailand sky. Those filming the incident Hassan Diab called for a day of said Israel “had nothing to do” cussthematterwiththemedia. shattered and fell to the street,” could threaten northern Israel. Guterressaidinavideostatement
in 2015 and tried to drag from high buildings in other ar- mourning on Wednesday. with the blast. InternalSecurityChief Abbas said a Reuters witness. But In recent years, Hezbollah launching his policy brief on
her towards his room. easof thecitywerethrownback- Theexplosionoccurredthree Israel and Lebanon’s Ibrahim, touring the port area, Residents said glass was bro- hasrefrainedfromkillingIsraelis ‘EducationandCOVID19’ Tuesday.
wards by the shock. days before a UN-backed court Hezbollahmilitantgrouparebit- said he would not pre-empt in- ken in houses from Raouche, on while Israel has largely avoided He said that in mid-July,
At least 10 bodies were taken is due to deliver a verdict in the ter enemies, and tensions have vestigations. the Mediterranean city’s west- killing Hezbollah fighters in schoolswereclosedinmorethan
to hospitals, a security source trial of four suspects from the been high following a series of ern tip, to Rabieh 10 km to the Syria, where they are fighting on 160countries,affectingover1bil-
USA and a medical source told Shi’ite group Hezbollah over a recent clashes. Earlier Tuesday, ‘Fireball’ east. For a long time after the the Syrian government’s side. lion students and at least 40 mil-
Indian-origin Reuters. The Lebanese Red Cross
said hundreds of people were
2005 bombing which killed for-
mer prime minister Rafik al-
Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu warned Hezbollah
The governor of Beirut port
toldSkyNewsthatateamof fire-
across the city and helicopters
sought to avoid a war that could
lion children worldwide have
missed out on education in their
researcherkilled taken to hospitals for treatment. Hariri and 21 other people. Israelwouldnothesitatetostrike fighters at the scene had “disap- hovered above. devastate Lebanon and Israel. critical pre-school year. PTI

A 43-YEAR-OLD Indian-
originresearcherintheUS N Korea has ‘probably’ China says will retaliate
developed nuclear if US doesn’t stop ‘hostile
was killed while she was
have initiated a homicide
media reports. According devices to fit ballistic action’ against journalists
missiles: UN report
to the police, Sarmistha mistake and stop its actions.”
Sen, who was based in YEW LUN TIAN & “If the US persists, China will
Plano, Texas, was ran- BRENDA GOH takeanecessaryandlegitimatere-
domlyattackedandkilled BEIJING, SHANGHAI, AUGUST 4 sponsetosafeguarditsrights,”he
while joggingonAugust1 said.Wangdidnotsayhowmany
near the Chisholm Trail MICHELLE NICHOLS CHINAVOWEDonTuesdaytore- Chinesejournalistswereaffected
Park. Her body was found UNITED NATIONS, AUGUST 4 taliate if the United States per- or what retaliation China might
lyinginthecreek-areanear sistedwith“hostileaction”against consider,buttheeditorof China’s
Legacy Drive by a passer- NORTH KOREA is pressing on Chinese journalists who may be GlobalTimesnewspapersaidear-
by, according to a report. with its nuclear weapons pro- forced to leave in coming days if lier US journalists based in Hong
According to gram and several countries be- Fundingnukes their US visas are not extended. Kong would be among those tar-
Dallasnews.com,aperson lieve it has “probably developed despitesanctions Chinese foreign ministry geted should Chinese journalists
of interest in the case has miniaturized nuclear devices to spokesman Wang Wenbin told be forced to leave the US.
been arrested on a bur- fit intothe warheadsof its ballis- reportersatadailybriefingthatno “Chinesesidehaspreparedfor
glary charge. PTI tic missiles,” according to a con- THE UN Security Council Chinese journalist in the United theworstscenariothatallChinese

fidential UN report.
has gradually increased the
severity of the sanctions on HURRICANE ISAIAS MAKES LANDFALL Stateshadbeengrantedavisaex-
on Twitter. “If that’s the case,

Outcryafter panel of experts monitoring UN

sanctions said the countries,
North Korea in an effort to
cut off the funding for its The Sea Mountain Highway in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, was flooded as Tropical
May 11, limited their stay to 90
days, with an option to extend.
shootingkills whichitdidnotidentify,believed
North Korea’s past six nuclear
nuclear programme. But ac-
cording to the UN’s own as-
Storm Isaias spawned tornadoes and dumped rain during an inland march up the US East
Coast on Tuesday after making landfall as a hurricane along the North Carolina coast, where it
actions against Chinese journal-
in HK.” The Global Times is pub-
12-year-old tests had likely helped it develop sessment, North Korea has caused a tornado that resulted in the death of one man. AP ists,”Wangtoldreporters.“TheUS ficialnewspaperof China’sruling
THE SWEDISH govern- miniaturized nuclear devices. made over $2 billion last should immediately correct its Communist Party. REUTERS
ment vowed Tuesday to Pyongyang has not conducted a year alone through cyber at-
nucleartestsinceSeptember2017. tacks on banks and cryp-

Where’s Juan Carlos? Spain mulls ex-king’s future

find the perpetrators of a
drive-by shooting that The interim report, seen by tocurrency. UN experts say
killed a 12-year-old girl in Reuters, was submitted to the the isolated country has also
what authorities said ap- 15-memberUNSecurityCouncil been exporting coal, ille-
pears to be the latest vio- North Korea sanctions commit- gally circumventing the repercussions of certain via Porto, in neighboring
lence from suburban tee on Monday. sanctions put in place to BARRY HATTON episodes of my past private life.” Portugal, to the Dominican
feuds between criminal “The Democratic People’s prevent such trade. & ALICIA LEON Juan Carlos is the target of Republic. The daily La
gangs fighting over terri- Republic of Korea is continuing MADRID, AUGUST 4 official investigations in Spain Vanguardia also said he was in
tory. “If we don’t stop the its nuclear program, including and Switzerland, which are the Caribbean country, but only
new recruitment of the production of highly en- Korea’s mission to the United SPECULATION OVER the where- looking into possible financial temporarily.
young people into the riched uranium and construc- Nations in New York did not im- abouts of former monarch Juan wrongdoing. But El Confidencial newspa- SOS was written in sand on
criminal circles, harsh tionof anexperimentallightwa- mediatelyrespondtoarequestfor CarlosgrippedSpainonTuesday, His bombshell announce- per reported that Juan Carlos the Pikelot Island in the
measures will not mean ter reactor. A Member State comment on the UN report. a day after the man who served Embroiled in a scandal, Juan ment took most Spaniards by could still be in Portugal, where Federated States of
anything,” Home Affairs assessed that the Democratic North Korean leader Kim as king for almost four decades Carlos announced that he surprise. Neither the royal fam- he spent part of his childhood, Micronesia. AP
MinisterMikaelDamberg People’s Republic of Korea is Jong Un said last week there announced he was leaving the was leaving Spain. Reuters ily nor the government dis- or in France or Italy, where he
continuing production of nu- would be no more war as the country for an unspecified des- closed where the 82-year-old has family and friends.
said. He called the girl’s
death in Stockholm clear weapons,” the report said. country’snuclearweaponsguar- tination amid a growing finan- former king was going. In the wake of Juan Carlos’s Three rescued
North Korea is formally antee its safety and future de- cial scandal. Monday, Juan Carlos told his son Daily newspaper ABC re- announcement, some people
County “terribly tragic”.
knownastheDemocraticPeople’s spite unabated outside pressure In a letter published on the King Felipe VI he was moving ported Tuesday that Juan Carlos also called for the monarchy to from Pacific
Republic of Korea (DPRK). North and military threats. REUTERS royal family’s website on outside Spain due to the “public left Spain on Sunday and flew be abolished. AP
island after they
write SOS in sand

Irksome in Iceland, brusque in Britain? US envoys draw ire

been rescued from a tiny Pacific
island after writing a giant SOS
sign inthesand thatwas spotted
from above, authorities say.
Well,Gunterishardlyadiplomat unfit are expected to be weeded piedthecountry.Otherambassa- Index, published by the Institute the Micronesia archipelago for
EGILL BJARNSON bytraining.He’sadermatologist. outthroughtheSenateconfirma- dors are running roughshod over for Economics & Peace. nearlythreedayswhentheirdis-
& MATTHEW LEE But he’s also a contributor to tionprocess.Butstill,somearrive their more experienced but less Somepoliticalappointeeshave tress signal was spotted Sunday
REYKJAVIK, AUGUST 4 Trump’s campaign, and that intheirembassieslackingtheabil- senior diplomatic staff. been accused of more than being on uninhabited Pikelot Island by
landedhimthepostinReykjavik. ity to sidestep controversy. Gunter, the ambassador in undiplomatic.InBritain,Johnson’s searchers on Australian and US
IN ICELAND, a nation so safe its Gunter’sactions,andthoseof InBritain,AmbassadorRobert Iceland, has run through at least actionsregardingthegolf tourna- aircraft, the Australian defence
president runs errands on a bi- other politically connected US “Woody” Johnson faces accusa- seven deputies since taking over, ment have raised questions of department said Monday.
cycle, US Ambassador Jeffery ambassadors, highlight the risks tionshetriedtosteergolf’sBritish although the State Department whetherheviolatedfederalethics The men had set out from
RossGunterhasleftlocalsaghast that come with the peculiarly TheUSembassyin Open toward a Trump resort in says four of them were assigned rules.Therehavealsobeenallega- Pulawat atoll on a boat on July 30
with his request to hire armed American institution of handing Reykjavik,Iceland. AP Scotlandandmaderacistandsex- toReykjavikforonly30-daytours. tions he made racist and sexist and had intended to travel to
bodyguards. coveted diplomatic postings to ist comments. But what really raised eye- comments to which embassy Pulap atoll when they sailed off
Gunterhasalsoenragedlaw- campaign donors and presiden- In the Netherlands last week, brows in Iceland was the em- staffers took offence. Johnson has course and ran out of fuel.
makers by casually and ground- tial friends who have few other BarbaraStephenson,aformerca- Presidentialpoliticalsupport- AmbassadorPeterHoekstra,afor- bassy’s ad looking for armed deniedanymisconduct. Searchers in Guam asked for
lessly hitching Iceland to qualifications. The practice has reer foreign service officer, am- ers can make fine diplomats, and mer congressman, posted a pho- bodyguards.Thatwas strikingin In the Netherlands, Hoekstra Australian help. The military
President Donald Trump’s con- increased under Trump. bassadortoPanamaandex-pres- many have. A personal relation- tograph of himself visiting a acountrythatfor13 consecutive previously irritated his hosts by ship, Canberra, diverted to the
troversial “China virus” label for “America is an extreme out- ident of the American Foreign ship with the president and un- cemetery for German soldiers yearshasbeendeemedthemost claiming falsely that there were area and joined the search. The
the coronavirus. lierinsendinginexperiencedand Service Association, the union derstanding of his agenda can be killedduringthetwoWorldWars, peaceful country in the world, no-go zones in the country be- men were found about 190 km
Not particularly diplomatic? unqualified ambassadors,” said that represents US diplomats. an advantage. And those clearly including Nazi troops who occu- according to the Global Peace cause of Muslim extremists. AP from where they had set out. AP

New Delhi



`54,830 `75.04 $44.72 `66,855
Note: Gold, silver rates at spot market in Delhi; gold per 10g, silver per 1 kg; Brent crude as of 0000 IST

SENSEX: 37,687.91 ▲ 748.31 NIFTY: 11,095.25 ▲ 203.65 NIKKEI: 22,573.66 ▲ 378.28 HANG SENG: 24,946.63 ▲ 488.50 FTSE: 6,044.18 ▲ 11.33 DAX: 12,582.47 ▼ 64.51
International market data till 1900 IST

RBI nod to Jagdishan as HDFC Bank
‘Worstlikelyoverasindicatorsshowimprovement’ goods,consumptionofpetroleum forecast of a normal monsoon at termsoftradehasmovedinfavour
MD & CEO; Puri set to retire in Oct
ENSECONOMICBUREAU The report said productsandmotorvehicleregis- 102 per cent of long-period aver- of agriculture and has reinforced GEORGEMATHEW From bylanes
NEWDELHI,AUGUST4 trationamongothers,” age(LPA),agriculture,whichcon- ruraldemand.Thishasmanifested &SANDEEPSINGH
agriculture is set to
The report, however, noted tributes about 15 per cent of total in an increase in rural core infla- MUMBAI/NEWDELHI,AUGUST4 of Matunga
cushion the shock of
THE WORST for the Indian econ-
omyseemstobeover,withseveral the COVID pandemic on
subsequent intermittent lock-
gross value added, is set to cush-
iontheshockof COVIDpandemic
tion between March and June
2020. As a result, the push for THERESERVEBankof India(RBI)
to CEO’s chair
economic indicators pointing to- downs make the recovery on the Indian economy in 2020- growthincomingmonthsappears hasapprovedtheselectionof“in- Mumbai: Mumbai-born
wards a resurgence in economic
the economy in 2020-21 prospects fragile and called for 21,”itsaid. tobepitchedinruralIndia,”itsaid. sider”SashidharJagdishanasthe Sashi Jagdishan, as he’s
activity, even as risks on account constant and dynamic monitor- Timely and proactive exemp- Contractioninindustrialactiv- managing director and chief ex- Sashidhar Jagdishan. known to friends and col-
ofrisingCOVID-19casesandinter- of Economic Affairs said in its ing. A senior government official tions from COVID-induced lock- ity,measuredbyIIPandeightcore ecutive officer of HDFC Bank, leagues, was brought up in
mittent state lockdowns remain, monthlyeconomicreportforJuly. saidstate-specificlockdownswere downstothesectorfacilitatedun- industries, has eased in May as India’slargestprivatesectorbank. A chartered accountant with thequietbylanesofMatunga.
theFinanceMinistrysaidinitslat- “TheseincludeIndexof Industrial hitting the supply chain and the interruptedharvestingofrabicrops compared to April, while signs of Jagdishan was the first name Master’s degree in Economics of While he spent most of his
esteconomicreviewonTuesday. Production (IIP), Purchasing value chain, bringing an element and enhanced sowing of kharif further recovery were witnessed inalistofthreecandidatessentby Money, Banking & Finance from school days in the city, he
With India unlocking, the ManagersIndex(PMI),powergen- ofunpredictabilityineconomicre- crops, it said, adding a record pro- inJunewithIndia’sManufacturing the bank’s board to the RBI for its theUniversityof Sheffield,UK,he loved rushing back to his
worstseemstobeoverashigh-fre- eration,productionofsteelandce- vival. Pinning hopes on the farm curement of wheat has enabled a PMI improving from 30.8 in May final approval. He had the strong wasappointedchieffinancialoffi- grandfather’s house in mid-
quency indicators show an im- ment,railwayfreight,trafficatma- sector, the report said, agriculture flowofaboutRs75,000croretothe 2020 to 47.2 in June 2020. backing of retiring MD and CEO cerin2008andcurrentlyheisthe townChennaieverytimethe
provement from the unprece- jor ports, air cargo and passenger is set to cushion the shock of the farmers which will boost private Contractioninoutputandnewor- Aditya Puri, sources said. Kaizad groupheadoffinance,humanre- schoolclosedforvacation.
dented trough the economy had traffic, e-way bill generation cap- COVID pandemic on the Indian consumptioninruralareas. ders were at much lower in June, Bharucha, executive director and sources,legal&secretarial,admin- In his free time, Sashi en-
hit in April 2020, the Department turing inter-state movement of economy in 2020-21. “With the “Since September 2019, the comparedtoAprilandMay. head of wholesale banking at istration,infrastructure,corporate joyscookingandlovesexper-
HDFC Bank, was the next choice communications,corporatesocial imenting in the kitchen.
and Sunil Garg, global CEO of Citi responsibility & the strategic ‘Thayirshadam’orthestaple

COVID vaccine makers Serum Institute to start late-stage human trials Commercial Bank, was third.
“A meeting of the board of di-
change agent of the bank.
Every weekend is his turn to

seek more govt support, for Oxford vaccine within a week: ICMR DG rectors of the bank will be con-
vened in due course to approve
the CEO and the business heads
over the last two years and has
cook for family and friends.
He also enjoys listening to
to develop an effective immune ondphaseofclinicaltestingforits the appointment of Jagdishan as been the strategist and execu- bothHindustaniandCarnatic

clarity on guidelines ENSECONOMICBUREAU

ipants more, the phase II looks at
11 sites, Bhargava said, adding
“That is also progressing well.”
the MD and CEO of the bank in
placeof AdityaPuri,whoisdueto
retire as MD of the bank on
tioner both,” said a source.
“Sashidhar has tremendous op-
portunity to build on the lead the
musicandreading. ENS

ticipationintheCOVID-19Vaccine SERUMINSTITUTEof India(SII)is theeffectiveness.Thethirdphase The Central Drugs Standard October26,2020,”itsaidinanex- bankhastakeninlasttwodecades ingdirectlywithPurioverthelast
PRABHARAGHAVAN Global Access (COVAX) mecha- expected to begin late-stage hu- looksintotheseaspectsinamuch ControlOrganisationlateSunday change filing. andremainanexampleandenvy couple of years and has been
NEWDELHI,AUGUST4 nism, there have been no “pull man clinical trials of the Oxford largerpopulationthatwouldrep- approvedSII’sapplicationtocon- “I’m humbled by this. I fully of every single banker in India,” travellingwithhim.Somefeelhe
mechanisms” to assuage Indian COVID-19vaccinecandidatehere resent a wider demographic. ducttrialsoftheOxfordcandidate, recognise that Puri’s are huge saidRaamdeoAgrawal,chairman, was being groomed for the role
LACK OF clarity on India’s com- companiesthatmostlyhavecan- “within a week” after ethics ap- The SII vaccine, which is to whichithasbranded‘Covishield’. shoestofill.ButI’mconfidentthat Motilal Oswal Financial Services. for which the RBI has finally
mitment to purchase COVID-19 didates in pre-clinical stages of provals,IndianCouncilofMedical conduct phase II/III clinical trials SII, the world’s largest vaccine withthesupportofmycolleagues, Known to be strong at execu- picked him.
vaccines is creating a challenging testing,accordingtotheindustry. Research(ICMR)DirectorGeneral ataround17sites,willdoso“grad- maker,hasatie-upwithSwedish- theboard,otherstakeholders,and tion, people who have worked Theappointmentofaninsider
environment for those develop- “TheCOVAXfacilityisoneway DrBalramBhargavasaidTuesday. ually,asthesitescleartheir(ethics BritishpharmagiantAstraZeneca, indeed God’s grace, I’ll be able to withhimsaythat“hecangetinto has come as a breather to em-
ingthemhere,accordingtosome where they’re kind of trying to BharatBiotechandZydusCad- committee applications),” said that developed the vaccine with live up to the faith that Puri, the amazing level of detailing and is ployees,whofeelthatJagdishan’s
of India’s top vaccine makers. give you demand certainty but ila, which have been conducting Bhargavaduringamediabriefing. the University of Oxford, to man- board, and the regulator have re- very methodical about his ap- appointment will lead to a
Apart from issues with funding, that (type of action) hasn’t been early-stage testing of their candi- BharatBiotechhascompleted ufactureitforlow-andmiddle-in- posed in me,” Jagdishan said. proach when it comes to execut- “smoothtransitionandputatrest
ambiguity regarding the param- forthcoming from our own gov- dates Covaxin and ZyCov-D over itsphaseIstudiesforitsinactivat- come nations. The vaccine is al- Reclusive and media-shy, ing any task assigned to him.” any anxiety among the employ-
eters that these vaccines have to ernment, which is a bit disap- the last 20 days, are also starting edvirusvaccinecandidateat11of readybeingtestedinSouthAfrica, Jagdishanisseenashardworking, While the finance division of ees’hadoverthenextleader,”said
measureuptoherehavealsobeen pointing ...,” said Datla. second phase trials, he added. 12sitesandbegunitsphaseIIstu- the UK and Brazil, where partici- methodical,meticulousandstick- the bank reported to former an official with the bank, adding
flagged as a challenge. “We don’t see any pull mech- Each stage of a vaccine’s clini- dy, the ICMR DG said. Similarly, pantsarebeingadministeredtwo ler for discipline, who reaches of- deputy MD of the bank Paresh thatheisknowntobeasoft-spo-
“Most manufacturers sitting anism because each of us as of cal trial tests its safety and ability Zydus has embarked on the sec- doses nearly a month apart. fice by 8 am. Sukthankar, he has been work- ken people’s man.
at this table ... we’re doing this at nowaretryingtospendfromour
risk,”saidMahimaDatla,manag- own pockets not even knowing
a panel discussion on vaccines
how much of this is going to be
taken up later. There has to be Sensex snaps 4-day losing OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT
moderated by Telangana IT and
Industries Minister KT Rama Rao
some mechanism which would
help us ...,” Dr K Anand Kumar,
streak with 748-point jump F.5O/E&M/CAMC/lifts/2020/424
Notice Inviting Bid

Bid for Rate Contract for annual operations and comprehensive maintenance Various lifts for two years at
SMS hospital Jaipur of Procurement are invited from interested bidders up to 5 PM (time) 24/8/2020 (date)
tle clarity on the Centre’s interest Dr Krishna Ella, CMD, Bharat Geojit Financial Services, said, other particulars of the bid may be visited on the procurement portal (htt://eproc.rajasthan.Gov.in
inpurchasingCOVID-19vaccines Biotech, said an environment to ENSECONOMICBUREAU “Benchmark indices ended the http://sppp.raj.nic.in) of the state.
UBN MCJ 2021 SLRC 00036
developed by firms like hers, and boost development of COVID-19 MUMBAI,AUGUST4 day with gains with positivity Sd/-
Medical Superintendent
thereisn’tenoughfundingtoback vaccines is not as robust because emergingposttheRBIdecisionto DIPR/C/5979/2020 SMS Hospital Jaipur

the risk the industry is taking by different government bodies are BULLS MADE a strong comeback approve the new CEO for HDFC
working on these new products working in silos, adding “There’s after four consecutive days of Bank. Private banks and RIL sup-
Countries like the US and UK somestrategydiscussionmissing, profit-booking and helped the ported gains in benchmark in-
have not only inked purchase leadership is missing in Delhi.” benchmark indices gain nearly dices. Global cues were also
agreementsworthbillionsofdol- Therearealsoregulatorychal- two per cent on Tuesday. The mostly positive, and aided the
lars for vaccine candidates cur- lenges like a lack of clear guide- Sensex rallied 748 points to marketsfollowingbetterUSman-
rentlyinlatestagehumanclinical lines for COVID-19 vaccines, in- 37,687.91 and the Nifty50 gained ufacturing data.”
trials, some have also funded re- cludingwhattheirlevelofefficacy 204 points to 11,095.25 amid The broader markets too wit-
search and development for po- should be. According to Datla, strong buying support aided by nessed healthy buying interest
tential vaccine candidates. Indiaisstillintheprocessofdraft- strong global cues. and ended with decent gains of
Here, save for a potential par- ing its own guidelines. Vinod Nair, head of research, 1-1.3 per cent.

BRIEFLY ‘Scrutiny by I-T Dept reduced to

deliberations 0.25% of total ITRs in AY2018-19’
Mumbai: The Reserve Bank After rising to 0.55% in AY2017-18: Finance Ministry data
of India’s Monetary Policy
Committee (MPC) Tuesday for scrutiny has reduced drasti- has 11.07 lakh PAN holders, came
began its three-day brain- ENSECONOMICBUREAU cally over the years,” a tweet by down to 0.5 per cent in AY 2018-
stormingonthebi-monthly NEWDELHI,AUGUST4 the Finance Ministry said. 19(1.84ITRsfiled).
monetary policy. The Income Tax Department TamilNadu’sdatashowedthe Aug. 05, 2020
SCRUTINY BY the Income Tax didnotreleasetheabsolutefigures scrutiny percentage rising to 0.66 TATA Power-DDL invites tenders as per following details:
Electronicissue Department reduced to 0.25 per
cent of the total Income Tax
for all-India ITRs but a detailed
state-wise breakup for 33
ITRsfiled)from0.48percentinAY Tender Enquiry No.
Estimated Availability Last Date & Time
Cost/EMD of Bid of Bid Submission/

ofpolicies:Irdai Returns(ITRs)inassessmentyear
2018-19 after rising to 0.55 per
2016-17 (32.15 lakh ITRs filed). In
AY 2018-19, the scrutiny percent-
Work Description (Rs.) Document
Date and time of
Opening of bids

NewDelhi:RegulatorIrdaion centintheassessmentyear2017- inAY2017-18,thencamedownin agecamedownto0.30percentof TPDDL/ENGG/ENQ/200001230/20-21 1.06 Cr./ 05.08.2020 26.08.2020;1600 Hrs/
For Supply Installation, Testing and 2.25 Lacs 11:00 Hrs 26.08.2020;1630 Hrs
Tuesday allowed life insur- 18, the year of demonetisation, the subsequent year. Also, as ITRs 40.72lakhITRsfiled. Commissioning of Power Quality Meter
ers to issue life insurance data tweeted by the Finance filed increased in AY 2018-19, the Scrutiny percentage for TPDDL/ENGG/ENQ/200001231/20-21
policies electronically. MinistryonTuesdayshowed. scrutiny percentage decreased Gujaratreducedto0.23percentin Rfx. 5000001803 18.17 Cr./ 05.08.2020 26.08.2020;1630 Hrs/
The percentage of ITRs se- acrossthestates. AY2018-19fromAY0.44percent, Rate Contract for Supply of 33KV 15 Lacs 11:00 Hrs 26.08.2020;1700 Hrs
3Cx400 Sq.mm XLPE Cables for the
3senior-level lected for scrutiny had stood at
0.40 per cent in AY 2016-17 and
State-wise data showed that
Telangana’s scrutiny percentage
for Delhi to 0.52 per cent in AY
2018-19 from 0.81 per cent in AY
period of one year.

exitsatCipla 0.71 per cent in 2015-16. “IT Dept

is changing-from just enforce-
increased to 0.94 per cent of 1.58
2017-18, for Uttar Pradesh to 0.13
percentfrom0.45percentandfor Tender Enquiry No. Previously
Revised Due Date & Time
of Bid Submission/ Date
New Delhi: Three senior- ment to facilitating better tax- 0.64percentof1.54lakhITRsfiled WestBengalto0.25percentinAY Work Description
Date & time of opening of bids
level exits have taken place payer services. In continuation of in AY 2016-17. Then the scrutiny 2018-19 from 0.59 per cent in AY TPDDL/ENGG/ENQ/200001227/20-21
07.07.2020 18.08.2020 at 1630 Hrs/
at Cipla, including that of its thesame,theno.ofcasesselected percentage for Telangana, which 2017-18. Rfx. 5000001806
18.08.2020 at 1700 Hrs
executive vice-president Supply of Intel Server

For first time,

and CEO for India business
NikhilChopra,headof India
How PNGRB proposal aims OFFICE OF THE ADDL.
chronic and emerging busi- to open up gas distribution global gold DIRECTOR GENERAL OF POLICE
K.S.R.P., (Police Department)
nessdevelopmentandport- prices touch
folio Kunal Khanna. PTI sector for third parties $2,000/oz
No. 2, Nrupathunga Road, Bengaluru-560001
No.: 09/Stores/2020-21 Date: 30.07.2020

expand gas distribution infra-
Applications are invited in “Two Tender Document
FordMotorCEO NEWDELHI,AUGUST4 raphies as well as market both
compressed natural gas (CNG)
System” as per the K.T.P.P. Act, 1999 and KTTP Rules,
2000 through e-procurement process of Government
Bengaluru: Ford Motor CITYGASdistribution(CGD)com- and piped natural gas (PNG) in
of Karnataka (www.eproc.karnataka.gov.in) for
Tuesday said its COO Jim paniesmaysoonfacecompetition these areas. The Centre had deci- GOLD PRICES Tuesday surged to
procurement of the following material required to
Farley will succeed Jim from third parties, dedtograntexclusiv- the psychologically important
Hackett as CEO and presi- with the Petroleum itytoCGDcompanies level of $2,000 an ounce after the KSRP Battalions. (1) Tender No.: STS-1/09/ADGP/
dentonOctober1. REUTERS and Natural Gas toincentivisethemto US Senate’s top Democrat said a KSRP/2020-21. Brief Description of Tender:
Regulatory Board invest in infrastruc- new round of coronavirus relief Regarding procurement of 250 Nos. of Anti Riot

HDILreceives (PNGRB) set to notify

regulations to allow
ture to deliver PNG
and CNG widely
Gear required for KSRP Battalions. Last date for
Bid submission: 17.08.2020. Those interested in
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companies, which
across cities. Spotgoldpricesrose$18.5543,
or 0.94 per cent, to $1,995.25 an
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pment and infrastructure rights in their respective geogra- As per the PNGRB proposal, soared more than 30 per cent so Phone Nos. 080-23010900, 23010901. Suppliers
(HDIL) has received six ex- phies. Indraprastha Gas Ltd in CGD companies would have to far this year, supported by lower participating in e-procurement process should
pressions of interest (EoIs) Delhi, Mahanagar Gas Ltd in Mu- provideaccesstothird-partyfirms interestratesandsafe-havenbuy- compulsorily register in e-procurement platform. For
from suitors, including mbai and Gujarat Gas Ltd are the to pay to use their infrastructure ing on concerns Federal Reserve
more information visit https://eproc.karnataka.gov.in
Adani Properties, Suraksha CGDcompaniessettobeaffected tomarketCNGandPNGbasedon policy and government stimulus
Asset Reconstruction and by opening up of these markets. a transportation tariff set by the are debasing the currency.
or contact Helpdesk Nos. 080-23010900, 23010901.
SunteckRealty.Biddersneed incumbent players but regulated The bond market is skeptical Sd/- (S. Girish, IPS),
to submit a final resolution What is the current scenario? by the PNGRB in case of disputes. about the prospects of a rebound For Addl. Director General of Police,
plan by September 7. FE These players currently have Full report on in economic growth in the third DIPR/BU/696/MCA/2020-21 K.S.R.P., Bengaluru.
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New Delhi

After many thoughts I have decided not to play this year’s
US Open. The situation is very complicated worldwide, the
Covid-19 cases are increasing, it looks like we still don’t have
control of it.

For a seat at the high table Age fraud: Why the process
of verification is complex
Babar Azam’s scores in England will determine if he can be a modern great
identical twins, on multiple occasions,” says
Stokes’s fitness SHAHID JUDGE
These tests become redundant after the

LATE LAST year, Babar Azam conquered

under watch On Monday, the Board of Control for Cricket
age of 17 for boys and 15 for girls, because a
child at that age is considered to have a ma-
Australia.InBrisbane,hereeledoff ahundred Manchester: Ben Stokes, who seemed in India (BCCI) announced the launch of the tured body with complete bone fusion.
sofinelyconstructedthatitmadeyoufeelin- towin thesecondTeston hisown,did Voluntary Disclosure Scheme. Its motive is
toxicatedjustwatchingit,amidstaviolenton- not bowl in the third Test because of a singular – to provide an incentive for players Are there other types of tests?
slaughtofAustralianquicksonalivelysurface. quadricep injury. He bowled in the with fudged dates of birth, playing in junior Yes. The Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Pakistan slumped to an innings defeat, but nets on Monday, but couldn't on categories, to come clean with theassurance (MRI) scan is also used on the left wrist.
Azam wowed them all. Tuesday because of rain. England will that the governing body will not sanction However, unlike the TW3 which looks at 13
Thehundred,andthe97inAdelaideforan wait until as late as possible on his fit- bans against them. Last month, the All India bones in the wrist, an MRI will study only
equallyheart-breakingdefeat,had Australians ness, captain Joe Root said. “We still Tennis Association (AITA), under pressure one, the distal radius. These tests, however,
rushing for adjectives. Tom Moody raved: “If need to know a bit more about where duetoacaseinChandigarh,madeitcompul- are expensive – approximately Rs 8,000 in
you think Kohli is good to watch, have a look Ben is at,” Root said. “Ben being able sory for all junior players competing at the India, but much more expensive abroad.
atAzambat.Mygosh,he’ssomethingspecial.” to do everything he can do is huge for nationalstoundergoanage-verification test. Additionally, MRI scans do not give spe-
Mike Hussey gushed: “This guy can be in the thisteamandit shows how pivotal he These are all arguably useful measures in cific results. “They can only tell if the child is
same conversation when we start talking In his last 5 Test matches, Azam has is,butif he'snotfitthereareanumber curbing an age-old problem across sports in under 17 or over 17. But TW3 can give you
about the best players in the world.” scored 4 hundreds and 2 fifties. File of ways we can go.” AP India as the documented age of an athlete is Footballer Gourav Mukhi was banned ages of maybe 13-and-a-half, 14, etc. So it is
England awaits to be conquered. often different from the real age. for six months but was later allowed to more specific,” Ahuja adds.
Expectedly, there’s an unmistakable buzz play after he submitted correct Another potential test is a DNA analysis
aroundhim,aconvictionthathecouldbethe his discretion as much as technique. As hos- Acquainted he might be, but he's still far Can science determine the exact age? documents. File to check the Telomere Length. The telomere
most prized wicket of series even before the tile a bowling firm he had subdued in from mastering English conditions. His Up until the age of 17 for boys and 15 for is the end of a chromosome, and its length
first ball gets bowled in the three-Test series, Australia, their England counterparts could favouritebatsman,Kohli,wouldconcur.Ittook girls, science can provide a rough estimate deteriorates with age. “You can technically
startingWednesdayattheOldTrafford.Afeel- ask him tougher posers. the Indian a second visit to assert his creden- aboutthetrueageofachild,giveortakeayear. starttogrow,theseplatesfuse.Onceit’sfused understand someone’s age with it, but there
ingthataspecialtalentisspreadinghiswings tials; while Williamson needed five innings “Thesetestsarenot100percentaccurate,and your height is stabilised,” Latey explains. “X- has not been enough research in this age
and soaring to greatness. Only the finest of Multiple challenges and Smith 13 to reach hundreds in England. there’sadisclaimerthatitcanbeoffbyayear,” rayscanseehowmuchfusionthesegapshave group to find conclusive evidence that this is
batsmen from Pakistan have generated such JamesAndersoncouldteaseandtaunthim SomeonelikeDavidWarnerhasneverscored explainsDrNikhilLatey,aphysiotherapistand undergone and based on that, you can get an accurate,” says Latey.
anticipation. withswingandguile,StuartBroadwithseam- one in 13 games. There is no better place for a sports scientist. “What that means is, if a boy approximation of the age.”
Ifmuchoftheinitialhypearoundhimwas movement and smarts, Jofra Archer with raw keen young batsman to test the limits of his does the test and the result says Bythetimeaboyis17andgirl Howdointernationalsportsbodiescheck?
aboutstyle,minimalistictechniqueandmelt- pace and Chris Woakes with innocuous cut- game than in England. that heis15,thenhisrealage can 15, on average, the bones would Ahead of each edition of the FIFA U-17
ing stroke-play, now he has married it with ters and wobblers. Driven as he is, Azam wouldn’t flinch. beanywherebetween14and16. havefusedcompletely.Butbefore men’s World Cup, starting from the 2015, the
substance. Some stats are better than those Theconditions-lovelywhenit'ssunny,sav- Rather than getting compared with the bat- At the moment, there is no test that age, this test can give an ap- world body asked all participating teams to
churned out by the Fab Four of this genera- age when gloomy, will demand the batsman tinggreats,heisonajourneyofself-discovery that can give the exact age of a proximate age. What makes this conductMRIscansontheirrespectiveplayers.
tion. Since start of 2018, Babar averages 65.5 blends technical perfection with judged bril- andimprovement.Azamhimselfsays:“Agood child.” test popular is that it is cheaper Theydon’thaveasettestfortheU-17women’s
in Tests, compensating an average start of 23 liance. Some of his favourite strokes need un- performancedoesn’tmakemehappy,instead The tests provides an esti- and quick to conduct. “Thirteen World Cup since girls develop by 15. The
in his first 11 Tests and an eternal wait for his friending. Like the punch on the rise that was I push myself to go further and try to expand mate of a child’s age, which is bones are evaluated on the left International Hockey Federation (FIH), which
maidenhundred.JoeRoot,KaneWilliamson, so productive in Australia. Or the flick that he my game”. His coach Misbah-ul-Haq sheds then compared with the docu- hand,” says Dr Ashok Ahuja, for- holdstheJuniorWorldCupforU-21players,re-
Virat Kohli and Steve Smith's corresponding sometimes picks off the middle-stump. Even morelightintohispsyche:“Hebelievesinthe ment (birth certificate, school merheadofDepartmentofSport quires players “to produce a valid passport
figures read: 40, 52, 53 and 59. There's three to pull is dangerous if the breeze trifles about workethicthatif youwanttobetterKohliyou certificate, etc) the child or parent has sub- MedicineandScienceattheNationalInstitute showingnationalityanddateof birth.”
hundredsinhislastseveninnings,besidesa97 with the Dukes ball. havetoworkharderthanhimatyourskills,fit- mitted as proof. of Sports (NIS) in Patiala. The International Tennis Federation (ITF)
and 60. All these runs, staggeringly scored at Morethanhisskillstoadapt,it’saboutthe ness and game awareness. He is never bored saidinastatementtoTheIndianExpress:“The
the fastest clip —63 per 100 hundred balls, discipline. It’s not like in Australia where ma- of getting runs, he is always hungry.” What’s the most prominent test? Why isn’t TW3 100 per cent accurate? ITF conducts a number of passport checks
seven more than Kohli, the next on the list. cho-nessreigns,butaboutreiningthemacho- In this regard, it rankles him that he has- The most popular age-verification test is Since the test deals with bone fusion and for our juniorcompetitions both at the nom-
Yet,he'dbethefirsttoadmitthatheisim- ness of your batting. It’s both the strokes n’t yet registered a score of 150-plus in Tests. called the Tanner-Whitehouse 3 (TW3), be- pubertal growth, it is important to under- ination stage and on-site as laid out in our
perfect, still a few badges away from gaining played, and those not. “When you score a century, you naturally ing used by the BCCI (for upto 16 years) and stand that people do not start to develop at Junior competition Rules and Regulations.”
access to the rarefied space of greatness. He He’s not a complete stranger to the coun- want to go on and convert that into a double also proposed by AITA. the same time and at the same rate. For ex- The International Olympic Committee
still has the tendency to play one stroke too try.HiscountystintwithSomersetsawthem or a triple century. This is something I would ample,if youhavetwo12-year-oldboysborn (IOC), which holds the Youth Olympics, set
many, to drive instinctively from the crease, penaballadforhimandtheirtechniciansup- like to do during the Test series,” he had re- What does TW3 look for? onthesamedate,onemighthavehitpuberty the following requirement: “All the partici-
and to reach out for the ball that’s pitched far grade the club website's server capacity dur- centlysaidinapressconference.If hedoesso, It essentially involves an x-ray of the left when he was 11 and the other may still not pantsattheYouthOlympicGames(YOG)are
from off-stump. Minimalism of foot-work is ing live streams and a prolific World Cup too. heshallhaveEnglandconqueredbytheendof wrist to check what stage of bone fusion a have. Therefore, their x-rays will show dif- accredited,forwhomaparent/guardiancon-
beautiful when it comes off; horrendous HisonlyTestinningshad68gloriousrunsbe- the summer. child has reached. “You are born with over ferent bone fusion rates despite them being sent form has to be signed, including confir-
when it doesn't. No doubt, England bowlers fore he retired hurt, struck on the arm by a 300 bones in the body. For example, your the same age. mation of the accuracy of the information
willrelentlesslyprobethosechannels,testing Stokes bouncer. Ist Test: Live on Sony Six: 3:30 pm thigh bone is in three pieces and once you “We have seen different results even in submitted.”

OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry & T Lewis

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr. 20) LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23)
Something strange is Mars's magnificent
happening at home. role in your solar
Just what this is chart indicates that
completely unclear, you are in perpetual
but it seems likely that it's all to danger of facing hostility from
do with the past. A little people who blame you for their
detective work might therefore own shortcomings. Such
be in order. Are there any resentment may be brushed
mistakes you've made which aside with the contempt it
you haven't acknowledged? If deserves, but you should also
not, that's fine but, if you have, find time to smooth a loved
do something about it now. one's ruffled feathers.
TAURUS (Apr. 21 - May 21) SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)
Venus, the planet Serious problems
which heralds only arise if you
emotional changes, refuse to alter your
CALVIN & HOBBES by Bill Watterson is in many respects stand on career or
very well positioned indeed, so professional matters. If you
try to make things easier for accept whatever new
yourself as well as others by responsibilities are pushed in
being more flexible over long- your direction, you will gain in
term arrangements, especially both confidence and
at home. Try to understand a experience. It will be a
partner's point of view, even if pleasant feeling when other
1 A blockhead, our little 2 Compound a poem about
you do disagree with it. people look up to you.
George is in the middle the team (5)
class (9) 3 Very much like sauce (6) GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) SAGITTARIUS(Nov.23-Dec.22)
8 One of two keys I found in 4 One used to get cracking at Other people may be You should be aware
the kennel (5) breakfast (3,5) stealing your ideas. of just how fortunate
9 It’s up to time in cultivation 5 He puts up the points or You may find this you have been
(7) puts them down terribly irritating, recently, for
10 It has no big clientele (6) but if you stop and think for a although Pluto, which signifies
(6) 6 Such culture was in grace moment, you'll remember that emotional upset, is a difficult
11 Eases off the downward conceived (7) imitation is indeed the sincerest planet, it is often much kinder
pressure? 7 Order the way to go form of flattery. You can to you than to anyone else. Now
(4,2) (9) actually change your attitudes you can look forward to helpful
12 Not very bright but in 11 Times when women completely - and offer a rival developments at home.
charge of the players
propose to break with
tradition (4,5) MARVIN by Tom Armstrong your help.
CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20)
15 Show forbearance (8) 18 13 A time when the populace CANCER (June 22 - July 23) Although there is
Grubby residence is at cross purposes Anyone who nothing you will
(6) (8) believes that you are receive with so
20 Have prospects? 14 Break one’s journey and a placid and much reluctance as
(6) don’t go on (4,3) unambitious advice, it should pay you to
21 Give all producing Hamlet 16 A call for repeated effort individual must be living on listen carefully. There may be
(7) (6) another planet, or just confused many hidden meanings, and it
22 Allude to a freer translation 17 Making jokes with no by the fact that, at the moment, could take someone with your
(5) beginning, purely visual (6) many of your concerns are sensitivity to pick them all up. If
23 Free of charge 19 Should prove uncommonly private and personal. Still, it's you do, then the results will
(9) tough (5) your right to be a mystery, if definitely be to your advantage.
that's what you want.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19)
SolutionsCrossword4187:Across:1Doodles,4Crush,7Ibid,8Earnings,10 LEO (July 24 - Aug. 23) You may allow
Editorship,12Boards,13Agency,15Drewoneout,18Ding-dong,19Scar,20Pulse, You may feel that events to take their
21Yielded.Down:1Drive,2Original,3Sparse,4Contingent,5Urns,6History,9Road you have been own course over the
bridge,11Enforced,12Build-up,14Twenty,16Tired,17Anil. hoodwinked and next few days, and
manipulated, but wait for certain friends to
you must remember that make up their minds. This will
people who have reneged on happen very soon, but you
JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel5s
promises or commitments may can't say exactly when. All

not have done so intentionally. you can do is keep trying to

Instructions They might have had little make partners see sense.
Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, choice over the matter, and Perhaps you should also come
therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 you can give them plenty of off the fence.

theanswerforthegivenquip. mustappearineachofthe time to come round.

A_______ofmyson'sisasontome-LoisMcMasterBujold(4,6) PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar 20)
nineverticalcolumns,in VIRGO (Aug. 24 - Sept. 23) Above all else, you
eachoftheninehorizontal It has been said that like people to be nice
GGEOR ELPUDD rowsandineachofthe your perfectionism to you. However, you
nineboxes. is at once your have a remarkable
biggest strength and talent for ignoring obvious
your greatest weakness. The signals of attraction from other
QUINO FINGER DifficultyLevel
problem for you now is that it people. You should be more
will mean that while you alert to such emotional
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; succeed by other people's undercurrents in future,
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; standards, you fail according to otherwise you'll miss out on
5s=VeryHard;6s= your own. Sometimes you're interesting possibilities - and
Answer: A good friend of my son's is a son to me - Lois McMaster Bujold Genius much too harsh on yourself. that's an understatement.

Vol LXXXVIII No. 230 Regd.No. DL-21046/03-05

R.N.I. No.506/57. Printed and Published by R.C. Malhotra on behalf of The Indian Express (P) Limited and Printed at The Indian Express (P) Limited Press, A-8, Sector-7, Noida - 201301 and Published at The Indian Express (P) Limited, Mezzanine Floor, Express Building, 9 & 10,
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