05 8 2020 Vajiram&Ravi Indianexpress
05 8 2020 Vajiram&Ravi Indianexpress
05 8 2020 Vajiram&Ravi Indianexpress
SINCE 1932
Vajiram & Ravi and The Indian Express are proud to deliver the
electronic version of this morning’s edition of The Indian Express
to your Inbox. You may follow The Indian Express’s news and
analysis through the day on
year-old chef had to return to
MANRAL & ARANYA ‘Probe must Hamirpur in Himachal Pradesh While agriculture has been
SHANKAR focus on last month after the café in resilient, and manufacturing ac-
ANCHOR Farmer’s son, IIT graduate, fireman: UPSC success stories
Atotalof 829candidateshave Singh says while he hoped to sarpanch twice, his grandfather that he hoped the 29-year-old
SUKHBIR SIWACH, qualifiedforthecivilservices,in- do well, the first rank surprised and grandmother also held the wouldbeaninspirationforother
ASAD REHMAN , SHAJU cluding the IAS, IPS and IFS. All him. Father Sukhbir Singh, who post earlier. youths of the state.
PHILIP & ALIFIYA KHAN the top three rank-holders — owns eight acres in Sonipat’s In2008,Sukhbirsays,Pradeep Verma,26,whorankedthird,
CHANDIGARH, LUCKNOW, Singh,JatinKishoreandPratibha Tewri village, credits it all to his topped his school in Class 12 ex- said the news is yet to sink in.
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, Verma, respectively — are serv- hard work, as does the rest of his ams.Afterthat,hedidB.Techand, One of four children of govern-
PUNE, AUGUST 4 ingofficials.WhileSinghisares- family — his mother, elder in2013,wasselectedasinspector ment school teachers, the
EBRAHIM ALKAZI, identof Haryana,Kishoreisfrom brother who has a degree in me- for the Excise and Taxation Sultanpur resident said her fam-
GRAND OLD MAN OF WHENEVER HE felt he was Delhi and Verma, an IIT-Delhi chanical engineering and a Department.Whilehehadtaken ily and friends had contributed
INDIAN THEATRE, DIES struggling to keep up with the graduate, is from Uttar Pradesh. younger sister who is an MSc in coachinginitially,Singhthistime the most in her “journey”.
PAGE 6 demands of his job and prepara- Last year, Singh had ranked mathematics. prepared on his own. Having done BTech in
tion for competitive exams, 260 in the UPSC exam, and was "Forthefirstthree-fouryears, As an IAS officer, Singh said, Engineering Physics from IIT-
Pradeep Singh says, it was his fa- undergoing training as an Indian Pradeep studied at a private “Iwilltrytodosomethingforthe Delhi in 2015, she worked at a
KERALA GOLD CASE: ther who motivated him to stay Revenue Service officer. Kishore school in the village but in 2000, poorandcontributetothedevel- telecommunications company
N.I.A. TEAM TO the course. On Tuesday, in his is a 2018-batch officer of Indian we moved to Sonipat town to opment of the country." for two years but then left. “I
TRAVEL TO UAE fourth attempt, the 29-year-old Economic Service and currently Top-ranker Pradeep Singh with his family in Sonipat. PTI ensurebetterstudiesforthechil- Congratulating Singh, wanted to experience how the
PAGE 6 son of a Sonipat farmer ranked postedasAssistantDirectorinthe CIVILSERVICESEXAM:TWOFROMDELHIINTOP4.PAGE3 dren," Sukhbir says. While Haryana Chief Minister private sector works, but my
first in the UPSC exam. Ministry of Rural Development. Sukhbir himself has been village Monahar Lal Khattar tweeted CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
New Delhi
J&K: One year after
Indian Express
tofacilitateconstructionofRamtemple,onJuly18 the abrogation of
★★★★★ ■4.6
Article 370
PARTS OF MUMBAI REVIEW In today’s episode of the 3 Things podcast,
Over 230 mm of rainfall Naseeruddin Shah we take a look at the changes that J&K has
SCANTHISQRCODETO recorded in last 10 towers over the seen since the last year
hours, said BMC web series
New Delhi
Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory
57 62 74 60
PM: 10 Pollutant: PM: 10 PM: 10 500
0 500 0 500 0 500 0
0-50 Good 51-100 Satisfactory 101-200 Moderate 201-300 Poor 301-400 Very Poor 401-500 Severe
With just 1 phone, siblings struggle with online classes Kishore, a resident of East of
Kailash, completed schooling
Vihar before joining St Stephen’s
New Delhi
New Delhi
cases to ACB
RAIPUR,AUGUST4 TWENTY-FOURpeople,including lightdiyasonWednesdaytomark Pravin Togadia’s Antarrashtriya
18 women, from Roon village of the ‘bhoomi pujan’ in Ayodhya. Hindu Parishad (AHP) as its city
EVENASpreparationsfortheRam Sojitra taluka in Anand district Jayantibhai, 58, a farmer, has unitsecretary,Shah’sregretisthat
TempleinAyodhyaareunderway, went to Ayodhya in 2002 as kar no regrets about not being at the Togadiahasnotbeeninvited“but
the Congress-led Chhattisgarh sevaks.Ofthem,sixwomenwere siteonWednesday.“Evenif there those who are associated with
JAIPUR,AUGUST4 BJP MLA, BSP governmenthasplannedtospend
more than Rs 15 crore to develop
killed in the S-6 coach of the
Sabarmati Express at the Godhra
was no coronavirus, it would be
difficult to accommodate every-
are”. “I survived the February 27
New Delhi
Elderly should
be given priority
Rise in market share Patnitop case:
CBI searches
Elgaar Parishad:
DU prof sent to
in govt hospitals, of domestically offices, homes of further 3-day
says apex court J&K officials NIA custody
manufactured Jammu: The CBI on Tuesday
launched searches at the offices SADAF MODAK
ventilators: Govt
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE and residential premises of vari- MUMBAI, AUGUST 4
NEW DELHI, AUGUST 4 ouspublicservantsin11locations
across Jammu and Kashmir in A SPECIAL court sent Delhi
THESUPREMECourtTuesdayob- connection with large-scale ille- University associate professor
servedthat“elderlypeopleshould will be procured, 50,000 are be- gal constructions and encroach- Hany Babu, arrested on July 28
begivenpriority”inadmissionsin KAUNAIN SHERIFF M ingfundedbythePMCaresfund. ment of land at the tourist resort as an accused in the Elgaar
government hospitals consider- NEW DELHI, AUGUST 4 “The domestic capacity of of PatnitopinUdhampurdistrict. Parishadcase,to furthercustody
ingtheirvulnerabilitytoCovid-19. manufacturing ventilators was A release said the agency has of the NIA for three days till
Italsosaidthatpensiontotheeld- ALMOST SIX months into the insignificant. In 2019, the Indian recovered “incriminating docu- August 7, while refusing to grant
erly should be disbursed on time pandemic, the country has wit- ventilators market was roughly ments,hugeinvestmentinFixed seven-day custody as was
and caregivers in old age homes nessed a significant shift in the 8,510 units and its annual value Deposits and immovable prop- sought. The court observed that
across the country be provided manufacturing of ventilators, was Rs 444 crore; 75 per cent of erties”andfurtherinvestigations the progress of the investigation
with personal protective equip- with the share of domestically themarketshareof ventilatorsin were in progress. "reveals various developments".
ment(PPE)duringthepandemic. manufactured ventilators cur- India was with imported equip- It has been alleged that the The agency also claimed it re-
“In event of any complaint rently more than 96 per cent by ment...Therewasanexponential public servants “having jurisdic- covered letters “voluminous” in
made by the elderly people, the
the Centre said on Tuesday.
Health Secretary Rajesh
spiracy with the owners of ho-
tels/ guest Houses/ resorts, etc,
HEAVY RAIN BATTERS MUMBAI nature from electronic articles
seized from Babu, and it required
edy their grievances,” a bench Bhushanalsohighlightedthesig- “…In March…in India, even allowed illegal construction/ il- Mumbai and its suburbs witnessed the season’s most intense showers, recording over confront him. The NIA also
headedbyJusticeAshokBhushan nificantriseindomesticsharehas those who were manufacturing legaluseof thesaidlandinviola- 260 mm rainfall in 24 hours till Tuesday morning. The rain spells were accompanied by claimed he was using various so-
and also comprising Justice R also resulted in a drop in the pro- the ventilators, were importing tion of law, leading to loss to the high-speed winds and thunder in south Mumbai and the suburbs. Ganesh Shirsekar cialmediaaccountsfor“commu-
Subhash Reddy said after former curement price due to competi- components… four months government”. ENS nication with other co-accused”,
Union minister Ashwani Kumar tive pricing of domestic ventila- backsweweredependentonven- suspects as well as members/
told the court that the elderly are torsthatcurrentlyrangebetween tilators that cost Rs 10-20 lakh. sympathisersofbannedoutfitCPI
notgettingpriorityingovernment Rs 1.5 lakh to Rs 4 lakh per unit as Nowthecountry’sentrepreneurs KERALA GOLD SMUGGLING CASE (Maoist).“Disclosureanddataex-
For the grand old man of Indian theatre, the world was a stage
tified older people should be
provided necessary medicines,
tial goods by respective States”. Alkazipassedaway inDelhi's was a genius, a colossus,” said demic,” said Baokar. “He preferred to play to inti-
“As and when any individual re- DIPANITA NATH Escorts hospital on Tuesday. He Anuradha Kapur, a formerdirec- Alkazi’s directorial produc- mate audiences and was not in-
quest is made, the same shall be PUNE, AUGUST 4 was 94. The entire theatre com- tor of NSD. Theatre in India has tionsalignedwiththeambitions terested in numbers more than
attendedtobytheAdministration munity of India would be traditionally been an art form of a country in motion and rein- 300. He felt that intimate shows
with all promptness,” it said. IN THE early decades of the re- mourning his death. that has been passed on infor- forced its quest for a cultural offered the most powerful expe-
Thebenchorderedthat“care- public, as India was building in- “Hewascomfortableandnot mally in a group or by a guru. identity. The stories were drawn riences,” Feisal Alkazi, the mas-
givers of… old age homes should stitutions, the National School of inanykindof pain.Hehadavery With NSD, theatre became for from history and mythology but ter's son and a theatre director
be provided personal protection Drama (NSD) in Delhi was good constitution. He had heart the first time a discipline that presented to international himself, said.
andappropriatesanitizationsho- headed by Ebrahim Alkazi. fibrillationandhisbreathingwas was to be mastered with aca- standards. After leaving NSD in 1977,
uld also be undertaken in the old “When he first came to work, he uneven, so his body could not demic precision and techniques. In public imagination, Alkazi Alkazi established Art Heritage
agehomes”.Itaskedstatestoreply foundthebathroomswerefilthy. maintain it due to his age,” said Among Alkazi’s students wasacreatorof grandspectacles in Delhi with his wife Roshan
totheavermentsmadeinKumar’s Heputupanoticesaying,‘Please Amal Allana, Alkazi’s daughter were Om Shivpuri, Sudha —AndhaYugatFerozShahKotla, Alkazi to encourage artists and
application within four weeks. don't throw paan spit in the and a former chairperson NSD. Shivpuri, Uttara Baokar, Surekha which was attended by scholars, and mounted more
HearingKumar’spetition,the sinks’. Nobody bothered and, af- Alkazi, who was born in Sikri, BV Karanth, Ratan Thiyam, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Tughlaq than 500 exhibitions.
SC had in 2018 said some of the ter two days, he came with de- Pune, trained at the Royal Naseeruddin Shah, Om Puri, at Purana Qila — but he was a Until before the pandemic
governmentschemes for the old tergent and a mop and cleaned Academy of Dramatic Arts in EBRAHIM ALKAZI Rohini Hattangadi, Kirti Jain, M proponent of intimate theatre. put a stop to performances,
“are comparatively dated” and the place himself. The staff then London, and produced and di- 1925-2020 K Raina and Anupam Kher. Ashadh Ka Ek Din was staged in Alkazi's Meghdoot theatre was a
“it is high time that the realisedthathemeantbusiness,” rected a wide range of plays in “Iusedtodoashetoldme.He the aangan of NSD’s old prem- bustling hub of plays, music, and
Government of India has a said theatre director M K Raina. Mumbai and Delhi. He was still was a guide who held our hands ises in Kailash Colony, while dance in the capital. The world
relookattheseschemesandper- “He said to me, ‘Remember, if inhistwentieswhenhereceived BBC Award for Broadcasting. Vibhushan. and taught us to walk. I want to Waiting for Godot and Oedipus was a stage for Alkazi and, when
haps overhaul them with a view you do good work, muck will be awards such as the British Later, he was honoured with the “Modern Indian theatre has go to Delhi for his last rites but Rex were performed for audi- it wasn’t, he built one.
to bring about convergence and thrown at you. You don't stand Drama League Award for Work Kalidas Award, the Padma Shri, been touched and shaped by cannot due to the restrictions ences of about 80 at Rabindra FULLREPORTON
avoid multiplicity”. back. You lead from the front.” of Outstanding Merit, and the Padma Bhushan, and Padma himinwaysdifficulttocount.He imposed by the Covid-19 pan- Bhavan. www.indianexpress.com
New Delhi
Kerala man may be
among IS group which
India hits back at new Pak map: Bajwa, Dullo copying CALL FOR CBI PROBE INTO HOOCH DEATHS
stormed Afghan jail ‘An exercise in political absurdity’ Pilot’s playbook, strict
shared the news about the birth
of twobabiesof EjasandShihaz,” SHUBHAJIT ROY
“We have seen a so-called
politicalmapof Pakistanthathas
veiled by Pakistan Prime
Minister Imran Khan, who
princely state of Junagadh.
The map also shows the
action needed: Jakhar
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, a source said. NEW DELHI, AUGUST 4 been released by Prime Minister claimedthatitnegatesIndia’s“il- Federally Administered Tribal
AUGUST 4 Their father Abdul Rahman, Imran Khan. This is an exercise legal action” of August 5, and Areas as being part of Khyber EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
a Gulf returnee, could not be ON THE eve of the first anniver- in political absurdity, laying un- that it had been endorsed by the Pakhtunkhwa province. CHANDIGARH, AUGUST 4
INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES have reached. saryof thewithdrawalof Jammu tenable claims to territories in federal cabinet. This map will The Pakistan cabinet also ap-
prima facie identified one of the A close relative said, “They and Kashmir’s special status un- the Indian State of Gujarat and now be officially used in proved the decision to rename a CLAIMING THAT the playbook
Islamic State members who at- (the family) had considered the der Article 370 and its bifurca- our Union Territories of Jammu Pakistan’scurriculum,Khansaid. major road in Islamabad as usedinRajasthanbytheCongress
tacked a prison in Afghanistan’s two sons as lost forever. Earlier, tion into Union territories, & Kashmir and of Ladakh. These The map depicts the entirety Srinagar Highway. The road was leadersagainsttheirowngovern-
Jalalabad as Ejas Kettiyapurayil, therehadbeenrumours that the Pakistan on Tuesday released a ridiculous assertions have nei- of Jammu and Kashmir as a dis- previously called Kashmir mentisbeingreplicatedinPunjab, (Left) Partap Singh Bajwa;
hailingfromKasaragodinKerala. youths died in Afghanistan. We newpoliticalmapwhichdepicts ther legal validity nor interna- puted territory while also incor- Highway. state party chief Sunil Jakhar Shamsher Singh Dullo
Sourcessaidfamilycircleshad are not keen on the issue as we J&K as a disputed territory, and tionalcredibility.Infact,thisnew porating Siachen as part of This is not the first time TuesdaysaidhewillwritetoAICC
identified Ejas from the photo- thought them to be dead much claims the regions of Sir Creek effort only confirms the reality Pakistan. It does not show any Pakistan has tried to portray president Sonia Gandhi seeking
graphsshowntothem.However, earlier,’’ he said. and the erstwhile state of of Pakistan’s obsession with ter- borders in the east of Kashmir, Junagadh as part of its territory. “strictaction”againstthe“brazen cases(whichhassincebeentaken
no official confirmation could be Militants affiliated with the Junagadh in Gujarat as part of its ritorial aggrandisement sup- where China illegally occupied The 2012 Atlas of Islamic indiscipline” of Rajya Sabha MPs over by Punjab Police) or the ED
made at this stage, sources said. Islamic State group stormed a territory. Reacting sharply to the ported by cross-border terror- Aksai Chin. It also incorporates Republic of Pakistan also por- PartapSinghBajwaandShamsher probe into drugs, launched dur-
Ejas, a doctor by profession, prison in eastern Afghanistan in move, India called it an “exercise ism,” the MEA said in an official Sir Creek into Pakistani territory trayed Junagadh as a separate Singh Dullo. ingtheerstwhileSAD-BJPgovern-
joined Islamic State in 2016 a daylong siege that left at least in political absurdity”. statement. The map was un- as well as parts of the erstwhile territory. Targeting their own party’s ment?” he asked.
along with his wife Rahaila, then 39peopledead,includingtheas- government in Punjab over the From Sutlej Yamuna Link
three months pregnant, and sailants, and freed nearly 400 of spurious liquor tragedy that has canal to the grant for Punjab, GST
brother Shihaz, a management
their fighters before security
forces restored order, a govern- LAC standoff: China 4% seats in professional claimed111lives,BajwaandDullo
refunds, Covid aid and the most
New Delhi
Ram, I will not find you there
Thistempleisthefirstrealcolonisationof Hinduismby
ing your triumph, like Jai Shree Ram, dimin- structiveevents in its wake.IntheRamayana we need to protect you rather than you to
YEARAFTERtheBJP-ledNDAgovernmentmadeArticle370redundant,with- ishes you. The necessity of proclaiming your andMahabharata,thereisnotasinglefather, protect us.
drewthespecialstatusof Jammu&Kashmir,andbifurcatedthestateintotwo victory implies you could have been de- from Shantanu to Dhritarashtra to Arjuna, Revenge does not help. Past conflicts are
Unionterritories,thefaitaccomplihasseepedin.TheUnionterritoryofJ&Kmay feated. I must also make a confession. You where the children don’t have to pay for the being used as pretexts to reconfigure con-
become a state again, but there will be no turning back the clock on Article were the radiant and intimate presence in unjust choices of the father. Yours did too. temporary power. The forces that will con-
370. For the BJP, it was the fulfilment of a long-standing ideological promise to “integrate” my life: The ground of our Being. You were Then there is Vali who you slayed like a cow- secratethistempleconvertedyournameinto
the Mind and the Senses. You were the ard, Shambuka whose penance challenging the very opposite of what it signifies. They
the Muslim-majority state with the rest of the country. By all accounts, the move has been
Virtues. You were Compassion and the caste order you unjustly punished, and made Ram synonymous with revenge, with
met with acquiescence, if not support, across the country — no national political party has Divination.Yournamewasutteredinthean- Sita whosetruthhadto be sacrificedtoopin- an insecure pride, with a blood curdling ag-
prominently protested the Centre’s move, nor any regional parties outside J&K. In the past guish of suffering and the ecstasy of libera- ion. You could reconcile these blemishes be- gression, violence towards others, a coars-
year, there has been no visible outpouring of protest in J&K, no major militant strikes. That tion. You were the householder, the son, the cause you were divine. You couldsin and still eningof culture,andtheerasureof everylast
doesnotmean,of course,thattheseven-decade-oldproblemhasbeenresolvedorthatthe brother,thedisciple,thefriend.Youwerethe redeemthem.“Svargatashambukasamstuta shredof genuinepietyinpublicdevotionand
people have accepted the changes imposed on them. The reality is, they have not yet been king, but also the renouncer. You were Ram,” as it goes in the beautiful Nama public life.
Dharma.Youwereoccasionallycruelandun- Ramayana (you sent Shambuka to heaven They will say Ram is a national symbol, a
just. But your anguish seems to recognise who was apparently grateful to you). symbol of Hindu pride. But did you consent
what began as a departure from democratic norm — the NDA government decided on the your own cruelty. You were divine. But your They will say Ram is a But we mortals cannot worship your tobeingconvertedtosomethingasbanaland
state's future by cutting out the people, their political leaders and even the BJP’s own allies equivocations were human. You were the national symbol, a symbol of morals. We humans have to have a lesser nasty as the symbol of an ethnic national-
—hasplayedoutovertheyearintheimprisonmentofpoliticalleadersandhundreds ofoth- last Refuge I woke to, and slept to, the reas- morality, since we cannot redeem those we ism?Youredeemedyourdevotees,thoseyou
Hindu pride. But did you slay or banish. Vali, and Shambuka and Sita wronged, but your opponents as well. But
ers, effectively erasing the degrees of difference between the mainstream and separatists
laaj, sada sada main sharan tehari, tum ho consent to being converted to willrequirejusticehere,noteternalredemp- this temple is a monument to exclusion, a
and those in between. Curbs on the press, routinely calling journalists to the police station,
deepen the distrust.
garib nawaz (I seek protection in you, pro- something as banal and nasty tion. So we cannot emulate your maryada brute majoritarianism subordinating others.
tector of destitute souls)”. as the symbol of an ethnic (integrity). It was appropriate to you. No Look at the men, both political and spiritual,
While many leaders have been released since, the detention of former chief minister Today, those who waged war in your wonder your greatest devotees, who speak in your name, and the blood,
Mehbooba Mufti under the Public Safety Act has just been extended by three months and name will consecrate your temple at
nationalism? You redeemed Madhusudhan Saraswati, Tulsi, Gandhi, power and intimidation they have on their
many others continue to be in official and unofficial detention. The lockdown imposed on Ayodhya. They are describing this as the ul- your devotees, those you never felt they needed a temple to discover hands. Your name will be used to shore up
August 5 last year has segued into a second lockdown, induced by the COVID-19 pandemic. timate act of devotion to you, the ultimate wronged, but your opponents their morality. the coarsest forms of personalised power;
Even though 2G has been restored, the unavailability of high speed internet has made life obeisancetoyoursovereignty.Theyare,they as well. But this temple is a Perhaps we are consecrating a higher the entire liturgy is a display of the most cor-
say,reclaiminghallowedground,desecrated principle.“ShuddhaBrahmaParatparaRam” rupt of monarchical power, in a democratic
and work difficult, for businessmen who need to communicate with partners outside the
by barbarous invaders. They are describing monument to exclusion, a as the first line of Nama Ramayana goes — garb. I understand that so many of my fellow
state, for those applying for jobs and college seats, to those trying to download information brute majoritarianism
this as a cathartic overcoming of Hindu hu- the purest Brahmana. But that never needs a Hinduswillexperiencethisasagreatcathar-
on the pandemic. Students, too, have suffered. There is an air of uncertainty. Militancy con- miliation. They are describing this as a new subordinating others. Look at temple. The beautiful Shiva-Uma-Rama of sis, as the weight of history being lifted. But
tinues—localyoungmenareeasyrecruitsevenascross-borderinfiltrationhascomedown. renaissance for Ram Rajya. You will now be the Ramrahasya Upanishad cannot take the deep down we need to ask: How did we be-
the men, both political and
Except for the decision to make new domicile rules in keeping with the abrogation of the symbol of a community united in form of a singular representation. In conse- come so insecure that we need a cowardly
strength, full of a new found pride. It will be spiritual, who speak in your cratingyouatAyodhya,theywanttodislodge victory of razing down a monument to sati-
35A that defined “permanent residents”, and the delimitation exercise, the government
has appeared unclear on a roadmap ahead. It should be clear to it that the continuing po- said, secretly, this is restoring wholeness to a name, and the blood, power thedifferentformsinwhichyouresideinour ate out collective narcissism? And is this a
litical vacuum in the Valley can only cause damage. There is a limit to how much, or how
broken culture. and intimidation they have on inner citadel, one no invader has been able kind of insecuritythat is never satiated, it ex-
But I know I will not find you there. This to breach, and replace it with a new Teflon pands its circle until it colonises all senti-
long,panchayatsfromaflawedelectioncanbeproppedupinplaceof anelectedAssembly. their hands. Your name will be
is because what is being consecrated is a diety, manufactured by a political machine. ment? This temple is the first real colonisa-
Though the Election Commission took exception to his comments, Lieutenant Governor monumenttoaviolent,collectivenarcissism. used to shore up the coarsest So the temple is dangerous or unneces- tion of Hinduism by political power. I feel
GCMurmuwasrightinsayingthatelectionscouldfollowthecompletionof delimitation. You know a temple to you is dangerous or forms of personalised power; sary. You know this temple is founded on chained like never before.
The government must expedite the restoration of political processes in J&K. It must re- superfluous. Superfluous if we understand the entire liturgy is a display something akin to an act of terrorism, the You came to earth to lighten its load; this
your true meaning; dangerous if we arro- razing down of a mosque. You know this temple burdens us with evil. Like the last
lease Mehbooba Mufti and others who are still in detention. It must restore all freedoms
gantly emulate you. Valmiki described you
of the most corrupt of temple is not a product of piety, but retalia- genuine devotee of Ram in modern India,
guaranteedundertheConstitution,includingtherighttofreespeech,whichinthisdayand monarchical power, in a
in human form as “nara chandrama” (moon tion and revenge for an event centuries ago. Gandhi, we can only mourn in silence, as our
age, includes access to the Internet. Most importantly, it must set the stage for the people amongst men). Your greatest chronicler democratic garb. I understand Kings and invaders of years past must have garib nawaz forsakes us. Your radiant pres-
to elect their representatives. could see right through you. He had the razed many temples to the ground and they ence is gone. Only the oppressive yoke of
that so many of my fellow
moon’s blemishes in mind. You are admit- likelydestroyedatempleatAyodhyatoo.But zealotry remains.
tedly an epitome of sacrifice. You gave up a
Hindus will experience this as that is neither here nor there. History is a
kingdom, to honour an unjust promise of a great catharsis, as the weight slaughter housethatnodivinity of anystripe The writer is contributing editor,
A STEP AT A TIME your father. It is puzzling that our itihasa is of history being lifted. has been able to redeem. All we can do is The Indian Express
The Oxford vaccine has sparked much hope, but it’s too early to
pronounce victory against the coronavirus
Acaseinpointwastheneedlesshesitationfirst, anti-mosque or anti- The Ram temple movement has also cre- Council of Cultural Relations, and a
HEBCCIHASfinallybestirreditselfonanage-fraudincricketafterRahulDravid, and later, strong opposition from the then Muslims. ated consciousness about Hindu ethos. For Rajya Sabha MP of the BJP
involved as coach and mentor to successive batches of national junior teams,
saw the menace first-hand. The cricket board has come up with a voluntary
New Delhi
New Delhi
DEEPP, permanently.
Short EOI Notice No. 4 for FY 2020-21
of this year, TB
I ,Shiba Narayan Sahoo,S/o
Sanatan Sahoo,R/o
I, Gurpreet Kaur D/o Late
Nirmolak Singh R/o 1b, Sujan
It is notified for the information
PMRDA invites short term Emergency Expression of
Interest through offline tendering for
Procurement of Medical Equipments for 800 Bedded
notification drops
by 3.4 lakh cases
564,Akshardham Singh Park, Model Town,
Apartments,Sector 19,Pocket Sonipat, Haryana -131001
that my original qualifying Covid Hospital (600 Oxygenated beds+ 200 ICU beds)
examination certificate of at COEP ground, Shivajinagar, Pune
3,Dwarka,New Delhi-110075 inform that name of my father
Secondary School Examination The Expression of Interest (EOI) document can be
hereby declare that in the has been wrongly written in
of year 2011-2013 and roll no.
School records,CBSE records & educational document as downloaded from the website: www.pmrda.gov.in from 05 Dr Sachdeva said it was too
8150117 issued by CBSE has
Aadhar of my daughter Aditi Sardar Nirmolak Singh instead
been lost. Kartik Gupta R/o H-
August 2020 at 15.00 Hrs. onwards. ANURADHA earlytogeneraliseastohowmany
Sahoo, my name has been of Nirmolak Singh
19/165, Sector-7, Rohini, New Last date for offline submission of the proposal is 10 MASCARENHAS persons with TB may have been
wrongly written as Shiv 0040543794-1 August. 2020 upto 11.00 Hrs. Prebid meeting by VC link
Delhi-110085 PUNE,AUGUST4 missedduringlockdownmonths.
Narayan Sahoo. My real name (https://meet.google.com/prp-shfr-mhm) on 07 August,
is Shiba Narayan Sahoo. I, Deepika W/o Omanshu 0050167239-1
2020, at 15.00 Hrs. “Updateddataisawaited.Due
Sharma R/o 617, SF-2, Niti THERE HAS been a drop of 3.4 to the impact of the pandemic
0070710402-1 IT,is notified for the information
Khand-2, Indirapuram, Opening of Technical bid on 10 August 2020 at 12.00 Hrs.
that my,Original Qualifying lakh tuberculosis (TB) cases re- emergency and larger external
I Arti Bafna W/O-Rahul Ghaziabad UP-201014, have
Examination Marksheet Opening of Financial bid on 10 August 2020 at 15.00 Hrs.
Mahendra Bafna R/O-B- changed my name to Deepika Detail information and Changes if any shall be available on ported from January to June this environmentalfactors,weantici-
Certificate of,Class-10th, Year-
401,Ireo Victory-Valley Golf Sharma for all future purposes. www.pmrda.gov.in yearasagainstthesameperiodin pate a reduction, but it may be
2018, Roll.No.8239654 issued
Course-Extn.Road, Sector- 0040543818-1 by,CBSE has been-actually lost. (Sd/-) Vivek Kharwadkar, Chief Engineer 2019.Expertsattributethedecline prematuretoassessthequantum
67,Gurgaon Haryana- to the inability of TB patients to of decline in TB case findings.
122101,Have Changed my I, GROUSHARAN SINGH S/O Akarsh Nagpal s/o Vipin Pune Metropolitan Region Development, Authority, Pune
KASHMIRA SINGH, Nagpal R/o-F-371, Sarita Vihar, avail health services during the However, the notification/regis-
Name to Arti Rahul Bafna.
HNO.24,ABCHAL NAGAR, N.D. 0040543817-1 lockdown months and caution tration is likely to improve in the
NILOTHI EXTENSION, NANGLOI, thatTBcontrolprogrammesmust subsequent months once the sit-
I,Yogesh kumar S/o Arjun kumar DELHI-110041. CHANGED MY PUBLIC NOTICE preparethemselvesformajordif- uation normalises,” Dr Sachdeva
My client Davinder Pal Singh Bedi
thakur R/o-118-C, Pocket- NAME TO GURUSHARAN SINGH. (D.P.S. Bedi) S/o Late Shri. Baba ficulties ahead as a consequence told The Indian Express.
E,Dilshad Garden, Delhi-110095, Charan Singh Bedi R/o 11-B
have to Changed my Name
0040543846-1 Pocket C Phase 3 Ashok Vihar of the Covid-19 pandemic. In2019,theCentralTBdivision
from Yogesh kumar to Yogesh I, Chander Shaker s/o Vishwa Delhi- 110052, Declare That Late
Kailash Kaur and Late Kailash
Asagainstatotalof 12.50lakh couldreach24lakhTBpatients,as
thakur for all future purposes Nath R/o-D-73A, First-Floor, Bedi D/o Late Shri Baba Charan TB cases that were notified to the against an estimated 26.90 lakh
Panadav-Nagar, Delhi- Singh Bedi, R/o 11-B Pocket C
0040543793-2 Phase 3 Ashok Vihar Delhi- National TB Elimination patientsinthecountry.According
110092.have changed my name 110052 are the name of one and ProgrammefromJanuarytillJune toofficials,missingcaseshavere-
I, Vinod Krishnan Lalithambika to Chander Shekhar same person and both are his
s/o-Gopala Krisnan Nair R/o- Sharma,Permanently. sister’s name. in2019,thisyear,fromJanuarytill duced from 10 lakh (2017) to 2.9
FN-256, Pocket-7,DDA-Flat, ADVOCATE June, a total of 9.15 lakh TB cases lakh last year. Missing cases refer
Durga-Park,Nasirpur, Delhi- ENROLMENT NO. UP193/17
were notified. “TB notification to the difference between the es-
110045.have changed my name I, Anuj Sharma S/o Ghanshyam B.G.S BLOCK, TIS HAZARI rates have fallen across the coun- timatedcasesandthenumberre-
to Vinod Nair,Permanently. Sharma R/o D-565, Near Central COURT, DELHI 110054.
try,” Dr K S Sachdeva, deputy di- ported to the TB programme, as-
School Tagore Garden
Extension, Tagore Garden, rectorgeneralandheadofCentral suming an incidence of 199
I, Thomson,S/o Late.Sohan Rajouri Garden, Delhi-110027, TB Division, Union Ministry of cases/one lakh population as
Masihi,R/o-24-A/1093/1,FIRST- have changed my name to Health and Family Welfare, told statedintheIndiaTBreport2020.
FLOOR,REAR SIDE WARD.NO.1 Anuuj Sharrma The Indian Express. According to a report in the
St.JOHNS Church Compound- 0070710397-1 While each state has varying Indian Journal of Tuberculosis, in
Mehrauli,New Delhi-
110030.I,have changed my I, Ankush Vohra S/o Jatinder Pal TB burdens, almost all saw a dip India, weekly counts of reported
name,from Thomson to Vohra R/o J-1244, Palam Vihar, in notifications from the private cases dropped by 75 per cent in
Thomson Sohan Masihi,for Gurgaon, Haryana-122017, and government sector. For in- thethreeweeksfollowingthefirst
all,future proposes. have changed my minor stance,Gujaratreported82,817TB lockdown, compared to an aver-
daughter’s name from Saanj
0040543823-8 casenotificationsfromJanuaryto ageof45,875weeklycasesduring
Vohra aged 8 years to Khushee
I, Sunil Chauhan S/o Sultan A Vohra 0070710392-1 June in 2019. In the same period the previous weeks of 2020.
Singh Chauhan R/o 194, thisyear,thenumberofTBnotifi- Dr Zarir Udwadia, consultant
I, Anjuli Bahuguna w/o shri Ankit
Karehara, Mohan Nagar,
Singh R/O-House no.55,Sector-
cations was 64,141. Maharashtra pulmonologist at P D Hinduja
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh- reported 1,15,082 TB case notifi- Hospital and Medical Research
4,Chiranjeev Vihar
201007 Have Changed my
Ghaziabad(u.p.)201002, have cations from January to June in Centre,Mumbai,andotherexperts
Name to Sunil Dutt Chauhan.
changed my name to ANJULI 2019 but this year, the figure publishedanewreport,‘‘Covid-19
0070710408-1 SINGH. 0040543823-9 dippedto78,454TBnotifications. -Tuberculosisinteractions:When
I, Shivani Singh R/o 3 A/ 40 I, Aman Kumar S/o Anirudh Arya According to Central TB darkforcescollide’,intheJulyedi-
Nehru Nagar Ghaziabad Uttar R/o D-1, Hauz Khas, Delhi- Divisiondata,therewereatotalof tion of the Indian Journal of
Pradesh 201001 have changed 110016, have changed my name 52,766TBnotificationsinAndhra Tuberculosis.Itsaidthetworespi-
my minor daughter’s name to Aman Arya 0070710400-1
from Kaashvi Gautam to Pradesh from January till June in ratory epidemics – Covid 19
Shivanya Gautam for all I, Akshay Kumar S/o Anirudh 2019.Thisfellto33,781duringthe caused by the novel SARS CoV-2
Arya R/o D-1, Hauz Khas, Delhi-
purposes. 0040543795-1 sameperiodthisyear.TamilNadu virus and TB, are bound to collide
110016, have changed my name
I, Seema Goyal W/o Manoj Goyal to Akshay Arya reported 58,522 TB case notifica- andimpactoneanotheradversely.
R/o-E-3 New-Aashiyana tions from January till June last “Theimpactofanovelviralin-
Appatment, Plot-10,Sec-21D year, which dipped to 37,456 this fection, SARS-CoV-2, on an an-
Faridabad, Haryana,have I, Ajay Kumar Mittal S/o year.Therewere2,50,843TBcase cientbacterialdisease,tuberculo-
changed my name Seema Narender Kumar Mittal R/o DIPR/ARN-10799-10801
notifications sis, is likely to be devastating,” Dr
Gupta,for all purposes. 26/18, Block-26, Shakti Nagar,
Delhi-110007 changed my lastyearfrom Udwadia said. “TB is a challenge
name to Ajay Mittal January to for the entire health system,” Dr
I, Rudra Narayan,S/o Salik Ram
0070710406-1 June in UP, Sachdevaadmittedandsaidthey
R/o-757/1/16, prithvi Raj- which came have taken up several proactive
Nagar-II,New Delhi-11007,HAVE TANWAR H.NO-225, VILLAGE-
down to measureswiththeonsetofCovid.
changed my name to Rudra ANKHIR SECTOR-21D 1,74,543 this FULLREPORTON
Narayan Agrahari,FOR FARIDABAD HARYANA-121001 year. www.indianexpress.com
all,FUTURE purposes. have changed my name to
0040543823-7 ANKIT. 0040543823-6
New Delhi
If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to explained@indianexpress.com
Should you continue your SIP?
If you can, yes. Those in distress can consider reducing ticket sizes or the option to ‘pause’.
To build a corpus for contingencies, make fresh investments in debt funds
443,813 327,609 count of the drop in net asset value of MF
Mexico Colombia FALLING SIP CONTRIBUTIONS & TICKET SIZE units – and so, a rise in markets at a later date
433,100 would bring significant gains for investors.
Peru Month New SIPs Outstanding SIP Contributions Average ticket The priority, however, in current times
registered* no. of SIPs* (In ` crore) size of SIP (in Rs) should be to build at least six months' con-
2,750,318 1,855,745 Mar ’20 8.49 311.97 8,641 2,770 tingency funds that are sufficient to meet
India EMI expenses, school fees, and household
516,862 April ’20 7.50 314.07 8,376 2,667
362,962 South Africa
Chile May ’20 8.08 320.49 8,123 2,535
Sandeep Singh June ’20 9.13 323.48 7,917 2,447 What should you do with your existing
TOTAL CONFIRMED: 18,340,451 DEATH COUNT: 695,318 *SIP counts in lakh; Source: AMFI equity investments?
ACROSS SECTORS and industries, the Covid- Even as your cash flow constraints may
Source: Johns Hopkins University, updated at 11 pm on August 4. JHU’s India tally and 19 pandemic has resulted in salary cuts and In these times of uncertainty, whether to force you to close your incremental monthly
Health Ministry’s tally (below) may not match if these are accounted at different times. retrenchments, and there are concerns over continue with monthly mutual fund investments in equity schemes, one must
the stability of future incomes both for investments is the big question for many avoid liquidating those investments to meet
salaried and self employed individuals. expenses or other liabilities.
A method proposed for The fragility of the economy, dwindling
company revenues, and volatility in the
One must look at one’s investment port-
folio including fixed deposits, gold, tradi-
converting PPE into biofuels markets, along with the long, uncertain wait
for a medical solution to Covid-19 have
raised anxiety among individuals who want
tional insurance investment plans, debt mu-
tual fund investments, and investments in
small savings — and it is advisable to with-
PLASTICFROMusedper- effects to humankind to keep liquidity at hand to meet any future draw from one of them rather than pulling
sonal protective equip- andtheenvironmentbut contingency. the next five years. One needs to take a very ratio,” said Vishal Dhawan, founder and CEO out of equity schemes.
ment (PPE) can be trans- also produce a source of For many, the big dilemma is whether to pragmatic call. of Plan Ahead Wealth Advisors. Eventhoughtheyhavebouncedbacksig-
formed into renewable energy, the researchers continue with their monthly mutual fund An investor who is unsure about the sus- OtherthanstoppingtheirincrementalSIP nificantly,marketsarestilltrading around 12
liquid fuels, according to from The University of investments. tainability of her job, and foresees the possi- inflows,investorscanconsidertwootherop- per cent lower than the highs they had hit in
a new study in the jour- Petroleum and Energy bilityof afurthercutinhersalary,shouldlook tions: if they are concerned about their cash January 2020 — and many investors who
nalBiofuels,publishedby Studies said. Should you invest in the markets? towards building liquidity for current times flows for the next two to three months, they would have started their SIPs 2-3 years ago
the Taylor & Francis PAPER The researchers call Even as the fall in markets has opened a — and equity assets do not fit the bill. caneithergoforathree-monthpauseoption may still find their capital in the negative.
Group. The research de-
verting billions of items
CLIP for PPE waste to be con-
verted into fuel using
window of opportunity for investors to in-
ful about which stock to pick. This makes
Should you continue with your SIPs?
A fall in equity markets on account of any
with their mutual funds, where the money
months — or, they may go for the option of
For example, if aninvestor started her SIP
in a scheme tracking the BSE Sensex and in-
vested towards the end of every month over
of disposable PPE from NEW RESEARCH pyrolysis. This breaks mutual funds the preferred mode when it adverseglobalordomestic event,amidstthe reducing the ticket size of the SIP. So, one can the last two years, her average cost of invest-
its plastic state into bio- downplasticathightem- comes to taking equity exposure. But the ongoingpandemic mayjustmakeitunfeasi- reduce the SIP amount from Rs 10,000 a ment would be higher than the current re-
fuels.Thetransformation perature–between300- question that arises is: should you invest in ble for an investor to withdraw from her eq- month to say, Rs 5,000 a month, or a lower demption value, and she may thus incur a
into biocrude, a type of synthetic fuel, 400°C for an hour – without oxygen. equities at all in these times? uity portfolio, as that would mean booking sustainable amount. While this will reduce loss on her capital investment.
will not just prevent the severe after- Source: Taylor & Francis Group There can’t be one answer for all, espe- losses on capital investment. the monthly outgo, it will also ensure that It is important to remember that equity
ciallyatthis time. While thosewho havecer- Since these are times to build liquid re- you continue to derive some benefit from SIPswillworkforyouif investmentsaredisci-
tainty of income can not only continue with serves, one advice is for wary investors to lower net asset values on account of the fall plinedandredemptionsareplanned.Sobook
INDIA COUNT: 18,55,745 (38,938 DEATHS) their existing investments but also look to
increase them (as the expenditure compo-
move their SIPs from the equity to the debt
in markets. yourprofitswhenthemarketsareatahigh,or
when your financial goal has been achieved.
REST OF INDIA nentwouldhavecomedown),forothers,the “Since investors may be looking to pro- What should the less impacted ones do? It is for times like these that investors are
TOP 10 STATES AndamanandNicobarIslands 830
ArunachalPradesh 1758
situation is tricky. tect the capital and maintain liquidity, they Individuals who are not too constrained advised to have a diversified portfolio across
With uncertainty all around — from re- can move their systematic investment plans on the income front, and who have seen asset classes — equities, fixed deposits, gold,
Assam 45,275
97,362 UP Chandigarh 1159
covery in the economy to the sustainability from equities to debt funds. As the idea is to their disposable incomes rise on account of debt mutual funds, small saving schemes —
1,38,482 Chhattisgarh 9779 of jobs or salary levels — the risks associated buildcontingencyprovisions,thebestsuited the fall in monthly expenses, may not only and not put all their eggs in one basket. It is
Delhi 59,328 Dadra&NH/Daman&Diu 1274 withequitieshaveonlygoneup.Thefactthat wouldbeultrashort-termfundsandlowdu- continue with their existing equity SIPs, but also important to seek the advice of a certi-
Bihar Goa 6816 equity investments are meant for at least ration funds. Within that, rather than track- may even look to direct their additional sav- fied financial advisor.
Haryana 37,173
HimachalPradesh 2818 three to five years, means investors should ingpastperformance,investorsshouldgofor ings into equities.
JammuandKashmir 22,006 park only that component of their income schemes that have the highest exposure to An investment in current times may NEXT: SHOULD YOU DIP INTO YOUR EPF
Jharkhand 13,478 into equities, which they may not require for AAA rated papers, and have a lower expense mean a higher accumulation of units on ac- RESERVES?
Kerala 26,873
78,232 Ladakh 1485
How Covid-19 has helped the groundnut stage a comeback and the highest since the record 97.14 lt of sumption or exported, leaving little for oil One reason, of course, is prices expected in-shell. Yields of the fibre crop have actu-
2013-14. Yet, it is currently trading in
Rajkot’s wholesale market at Rs 5,300- INDIA’S EDIBLE OIL extraction. That makes it more of a dry fruit
thanan oilseed. B V Mehta, executive direc-
to remain firm, supported by rising home
ally fallen in the last 5-6 years due to re-
peated pink bollworm attacks.
5,400perquintal,asagainstRs 4,900-5,000 CONSUMPTION (LAKH TONNES) tor of the Solvent Extractors’ Association of export demand for the kernels. SOMA’s Whathasreallytiltedthebalance,ontop
AS THE novel coronavirus has forced a year ago and the government’s minimum Palm 90 India(SEA), estimatesannualgroundnut oil Sameer Shah is confident that domestic of the above, is prices. These, in the case of
Indians to eat more home-cooked food — support price (MSP) of Rs 5,275. The oil is consumption at 4 lt, which is hardly 2% of groundnut oil rates will not fall way below groundnut,hitarecordRs6,000/quintalearly
Soyabean 40
eateries haven’t fully reopened, while the also fetching around Rs 130/kg, up from Rs the country’s edible oil demand and below the present levels of Rs 2,000 per 15-kg tin. thisyear,overtakingtheaverageRs5,000lev-
ban on weddings and social functions re- 105-110 last year at this time. Sunflower 25 even other indigenous oils such as cotton- But prices apart, there are also the com- els for kapas. Regular MSP-based procure-
mains — it is also showing up in the pattern “Groundnut oil prices had been rallying Mustard 25 seed and rice bran (see table). parative returns vis-à-vis other crops. In ment by government agencies has further
of edible oil consumption. since early this year in line with other veg- Cottonseed 10 That situation could, however, change Saurashtra, where the major groundnut- boosted farmers’ confidence to plant. The
On the one hand, imports of palm oil — etable oils. But unlike, say, palm oil, its con- Rice Bran 9 thisyearwithfarmerssubstantiallyexpand- cultivating districts are Rajkot, Junagadh, NationalAgriculturalCooperativeMarketing
thepredominantfryingmediumusedbyho- sumption and prices have remained steady ingtheareasownundergroundnut.Acreage Jamnagar and Devbhoomi Dwarka, the Federationof IndiaorNafedprocured2.16lt
Groundnut 4
tels,restaurants/dhabas,canteensandcater- even post lockdown. In Gujarat especially, under the oilseed in the ongoing kharif competing crop is basically cotton. of theoilseedfromGujaratalonein2016-17,
ers aswellas namkeen and mithai makers— people had to switch entirely to eating at Coconut 4 planting season has already touched 45.45 Saurashtrafarmersthistimehavesownjust whichroseto8.28lt,4.25ltand5ltinthefol-
havefallenbyalmost40%year-on-yeardur- home and they chose groundnut oil, which Total* 225 lakh hectares (lh), up from last year’s corre- 14.87 lh area under cotton, as against the lowing three cropping years.
ingApril-June.Ontheother,oilsdirectlyused is their traditional cooking medium,” says sponding 30.54 lh. The coverage in Gujarat, 16.50 lh under groundnut. The latter has Gujaratis,incidentally,alsothecountry’s
in home kitchens — whether soyabean and Sameer Shah, president of the Jamnagar- Imported 150 at 20.38 lh, is an all-time-high, way above clearly gained at the former’s expense. largestcottonproducer.Butprocurementof
sunflower or indigenous mustard, ground- based Saurashtra Oil Mills Association Domestic 75 the normal planted area of 15.18 lh and sur- Forfarmers,groundnutcanbeharvested kapas through the Cotton Corporation of
nut,coconutandsesame—havereportedno (SOMA). *Includes sesame, safflower, maize and passing the previous best of 19.72 lh for the in 90-110 days by October-November, India hasn’t been on the scale of groundnut
decline, if not increase, in consumption. But it’s not just oil. tree-borne oils. crop in 2002-03. The other states to have whereas a full cotton crop cycle can take up purchases undertaken by Nafed.
Anequallysignificantfactorthatiskeep- recorded a surge in plantings so far are to 180 days over 3-4 pickings. The shorter If the monsoon remains normal —
The groundnut rally ing groundnut prices firm is exports. In AndhraPradesh(from2.43lhto6.78lh)and durationgivestheflexibilitytoplantwheat, Saurashtra,AndhraPradesh, Karnatakaand
One example of “consumer-facing”, as 2019-20(April-March),Indiaexported6.64 An interesting fact about groundnut is Rajasthan (5.26 lh to 7.06 lh). These figures chana(chickpea),jeera(cumin)orcoriander Tamil Nadu have received excellent rains –
opposedto“institution-consumed”,oilsfar- lt of groundnuts – both kernels and in-shell that its importance as an oil source has di- are likely to go further in the coming days. during the rabi winter-spring season. Not and there is no damage from pests and dis-
ing well in lockdown/unlockdown India is — valued at Rs 5,096.38 crore, compared to minished vastly in recent times. Till the only are groundnut cultivation costs lower, eases (white grub insect, leaf spot and rust
groundnut. According to the Union 4.89 lt worth Rs 3,298.33crore theprevious mid-seventies, groundnut accounted for Behind the comeback their stems are very good fodder for cattle fungi, etc), a record groundnut crop is in the
Agriculture Ministry, production of this fiscal. These shipments were mainly to over 50% of India’s edible oil consumption. So,whataccountsforthiscomeback,es- and buffaloes. Yields per hectare, at 10-20 offing. And that, according to SEA president
oilseed in 2019-20, at 93.47 lakh tonnes (lt), Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, But today, more than half of the country’s pecially in Gujarat where the crop is mainly quintals,aremoreorlesssimilarbothforka- Atul Chaturvedi, could also restore its sta-
was more than the previous year’s 67.27 lt Thailand and China. groundnut kernels are used for table con- grown in the Saurashtra region? pas(rawun-ginnedcotton)andgroundnut- tus as an oilseed and not just dry fruit.
New Delhi
10deathsreported,hundredstakentohospitals;Lebanonministersaysblastoccurredatsitewhereexplosiveswerestored schoolinGazaCityissanitised
onTuesdayaheadof the
Martina Brostrom was REUTERS & AP Blast stirs up resumptionof classes. Reuters
a policy adviser at
UNAIDS. Reuters
BEIRUT, AUGUST 4 memories of war UN chief: Covid
A MASSIVE explosion rocked in a city that has
downtown Beirut on Tuesday, created largest
UNITED NATIONS flattening much of the port, seen relative
UNstaffersays damaging buildings and blow-
ing out windows and doors as a calm recently
disruption of
sackedfor giant mushroom cloud rose education ever
reportingabuse above the capital.
Themostpowerfulexplosion NEW YORK TIMES
A POLICY adviser fired by to hit Beirut in years shook the AUGUST 4 YOSHITA SINGH
the UN agency fighting ground, leaving some residents UNITED NATIONS, AUGUST 4
AIDS is appealing her dis- thinking an earthquake had BEIRUT SUFFERED more than its
missal for misconduct, struck. Dazed and weeping, share of explosions — car bomb- THECOVID-19pandemichascre-
saying she was actually some of them wounded, people ings, shelling and airstrikes — ated the largest disruption of ed-
sacked for reporting that walkedthroughstreetschecking during a prolonged civil war and ucationinhistory,affectingnearly
she had been sexually as- to see if relatives were hurt. fighting between Israel and the 1.6billionstudentsinallcountries
saulted by a senior col- The blast occurred in the militant group Hezbollah. andcontinents,withanadditional
league, her appeal docu- city’s port area. Lebanon’s inte- But if the latest explosions 23.8millionchildrenindangerof
ments show. Martina riorministersaidinitialinforma- were found to have been caused dropping out or losing access to
Brostrom, from Sweden, tion indicated highly explosive intentionally,theywouldshatter school next year due to the pan-
wasfiredforsexualandfi- material, seized years ago, that a prolonged stretch of relative demic’seconomicimpact,theUN
nancial misconduct in hadbeenstoredtherehadblown calm in the Lebanese capital. SecretaryGeneral’spolicybriefon
December. Her appeal, up. Lebanon-based broadcaster Less than a week ago, Israel education said.
whichshesaidwassentin Mayadeen cited the country’s said it had thwarted a raid by a “Education is the key to per-
ApriltotheGlobalBoardof customs director saying tonnes After the blast in Beirut, Lebanon, on Tuesday. Reuters “terroristsquad”fromHezbollah, sonaldevelopmentandthefuture
AppealoftheWHO,which of nitrate exploded. the Shia group that is part of of societies. It unlocks opportuni-
oversees UNAIDS, has not Footage of the explosion Lebanon’s government, in a dis- ties and narrows inequalities. It is
been made public but shared by residents on social Lebanese President Michel It was not immediately clear again if it felt it was necessary. peared” after the explosion. putedborderarea.Israeliofficials the bedrock of informed, tolerant
Reuters has reviewed it. mediainitiallyshowedacolumn Aoun called for an emergency what caused the blaze that set ButlateTuesday,theIsraeliof- “Isawafireballandsmokebil- said there was an exchange of societies, and a primary driver of
Then UNAIDS Deputy of smoke rising from the port meeting of the country’s off the blast. ficial said Israel was not involved lowing over Beirut. People were gunfire,whichHezbollahdenied. sustainable development. The
Executive Director Luiz district followed by an enor- Supreme Defence Council, ac- in the Beirut explosion. He spoke screamingandrunning,bleeding. Israeli military officials say Covid-19pandemichasledtothe
Loures denies her accusa- mous blast that sent a ball of cording to the presidency’s Israel denies role on condition of anonymity be- Balconies were blown off build- Hezbollah has planted many largest disruption of education
tionthathegropedherina whitesmokeandfireballintothe Twitter account. Prime Minister AnIsraeligovernmentofficial causehewasnotauthorizedtodis- ings. Glass in high-rise buildings rocketsinsouthernLebanonthat ever,” Secretary General Antonio
hotel elevator in Thailand sky. Those filming the incident Hassan Diab called for a day of said Israel “had nothing to do” cussthematterwiththemedia. shattered and fell to the street,” could threaten northern Israel. Guterressaidinavideostatement
in 2015 and tried to drag from high buildings in other ar- mourning on Wednesday. with the blast. InternalSecurityChief Abbas said a Reuters witness. But In recent years, Hezbollah launching his policy brief on
her towards his room. easof thecitywerethrownback- Theexplosionoccurredthree Israel and Lebanon’s Ibrahim, touring the port area, Residents said glass was bro- hasrefrainedfromkillingIsraelis ‘EducationandCOVID19’ Tuesday.
wards by the shock. days before a UN-backed court Hezbollahmilitantgrouparebit- said he would not pre-empt in- ken in houses from Raouche, on while Israel has largely avoided He said that in mid-July,
At least 10 bodies were taken is due to deliver a verdict in the ter enemies, and tensions have vestigations. the Mediterranean city’s west- killing Hezbollah fighters in schoolswereclosedinmorethan
to hospitals, a security source trial of four suspects from the been high following a series of ern tip, to Rabieh 10 km to the Syria, where they are fighting on 160countries,affectingover1bil-
USA and a medical source told Shi’ite group Hezbollah over a recent clashes. Earlier Tuesday, ‘Fireball’ east. For a long time after the the Syrian government’s side. lion students and at least 40 mil-
Indian-origin Reuters. The Lebanese Red Cross
said hundreds of people were
2005 bombing which killed for-
mer prime minister Rafik al-
Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu warned Hezbollah
The governor of Beirut port
toldSkyNewsthatateamof fire-
across the city and helicopters
sought to avoid a war that could
lion children worldwide have
missed out on education in their
researcherkilled taken to hospitals for treatment. Hariri and 21 other people. Israelwouldnothesitatetostrike fighters at the scene had “disap- hovered above. devastate Lebanon and Israel. critical pre-school year. PTI
A 43-YEAR-OLD Indian-
originresearcherintheUS N Korea has ‘probably’ China says will retaliate
developed nuclear if US doesn’t stop ‘hostile
was killed while she was
have initiated a homicide
media reports. According devices to fit ballistic action’ against journalists
missiles: UN report
to the police, Sarmistha mistake and stop its actions.”
Sen, who was based in YEW LUN TIAN & “If the US persists, China will
Plano, Texas, was ran- BRENDA GOH takeanecessaryandlegitimatere-
domlyattackedandkilled BEIJING, SHANGHAI, AUGUST 4 sponsetosafeguarditsrights,”he
while joggingonAugust1 said.Wangdidnotsayhowmany
near the Chisholm Trail MICHELLE NICHOLS CHINAVOWEDonTuesdaytore- Chinesejournalistswereaffected
Park. Her body was found UNITED NATIONS, AUGUST 4 taliate if the United States per- or what retaliation China might
lyinginthecreek-areanear sistedwith“hostileaction”against consider,buttheeditorof China’s
Legacy Drive by a passer- NORTH KOREA is pressing on Chinese journalists who may be GlobalTimesnewspapersaidear-
by, according to a report. with its nuclear weapons pro- forced to leave in coming days if lier US journalists based in Hong
According to gram and several countries be- Fundingnukes their US visas are not extended. Kong would be among those tar-
Dallasnews.com,aperson lieve it has “probably developed despitesanctions Chinese foreign ministry geted should Chinese journalists
of interest in the case has miniaturized nuclear devices to spokesman Wang Wenbin told be forced to leave the US.
been arrested on a bur- fit intothe warheadsof its ballis- reportersatadailybriefingthatno “Chinesesidehaspreparedfor
glary charge. PTI tic missiles,” according to a con- THE UN Security Council Chinese journalist in the United theworstscenariothatallChinese
fidential UN report.
has gradually increased the
severity of the sanctions on HURRICANE ISAIAS MAKES LANDFALL Stateshadbeengrantedavisaex-
on Twitter. “If that’s the case,
New Delhi
SENSEX: 37,687.91 ▲ 748.31 NIFTY: 11,095.25 ▲ 203.65 NIKKEI: 22,573.66 ▲ 378.28 HANG SENG: 24,946.63 ▲ 488.50 FTSE: 6,044.18 ▲ 11.33 DAX: 12,582.47 ▼ 64.51
International market data till 1900 IST
RBI nod to Jagdishan as HDFC Bank
‘Worstlikelyoverasindicatorsshowimprovement’ goods,consumptionofpetroleum forecast of a normal monsoon at termsoftradehasmovedinfavour
MD & CEO; Puri set to retire in Oct
ENSECONOMICBUREAU The report said productsandmotorvehicleregis- 102 per cent of long-period aver- of agriculture and has reinforced GEORGEMATHEW From bylanes
NEWDELHI,AUGUST4 trationamongothers,” age(LPA),agriculture,whichcon- ruraldemand.Thishasmanifested &SANDEEPSINGH
agriculture is set to
The report, however, noted tributes about 15 per cent of total in an increase in rural core infla- MUMBAI/NEWDELHI,AUGUST4 of Matunga
cushion the shock of
THE WORST for the Indian econ-
omyseemstobeover,withseveral the COVID pandemic on
subsequent intermittent lock-
gross value added, is set to cush-
iontheshockof COVIDpandemic
tion between March and June
2020. As a result, the push for THERESERVEBankof India(RBI)
to CEO’s chair
economic indicators pointing to- downs make the recovery on the Indian economy in 2020- growthincomingmonthsappears hasapprovedtheselectionof“in- Mumbai: Mumbai-born
wards a resurgence in economic
the economy in 2020-21 prospects fragile and called for 21,”itsaid. tobepitchedinruralIndia,”itsaid. sider”SashidharJagdishanasthe Sashi Jagdishan, as he’s
activity, even as risks on account constant and dynamic monitor- Timely and proactive exemp- Contractioninindustrialactiv- managing director and chief ex- Sashidhar Jagdishan. known to friends and col-
ofrisingCOVID-19casesandinter- of Economic Affairs said in its ing. A senior government official tions from COVID-induced lock- ity,measuredbyIIPandeightcore ecutive officer of HDFC Bank, leagues, was brought up in
mittent state lockdowns remain, monthlyeconomicreportforJuly. saidstate-specificlockdownswere downstothesectorfacilitatedun- industries, has eased in May as India’slargestprivatesectorbank. A chartered accountant with thequietbylanesofMatunga.
theFinanceMinistrysaidinitslat- “TheseincludeIndexof Industrial hitting the supply chain and the interruptedharvestingofrabicrops compared to April, while signs of Jagdishan was the first name Master’s degree in Economics of While he spent most of his
esteconomicreviewonTuesday. Production (IIP), Purchasing value chain, bringing an element and enhanced sowing of kharif further recovery were witnessed inalistofthreecandidatessentby Money, Banking & Finance from school days in the city, he
With India unlocking, the ManagersIndex(PMI),powergen- ofunpredictabilityineconomicre- crops, it said, adding a record pro- inJunewithIndia’sManufacturing the bank’s board to the RBI for its theUniversityof Sheffield,UK,he loved rushing back to his
worstseemstobeoverashigh-fre- eration,productionofsteelandce- vival. Pinning hopes on the farm curement of wheat has enabled a PMI improving from 30.8 in May final approval. He had the strong wasappointedchieffinancialoffi- grandfather’s house in mid-
quency indicators show an im- ment,railwayfreight,trafficatma- sector, the report said, agriculture flowofaboutRs75,000croretothe 2020 to 47.2 in June 2020. backing of retiring MD and CEO cerin2008andcurrentlyheisthe townChennaieverytimethe
provement from the unprece- jor ports, air cargo and passenger is set to cushion the shock of the farmers which will boost private Contractioninoutputandnewor- Aditya Puri, sources said. Kaizad groupheadoffinance,humanre- schoolclosedforvacation.
dented trough the economy had traffic, e-way bill generation cap- COVID pandemic on the Indian consumptioninruralareas. ders were at much lower in June, Bharucha, executive director and sources,legal&secretarial,admin- In his free time, Sashi en-
hit in April 2020, the Department turing inter-state movement of economy in 2020-21. “With the “Since September 2019, the comparedtoAprilandMay. head of wholesale banking at istration,infrastructure,corporate joyscookingandlovesexper-
HDFC Bank, was the next choice communications,corporatesocial imenting in the kitchen.
and Sunil Garg, global CEO of Citi responsibility & the strategic ‘Thayirshadam’orthestaple
COVID vaccine makers Serum Institute to start late-stage human trials Commercial Bank, was third.
“A meeting of the board of di-
change agent of the bank.
Every weekend is his turn to
seek more govt support, for Oxford vaccine within a week: ICMR DG rectors of the bank will be con-
vened in due course to approve
the CEO and the business heads
over the last two years and has
cook for family and friends.
He also enjoys listening to
to develop an effective immune ondphaseofclinicaltestingforits the appointment of Jagdishan as been the strategist and execu- bothHindustaniandCarnatic
ticipationintheCOVID-19Vaccine SERUMINSTITUTEof India(SII)is theeffectiveness.Thethirdphase The Central Drugs Standard October26,2020,”itsaidinanex- bankhastakeninlasttwodecades ingdirectlywithPurioverthelast
PRABHARAGHAVAN Global Access (COVAX) mecha- expected to begin late-stage hu- looksintotheseaspectsinamuch ControlOrganisationlateSunday change filing. andremainanexampleandenvy couple of years and has been
NEWDELHI,AUGUST4 nism, there have been no “pull man clinical trials of the Oxford largerpopulationthatwouldrep- approvedSII’sapplicationtocon- “I’m humbled by this. I fully of every single banker in India,” travellingwithhim.Somefeelhe
mechanisms” to assuage Indian COVID-19vaccinecandidatehere resent a wider demographic. ducttrialsoftheOxfordcandidate, recognise that Puri’s are huge saidRaamdeoAgrawal,chairman, was being groomed for the role
LACK OF clarity on India’s com- companiesthatmostlyhavecan- “within a week” after ethics ap- The SII vaccine, which is to whichithasbranded‘Covishield’. shoestofill.ButI’mconfidentthat Motilal Oswal Financial Services. for which the RBI has finally
mitment to purchase COVID-19 didates in pre-clinical stages of provals,IndianCouncilofMedical conduct phase II/III clinical trials SII, the world’s largest vaccine withthesupportofmycolleagues, Known to be strong at execu- picked him.
vaccines is creating a challenging testing,accordingtotheindustry. Research(ICMR)DirectorGeneral ataround17sites,willdoso“grad- maker,hasatie-upwithSwedish- theboard,otherstakeholders,and tion, people who have worked Theappointmentofaninsider
environment for those develop- “TheCOVAXfacilityisoneway DrBalramBhargavasaidTuesday. ually,asthesitescleartheir(ethics BritishpharmagiantAstraZeneca, indeed God’s grace, I’ll be able to withhimsaythat“hecangetinto has come as a breather to em-
ingthemhere,accordingtosome where they’re kind of trying to BharatBiotechandZydusCad- committee applications),” said that developed the vaccine with live up to the faith that Puri, the amazing level of detailing and is ployees,whofeelthatJagdishan’s
of India’s top vaccine makers. give you demand certainty but ila, which have been conducting Bhargavaduringamediabriefing. the University of Oxford, to man- board, and the regulator have re- very methodical about his ap- appointment will lead to a
Apart from issues with funding, that (type of action) hasn’t been early-stage testing of their candi- BharatBiotechhascompleted ufactureitforlow-andmiddle-in- posed in me,” Jagdishan said. proach when it comes to execut- “smoothtransitionandputatrest
ambiguity regarding the param- forthcoming from our own gov- dates Covaxin and ZyCov-D over itsphaseIstudiesforitsinactivat- come nations. The vaccine is al- Reclusive and media-shy, ing any task assigned to him.” any anxiety among the employ-
eters that these vaccines have to ernment, which is a bit disap- the last 20 days, are also starting edvirusvaccinecandidateat11of readybeingtestedinSouthAfrica, Jagdishanisseenashardworking, While the finance division of ees’hadoverthenextleader,”said
measureuptoherehavealsobeen pointing ...,” said Datla. second phase trials, he added. 12sitesandbegunitsphaseIIstu- the UK and Brazil, where partici- methodical,meticulousandstick- the bank reported to former an official with the bank, adding
flagged as a challenge. “We don’t see any pull mech- Each stage of a vaccine’s clini- dy, the ICMR DG said. Similarly, pantsarebeingadministeredtwo ler for discipline, who reaches of- deputy MD of the bank Paresh thatheisknowntobeasoft-spo-
“Most manufacturers sitting anism because each of us as of cal trial tests its safety and ability Zydus has embarked on the sec- doses nearly a month apart. fice by 8 am. Sukthankar, he has been work- ken people’s man.
at this table ... we’re doing this at nowaretryingtospendfromour
risk,”saidMahimaDatla,manag- own pockets not even knowing
a panel discussion on vaccines
how much of this is going to be
taken up later. There has to be Sensex snaps 4-day losing OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT
moderated by Telangana IT and
Industries Minister KT Rama Rao
some mechanism which would
help us ...,” Dr K Anand Kumar,
streak with 748-point jump F.5O/E&M/CAMC/lifts/2020/424
Notice Inviting Bid
Bid for Rate Contract for annual operations and comprehensive maintenance Various lifts for two years at
SMS hospital Jaipur of Procurement are invited from interested bidders up to 5 PM (time) 24/8/2020 (date)
tle clarity on the Centre’s interest Dr Krishna Ella, CMD, Bharat Geojit Financial Services, said, other particulars of the bid may be visited on the procurement portal (htt://eproc.rajasthan.Gov.in
inpurchasingCOVID-19vaccines Biotech, said an environment to ENSECONOMICBUREAU “Benchmark indices ended the http://sppp.raj.nic.in) of the state.
UBN MCJ 2021 SLRC 00036
developed by firms like hers, and boost development of COVID-19 MUMBAI,AUGUST4 day with gains with positivity Sd/-
Medical Superintendent
thereisn’tenoughfundingtoback vaccines is not as robust because emergingposttheRBIdecisionto DIPR/C/5979/2020 SMS Hospital Jaipur
the risk the industry is taking by different government bodies are BULLS MADE a strong comeback approve the new CEO for HDFC
working on these new products working in silos, adding “There’s after four consecutive days of Bank. Private banks and RIL sup-
Countries like the US and UK somestrategydiscussionmissing, profit-booking and helped the ported gains in benchmark in-
have not only inked purchase leadership is missing in Delhi.” benchmark indices gain nearly dices. Global cues were also
agreementsworthbillionsofdol- Therearealsoregulatorychal- two per cent on Tuesday. The mostly positive, and aided the
lars for vaccine candidates cur- lenges like a lack of clear guide- Sensex rallied 748 points to marketsfollowingbetterUSman-
rentlyinlatestagehumanclinical lines for COVID-19 vaccines, in- 37,687.91 and the Nifty50 gained ufacturing data.”
trials, some have also funded re- cludingwhattheirlevelofefficacy 204 points to 11,095.25 amid The broader markets too wit-
search and development for po- should be. According to Datla, strong buying support aided by nessed healthy buying interest
tential vaccine candidates. Indiaisstillintheprocessofdraft- strong global cues. and ended with decent gains of
Here, save for a potential par- ing its own guidelines. Vinod Nair, head of research, 1-1.3 per cent.
ofpolicies:Irdai Returns(ITRs)inassessmentyear
2018-19 after rising to 0.55 per
2016-17 (32.15 lakh ITRs filed). In
AY 2018-19, the scrutiny percent-
Work Description (Rs.) Document
Date and time of
Opening of bids
NewDelhi:RegulatorIrdaion centintheassessmentyear2017- inAY2017-18,thencamedownin agecamedownto0.30percentof TPDDL/ENGG/ENQ/200001230/20-21 1.06 Cr./ 05.08.2020 26.08.2020;1600 Hrs/
For Supply Installation, Testing and 2.25 Lacs 11:00 Hrs 26.08.2020;1630 Hrs
Tuesday allowed life insur- 18, the year of demonetisation, the subsequent year. Also, as ITRs 40.72lakhITRsfiled. Commissioning of Power Quality Meter
ers to issue life insurance data tweeted by the Finance filed increased in AY 2018-19, the Scrutiny percentage for TPDDL/ENGG/ENQ/200001231/20-21
policies electronically. MinistryonTuesdayshowed. scrutiny percentage decreased Gujaratreducedto0.23percentin Rfx. 5000001803 18.17 Cr./ 05.08.2020 26.08.2020;1630 Hrs/
The percentage of ITRs se- acrossthestates. AY2018-19fromAY0.44percent, Rate Contract for Supply of 33KV 15 Lacs 11:00 Hrs 26.08.2020;1700 Hrs
3Cx400 Sq.mm XLPE Cables for the
3senior-level lected for scrutiny had stood at
0.40 per cent in AY 2016-17 and
State-wise data showed that
Telangana’s scrutiny percentage
for Delhi to 0.52 per cent in AY
2018-19 from 0.81 per cent in AY
period of one year.
expand gas distribution infra-
Applications are invited in “Two Tender Document
FordMotorCEO NEWDELHI,AUGUST4 raphies as well as market both
compressed natural gas (CNG)
System” as per the K.T.P.P. Act, 1999 and KTTP Rules,
2000 through e-procurement process of Government
Bengaluru: Ford Motor CITYGASdistribution(CGD)com- and piped natural gas (PNG) in
of Karnataka (www.eproc.karnataka.gov.in) for
Tuesday said its COO Jim paniesmaysoonfacecompetition these areas. The Centre had deci- GOLD PRICES Tuesday surged to
procurement of the following material required to
Farley will succeed Jim from third parties, dedtograntexclusiv- the psychologically important
Hackett as CEO and presi- with the Petroleum itytoCGDcompanies level of $2,000 an ounce after the KSRP Battalions. (1) Tender No.: STS-1/09/ADGP/
dentonOctober1. REUTERS and Natural Gas toincentivisethemto US Senate’s top Democrat said a KSRP/2020-21. Brief Description of Tender:
Regulatory Board invest in infrastruc- new round of coronavirus relief Regarding procurement of 250 Nos. of Anti Riot
New Delhi
After many thoughts I have decided not to play this year’s
US Open. The situation is very complicated worldwide, the
Covid-19 cases are increasing, it looks like we still don’t have
control of it.
For a seat at the high table Age fraud: Why the process
of verification is complex
Babar Azam’s scores in England will determine if he can be a modern great
identical twins, on multiple occasions,” says
Stokes’s fitness SHAHID JUDGE
These tests become redundant after the
New Delhi