Elp Finals Reviewer

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What is listening?
Listening is a continuing process that includes only perception but also interpretation,
assimilation, association, and reaction.
Hearing- Physiological capacity to receive and process.
Listening- Assigning meaning to the stimuli received by the brain.
Components of listening:
 Volition
 Focused Attention
 Perception
 Capacity to interpret messages and meanings of the others
 Remembering
 Response
 Human Being
Requisites for Good Listening:
 The listener must know the purpose for listening
 The listener must understand and interpret symbols used by the speaker
 The listener must put himself in the place of the speaker
 The listener must concentrate while listening
 The listener must be open minded
 The listener must be courteous while listening
 The listener must be able to play the role of the speaker
Factors that Affect Listening:
 The Physical and Mental State
 Prejudices
 Environment
Etiquette Guidelines to be a Great Audience Member:
 Respect
 Create a supportive and focused atmosphere
 Avoid activities that will distract the presentation
 Make sure that you put your gadgets in a silent mode
 Feel free to ask questions after the presentation
 Enjoy your self
Announcements- are short functional texts either spoken or written using formal words that
contain information about an event.
Instruction- are detailed information about how something is done or operated.
Genetic Structure of Announcement:
 Purpose: What event will be held
 Date: When the event will be held
 Venue: Where the event will be held
 Informing Sender: The name of the person who will contacted
Genetic Structure of Instruction:
 Context: Give instruction that meet the needs of your audience
 Purpose: What is the end goal
 Content: The information shared
 Order: Step by step to follow
 Feedback: Allowing the reader to clarify steps haven’t understood
Tips for Listening Effectively to Announcements and Instructions:
 Have focused attention
 Ask questions
 Do not interrupt
 Take a brief note


Levels of Reading Comprehension
1. Literal- understanding the ideas or facts stated in the selection.
 This is also known as reading the lines
 It involves getting answers to questions like who, what, when, and where
 It requires ability of the reader to remember ideas and information that are directly stated
in the material readings
Reading skills at the literal level:
1. Identifying and remembering significant ideas or facts.
2. Following accurately specific written or printed instructions.
3. Following the sequence of ideas.

2. Inferential Level- understanding of facts not directly stated in the materials read.
 Answer questions like why and how often fall under this level
 It entails ability of the reader to extract ideas and information not directly stated in the
material using the reader’s background knowledge
 Interpret available information as objectives as you can
Example: Marites slammed the front door upon entering the house, ran upstairs and threw his
books on the bedroom floor.
 Inference can be categorized as assumptions, conclusions, and predictions
 Assumptions: statement which are accepted as true, and which do not need to be tested
 Predictions: statements about future behavior or action
 Conclusions: judgement inferred from evidence

3. Critical Level- reading where you need to draw conclusions or make judgements based
on the facts given and the ideas implied in the reading material.
 To read critically you must carefully and objectively analyze and weigh the author’s
intent and purpose
 Critical reading looks at two things: Author and what he/she is saying
 Reading skills
 Distinguishing facts and opinions
 Identifying similarities and differences
 Identify cause and effect
 Forming judgments on the author’s ideas

4. Creative level- requires imaginative mind. This level of reading cannot happen without
first understanding what the writer says.
Creative reading does not only require inquisitive and imaginative mind but also needs
analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
Integrate your experiences with what the writer says.
This level of comprehension also includes creating new ideas from what was learned in
school and life.

5. Valuing level- this level involves skills like recognizing the personal philosophy of the
author and the theme of the selection. These values are not directly stated in the selection,
but they are implied; hence, the learners realize their importance in actual life.
This level is often called “reading beyond the lines.” You make use of the ideas you get
from the selection and apply them on situations in life like the situations in the selection.

 is an interactive communication of at least two people talking together. However, not all
involvement of two individuals is considered conversation.
 Is the kind of speech that happens informally and equally for the purposes of establishing
and maintaining social ties or simply for companionship.

Conversations follow rules of etiquette because conversations are social interactions, and
therefore depend on social convention. Specific rules for conversation arise from the cooperative
principle proposed by H. Paul Grice.
Conversation is generally face-to-face at the same time synchronous- possibly online with video
applications such as skype, messenger, videocall, zoom etc. but might also include audio-only
phone calls. It would not generally include internet written communication which tends to be
According to purpose, there are two types of conversation:
1. Tractional conversations have a realistic goal, say making a reservation in a hotel,
inquiring on the program offerings in a university, ordering food at a restaurant or turning
over a responsibility to a colleague. Conversationalists have their own goals in the
interaction. There is a successful conversation when these goals are satisfied.
2. Social conversation’s goal is not primarily to accomplish a task. Instead, the purpose is to
build and maintain relations. Social conversation can be further subdivided into those
occurring between friends and those among acquaintances and strangers. Personal topics
are often discussed with close friends while conversations with strangers and casual
acquaintances have a more superficial and functional purpose.
1. BE fully present in the conversation
2. Realize and vocalize the things you agree on
3. Seek understanding more than being right.
4. Honor the other person
5. Commit to communicate with kindness
How to have a great conversation
Chernyak (2020), a licensed professional counselor, shares some tips on how to make
conversation easy, comfortable, and fruitful.
1. Perfect you’re timing.
2. Comment on your surroundings
3. Remember people
4. Offer a compliment
1. Ask good questions
2. Practice being an active listener
3. Be genuine
4. Find common ground
5. Stay current on the news or pop culture
6. Monitor your body language
7. Avoid oversharing

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