Efi Fiery fs150 Win10 Security White-Paper en Us
Efi Fiery fs150 Win10 Security White-Paper en Us
Efi Fiery fs150 Win10 Security White-Paper en Us
Table of Contents
4 Access Control......................................................................................... 7
4.1 User Authentication............................................................................. 7
4.2 Fiery Software Authentication............................................................. 7
1 Document Overview
2 Hardware and Physical Security
2.1 Volatile Memory is carried out at the appropriate time to securely erase
The Fiery server uses volatile RAM for the CPU’s local deleted data on the HDD.
memory and for the operating system, Fiery system 2.2.5 Physical Ports
software and image data’s working memory. Data that is
The Fiery server can be connected through the following
written to RAM is held while the power is on. When the
external ports:
power is turned off, all data is deleted.
Fiery Ports Function Access Access Control
2.2 Nonvolatile Memory and Data Storage Ethernet RJ-45 Ethernet Network connections Use Fiery IP filtering
The Fiery server contains several types of nonvolatile data connector connectivity (see printing and to control access
network connections
storage technologies to retain data on the Fiery server below)
when the power is turned off. This data includes system Copier interface Print/Scan Dedicated for sending/ N/A
programming information and user data. connector receiving to/from the
print engine
2.2.1 Flash Memory USB Port USB device Plug-and-play USB printing can be
connection connector designed turned off. Access to
Flash memory stores the self-diagnosis and boot program for use with optional USB storage devices
(BIOS) and some system configuration data. This device is removable media can be turned off
programmed at the factory and can be reprogrammed only devices through Windows’
Group Policy.
by installing special patches created by EFI. If the data is
corrupted or deleted, the system does not start.
2.3 Local Interface
A portion of the flash memory also is used to record the
use of dongle to activate Fiery software options. The user can access the Fiery functions at the FACI kit (if
enabled on a Windows 10 server) or at the Fiery LCD on
No user data is stored on this device, and the user does Fiery servers. Security access on the Fiery Server with FACI
not have data access to it. kit is controlled through a Windows administrator password
2.2.2 CMOS if the FACI kit is enabled. The Fiery LCD provides very
limited functions that do not impose any security risk.
The battery-backed CMOS memory is used to store the
server’s machine settings. None of this information is 2.4 Removable HDD Kit Option
considered confidential or private. Users may access
these settings on a Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2016 LTSB The Fiery server supports a Removable Hard Disk Drive
(Windows 10) server via the Fiery Integrated Workstation option kit for increased security. This kit allows the user to
(FACI kit including local monitor, keyboard and mouse) lock the server drive(s) into the system for normal operation
if installed. and to remove the drives to a secure location after powering
down the server.
2.2.3 NVRAM
2.4.1 For External Servers
There are a number of small NVRAM devices in the
Fiery server that contain operational firmware. These devices Fiery servers support a Removable Hard Disk Drive option
contain non–customer specific operational information. The kit. Whether this option kit is available for a specific Fiery
user does not have access to the data contained on them. product depends on the terms of EFI’s development and
distribution agreements with its individual OEM partners.
2.2.4 Hard Disk Drive
2.4.2 For Embedded Servers
During normal print and scan operations as well as during
creation of job management information, image data is Embedded products can only offer removable HDD as an
written to a random area on the hard disk drive (HDD). OEM coordinated option because the mounting location
and brackets for the multifunction printer (MFP) must be
Image data and job management information can be deleted developed jointly with the OEM. The option kit is to take the
by an Operator or at the end of a pre-set time period, making internal HDD out from embedded chassis and mount to an
image data inaccessible. external and separately powered enclosure.
To protect the image data from unauthorized access, EFI
provides a Secure Erase feature (see section 6.2.5). Once
enabled by the system administrator, the selected operation
3 Network Security
Standard network security features on the Fiery server include TCP UDP Port Name Dependent Service(s)
the ability to permit only authorized users and groups to access 6310 9906 EFI ports Command WorkStation 5
and print to the output device, limiting device communications 8010 and 6, Fiery Central, EFI
8021–8022 SDK-based tools, Fiery
to designated IP addresses and controlling the availability of
8090 Printer Driver bi-di functions,
individual network protocols and ports as desired. 9906 WebTools, Fiery Direct
18021 Mobile Printing, and Native
Even though Fiery servers come with various security 18022 Document Conversion.
features, it is not an internet facing server. It should be 18081
deployed in a protected environment and its accessibility 18082
should be properly configured by the network administrator. 22000
50006 - 50025*
3.1 Network Ports 9100–9103 Printing Port Port 9100
The Fiery server allows the network administrator the ability * These ports are enabled once Fiery Command WorkStation version 6.2 and later is
to selectively enable and disable the following IP ports. As a installed on an external Fiery server.
3.5 SNMP v3
The Fiery server supports SNMPv3 as it is a secured
network protocol for managing devices on IP networks.
SNMPv3 communication packets can be encrypted to
ensure confidentiality. It also ensures message integrity
and authentication.
The Fiery Administrator can select from three levels of security
in SNMPv3. The Fiery Administrator also has the option to
require authentication before allowing SNMP transactions and
to encrypt SNMP user names and passwords.
4 Access Control
5 Operating System Environment
6 Data Security
6.1 Encryption of Critical Information EFI does not recommend printing to the Direct Queue. Fiery
Encryption of critical information in the Fiery server ensures deletes all jobs sent via the direct connection after printing.
that all passwords and related configuration information are However, EFI does not guarantee that all temporary files
secure when stored in the Fiery server. NIST 2010 compliant relating to the job will be deleted.
cryptographic algorithms are used. Jobs of VDP, PDF or TIFF file types are rerouted to the Print
Queue when sent to the Direct Queue. Jobs sent via the
6.2 Standard Printing SMB network service may be routed to the Print Queue
Jobs submitted to the Fiery server may be sent to one of when sent to the Direct Queue.
the following print queues published by the Fiery server:
6.2.4 Job Deletion
• Hold Queue
When a job is deleted from the Fiery automatically or using
• Print Queue
Fiery tools, the job cannot be viewed or retrieved using Fiery
• Sequential Print Queue
tools. If the job was spooled to the Fiery HDD, the job’s elements
• Direct Queue direct connection
may remain on the HDD and could theoretically be recovered
• Virtual Printers (custom queues defined by the
Fiery Administrator). with certain tools, such as forensic disk analysis tools.
The Fiery Administrator can disable the Print Queue and 6.2.5 Secure Erase
Direct Queue to limit automatic printing. With passwords Secure Erase is designed to remove the content of a
enabled on the Fiery server, this feature limits printing to submitted job from the Fiery HDD whenever a Fiery function
Fiery Operators and Administrators. deletes a job. At the instance of deletion, each job source file
is overwritten three times using an algorithm based on US
6.2.1 Hold, Print and Sequential Print Queues DoD specification DoD5220.22M.
When a job is printed to the Print Queue or the Hold Queue, The following limitations and restrictions apply to Secure Erase:
the job is spooled to the hard drive on the Fiery server. Jobs
• It does not apply to job files located in systems other than the
sent to the Hold Queue are held on the Fiery hard drive Fiery server, such as the following:
until the user submits the job for printing or deletes the job – Copies of the job load balanced to another Fiery server.
using a job management utility, such as the Fiery Command – Copies of the job archived to media or network drives.
WorkStation, Fiery Command WorkStation ME or Clear Server. – Copies of the job located on client workstations.
The Sequential Print Queue allows the Fiery to maintain the job – Pages of a job merged or copied entirely into another job.
order on certain jobs sent from the network. The workflow will • It does not delete any entries from the job log.
be “First In, First Out” (FIFO), respecting the order in which the • If the system is manually powered off before a job deletion has
completed, there is no guarantee that the job will be fully deleted.
jobs were received over the network. Without Sequential Print
• Jobs deleted before this feature is enabled are not securely
Queue enabled, print jobs submitted through the Fiery can get erased.
out of order due to many factors, such as the Fiery allowing • It does not delete any job data that may have been written to
smaller jobs to skip ahead while larger jobs are spooling. disk due to disk swapping.
• It disables automatic defragmentation on Windows OS. If
6.2.2 Printed Queue enabled, the OS could move job data around as it defragments.
Jobs sent to the Print Queue are stored in the Printed In that case, portions of the job data in the original location
might not be overwritten for a secure erase.
Queue on the Fiery server, if enabled. The Administrator
• Jobs submitted through an FTP server may be saved by the FTP
can define the number of jobs kept in the Printed Queue. client before being passed to the Fiery system software. Because
When the Printed Queue is disabled, jobs are deleted the Fiery system software has no control over this process, the
automatically after being printed. system cannot securely erase the jobs saved by the FTP client.
• Jobs printed via SMB go through the spooler on the Fiery,
6.2.3 Direct Queue (Direct Connection) which saves the jobs to disk. Because the Fiery system
software has no control over this process, the system
Direct Queue is designed for font downloading and cannot securely erase these jobs.
applications that require direct connection to PostScript
module in Fiery controllers. Note: Disk swapping occurs to create more virtual memory
than there is physical memory. This process is handled
in the operating system layer, and the Fiery server has
no control over it. However, disk swap space is regularly 6.6 Job Log
rewritten during the operating system operation as various The job log is stored on the Fiery server. Individual records of
segments of memory are moved between memory and the job log cannot be deleted. The job log contains print and
disk. This process can lead to some job segments being scan job information, such as the user who initiated the job;
stored to disk temporarily. the time the job was carried out; and characteristics of the
6.2.6 System Memory job in terms of paper used, color and so on. The job log can
be used to inspect the job activity of the Fiery server.
The processing of some files may write some job data to the
operating system memory. In some cases, this memory may A user with Operator access can view, export or print the
be swapped to the HDD and is not specifically overwritten. job log from Fiery Command WorkStation. A user with
Administrator access can delete the job log from the Fiery
6.3 Secure Print Command WorkStation. A user with Guest access can print
The Secure Print function requires the user to enter a job- the job log from the Fiery LCD only if this access is granted
specific password at the Fiery server to allow the job to print. by the Administrator.
This feature requires an LCD interface local to the Fiery server.
6.7 Setup
The feature’s purpose is to limit access to a document to a
Setup requires an administrator password. The Fiery server
user who (a) has the password for the job and (b) can enter
can be set up either from the Fiery Configure tool or from
it locally at the Fiery server.
setup in Fiery LCD. The Fiery Configure tool can be launched
6.3.1 Workflow from the Fiery WebTools and Fiery Command WorkStation.
The user enters a password in the Secure Print field in the
6.8 Scanning
Fiery Driver. When this job is sent to the Fiery server’s Print
or Hold Queue, the job is queued and held for the password. The Fiery server allows an image placed on the copier glass
to be scanned back to the workstation that initiated the scan
Note: Jobs sent with a secure print password are not
using a Fiery TWAIN plug-in. The plug-in is supported with
viewable from Fiery Command WorkStation or Fiery
the Adobe® Photoshop and Textbridge applications. When a
Command WorkStation ME.
scan function is initiated from a workstation, the raw bitmap
From the Fiery LCD, the user enters a Secure Print window image is sent directly to the workstation.
and enters a password. The user can then access the jobs
The user can scan documents to the Fiery server for
sent with that password and print and/or delete the jobs.
distribution, storage and retrieval. All scanned documents are
The printed secure job is not moved to the Printed Queue. written to disk. The Administrator can configure the Fiery server
The job is deleted automatically, once it has finished printing. to delete scan jobs automatically after a predefined timeframe.
6.4 Email Printing Scan jobs can be distributed via the following methods:
The Fiery server receives and prints jobs sent via email. • Email — In this process, an email is sent to a mail server,
where it is routed to the desired destination. Note: If the file
The Administrator can store a list on the Fiery server of size is greater than the Administrator-defined maximum, the job
authorized email addresses. Any email received from an is stored on the Fiery HDD, which is accessible through a URL.
email address that is not in the authorized email address list • FTP — The file is sent to a FTP destination. A record of the
is deleted. The Administrator can turn off the email printing transfer, including the destination, is kept in the FTP log, which
is accessible from the LCD Print Pages command. An FTP Proxy
feature. The email printing feature is off by default. Server can be defined to send the job through a firewall.
• Fiery Hold Queue — The file is sent to the Fiery Hold Queue
6.5 Job Management (see 6.2.1 section above) and is not kept as a scan job.
Jobs submitted to the Fiery server can only be acted • Internet Fax — The file is sent to a mail server where it is
upon by using a Fiery job management utility with either routed to the desired Internet fax destination.
Administrator or Operator access. Guest users (those • Mailbox — The file is stored on the Fiery server with a mailbox
code number. The user needs to enter the correct mailbox number
users with no password) can view the file names and job to access the stored scan job. Some Fiery server versions also
attributes but can neither act upon nor preview these jobs. require a password. The scan job is retrievable through a URL.
7 Conclusion
6750 Dumbarton Circle Auto-Count, BioVu, BioWare, ColorWise, Command WorkStation, Digital StoreFront, DocBuilder, DocBuilder Pro, DocStream, EDOX, the EFI logo, Electronics For Imaging,
Fabrivu, Fiery, the Fiery logo, Inkware, Jetrion, MicroPress, OneFlow, PressVu, Printellect, PrinterSite, PrintFlow, PrintMe, PrintSmith Site, Prograph, RIP-While-Print, UltraVu
Fremont, CA 94555 and VUTEk are registered trademarks of Electronics For Imaging, Inc. in the U.S. and/or certain other countries. BESTColor is a registered trademark of Electronics For Imaging
650-357-3500 GmbH in the U.S. The APPS logo, AutoCal, Balance, ColorPASS, Dynamic Wedge, EFI, Estimate, Fast-4, Fiery Driven, the Fiery Driven logo, Fiery Link, Fiery Prints, the Fiery
Prints logo, Fiery Spark, FreeForm, Hagen, the Jetrion logo, Logic, Pace, Printcafe, the PrintMe logo, PrintSmith, Print to Win, PSI, PSI Flexo, Rastek, the Rastek logo, RIPChips,
www.efi.com SendMe, Splash, Spot-On, UltraPress, UltraTex, UV Series 50, VisualCal, the VUTEk logo and WebTools are trademarks of Electronics For Imaging, Inc. in the U.S. and/or certain
other countries. Best, the Best logo, Colorproof, PhotoXposure, Remoteproof and Screenproof are trademarks of Electronics For Imaging GmbH in the U.S. and/or certain other
countries. All other terms and product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners, and are hereby acknowledged.