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TSPi Workbook 20041202

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Index of Forms and Charts

FORMS Description CHARTS Description

Launch Meeting/Planning Forms Cumulative Earned Value Cumulative Planned vs. earned vs. projected earned value
Use these forms to plan a new project Earned Value per Week Planned, earned, and projected value per week
Project Project startup and summary form Cumulative Plan vs. Actual H Cumulative planned vs. actual hours per week
Team Team member summary Plan vs. Actual Hours per W Planned vs. actual hours per week
Roles TSPe role assignments Percent Defect Free Percent of components that are defect free by phase
Goals Team goals Cumulative Defects Remove Cumulative defects removed by phase for each component
SUMS Size summary Defects Removed by Phase Defects removed by phase for each component
Task Task plan template Defect Density by Phase Defects per KLOC by phase for each component
Schedule Schedule plan template Review Rates Inspection and review rates for each component
Phase Yield Phase yield for each component
Process Yield Process yield for each component
Quality Profile Five point quality profile for each component
Time in Phase% Percentage of time spent in each phase
Defects Injected% Percentage of defects injected in each phase
Defects Removed% Percentage of defects removed in each phase

Weekly Meeting/Tracking Forms

Use these forms for gathering data and tracking
TimeLog Time recording Log
DefectLog Defect recording log
Weekly meeting status report
Task Task plan template
Schedule Schedule plan template
Quality actuals for system and components
Resource actuals for system and components
Defects injected/removed for system and components

Phases TSPe process phase standard
DefectTypes Defect type standard

Copyright 1998 James W. Over

Copyright James W. Over 1998 : 503027969.xls Index 12/13/2020 1 of 37

TSPi Support Tool Instructions

Strategy Development and Planning

Before STRAT1 Team Leader Fill out the project information on the Project worksheet (Name, Team name, Project!Name
Project name, Start Date, Instructor, Cycle).
Before STRAT1 Team Leader Enter the team member names, initials, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and Team!B2
filenames for the team members workbooks in the Team worksheet.
Before STRAT1 Team Leader Enter the role assignments on the Roles worksheet. Roles!B2

STRAT1: Produce the Planning Manager Enter on the SUMS worksheet, the names and size estimates of all assemblies SUMS!B8
Size Estimate and parts for this cycle.

PLAN1: Produce the Planning Manager Click the Generate Task List button to create a default task list. Task!A8
Task Plan
PLAN1: Produce the Planning Manager Revise the task list adding or deleting tasks as necessary. Then for each task, Task!A8
Task Plan estimate the size where appropriate, the time, and the time for each engineer
assigned to the task.
PLAN1: Produce the Planning Manager Enter hours per week in the Schedule template. Hours per week are based on the Schedule!C8
Schedule Plan total hours for the team for each week in the schedule.
Planning Manager Click the Update Task and Schedule Plan button on the Task Worksheet to Task!A8
generate a schedule.

PLAN1: Quality Plan Team Before creating the quality plan, review the quality standard in the textbook.

PLAN1: Quality Plan Quality/Process Enter the planned defect injection rates for each phase on the SUMQ worksheet. SUMQ!D82
PLAN1: Quality Plan Quality/Process Enter estimated phase yields for each phase. SUMQ!D55
PLAN1: Quality Plan Team Review the calculated defect removal rates and defect densities (Defects/KLOC)
against the Quality Standard. If necessary, adjust planned time (Task worksheet),
defect injection rates (SUMQ), or defect removal yields (SUMQ).

PLAN: Balance Planning Manager Make 1 copy of the team workbook for each engineer. Use the filename entered on Team!B2
Workload the Team worksheet (Workbook Filename). Click the Make copies... button to
create the copies automatically.
PLAN: Balance Each engineer Revise the tasks in the Task worksheet to reflect the individual engineers Task!A8
Workload workload (e.g. delete task not assigned to you, and where you share an
assignment with other engineers, set their planned hours to zero).

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PLAN: Balance Each engineer Revise the schedule plan on the Schedule worksheet to reflect your available Schedule!C8
Workload hours per week.
PLAN: Balance Planning Manager Load the engineers' individual worksheets and the consolidated team plan Team!B2
Workload workbook into the same folder. Open the consolidated team plan workbook. Click
the consolidate plan button on the Team worksheet to build a consolidated plan

PLAN: Balance All team members If necessary, reassign tasks to balance the workload and repeat the previous 3
Workload steps until a balanced plan is achieved. If planned times for any task change,
review the quality plan and revise it if necessary.

Weekly Tracking
STRAT, PLAN, REQ, All team members During all TSPi phases, use the time log to record data on each task. Include the LOGT!A7
DES, IMP, TEST, PM assembly and phase for each task, the date, start time, interrupt time, stop time,
and comments.
REQ, DES, IMP, TEST All team members During TSPi phases REQ, DES, IMP, and TEST, use the defect log to record data LOGD!A7
on each defect. Include the date, number, type, assembly, phase injected, phase
removed, fix time, fix reference, and description

Weekly All team members Click the Update Project button on the Project worksheet to update individual Project!Name
plans. Print the Task and Schedule worksheets.
Weekly All team members Print the Task worksheet. Task!A8
Weekly All team members Print the Schedule worksheet. Schedule!C8
Weekly All team members Prepare a Week report. The worksheet Week includes the planning summary Week!C2
information required for the week report.
Weekly All team members Send a copy of your workbook to the planning manager for use in preparing the
team's consolidated weekly report.
Weekly Planning Manager Update consolidated team plan with the current week's data and prepare status
reports for the weekly meeting.
Weekly Planning Manager Load the individual engineers workbooks and the consolidated team workbook into Team!A2
the same folder. Open the consolidated team workbook. Click the Consolidate
Plans button on Team worksheet to update consolidated team plan with the
current week's data.

Weekly Planning Manager Select the Project worksheet and click the update project button before printing Project!Name
status reports for the weekly meeting.
Weekly Planning Manager Print the Task worksheet. Task!A8
Weekly Planning Manager Print the Schedule worksheet. Schedule!C8
Weekly Planning Manager Prepare a Week report. The worksheet Week includes the planning summary Week!C2
information required for the week report.

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Weekly Planning Manager Select the Project worksheet, select the assembly SYSTEM, then select and print Project!Name
the following charts:
-Earned Value
-Plan vs. Actual Hours

Weekly during Planning Manager Select the Project worksheet, select the assembly SYSTEM, then select and print Project!Name
implementation and the following charts:
testing phases -Defect Removal Profile
-Quality Profile
-Percent Defect Free

Project and Cycle Postmortem

PM All team members Follow the weekly tracking instructions to prepare and print copies of the final task, See weekly tracking
schedule, and week reports. instructions
PM All team members Select the Project worksheet and click the export button to save a copy of your Project!Name
data for the cycle.
PM Planning Manager Follow the weekly tracking instructions to prepare and print copies of the final task, See weekly tracking
schedule, and week reports. instructions
PM Planning Manager Select the SUMP worksheet and print a SUMP form for the SYSTEM and each SUMP!B2
PM Planning Manager Select the SUMQ worksheet and print a SUMQ form for the SYSTEM and each SUMQ!B2
PM Planning Manager Select the SUMS worksheet and print a SUMS form SUMS!B8
PM Planning Manager Select the Project worksheet and click the export button to save a copy of the Project!Name
consolidated team data for the cycle.

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TSPi Support Tool Instructions

Strategy Development and Planning

Launch Meeting 2 Launch Coach or Fill out the project information on the Project worksheet (Name, Team name, Project!Name
Planning Manager Project name, Start Date, Instructor, Cycle).
Launch Meeting 2 Launch Coach or Enter the team member names, initials, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and Team!B2
Planning Manager filenames for the team members workbooks in the Team worksheet.
Launch Meeting 2 Launch Coach or Enter the role assignments on the Roles worksheet. (Optional) Roles!B2
Planning Manager
Launch Meeting 2 Launch Coach or Enter the team goals on the Goals worksheet. (Optional) Goals!A3
Planning Manager

Launch Meeting 3 Launch Coach or Enter all the software assemblies identified during this meeting. Enter the name, SUMS!B8
Planning Manager assembly/part flag, part of, and size measure. Requirements and High-Level
Design documents may also be entered on SUMS.

Launch Meeting 4 Launch Coach or Enter on the SUMS worksheet, the size estimates of all software assemblies. SUMS!B8
Planning Manager
Launch Meeting 4 Launch Coach or Click the Generate Task List button to create an initial task list based on the Task!A8
Planning Manager assemblies on SUMS.
Launch Meeting 4 Launch Coach or Revise the initial task list by adding or deleting tasks as necessary. Then complete Task!A8
Planning Manager the estimate for each task by entering a size estimate, size measure, rate in units
per hour, the estimated hours, and the number of engineers assigned to the task.

Launch Meeting 4 Launch Coach or Enter hours per week for the team on the Schedule template. Hours per week are Schedule!C8
Planning Manager based on the total hours for the team for each week in the schedule.

Launch Meeting 4 Launch Coach or Click the Update Task and Schedule Plan button on the Task Worksheet to Task!A8
Planning Manager generate the overall plan.

Launch Meeting 5 Team Before creating the quality plan, review the quality guidelines in the TSP Launch
Launch Meeting 5 Launch Coach, Enter the planned defect injection rates for each phase on the SUMQ worksheet. SUMQ!D82
Planning Manager, or
Quality Manager
Launch Meeting 5 Launch Coach, Enter estimated phase yields for each phase. SUMQ!D55
Planning Manager, or
Quality Manager

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Launch Meeting 5 Team Review the calculated defect removal rates and defect densities (Defects/KLOC)
against the Quality Standard. If necessary, adjust planned time (Task worksheet),
defect injection rates (SUMQ), or defect removal yields (SUMQ).

Launch Meeting 6 Launch Coach or Enter the initials of the team member(s) assigned to each task in the resources Task!A8
Planning Manager column on worksheet Task.
Launch Meeting 6 Launch Coach or Enter the initials of the team member that owns each leaf assembly in the owner SUMS!B8
Planning Manager column on worksheet SUMS. Note that plan and actual size are copied from the
owner's workbook to the team workbook during consolidation, so each leaf
assembly MUST have an owner.

Launch Meeting 6 Launch Coach or Make 1 copy of the team workbook for the consolidated team plan. Make 1 copy of Team!B2
Planning Manager the team workbook for each engineer. Use the filename entered on the Team
worksheet (Workbook Filename). Click the Make copies... button to create the
engineer's copies automatically.

Launch Meeting 6 Each engineer Revise the tasks in the Task worksheet to reflect the individual engineers Task!A8
workload (e.g. delete task not assigned to you, and where you share an
assignment with other engineers, set the column Number of Engineers to 1).

Launch Meeting 6 Each engineer Revise the schedule plan on the Schedule worksheet to reflect your available Schedule!C8
hours per week.
Launch Meeting 6 Each engineer Click the Update Task and Schedule Plan button on the Task Worksheet to
generate your individual plan. Repeat the previous two steps until you are satisfied
with the plan

Launch Meeting 6 Planning Manager Load the engineers' individual worksheets and the consolidated team plan Team!B2
workbook into the same folder. Open the consolidated team plan workbook. Click
the consolidate plan button on the Team worksheet to build a consolidated plan

Launch Meeting 6 All team members If necessary, reassign tasks to balance the workload and repeat the previous 3
steps until a balanced plan is achieved. If planned times for any task change,
review the quality plan and revise it if necessary.

Launch Meeting 7 Launch Coach or Enter the team risks on the IRTL worksheet. (Optional) IRTL!B7
Planning Manager

Weekly Tracking
All All team members While working, use the time log to record time spent on each task. Include the LOGT!A7
assembly and phase for each task, the date, start time, interrupt time, stop time,
and comments.

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All All team members While working, use the defect log to record each defect found. Include the date, LOGD!A7
number, type, assembly, phase injected, phase removed, fix time, fix reference,
and description

All All team members While working, use the issue/risk tracking log (IRTL) to record new issues and IRTL!B7
risks or to change status of existing issues or risks.
All All team members To review status against your plan click the Update Project button on the project Project!B3

Weekly All team members Ensure that the completion data for all completed tasks has been entered, and all
size, time, and defect data for the week have been entered.
Weekly All team members Review the task on worksheet Task and move all organize them into the following Task!A8
1-completed tasks
2-tasks planned for the next two weeks
3-remaining tasks

Weekly All team members Click the Update Project button on the Project worksheet to update individual Project!Name
plans. Print the Task and Schedule worksheets.
Weekly All team members Print the Task worksheet. Task!A8
Weekly All team members Print the Schedule worksheet. Schedule!A8
Weekly All team members Prepare a Week report. The worksheet Week includes the planning summary Week!C2
information required for the week report.
Weekly Planning Manager Prepare a weekly issue/risk report. The worksheet IRWeek contains the IRWeek!C2
information for this reportt.
Weekly All team members Send a copy of your workbook to the planning manager for use in preparing the
team's consolidated weekly report.
Weekly Planning Manager Update consolidated team plan with the current week's data and prepare status
reports for the weekly meeting.
Weekly Planning Manager Load the individual engineers workbooks and the consolidated team workbook into Team!A3
the same folder. Open the consolidated team workbook. Click the Consolidate
Plans button on Team worksheet to update consolidated team plan with the
current week's data.

Weekly Planning Manager Print the Task worksheet. Task!A8

Weekly Planning Manager Print the Schedule worksheet. Schedule!A8
Weekly Planning Manager Prepare a Week report. The worksheet Week includes the planning summary Week!C2
information required for the week report.
Weekly Planning Manager Prepare a weekly issue/risk report. The worksheet IRWeek contains the IRWeek!C2
information for this reportt.
Weekly Planning Manager Select the Project worksheet, select the assembly SYSTEM, then select and print Project!Name
the following charts:
-Earned Value
-Plan vs. Actual Hours

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Weekly during Planning Manager Select the Project worksheet, select the assembly SYSTEM, then select and print Project!Name
implementation and the following charts:
testing phases -Defect Removal Profile
-Quality Profile
-Percent Defect Free

Project and Phase Postmortem

PM All team members Follow the weekly tracking instructions to prepare and print copies of the final task, See weekly tracking
schedule, and week reports. instructions
PM All team members Select the Project worksheet and click the export button to save a copy of your Project!Name
data for the cycle.
PM Planning Manager Follow the weekly tracking instructions to prepare and print copies of the final task, See weekly tracking
schedule, and week reports. instructions
PM Planning Manager Select the SUMP worksheet and print a SUMP form for the SYSTEM and each SUMP!B2
PM Planning Manager Select the SUMQ worksheet and print a SUMQ form for the SYSTEM and each SUMQ!B2
PM Planning Manager Select the SUMS worksheet and print a SUMS form SUMS!B8
PM Planning Manager Select the IRTL worksheet and print a copy of all team issues and risk IRTL!B7
PM Planning Manager Select the Project worksheet and click the export button to save a copy of the Project!Name
consolidated team data for the phase or project.

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TSPi - Project Summary
Time and Defect Log Controls
✘ Use Time Log ✘ Use Defect Log
Name Date 13-Dec-20
Project Start Date
Chart Controls
Team Instructor Weeks 4 Draw
Assembly Cycle
Cumulative Earned Value Print
TSPi.20041202. ©2004 Addison Today's Date
Wesley . Override

Cumulative Earned Value





Earned Value

Cumulative Planned Value

Cumulative EV
Cumulative Predicted Earned Value
Baseline Cumulative Plan Value





File: 503027969.xls ! Project 12/13/2020 9 of 37

Planned Planned
Planned Task Schedule
ID Name Initials Phone e-mail Workbook Filename Tasks Hours Weeks
0 0 0

Consolidation Mode

File: 503027969.xls ! Team 12/13/2020 10 of 37

Measures Tracking
Stakeholders Goal Goal Actual Who When

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Team Member Roles
Team Leader

Development Manager

Planning Manager

Quality/Process Manager

Support Manager

File: 503027969.xls ! Roles 12/13/2020 12 of 37

TSPi Plan Summary - Form SUMP
Name Date 12/13/2020
Team Instructor
Assembly Cycle

Program Size Plan Actual

Total Requirements Pages (SRS) 0 0
Total HLD Pages (SDS)
Total Detailed Design Lines
Base LOC (B)
Deleted LOC (D)
Modified LOC (M)
Added LOC (A)
Reused LOC (R)
New and Changed LOC (N) 0 0
Total LOC (T) 0 0
Total New Reuse LOC
Estimated Object LOC (E)
Upper Prediction Interval (70%)
Lower Prediction Interval (70%)

Time in Phase (hours) Plan Actual Actual%

Management and Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0%
Launch and Strategy 0.0 0.0 0.0%
Planning 0.0 0.0 0.0%
Requirements 0.0 0.0 0.0%
System Test Plan 0.0 0.0 0.0%
REQ Inspection 0.0 0.0 0.0%
High-Level Design 0.0 0.0 0.0%
Integration Test Plan 0.0 0.0 0.0%
HLD Inspection 0.0 0.0 0.0%
Detailed Design 0.0 0.0 0.0%
DLD Review 0.0 0.0 0.0%
Test Development 0.0 0.0 0.0%
DLD Inspection 0.0 0.0 0.0%
Code 0.0 0.0 0.0%
Code Review 0.0 0.0 0.0%
Compile 0.0 0.0 0.0%
Code Inspection 0.0 0.0 0.0%
Unit Test 0.0 0.0 0.0%
Build and Integration Test 0.0 0.0 0.0%
System Test 0.0 0.0 0.0%
Documentation 0.0 0.0 0.0%
Postmortem 0.0 0.0 0.0%
Total 0.0 0.0 0.0%
Total Time UPI (70%)
Total Time LPI (70%)

File: 503027969.xls ! SUMP 12/13/2020 13 of 37

TSPi Plan Summary - Form SUMP
Name Date 12/13/2020
Team Instructor
Assembly Cycle

Defects Injected Plan Actual Actual%

Planning 0.0 0 0.0%
Requirements 0.0 0 0.0%
System Test Plan 0.0 0 0.0%
REQ Inspection 0.0 0 0.0%
High-Level Design 0.0 0 0.0%
Integration Test Plan 0.0 0 0.0%
HLD Inspection 0.0 0 0.0%
Detailed Design 0.0 0 0.0%
DLD Review 0.0 0 0.0%
Test Development 0.0 0 0.0%
DLD Inspection 0.0 0 0.0%
Code 0.0 0 0.0%
Code Review 0.0 0 0.0%
Compile 0.0 0 0.0%
Code Inspection 0.0 0 0.0%
Unit Test 0.0 0 0.0%
Build and Integration Test 0.0 0 0.0%
System Test 0.0 0 0.0%
Total Development Defects Injected 0.0 0 0.0%

Defects Removed Plan Actual Actual%

Planning 0.0 0 0.0%
Requirements 0.0 0 0.0%
System Test Plan 0.0 0 0.0%
REQ Inspection 0.0 0 0.0%
High-Level Design 0.0 0 0.0%
Integration Test Plan 0.0 0 0.0%
HLD Inspection 0.0 0 0.0%
Detailed Design 0.0 0 0.0%
DLD Review 0.0 0 0.0%
Test Development 0.0 0 0.0%
DLD Inspection 0.0 0 0.0%
Code 0.0 0 0.0%
Code Review 0.0 0 0.0%
Compile 0.0 0 0.0%
Code Inspection 0.0 0 0.0%
Unit Test 0.0 0 0.0%
Build and Integration Test 0.0 0 0.0%
System Test 0.0 0 0.0%
Total Development Defects Removed 0.0 0
Acceptance Test 0.0 0
Product Life 0.0 0

Summary Plan Actual

CPI (Cost-Performance Index)
% Reuse
% New Reuse

File: 503027969.xls ! SUMP 12/13/2020 14 of 37

TSPi Quality Plan - Form SUMQ
Name Date 12/13/2020
Team Instructor
Assembly Cycle

SYSTEM Percent Defect Free Actual

In Compile 0.0%
In Unit Test 0.0%
In Build and Integration Test 0.0%
In System Test 0.0%
In Acceptance Test 0.0%
In Product Life 0.0%

Defects/Page Plan Actual

REQ Inspection 0.00 0.00
HLD Inspection 0.00 0.00

Defects/KLOC Plan Actual

DLD Review 0.00 0.00
DLD Inspection 0.00 0.00
Code Review 0.00 0.00
Compile 0.00 0.00
Code Inspection 0.00 0.00
Unit Test 0.00 0.00
Build and Integration Test 0.00 0.00
System Test 0.00 0.00
Total Development 0.00 0.00
Acceptance Test 0.00 0.00
Product Life 0.00 0.00
Total 0.00 0.00

Defect Ratios Plan Actual

DLD Review/Unit Test 0.00 0.00
Code Review/Compile 0.00 0.00

Development Time Ratios Plan Actual

REQ Inspection/Requirements 0.00 0.00
HLD Inspection/High-Level Design 0.00 0.00
Detailed Design/Code 0.00 0.00
DLD Review/Detailed Design 0.00 0.00
Code Review/Code 0.00 0.00

Inspection/Review Rates Plan Actual

REQ Inspection 0.00 0.00
HLD Inspection 0.00 0.00
DLD Review 0.00 0.00
DLD Inspection 0.00 0.00
Code Review 0.00 0.00
Code Inspection 0.00 0.00

A/FR 0.00 0.00

File: 503027969.xls ! SUMQ 12/13/2020 15 of 37

TSPi Quality Plan - Form SUMQ
Name Date 12/13/2020
Team Instructor
Assembly Cycle

Phase Yields Plan Actual

Planning 0%
Requirements 0%
System Test Plan 0%
REQ Inspection 0%
High-Level Design 0%
Integration Test Plan 0%
HLD Inspection 0%
Detailed Design 0%
DLD Review 0%
Test Development 0%
DLD Inspection 0%
Code 0%
Code Review 0%
Compile 0%
Code Inspection 0%
Unit Test 0%
Build and Integration Test 0%
System Test 0%
Acceptance Test 0%
Process Yields Plan Actual
% Before Compile 0% 0%
% Before Unit Test 0% 0%
% Before Build and Integration Test 0% 0%
% Before System Test 0% 0%
% Before Acceptance Test 0% 0%

Defect Injection Rates (Defects Injected Per Hour) Plan Actual

Planning 0.00
Requirements 0.00
System Test Plan 0.00
REQ Inspection 0.00
High-Level Design 0.00
Integration Test Plan 0.00
HLD Inspection 0.00
Detailed Design 0.00
DLD Review 0.00
Test Development 0.00
DLD Inspection 0.00
Code 0.00
Code Review 0.00
Compile 0.00
Code Inspection 0.00
Unit Test 0.00
Build and Integration Test 0.00
System Test 0.00

File: 503027969.xls ! SUMQ 12/13/2020 16 of 37

TSPi Quality Plan - Form SUMQ
Name Date 12/13/2020
Team Instructor
Assembly Cycle

Defect Removal Rates Plan Actual

Planning 0.00 0.00
Requirements 0.00 0.00
System Test Plan 0.00 0.00
REQ Inspection 0.00 0.00
High-Level Design 0.00 0.00
Integration Test Plan 0.00 0.00
HLD Inspection 0.00 0.00
Detailed Design 0.00 0.00
DLD Review 0.00 0.00
Test Development 0.00 0.00
DLD Inspection 0.00 0.00
Code 0.00 0.00
Code Review 0.00 0.00
Compile 0.00 0.00
Code Inspection 0.00 0.00
Unit Test 0.00 0.00
Build and Integration Test 0.00 0.00
System Test 0.00 0.00

File: 503027969.xls ! SUMQ 12/13/2020 17 of 37

TSPi Size Summary - Form SUMS
Date 12/13/2020
Cycle Planned Size Actual Size

(A)ssembly or (P)art

New and Changed

New and Changed

Total New Reuse

Total New Reuse

Size Measure









Assembly, Sub-Assembly, or
Part Name Parent Assembly Name

File: 503027969.xls ! SUMS 12/13/2020 18 of 37


Part Name
Assembly, Sub-Assembly, or

File: 503027969.xls ! SUMS

(A)ssembly or (P)art
Date 12/13/2020
TSPi Size Summary - Form SUMS

Parent Assembly Name


Size Measure



System Test Plan

Planned Defects Injected

REQ Inspection

High-Level Design

Integration Test Plan

HLD Inspection

Detailed Design

DLD Review

Test Development

DLD Inspection


Code Review


Code Inspection

Unit Test

Build and Integration


System Test

Acceptance Test

Product Life
12/13/2020 19 of 37

Part Name
Assembly, Sub-Assembly, or

File: 503027969.xls ! SUMS

(A)ssembly or (P)art
Date 12/13/2020
TSPi Size Summary - Form SUMS

Parent Assembly Name


Size Measure



System Test Plan

REQ Inspection
Actual Defects Injected

High-Level Design

Integration Test Plan

HLD Inspection

Detailed Design

DLD Review

Test Development

DLD Inspection


Code Review


Code Inspection

Unit Test

Build and Integration


System Test

Acceptance Test

Product Life
12/13/2020 20 of 37

Part Name
Assembly, Sub-Assembly, or

File: 503027969.xls ! SUMS

(A)ssembly or (P)art
Date 12/13/2020
TSPi Size Summary - Form SUMS

Parent Assembly Name


Size Measure



System Test Plan

REQ Inspection
Planned Defects Removed

High-Level Design

Integration Test Plan

HLD Inspection

Detailed Design

DLD Review

Test Development

DLD Inspection


Code Review


Code Inspection

Unit Test

Build and Integration


System Test

Acceptance Test

Product Life
12/13/2020 21 of 37

Part Name
Assembly, Sub-Assembly, or

File: 503027969.xls ! SUMS

(A)ssembly or (P)art
Date 12/13/2020
TSPi Size Summary - Form SUMS

Parent Assembly Name


Size Measure



System Test Plan

REQ Inspection
Actual Defects Removed

High-Level Design

Integration Test Plan

HLD Inspection

Detailed Design

DLD Review

Test Development

DLD Inspection


Code Review


Code Inspection

Unit Test

Build and Integration


System Test

Acceptance Test

Product Life
12/13/2020 22 of 37

Part Name
Assembly, Sub-Assembly, or

File: 503027969.xls ! SUMS

(A)ssembly or (P)art
Date 12/13/2020
TSPi Size Summary - Form SUMS

Parent Assembly Name


Size Measure

Management and

Launch and Strategy

Planned Time



System Test Plan

REQ Inspection

High-Level Design

Integration Test Plan

HLD Inspection

Detailed Design

DLD Review

Test Development

DLD Inspection


Code Review


Code Inspection

Unit Test

Build and Integration


System Test


12/13/2020 23 of 37

Part Name
Assembly, Sub-Assembly, or

File: 503027969.xls ! SUMS

(A)ssembly or (P)art
Date 12/13/2020
TSPi Size Summary - Form SUMS

Parent Assembly Name


Size Measure

Management and

Launch and Strategy

Actual Time



System Test Plan

REQ Inspection

High-Level Design

Integration Test Plan

HLD Inspection

Detailed Design

DLD Review

Test Development

DLD Inspection


Code Review


Code Inspection

Unit Test

Build and Integration


System Test


12/13/2020 24 of 37
TSPi Size Summary - Form SUMS
Date 12/13/2020

(A)ssembly or (P)art

Baseline Plan Hours

Baseline Plan Date
Size Measure
Assembly, Sub-Assembly, or
Part Name Parent Assembly Name

File: 503027969.xls ! SUMS 12/13/2020 25 of 37


TSPi Task Planning Template - Form TASK Total Plan Hours Total Actual Hours
Name 0.0 0.0
Team Reminder:
Date 12/13/2020 If Size and Rate are present, estimated hours is calculated as Size / Rate
Instructor whenever the plan is updated. To prevent calculation, size or rate must be blank.
Cycle Plan Hours by Role

Support Manager

Time in Phase %

Cumulative Plan

Cumulative Plan

Total Resource

Estimated Size

Predicted Date
Rate (per Hr.)
Size Measure

Earned Value
Team Leader


Actual Hours

Actual Week
Actual Date
Plan Hours

Plan Week

Plan Value
Plan Date





Assembly Phase Task

File: 503027969.xls ! Task 12/13/2020 26 of 37

Plan Date +
Current Slip

Committed Date

Baseline Date

File: 503027969.xls ! Task

Baseline Plan

12/13/2020 27 of 37

Date ###


File: 503027969.xls ! Schedule


Actual Hours

Actual Hours

TSPi Schedule Planning Template - Form SCHEDULE

Total Schedule Plan Hours
Total Task Plan Hours

Earned Value




Earned Value

Earned Value

Baseline Plan

Plan Hours

Baseline Plan

Plan Value
12/13/2020 28 of 37

File: 503027969.xls ! Schedule 12/13/2020 29 of 37

Risk Impact Likelihood Priority Assigned Date

Copyright James W. Over 1998 : 503027969.xls Risk 12/13/2020 30 of 37

TSPi Time Recording Log - Form LOGT
Name Date 12/13/2020
Team Instructor
Hours 0.0

Assembly Phase Task Date Start Int. Stop Delta Comments

File: 503027969.xls ! LOGT 12/13/2020 31 of 37

TSPi Defect Recording Log - Form LOGD
Name Date 12/13/2020
Team Instructor

Date Num Type Assembly Injected Removed Time Fix Ref. Description

File: 503027969.xls ! LOGD 12/13/2020 32 of 37

TSPi Week Summary - Form WEEK
Name Date 12/13/20
Team Instructor
Status for Week 1 Selected Assembly Cycle
Week Date SYSTEM
Plan / Plan -
Task Hours %Change Weekly Data Plan Actual Actual Actual Project End Date
Baseline 0.0 Schedule hours for this week 0.0 0.0 0.0 Baseline 12/30/99
Current 0.0 Schedule hours this cycle to date 0.0 0.0 0.0 Plan 12/30/99
%Change Earned value for this week 0.0 0.0 0.0 Predicted
Earned value this cycle to date 0.0 0.0 0.0
To-date hours for tasks completed 0.0 0.0
To-date average hours per week 0.0 0.0
EV per completed task hour to date
Plan Actual Plan Earned
Consolidated Team Member Schedule Data Hours Hours Value Value
Team Leader
Development Manager
Planning Manager
Quality/Process Manager
Support Manager

Totals 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Actual Date
Baseline or
Actual Hrs.

Actual Hrs.

Plan Value
Task Plan

Earned or

Plan Date

Slip Date
Plan vs.
Development Tasks


Completed Phase Task Resource

File: 503027969.xls ! Week 12/13/2020 33 of 37

TSPi Issue/Risk Tracking Log - Form IRTL
Name Date 12/13/2020
Team tructor



Issue or


Risk Date Follow-up Date Status
Number Created Owner Date Description Current Status Changed

File: 503027969.xls ! IRTL 12/13/2020 34 of 37

TSPi Issue Risk Week Summary - Form IRWEEK
Name Date 12/13/2020
Team Team
Week 1 Cycle

Number Description Status

File: 503027969.xls ! IRWeek 12/13/2020 35 of 37

Type Description
10 Documentation
20 Syntax
30 Build, Package
40 Assignment
50 Interface
60 Checking
70 Data
80 Function
90 System
100 Environment

File: 503027969.xls ! DefectTypes 12/13/2020 36 of 37

Parameter Value Description
Design/Code Time 100% Design time as % of coding time
Code Review Time 50% Code review time as % of code time
Compile Defects/KLOC 10 Compile defects/KLOC
Unit Test Ddefects/KLOC 5 Unit test defects/KLOC
Design Review Time 50% Design review time as % of design time

File: 503027969.xls ! QProfParam 12/13/2020 37 of 37

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