The document provides a 23 step tutorial for installing the 3D modeling software Aikido 3D. It involves first installing the hex editor WinHex 15.6 to modify the software's license key. The steps guide the user to locate the license key in memory using WinHex, divide it into pairs, and replace it with a new key to successfully activate the full version of Aikido 3D.
The document provides a 23 step tutorial for installing the 3D modeling software Aikido 3D. It involves first installing the hex editor WinHex 15.6 to modify the software's license key. The steps guide the user to locate the license key in memory using WinHex, divide it into pairs, and replace it with a new key to successfully activate the full version of Aikido 3D.
The document provides a 23 step tutorial for installing the 3D modeling software Aikido 3D. It involves first installing the hex editor WinHex 15.6 to modify the software's license key. The steps guide the user to locate the license key in memory using WinHex, divide it into pairs, and replace it with a new key to successfully activate the full version of Aikido 3D.
The document provides a 23 step tutorial for installing the 3D modeling software Aikido 3D. It involves first installing the hex editor WinHex 15.6 to modify the software's license key. The steps guide the user to locate the license key in memory using WinHex, divide it into pairs, and replace it with a new key to successfully activate the full version of Aikido 3D.
When unzipping the file "A3D.rar" we have accessed 3 new files:
1. The tutorial you are watching right now. 2. One called "3D Aikido" (compressed in RAR) 3. Another called "WinHex 15.6" (compressed in RAR) All right. The first step is to install WinHex 15.6: 1. Click on the file with such name (WinHex 15.6) with the right mouse button and then on "Extract here". Once the decompression process finishes (it does not take long, since it weighs little) it appears a folder with the same name of the file that we just decompressed (WinHex 15.6). Inside we find a folder called "install" and a file called "keygen". Open the folder and double click on the file "setup" and the following screen will appear: 2. If you want to install it in Spanish [which is how I will do this tutorial] click on the corresponding button and then on "ok": 3. Answer "Yes" to the next two questions. In the third, ask if we want to start the application now. We click on "No" and restart the computer. 4. Once started again we go to "C: \ Program Files \ WinHex" and click on "WinHex" (the application). A window like the following opens: 5. Now, go to the folder "WinHex 15.6" again and click on the file "keygen". A screen like this will appear: 6. In the first place we have to make sure to select "Specialist License". Then copy what appears in the box below: 7. In the WinHex program click on "Help" and "Registry" and the "Registry" window will appear: 8. In the window that has appeared what we have copied previously (in point 6.) and click on "Accept". In the new window that appears again we click on "OK". We already have it registered (to allow us to make changes). 9. Close the WinHex and restart the computer. Once restarted, the second step is to install 3D Aikido. 10. Return to the folder "A3D" and this time we unzip the file "Aikido 3D", right-clicking on it and clicking on "Extract here". 11. We get three files. Right now we only care about what is called "Setup". We double click on it and the following screen will open: 12. Click on "Next" and then accept the license by clicking on "I agree". The program is installed. An image like this will appear: 13. Make sure to deselect "Show Readme" and click on "Finish". In the next screen they tell us that we must enter the key of the product (I do not remember literally what it put). We click on "OK" and it takes us to the following screen: 14. The number that appears is our "fingerprint", is the identity of our team, which we have to match the one that appears in the original license: 15. Without closing the Aikido 3D program go back to "C: \ Program Files \ WinHex" and click on "WinHex" (the application). Important: In Windows XP, just double-click. In Windows Vista and Windows 7, right-click and "Run as administrator": 16. If the following screen appears, accept without ticking any boxes. If either (or both) was marked by default, we uncheck them, since it would not allow us to make modifications: 17. Once the program opens, go to "Tools" and click on "Open RAM": 18. A screen with a list appears. We look at the end (although it may appear almost at the end) where you put "Aikido 3D" followed by # and a numbering. Click on the "+" symbol on the left and when the list is expanded, click on "Full Memory". Press "OK". Note: If the "Aikido 3D" process does not appear, it can be for two reasons: One, that you have not left open the program closing the image of point 13. Two, that you have not executed the WinHex as administrator (point 15.). 19. A screen will appear that notifies us that the changes are written directly in the virtual memory. We accept. 20. Now comes the delicate part. We return to the "Aikido 3D" program and look at our fingerprint. In the image of point 14. appears as "854D-B5F6". Well, we have to divide them into groups of two "85. 4D, B5, F6" and enter them in reverse order in pairs, that is, "F6, B5, 4D, 85" (Note that it is as follows "F6. 4D, 85 "-well, not of this other" 6F, 5B, D4, 58 "-mal-). 21. Go back to WinHex again and click on "Search" and then on "Replace Hexadecimal Values". We have a screen (in the image, on the right). 22. In the field "Search" we put the number we noted before (our "fingerprint" turned in pairs). We have to enter all the digits without spaces, dashes, points ... or anything, just the relationship of numbers and letters. In the case of the example would look like this: 23. In the "Replace with" field, type 47CD1C77. Check "Replace all" and uncheck the rest. Then click "OK". In our example it would look like this
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