Unit 1 Dynamic Programming: Structure Page Nos
Unit 1 Dynamic Programming: Structure Page Nos
Unit 1 Dynamic Programming: Structure Page Nos
In the earlier units of the course, we have discussed some well-known techniques,
including the divide-and-conquer technique, for developing algorithms for
algorithmically solvable problems. The divide-and-conquer technique, though quite
useful in solving problems from a number of problem domains, yet in some cases, as
shown below, may give quite inefficient algorithms to solve problems.
Example 1.0.1: Consider the problem of computing binomial coefficient (or in
linear notation c (n, k)) where n and k are given non-negative integers with nk. One
way of defining and calculating the binomial coefficient is by using the following
recursive formula
if k n or k
n n n
= if k n (1.0.1)
k k k
The following recursive algorithm named Bin (n, k), implements the above formula
for computing the binomial coefficient.
If k = n or k = 0 then return 1
else return Bin (n1, k1) + Bin (n1, k)
For computing Bin (n, k) for some given values of n and k, a number of terms Bin
(i, j), 1 i and 1 j k, particularly for smaller values of i and j, are repeatedly
calculated. For example, to calculate Bin (7, 5), we compute Bin (6, 5) and Bin (6, 4).
Now, for computing Bin (6, 5), we compute Bin (5, 4) and Bin (5, 5). But for
calculating Bin (6, 4) we have to calculate Bin (5, 4) again. If the above argument is
further carried out for still smaller values, the number of repetitions for Bin (i, j)
increases as values of i and j decrease.
For given values of n and k, in order to compute Bin (n, k), we need to call Bin (i, j)
for 1 i n ─ 1 and 1 j k─1 and as the values of i and j decrease, the number of
times Bin (i, j) is required to be called and executed generally increases.
The above example follows the Divide-and-Conquer technique in the sense that the
task of calculating C(n, k) is replaced by the two relatively simpler tasks, viz.,
calculating C(n1, k) and C (n1, k1). But this technique, in this particular case,
Design Techniques-II makes large number of avoidable repetitions of computations. This is not an isolated
instance where the Divide-and-Conquer technique leads to inefficient solutions. In
such cases, an alternative technique, viz., Dynamic Programming, may prove quite
useful. This unit is devoted to developing algorithms using Dynamic Programming
technique. But before, we discuss the technique in more details, let us briefly discuss
underlying idea of the technique and the fundamental difference between Dynamic
Programming and Divide-and-Conquer technique.
Essential idea of Dynamic Programming, being quite simple, is that we should avoid
calculating the same quantity more than once, usually by keeping a table of known
results for simpler instances. These results, in stead of being calculated repeatedly,
can be retrieved from the table, as and when required, after first computation.
The (i, j) th entry of the table contains the value C(i, j). We know,
C (i, 0) = 1 for all i = 0, 1, 2,…., n and
C (0, j) = 0 for j = 1, 2, …., k
0 1 2 3 …….. k
0 1 0 0 0 …….. 0
1 1
2 1
3 1
. .
. .
. .
. .
n 1
C (i, j) = C (i – 1, j – 1) + C (i – 1, j).
After filling up the entries of the first row, the table takes the following form: Dynamic Programming
0 1 2 3 …….. k
0 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0
2 1
. 1
. .
. .
. .
n 1
From the already calculated values of a given row i, adding successive pairs of
consecutive values, we get the values for (i + 1)th row. After completing the entries
for row with index 4, the table may appear as follows, where the blank entries to the
right of the main diagonal are all zeros.
0 1 2 3 4 ….. k
0 1
1 1 1
2 1 2 1
3 1 3 3 1
4 1 4 6 4 1
. .
. .
. .
. .
n 1
We Summarize below the process followed above, for calculating C(i, j):
First of all, the simplest values C(i, 0) = 1 for i = 1, 2, …., n and C(0, j) = 0 for
j 1, are obtained directly from the given formula. Next, more complex values are
calculated from the already available less complex values. Obviously, the above
mentioned process is a bottom-up one.
Though the purpose in the above discussion was to introduce and explain the Dynamic
Programming technique, yet we may also consider the complexity of calculating
C (n, k) using the tabular method.
(i) The value in column 0 is always 1 and hence need not be stored.
(ii) Initially 0th row is given by C(0,0) = 1 and C (0, j) = 0 for j = 1, 2, …., k. Once
any value of row 1, say C(1, j) is calculated the values C(0, j1) and C(0, j) are
no more required and hence C (1, j) may be written in the space currently
occupied by C(0, j) and hence no extra space is required to write C (1, j).
In general, when the value C(i, j) of the ith row is calculated the value C (I – 1, j) is no
more required and hence the cell currently occupied by C (i –1, j) can be used to store
Design Techniques-II the value C(i, j). Thus, at any time, one row worth of space is enough to calculate
C(n, k). Therefore, space requirement is (k).
In the next sections, we shall discuss solution of some well-known problems, using
Dynamic Programming technique.
After going through this unit, you should be able to:
We, in India, have currency notes or coins of denominations of Rupees 1, 2, 5, 10, 20,
50, 100, 500 and 1000. Suppose a person has to pay an amount of Rs. 5896 after
having decided to purchase an article. Then, the problem is about how to pay the
amount using minimum number of coins/notes.
of making payments. Further, let A, a positive integer, be the amount to be paid using Dynamic Programming
the above-mentioned coins. The problem is to use the minimum number of coins, for
the purpose.
The problem with above mentioned algorithm based on greedy technique, is that in
some cases, it may either fail or may yield suboptimal solutions. In order to establish
inadequacy of greedy technique based algorithms, we consider the following two
Example 1.2.2: Next, we consider another example, in which greedy algorithm may
yield a solution, but the solution may not be optimal, but only suboptimal. For this
purpose, we consider a hypothetical situation, in which currency notes of
denominations 1, 4 and 6 are available. And, we have to collect an amount of
8 = 6+1+1. But this solution uses three currency notes/coins, whereas another
solution using only two currency notes/coins, viz., 8 = 4+4, is available.
Next, we discuss how the Coin Problem is solved using Dynamic Programming
Each of the denomination di, 1 i k, is made a row label and each of the value j for
1 j A is made a column label of the proposed table as shown below, where A is the
amount to be paid:
Amount 1 2 3 4 ….. j …. A
1= d1
di C[i, j]
Design Techniques-II In the table given on page no. 9, 0 < d1 < d2 < … < dk and C[i, j] denotes the
minimum number of coins of denominations d1, d2, …., di (only) that is used to make
an amount j, where more than one coin of the same denomination may be used. The
value C[i, j] is entered in the table with row label di and column label j.
Next, in respect of entries in the table, we make the following two observations:
(i) In order to collect an amount 0, we require zero number of coins, which is true
whether we are allowed to choose from, say, one of the successively larger sets
of denominations viz., {d1}, {d1, d2}, {d1, d2, d3}, …, {d1, d2, …, dk}. Thus,
entries in the table in the column with 0 as column label, are all 0’s.
(ii) If d1 1, then there may be some amounts j (including j = 1) for which, even
with dynamic programming technique, no solution may exist, i.e., there
may not be any number of coins of denominations d 1, d2, … dk for which
the sum is j. Therefore, we assume d1 = 1. The case d1 1 may be handled
As d1 = 1, therefore, the first row of the table in the jth column, contains j, the
number of coins of denomination only d1 = 1 to form value j.
0 1 2 3 4 ….. j …. A
d1 0 1 2 3 4 … j … A
d2 0
di 0
. .
. .
. .
dk 0
Next for i 2 and j 1, the value C[i , j], the minimum number of coins of
denominations upto di (only) to sum up to j, can be obtained recursively through
either of the following two ways:
By definition, C[i, j] = min { 1 + C[ i, j – di], C [ i─1, j]} and can be calculated, as Dynamic Programming
the two involved values viz., C [ i, j – di] and C [ i─1, j] are already known.
Comment 1.2.3
If j < di in case (1.1) then the Equation (1.1) is impossible. Mathematically we can
say C [ i, j – di] = if j < di, because, then the case is automatically excluded from
consideration for calculating C[i, j].
Similarly we take
C[i1, j] = if i<1
Following the above procedure, C{k, A] gives the desired number.
In order to explain the above method, let us consider the earlier example for which
greedy algorithm gave only suboptimal solution.
Example 1.2.4: Using Dynamic Programming technique, find out minimum number
of coins required to collect Rupees 8 out of coins of denominations 1, 4, 6.
From the earlier discussion we already know the following portion of the table to be
developed using Dynamic Programming technique.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
d1 = 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
d2= 4 0
di= 6 0
Next we consider
Next, interesting case is C[2, 4], i.e., to find out minimum number of coins to make an
amount 4 out of coins of denominations 1, 4, 6. By definition,
Design Techniques-II C[2, 4] = min {1 + C (2, 4 ─ 4), C(1, 4)}
But C[2, 0] = 0 and C [1, 4] = 4, therefore,
= min {1 + 0, 4} = 1 C[2, 4]
By following the method explained through the above example steps, finally, we get
the table as
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
d1 = 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
d2= 4 0 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 2
di= 6 0 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 2
Let us formalize the method explained above of computing C[k, A], in the general
case, in the form of the following algorithm:
array C [1… k, 0… A]
For i = 1 to k
Read (d [i ] )
{reads the various denominations available with each denomination coin in sufficient
{assuming d1 = 1, initialize the table C { } as follows}
For i = 1 to k
C[ i, 0] = 0
For j = 1to A
C [ 1, j] = j
Comments 1.2.5
Comment 1: The above algorithm explicitly gives only the number of coins, which
are minimum to make a pre-assigned amount A, yet it can also be used to determine
the set of coins of various denominations that add upto A.
By definition, C [i, j] = either 1 + C [i, j di] or C [i 1, j], which means either we
choose a coin of denomination di or we do not choose a coin of denomination di,
depending upon whether 1 + C [i, j di] C [ i ─ 1, j] or not. Applying the above rule Dynamic Programming
recursively for decreasing values of i and j, we know which coins are chosen for
making an amount j out of the available coins.
While using the Dynamic Programming technique in solving the coin problem we
tacitly assumed the above mentioned principle in defining C [i, j], as minimum of
1 + C [i, j di] and C [ i – 1, j]. The principle is used so frequently and without our
being aware of having used it.
However, we must be aware that there may be situations in which the principle may
not be applicable. The principle of optimality may not be true, specially, in situations
where resources used over the (sub) components may be more than total resources
used over the whole, and where total resources are limited and fixed. A simple
example may explain the point. For example, suppose a 400-meter race champion
takes 42 seconds to complete the race. However, covering 100 meters in 10.5 seconds
may not be the best/optimal solution for 100 meters. The champion may take less
than 10 seconds to cover 100 meters. The reason being total resources (here the
concentration and energy of the athlete) are limited and fixed whether distributed
over 100 meters or 400 meters.
Similarly, for a vehicle with best performance over 100 miles, can not be thought of
in terms of 10 times best performance over 10 miles. First of all, fuel usage after
some lower threshold, increases with speed. Therefore, as the distance to be covered
increases (e.g., from 10 to 100 miles) then fuel has to be used more cautiously,
restraining the speed, as compared to when distance to be covered is less (e.g., 10
miles). Even if refuelling is allowed, refuelling also takes time. The drivers
concentration and energy are other fixed and limited resources; which in the case of
shorter distance can be used more liberally as compared to over longer distances, and
in the process produce better speed over short distances as compared to over long
distances. The above discussion is for the purpose of driving attention to the fact that
principle of optimality is not universal, specially when the resources are limited and
fixed. Further, it is to draw attention that Dynamic Programming technique assumes
validity of Principle of Optimality for the problem domain. Hence, while applying
Dynamic Programming technique for solving optimisation problems, in order for the
validity of the solution based on the technique, we need to ensure that the Optimality
Principle is valid for the problem domain.
Ex. 1) Using Dynamic Programming, solve the following problem (well known as
Knapsack Problem). Also write the algorithm that solves the problem.
Design Techniques-II into pieces. In other words, either a whole object is to be included or it has to be
(iv) Though, for three or more matrices, matrix multiplication is associative, yet
the number of scalar multiplications may very significantly depending upon
how we pair the matrices and their product matrices to get the final product.
Summering: The product of matrices A (14 6), B(6 90) and C(90 4) takes
12600 scalar operators when first the product of A and B is computed and then
product AB is multiplied with C. On the other hand, if the product BC is calculated
first and then product of A with matrix BC is taken then only 2496 scalar
multiplications are required. The later number is around 20% of the former. In case
when large number of matrices are to be multiplied for which the product is defined,
proper parenthesizing through pairing of matrices, may cause dramatic saving in
number of scalar operations.
Another version allows any fraction xi with 0xi1. However, in this problem, we
assume either xi = 1 or xi = 0.
This raises the question of how to parenthesize the pairs of matrices within the Dynamic Programming
expression A1A2 … An, a product of n matrices which is defined; so as to optimize
the computation of the product A1A2 … An. The product is known as Chained
Matrix Multiplication.
Brute-Force Method: One way for finding the optimal method (i.e., the method
which uses minimum number of scalar (numerical) operations) is to parenthesize the
expression A1A2 … An in all possible ways and calculate number of scalar
multiplications required for each way. Then choose the way which requires minimum
number of scalar multiplications.
However, if T(n) denotes the number of ways of putting parentheses for pairing the
expression A1A2 … An, T(n) is an exponentially increasing function. The rate at
which values of T(n) increase may be seen from the following table of values of T(n)
for n = 1, 2, …….
n : 1 2 3 4 5 … 10 … 15
T(n): 1 1 2 5 14 … 4862 … 2674440
Hence, it is almost impossible to use the method for determining how to optimize the
computation of the product A1A2 … An.
Thus, the Dynamic Programming technique can be applied to the problem, and is
discussed below:
Let us first define the problem. Let Ai, 1 i n, be a di-1 di matrix. Let the vector
d [ 0.. n] stores the dimensions of the matrices, where the dimension of
Ai is di-1 di for i = 1, 2, …, n. By definition, any subsequence Aj…Ak of
A1A2 … An for 1 j k n is a well-defined product of matrices. Let us consider a
table m [1.. n, 1 .. n] in which the entries mij for 1 i j n, represent optimal (i.e.,
minimum) number of operations required to compute the product matrix (Ai … Aj).
We fill up the table diagonal-wise, i.e., in one iteration we fill-up the table one
diagonal mi, i+s, at a time, for some constant s 0. Initially we consider the biggest
diagonal mii for which s = 0. Then next the diagonal mi, i+s for s = 1 and so on.
Now mii stands for the minimum scalar multiplications required to compute the
product of single matrix Ai. But number of scalar multiplications required are zero.
mii = 0 for i = 1, 2, … n.
Design Techniques-II Filling up entries for mi(i +1) for i = 1, 2, …, (n – 1).
mi(i +1) denotes the minimum number of scalar multiplication required to find the
product Ai Ai+1. As Ai is di-1 di matrix and Ai+1 is di di+1 matrix. Hence,
there is a unique number for scalar multiplication for computing Ai Ai+1 giving
Assuming optimal number of scalar multiplication viz., mi,j and mi+1, j are already
known, we can say that
for i = 1, 2, …, n – s.
When the term di-1 dj di+s represents the number of scalar multiplications required to
multiply the resultant matrices (Ai … Aj) and (Aj+1 … Ai+s)
Summing up the discussion, we come the definition mi,i+s for i=1,2, …(n 1) as
Let us illustrate the algorithm to compute mj+1,i+s discussed above through an example
A1 of order 14 6
A2 of order 6 90
A3 of order 90 4
A4 of order 4 35
m12 = d0 d1 d2 = 14 6 90 = 7560 Dynamic Programming
m23 = d1 d2 d3 = 6 90 4 = 3240
m34 = d2 d3 d4 = 9 4 35 = 1260
1 2 3 4
1 0 7560
2 0 3240
3 0 1260
4 0
Finally, for s = 3
Design Techniques-II (5) The Knapsack Problem: We are given n objects and a knapsack. For i = 1,
2, …, n, object i has a positive weight wi and a positive value vi. The
knapsack can carry a weight not exceeding W. The problem requires that
the knapsack is filled in a way that maximizes the value of the objects
included in the knapsack.
Ex. 1)
First of all, it can be easily verified that Principle of Optimality is valid in the
sense for an optimal solution of the overall problem each subsolution is also
optimal. Because in this case, a non-optimal solution of a subproblem, when
replaced by a better solution of the subproblem, would lead to a better than
optimal solution of the overall problem. A contradiction.
In order to label the rows we first of all, order the given objects according to
increasing relative values R = v/w.
Thus first object O1 is the one with minimum relative value R1. The object O2 is
the one with next least relative value R2 and so on. The last object, in the
sequence, is On, with maximum relative weight Rn.
The ith row of the Table Corresponds to object Oi having ith relative value,
when values are arranged in increasing order. The jth column corresponds to
weight j for 0j W. The entry Knap [i, j] denotes the maximum value that can
be packed in knapsack when objects O1, O2, …,Oi only are used and the
included objects have weight at most j.
Next, in order to fill up the entries Knap[i, j], 1i n and 0j W, of the table,
we can check, as was done in the coin problem that,
Another version allows any fraction xi with 0xi1. However, in this problem, we assume either xi = 1
or xi = 0.
0 1 2 3 4 … j … W Dynamic Programming
1 0 V V V V V V
2 0
. .
. .
. .
j 0
. .
. .
. .
n 0
Further, when calculating Knap [i, j], there are two possibilities: either
(i) The ith object Oi is taken into consideration, then
Knap [i, j] = Knap [i1, j wi] + vi or
(ii) The ith object Oi is not taken into consideration then
Knap [i, j] = V[i1, j]
Thus we define
Knap [i, j] = max {Knap [i1, j], Knap [i1, j - wi] + vi}
The above equation is valid for i = 2 and j wi. In order that the above equation may
be applicable otherwise also, without violating the intended meaning we take,
We explain the Dynamic Programming based solution suggested above, through the
following example.
We are given six objects, whose weights are respectively 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 10 units and
whose values respectively are 1, 6, 18, 22, 28, 43. Thus relative values in increasing
order are respectively 1.00, 3.00, 3.60, 3.67, 4.00 and 4.30. If we can carry a
maximum weight of 12, then the table below shows that we can compose a load
whose value is 49.
Weights 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Relative Values
w1= 1, v1 = 1, R1 = 1.00 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
w2 = 2, v2 = 6, R2 = 3.00 0 1 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
w3 = 5, v3 = 18, R3 = 3.60 0 1 6 7 7 18 19 24 25 25 25 25 25
W4 = 6, v4 = 22, R4 =3.67 0 1 6 7 7 18 22 24 28 29 29 40 41
W5 = 7, v5 = 28 R5 = 4.00 0 1 6 7 7 18 22 28 29 34 35 40 46
Design Techniques-II Algorithm for the solution of the solution explained above of the Knapsack
read (Weight [i ] )
read (value [i ] )
R [ i ] / weight [ i ]
For j = 1 to n do
For t = j + 1 to n do
If R [ t ] < R [ k ] then
Exchange (R [ j ], R [ k ]);
Exchange (Weight [ j ], Weight [ k ]);
Exchange (Value [ j ], value [ k ] );
{At this stage R[ 1.. n] is a sorted array in increasing order and Weight [ j] and value
[ j ] are respectively weight and value for jth least relative value}
{Next, we complete the table knap for the problem}
For i = 1 to n do
Knap [ i , 0] = 0 for i = 1, …, n
Knap [ 1, j] = value [ 1 ] for j = 1, …, W
If i 0 and j 0 then
Knap [ i , j ] = 0
Else if j < 0 ─ then
Knap [ i, j ] = ─
For i = 2 to n do
For j = 1 to W do
Knap [ i, j] = maximum {Knap [i –1, j], Knap [ i 1, j – Weight [i] ]
+ value [ i ]
Retu rn Knap [ n, W]
Dynamic Programming
1. Foundations of Algorithms, R. Neapolitan & K. Naimipour:
(D.C. Health & Company, 1996).
2. Algoritmics: The Spirit of Computing, D. Harel, (Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company, 1987).
3. Fundamental Algorithms (Second Edition), D.E. Knuth, (Narosa Publishing
4. Fundamentals of Algorithmics, G. Brassard & P. Brately, (Prentice-Hall
International, 1996).
5. Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, E. Horowitz & S. Sahni, (Galgotia
6. The Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Anany Levitin, (Pearson Education,
7. Programming Languages (Second Edition) ─ Concepts and Constructs, Ravi
Sethi, (Pearson Education, Asia, 1996).
Design Techniques-II
Structure Page Nos.
2.0 Introduction 22
2.1 Objectives 23
2.2 Some Examples 23
2.3 Formalization of Greedy Technique 25
2.3.1 Function Greedy-Structure (GV: set): Set
2.4 Minimum Spanning Tree 27
2.5 Prim‟s Algorithm 31
2.6 Kruskal‟s Algorithm 34
2.7 Dijkstra‟s Algorithm 38
2.8 Summary 41
2.9 Solutions/Answers 41
2.10 Further Readings 46
Algorithms based on Greedy technique are used for solving optimization problems.
An optimization problem is one in which some value (or set of values) of interest is
required to be either minimized or maximized w.r.t some given relation on the values.
Such problems include maximizing profits or minimizing costs of, say, production of
some goods. Other examples of optimization problems are about
finding the minimum number of currency notes required for an amount, say of
Rs. 289, where arbitrary number of currency notes of each denomination from
Rs. 1 to Rs. 100 are available, and
finding shortest path covering a number of given cities where distances between
pair of cities are given.
As we will study later, the algorithms based on greedy technique, if exist, are easy to
think of, implement and explain about. However, for many interesting optimization
problems, no algorithm based on greedy technique may yield optimal solution. In
support of this claim, let us consider the following example:
Example 1.1: Let us suppose that we have to go from city A to city E through either
city B or city C or city D with costs of reaching between pairs of cities as shown
3000 4000
Figure 2.0.1
Then the greedy technique suggests that we take the route from A to B, the cost of
which Rs.3000, is the minimum among the three costs, (viz., Rs. 3000, Rs. 4000 and
Rs. 5000) of available routes.
However, at B there is only one route available to reach E. Thus, greedy algorithm Greedy Techniques
suggests the route from A to B to E, which costs Rs.11000. But, the route from A to C
to E, costs only Rs.9000. Also, the route from A to D to E costs also Rs.9000.
Thus, locally better solution, at some stage, suggested by greedy technique yields
overall (or globally) costly solution.
After studying unit, you should be able to:
Example 2.2.1
In this example, we discuss, how intuitively we attempt to solve the Minimum
Number of Notes Problem , to be specific, to make an amount of Rs.289/-.
Design Techniques-II Solution: Intuitively, to begin with, we pick up a note of denomination D, satisfying
the conditions.
i) D 289 and
ii) if D1 is another denomination of a note such that D1 289, then D1 D.
In other words, the picked-up note‟s denomination D is the largest among all the
denominations satisfying condition (i) above.
To deliver Rs. 289 with minimum number of currency notes, the notes of different
denominations are chosen and rejected as shown below:
Example 2.2.2
Next, we consider an example in which for a given amount A and a set of available
denominations, the greedy algorithm does not provide a solution, even when a
solution by some other method exists.
Let us consider a hypothetical country in which notes available are of only the
denominations 20, 30 and 50. We are required to collect an amount of 90.
notes becomes 100, which is greater than 90. Therefore, we do not pick up Greedy Techniques
any note of denomination 50 or above.
iii) Therefore, we pick up a note of next denomination, viz., of 30. The amount
made up by the sum of the denominations 50 and 30 is 80, which is less then
90. Therefore, we accept a note of denomination 30.
iv) Again, we can not pick up another note of denomination 30, because
otherwise the sum of denominations of picked up notes, becomes 80+30=110,
which is more than 90. Therefore, we do not pick up only note of
denomination 30 or above.
v) Next, we attempt to pick up a note of next denomination, viz., 20. But, in that
case the sum of the denomination of the picked up notes becomes 80+20=100,
which is again greater than 90. Therefore, we do not pick up only note of
denomination 20 or above.
vi) Next, we attempt to pick up a note of still next lesser denomination. However,
there are no more lesser denominations available.
Thus, we get 90 and , it can be easily seen that at least 3 notes are required to make an
amount of 90. Another alternative solution is to pick up 3 notes each of denomination
Example 2.2.3
Next, we consider an example, in which the greedy technique, of course, leads to a
solution, but the solution yielded by greedy technique is not optimal.
Again, we consider a hypothetical country in which notes available are of the only
denominations 10, 40 and 60. We are required to collect an amount of 80.
Using the greedy technique, to make an amount of 80, first, we use a note of
denomination 60. For the remaining amount of 20, we can choose note of only
denomination 10. And , finally, for the remaining amount, we choose another note of
denomination 10. Thus, greedy technique suggests the following solution using 3
notes: 80 = 60 + 10 + 10.
Ex.1) Give another example in which greedy technique fails to deliver an optimal
Design Techniques-II mentioned. Otherwise, it is assumed that each candidate value can be used as
many times as required for the solution using greedy technique. Let us call this
set as
GV: Set of Given Values
(ii) Set (rather multi-set) of considered and chosen values: This structure
contains those candidate values, which are considered and chosen by the
algorithm based on greedy technique to reach a solution. Let us call this
structure as
CV: Structure of Chosen Values
The structure is generally not a set but a multi-set in the sense that values may
be repeated. For example, in the case of Minimum Number of Notes problem,
if the amount to be collected is Rs. 289 then
(iii) Set of Considered and Rejected Values: As the name suggests, this is the set
of all those values, which are considered but rejected. Let us call this set as
RV: Set of considered and Rejected Values
A candidate value may belong to both CV and RV. But, once a value is put in
RV, then this value can not be put any more in CV. For example, to make an
amount of Rs. 289, once we have chosen two notes each of denomination 100,
we have
CV = {100, 100}
At this stage, we have collected Rs. 200 out of the required Rs. 289. At this
stage RV = {1000, 500}. So, we can chose a note of any denomination except
those in RV, i.e., except 1000 and 500. Thus, at this stage, we can chose a note
of denomination 100. However, this choice of 100 again will make the total
amount collected so far, as Rs. 300, which exceeds Rs. 289. Hence we reject
the choice of 100 third time and put 100 in RV, so that now RV = {1000, 500,
100}. From this point onward, we can not chose even denomination 100.
addition of 100 to the values already in CV, the total value becomes 300 which Greedy Techniques
exceeds 289, the value 100 is rejected and put in RV. Next, the function SelF
attempts the next lower denomination 50. The value 50 when added to the sum
of values in CV gives 250, which is less than 289. Hence, the value 50 is
returned by the function SelF.
(vi) The Feasibility-Test Function, say FeaF. When a new value say v is chosen
by the function SelF, then the function FeaF checks whether the new set,
obtained by adding v to the set CV of already selected values, is a possible part
of the final solution. Thus in the case of Minimum Number of Notes problem,
if amount to be collected is Rs. 289 and at some stage, CV = {100, 100}, then
the function SelF returns 50. At this stage, the function FeaF takes the control.
It adds 50 to the sum of the values in CV, and on finding that the sum 250 is
less than the required value 289 informs the main/calling program that {100,
100, 50} can be a part of some final solution, and needs to be explored further.
(vii) The Objective Function, say ObjF, gives the value of the solution. For
example, in the case of the problem of collecting Rs. 289; as CV = {100, 100,
50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 2} is such that sum of values in CV equals the required value
289, the function ObjF returns the number of notes in CV, i.e., the number 8.
After having introduced a number of sets and functions that may be required by
an algorithm based on greedy technique, we give below the outline of greedy
technique, say Greedy-Structure. For any actual algorithm based on greedy
technique, the various structures the functions discussed above have to be
replaced by actual functions.
These functions depend upon the problem under consideration. The Greedy-
Structure outlined below takes the set GV of given values as input parameter
and returns CV, the set of chosen values. For developing any algorithm based
on greedy technique, the following function outline will be used.
Design Techniques-II Definitions
A Spanning tree of a connected graph, say G = (V, E) with V as set of vertices and E
as set of edges, is its connected acyclic subgraph (i.e., a tree) that contains all the
vertices of the graph.
A minimum spanning tree of a weighted connected graph is its spanning tree of the
smallest weight, where the weight of a tree is defined as the sum of the weights on all
its edges.
The minimum spanning tree problem has a number of useful applications in the
following type of situations:
Suppose, we are given a set of cities alongwith the distances between each pair of
cities. In view of the shortage of funds, it is desired that in stead of connecting
directly each pair of cities, we provide roads, costing least, but allowing passage
between any pair cities along the provided roads. However, the road between some
pair of cities may not be direct, but may be passing through a number of other cities.
Next, we illustrate the concept of spanning tree and minimum spanning tree through
the following example.
a b
5 2
c d
Figure: 2.4.1
For the graph of Figure 2.4.1given above, each of Figure 2.4.2, Figure, 2. 4.3 and
Figure. 2.4.4 shows a spanning tree viz., T 1, T2 and T3 respectively.
Out of these, T1 is a minimal spanning tree of G, of weight 1+2+3 = 6.
a b
c d
Figure: 2.4.2
1 Greedy Techniques
a b
c d
Figure: 2.4.3
a b
5 2
c d
Figure: 2.4.4
Remark 2.4.1:
The weight may denote (i) length of an edge between pair of vertices or (ii) the cost of
reaching from one town to the other or (iii) the cost of production incurred in reaching
from one stage of production to the immediate next stage of production or (iv) the cost
of construction of a part of a road or of laying telephone lines between a pair of towns.
Remark 2.4.2:
The weights on edges are generally positive. However, in some situations the weight
of an edge may be zero or even negative. The negative weight may appear to be
appropriate when the problem under consideration is not about „minimizing costs‟ but
about „maximizing profits’ and we still want to use minimum spanning tree
algorithms. However, in such cases, it is not appropriate to use negative weights,
because, more we traverse the negative-weight edge, lesser the cost. However, with
repeated traversals of edges, the cost should increase in stead of decreasing.
Design Techniques-II we need to find appropriate values of the various sets and functions discussed in
Section 3.
In the case of the problem of finding minimum-spanning tree for a given
connected graph, the appropriate values are as follows:
(i) GV: The set of candidate or given values is given by
GV = E, the set of edges of the given graph (V, E).
(ii) CV: The structure of chosen values is given by those edges from E, which
together will form the required minimum-weight spanning tree.
(iii) RV: set of rejected values will be given by those edges in E, which at some
stage will form a cycle with earlier selected edges.
(iv) In the case of the problem of minimum spanning tree, the function SolF
that checks whether a solution is reached or not, is the function that checks
(a) all the edges in CV form a tree,
(b) the set of vertices of the edges in CV equal V, the set of all edges in the
graph, and
(c) the sum of the weights of the edges in CV is minimum possible of the
edges which satisfy (a) and (b) above.
(v) Selection Function: depends upon the particular algorithm used for the
purpose. There are two well-known algorithms, viz., Prim‟s algorithm and
Kruskal‟s algorithm for finding the Minimum Spanning Tree. We will
discuss these algorithms in detail in subsequent sections.
(vi) FeaF: Feasibility Test Function: In this case, when the selection function
SelF returns an edge depending on the algorithm, the feasibility test function
FeaF will check whether the newly found edge forms a cycle with the earlier
slected edges. If the new edge actually forms a cycle then generally the newly
found edge is dropped and search for still another edge starts. However, in
some of the algorithms, it may happen that some earlier chosen edge is
(vii) In the case of Minimum Spanning Tree problem, the objective function may
(a) the set of edges that constitute the required minimum spanning tree and
(b) the weight of the tree selected in (a) above.
5 2
c d
Greedy Techniques
The algorithm due to Prim builds up a minimum spanning tree by adding edges to
form a sequence of expanding subtrees. The sequence of subtrees is represented by the
pair (VT, ET), where VT and ET respectively represent the set of vertices and the set of
edges of a subtree in the sequence. Initially, the subtree, in the sequence, consists of
just a single vertex which is selected arbitrarily from the set V of vertices of the given
graph. The subtree is built-up iteratively by adding an edge that has minimum weight
among the remaining edges (i.e., edge selected greedily) and, which at the same time,
does not form a cycle with the earlier selected edges.
5 2
c d
Figure: 2.5.1
In the first iteration, the edge having weight which is the minimum of the weights
of the edges having a as one of its vertices, is chosen. In this case, the edge ab with
weight 1 is chosen out of the edges ab, ac and ad of weights respectively 1,5 and 2.
Thus, after First iteration, we have the given graph with chosen edges in bold and
VT and ET as follows:
VT = (a, b) a b
ET = ( (a,b))
5 2
c d
Figure: 2.5.2
Design Techniques-II In the next iteration, out of the edges, not chosen earlier and not making a cycle with
earlier chosen edge and having either a or b as one of its vertices, the edge with
minimum weight is chosen. In this case the vertex b does not have any edge
originating out of it. In such cases, if required, weight of a non-existent edge may be
taken as . Thus choice is restricted to two edges viz., ad and ac respectively of
weights 2 and 5. Hence, in the next iteration the edge ad is chosen. Hence, after
second iteration, we have the given graph with chosen edges and V T and ET as
VT = (a, b, d) 1
a b
ET = ((a, b), (a, d))
5 2
c d
Figure: 2.5.3
In the next iteration, out of the edges, not chosen earlier and not making a cycle with
earlier chosen edges and having either a, b or d as one of its vertices, the edge with
minimum weight is chosen. Thus choice is restricted to edges ac, dc and de with
weights respectively 5, 3, 1.5. The edge de with weight 1.5 is selected. Hence, after
third iteration we have the given graph with chosen edges and VT and ET as
VT = (a, b, d, e) 1
a b
ET = ((a, b), (a, d), (d, e))
5 2
c d
Figure: 2.5.4
In the next iteration, out of the edges, not chosen earlier and not making a cycle with
earlier chosen edge and having either a, b, d or e as one of its vertices, the edge with
minimum weight is chosen. Thus, choice is restricted to edges dc and ac with weights
respectively 3 and 5. Hence the edge dc with weight 3 is chosen. Thus, after fourth
iteration, we have the given graph with chosen edges and V T and E T as follows:
VT = (a, b, d, e, c) a b Greedy Techniques
ET = (( a b), (a d) (d e) (d c))
5 2
c d
Figure: 2.5.5
At this stage, it can be easily seen that each of the vertices, is on some chosen edge
and the chosen edges form a tree.
Ex. 3) Using Prim‟s algorithm, find a minimal spanning tree for the graph given
below: 1
a b
5 2
c d
Design Techniques-II
Next, we discuss another method, of finding minimal spanning tree of a given
weighted graph, which is suggested by Kruskal. In this method, the emphasis is on
the choice of edges of minimum weight from amongst all the available edges, of
course, subject to the condition that chosen edges do not form a cycle.
The connectivity of the chosen edges, at any stage, in the form of a subtree, which was
emphasized in Prim‟s algorithm, is not essential.
We briefly describe the Kruskal‟s algorithm to find minimal spanning tree of a given
weighted and connected graph, as follows:
(i) First of all, order all the weights of the edges in increasing order. Then repeat
the following two steps till a set of edges is selected containing all the vertices
of the given graph.
(ii) Choose an edge having the weight which is the minimum of the weights of the
edges not selected so far.
(iii) If the new edge forms a cycle with any subset of the earlier selected edges, then
drop it, else, add the edge to the set of selected edges.
Example 2.6.1:
Let us consider the following graph, for which the minimal spanning tree is required.
a b
5 4.2
c d
Figure: 2.6.1
Let Eg denote the set of edges of the graph that are chosen upto some stage.
According to the step (i) above, the weights of the edges are arranged in increasing
order as the set
{1, 3, 4.2 ,5, 6}
In the first iteration, the edge (a,b) is chosen which is of weight 1, the minimum of
all the weights of the edges of the graph.
As single edge do not form a cycle, therefore, the edge (a,b) is selected, so that
Eg = ((a,b))
After first iteration, the graph with selected edges in bold is as shown below: Greedy Techniques
a b
5 4.2
c d
Figure: 2.6.2
Second Iteration
Next the edge (c,d) is of weight 3, minimum for the remaining edges. Also edges
(a,b) and (c,d) do not form a cycle, as shown below. Therefore, (c,d) is selected
so that,
Eg = ((a,b), (c,d))
Thus, after second iteration, the graph with selected edges in bold is as shown below:
a b
5 4.2
c d
Figure: 2.6.3
It may be observed that the selected edges do not form a connected subgraph or
subtree of the given graph.
Third Iteration
Next, the edge (a,d) is of weight 4.2, the minimum for the remaining edges. Also the
edges in Eg alongwith the edge (a,d) do not form a cycle. Therefore, (a,d) is selected
so that new Eg = ((a,b), (c,d), (a,d)). Thus after third iteration, the graph with selected
edges in bold is as shown below.
Design Techniques-II
a b
5 4.2
c d
Figure: 2.6.4
Fourth Iteration
Next, the edge (a,c) is of weight 5, the minimum for the remaining edge. However,
the edge (a,c) forms a cycles with two edges in Eg, viz., (a,d) and (c,d). Hence (a,c) is
not selected and hence not considered as a part of the to-be-found spanning tree.
a b
5 4.2
c d
e Figure: 2.6.5
At the end of fourth iteration, the graph with selected edges in bold remains the same
as at the end of the third iteration, as shown below:
a b
5 4.2
c d
Figure: 2.6.6
Fifth Iteration Greedy Techniques
Next, the edge (e,d), the only remaining edge that can be considered, is considered.
As (e,d) does not form a cycle with any of the edges in Eg. Hence the edge (e,d) is put
in Eg. The graph at this stage, with selected edge in bold is as follows.
a b
5 4.2
c d
Figure: 2.6.7
At this stage we find each of the vertices of the given graph is a vertex of
some edge in Eg. Further we observe that the edges in Eg form a tree, and hence, form
the required spanning tree. Also, from the choice of the edges in E g, it is clear that the
spanning tree is of minimum weight. Next, we consider semi-formal definition of
Kruskal‟s algorithm.
Design Techniques-II Summary of Kruskal’s Algorithm
(i) ( a log a) time is required for sorting the edges in increasing orders of lengths
(ii) An efficient Union-Find operation takes (2a) find operations and (n 1) merge
Ex. 4) Using Kruskal‟s algorithm, find a minimal spanning tree for the following g
a b
4 2
c d
Actually, the notation (a,b) in mathematics is used for ordered pair of the two
elements viz., a and b in which a comes first and then b follows. And the ordered
pair (b,a) denotes a different ordered set in which b comes first and then a follows.
However, we have misused the notation in the sense that we used the notation (a,b) to Greedy Techniques
denote an unordered set of two elements, i.e., a set in which order of occurrence of a
and b does not matter. In Mathematics the usual notation for an unordered set is
{a,b}. In this section, we use parentheses (i.e., (and)) to denote ordered sets and
braces (i.e., {and}) to denote a geneal (i.e., unordered set).
A directed graph or digraph G = (V(G), E(G)) where V(G) denotes the set of
vertices of G and E(G) the set of directed edges, also called arcs, of G. An arc from a
to b is denoted as (a, b). Graphically it is denoted as follows:
a b,
in which the arrow indicates the direction. In the above case, the vertex a is sometimes
called the tail and the vertex b is called the head of the arc or directed edge.
A Weighted Directed Graph is a directed graph in which each arc has an assigned
weight. A weighted directed graph may be denoted as G = (V(G), E(G)), where any
element of E(G) may be of the form (a,b,w) where w denotes the weight of the arc
(a,b). The directed Graph G = ((a, b, c, d, e), ((b, a, 3), (b, d, 2) (a, d,7), (c, b, 4),
(c, d, 5), (d, e, 4), (e, c, 6))) is diagrammatically represented as follows:
b c
2 5
a d e
7 4
Figure: 2.7.1
Design Techniques-II // and Distance D(v) of any other vertex v is taken as .
// Iteratively distances of other vertices are modified taking into consideration the
// minimum distances of the various nodes from the node with most recently modified
// distance
D(s) 0
For each vertex v s do
D (v)
// Let Set-Remaining-Nodes be the set of all those nodes for which the final minimum
// distance is yet to be determined. Initially
Set-Remaining-Nodes V
while (Set-Remaining-Nodes ) do
choose v Set-Remaining-Nodes such that D(v) is minimum
Set-Remaining-Nodes Set-Remaining-Nodes {v}
For each node x Set-Remaining-Nodes such that w(v, x) do
D(x) min {D(x), D(v) + w (v, x)}
Example 2.7.1
For the purpose, let us take the following graph in which, we take a as the source
Error! b c
2 5
a d e
7 4
Figure: 2.7.2
1 b (c, d, e) [3, 3 + 4, 3 + 2, ]
3 c (e) [3, 7, 5, 9]
For minimum distance from a, the node b is directly accessed; the node c is accessed
through b; the node d is accessed through b; and the node e is accessed through b and
Ex. 5) Using Dijkstra‟s algorithm, find the minimum distances of all the nodes from
node b which is taken as the source node, for the following graph.
6 Greedy Techniques
a b
4 2
c d
3 1
In this unit, we have discussed the greedy technique the essence of which is : In the
process of solving an optimization problem, initially and at subsequent stages,
evaluate the costs/benefits of the various available alternatives for the next step.
Choose the alternative which is optimal in the sense that either it is the least
costly or it is the maximum profit yielding. In this context, it may be noted that
the overall solution, yielded by choosing locally optimal steps, may not be optimal.
Next, well-known algorithms viz., Prim‟s and Kruskal‟s that use greedy technique, to
find spanning trees for connected graphs are discussed. Also Dijkstra‟s algorithm for
solving Single-Source-Shortest path problem, again using greedy algorithm, is
Consider the following graph, in which vertices/nodes represent cities of a
country and each edge denotes a road between the cities denoted by the
vertices of the edge. The label on each edge denotes the distance in 1000
kilometers between the relevant cities. The problem is to find an optimal path
from A1 to A4.
9 A4
2 7
Then greedy techniques suggests the route A1, A3, A4 of length 9000 kilometers,
whereas the optimal path A1, A2, A4 is of length 8000 kilometers only.
Design Techniques-II Ex.2)
a b
c d
The student should include the explanation on the lines of Example 2.5.1.
However, the steps and stages in the process of solving the problem are as
a b
VT = (a)
ET =
5 2
c d
In the following figures, the edges in bold denote the chosen edges. Greedy Techniques
c d
After Second Iteration a b
VT = (a, b, d)
ET = ((a, b), (a, d)) 5 2
c d
After Third Iteration a b
VT = (a, b, c, d)
ET = ((a, b), (a, d), (c, d)) 5 2
c d
Design Techniques-II After Fourth Iteration 1
a b
VT = (a, b, c, d, e)
ET = ((a, b), (a, d), (c, d), (c, e))
5 2
c d
Ex. 4)
The student should include the explanation on the lines of Example 2.6.1.
However, the steps and stages in the process of solving the problem are as
4 2
c d
4 2
c d
After Third Iteration a b Greedy Techniques
c d
After Fourth Iteration
We can not take edge ac, because it forms a cycle with (a, d) and (c, d)
After Fifth Iteration 5
a b
Eg = ((c, e), (a, d), (c, d), (a, b))
4 2
c d
Now, on the above four edges all the vertices of the graph lie and these edges form a
tree which is the required minimal spanning tree.
Ex. 5)
A copy of the graph is given below
a b
4 2
c d
3 1
Design Techniques-II Step Additional S = Set-of- Distances from source of
node Remaining Nodes a, c, d, e
Initialization B (a, c, d, e) [6, ∞, ∞, 1]
3 d (a) [5, 2, 3, 1]
For minimum distance from b, node a is accessed through d and e; node c is accessed
through e; node d is accessed through e and node e is accessed directly.
Models for Executing
Structure Page Nos.
3.0 Introduction 47
3.1 Objectives 47
3.2 Regular Expressions 47
3.2.1 Introduction to Defining of Languages
3.2.2 Kleene Closure Definition
3.2.3 Formal Definition of Regular Expressions
3.2.4 Algebra of Regular Expressions
3.3 Regular Languages 53
3.4 Finite Automata 54
3.4.1 Definition
3.4.2 Another Method to Describe FA
3.5 Summary 59
3.6 Solutions/Answers 59
3.7 Further Readings 60
In the earlier two blocks and unit 1 and unit 2 of this block, we discussed a number of
issues and techniques about designing algorithms. However, there are a number of
problems for each of which, no algorithmic solution exists. Examples of such
problems will be provided in unit 2 of block 4. However, many of these examples are
found from the discipline of the well-known models of computation viz., finite
automata, push-down automata and Tuning machines. In this unit, we discuss the
topic of Finite Automata.
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
Design Techniques-II Alphabet: A finite set of symbols/characters. We generally denote an alphabet by .
If we start an alphabet having only one letter, say, the letter z, then = {z}.
Letter: Each symbol of an alphabet may also be called a letter of the alphabet or
simply a letter.
Example 2: If the word zzz is called c and the word zz is called d, then the word
formed by concatenating c and d is
cd = zzzzz
When two words in our language L 1 are concatenated they produce another word in
the language L1. However, this may not be true in all languages.
Note: The alphabet for L2 is the same as the alphabet for L1.
Example 4: A Language L3 may denote the language having strings of even lengths
include of length 0. In other words, L3 = {, zz, zzzz, …..}
In the above description of concatenation we find very commonly, that for a single
letter alphabet when we concatenate c with d, we get the same word as when we
concatenate d with c, that is cd = dc But this relationship does not hold for all
languages. For example, in the English language when we concatenate “Ram” and Models for Executing
“goes” we get “Ram goes”. This is, indeed, a word but distinct from “goes Ram”. Algorithms-I: FA
Now, let us define the reverse of a language L. If c is a word in L, then reverse (c) is
the same string of letters spelled backward.
The reverse (L) = {reverse (w), wL}
Let us define a new language called PALINDROME over the alphabet = {a,b}.
For a given alphabet , the language L consists of all possible strings, including the
null string.
Example 7: If = {0, 1}, then, * = {, 0, 1, 00, 01, 10, 11, 000, 001 …..}
So, we can say that Kleene Star is an operation that makes an infinite language of
strings of letters out of an alphabet, if the alphabet, . However, by the definition
alphabet may also be . In that case, * is finite. By “infinite language, we mean a
language with infinitely many words.
Now, we can generalise the use of the star operator to languages, i.e., to a set of
words, not just sets of alphabet letters.
Definition: If s is a set of words, then by s* we mean the set of all finite strings
formed by concatenating words from s, where any word may be used as often.
Positive Closure: If we want to modify the concept of closure to refer to only the
concatenation leading to non-null strings from a set s, we use the notation + instead of
*. This plus operation is called positive closure.
Proof: We know that every word in s** is made up of factors from s*.
Design Techniques-II Also, every factor from s* is made up of factors from s.
Therefore, we can say that every word in s** is made up of factors from s.
For example, now we would build expression from the symbols 0,1 using the
operations of union, concatenation, and Kleene closure.
(i) 01 means a zero followed by a one (concatenation)
(ii) 0+1 means either a zero or a one (union)
(iii) 0* means +0+00+000+….. (Kleen closure).
With parentheses, we can build larger expressions. And, we can associate meanings
with our expressions. Here’s how
The language denoted/represented by the regular expression R is L(R). Models for Executing
Algorithms-I: FA
Example 9: The language L defined by the regular expression ab*a is the set of all
strings of a’s and b’s that begin and end with a’s, and that have nothing but b’s inside.
L = {aa, aba, abba, abbba, abbbba, }
Example 10: The language associated with the regular expression a*b* contains all
the strings of a’s and b’s in which all the a’s (if any) come before all the b’s (if any).
Example 11: Let us consider the language L defined by the regular expression
(a+b)* a(a+b)*. The strings of the language L are obtained by concatenating a string
from the language corresponding to (a+b)* followed by a string from the language
associated with (a+b)*. We can also say that the language is a set of all words over the
alphabet = {a,b} that have an a in them somewhere.
Definition: If S and T are sets of strings of letters (they may be finite or infinite sets),
we define the product set of strings of letters to be. ST = {all combinations of a string
from S concatenated with a string from T in that order}.
Ex.4) Find a regular expression over the alphabet {0,1,} to describe the set of all
binary numerals without leading zeroes (except 0 itself). So the language is
the set
Design Techniques-II 2. R+R = R
3. R+ = +R = R.
4. R+S = S+R
5. R = R =
6. R = R = R
7. (RS)T = R(ST)
8. R(S+T) = RS+RT
9. (S+T)R = SR+TR
10. * = * =
11. R*R* = R* = (R*)*
12. RR* = R*R = R* = +RR*
13. (R+S)* = (R*S*)* = (R*+S*)* = R*S* = (R*S)*R* = R*(SR*)*
14. (RS)* = (R*S*)* = (R*+S*)*
Example 15: Show that R+RS*S = a*bS*, where R = b+aa*b and S is any regular
= R(+S*S) (property 8)
= (b+aa*b)S* (definition of R)
= (+aa*) bS* (properties 6 and 8)
As we already know the concept of language and regular expressions, we have an Models for Executing
important type of language derived from the regular expression, called regular Algorithms-I: FA
Definition: For a given alphabet , the following rules define the regular language
associated with a regular expression.
Rule 1: ,{} and {a} are regular languages denoted respectively by regular
expressions and .
Rule 2: For each a in , the set {a} is a regular language denoted by the regular
expression a.
(i) The language = {xy : xL and yM} is a regular expression associated with the
regular expression lm.
(ii) The regular expression l+m is associated with the language formed by the union
of the sets L and M.
To make one regular expression that defines the language L, turn all the words in L
into bold face type and insert plus signs between them. For example, the regular
expression that defines the language L = {baa, abbba, bababa} is baa + abbba +
Example 16: If L = {aa, ab, ba, bb}, then the corresponding regular expression is
aa + ab +ba + bb.
So, a particular regular language can be represented by more than one regular
expressions. Also, by definition, each regular language must have at least one regular
expression corresponding to it.
Try some exercises.
Design Techniques-II Ex.7) Find a regular expression for each of the following languages over the
alphabet {a,b}.
(a) strings with even length.
(b) strings containing the sub string aba.
In our day to day life we oftenly use the word Automatic. Automation is the process
where the output is produced directly from the input without direct involvement of
mankind. The input passes from various states in process for the processing of a
language we use very important finite state machine called finite automata.
Can a machine recognise a language? The answer is yes for some machine and some
elementary class of machines called finite automata. Regular languages can be
represented by certain kinds of algebraic expressions by Finite automaton and by
certain grammars. For example, suppose we need to compute with numbers that are
represented in scientific notation. Can we write an algorithm to recognise strings of
symbols represented in this way? To do this, we need to discuss some basic
computing machines called finite automaton.
An automata will be a finite automata if it accepts all the words of any regular
language where language means a set of strings. In other words, The class of regular
language is exactly the same as the class of languages accepted by FA’s, a
deterministic finite automata.
3.4.1 Definition
A system where energy and information are transformed and used for performing
some functions without direct involvement of man is called automaton. Examples are
automatic machine tools, automatic photo printing tools, etc.
A finite automata over a finite alphabet A can be thought of as a finite directed graph
with the property that each node omits one labelled edge for each distinct element of
A. The nodes are called states. There is one special state called the start (or initial)
state, and there is a possible empty set of states called final states.
For example, the labelled graph in Figure1 given below represents a DFA over the
alphabet A = {a,b} with start state 1 and final state 4.
Models for Executing
Algorithms-I: FA
We always indicate the start state by writing the word start with an arrow painting to
it. Final states are indicated by double circle.
The single arrow out of state 4 labelled with a,b is short hand for two arrows from
state 4, going to the same place, one labelled a and one labelled b. It is easy to check
that this digraph represents a DFA over {a,b} because there is a start state, and each
state emits exactly two arrows, one labelled with a and one labelled with b.
2. An alphabet of possible input letters from which are formed strings that are to
be read one letter at a time.
3. A finite set of transitions that tell for each state and for each letter of the input
alphabet which state to go to next.
For example, the input alphabet has only two letters a and b. Let us also assume that
there are only three states, x, y and z. Let the following be the rules of transition:
1. from state x and input a go to state y;
Let us also designate state x as the starting state and state z as the only final state.
Let us examine what happens to various input strings when presented to this FA. Let
us start with the string aaa. We begin, as always, in state x. The first letter of the
string is an a, and it tells us to go state y (by rule 1). The next input (instruction) is
also an a, and this tells us (by rule 3) to go back to state x. The third input is another
a, and (by Rule 1) again we go to the state y. There are no more input letters in the
Design Techniques-II input string, so our trip has ended. We did not finish in the final state (state z), so we
have an unsuccessful termination of our run.
The string aaa is not in the language of all strings that leave this FA in state z. The set
of all strings that do leave as in a final state is called the language defined by the finite
automaton. The input string aaa is not in the language defined by this FA. We may
say that the string aaa is not accepted by this FA because it does not lead to a final
state. We may also say “aaa is rejected by this FA.” The set of all strings accepted is
the language associated with the FA. So, we say that L is the language accepted by
this FA. FA is also called a language recogniser.
Let us examine a different input string for this same FA. Let the input be abba. As
always, we start in state x. Rule 1 tells us that the first input letter, a, takes us to state
y. Once we are in state y we read the second input letter, which is ab. Rules 4 now
tells us to move to state z. The third input letter is a b, and since we are in state z,
Rule 5 tells us to stay there. The fourth input letter is an a, and again Rule 5 says state
z. Therefore, after we have followed the instruction of each input letter we end up in
state z. State z is designated as a final state. So, the input string abba has taken us
successfully to the final state. The string abba is therefore a word in the language
associated with this FA. The word abba is accepted by this FA.
It is not difficult for us to predict which strings will be accepted by this FA. If an
input string is made up of only the letter a repeated some number of times, then the
action of the FA will be jump back and forth between state x and state y. No such
word can ever be accepted.
To get into state z, it is necessary for the string to have the letter b in it as soon as a b
is encountered in the input string, the FA jumps immediately to state z no matter what
state it was before. Once in state z, it is impossible to leave. When the input strings
run out, the FA will still be in state z, leading to acceptance of the string.
So, the FA above will accept all the strings that have the letter b in them and no other
strings. Therefore, the language associated with this FA is the one defined by the
regular expression (a+b)* b(a+b)*.
The list of transition rules can grow very long. It is much simpler to summarise them
in a table format. Each row of the table is the name of one of the states in FA, and
each column of this table is a letter of the input alphabet. The entries inside the table
are the new states that the FA moves into the transition states. The transition table for
the FA we have described is:
Table 1
a b
Start x y z
y x z
Final z z z
The machine we have already defined by the transition list and the transition table can
be depicted by the state graph in Figure 2.
Models for Executing
Algorithms-I: FA
Note: A single state can be start as well as final state both. There will be only one
start state and none or more than one final states in Finite Automaton.
The finite automata shown in Figure 3 can also be represented in Tabular form as
Table 2
State 0 1 Accept?
Start 1 1 2 No
Final 2 2 3 Yes
3 3 3 No
Before continuing, let’s examine the computation of a finite automaton. Our first
example begins in state one and reads the input symbols in turn changing states as
necessary. Thus, a computation can be characterized by a sequence of states. (Recall
that Turing machine configurations needed the state plus the tape content. Since a
finite automata on never writes, we always know what is on the tape and need only
look at a state as a configuration). Here is the sequence for the input 0001001.
Input Read : 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
States : 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3
Example 17 (An elevator controller): Let’s imagine an elevator that serves two
floors. Inputs are calls to a floor either from inside the elevator or from the floor
itself. This makes three distinct inputs possible, namely:
Design Techniques-II 0 - no calls
1 - call to floor one
2 - call to floor two
The elevator itself can be going up, going down, or halted at a floor. If it is on a floor,
it could be waiting for a call or about to go to the other floor. This provides us with
the six states shown in Figure 4 along with the state graph for the elevator controller.
State Input
None call to 1 call to 2
W1 (wait on 1) W1 W1 UP
U1 (start up) UP U1 UP
UP W2 D2 W2
DN W1 W1 U1
W2 (wait on 2) W2 DN W2
D2 (start down) DN DN D2
Accepting and rejecting states are not included in the elevator design because
acceptance is not an issue. If we were to design a more sophisticated elevator, it
might have states that indicated:
Finite automata
a) power faukyrem
b) overloading, or
c) breakdown
Let us make a few small notes about the design. If the elevator is about to move ( i.e., Models for Executing
in state U1 or D2) and it is called to the floor it is presently on it will stay. (This may Algorithms-I: FA
be good Try it next time you are in an elevator.) And, if it is moving (up or down)
and gets called back the other way, it remembers the call by going to the U1 or D2
state upon arrival on the next floor. Of course, the elevator does not do things like
open and close doors (these could be states too) since that would have added
complexity to the design. Speaking of complexity, imagine having 100 floors.
That is our levity for this section. Now that we know what a finite automaton is, we
must (as usual) define it precisely.
We also need some additional notation. The next state function is called the transition
function and the accepting states are often called final states. The entire machine is
usually defined by presenting a transition state table or a transition diagram. In this
way, the states, alphabet, transition function, and final states are constructively
defined. The starting state is usually the lowest numbered state. Our first example of
a finite automaton is:
Where the transition function , is defined explicitly by either a state table or a state
In this unit we introduced several formulations for regular languages, regular
expressions are algebraic representations of regular languages. Finite Automata are
machines that recognise regular languages. From regular expressions, we can derive
regular languages. We also made some other observations. Finite automata can be
used as output devices - Mealy and Moore machines.
(i) ababbbaa
(ii) baaababb
(iii) ab abb ab abb
(iv) baa baa
(v) ababbababb baa
(i) Suppose aa = x
Then { x, b}* = {, x, b, xx, bb, xb, bx, xxx, bxx, xbx, xxb, bbx, bxb, xbb,
bbb} substituting x = aa
{aa,b}* = { , aa, b, aaaa, bb, aab, baa, aaaaaa, baaaa, aabaa,
Design Techniques-II Ex.3)
(a) a+b+c
(b) ab*+ba*
(c) +a(bb)*
Starting with the left side and using properties of regular expressions, we get
b*(abb* + aabb*+aaabb*)*
= b*((ab+aab+aaab)b*)* (property 9)
= (b + ab + aab + aaab)* (property 7).
(a) {a,b}
(b) {a,,b,bb,….bn,….}
(c) {a,b,ab,bc,abb,bcc,…abn,bcn,….}
(a) (aa+ab+ba+bb)*
(b) (a+b)* aba(a+b)*
Models for Executing
Structure Page Nos.
4.0 Introduction 61
4.1 Objectives 61
4.2 Formal Language & Grammar 61
4.3 Context Free Grammar (CFG) 68
4.4 Pushdown Automata (PDA) 72
4.5 Summary 74
4.6 Solutions/Answers 74
4.7 Further Readings 75
We have mentioned earlier that not every problem can be solved algorithmically and
that good sources of examples of such problems are provided by formal models of
computation viz., FA, PDFA and TA. In the previous unit, we discussed FA. In this
unit, we discuss PDFA, CFG and related topics.
After going through this unit, you should be able to:
<noun> I
<noun> Ram
<noun> Sam
<verb> reads
<verb> writes
From the above, we can collect all the values in two categories. One is with the
parameter changing its values further, and another is with termination. These
Design Techniques-II collections are called variables and terminals, respectively. In the above discussion
variables are, <sentence>, <noun> and <verb>, and terminals are I, Ram, Sam, read,
write. As the sentence formation is started with <sentence>, this symbol is special
symbol and is called start symbol.
where x and y denote strings of symbols taken from A and from a set of grammar
symbols disjoint from A. The grammar rule x y is called a production rule, and
application of production rule (x is replaced by y), is called derivation.
Every grammar has a special grammar symbol called the start symbol and there must
be at least one production with the left side consisting of only the start symbol. For
example, if S is the start symbol for a grammar, then there must be at least one
production of the form S y.
S (i)
S aS (ii)
S bS (iii)
S cS (iv)
The desired derivation of the string is aacb. Each step in a derivation corresponds to a
branch of a tree and this true is called parse tree, whose root is the start symbol. The
completed derivation and parse tree are shown in the Figure 1,2,3:
Models for Executing
Algorithms-II: PDFA &
Let us derive the string aacb, its parse tree is shown in Figure 4.
S aS aaS aacS aacbS aacb = aacb
In G = (V, , P, S) where
V = {<sentence>, <noun>, <verb>}
= {Ram, reads,…}
P = <sentence> <noun> <verb>
<noun> Ram
<verb> reads, and
S = <sentence>
xy xy
Design Techniques-II To the left hand side of the above production rule x is left context and y is right
context. If the derivation is applied to left most variable of the right hand side of any
production rule, then it is called leftmost derivation. And if applied to rightmost then
is called rightmost derivation.
S b/aA
A c/bS
S aA abS,
A bS baA
A grammar is recursive if it contains either a recursive production or an indirectly
recursive production.
Notice that any string in this language is either or of the form ax for some string x in
the language. The following grammar will derive any of these strings:
S /aS.
Now, we shall derive the string aaa:
Notice that any string in this language is either or of the form axb for some string x
in the language. The following grammar will derive any of the strings:
S /aSb.
For example, we will derive the string aaabbb;
Notice that any string in this language is either or of the form abx for some string x
in the language. The following grammar will derive any of these strings:
S /abS.
For example, we shall derive the string ababab: Models for Executing
Algorithms-II: PDFA &
S abS ababS abababS ababab. CFG
Suppose M and N are languages whose grammars have disjoint sets of non-terminals.
Suppose also that the start symbols for the grammars of M and N are A and B,
respectively. Then, we use the following rules to find the new grammars generated
from M and N:
Union Rule: The language MN starts with the two productions
S A/B.
Product Rule: The language MN starts with the production.
Closure Rule: The language M* starts with the production
S AS/.
Example 6: Using the Union Rule:
L = MN,
L = {ambnm,n0}.
S AB product rule
A /aA grammar for M,
B /bB grammar for N,
Example 8: Using the Closure Rule: For the language L of all strings with zero or
more occurrence of aa or bb. L = {aa, bb}*. If we let M = {aa, bb}, then L = M*.
Thus, we can write the following grammar for L:
Design Techniques-II We can simplify the grammar by substituting for A to obtain the following grammar:
S aaS/bbS/
Example 9: Let = {a, b, c}. Let S be the start symbol. Then, the language of
palindromes over the alphabet has the grammar.
S aSa/bSb/cSc/a/b/c/.
E a/b/EE
The language of the grammar E a/b/E-E contains strings like a, b, ba, aba, and
bbab. This grammar is ambiguous because it has a string, namely, aba, that has
two distinct parse trees.
Since having two distinct parse trees mean the same as having two distinct left most
S S[S]/ Models for Executing
Algorithms-II: PDFA &
For each of the following strings, construct a leftmost derivation, a rightmost
derivation and a parse tree.
Type 0: This grammar is also called unrestricted grammar. As its name suggests,
it is the grammar whose production rules are unrestricted.
In other words, xAyxyas . Here, x is left context and y is right context.
A grammar is called type 1 grammar, if all of its productions are of type 1. For this,
grammar S is also allowed.
Type 2: The grammar is also known as context free grammar. A grammar is called
type 2 grammar if all the production rules are of type 2. A production is said to be of
type 2 if it is of the form A where AV and (V)*. In other words, the left
hand side of production rule has no left and right context. The language generated by
a type 2 grammar is called context free language.
Type 3: A grammar is called type 3 grammar if all of its production rules are of type
3. (A production rule is of type 3 if it is of form A , A a or A aB where
a and A,BV), i.e., if a variable derives a terminal or a terminal with one variable.
This type 3 grammar is also called regular grammar. The language generated by
this grammar is called regular language.
Ex.11) Find the highest type number that can be applied to the following grammar:
(a) S ASB/b, A aA
(b) S aSa/bSb/a/b/
(c) S Aa, A S/Ba, B abc.
Design Techniques-II
We know that there are non-regular languages. For example, {a nbnn0} is non-
regular language. Therefore, we can’t describe the language by any of the four
representations of regular languages, regular expressions, DFAs, NFAs, and regular
S /aSb.
So, a context-free grammar is a grammar whose productions are of the form :
Where S is a non-terminal and x is any string over the alphabet of terminals and non-
terminals. Any regular grammar is context-free. A language is context-free language
if it is generated by a context-free grammar.
A grammar that is not context-free must contain a production whose left side is a
string of two or more symbols. For example, the production Sc x is not part of any
context-free grammar.
Most programming languages are context-free. For example, a grammar for some
typical statements in an imperative language might look like the following, where the
words in bold face are considered to be the single terminals:
E ….(description of an expression)
I ….(description of an identifier).
Where the strings of terminals and non-terminals can consist of only terminals or of
only non-terminals, or any combination of terminals and non-terminals or even the
empty string.
The language generated by a CFG is the set of all strings of terminals that can be
produced from the start symbol S using the productions as substitutions. A language
generated by a CFG is called a context-free language.
Example 11: Find a grammar for the language of decimal numerals by observing that
a decimal numeral is either a digit or a digit followed by a decimal numeral.
S D/DS Models for Executing
Algorithms-II: PDFA &
D 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 CFG
S DS 7S 7DS 7DDS 78DS 780S 780D 780.
Example 12: Let the set of alphabet A = {a, b, c}
Then, the language of palindromes over the alphabet A has the grammar:
S aSabSbcScabc
For example, the palindrome abcba can be derived as follows:
L ab…Z
D 01…9
The language generated by the grammar has all the strings formed by a, b,c ….z, 0,
Proof: If L1 and L2 are context-free languages, then each of them has a context-free
grammar; call the grammars G1 and G2. Our proof requires that the grammars have
no non-terminals in common. So we shall subscript all of G1’s non-terminals with a 1
and subscript all of G2’s non-terminals with a 2. Now, we combine the two grammars
into one grammar that will generate the union of the two languages. To do this, we
add one new non-terminal, S, and two new productions.
S S1
S is the starting non-terminal for the new union grammar and can be replaced either
by the starting non-terminal for G1 or for G2, thereby generating either a string from
L1 or from L2. Since the non-terminals of the two original languages are completely
different, and once we begin using one of the original grammars, we must complete
the derivation using only the rules from that original grammar. Note that there is no
need for the alphabets of the two languages to be the same.
Theorem 2: If L1 and L2 are context-free languages, then L1L2 is a context-free
Proof : This proof is similar to the last one. We first subscript all of the non-terminals
of G1 with a 1 and all the non-terminals of G2 with a 2. Then, we add a new
nonterminal, S, and one new rule to the combined grammar:
S S1S2
Design Techniques-II
S is the starting non-terminal for the concatenation grammar and is replaced by the
concatenation of the two original starting non-terminals.
Kleene Star
Theorem 3: If L is a context-free language, then L* is a context-free language.
Proof : Subscript the non-terminals of the grammar for L with a 1. Then add a new
starting nonterminal, S, and the rules
The rule S S1S is used once for each string of L that we want in the string of L*,
then the rule S is used to kill off the S.
Now, we will show that the set of context-free languages is not closed under
intersection. Think about the two languages L1 = {anbncmn,m0} and
L2 = {ambncnn,m0}. These are both context-free languages and we can give a
grammar for each one:
A aAb
B cB
A aA
B bBc
The strings in L1 contain the same number of a’s as b’s, while the strings in L 2 contain
the same number of b’s as c’s. Strings that have to be both in L 1 and in L2, i.e., strings
in the intersection, must have the same numbers of a’s as b’s and the same number of
b’s as c’s.
Although the set is not closed under intersection, there are cases in which the
intersection of two context-free languages is context-free. Think about regular
languages, for instance. All regular languages are context-free, and the intersection of
two regular languages is regular. We have some other special cases in which an
intersection of two context-free languages is context, free.
Suppose that L1 and L2 are context-free languages and that L1L2. Then L2L1 = L1
which is a context-free language. An example is EQUAL {anbn}. Since strings in
{anbn} always have the same number of a’s as b’s, the intersection of these two Models for Executing
languages is the set {anbn}, which is context-free. Algorithms-II: PDFA &
The set of context-free languages is not closed under complement, although there are
again cases in which the complement of a context-free language is context-free.
Think carefully when doing unions and intersections of languages if one is a superset
of the other. The union of PALINDROME and (a+b)* is (a+b)*, which is regular. So,
sometimes the union of a context-free language and a regular language is regular. The
union of PALINDROME and a* is PALINDROME, which is context-free but not
(b) For any two positive integers p and q, the language of all words of the
form ax by az, where x, y, z = 1, 2, 3… and y = px + qz.
Design Techniques-II
Informally, a pushdown automata is a finite automata with stack. The corresponding
acceptor of context-free grammar is pushdown automata. There is one start state and
there is a possibly empty-set of final states. We can imagine a pushdown automata as
a machine with the ability to read the letters of an input string, perform stack
operations, and make state changes.
The execution of a PDA always begins with one symbol on the stack. We should
always specify the initial symbol on the stack. We assume that a PDA always begins
execution with a particular symbol on the stack. A PDA will use three stack
operations as follows:
(i) The pop operation reads the top symbol and removes it from the stack.
(ii) The push operation writes a designated symbol onto the top of the stack. For
example, push (x) means put x on top of the stack.
(iii) The nop does nothing to the stack.
We can represent a pushdown automata as a finite directed graph in which each state
(i.e., node) emits zero or more labelled edges. Each edge from state i to state j
labelled with three items as shown in the Figure 7, where L is either a letter of an
alphabet or , S is a stack symbol, and 0 is the stack operation to be performed.
i j
It takes fine pieces of information to describe a labelled edge. We can also represent
it by the following 5-tuple, which is called a PDA instruction.
(i, L, S, 0, j)
An instruction of this form is executed as follows, where w is an input string whose
letters are scanned from left to right.
If the PDA is in state i, and either L is the current letter of w being scanned or L = ,
and the symbol on top of the stack is S, then perform the following actions:
(1) execute the stack operation 0;
(2) move to the state j; and
(3) if L , then scan right to the next letter of w.
The second kind of nondeterminism occurs when a state emits two edges labelled with Models for Executing
Algorithms-II: PDFA &
the same stack symbol, where one input symbol is and the other input symbol is not. CFG
For example, the following two 5-tuples represent non-determinism because the
machine has the option of consuming the input letter b or cleaning it alone.
(i, , c, pop, j)
(i, b, c, push(D), k).
Example 14: The language {anbnn0} can be accepted by a PDA. We will keep
track of the number of a’s in an input string by pushing the symbol Y onto the stack
for each a. A second state will be used to pop the stack for each b encountered. The
following PDA will do the job, where x is the initial symbol on the stack:
(0, , X, nop, 2)
(0, a, X, push(Y), 0),
(0, a, Y, push(Y), 0),
(0, b, Y, pop,1),
(1, b, Y, pop,1),
(1, , X, nop,2).
This PDA is non-deterministic because either of the first two instructions in the list
can be executed if the first input letter is a and X is on the top of the stack. A
computation sequence for the input string aabb can be written as follows:
Design Techniques-II Example 15: (An empty stack PDA): Let’s consider the language {anbnn0}, the
PDA that follows will accept this language by empty stack, where X is the initial
symbol on the stack.
PDA shown in Figure 9 can also be represented by the following three instructions:
This PDA is non-determinstic. Let’s see how a computation proceeds. For example,
a computation sequence for the input string aabb can be as follows:
In this unit we have considered the recognition problem and found out whether we can
solve it for a larger class of languages. The corresponding accepter for the context-
free languages are PDA’s. There are some languages which are not context free. We
can prove the non-context free languages by using the pumping lemma. Also in this
unit we discussed about the equivalence two approaches, of getting a context free
language. One approach is using context free grammar and other is Pushdown
Ex.2) Models for Executing
Algorithms-II: PDFA &
(a) S aSb/aAb CFG
A bA/b
(a) S aSa/bSb/
(b) S aSa/bSb/a/b.
(c) Type 2.
(a) S AB
S aAb5/
B b7Ba/
(b) S AB
A aAbp/
B bqBa/
Suppose language is {wcwT:w{a,b}*} then pda is
Language is {wwT:w{a,b}*}. Similarly as Ex 6.
Design Techniques-II