Technologies For Polymeric Cord-Adhesion
Technologies For Polymeric Cord-Adhesion
Technologies For Polymeric Cord-Adhesion
Adhesion caused by interfacial diffusi- 1 Typical bond energies of common bonding types [2]
on is a surface interaction that can build
up sufficient adhesion levels, if both ma- Type Example E (kJ/mol)
terials are actually compatible and well Covalent C-C 350
in contact. The contact interface is then Ion-ion Na+…Cl- 450
crossed by molecules of both sides diffu- Ion-dipole Na+…CF3H 33
sing into each other. Unlike rapid chemi- Dipole-dipole CF3H…CF3h 2
cal reactions or van der Waals interac-
London dispersion CF4…CF4 2
tions, diffusion processes are rather slow
with reaction times ranging from minu- Hydrogen bonding H2O…H2O 24
tes to years [3]. In case of polymeric in-
teractions, it is reported that long-chain 2 Typical recipe of RFL dip system for rayon cord in phr [8]
molecules tend to adhere better because Component Parts (wet) Parts (dry)
of their ability to be present in both ma-
Resorcinol 9.4 9.4
terials by reptation. The interfacial depth
can have a range of up to 100 nm [4]. Formaldehyde (37 %) 13.8 5.1
Electrostatic effects are another sur- Sodium hydroxide (10 %) 7.0 0.7
face interaction that can induce adhesi- Water 157.8 -
on. The adhesive interface can allow Vinyl-Pyridine-SBR-latex (40 %) 212.0 84.8
electron transfer if there is a dissimilar
Water 100.0 -
electronic structure between the materi-
als. In particular in metal-polymer sys- TOTAL 500.0 100.0
tems, this phenomenon can be an expla-
nation for adhesion and account for the between both components of the com- executed, the preparation of the RFL dip
resistance to separation. However, in pu- posite is thereby the critical parameter system has to be done. It consists of two
re polymer composites, this effect is very for gaining the best overall performance major production steps; in a first step
weak and negligible in comparison with from such products. The main function resorcinol is dissolved in water to obtain
covalent or ionic bonds [5]. of a composite adhesive is to gradually an aqueous solution. Subsequently form-
Mechanical interlocking is an impor- transfer the load stress from the rubber aldehyde and sodium hydroxide as con-
tant factor for adhesion too. A good ex- matrix to the reinforcing cord. A blend of densation catalyst are added with the
ample is gluing of wooden pieces, where casein and natural rubber latex was the aim to form methanol groups (resole) on
the adhesion is mainly realized by me- first adhesive system, which gave accep- the resorcinol.
chanical interlocking of the glue in the table levels of adhesion for rayon [6]. The This mixture is stirred for 6 hours at
rough wooden structure. In such a case introduction of stronger rayon cords and room temperature to form a resin soluti-
the bonding strength depends on the full-synthetic cords like polyester led to on. The second step is the introduction of
surface roughness and the mechanical increased adhesion requirements and the latex: Under gentle stirring the resin
properties of the glue. Polymeric cords therefore to the development of new is added to the latex to ensure good mi-
typicall y have a highly orientated, inert adhesives. The resorcinol formaldehyde xing of the dip system [8]. Finally this
surface. Therefore, the contribution of latex (RFL) dip is a common industrial “dip solution” is allowed to mature for 24
the filaments to the overall adhesion standard for about 75 years [7] already hours before further use. The final dip
between cord and rubber is minor, as based on an aqueous dip system. The re- properties are shown in Table III. An in-
they tend to easily slip out of the interlo- sin which is formed by the resorcinol and crease of formaldehyde concentration
cking if a force is applied. With a high formaldehyde provides bonding to the increases the rate of methanol-group
degree of branching the situation is dif- cord. The latex component bonds to the formation. The optimal formaldehyde to
ferent, but this technique is not applied rubber compound due to co-vulcanizati- resorcinol ratio is about 2 to 1, and yields
in the field of cord-rubber-adhesion. That on. The term “RFL-treatment” covers a a complete methanol reaction. Further-
being said with respect to the exception large variety of treatments. They share more, the formaldehyde concentration
of older use of cotton, where the main the same technique but differ in formu- increases the viscosity of the resin be-
contributing factor to adhesion came lation and application. The system is ad- cause of the formation of higher molecu-
from fibrillation of the cotton-fibers. justed to be suitable for the materials lar weight products [6].
used for a specific composite, as each In the case of polyamide or rayon cords,
Resorcinol Formaldehyde Latex (RFL) cord type and rubber may require diffe- a standard treatment with RFL dip is suf-
Systems – State of the art rent treatment conditions. ficient, as the reactivity of these cords is
A lot of rubber articles for highly deman- Multiple steps are required for the high enough. A condensation reaction
ding applications are commonly rein- application of a RFL dip system. A typical between the resin (resole) and the poly-
forced rubber/cord or rubber/steel com- recipe for such an adhesive dip is shown meric cord takes place, see Figure 1 for an
posite materials. The reinforcement ef- in Table II [8]. These values may vary example with nylon cord. The dipping
fect comes from the combination of two within certain limits, but to simplify pro- process is straight forward, as the cords
very different materials: On one hand cedures it is convenient to use standard are dipped with the RFL solution and the
the highly elastic rubber and on the recipes which maintain adequate adhe- deposited layer is then dried and cured by
other hand a cord with high strength and sion levels in several applications. Before exposure to heat. Commonly, a treatment
low elongation properties. The adhesion the actual treatment of a cord can be time of 1 to 2 minutes at a temperature in
Modified fibre-polymers
Using unsaturated bonds within the
chain backbones of the cord-polymer,
which can form covalent bonding bet-
ween the cord and the rubber matrix,
was recently patented [12]. The unsatura-
ted moieties are added during the syn-
thesis of the polymer. The condensation
comprises the reaction of diamines and
dicarboxylic (nylon) or dihydroxylic acids
perties, as they are attached to the main a direct bond between cord and rubber. It [8] C. Crowther, Handbook of Rubber Bonding
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