Observation For Khadeeja l4

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Appendix 2: MCT/MST Observation Feedback Form (template)

Course Code: EPC 4406 – Practicum 4a

Khadeeja Ahmed -
Trainee Name: School:
MCT/MST Name: Jawaher mahdi Date: 25-11-2020
The MCT and MST will use this form to formally observe the trainee’s performance and to
give feedback based on the selected teaching competencies.
NOTE: Refer to the course-specific, teaching competencies-based rubric included in section D of the
TP Booklet

Commitment to the Profession F D C B A

She was ready and prepared for the teaching
Planning for Learning F D C B A
It was very good. The session started by welcoming students and taking attendance and
Managing Learning F D C B A
used a variety of learning resources, including videos, songs, and online sites.

She rewarded positive by using ClassDojo.

Implementing Learning F D C B A
She allowed students to draw through their understanding of the lesson
Assessment F D C B A
Comments: B +

Reflection on Practice F D C B A
Various methods were used to assess students for their understanding

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