Analysis of Stress in Steel and Concrete in CFST Push-Out Test Samples
Analysis of Stress in Steel and Concrete in CFST Push-Out Test Samples
Analysis of Stress in Steel and Concrete in CFST Push-Out Test Samples
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3 authors:
Elżbieta Szmigiera
Warsaw University of Technology
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The paper presents the analysis of stress in steel and concrete in CFST composite elements
subjected to push-out tests. Two analytical models of stress distribution are presented. The
bond at the interface between steel and concrete in the initial phase of the push-out test is
provided by the adhesion. Until the force reach a certain value, the slip between both
materials does not occur or it is negligibly small, what ensures full composite action of
the specimen. In the first analytical model the full bond between both materials was
assumed. This model allows to estimate value of the force for which the local loss of
adhesion in given cross section begins. In the second model it was assumed that the bond
stress distribution is constant along the shear transfer length of the specimen. Based on
that the formulas for triangle distribution of stress in steel and concrete for the maximum
push-out force were derived and compared with the experimental results. Both models
can be used to better understand the mechanisms of interaction between steel and concrete
in composite steel-concrete columns.
Keywords: composite steel-concrete columns, CFST, bond stress, adhesion, push-out
Corresponding author: Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warszawa, Poland, e-mail:,
tel.: +48228255758
Ensuring a full composite action in composite steel concrete elements is very
beneficial both from the economic and mechanical point of view. For composite
elements subjected to bending provision of connectors at the interface of steel and
concrete is obligatory. However in elements under compression connection
between steel and concrete can, according to [3], be achieved by the natural bond
between these materials provided that the surface of the steel section in contact
with the concrete is unpainted and free from oil, grease and loose scale or rust.
Shear connectors should be provided, based on the distribution of the design value
of longitudinal shear τEd, where this exceeds the design shear strength τRd.
In the world literature the research on the influence of various parameters such
as: type of the column, transverse and longitudinal dimesions, type and strength
of concrete and its rheological properties on bond strength between steel and
concrete can be found [1,7].
In [4,5] Hunaiti presented results of the research of bond conditions in selected
type of two-chord composite columns. Tested members were 300 mm high and
consisted of two battened C profiles filled with concrete. The variable parameters
were: the geometry of cross sections, grade of concrete and time at which the tests
were conducted. The most important conclusion of these papers is that the bond
between steel and concrete largely depends on the type of composite cross section.
Moreover, the shrinkage of concrete largely influences bond conditions, because
vertical shear resistance for tested members after 360 days was around 30% of the
value obtained after 21 days from filling with concrete. The bond between steel
and concrete in composite two chord battened columns was the subject of the
research made by Szmigiera and Woyciechowski in [9] and Szmigiera et al. in
[10]. The authors investigated two battened HEA 160 section filled with self
compacting concrete (SCC) and concluded that the resistance to the vertical shear
increases with the increase of the cylinder compressive strength of SCC but the
relationship is not proportional, the total shrinkage of SCC negatively affects its
bond between the materials and the use of SCC have a detrimental influence on
steel-concrete bond in comparison with the traditional vibrated concrete.
Virdi and Dowling [11,12] investigated bond properties of circular CFST
elements using push-out tests. Typical global response of the push-out test
specimen, where s is the slip defined as the difference between displacements of
concrete and steel, and N is the push-out load is presented in Fig. 1a. The authors
concluded that the most important factor contributing to the behavior of
specimens is the mechanical keying of the concrete core with irregularities in the
steel tube. According to [11,12] the bond behavior between steel and concrete can
be considered as an outcome of three different mechanisms (Fig. 1a): adhesion,
microlocking and macrolocking. Adhesion is caused by the natural adherence
between steel and concrete and is aided by the static friction. The force Nb,gl
determined from the force – slip curve (Fig. 1) is the force for which the loss of
adhesion and slip begins. This is a global response of the push-out test specimen,
thus the force determined in this way is the result of integration of the vertical
shear stress over the entire transfer length of the sample. Until the push-out force
reach the value Nb,gl, the slip between both materials does not occur or is
negligibly small, what ensures full composite action of the specimen.
Microlocking is related to the surface roughness of steel. The macrolocking
becomes active when the microlocking is broken - the concrete core begins to
move as a rigid body and the large scale system of kinetic friction begins and
continues until the maximum global slip smax,gl is reached. This type of bond
resistance occurs due to the manufacturing tolerances associated with the internal
diameter of the tube and contributes in essence to the frictional resistance
associated to the post-peak part of the push-out load versus slip response [11,12].
Local bond action in composite steel-concrete members is represented by the
bond stress – slip relationship presented in Fig. 1b. The ultimate shear stress, τU,
can be determined from the push-out test. The bond stress for which the loss of
adhesion begins is represented by τb and the determination of this value is not the
subject of this paper.
ultimate, and the ultimate load was achieved at slip displacements between 20 and
200 times larger than the initial breakaway slip. For slip greater than that at the
ultimate load, the behavior was of rigid body motion between the core and the
tube with reducing mechanical resistance from interface shear (macrolocking).
Moreover authors concluded that when the interface condition allowed zero slip,
the bond stress was exponentially distributed. The value was a maximum at the
end of the interface where the loading was applied. After slip occurred and
propagated down the tube, a more uniform distribution developed.
In [6] Ke studied the bond strength in steel tubes filled with high-strength
concrete. He conducted push out tests of specimens with H/D ratio equal to 3.6,
filled with three types of concrete: C60, C70, C80. He concluded that the interface
slip between steel tube and concrete can be divided into no slip, local slip and
whole slip, which is a process gradual accumulation of slip damage. Moreover
from the analysis of the load – slip curves the author found out that the slip at the
loaded end is the very early appearing, that is, the development of the interface
bond failure is from the loaded end to free end of tested specimens and both Nb,gl
and smax,gl measured on the loaded end of the push-out test sample may vary from
measurements taken at the free end.
In this paper the authors focused more on analytical analysis of bond behaviour
at the interface between steel and concrete. Two analytical models describing the
behaviour of steel and concrete in the initial phase of the push-out test, when the
adhesive bond ensures full composite action of specimens, and when the push-out
force reaches the maximum value, N = NU, are presented in the following
paragraphs of this work. Analytical calculations were compared with the
experimental results of push out tests of steel tubes filled with SCC conducted by
the authors.
Most of the experiments on bond stress capacity for composite steel concrete
columns are conducted using push-out tests. For CFST elements this experiment
consists of applying the compressive force only to concrete pushing the concrete
inside the steel tube. The air gap on the free end of specimen is necessary to
transfer the entire force from concrete to steel jacket only by longitudinal shear.
Push-out tests conducted by the authors were performed on circular and square
CFST elements made of S235JR steel. The shear transfer length was equal 300
mm. Variable parameters were: wall thickness for square specimens (6 mm and
10 mm) and concrete class for circular tubes. A total number of 11 elements that
exhibit consistent behaviour was investigated. Dimensions of the cross section of
both square and circular tubes were chosen so that the area of steel in contact with
concrete core to be approximately equal. Table 1 lists a detailed description of the
material and geometrical properties. The table columns contain, respectively, the
notation of the series; type of a cross section, concrete strength and the area of
contact surface between steel and concrete. For easier interpretation of the test
variables, all cross sections considered in the experiment are visualized in
Figure 2.
Table 1. Analysed cross section types
Notation of
Cross section type fcm,cube [MPa] Contact surface ρ [cm2]
STS SHS180x180x6 57 2016
STHS SHS180x180x10 57 1920
CS CHS219.1x6 57 1952
CWk CHS219.1x6 44 1952
Fig. 3. a) Scheme of the test stand and visualization of strain gauges placement,
b) SHS specimen under the push-out test
σ c = Ecε c (3.2)
where: Es, Ec – Young’s moduli of steel and concrete respectively,
εs, εc – longitudinal strain of steel and concrete respectively.
The forces transferred through the steel and concrete only are equal
N s = Asσ s = As Es ε s
N c = Acσ c = Ac Ec ε c
where: As, Ac – area of cross section of steel and concrete respectively.
Introducing eq. (3.1), (3.2) and (3.3) into the global equilibrium equation
N = Asσ s + Acσ c (3.4)
and assuming the perfect bond between steel and concrete: ε = εs = εc, the linear
solution of the evolution of stress in steel and concrete can be written as follows
σs (N ) = N (3.5)
α As + Ac
σc (N ) = N (3.6)
α As + Ac
where: α = Es / Ec.
Fig. 4. Stress distribution along the height of the interface length H in steel, concrete
and at the interface between the materials in the ultimate limit state
The axial load gradients are related by statics to the interface bond stress
distribution [8]. From the analysis of the infinitesimal cross section of the tube at
the distance x from the loaded end presented in Fig. 5, a system of ordinary
differential equations was obtained
As dσ s ( x)
τ ( x) = ρ dx
τ ( x) = − Ac dσ c ( x)
ρ dx
Eq. (3.11) connects the strain in steel and concrete with the bond stress on the
interface between materials.
According to eq. (3.11) the derivatives of σs(x) and σc(x) are proportional to τ(x).
Therefore assuming τ(x) = τb = const., functions describing the distribution of
stress in steel and concrete must be the linear with respect to x, hence
σ s ( x) = A τ U x + C1
σ ( x) = − ρ τ x + C
c Ac
U 2
σ cmod ( H / 2) = (3.17)
2 Ac
The stress in steel and concrete according to the experiment, computed for the
maxiumum force N = NU, can be calculated using the following expressions
σ sexp ( H / 2) = Esε sU (3.18)
σ cexp ( H / 2) = − Esε sU (3.19)
Ac Ac
c) d)
Fig. 6. Typical evolution of stress in steel and concrete in the mid-heigth of specimens
for: a) STS, b) STHS, c) CS and d) CWk elements. Comparison of the experimental
results and the analytical perfect bond model
The dimensionless force nb = Nb/NU for which the experimental results begin to
deviate from the analytical full bond model can be interpreted, in the opinion of
the authors, as the force for which the loss of adhesion begins. The range of the
force nb on the basis of the above considerations for all tested specimens were
gathered in the table 2. It can be seen that the loss of adhesion for square CFST
specimens with thinner wall thickness, STS, occurs for higher relative force
compared to the elements with thicker wall thickess, STHS. Filling the circular
steel tubes with weaker concrete resulted in a decrease of the relative force at
which the debonding occurs in relation to the stronger concrete filling.
Table 2. The force at which the adhesion bond breaks
Series nb
STS 0.50 - 0.70
STHS 0.40 - 0.55
CS 0.30 - 0.40
CWk 0.50 - 0.75
Fig. 7. Comparison of average stress in: a) steel and b) concrete in the midheigth of
specimens in the ultimate limit state N = NU
In [8] Roeder et al. concluded that the limit value of H, that can be used in eq.
(3.10), equals to 3.5 times the diameter of the tube.This finding was based on the
observation of Cameron [2] that the maximum average bond stress capacity
descreases with longer lengths of push-out test specimens. Indeed if the transfer
length of specimen is too large, the slip close to the loaded end may exceed the
maximum value smax, therefore in that area the bond stress may be equal to zero
(see Fig. 1b). On the other hand for long push-out specimens the slip close to the
free end may still be equal to zero, therefore an exponential, not uniform,
distribution of bond stress may still be present in that area. In both cases constant
distribution of shear strength τU along the height of the push-out test sample is
present only on its part, therefore substituting the full length of the sample into
the eq. (3.10) results in underestimation of the shear strength τU for longer
In the paper two analytical models of the behaviour of steel and concrete in CFST
push-out test specimens were presented. The first (full bond) model allows one to
estimate the force for which the loss of adhesion begins at any given cross section,
provided that the strains of steel on that particular section were measured. In the
opinion of the authors the force Nb for which the experimental results begin to
deviate from the analytical full bond model can be interpreted as the force for
which the loss of adhesion begins. Moreover if the number of strain gauges placed
along the height of the push out test specimen is large enough, the distribution of
the shear stress at the interface between the materials can be computed using
equilibrium eqs. (3.11).
Furthermore the perfectly plastic model was derived assuming that the shear stress
distribution along the height of the push-out test specimen is constant. This
assumption is valid for the maximum load N = NU provided that the height of a
sample is not too high in relation to its transverse dimensions. According to the
presented model the stress distribution in steel and concrete is triangular in shape.
Based on the strain readings of strain gauges placed in the middle of specimens
the stress in steel and concrete was computed and compared with model
predictions. It was found that there is a very good agreement of the results what
confirms the validity of the assumptions made in the analysis that the distribution
of the bond stress at the transfer length is constant for N = NU for all tested
specimens. Both models can be used to better understand the mechanisms of
interaction between steel and concrete in composite steel-concrete columns and
to validate constitutive models of shear stress – slip (τ–s) behaviour that can be
used in more sophisticated numerical analyses.
1. Burak, E., Tuncan A.: Determination of frictional behavior between concrete
and steel tube interaction, Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on
Steel and Composite Structures Eurosteel, 521-522, Italy, 2014.
2. Cameron, B.: Bond behavior in concrete filled tube composite
3. columns, Ms thesis, University of Washington, Seattle, 1997.
4. EN 1994-1-1 Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures.
Part1-1: General rules and rules for buildings, 2004.
5. Hunaiti, Y.M.: Bond strength in battened composite columns, Journal of
Structural Engineering, 117, 3 (1991) 699-714.
W pracy zaprezentowano analizę naprężeń w stali i betonie samozagęszczalnym
w zespolonych elementach CFST poddanych badaniu przyczepności materiałów za
pomocą testu push-out. Przedstawiono dwa modele obliczeniowe pozwalające na analizę
stanu naprężeń na podstawie odczytów odkształceń stali w początkowej fazie badania
oraz w momencie uzyskania maksymalnej siły. Przyczepność stali do betonu
w początkowej fazie zapewniana jest przez zjawisko adhezji – do osiągnięcia pewnej
wartości siły nie występuje poślizg między materiałami co powoduje ich pełne zespolenie.
W pierwszym modelu założono pełne zespolenie obu materiałów a siła, dla której
przewidywania modelu zaczynają odbiegać od wyników badań doświadczalnych może
być, zdaniem autorów, uznana za siłę, przy której następuje utrata adhezji w danym
przekroju. Za pomocą drugiego modelu obliczeniowego przeprowadzono analizę
rozkładu naprężeń normalnych w stali i betonie jaki występuje przy maksymalnej sile
działającej na elementy badawcze. Zakładając, że naprężenia ścinające między