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َو Resumpti
حرف ﴿ َ اس َمن َيقُو ُل آ َم َّنا ِبٱهَّلل ِ َو ِب ْٱل َي ْو ِم ٱآْل خ ِِر َو َما هُم ِبم ُْؤ ِمن
ِني ِ ﴾ َوم َِن ال َّن
Particle اإلسْ ِت ْئنافِيَّة “And of the people are some who say, "We believe in Allah and the Last Day,"
but they are not believers .”(2:8)
Particle واو ﴿.. ت َ ُت َوه َُو َكافِ ٌر َفأُو ٰ َلئ
ْ ِك َح ِب َط ْ َو َمنْ َيرْ َتد ِْد ِم ْن ُك ْم َعنْ دِي ِن ِه َف َيم
أَعْ َمالُ ُه ْم..﴾
Ḥ āl
“…And whoever of you reverts from his religion [to disbelief] and dies while
he is a disbeliever - for those, their deeds have become worthless in this
world and the Hereafter..”(2:217)
Simple حرف ﴿ ًًّياabًًّيا َواَل َنصْ َرا ِنabان إِب َْراهِي ُم َيهُو ِد
َ َما َك...﴾
ال َّنفي “Ibrā hīm was neither a Jew nor a Christian...” (3:67).
ْ َ ْ َ
َحرْ ف ِ﴾ َوأصْ َحابُ ٱل َيمِنيِ َما أصْ َحابُ ٱل َيمِني
Particle اإلِسْ ِت ْفهام “The companions of the right - what are the companions of the right?”
َحرْ ف ﴿ َ َصا َب َك ِمنْ َح َس َن ٍة َفم َِن ٱهَّلل ِ َو َما أ
ْصا َب َك ِمنْ َس ِّي َئ ٍة َف ِمن َ ََما أ
ال َشرْ ط َن ْفسِ َك...﴾
“What comes to you of good is from Allah , but what comes to you of evil, is
from yourself...” (4:79).
Verbal ما َء ﴿ َوإِ َذا قِي َل َل ُه ْم آ ِم ُنوا َك َما آ َم َن ٱل َّناسُ َقالُوا أَ ُن ْؤمِنُ َك َما آ َم َن
ِ ْْال َمص
Noun دَريَّة ٱل ُّس َف َها ُء...﴾
“And when it is said to them, "Believe as the people have believed," they say,
"Should we believe as the foolish have believed?"...” (2:13).
Mā - Time ماء [ ت اح َل َّق َ ] َسأ ْت َبع
َ ُْك َما ا َّت ِبع
Container َّ
الظرْ فِيَّة “I will follow you as long as you follow the truth”
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
َل ُه ْم
Simple َح ْول َِك...﴾
حرف “So by mercy from Allah , [Oh Muḥ ammad], you were lenient with them.
ال َّنفي And if you had been rude and harsh in heart, they would have disbanded
from about you....” (3:159).
﴿... َ اي َفاَل َخ ْوفٌ َع َلي ِْه ْم َواَل ُه ْم َيحْ َز ُن
ون َ َ﴾ َف َمنْ َت ِب َع هُد
“..whoever follows My guidance - there will be no fear concerning them,
nor will they grieve.” (2:38).
Categorical ّال ال ّنفي ﴿ َ ٱهَّلل ُ اَل إِ ٰ َل َه إِاَّل ه َُو َل َيجْ َم َع َّن ُك ْم إِ َل ٰى َي ْو ِم ْٱلقِ َيا َم ِة اَل َري...﴾
ْب فِي ِه
للجنس “Allah - there is no deity except Him. He will surely assemble you for the
Day of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt...” (4:87).
Prohibition حرف ﴿... َواَل َت ْك ُتمُوا ٱل َّش َهادَ َة َو َمنْ َي ْك ُتمْ َها َفإِ َّن ُه آ ِث ٌم َق ْل ُب ُه...﴾
َج ْزم “…And do not conceal testimony, for whoever conceals it - his heart is
indeed sinful...” (2:283).
Connection حرف ﴿ نز َل م َِن ٱل َّس َما ِء َ ْٱلَّذِي َج َع َل َل ُك ُم ٱأْل َر
َ َض ف َِرا ًشا َوٱل َّس َما َء ِب َنا ًء َوأ
ْال َع ْطف
ِ ٱلث َم َرا َ َما ًء َفأ َ ْخ َر َج ۚ َفاَل َتجْ َعلُوا هَّلِل ِ أَندَا ًدا َوأَن ُت ْم َتعْ َلم
َّ ُون ﴾ ِب ِه م َِن
Ḥ arf Naṣb
(Causative Fā )
فاء ﴿... ُضاعِ َف ُه َل ُه َو َل ُه أَجْ ٌر ً َْمنْ َذا ٱلَّذِي ُي ْق ِرضُ ٱهَّلل َ َقر
َ ضا َح َس ًنا َفي
ال َّس َب ِبيَّة َك ِرم ٌي..﴾
“Who is he that will lend to Allah a goodly loan, so that He may double it
for him and his will be a rich reward?” (57:11)
Lesson 7: Particles [ احلروف-[A Comprehensive Review
[ ْ َمن/ِب/ح َّتى/
َ ]لَ ْوRoles Grammatical Distinct Multiple with Particles: 51C
ِ ت ٱهَّلل َ ْاس َمنْ َي ْش ِري َن ْف َس ُه ٱ ْب ِت َغا َء َمر
ِ ضا ِ َوم َِن ٱل َّن...﴿اِسْ م َم ْوصُول...﴾
Table Pronoun
“And of the people is he who sells himself, seeking the pleasure of Allah...”
َحرْ ف ﴿... َ اي َفاَل َخ ْوفٌ َع َلي ِْه ْم َواَل ُه ْم َيحْ َز ُن
ون َ َ﴾ َف َمن َت ِب َع هُد
Particle ال َشرْ ط “…whoever follows My guidance - there will be no fear concerning them,
nor will they grieve.” (2:38).
Jarr Ḥ arf
﴿ ِ ُث َّم َبدَ ا َل ُه ْم ِمنْ َبعْ ِد َما َرأَوُ ا ٱآْل َيا
ٍت َل َيسْ ُج ُن َّن ُه َح َّت ٰى حِني
إللنتهاء َو
الغاية “Then it appeared to them after they had seen the signs that al-'Azīz
should surely imprison him for a time.” (12:35)
Ḥ arf Naṣb إللنتهاء َو ﴿ َ َلنْ َت َنالُوا ْٱل ِبرَّ َح َّت ٰى ُت ْن ِفقُوا ِممَّا ُت ِحب..﴾
الغاية “Never will you attain the good [reward] until you spend from that which
you love…” (3:92)
Verbal حرف
مصدريّة ۚ﴿ َّت َح َّت ٰى ي ُْؤمِن ِ َواَل َتن ِكحُوا ْٱل ُم ْش ِر َكا
َوأَل َ َم ٌة م ُّْؤ ِم َن ٌة َخ ْي ٌر مِّن ُّم ْش ِر َك ٍة َو َل ْو أَعْ َج َب ْت ُك ْم..﴾
“And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing
slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please
you. …” (2:221)
َح َّتى
َل ْو
﴿... َو َل ْو َشا َء ٱهَّلل ُ َما ٱ ْق َت َتلُوا َو ٰ َلكِنَّ ٱهَّلل َ َي ْف َع ُل َما ي ُِري ُد..﴾ (2:253)
Three different conditions need to be met for [[ َّى َتحto be a Connecting Particle. Since this specific type of [[ َّى َتحis not found in the Qur’ān, it is
out of scope for this book, and is not mentioned here. This is a topic in Advanced Grammar.
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
[لَ ْوال/لكِن/ْ َبل/ ]لRoles Grammatical Distinct Multiple with Particles: 51D
Conditio حرف ﴿... ان إِاَّل َقلِياًل َ ﴾ َو َل ْواَل َفضْ ُل ٱهَّلل ِ َع َل ْي ُك ْم َو َرحْ َم ُت ُه ٱَل َّت َبعْ ُت ُم ٱل َّشي
َ ْط
ال َّشرط “…And if not for the favor of Allah upon you and His mercy, you would
have followed Satan, except for a few.” (4:83)
﴿ َ ًًّيا َو ٰ َل ِكنْ َكabًًّيا َواَل َنصْ َرا ِنabان إِب َْراهِي ُم َيهُو ِد
ان َحنِي ًفا َ َما َك
َحرف مُسْ لِمًا...﴾
aاست ِْدراك “Ibrā hīm was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was one inclining
toward truth, a Muslim...” (3:67)
حرف ] ٌّعلِي
َ ْ[ما قام َز ْي ٌد َل ِكن
Particle العطف “Zaid did not stand but Alī stood.”
Ḥ arf Naṣb حرف ﴿ َ ْس ِبي َس َفا َه ٌة َو ٰ َل ِك ِّني َرسُو ٌل ِمنْ َربِّ ْٱل َعا َلم
ِني َ ﴾ َقا َل َيا َق ْو ِم َلي
نصب من “He said, "Oh my people, there is not foolishness in me, but I am a
messenger from the Lord of the worlds.".” (7:67)
َّت إِن َ
ِ أخوا
Particle ﴿... َ ت ُم ْف َت ٍر َب ْل أَ ْك َث ُر ُه ْم اَل َيعْ َلم
ُون َ ﴾ َقالُوا إِ َّن َما أَ ْن
“… they say, "You, are but an inventor [of lies]." But most of them do not
َحرف know.” (16:101)
حرف ۚ ِ يل ٱهَّلل َ َب ْل أَحْ َيا ٌء َو ٰ َلكِن اَّل َت ْش ُعر
ِ ُون ﴾﴿ َواَل َتقُولُوا لِ َمن ُي ْق َت ُل فِي َس ِب
Particle العطف ٌ أَمْ َو
“And do not say about those who are killed in the way of Allah, "They are
dead." Rather, they are alive, but you perceive [it] not.” (2:154)
Particle of
الم ال َّت ْوكيد ﴿ ان َلفِي ُخسْ ٍر َ ِ ﴾ إِنَّ ٱإْل
َ نس
“Indeed, mankind is in loss.” (103:2)
َل ْوال
َب ْل
Lesson 7: Particles [ احلروف-[A Comprehensive Review
Naṣb الم ال َّتعْ ليل ﴿ ت َو ْٱل َح َيا َة لِ َي ْبلُ َو ُك ْم أَ ُّي ُك ْم أَحْ َسنُ َع َماًل
َ ٱلَّذِي َخ َل َق ْٱل َم ْو... ﴾
Ḥ arf
“[He] who created death and life to test you which of you is best in
deeds...” (67:2)
Jazm الم األمر ﴿ َ ُون إِ َلى ْٱل َخي ِْر َو َيأْ ُمر
ُون َ َو ْل َت ُكن مِّن ُك ْم أُم ٌَّة َي ْدع
Ḥ arf
ِب ْٱل َمعْ رُوفِ َو َي ْن َه ْو َن َع ِن ْٱلمُن َك ِر... ﴾
“And let there be [arising] from you a nation inviting to [all that is] good,
enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong...” (3:104)
ِ ون ِباهَّلل
َ َو ُت ْؤ ِم ُن
“You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You
enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah. If only
the People of the Scripture had believed, it would have been better for
them....” (3:110)
Lā m of الم اجلحود ﴿ ِيه ْم َ َان ٱهَّلل ُ لِي َُع ِّذ َب ُه ْم َوأ
ِ نت ف َ َو َما َك... ﴾
“But Allah would not punish them while you, [Oh Muḥ ammad], are among
them...” (8:33)
Ḥ arf Jazm
Conditio حرف ﴿... َ َفإِنْ َقا َتلُو ُك ْم َفٱ ْق ُتلُو ُه ْم َك ٰ َذل َِك َج َزا ُء ْٱل َكاف ِِر...﴾
nal ال َّشرط “...But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the
Particle disbelievers.” (2:191).
Particle of حرف ﴿ ان أَن ي ُْخ ِر َجا ُكم مِّنْ أَرْ ضِ ُكم ِ َان ي ُِريد ِ ان َل َساح َِرِ َقالُوا إِنْ ٰ َه َذ
ال َتحْ قِيق
﴾ ِبسِ حْ ِر ِه َما َو َي ْذ َه َبا ِب َط ِري َق ِت ُك ُم ْٱلم ُْث َل ٰى
“They said, "Indeed, these are two magicians who want to drive you out of
your land with their magic and do away with your most exemplary way.”
ل ْإِن
Particle of
َ ُامل
Diminutionخ َّف َفة ْإِن
﴿ ه َذا َ ص ِب َما أَ ْو َح ْي َنا إِ َلي
َ ٰ ْك َ ْك أَحْ َس َن ْال َق
ِ ص َ َنحْ نُ َنقُصُّ َع َلي
َ نت مِن َق ْبلِ ِه َلم َِن ْال َغافِل
ِني َ آن َوإِنْ ُك َ ْ﴾ ْالقُر
“We relate to you, the best of stories in what We have revealed to you
of this Qur’ā n although you were, before it, among the unaware.” (12:
3). Please note that the Lām following [ْ[ َنأdoes not emphasize and is called [
قةِالفار الم.[
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
Table 51F: Particles with Multiple Distinct Grammatical Roles [ْأن/ َّ[أن
َو َمنْ أَ ْظ َل ُم ِممَّنْ َم َن َع َم َسا ِجدَ ٱهَّلل ِ أَنْ ي ُْذ َك َر فِي َها
ِ ٱسْ ُم ُه ﴾ حرف
Naṣb Ḥ arf“And who are more unjust than those who prevent the name of Allah from being mentioned in
His mosques...” (2:214).
Particle of حرف ﴿ آ ِم ُنوا ِبٱهَّلل ِ َو َجا ِه ُدوا َم َع َرسُولِ ِه ٱسْ َتأْ َذ َن َك ُْورةٌ أَن
َ تس ْ نز َلُ
ِ َوإِ َذا أ
َت ْفشري َّ ﴾ أُولُو
َ ِم ْن ُه ْم َو َقالُوا َذرْ َنا َن ُكن م ََّع ْٱل َقاعِ د
ِين ٱلط ْو ِل
“And when a sū rah was revealed [enjoining them] to believe in Allah and
to fight with His Messenger, those of wealth among them asked your
permission [to stay back] and said, "Leave us to be with them who sit [at
home].” (9:86).
حرف ﴿ ِني ِ ﴾ ٰ َذل َِك لِ َيعْ َل َم أَ ِّني َل ْم أَ ُخ ْن ُه ِب ْٱل َغ ْي
َ ب َوأَنَّ هَّللا َ اَل َي ْهدِي َكيْدَ ْٱل َخا ِئن
ال َّت ْوكيد “That is so al-'Azīz will know that I indeed did not betray him in [his]
absence and that Allah surely does not guide the plan of betrayers.”
ِ [ ْنأالشbut also carries the function of emphasis [اّل ملرت اهلل كتاب لّللمفص اإلعراب.[
Here we see that the word [ُ[ َّه ِنإacts as a [ريمَض
Lesson 8: Nouns in the Naṣb Case [[وبا ُتصْ َنامل
We have already studied classes of nouns that always take the I‛rā b of Naṣb in Verbal and Nominal
Sentences. In Verbal Sentences, we have the direct object [ِولُعْ َفم [ هِبwhile in Nominal Sentences the [مْسِ ا
Inna or its sisters. In this lesson, we will review other nouns that are fixed to the Naṣb state that have
distinct grammatical functions. Altogether, there are fifteen classes of nouns that are from the [a صوبا ْت َنامل.[
The most important of these words along with pertinent Qur’ā nic examples are presented here. Some of
these Naṣb case nouns are essential to learn for accurate understanding of Qur’ā nic Arabic, even at a basic
I. Review of Nouns of the Raf‛ and Jarr Case [ [ورا ُترْ َجم[ & ]وعا ُت ْف َرمBefore the actually
discussion of [a صوبا ْت َنامل,[the table below has been presented to remind us of words
that are fixed to the I‛rā b of Raf‛ and Jarr. Table 53 on the next page reminds us of the various inflections on
the ends of nouns due to the various cases of Raf‛, Naṣb, or Jarr. These have been discussed in detail already
in Volume 1 with the exception of the Followers [ عِ وابَّالت,[which are discussed at the end of this
Table 52: Noun Categories fixed to Raf‛ and Jarr
Doer of verb
نائِبُ ْالفاعِ ل
Doer Deputy
ُم ْب َتدَ أ
َخ َبر
ان َو أَ َخ َواتِها
َ َخ َبر َك
sisters its and Kā na of Predicate
:Followers The
ال َّت ِاب ُع لِل َمرْ فُوع
[العطف/ال َت ْوكيد/ال َّنعت/]ال َبدَل
ْ جا ُر َو
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
َ َأ
,[ ]املُنادي,[خواتِها َ ] َخ َبر,[ ] َمفعول ِب ِهare already reviewed Those. Volume current this in and 1
كان َو well
learn to important are nouns Naṣb of category This]. َم َعه ] َم ْفعُولand], ][اسم إنَّ َو أَ َخواتِها, ]اِس ُم ال ال َّنف َّي ُة لل ِج ْنس
for appropriate understanding of the Qur’ā n and Classical Arabic. Most of these nouns are found in Verbal
Sentences and have a direct relation to the verb in some way.
Lesson 8: Nouns in the Naṣb Case [[وبا ُتصْ َنامل
َ َأ
Sisters its or Kā na of Predicate The خواتِها َ َخ َبر
كان َو
َ َأ
.Sisters its or Inna of Subject The خواتِها اسم إنَّ َو
مكا ْنا ُل ْف َرظPlace Container: Words that specify where an action is done.
ْ َهلWord specifying the reason an action is done. It can be indefinite or definite It
ُعول َفم
must be either a verbal noun or a Jarr Construction.
َه َعم ولُعْ َفمNoun that accompanies an action or something that is “with” an action. This word
specifies [[ َّة ِي َعمor "with-ness".
احاللA word that describes the state, condition, or way in which an action is done. It
is always found at the end of a sentence and it is always indefinite.
This. action an emphasizes which, sentence a ends that] ] َمصْ دَرnoun verbal A
ْ َم ْفعُول م
ُط َلق
Maṣdar should match the action that is being emphasized. It is found at the
end of a sentence.
وبُصْ َنل ِم ُل عِ ابَّالتThe Followers are nouns that follow other nouns in terms of I‛rā b. These are [
العطف/ال َت ْوكيد/ال َّنعت/ ]ال َبدَل:classes different four of
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
place or time. These were briefly mentioned as particles in the preceding chapter since many like Place
ُ ُ[ وفcan function as regular nouns in some instances
Containers act like Ḥ arf Jarr. Please note that some [aرظ
depending on the context. For example in the ā yah, the word [َ[ م َْواليis a [a ْف َرظ.[Others are found exclusively
Possession Constructions. The criteria of any noun acting as a [a[ ْف َرظis if an action occurs in a specific time
or place, and not simply that it is Naṣb. The most common [[ وفُرُظare listed in Tables 55 and 56 on the
﴿ َوأَن ِذرْ ُه ْم َي ْو َم ْٱل َحسْ َر ِة إِ ْذ قُضِ َي ٱأْل َمْ ُر َو ُه ْم فِي ﴿ ُ ﴾ اَل ُي َكلِّ ُم ُه ُم ٱهَّلل ُ َواَل َي ْن
ظ ُر إِ َلي ِْه ْم َي ْو َم ْٱلقِ َيا َم ِة
َ ﴾ َغ ْف َل ٍة َو ُه ْم اَل ي ُْؤ ِم ُن
“…and Allah will not speak to them or look at them on the
“And warn them, of the Day of Regret, when the matter Day of Resurrection...” (3:77).
will be concluded; and [yet], they are in heedlessness,
and they do not believe.” (19:39).
Lesson 8: Nouns in the Naṣb Case [[وبا ُتصْ َنامل
ًواabًّ ُغ ُد morning ﴿ ًًّياab ًِوا َو َعشabًّ ُون َع َل ْي َها ُغ ُد
َ ٱل َّنا ُر يُعْ َرض... ﴾
َغ ْد َو ًة/ “The Fire, they are exposed to it morning and evening...” (40:46).
َ /ضُحً ى
حً ا
/ُب ْك َر ًة morning early ﴿ لِّ ُت ْؤ ِم ُنوا ِبٱهَّلل ِ َو َرسُولِ ِه َو ُت َع ِّزرُوهُ َو ُت َو ِّقرُوهُ َو ُت َس ِّبحُوهُ ب ُْك َر ًة
﴾ َوأَصِ ياًل
َس َحرً ا
“That you may believe in Allah and His Messenger and honor him and
respect the Prophet and exalt Allah morning and afternoon.” (48:9).
َغ ًدا tomorrow ﴿ َّن ْٱل َك َّذابُ ٱأْل َشِ ُر َ ﴾ َس َيعْ َلم
ِ ُون َغ ًدا م
“They will know tomorrow who is the insolent liar.” (54:26).
Here in this section of Āyah al-Birr, the action that is occurring is “patience”. We see that the [[ ْفرَ ظis actually a Muḍ ā f in the
Naṣb state. The action of patience is denoted by the [[ لِفاع اسمwhich points to the action being done even though there is no
.emphasis or] ]إ ْختِصاص ِ ]الصword The]. ]فِعْ لexplicit
ِ to due Naṣb in is] َّابرين
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
َ َخ ْل
ف behind ﴿ ون ِب ِه عِ ْلمًا
َ ِيط ِ ﴾ َيعْ َل ُم َما َبي َْن أَ ْيد
ُ ِيه ْم َو َما َخ ْل َف ُه ْم َواَل ُيح
“Allah knows what is before them and what will be after them, but they
do not encompass it in knowledge.” (20:110).
َ َْتح
ت under ﴿ َ َْن أ
ِّضاَّل َنا م َِن ْٱل ِجن ِ ِين َك َفرُوا َر َّب َنا أَ ِر َنا ٱللَّ َذي
َ َو َقا َل ٱلَّذ
َ ت أَ ْقدَ ا ِم َنا لِ َي ُكو َنا م َِن ٱأْل َسْ َفل
ِني َ ْنس َنجْ َع ْل ُه َما َتحِ ِ ﴾ َوٱإْل
“And those who disbelieved will say, "Our Lord, show us those who misled
us of the jinn and men [so] we may put them under our feet that they will
be among the lowest.".” (41:29).
َم َع/ َعِ ْند by/with ﴿... َواَل ُت َقا ِتلُو ُه ْم عِ ندَ ْٱل َمسْ ِج ِد ْٱل َح َر ِام َح َّت ٰى ُي َقا ِتلُو ُك ْم فِي ِه... ﴾
“…And do not fight them at al-Masjid al-Ḥ aram until they fight you there....”
ُتجاه/ت ِْلقا َء facing ﴿ ِ َو َلمَّا َت َوجَّ َه ت ِْل َقا َء َم ْد َي َن َقا َل َع َس ٰى َربِّي أَن َي ْه ِد َينِي َس َوا َء ٱلس َِّب
“And when he directed himself toward Madyan, he said, "Perhaps my Lord
will guide me to the sound way.".” (28:22).
ٰ ه
ههُنا/ُنا here ﴿ ْس َل ُه ْٱل َي ْو َم َها ُه َنا َحمِي ٌم
َ ﴾ َف َلي
“So there is not for him here this Day any devoted friend.” (69:35).
َبي َْن between ﴿ َواَل َتأْ ُكلُوا أَمْ َوا َل ُكم َب ْي َن ُكم ِب ْٱلبَاطِ ِل َو ُت ْدلُوا ِب َها إِ َلى ْٱل ُح َّك ِام
َ اس ِبٱإْل ِ ْث ِم َوأَن ُت ْم َتعْ َلم
ُون ِ ال ٱل َّنِ ﴾ لِ َتأْ ُكلُوا َف ِري ًقا مِّنْ أَمْ َو
“And do not consume one another's wealth unjustly or send it to the rulers
in order that you consume a portion of the wealth of the people in sin,
while you know [it is unlawful].” (2:188).
Lesson 8: Nouns in the Naṣb Case [[وبا ُتصْ َنامل
ْ [ َهل
B. The Reason for an Action [ُعول َفم
Thus far we have already looked at two types of [ مفعول,[namely [ِعول َفم ْ يهف
[ هِبand [ِعول َفم ِ .[Here we have
yet another, [ُعول َفم َهل.[This Naṣb noun details the reason for an action occurring. It is also called [ ه ِْل َجأْ نِم
ْ [in grammar. It classically is a Maṣdar occurring at the end of a verbal sentence. It can occur
عول َفم as a Jarr
Construction, but this is less common. Context is essential in recognizing [ُعول َفم َهل,[since it can be
Jarr Construction.
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
It is actually the least common of the [ ولُعْ َفم,[but needs to be mentioned to complete the topic. This [َه َعم
ولُعْ َفم [is typically associated with a [ و,[since it would be difficult to differentiate it from the other [ ولُعْ َفم.
[Let us look at a couple of simple examples that show how this is used.
َ ْالك
“.book the with walked student The] “1. ]ِتاب َم َشى الطالِبُ َو
possible, nor logical. The key to properly understanding and translating the sentence is that the word [تابالك
[is Naṣb and is followed by a [ و.[It cannot be [[ وفُمعطfollowing the [[ وsince it cannot be another
Doer. Furthermore, it cannot be a direct object since the verb is intransitive. Even if the verb was transitive,
there is no Direct Object before the [ و.[It also cannot be a Ḥ āl (discussed later in this lesson)
which often is marked by a [ و.[Thus, in these two examples, there is no other possible translation. In both .
﴿ ِني َّ ان ۚ َو ُكاًّل آ َت ْي َنا ُح ْكمًا َوعِ ْلمًا ۚ َو َس َّخرْ َنا َم َع دَاوُ و َد ْٱل ِج َبا َل ُي َسبِّحْ َن َو
َ ٱلطي َْر ۚ َو ُك َّنا َفاعِ ل َ ﴾ َف َف َّه ْم َنا َها ُس َل ْي َم.i
“And We gave understanding of the case to Sulaymā n, and to each We gave judgment and knowledge. And We
subjected the mountains to glorify, along with Dawū d and with the birds. And We were doing [that]” (21:79).
.[ ]شرح منظومة اللغة اإلعراب للمفصّل كتاب اهلل املر ّتلfrom) 71:10 (and) 68:19 (on Sections 57
Lesson 8: Nouns in the Naṣb Case [[وبا ُتصْ َنامل
﴿ ﴾ َوإِ َذا أَ َر ْد َنا أَن ُّن ْهل َِك َقرْ َي ًة أَ َمرْ َنا ُم ْت َرفِي َها َف َف َسقُوا فِي َها َف َح َّق َع َل ْي َها ْٱل َق ْو ُل َفدَ مَّرْ َنا َها َت ْدمِريًا
“And when We intend to destroy a city, We command its affluent but they defiantly disobey therein; so
the word comes into effect upon it, and We destroy it with [complete] destruction.”(17:16)
ِ ً[ اfollows the verb [ اَ ْنرَّ َمد,[which means to “destroy”. With closer
In the above ā yah, the verbal noun [ري ْمدَ ت
ِ ً[ اis the exact Maṣdar of [َ رَّ َمد.[Furthermore, this verbal noun is
inspection, we should realize that [ريمْ دَ ت
ْ م
[ُطلَق ] َم ْفعُولanother demonstrates, sentence prior the to similar ﴿ ت غَرْ ًقا ِ ﴾ َوال َّنā yah above The
ِ از َعا
functionally similar (but dissimilar root) to the verb. The verbal noun [[ ْق َرغhas a similar meaning to the
verb [َع َزن
َ ,[which means to “pull out”. You will notice that in each of the above four ā yahs, there is no
explicit verb. However, the action or verb is implied through the Doer noun [ اِل لفاع اسم.[In all these ā yahs,
the action is being emphasized.
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
iii. ۚۚ ٱلز َكا َة َوأَطِ عْ َن ٱهَّلل َ َو َرسُو َل ُه ﴿ َو َقرْ َن فِي ُبيُو ِت ُكنَّ َواَل َت َبرَّ جْ َن َت َبرُّ َج ْٱل َجا ِهلِ َّي ِة ٱأْل ُو َل ٰى َّ َوأَقِم َْن ٱل
َ صاَل َة َوآت
َّ ِني
ت َوي َُطه َِّر ُك ْم َت ْط ِهريًا ِ س أَهْ َل ْٱل َب ْيَ ِْب َعن ُك ُم ٱلرِّ ج َ ﴾ إِ َّن َما ي ُِري ُد ٱهَّلل ُ لِي ُْذه
“And abide in your houses and do not display yourselves as [was] the display of the former times of ignorance.
And establish prayer and give Zakā t and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah intends only to remove from you
the impurity [of sin], Oh people of the [Prophet's] household, and to purify you with [extensive] purification..”
In this sentence, we see that [[ ضاحكاis the Ḥ āl, which describes the definite word [ٌ ْد َيز.[It describes an
action (to come) with the occurrence of laughter. We see that the Ḥ ā l [[ ضاحكاis of course Naṣb, but also
indefinite and occurs at the end of the sentence. Identifying the proper context allows the student to
identify Ḥ ā l in a respective sentence when present.
1. For a Ḥāl to occur, the sentence must have three components:
i. The Ḥ āl [[ احاللitself is (1) a single noun in Naṣb or (2) a Word Construction.
ii. The definite thing that the Ḥ āl describes [ِبصاح احال ُل.[
Lesson 8: Nouns in the Naṣb Case [[وبا ُتصْ َنامل
iii. The action itself. The action can be as a verb [ ْلعِف,[but can also be incorporated into an “action .[
]اِسْ ُم املَ ْفعولor], ] َمصْ دَر,[ ]اِسْ ُم الفاعِ لa like” word
2. The Ḥāl can occur in one of three different forms at the end of a sentence: i. A single word [
a دَرْ فُم.[In this case, the Ḥ ā l is a word that describes, is indefinite, and in the Naṣb
case explicitly. Both sentences use Ḥ ā l (highlighted) to convey the same basic meaning. This
form is that present in the example we just discussed: [ًجاء كاِضاحٌ ْد َي َز.[
occurring] فِعْ لِيَّة ] ِج ْملَةSentence Verbal a or] ] ُج ْملَة اِمسِ يَّةSentence Nominal simple a as occur can Ḥ āl. ii
at the end of a sentence. This sentence acts as a single unit to describe the definite noun [ احال ُل
[ ِبصاحdoing the action and is implicitly Naṣb. The Ḥ ā l very frequently occurs as a
nominal sentences and is preceded by a [[ وcalled [الواو َّةاحاللي.[Let us look at another example
Nominal Sentence is [ٌوُ ه كِضاح [and is preceded by the [[ وof Ḥ āl. The [ِبصاح احال ُل [is again
Zaid. An example of Ḥ āl using a Verbal Sentence is in the following example: [ُجاء ” َكحْ دَيٌ ْد َي َز
[Zaid came laughing.”. The verb has to be in the present tense [فعل [ )مضارعnot past tense) to
act as a Ḥ ā l. But remember the action is not laughing but “came” as [َ جاء.[Thus, in all the three
discussed the definite thing described (Zaid) and the action (“came”) are the same. These three
Ḥ ā ls all occur in different forms but functionally are the same since all the sentences yield the
same basic meaning.
iii. The third form of a Ḥ ā l is as a Jarr Construction. Please note that the Jarr Construction is similar to
an Arabic sentence and is often termed [هْ ِبش ْلة ُم ُج,[or a “Quasi-Sentence”. Here the Jarr
Construction functions in describing the definite [ِبصاح [ احال ُلat the end of a sentence. An
example of this is shown in the following where the Ḥ ā l is highlighted:
[ ب
ِ السحا َ ] َرأَي
َّ ْت
َ الطائ َِر َة ِبي َْن
Here, the action is “saw”, and the [ِبصاح [ احال ُلis the implied [َ[ ْتأنembedded within the verb.
since the person doing the action is “you” and not the bird.
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
indefinite noun. When this occurs, they are not Ḥ āls, but are Describers [ َةفِص/ ْت َعن.[You should recall that
this was briefly discussed in Volume 1 (Lesson 5, VI)). Let us revisit ā yah 12:36: “..The other said, "Indeed, I
َ َأ
have seen myself carrying upon my head bread, from which the birds are eating…” ﴿...رانِي َو َقا َل ٱآْل َخ ُر إِ ِّني
َّ أَحْ ِم ُل َف ْو َق َر ْأسِ ي ُخب ًْزا َتأْ ُك ُل... ﴾
ٱلط ْي ُر ِم ْن ُه
Here, we see that the highlighted Verbal Sentence is a Describer for the indefinite noun [ ز ْابُخ.[Describers
will be discussed in more detail in Lesson 9.
4. Qur’ānic Examples of Ḥāl [[احالل
﴿ َ ﴾ َوأ ُ ْلق َِي ٱلس ََّح َرةُ َسا ِجد.i
“And the magicians fell down in prostration” (7:120).
﴿ َ ِين آ َم ُنوا ٱ َّتقُوا ٱهَّلل َ َح َّق ُت َقا ِت ِه َواَل َتمُو ُتنَّ إِاَّل َوأَن ُتم مُّسْ لِم
ُون َ ﴾ َيا أَ ُّي َها ٱلَّذ.ii
“Oh you who have believed, fear Allah as He should be feared and do not die except as Muslims .” (3:102) ﴿
﴿ َ ِين إِ َذا ُذ ِّكرُوا ِب َها َخرُّ وا سُجَّ ًدا َو َس َّبحُوا ِب َحمْ ِد َرب ِِّه ْم َو ُه ْم اَل َيسْ َت ْك ِبر
ُون َ ﴾ ۩ إِ َّن َما ي ُْؤمِنُ ِبآ َيا ِت َنا ٱلَّذ.iv
“Only those believe in Our verses who, when they are reminded by them, fall down in prostration and
exalt [Allah] with praise of their Lord, and they are not arrogant.” (32:15).
Lesson 8: Nouns in the Naṣb Case [[وبا ُتصْ َنامل
Let us look at the following examples to see how Clarifiers are utilized in Arabic sentences.
In this complete sentence, we notice that a general statement is made, but much information is left out. We
do not know how “He is more than me”. Is he more than me in strength, knowledge, righteousness, good, or
َ َع َش
“.twelve saw I] “ر َْت أَ َحد
ُ ∙ ] َرأَي
In the first complete sentence, we notice that it is almost incomplete, because the detail is left out. But this
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
i) Male or Female
= اَي
= Male) ii َيا أَيُّها
َيا أَ َّي ُتها
= Female) iii ﴿ َُيا أَ َّي ُت َها ٱل َّن ْفس
ْ ﴾ ْٱلم
ُط َم ِئ َّن ُة
“[To the righteous it will be said], "Oh reassured soul ”(89:27)
ِ [are contrasted with [ احالل.[In this ā yah, the word [ً[ حاَرَ مacts as a Ḥ ā l while [ً[ والُطacts
This is a good example where [يز ْيمَّالت
as a Clarifier. Superficially, both words appear similar and may be confused with one another.. However, they are
differentiated contextually. The Ḥ ā l is an adjective, and acts in describing an action, while the Clarifier acts in quantifying
Lesson 8: Nouns in the Naṣb Case [[وبا ُتصْ َنامل
﴿ ون َ ﴾ َيا أَ ُّي َها ٱل َّناسُ ٱعْ ُب ُدوا َر َّب ُك ُم ٱلَّذِي َخ َل َق ُك ْم َوٱلَّذ
َ ُِين مِن َق ْبلِ ُك ْم َل َعلَّ ُك ْم َت َّتق
“Oh mankind, worship your Lord, who created you and those before you, that you may
become righteous”(2:21)
2. The inflection of the last letter of the [[ ِينا ُدمis based on whether it is one of the
(i) a definite name (Muḥ ammad, Ḥ asan).
(ii) a Muḍāf.
(iii) an unspecified addressee (believer, man, boy).
(iv) a specified addressee (believer, man, boy).
(a) If a definite name of a person is used (without any Muḍ ā f), then its inflection is a
single Ḍ ammah at the end. For example, let us look at the following part of Ḥ adīth
{......ِسْ الم يا م َُح َّم ُد أَ ْخ ِبرْ نِي َع ِن اإْل: } َو قا َل
(b) If the [[ ِينا ُدمis a Muḍ ā f, or a name containing a Muḍ ā f is used, then there is a
Fatḥ ah inflected on the last letter of the Muḍ ā f. This is seen in the highlighted in the
following Ḥ adīth61.
ت َو َق َع َب ْينِي َو َب ْي َن ُهْ َف َقا َل، " " أَي َْن َبعْ لُكِ ؟: صلَّى هَّللا ُ َع َل ْي ِه َو َسلَّ َم لِ َفاطِ َم َةَ ُّ َقا َل ال َّن ِبي: َقا َل
ًًّياabِ " أَ ْبصِ رْ لِي َعل: صلَّى هَّللا ُ َع َل ْي ِه َو َسلَّ َم ل َِرج ٍُل َ ُّ َف َقا َل ال َّن ِبي، ُغاضبًا
َ } َف َخ َر َج م... ، َكال ٌم
صلَّى هَّللا ُ َع َل ْي ِه َو َسلَّ َم َوالرِّ ي ُح َ ُّ َفأ َ َتاهُ ال َّن ِبي، ه َُو َذا فِي ْال َمسْ ِج ِد، ِ َيا َرسُو َل هَّللا: َف َقا َل، "
َّان أ َل َحب َ َف َوهَّللا ِ إِنْ َك: َقا َل َس ْه ٌل، " ب ٍ " قُ ْم َيا أَ َبا { ُت َرا: َقا َل، اب َ َيسْ فِي َع َل ْي ِه ال ُّت َر
أَسْ َما ِئ ِه إِ َل ْي ِه
(c) If the [[ ِينا ُدمis general and not specified, and is not a definite name, then the
[[ ِينا ُدمcarries Fatḥ ah with Tanwīn. For example, this can be a teacher speaking to
each of his students “Oh student, study hard!” [ ًاَي ري ِا َثكْ سُرْ ُداً باِطال.[Or this can
be a
preacher admonishing each of his congregation “Oh believer, do not go near
ِّ ُ!“ ] َيا م ُْومِنا ً ال َت ْق َربadultery
,name definite a not is and, specified is] ]مُنادِيthe If]. الزنا
then the [[ ِينا ُدمis inflected with a single Ḍ ammah at the end. For example, a
student .[علِّمْ نِي
َ “ ] َيا ُم َعلِّ ُمme teach, teacher Oh “teacher a requesting
Saḥ īḥ al-Bukhā ri, Chapter on Imā n: ِميإْال ا َب ِتك
ِ ا َنḤ adith #50.
َّ ]تاريخto according Ḥ asan as Classified, 5879 # Ḥ adith], ِِّلطبَرَ انِي
.[الطبَري َّ ]املُعْ جَ ُم ْال َك ِبريُ لfrom Taken 61
The Followers are nouns that follow other nouns in terms of I‛rā b. There are four categories of Followers
ِّ ]الDescribers discussed already have We]. العطف/ال َت ْوكيد/ال َّنعت/]ال َبدَل
have and, 1 Volume from] ص َفة
:exist that
studied Connecting Particles [وفُرُح [ ْف َطالعin this second Volume. Please refer to Lesson 9, the next chapter
lesson. Please note however that there can be situations in which a non-derived noun [[ دِجامcan act as a
Describer.62 But for our purposes, these represent exceptions to the rule, and do not appear to occur in the
Qur’ā n.
Even though a Describer is typically a noun, words outside this scope can also function as Describers. We
briefly discussed in the prior lesson that Jarr Constructions can act as Describers. We also saw that Ḥ āls are
similar to Describers since they describe definite nouns. Ḥ ā ls can also come in the form of Sentences and
Jarr Constructions to describe definite nouns. In comparison, Describers can also come in the form of
Sentences and Jarr Constructions, but can only describe indefinite nouns. If it describes something definite,
then it is essentially a Ḥ āl. This rule becomes helpful when grammatically analyzing more complex and long
sentences (or ā yahs).
Dr. Mosā d, <http://dr.mosad.com/> and Reefnet.gov.sy <http://www.reefnet.gov.sy/education/kafaf/index.html>. An
example of a Describer with a non-derived noun acting as an adjective is in the following. [ ً[ داَأسً الُجَ ُر ْتيَأَرor “I saw a man lion
like”. Here the non-derived or [ [ دِجامnoun acts as a Describer contextually.
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
Describers need to be from the following categories of Nouns:
[ ]ال َبدَلReplacers. C
One important Follower that we have not discussed yet is what we call a Replacer [ لَدَالب.[Functionally,
these words replace another word [ُلَ ْد ُبم [ هْ نِمfor rhetorical effect and/or for clarification. Please note these
are grammatically different than Describers, which they may be confused with. This is because Replacers
sometimes match the word they are replacing in the same four characteristics that Describers match.
However, we will see how Replacers are contextually different than Describers, and that they usually not . [
]مُش َت ّق
A Replacer is essentially a noun that replaces another noun , either in an equal portion, a part, or in a
certain quality, or aspect. Let us look at the following sentences which highlight how Replacers work in
.today us helped Yū suf of Son, Zaid] 1. ]ال َي ْو َم
صرْ ناَ ُف َن َ َز ْي ٌد أَبُو يُوس
.Madīnah-Al, city blessed a from am I] 2. ]ُبار َك ٍة ام َلدِي َن ِة َ
ِ أنا م َِن َمدِي َن ٍة م
Lesson 9: The Followers [ التوابع,[the Derived Nouns [ ّةاملشتق األمساء,[and the Verb [َّ[ َنظ
In the first example, [َوُ َبأ a[ فُو ُسيrefers to Zaid not as an adjective, but as something else that Zaid is. We see
that [َ[ فُوسُي وُ َبأmatches [ٌ[ ْد َيزbut contextually does not fit as a Describer. In the second sentence, the [
]املَدِي َن ِةword63 replaces [ٍ َةينِدَ م.[Please note that even though [ِ[ َةي ِندَاملis definite, it replaces the indefinite [
َةي ِندَم.[
Also without knowing about Replacers, the sentence would not make sense grammatically because of . [
]املَدِي َن ِة
Replacers can be subdivided into four categories based on the comparison between the [[ لَدَالبand the
.underlined is] ِم ْن ُه ] ُمبْدَ لthe while highlighted is Replacer the, below examples the In]. ] ُم ْبدَل ِم ْن ُه
َّ ال
[شيْ ء ] َبدَ ُل ال َّشيْ ِء مِنReplacement Total/Equal. 1
﴿ َ ِْين أَ ْن َعم
ت َع َلي ِْه ْم َ اط ْٱلمُسْ َتقِي َم صِ َر
َ اط ٱلَّذ َ ٱهْ ِد َنا ٱلص َِّر... ﴾
“Guide us to the straight path - The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor…” (1:6-7)
Here [َاط ِرص [ ين َِّذٱ َلreplaces [َ ا َطرِّ ٱلص,[both being Naṣb. The total or whole entity is
ِّ ْال ُك
[ل ِ ْ ] َبدَ ُل ْال َبعReplacement Partial. 2
ض م َِن
} ِ َش َهادَ ِة أَنْ اَل إِ َل َه إِاَّل هَّللا ُ َوأَنَّ م َُح َّم ًدا َرسُو ُل هَّللا، سٍ ْ ُبن َِي اإْل ِسْ اَل ُم َع َلى َخم،
َ ضَ ص ْو ِم َر َم َ َو، َو ْال َح ِّج، الز َكا ِة َّ َوإِي َتا ِء، صاَل ِة
َّ { َوإِ َق ِام ال
“Islā m is built on five (pillars): testifying that there is no god except Allah,
and that Muḥ ammad is the messenger of Allah, and performing the prayer,
and giving the Zakā t, and the Ḥ ajj, and the fasting of Ramaḍ ā n.” (Bukhā ri)64
In this Ḥ adīth, we find five Replacers, each replacing one part of the [ُلَ ْد ُبم[ هْ نِمwhich is
the word [ٍ سْ َمخ.[Please note that all the Replacers follow the Jarr I‛rā b of [ٍ سْ َمخ.[
[شتِمال ] َبدَ ُل اإْلReplacement Abstract. 3
[ ] يُعْ ِج ُبنِي َز ْي ٌد عِ ْل ُم ُه
“Zaid, amazes me, his knowledge.”
Here, [ِ[ ةَينِدَ املAl-Madīnah refers of course to the Blessed City of the Prophet, and is not “the city”. In Arabic, the definite article
“Al” when referring to proper names has no “the”. For example the words [ ]ا َّسبَالع,[ ]ة َِرالقاه,[ عِ ا َّفالش,[and [[ خاريُالبall refer to proper
names or places.
Saḥ īḥ Bukhā ri, Ḥ adith #8 from [تابك
ِ اإلميان.[
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
ۚ اع إِ َل ْي ِه َس ِبياًل ِ َوهَّلِل ِ َع َلى ال َّن.﴾ .iiۚ ات َّم َقا ُم إِب َْراهِي َم
ِ اس ِح ُّج ْٱل َب ْي
َ ت َم ِن اسْ َت َط ٌ ان آ ِم ًنا ﴿فِي ِه آ َي
ٌ ات َب ِّي َن َ دَخ َل ُه َك
َ َو َمن
“In it are clear signs [such as] the standing place of Ibrā hīm. And whoever enters it shall be safe. And to
Allah from the people is a pilgrimage to the House - for whoever is able to find thereto a way….” (3:97)
} اغ َك َق ْب َل
َ ناك َق ْب َل َف َق ِر َك َو َف َر َ ِك َو صِ حَّ َت َك َق ْب َل َس َقم
َ ِِك َو غ ٍ ْا ِْغ َت ِن ْم َخمْ سا ً َق ْب َل َخم
َ س َشبا َب َك َق ْب َل َه َرم
ُ .iii ِك
ش ْغل َِك َ { َو َحيا َت َك َق ْب َل َم ْوت
“Take advantage of five (things) before five (things); your youth before your old age, and your health before
your sickness, and your wealth before your poverty, and your free time before your occupation, and your
life before your death.” (Baihaqhi) 65
} َ َح َّد َث َنا أَبُو َخالِ ٍد َيعْ نِي ُس َل ْي َم، ُّْن ُن َمي ٍْر ْال َهمْ دَ انِي
)ان ب َْن ِ حديث مرفوع( َح َّد َث َنا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ َع ْب ِد هَّللا ِ ب
َ َحي.iv صلَّى
َّان َ ِّ َع ِن ال َّن ِبي، ْن ُع َم َر ِ َع ِن اب، ْن ُع َبيْدَ َة ِ َعنْ َسعْ ِد ب، ِّ َعنْ أَ ِبي َمالِكٍ اأ َل ْش َجعِي، اأ َلحْ َم َر
َّ َوإِي َتا ِء، صاَل ِة
، الز َكا ِة َّ َوإِ َق ِام ال، ُ َعلَى أَنْ ي َُوحَّ َد هَّللا، " ُبن َِي اإلِسْ اَل ُم َعلَى َخ ْم َس ٍة: { َقا َل، هَّللا ُ َع َل ْي ِه َو َسلَّ َم
، َو ْال َح ِّج، ان
َ ضَ ال صِ َي ِام َر َم: ان ؟ َقا َل
َ ضَ َوصِ َي ِام َر َم، ْال َح ِّج: َف َقا َل َر ُج ٌل، " َو ْال َح ِّج، ان َ ض َ َوصِ َي ِام َر َم
صلَّى هَّللا ُ َعلَ ْي ِه َو َسلَّ َم
َ ِ ُول هَّللا
ِ َه َك َذا َسمِعْ ُت ُه مِنْ َرس.
“Narrated to us by Muḥ ammad son of Abdullah, son of Numair Al-Ḥ amdā ni, narrated to us by Abu Khā lid Ya’ni
Sulaymā n, son of Hayyā n al Aḥ mar, from Abi Mā lik al-Ashkha’ī, from Sa’d son of Ubaidah, Upon Ibn U‛mar, from the
Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah upon him, He said: Islā m is built on five (pillars): that Allah is One, and
performing the prayer, and giving the Zakā t, and the fasting of Ramaḍ ā n, and the Ḥ ajj, then
a man said: the Ḥ ajj, and the Fasting of Ramaḍ ā n, like this I heard it from the Messenger of Allah, peace and
blessings of Allah are upon him.” (Muslim)66
[ ]إسناده ضعيف وحيسن إذا توبعḤ asan is Ḥ adith]. ]شعب اإلميان للبيهقيin 9575 # Ḥ adith 65
Sā hih Muslim, Ḥ adith #22; in [تابك
ِ اإلميان.[
Lesson 9: The Followers [ التوابع,[the Derived Nouns [ ّةاملشتق األمساء,[and the Verb [َّ[ َنظ
The following examples of Replacers have been extracted from the Qur’ā n and Ḥ adīth. In example (i) [ َب َد ُل
ً ] َم َفword the replaces] ] َحدَائ َِقword the,
]ال َّشيْ ِء مِن ال َّشيْ ءthe represents and], ازا
page preceding the on67.
The word [[ اًا َب ْن َعأfollows the Replacer functionally, but is more specifically a [a[ طو ْف َعمbecause of the [ و.[In
example (ii), the Replacer [ْ[ َنمis from the [ِّلَ َدب لُ ْكا َل ن ِِم ضْ َعبْا ُل,[since it represents a part from the whole. In
the Ḥ adīth example (iii), the Replacers again represent parts from the whole. You see that each have the . [
] ُمبْدَ ل ِم ْن ُهthe], ً ] َخمْساas rā b‛I same
In example (iv), the entire Ḥ adīth has been quoted with Isnā d68 to show that within any given Isnā d,
Replacers are usually seen. If you focus on the Isnā d in brackets you will find many different Replacers.
word the], ِ ] َح َّد َث َنا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ َع ْب ِد هَّللا ِ بin example For. rā b‛I the with nouns at looking is key The
ُّْن ُن َمي ٍْر ْال َهمْدَانِي
son of Abdullah, is replacer of the name Muḥ ammad. The word [ٍْنب [ رْ َيم ُِنis Replacer for Abdullah, not
Muḥ ammad, since it is Jarr like Abdullah. The word [ُّ[ ِيا َن ْد َمهْالis replacer for Muḥ ammad since it is Raf‛, not
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
] ! جا َء َز ْي ٌد.i
! Zaid, came Zaid] “ز ْي ٌد
!begun has prayer The! begun has prayer The] ت الصَّال ُة ِ ت الصَّال ُة ! َق ْد قا َم
ِ ] ! َق ْد قا َم.ii Another example
of [يد ِْكوَّ الت [ ِي ْظ َّفا ُلis found in Qur’ā nic example (iii) in Sū rah Sharḥ on the end of this page.
There are other nouns that function in repetition, functionally [ي ِد ْك َّوالت a ِي َو ْن َعمْ ال,[not literally, and are in the
َ أَب/ أَ ْك َت ُع/ أَجْ َم ُع/ ُك ُّل/ ُ اَ ْل َعيْن/ ]اَل َّن ْفس:are and Followers of category
used are bold in are that nouns The ]. ْص ُع
more frequently. An example of emphasis through functional repetition is seen in the following examples:
.them of all, class the to came students The] ُکلُّهُم ُون إِىل ْال َفصْ ِل َّ ]جا َء.iii
َ الطالِب
.myself that did I] َن ْفسي ت ٰذل َِك
ُ ] َف َع ْل.iv
.(iii (of exception with below shown are] ْال َمعْ َن ِوي ]ال َّت ْوكِيدof examples Other
﴿ ُك ْٱل َج َّن َة َ َ ﴾ َوقُ ْل َنا َيا آدَ ُم ٱسْ ُكنْ أ.iv
َ نت َو َز ْوج
“And We said, "Oh Ā dam, dwell, you and your wife, in Paradise...” (2:35)
Lesson 9: The Followers [ التوابع,[the Derived Nouns [ ّةاملشتق األمساء,[and the Verb [َّ[ َنظ
action. They all are thus “action nouns”. The one major category of words that harbor the meaning of a
َّ ِاسْ ُم
الظرْ ف Derived noun that indicates the time or َم ْف ِع ٌل
place of an action; this is identical to [
a[ مكا ْنا ُل ْف َرظ
َم ْف َع ٌل
and [ز ظرف ُ ما َّنال.[It typically has two
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
permanent, and is a fixed attribute.72 There are several stem patterns of [َة ِّفالص ُ َة َّه َب,[the most common
ش ْمال
is the stem [ٌ يل َِعف.[There is a loose relationship between the specific stems and the specific verbs that they
derived from, but this will not be covered.73 Please also note that some of the stem patterns of the Derived
Adjectives are the same which many verbal nouns have, but these are not synonymous. 74
َ ْال ُم َش َّب
[ هة ص َفة
ِّ ]الAdjective Derived The: 58A Table
َعلي ٌم ﴿ ﴾ َفاَل َتقُ ْل َل ُه َما أُفٍّ َواَل َت ْن َهرْ ُه َما َوقُ ْل َل ُه َما َق ْواًل َك ِرميًا
َفعِي ٌل “Surely for those who have Taqwa is success, Gardens and vineyards.” (17:23)
شجا ﴿ ات َسا ِئ ٌغ َش َرا ُب ُه َو ٰ َه َذا م ِْل ٌح أ ُ َجا ٌج
ٌ ان ٰ َه َذا َع ْذبٌ فُ َر
ِ َو َما َيسْ َت ِوي ْٱل َبحْ َر... ﴾
ٌع “And not alike are the two bodies of water. One is fresh and sweet, palatable for drinking,
فُعا ٌل and one is salty and bitter....” (35:12)
Arabic Tutor, Volume 4, pg. 362.
Please refer to the comprehensive Grammar website of <www.drmosad.com> on section of [شمْ ال َة ِّفالص ُ [ َة َّه َبfor further details
on these patterns and their relationships.
The Derived Adjectives can be found on the pattern of [[ ْلعَ فor [ ْلعُف,[but verbal nouns often take these two patterns. This does
not mean that the classes of words are interchangeable; they are not. In fact, finding a verbal noun with a shared patte rn is the
more common scenario since every verb technically has a verbal noun that comes with it.
Many of the examples of the Derived Adjectives were obtained from <www.drmosad.com> on section of [شمْ ال َة ِّفالص
ُ َة َّه َب.[
Lesson 9: The Followers [ التوابع,[the Derived Nouns [ ّةاملشتق األمساء,[and the Verb [َّ[ َنظ
َ ْال ُم َش َّب
[ هة ص َفة
ِّ ]الAdjective Derived The: 58B Table
Stem ثالِم Qur’ānic Examples75
أَشِ ٌر ﴿ َّن ْٱل َك َّذابُ ٱأْل َشِ ُر َ ﴾ َس َيعْ َلم
ِ ُون َغ ًدا م
َف ِع ٌل “They will know tomorrow who is the insolent liar.” (54:26)
َ ﴿ ِين
َ ٱلزا ِهد ٍ ﴾ َو َش َر ْوهُ ِب َث َم ٍن َب ْخ
َّ س دَ َرا ِه َم َمعْ ُدودَ ٍة َو َكا ُنوا فِي ِه م َِن
ٌب “And they sold him for a reduced price - a few dirhams - and they were, concerning him, of
َفعْ ٌل those content with little..” (12:20)
ٌ فُر
فُ ُع ٌل ۚ ْن إِحْ َسا ًنا َو ِبذِي ْٱلقُرْ َب ٰى َو ْٱل َي َتا َم ٰى َو ْٱل َم َساكِنيِ﴿ َوٱعْ ُب ُدوا ٱهَّلل َ َواَل ُت ْش ِر ُكوا
ِ َو ِب ْٱل َوالِ َدي
ِب ِه َش ْي ًئا
ْ يل َو َما َم َل َك
ت ِ ْن ٱلس َِّب ِ ب ِب ْٱل َجن
ِ ب َوٱب ِ ب َوٱلصَّا ِح ِ ار ْٱل ُج ُن
ِ ار ذِي ْٱلقُرْ َب ٰى َو ْٱل َج
ِ َو ْٱل َج
أَ ْي َما ُن ُك ْم...﴾
“Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do good, and to relatives,
orphans, the needy, the near neighbor, the neighbor farther away, the companion at your
side, the traveler, and those whom your right hands possess...” (4:36)
ْضِ ع ﴿ ِ ﴾ َقالُوا َر َّب َنا َمن َق َّد َم َل َنا ٰ َه َذا َف ِز ْدهُ َع َذابًا ضِ عْ ًفا فِي ال َّن
ٌف “They will say, "Our Lord, whoever brought this upon us - increase for him double
punishment in the Fire.".” (38:61)
فِعْ ٌل
ُ [ يلِضْ َّفcan vary depending on gender and/or plurality. The Comparative noun is used
conjugation of [الت مْ سِ ا
in two instances when comparing two things, either with the particle [ْ ِنم,[or in a Possession Construction .
[]إِضا َفة
Many of the examples of the Derived Adjectives were obtained from <www.drmosad.com> on section of [شمْ ال َة ِّفالص
ُ َة َّه َب.[
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
For example, when making a statement about Zaid having more knowledge than the people, two different
types of sentences can be used:
ِ ال َّن
“.people the than knowledgeable more is Aḥ med] “اس ]أَحْ َم ُد أَعْ َل ُم م َِن.i
ِ ]أَحْ َم ُد أَعْ َل ُم ال َّن.ii
“.people the of knowledgeable most the is Aḥ med] “اس
If a general statement is to be made about Aḥ med and knowledge, then the following can be
stated: .“learned most the, Aḥ med] “ ]أَحْ َم ُد اأ َلعْ َل ُم.iii
Look at the following examples of how the [مْسِ ا ُ [ يلِضْ َّفcan be conjugated.
َ َ ْك َبر
“messengers greatest The]“ُون ]الرُّ ُس ُل اأْل/[كاب ُرَ
ِ ]الرُّ ُس ُل اأْل/[ ]الرُّ ُس ُل ال ُكب َْرى.iv
“.town the of) women (righteous most two The] “ال َقرْ َي ِة ْ ]ص ُْل َحيا.v
“.city the of knowledgeable most the are women These ] “ال َمدِي َن ِة ْ ياتُ ] ٰهؤُ ال ِء ال ِّنسا ُء ع ُْل َم.vi
[ ] ِاسْ ُم ال َّت ْفضِ يلof Conjugation: 59 Table
َ ُ أَ ْف َعل/ُالن أَفاعِ ل
ون ِ أَ ْف َع ُل أَ ْف َع املُ َذ َّك
ٌ فُعْ َلa/يان فُ َع ٌل
يات َ أَ ْك َبر/ُكابر
ِ ُون فُعْ لي فُعْ َل ِ َران أ
ِ أَ ْك َب ُر أَ ْك َب املِثل
املُ َؤ َّن
ُك َب ٌر/يات
ٌ يان ُكب َْر
ِ ُكب َْري ُكب َْر املِثل
َ ُون إِاَّل ِبأَنفُسِ ِه ْم َو َما َي ْش ُعر
ۚ ُون َ ﴾ َو َما َي ْم ُكر.ii﴿ ك َج َع ْل َنا فِي ُك ِّل َقرْ َي ٍة أَ َك ِاب َر مُجْ ِرمِي َها لِ َي ْم ُكرُوا فِي َها
َ َِو َك َذل
“And thus We have placed within every city the greatest of its criminals to conspire therein. But they conspire
not except against themselves, and they perceive not..” (6:123)
﴿... ٍ ض َواَل أَصْ َغ ُر مِن ٰ َذل َِك َواَل أَ ْك َب ُر إِاَّل فِي ِك َتا
ب ِ ْت َواَل فِي ٱأْل َر
ِ اَل َيعْ ُزبُ َع ْن ُه م ِْث َقا ُل َذرَّ ٍة فِي ٱل َّس َم َاوا
ٍ ﴾ م ُِّبني.iv “…Not absent from Him is an atom's weight within the heavens or within the earth or [what is]
smaller than that or greater, except that it is in a clear register.” (34:3)
ۚ ب مِّنْ عِ ن ِد ِه أَ ْو
ٍ َو َنحْ نُ َن َت َربَّصُ ِب ُك ْم أَن يُصِ ي َب ُك ُم ٱهَّلل ُ ِب َع َذا.vi﴿ ۚ ْن
ِ ُون ِب َنا إِاَّل إِحْ دَى ْٱلحُسْ َن َيي
َ قُ ْل َه ْل َت َر َّبص
ٌقُدُّوس ﴿ ُ ِه َُو ٱهَّلل ُ ٱلَّذِي اَل إِ ٰ َل َه إِاَّل ه َُو ْٱل َمل... ﴾
ُك ْٱلقُ ُّدوس
فُعُّو ٌل “He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure...” (59:23)
ٌ صِ ِّد
يق ﴿ ٌان َيأْ ُكلُهُنَّ َس ْب ٌع عِ َجاف
ٍ ت سِ َم ٍ يق أَ ْف ِت َنا فِي َسب ِْع َب َق َرا ِّ يُوسُفُ أَ ُّي َها ٱل
ُ ص ِّد
فِعِّي ٌل ٍ ت ُخضْ ٍر َوأ ُ َخ َر َي ِاب َسا
ت ٍ َو َسب ِْع سُن ُباَل... ﴾
“[He said], "Yū suf, Oh man of truth, explain to us about seven fat cows eaten by seven
[that were] lean, and seven green spikes [of grain] and others [that were] dry...” (12:46)
ِمسْ كِن ٌي ٰ
ِم ْفعي ٌل ﴾...ۚۚ يل
ِ ِني َوٱب َْن ٱلس َِّب ِ ون َوجْ َه ٱهَّلل ِ ﴿ َفآ
َ ت َذا ْٱلقُرْ َب ٰى َح َّق ُه َو ْٱل ِمسْ ك َ ك َخ ْي ٌر لِّلَّذ
َ ِين ي ُِري ُد َ َِذل
“So give the relative his right, as well as the needy and the traveler. That is best for those who
desire the countenance of Allah ...” (30:38)
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
ۚ َوأَ َخ ْذ َنا ِم ْنهُم مِّي َثا ًقا.i﴿ ْن َ َوإِ ْذ أَ َخ ْذ َنا م َِن ٱل َّن ِبي
َ ِّني مِي َثا َق ُه ْم َومِن
ٍ ك َومِن ُّن
ِ وح َوإِب َْراهِي َم َومُو َس ٰى َوعِ ي َسى ٱب
ۚ ان
َ ِيز ُ َقا َل َيا َق ْو ِم ٱعْ ُب ُدوا ٱهَّلل َ َما َل ُكم مِّنْ إِ ٰ َل ٍه َغ ْي ُرهُ ﴿ َوإِ َل ٰى َم ْد َي َن أَ َخا ُه ْم
َ َواَل َتنقُصُوا ْٱل ِم ْك َيا َل َو ْٱلم.. ﴾ .iiۚش َع ْيبًا
“And to Madyan [We sent] their brother Shu'ayb. He said, "Oh my people, worship Allah; you have no deity
ْ [
other than Him. And do not decrease from the measure and the scale….” (11:84) [ ٌعالفِم
Lesson 9: The Followers [ التوابع,[the Derived Nouns [ ّةاملشتق األمساء,[and the Verb [َّ[ َنظ
﴿... ُوس ٰى َمسْ حُورً ا ُ َ ﴾ َفاسْ أ َ ْل َبنِي إِسْ َرائِي َل إِ ْذ َجا َء ُه ْم َف َقا َل َل ُه فِرْ َع ْونُ إِ ِّني أَل.ii
َ ظ ُّن َك َيا م
“So the angels prostrated - all of them entirely.” (17:101)
َ ﴾ أَ َي ْب َت ُغ.iv﴿ ِني
ۚ ون عِ ن َد ُه ُم ْٱلع َِّز َة َفإِنَّ ْٱلع َِّز َة هَّلِل ِ َجمِي ًعا ِ ين أَ ْولِ َيا َء مِن ُد
َ ون ْٱلم ُْؤ ِمن َ ِين َي َّتخ ُِذ
َ ون ْٱل َكاف ِِر َ ٱلَّذ
“Those who take disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do they seek with them honor? But indeed,
honor belongs to Allah entirely.” (4:139)
ۚ َب ْل ه َُو َما ٱسْ َتعْ َج ْل ُتم ِب ِه... ﴾ .v﴿ ارضٌ مُّمْ طِ ُر َنا َ َ
ِ ضا مُّسْ َت ْق ِب َل أ ْو ِد َيت ِِه ْم َقالُوا ٰ َه َذا َع ِ َف َلمَّا َرأ ْوهُ َع
ً ار
“And when they saw it as a cloud approaching their valleys, they said, "This is a cloud bringing us rain!"
Rather, it is that for which you were impatient...” (46:24)
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
[ ]اَأْل َعْ دادNumbers: 10 Lesson
]اَأْل َعْ دادNumbers: 10 Lesson
Introductionto Numbers
Numbers often can be very challenging to students learning Arabic, since their rules are rather complex. In
fact, the subject is often mentioned last in many grammar textbooks for this very reason. Similar to English,
Arabic numerals run from left to right. Unlike English however, compound numbers greater than ten are
written with the “tens” number after the “one’s” number in Arabic. 77 So, the number “sixty-three” would be
written as [َةال َثث َ [ و ُّنتin Arabic. There are other seemingly “unconventional” rules
ُِس و
that numbers have in Arabic that are discussed here. In terms of notation, the thing that is numbered in
َ و ُد ْد,[while the number itself is termed [ َددَع.[Table 62 should be used as reference
Arabic is termed the [عم
for numbers one through thirty. Numbers greater than 30 until 99 follow the same format in numbering as
do the numbers 21 through 99. With numbering, keep in mind the grammatical characteristics of the
َ و ُد ْد,[since they vary.
number [[ دَدَعand the thing being numbered [عم
َ وا ِح ٌد َو عِ ْشر
إِحْ دَ ى َو/ُون ١٢ إِحْ دَ ي/أَ َحدَ َع َش َر ٢ واحِدَ ة/واحِد ٢
َ عِ ْشر
ُون َع َش َرة ٢
ِ ا ِْث/ُون
نان َو ِ ا ِْث َن
َ تان َو عِ ْشر ١١ ا ِْث َنتا/ا ِْثنا َع َش َر ٢ ١
َ عِ ْش
رون َع َش َرة ١ ا ِْث َنثان/ا ِْثنان
ٌ َث/ ُون
الث َو َ َثال َث ٌة َوعِ ْشر ١٢ َ َث/َثال َث َة َع َش َر
الث ٢ َثال َثة/الث
َ َث ٢
َ عِ ْشر
ُون َع َش َر َة ٢
أَرْ َب ٌع َو/ُون
َ أَرْ َب َع ٌة َو عِ ْشر ١٢ أَرْ َب َع/ أَرْ َبع َة َع َش َر ٢ ٢
َ عِ ْشر
ُون َع َش َر َة ٢ أَرْ َب َعة/أَرْ َبع
َ ِتسْ َع ٌة َو عِ ْشر
ِتسْ ٌع َو/ُون ١٢ ِتسْ َع/ِتسْ َع َة َع َش َر ٢ ِتسْ َعة/ِتسْ ع ٢
َ عِ ْشر
ُون َع َش َر َة ٢
ون ُ َث
َ الث ٢٣ َ عِ ْشر
ُون ١ َع ْشر ٢٣
٣ ع ْش َرة/َ
For the above example "63", the “ten’s number” is “sixty". The “one's number” is placed directly after the “ten’s number”. In
Arabic this convention is reversed.
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
A. Dual Numbers
Dual numbers or things that are dual [[ َّى َن ُثمtypically take the endings of [ِ[ انor [ِ[ ْنيdepending on I‛rā b.
Dual words usually are not associated with a number because the dual ending is itself sufficient. However,
َ [ و ُد ْدneed to match.
in some cases, when it is used (emphasis, etc.) the gender of the number and [عم
masculine noun such as “book”, “boy”, or “door” would take the female [ َددَع.[This does
occur for numbers 1, 2, 11, 12, 20, 30, 40, etc.
َ [ و ُد ْدwill be plural pattern.
2. The [عم
َ [و ُد ْدtakes the form of a MuḍāfIlay in its plural form, while the number is the
3. The [عم
4. TheNumber by default is in the Raf‛ state ( unless there is a reason for it not to be).
Some examples that can be extracted from the above rules are the following. If we, want to translate “six
books”, we say [ٍَّة ِتس ُ ُب ُت.[The word “book” is masculine, and takes a feminine number [ُ َّة ِتس.[Please note
following the consult Please]. أَ ْوال ٍد “ ] َسب َْع ُةboys seven “and] َّام َ َ
ٍ “ ]أرْ َب َع ُة أيdays four “are examples pertinent
Qur’ā nic examples that further illustrate this point. In examples (ii), (iii), (iv), the [عم ْ [are considered
َ دود
feminine since their respective number [[ دَدَعis masculine. In example (v), the singular for [[ يالَلis [[ َة ْل َيل
which is feminine and therefore takes a masculine [ َددَع.[In the same example, the singular for [[ أيامis [[م َْوي
﴿ َ ُصد ُّت ْم َف َذرُوهُ فِي سُن ُبلِ ِه إِاَّل َقلِياًل ِّممَّا َتأْ ُكل
ون َ ِني دَ أَبًا َف َما َح َ ﴾ َقا َل َت ْز َرع.ii
َ ُون َسب َْع سِ ن
“[Yū suf] said, "You will plant for seven years consecutively; and what you harvest leave in its spikes, except a
little from which you will eat.” (12:47)
iii. ۚۚ ضا َء ِمنْ َغي ِْر سُو ٍَءَ ك َت ْخرُجْ َب ْي َ ت إِ َل ٰى ِفرْ َع ْو َن َو َق ْو ِم ِه ﴿ َوأَ ْد ِخ ْل َي َد
َ ك فِي َجي ِْب ٍ فِي ِتسْ ِع آ َيا
َ ﴾ إِ َّن ُه ْم َكا ُنوا َق ْومًا َفاسِ ق
“And put your hand into the opening of your garment [at the breast]; it will come out white without disease.
[These are] among the nine signs [you will take] to Pharaoh and his people. Indeed, they have been a people
defiantly disobedient.".” (27:12)
﴿ ٍ ث َمرَّ ا
ت َ ت أَ ْي َما ُن ُك ْم َوٱلَّذ
َ ِين َل ْم َي ْبلُ ُغوا ْٱل ُحلُ َم مِن ُك ْم َثاَل َ ِين آ َم ُنوا لِ َيسْ َتأْذِن ُك ُم ٱلَّذ
ْ ِين َم َل َك َ ﴾ َيا أَ ُّي َها ٱلَّذ.iv
“Oh you who have believed, let those whom your right hands possess and those who have not [yet] reached
puberty among you ask permission of you [before entering] at three times...” (24:58)
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
,[مْرأَ ًة
َ ِإ ]ا ِْث َن َتيْ َع َش َر َةas written is” women twelve “term The]. ً ]إِحْ دَى َع َش َر َة ِب ْنتاas written is” girls eleven
“term The while “twelve men” is written as [ًناْ ِثا الُ َج َر َر َشع.[Altogether the rules for numbering 11-12 are
2. The number (1st and 2nd) completely agreeswith the [[ و ُد ْد َعمin gender.
notice will You]. ً ِب ْنتا َ ] َثis” girls thirteen “while], ] َس ْب َع َة َع َش َر َرجُا ًلas written is” men seventeen
الث َع َش َر َة
that the “one’s number” takes the opposite gender similar to numbering that occurs with the “one’s number
2. The first number (one’s number) is of the opposite gender of the [[ )و ُد ْد َعمlike
numbers 3-10) unlike the “ten’s number” which corresponds to the gender.
3. The numbers are in the Naṣbstate.
[ ]اَأْل َعْ دادNumbers: 10 Lesson
}ُ إِ ْذ َجا َء َر ُج ٌل َي ْنتِف، صلَّى هَّللا ُ َع َل ْي ِه َو َسلَّ َم ِ َب ْي َن َما َنحْ نُ عِ ْندَ َرس: َقا َل، َعنْ أَ ِبي ه َُري َْر َة
َ ِ ُول هَّللا
َو َي ْدعُو، ُ َش َع َره.iii َو َق َع َع َلى: َقا َل، " " َما َل َك: صلَّى هَّللا ُ َع َل ْي ِه َو َسلَّ َم َ ِ َو ْي َل ُه ! َف َقا َل َل ُه َرسُو ُل هَّللا
، " ْن ِ ْن ُم َت َت ِاب َعي
ِ ص ْم َشه َْري ُ " : َقا َل، اَل أَ ِج ُد َها: َقا َل، " " أَعْ ت ِْق َر َق َب ًة: َقا َل، ان َ ضَ امْ َرأَ ِت ِه فِي َر َم
َ " أَ ْط ِع ْم سِ ِّت: َقا َل، اَل أَسْ َتطِ ي ُع: َقا َل
صلَّى هَّللا ُ َع َل ْي ِه َو َسلَّ َم ِب َع َر ٍق فِي ِه َخمْ َس َة َع َش َر َ ِ َفأُت َِي َرسُو ُل هَّللا: َقا َل، اَل أَ ِج ُد: َقا َل، " ِمسْ كِي ًنا
َما َبي َْن، ِ َيا َرسُو َل هَّللا: َقا َل، " ني ِمسْ كِي ًنا َ " ُخ ْذ َه َذا َفأ َ ْط ِعمْ ُه َع ْن َك سِ ِّت: َقا َل، صا ًعا ِمنْ َتمْ ٍر َ
ت َوعِ َيالُ َك َ " ُك ْل ُه أَ ْن: َقا َل، ت أَ ْف َق ُر ِم َّنا
ٍ " اَل َب َت ْي َها أَهْ ُل َب ْي...{
“While we were sitting in the company of Allah's Messenger , a man approached and said: "Oh
Messenger of Allah! I'm ruined!" The Prophet said: "What is the matter?" He said: "I had sexual relations with
my wife while observing the Ramaḍ ā n fast." Allah's Messenger then asked him: "Can you find a slave whom you
can free?" He said no. "Then, are you able to fast for two consecutive months?" He said I am not able. "Then, do
you have the wherewithal to feed 60 poor people?" He said no. Then, a large basket with 15 measures of dates
was brought to him. He said "Take this and from it feed 60 poor people. "The man then asked: "Oh Messenger of
Allah, there is no household in town poorer than my own. He said “Feed you and your family”..” (Musnad Imā m
Aḥ med)79
ُ ُّ
} ٍةa ِّل َر ْك َعa فِي ُك، ْن ِ ْن اأْل و َل َييِ رَّ ْك َع َتيaر فِي الaِْ صلَّى هَّللا ُ َع َل ْي ِه َو َسلَّ َم " َيقُو ُم فِي الظه َ ِ ان َرسُو ُل هَّللاَ َك
َ َو َك، س َع ْش َر َة آ َي ًة ُ
َق ْد َر ق َِرا َء ِة.iv ان َ ْْن فِي ُك ِّل َر ْك َع ٍة َق ْد َر ق َِرا َء ِة َخمِ َوفِي اأْل ْخ َر َيي، ِني آ َي ًة
َ َثاَل ث
ً a َر َة آ َيa س َع ْش ُ
َوفِي، ةa َ ْ فِي ُك ِّل َر ْك َع ٍة َق ْد َر ق َِرا َء ِة َخم، ْن ِ ْن اأْل و َل َتي
ِ َيقُو ُم فِي ْال َعصْ ِر فِي الرَّ ْك َع َتي
ْن َق ْد َر ِنصْ فِ َذل َِك ِ {اأْل ْخ َر َتي
“The Messenger of Allah was standing in the Ẓ uhr prayer in the first two Rakā ts, in every Rakā t being
the sum of 3o ā yahs recited, and in the two later (Rakā ts), in each Rakā t being the sum of 15 ā yahs recited, and
while standing in Aʻsr in the first two Rakā ts, each Rakā t being the sum of 15 ā yahs recited, and in the last two
(Rakā ts), the sum of half of that”. (Musnad Imā m Aḥ med)80
} ِ ُصلِّي َر ْك َع َتي
ْن َ ُّ { أَ َقا َم ال َّن ِبي.v
َ صلَّى هَّللا ُ َع َل ْي ِه َو َسلَّ َم ِب َم َّك َة ِتسْ َع َة َع َش َر َي ْومًا ي
“The Prophet stayed in Makkah for 19 days during which he prayed two Rakā ts in each prayer.”. (Saḥ īḥ
Bukhā ri)
} أَ ْش َه ُد، اأْل َ َذانُ هَّللا ُ أَ ْك َب ُر هَّللا ُ أَ ْك َب ُر، َواإْل ِ َقا َم َة َسب َْع َع ْش َر َة َكلِ َم ًة، ان ِتسْ َع َع ْش َر َة َكلِ َم ًة
َ َعلَّ َم ُه اأْل َ َذ
أَنْ اَل إِ َل َه إِاَّل.vi أَ ْش َه ُد أَنَّ م َُح َّم ًدا، ِ أَ ْش َه ُد أَنَّ م َُح َّم ًدا َرسُو ُل هَّللا، ُ أَ ْش َه ُد أَنْ اَل إِ َل َه إِاَّل هَّللا، ُ هَّللا
، ِ أَ ْش َه ُد أَنَّ م َُح َّم ًدا َرسُو ُل هَّللا، ُ أَ ْش َه ُد أَنْ اَل إِ َل َه إِاَّل هَّللا، ُ أَ ْش َه ُد أَنْ اَل إِ َل َه إِاَّل هَّللا، ِ َرسُو ُل هَّللا
َحيَّ َع َلى ْال َفاَل ِح َحيَّ َع َلى، صاَل ِة َّ صاَل ِة َحيَّ َع َلى ال َّ َحيَّ َع َلى ال، ِ أَ ْش َه ُد أَنَّ م َُح َّم ًدا َرسُو ُل هَّللا
ُ اَل إِ َل َه إِاَّل هَّللا، هَّللا ُ أَ ْك َب ُر هَّللا ُ أَ ْك َب ُر، ْال َفاَل ِح...{
“He taught him the Adhā n in 19 words and the Iqā mah in 17 words. The Adhā n is “Allah is great, Allah is great,
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, I bear witness that Muḥ ammad is
the messenger of Allah, I bear witness that Muḥ ammad is the messenger of
Musnad of Imā m Aḥ med, Ḥ adith # 6770, Ḥ adith Ḥ asan [للبيهقي الكربى السنن.[
Musnad of Imā m Aḥ med, Ḥ adith # 11590, Ḥ adith Ḥ asan [للطحاوي اآلثار معاين شرح.[
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
Allah, Come to the prayer, Come to the prayer, Come to success, Come to success, Allah is great, Allah is great...”
(Musnad Imā m Aḥ med)82
َ و ُد ْد.[However, the
singular. The first number (one’s number) again takes the opposite gender as the [عم
number [[ دَدَعdiffers in that it is Raf‛ by default and that the “one’s number” and the “ten’s number” are
َ ر/
separated by a [ و.[Furthermore, the “ten’s number” is always masculine unlike the word “ten” [aشع َ َة َر َش َع,[
that can be either female or male. For example, the term “twenty-five men” is written as are” 99-21 “for
rules The]. طالِ َب ًة َ ْس ٌة َو عِ ْش
َ ] َخمْ سٌ َو عِ ْشis” students female five-twenty “while] رون َرجُا ًل
رون َ ] َخم
the following:
1. There is a " " وwhich separates between the two numbers (one’s and ten’s place). .(
3. The first number (one’s number)has the opposite gender of the [ و ُد ْد َعم,[and is Raf‛
﴿ ب َ ُون َنعْ َج ًة َول َِي َنعْ َج ٌة َواحِدَ ةٌ َف َقا َل أَ ْكف ِْلنِي َها َو َع َّزنِي فِي ْٱلخ
ِ ِطا َ ﴾ إِنَّ ٰ َه َذا أَخِي َل ُه ِتسْ ٌع َو ِتسْ ع.i
“Indeed this, my brother, has ninety-nine ewes, and I have one ewe; so he said, 'Entrust her to me,' and he
overpowered me in speech.” (38:23)
Musnad of Imā m Aḥ med, Ḥ adith # 15079, Ḥ adith Ḥ asan.
[ ]اَأْل َعْ دادNumbers: 10 Lesson
} ، ين ضِ عْ ًفا َ صاَل ِت ِه فِي َب ْي ِت ِه َوفِي سُو ِق ِه َخمْ ًسا َوعِ ْش ِر َ ضعَّفُ َع َلى َ اع ِة ُتَ صاَل ُة الرَّ ج ُِل فِي ْال َج َم
َو َذل َِك أَ َّن ُه إِ َذا.iii َل ْم، ُصاَل ة
َّ ُث َّم َخ َر َج إِ َلى ْال َمسْ ِج ِد اَل ي ُْخ ِر ُج ُه إِاَّل ال، َت َوضَّأ َ َفأَحْ َس َن ْالوُ ضُو َء
صلِّي َّ ت َل ُه ِب َها دَ َر َج ٌة َوح
َ َفإِ َذا، ُط َع ْن ُه ِب َها َخطِ ي َئ ٌة
َ صلَّى َل ْم َت َز ِل ْال َماَل ِئ َك ُة ُت ْ ط َخ ْط َو ًة إِاَّل ُرف َِع
ُ َي ْخ
صاَل ٍة َما ا ْن َت َظ َرَ َواَل َي َزا ُل أَ َح ُد ُك ْم فِي، ص ِّل َع َل ْي ِه اللَّ ُه َّم ارْ َحمْ ُه
َ اللَّ ُه َّم، ُُصاَّل ه
َ َع َل ْي ِه َما دَ ا َم فِي م
صاَل َة َّ { " ال
“The reward of the prayer offered by a person in congregation is twenty five times greater than that of the
prayer offered in one’s house or in the market (alone). And this is because if he performs ablution and does it
perfectly and then proceeds to the mosque with the sole intention of praying, He does not take a step without
being raised a degree and having one of his sins erased. When he prays, as long as he does not lose his ablution,
the angels keep on praying [for him] 'Oh Allah, bless him. Oh Allah, have mercy upon him.' And he is considered
in prayer as long as he is waiting for the prayer.”(Saḥ īḥ Bukhā ri)83
} َّ َوإِن، ٌت ِفرْ َق ٌة َواحِدَ ة ْ ص َ َو َخ َل، ُون ِفرْ َق ًة
َ ت َس ْبع ْ َف َه َل َك، ِني ِفرْ َق ًةَ ت إِحْ دَ ى َو َس ْبع ْ إِنَّ َبنِي إِسْ َرائِي َل َت َفرَّ َق
أ ُ َّمتِي.iv ، " َو َت ْخلُصُ فِرْ َق ٌة، ْعون فِرْ َق ًة
َ ك إِحْ دَ ى َو َسب ُ ِ َت ْهل، ِني فِرْ َق ًة
َ ْن َو َس ْبعِ َس َت ْف َت ِر ُق َع َلى ْاث َن َتي
َ " ْال َج َم: َقا َل، َمنْ ت ِْل َك ْال ِفرْ َق ُة ؟، ِ َيا َرسُو َل هَّللا: { " َقالُوا
َ ْال َج َم، اع ُة
اع ُة
“Indeed, the Children of Israel were divided into 71 sects, and 70 sects perished, and one sect was saved, and
indeed, my Ummah will divide into 72 sects, 71 sects will perish, and one sect will be saved. They said, Oh
Messenger of Allah, who of these is the sect (saved). He said: the mainstream group, the mainstream group.”
(Musnad Imā m Aḥ med)84
} صلَّى هَّللا ُ َع َل ْي ِه َ ِ َف َقا َل َرسُو ُل هَّللا، ِيث َ َف َذ َك َر ْال َحد, " صلَّى هَّللا ُ َع َل ْي ِه َو َسلَّ َم َ ِ ُول هَّللاِ ازي َرس ِ َه ِذ ِه َم َغ
َو َسلَّ َم.v َقا َل َع ْب ُد: َقا َل َنافِ ٌع، ُوسى َ م: َقا َل، " ًقاabًّ " َه ْل َو َج ْد ُت ْم َما َو َعدَ ُك ْم َر ُّب ُك ْم َح: ِيه ْم ِ َوه َُو ي ُْلق
صلَّى هَّللا ُ َع َل ْي ِهَ ِ َقا َل َرسُو ُل هَّللا، َيا َرسُو َل هَّللا ِ ُت َنادِي َنا ًسا أَمْ َوا ًتا: َقا َل َناسٌ ِمنْ أَصْ َح ِاب ِه: ِ هَّللا
ْش ٍ " َف َجمِي ُع َمنْ َش ِهدَ َب ْدرً ا ِمنْ قُ َري: ِ َقا َل أَبُو َعبْد هَّللا، " ت ِم ْن ُه ْم ُ " َما أَ ْن ُت ْم ِبأَسْ َم َع لِ َما قُ ْل: َو َسلَّ َم
ُّ َقا َل: َيقُو ُل، الز َبي ِْر
: الز َب ْي ُر ُّ ُان عُرْ َوةُ بْن َ َو َك, ون َر ُجاًل َ ب َل ُه ِب َس ْه ِم ِه أَ َح ٌد َو َث َما ُن َ ِممَّنْ ض ُِر
ت ُس ْه َما ُن ُه ْم َف َكا ُنوا مِا َئ ًة َوهَّللا ُ أَعْ َل ُمْ {قُسِ َم
“These were the battles of Allah's Apostle (which he fought), and while mentioning (the Badr battle) he said,
"While the corpses of the pagans were being thrown into the well, Allah's Apostle said (to them), 'Have you
found what your Lord promised true?" 'Abdullah said, "Some of the Prophet's companions said, "Oh Allah's
Apostle! You are addressing dead people.' Allah's Apostle replied, 'You do not hear what I am saying, better
than they.' The total number of Muslim fighters from Quraish who fought in the battle of Badr and were given
their share of the booty, were 81 men." Az-Zubair said, "When their shares were distributed, their number was
100 men. But Allah knows it better."”. (Saḥ īḥ Bukhā ri)85
Saḥ īḥ Bukhā ri, Ḥ adith # 615 in in [ األذان كتاب.[
Musnad of Imā m Aḥ med, Ḥ adith # 12243, Ḥ adith Ḥ asan [للطرباين الكبري املعجم.[
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
something is numbered “hundred”. For example, “a hundred men” is written as [ٍَة ِئم [ لُ َج ُرwhereas “a .[ ِم َئ ُة
امْرأَ ٍة
َ ] is” women hundred
Please note that similar to numbers “21-99”, the second number “100” or [[ َةئِمdoes not change in its
gender and remains [ َةئِم.[In these cases when plural hundred are used, [[ َةئِمacts as a Muḍ ā f Ilay since the
entire number complex is essentially an Iḍ ā fa Construction. For example, “three hundred girls” is written
is] ] ِم َئةbefore number the that notice will You]. َولَ ٍد ]أَرْ َب ُع ِم َئ ِةis” boys hundred four “while], ت ُ ] َثas
ٍ الث ِم َئ ِة ِب ْن
male despite gender. Please also note that the number preceding [[ َةئِمoften gets joined directly to number
preceding it: for example, three hundred becomes [ٍ َة ِئمُال َثث.[
A. Convention(s) for Writing Complex Numbers 100 and greater [≥ ١١١] When writing
long numbers are written in “hundreds”, then there are two conventions that can be used. The first and
more commonly used convention is to write the “hundred’s” first and then state the numbers that follow.
For example, “365” is written as [ََة ِئمُال َثث َ و ُّنت.[After stating the hundred’s
ٍِس وٌ سْ َم َخ و
number, we would then write as per following rules studied: (1) write the one’s place, then (2) the ten’s
place. In the above example, the one’s number (5) follows “300”. After that, we write the ten’s place (60).
When numbering things with complex numbering, please note that the [عم
َ ْ[ دودis Naṣb (it is a Clarifier).
Please also note that the gender of the “one’s number” will be opposite of the [عم
َ ْ دود.[This is similar to what
we have studied thus far. If there is no “one’s number”, then gender can be ignored since the ten’s place is
written without the feminine Tā Marbū ṭa. Let us look at the following examples for complex numbering: [
[ ً مسون َيوما
َ المث ِا َئ ٍة َوأَرْ َب َع ٌة َو َخ
ُ “ = ] َثdays 354. “2
[ ]اَأْل َعْ دادNumbers: 10 Lesson
Regarding I‛rā b, Please also remember that the number as a whole (except the عم ْ (acts as one unit. So,
َ دود
if the number is a direct object, then the words that can inflect, are inflected to the appropriate I‛rā b. Let us
look at the following examples to illustrate this point.
[ ً مسني َيوما
َ ِتاب يف َثالم ِث ِا َئ ٍة َوأَرْ َب َع ٍة َو َخ
َ مْت ْالك
ُ ] َخ َت.days 354 in book the finished I. 6
The less common second convention is to write the entire number backwards until the last (and ,example
ُ َث
Another]. الث ِم َئ ٍة َ ] َخمْ سٌ َو َخمْ سas written is” 355, “example For. mentioned is number) largest
ُون َو
ٍ ِطال
a as Jarr is] a ]معدودthe that note also Please]. ب َ ]ثال َت ٌة َو َخ ْمسas written is” students male
ُون و َس ْب ُع ِم َئ ِة
753“ Muḍ ā f Ilay.
3. When the hundred’s number has ten’s and one’s, then the hundred’s place is written first,
followed by the one’s place, and then finally the ten’s place. In this case, the [a[ معدودis Naṣb,
since it is a Clarifier.
C. Qur’ā nic and Ḥ adīth Examples of Numbers 100 and greater [≥ ١١١]
﴿ ْ ِني َو
ٱزدَ ا ُدوا ِتسْ ًعا َ ﴾ َو َل ِب ُثوا فِي َك ْهف ِِه ْم َثاَل.i
َ ث مِا َئ ٍة سِ ن
“And they remained in their cave for three hundred years and exceeded by nine.” (18:25)
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
} ِين َج َاو ُزوا َم َع ُه َ وت الَّذ َ ُب َطال ِ ِب ِع َّد ِة أَصْ َحا, ث مِا َئ ٍة َو ِبضْ َع َة َع َش َر َ ث أَنَّ أَصْ َح
ُ اب َب ْد ٍر َثاَل ُ ُك َّنا َن َت َح َّد
ال َّن َه َر, .ii ٌ{ َو َما َج َاو َز َم َع ُه إِاَّل م ُْؤ ِمن
“We had been informed that the Companions of Badr, were over 310, that of the number of the Companions of
Ṭ ā lū t’s who crossed the river with him, and none crossed the river with him but a believer….”(Saḥ īḥ Bukhā ri)86
} ُك ُّل َح َس َن ٍة ِب َع ْش ِر أَمْ َثالِ َها إِ َلى, َوأَ َنا أَجْ ِزي ِب ِه, ص َيا ُم لِي
ِّ َفال, َي َذ ُر َط َعا َم ُه َو َش َرا َب ُه َو َشه َْو َت ُه ِمنْ أَجْ لِي
َسب ِْع مِا َئ ِة.iv َوأَ َنا أَجْ ِزي ِب ِه، َفه َُو لِي, ص َيا َم ِّ إِاَّل ال, ف
ٍ ْ{ ضِ ع
“He leaves his food, his drink and his desires because of Me, then the Fasting is for Me. I will reward for it. All of
the good deeds are ten times like it (in reward) up to 700 times, except Fasting. And it is with me. And I will
reward for it”. (Musnad Imā m Aḥ med)88
written preceding the [[ آالفis feminine regardless of the gender of the [عم ْ .[
َ دود
When numbers are alone written, two conventions that can be used like for the “hundreds”. The first
convention is to state the “thousand’s” first and then state the “hundred’s” and what follows after that. The
[ ]اَأْل َعْ دادNumbers: 10 Lesson
.[س َن ًة
َ َ الث ِم َئ ِة َو أَرْ َب ٌع َو سِ َُّت
ون ُ ]ألِفٌ َو َثas written is” years 364,1. “3
The second convention as stated previously is less commonly used. Here, the number is written . [ أرْ َب ٌع َو
ُ ون َو َث
الث ِم َئ ِة َو ْألف َ ]سِ ُّتas written is” 364,1, “example For. number) largest and (last the until
3. When the thousand’s number has hundred’s, ten’s and one’s, then the thousand’s place is written
first, followed by the one’s place, then the ten’s place, and lastly, the hundred’s place. In this situation of a
“thousand’s” number with other place numbers, the [[ معدودis Naṣb (Clarifier). Qur’ānic and Ḥadīth Examples
﴿ ِني
َ ُنزل ٍ ِني أَ َلن َي ْكفِ َي ُك ْم أَن ُي ِم َّد ُك ْم َر ُّب ُكم ِب َثاَل َث ِة آاَل
َ ف م َِّن ْٱل َماَل ِئ َك ِة م َ ﴾ إِ ْذ َتقُو ُل ل ِْلم ُْؤ ِمن.i
“[Remember] when you said to the believers, "Is it not sufficient for you that your Lord should reinforce you
with three thousand angels sent down?” (3:124)
﴿ َ ني أَ ْل
ف َس َن ٍة َ ﴾ َتعْ ُر ُج ْٱل َماَل ِئ َك ُة َوٱلرُّ و ُح إِ َل ْي ِه فِي َي ْو ٍم َك.ii
َ ِان ِم ْقدَ ا ُرهُ َخمْ س
“The angels and the Spirit will ascend to Him during a Day the extent of which is fifty thousand years.” (70:4)
} َ َف َذ َك َر ْال َحد، صلَّى هَّللا ُ َع َل ْي ِه َو َسلَّ َم َوه َُو فِي ْال َمسْ ِج ِد
، ِيث َ ِ ُول هَّللا
ِ ت َع َلى َرس ُ دَ َخ ْل، َقا َل، ٍَّعنْ أَ ِبي َذر
إِ َلى.iii ُونَ مِا َئ ُة أَ ْلفِ َن ِبيٍّ َوأَرْ َب َع ٌة َوعِ ْشر: ُّون ؟ َقا َل َ " َيا َرسُو َل هَّللا ِ ! َك ِم ال َّن ِبي: ت ُ َفقُ ْل: َقا َل، ْأَن
َو َثال َث َة َع َش َر، الث مِا َئ ٍة
ُ َث: ون ِم ْن ُه ْم ؟ َقا َل َ ُ َك ِم ْالمُرْ َسل: ت ُ قُ ْل، ٍّف َن ِبي َ " أَ ْل...{
“Narrated by Abi Dharr, he said, I entered upon the Messenger of Allah in the mosque, and he
mentioned the Ḥ adīth. To that, he said, I said: Oh Messenger of Allah!, How many Prophets were there?
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
He said: 100,000 Prophets, and 1,024 Prophets. I said, How many Messengers were from them? He said,
323…”(Musnad Imā m Aḥ med)89
} َ ِض ُل مِنْ أَ ْلف
إِاَّل ْال َمسْ ِجدَ ْال َح َرا َم، ُصاَل ٍة فِي َما سِ َواه َ صاَل ةٌ فِي َمسْ ِجدِي َه َذا أَ ْف
َ { .iv
“The prayer in this Masjid of mine is greater in bounty by a thousand times than one besides it, except
Masjid Al-Ḥ aram.” (Saḥ īḥ Muslim)90
3 - 10 ∙ Plural ∙ Muḍāf
∙ opposite gender [as #] ∙ opposite gender
∙ Jarr (MuḍāfIlay)
11 - 19 ∙ Singular ∙ Compound numbers are
∙ opposite gender not separated with Wāw
∙ typically Naṣb
∙ Naṣb[[متييز
Musnad Imā m Aḥ med, Ḥ adith # 16281, Ḥ adith Ḥ asan.
Saḥ īḥ Muslim, Ḥ adith # 2477 in [ّ جَ احل ا َب ِتك.[
[ ]اَأْل َعْ دادNumbers: 10 Lesson
[ َ العدَ ُد
ُّالوصْ فِي َ ] Numbers Ordinal. VI
The Ordinal Numbers are being detailed here. These words are flexible [[ َبرْ عُمlike other nouns and
adapt to gender with a Tā Marbū ṭa if needed. They are based on the root of their original number on the
pattern of [[ لِفاعwith the exception of [لَّ َوأ.[
[ َ العدَ ُد
ُّالوصْ فِي َ ] Numbers Ordinal: 64 Table
ٌ أَ َّو
first ل َ َع َش
eleventh ر حادي
ٍ َّثان
second ثان/ِي َ َع َش
twelfth ر ثانِي
ٌ ّثال
third ِث َ َع َش
thirteenth ر ثالث
ٌ راب
fourth ع ِ َ َع َش
fourteenth ر رابع
fifth ٌخا ِمس َ َع َش
fifteenth ر خامِس
Qur’ānic Examples
َ ُ َوإِن لَّ ْم َين َتهُوا َعمَّا َيقُول.i﴿ ِث َثاَل َث ٍة ۚ َو َما ِمنْ إِ ٰ َل ٍه إِاَّل إِ ٰ َل ٌه
ۚ َّون َل َي َمسَّن ُ ِين َقالُوا إِنَّ ٱهَّلل َ َثال
َ لَّ َق ْد َك َف َر ٱلَّذ
﴾ أَي َْن َما َكا ُنوا إِنَّ ٱهَّلل َ ِب ُك ِّل َشيْ ٍَء َعلِي ٌم
“Have you not considered that Allah knows what is in the heavens and what is on the earth? There is in no
private conversation three but that He is the fourth of them, nor are there five but that He is the sixth of them -
and no less than that and no more except that He is with them [in knowledge] wherever they are. Then He will
inform them of what they did, on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed Allah is, of all things, Knowing..”(4:12)
Fractions are also based on the root number on the pattern of [[ لُعُفor [ ْلعُف.[
Table 65: Fractions
half ِنصْ ف
third ُثلُث
fourth ربْع
fifth خمُس
sixth س ُدس
seventh سُبع
eighth ثمُن
ninth ُتعْ س
ُ ُع
tenth شر
Qur’ānic Examples
ُّ َّان َل ُك ْم َو َل ٌد َف َلهُن
ٱلثمُنُ ِممَّا َت َر ْك ُتم ۚ َو َلهُنَّ الرُّ ُب ُع ِممَّا َت َر ْك ُت ْم إِن لَّ ْم َي ُكن لَّ ُك ْم َو َل ٌد َ َو َل ٌد ۚ مِّن َبعْ ِدۚ َفإِن َك
ُّ ش َر َكا ُء فِي
ِ ُٱلثل
ۚث َ ِضارٍّ أَ ْك َث َر مِن َذل
ُ ك َف ُه ْم ٍ ص ٰى ِب َها أَ ْو دَ ي
َ ْن َغي َْر ُم َ َوٱهَّلل ُ َعلِي ٌم َحلِي ٌم ۚ﴾ َوصِ ي ًَّة م َِّن ٱهَّلل ِ ۚ مِن َبعْ ِد َوصِ َّي ٍة يُو
“And for you is half of what your wives leave if they have no child. But if they have a child, for you is one fourth of what
they leave, after any bequest they made or debt. And for the wives is one fourth if you leave no child. But if you leave a
child, then for them is an eighth of what you leave, after any bequest you made or debt. And if a man or woman leaves
neither ascendants nor descendants but has a brother or a sister, then for each one of them is a sixth. But if they are
more than two, they share a third, after any bequest which was made or debt, as long as there is no detriment. [This is]
an ordinance from Allah, and Allah is Knowing and Forbearing.”(4:12)
Lesson 11: Grammatical Analysis of Qur’ânic Àyahs
Lesson 11: Grammatical Analysis of Qur’ānic Āyahs
I. Arabic Sentences: Revisited
At this point, the student should be proficient in translating basic Nominal and Verbal Sentences
accurately. This should be the case even if there is unfamiliar vocabulary. If there is unfamiliar vocabulary,
then a dictionary should be utilized to translate the respective noun or verb, and then an appropriate
translation be ascribed. In Volume 1, a methodology of analyzing both Nominal and Verbal Sentences was
introduced. That methodology will again be revisited here, and be more polished. In general, it represents a
stepwise and methodical analysis of Qur’ā nic Ā yahs, so that an correct translation be derived.
Qur’ā nic ā yahs often have several embedded sentences within. In order to derive an accurate meaning, it is
important to recognize these embedded sentences. There are many instances in the Qur’ā n where there are
nuances, idioms, and complex grammatical structures, where an accurate meaning cannot be determined
from the Qur’ā nic Grammar that has been studied. In these cases, we have to refer to a higher
level reference or resource. In the last three chapters presented in this volume, we will cover more
advanced material. From this, the student will be better equipped to study the Qur’ā n in more depth than
the intermediate level.
َّ أَ ْفعا ُل ْال َم ْدح َو
الذ ِم ِ
الفعل ال َت َعجُّ ب
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
Lesson 11: Grammatical Analysis of Qur’ânic Àyahs
another noun to function like a Direct Object that we termed an Indirect Object. Here, the Indirect Object is
essentially a Jarr Construction that is linked [[ ِّقلَ َع ُتمto the respective verb. Similar to verbal sentences, Jarr
Constructions are often linked to certain words in Nominal Sentences. This linking of Jarr Constructions
occurs when the [[ َر َبخis an “action noun” or a word which carries a verbal meaning. This includes nouns
َ ِفاع
within verb a of meaning a carry words these because is This ]. ظرف/ل اسم/اسم مفعول/اسم َت ْفضِ يل/ ] َمصْ دَرlike
it. In a sentence, this word acts like a verb and thus connects with a Jarr Construction similar to what
occurs in a Verbal Sentence. For example, let us look at the following Ḥ adīth with a Nominal Sentence: {
{ ْ كم
ِّ َمرْ ضاةٌ لِلرَّ ب، ِط َه َرةٌ ل ِْل َف ِم ُ السِّوا
Here, the predicate [َِة َرهْ طِ م [ َم ْفل ٌلcontains a Jarr Construction. This Jarr Construction links to [ ٌ[ َة َرهْ طِ مwhich
is a verbal noun, not an omitted word [ نِكائ.[The phrase [ِّضا ْة َرم بَّلل ٌر [functions as a second predicate.
Here, the same situation occurs where the Jarr Construction connects to the Verbal Noun [َِّّلرل
ِ ب.[If the
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
were indefinite, then the Jarr Construction would actually function like a describer as discussed in the
beginning of Lesson 9.
In Nominal Sentences, the Jarr Construction (prepositional phrase) is often linked [[ ِّقلَ َع ُتمto an omitted
word termed [[ ْنكائor [ و ُدجْ َوم.[In Verbal sentences, the Ḥ arf Jarr (as part of an Indirect Object) is linked to
its corresponding intransitive verb [فعل مِالز.[In most cases in basic grammatical analysis, this will not be
necessary in deriving a basic meaning of the ā yah in question. However, when consulting advanced
grammar textbooks or Grammatical Tafsīrs, this information is often given. Please note the concept of
linking of Jarr Constructions can become pretty advanced, and usually is supplementary information.
distort the meaning. For example, it would be improper to pause at a [ و,[which is [الواو احالل,[because it is
inseparable grammatically to that which it is connected with. If during recitation, the reciter pauses at that [
و,[it should be repeated completely, so as not to cause an incorrect meaning. In this regard, it is helpful for
the student to acquaint themselves with recitation of one of the prominent reciters 92. Specifically, it is
useful to pay attention to where the reciter pauses, and where the reciter repeats certain words. Often, the
repetition is done to preserve the meaning of the respective ā yah, than to repeat for purpose of
emphasizing of beautification of the recitation itself. Altogether, these diacritical marks are helpful in
analyzing Qur’ā nic ā yahs where we can ascribe permitted stops as the end of a “sentence” for our purposes.
Alḥ amdulillah, there are many known reciters that the student can pick from, but we recommend listening to the recitation of
Sheikh Abdullah Basfar. The recitations of Sheikh Muḥ ammad Khalil al-Ḥ usary, Sheikh Mishā ry Alfā sy, and Ṣalā h Bukhatīr are
also excellent among others. One nice website to access the recitations is <www.versebyversequran.com>.
Lesson 11: Grammatical Analysis of Qur’ânic Àyahs
Mark at the end of an ā yah The number of the ā yah of the respective Sū rah
is inscribed within this symbol.
grammatical analysis after analyzing words and Word Constructions would be to identify embedded
Table adapted from website Qur’ā nic Corpus <corpus.quran.com/documentation/>.
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
iv. Determine its meaning if not know, (Hans Wehr Dictionary, etc.).
Please note that the Sunnipath Online Academy (now Qibla Institute for the Islā mic Sciences) had formerly used this
methodology to teach Arabic. The prolific website Qur’ā nic Corpus also uses a somewhat similar scheme in using diagrams to
bring various words of ā yah subsections together. Please see <http://corpus.quran.com/documentation/dependencygraph.jsp>.
Lesson 11: Grammatical Analysis of Qur’ânic Àyahs
grammatical analysis of Arabic sentences. Please note that the Particle Inna [إن أ َ َّوa[ هاُوا َت َخwill be
i. Relative pronouns include [ ذيّال/ ذي ّنال/ َن َم/ْ ما.[These relative pronouns are important
since they point to an embedded sentence afterward.
ii. The [ل َةلِص ْ
aُ صول َوام [typically is a sentence, such as Nominal or Verbal. However, it can
sometimes be a Jarr Construction or another construction.
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
ii. Different Adjacent Overlapping Constructions need to be merged into a single Construction. ◦
Usually Constructions are merged in a Jarr Construction
◦ It is easiest to merge from the left to right direction.
iii. Join Constructions through Connecting Particles [العطف حروف.[
ْ ُ[ وفcan be merged with words that are following in terms of
◦ Those words that are [ط َعم
I‛rā b.
iii. Examine the nouns in Naṣb [a[ وبا ُتصْ َنمat the end of Verbal Sentences.
can words these,However. others among] حال/ُله مفعول/ َم ْفعول م ُْطلَق/ aظروف/] َتمْييز
Lesson 11: Grammatical Analysis of Qur’ânic Àyahs
iii. Every noun in the Nominal Sentence needs to be accounted for, and needs to be ascribed a
Grammatical Function, whether it is a Replacer [ لَدَب,[Describer, Ḥ āl, etc.
3. Merge Embedded Sentences
i. Please note that a respective ā yah can contain one or more embedded sentences. If Step 3
was followed correctly, then most embedded sentences should already have been
ii. Please note that Embedded Sentences can be of the following:
a) Quotation [ ول ُ َقم.[Often this sentence would act as a Direct Object.
[aاملَ ْوصُول ( ]صِ لَ ُةb
c) Predicate of a Nominal Sentence
d) Ḥ ā l
e) Describer (of an indefinite word)
D. Step 4: Translation
i. Attempt to bring together the different sentence(s) and Word Constructions to obtain an appropriate
ii. Practicing this thorough methodology repeated will Inshā Allah allow the student to correctly translate
the Qur’ā n, Ḥ adīths, or other Islāmic literature. Translating the Qur’ā n should without question
deserve our best and sincere effort.
iii. Please note that analysis of some ā yahs require advanced knowledge of Grammar that we have not yet
studied. In this case, it is essential to refer to Classical Tafsīrs available (preferably in Arabic) to gain
an accurate meaning. It is for this reason that we have presented a quick synopsis of Balā gha, many
additional Qur’ā nic Literary gems, and other aspects from the topic of [عإ ْ
َ جاز [ القرآنin the later
lessons of this textbook. These will perhaps bridge these gaps from the intermediate learning stage. iv.
Sometimes, a meaning that we determine will not correctly correspond to the appropriate translation.
This will often be a deficiency on our part, or may be due to other unfamiliar semantics or nuances in the
Arabic language. In other instances, this may actually be a deficiency in the translation itself. We
recommend the Saḥ īḥ International Translation of the Qur’ā n, and the vast
majority of the translations of Qur’ā nic ā yahs present in this series are derived from that source. v. By
continuing to practice this scheme, future steps in reading analysis will Inshā Allah get easier, and
become more automatic. The 4-Step Method in Qur’ā nic Analysis will help prevent mistakes and keep a
methodical approach. Initially, graphs and notations will be used, but with enough practice, it will Inshā
Allah become a mental exercise requiring less effort and time. Simultaneously, the student will be
polishing their listening skills, which will ultimately also help in conversational ability. The more we
study this Qur’ā n Inshā Allah, the more doors will be opened
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
Step 1 Verb I Ism Ḥarf Ism Verb I Ḥ arf Ism Ḥ arf Ism Verb I Ḥ arf o
present Plural Single present عط Single Jarr Single Present Jazm
Word ف
Step 2 Jarr
مر ّك n
ب <--------------
Ḥ āl of prior sentence
Step And do not cover the truth with the falsehood nor hide the truth knowingly (while you
4 know).
Lesson 11: Grammatical Analysis of Qur’ânic Àyahs
Example # 2
ۚ ُون ِبٱهَّلل ِ َو ُكن ُت ْم أَمْ َوا ًتا َفأَحْ َيا ُك ْم
َ ْف َت ْكفُر َ ُث َّم ُيمِي ُت ُك ْم ُث َّم يُحْ ِيي ُك ْم ُث َّم إِ َل ْي ِه ُترْ َجع
َ ُون ﴾﴿ َكي
ب هَّللا ِ َو
ِ ُونَ ْف َت ْك ُفرَ َكي
ف أَحْ َيا ُك ْمَ ُكن ُت ْم أَمْ َوا ًتا
Step 1 Ism Verb Ḥarf Ism فعل Ḥarf95 Ism Ḥarf Present Ḥarf
Plural (IV) A‛tf Single Single Jarr Tense Inter
Male Past Female ِالناق Male Verb rogation.
Definite tense (Broken ص Definite []أن ُتم
Inflexi []ه َُو Plural)
ble Indefi Jarr ‛Raf
Naṣb nite tense
Flexibl []أن ُتم
3 Direct Verb Ḥar خرب Verb Ḥarf Jarr Constr. Verb Ḥarf
Step Object Doer f
كان = [] ُتم =Indirect Object Inter.
مفعول is A‛tf verb to] ]متعلّق Doer
impli اسم [=]و
به ed
[]ه َُو [= ]أن ُتم
Step 1 Present Ism Ḥ arf Ḥ arf Ism Verb IV Ḥ arf Ism Verb IV Ḥ arf
Passive Male Jarr عطف Plural Present عط Plural Present عطف
Tense Def. Male []ه َُو Male []ه َُو
Verb Inflex. Def.
ف Definite
[]أن ُتم Jarr Inflex. Inflexi
Naṣb ble
‛Raf Naṣb
Step 2 Jarr
The identity of this Wā w is elusive in Step 1, but in Step 3 where sentences are being analyzed, it should be apparent that t his
Wāw is [ احالل واو.[Failure to deduce this will change the overall meaning of the translation.
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
Example # 3
﴿ ت ِ ْ ۚ ه َُو ٱلَّذِي َخ َل َق َل ُكم مَّا فِي ٱأْل َر...﴾
ٍ ض َجمِي ًعا ُث َّم ٱسْ َت َو ٰى إِ َلى ٱل َّس َما ِء َف َسوَّ اهُنَّ َسب َْع َس َم َاوا
ه َُو ٱلَّذِي َخ َل َق
َل ُكم مَّا فِي
ض َجمِي ًعا ِ ْٱأْل َر
Step Ism Ism Ḥ arf Jarr Ism Ism Ḥ arf Verb I Ism Ism
Single Single Single Plural Jarr Past Single Single
Male Female Male Male tense Male Male
Indef. Definite Definite Definite []ه َُو Definite Definite
Flexible Flexible Inflexi Inflexi Inflex. Inflex.
Naṣb Jarr ble ble ‛Raf ‛Raf
Naṣb97 Jarr
2[موصول [صلة
1[موصول [صلة
Here, the Indirect Object actually precedes its connected verb due to the rhetorical phenomenon of [[ أخر َيتَ و دم ْي َقتdiscussed
in Lesson 12.
Here, the I‛rā b can only be determined contextually by looking at the ā yah as a whole.
Lesson 11: Grammatical Analysis of Qur’ânic Àyahs
Connected Sentence
مجل Ḥ ā l of مجلة فعليّة
ة ing
تركي Connected Sentence with Embedded Verbal Sentence and Embedded مجلة امسيّة
Connected Sentence #2 and includes Ḥ ā l at the end. The Connected
Sentence essentially describes who [[ هوis.
Step .He is the one who created for you all that is in the earth (2:29)
َ ُث َّم ٱسْ َت َو ٰى إِ َلى ٱل َّس َما ِء
ٍ ف َسوَّ ا هُنَّ َسب َْع َس َم َاوا
Step Ism Ism Ism Verb II Ḥarf Ism Ḥarf Verb Ḥarf
Plural Single Plural Past Single Jarr VIII
Female Male Female tense
عطف Female Past
Indefinite Indef. Definite []ه َُو Definite tense
Flexible Flexibl Inflexi Flexibl []ه َُو
Naṣb e ble e
Naṣb Naṣb Jarr
Step Clarifier Direct Direct Doer is Ḥarf Indirect Object Doer is Ḥarf
3 متييز Object Object implied عطف implied عطف
#2 #1 []ه َُو []ه َُو
#2 #1
Step …Then rose over (toward) the heaven, and made them seven heavens
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
Example # 4
ۚ﴿ ض َخلِي َف ًة ِ ُّْك ل ِْل َماَل ِئ َك ِة إِ ِّني َجاعِ ٌل فِي ٱأْل َر َ َوإِ ْذ َقا َل َرب
َ ِك َو ُن َق ِّدسُ َل
﴾...ۚك ُ َِقالُوا أَ َتجْ َع ُل فِي َها َمن ُي ْفسِ ُد فِي َها َو َيسْ ف
َ ك ٱل ِّد َما َء َو َنحْ نُ ُن َس ِّب ُح ِب َحمْ د
إِنّ ي َجاعِ ٌل فِي َو إِ ْذ َقا َل َربُّ َك ِل
َ اَل ْ
ض َخلِي َف ًة ِ ْال َم ِئك ِة ٱأْل َر
ن ة
Verb I
Ism Ism Ḥarf Ism Ism Ḥarf Ism Ḥarf Ism Ism ا
Single Single Jarr Single Single Plural Jarr Single Single Past
p ز
Jarr Inna Jarr Construction Iḍ ā fa
Construction connected to
Noun to form
Direct Jarr مبتدأ Jarr Const. [ Doer
Object98 Construction
خرب [ ّقمتعلto Verb
of is Action to]
action ]متعلّق
ٌ ِ] َجاع
ٌ ِ ] َجاعnoun
مجلة امسيّة
مجلة فعليَّة
And remember when Your Lord said to the angels “I am going to place on the earth a
Ism Verb I Ḥarf Ism Ḥarf Verb IV Ism Ism Ḥar Verb I حر
Single Presen Single Jarr Present Single Single f Presen I
عط ف
Jarr Construction Jarr
صلة موصول
See Lesson 12, Section VI for a more detailed discussion regarding this.
Lesson 11: Grammatical Analysis of Qur’ânic Àyahs
is is is
[to Verb
impli impli impli
ed ed
to Verb
ed []هُم
4] ]مجلة فعليّة
”…They said “Are you going to place in it one who will spread corruption and sheds blood.
Ism Ḥarf Jarr Verb Ḥarf Ism Ism Ḥar Verb Ism Wā w
Single II
عط Single Single f II Plura of
Male Presen Male Male Jarr Presen l Ḥ āl
Definite t ف Definite Definite t Male
Inflex. [ ُ]حنن Inflex. (Muḍ ā f) [ ُ]حنن Def.
Jarr Jarr Inflex. Infle
Jarr x
Jarr Construction Iḍ ā fa Construction
Merge into
Jarr Construction
Jarr Const. [ ّقمتعل Doer Jarr Const. [[ ّقمتعلto Verb Doer
is is
[to Verb
impli impli
3 ed ed
[ ُ]حنن [ ُ]حنن
Merge two Verbal Sentences with Connecting Particle which forms the Predicate
مجلة امسيّة
Nominal Sentence with the Wā w of Ḥ ā l joins to form a Ḥ ā l for
ُ ِفِي َها َمن ُي ْفسِ ُد فِي َها َو َيسْ ف
.ā yah the in sentence prior the joins thus and] ك ٱل ِّد َما َء ]أَ َتجْ َع ُل
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
the of rā b‛I the indicates that ending specific the, Furthermore. etc ], فاعل يسم/مفعول به/ ُم ْن َفصِ لaضمري
َ / ُم َّتصِ لaضمري
َ ]
noun is mentioned as well. One difference is that words that are inflexible are not termed as [
جمرور/منصوب/ مرفوع,[but instead given an “implicit” I‛rā b in notation [ِّ لَ َح ِم ف.[...
Example # 1
(42:2 ﴿ ( َ احلق ِب ْٱلباطِ ِل َو َت ْك ُتموا ْٱل َح َّق َو أَ ْن ُت ْم َتعْ َلم
ُون َّ ﴾ َو ال َت ْل ِبسوا
َو حرف عطف َمبْين على فتحة
احلق مفعول به منصوب و عالمة نصبه الفتحة الظاهرة على آخره
The convention and notation of traditional method of grammatical breakdown has been extracted from [ ّةالعربي- الثالث اجلزء
الغة دروس.[Please note that may be subtle differences in terminology of I‛rā b breakdown from book to book even thought the
overall convention/methodology does not change.
Lesson 11: Grammatical Analysis of Qur’ânic Àyahs
Example # 2
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
Lesson 12: Advanced Grammar Principles from Qur’ânic Study
Doer. Other details of the sentence [حال/مفعول ْ [are typically mentioned after these key
فيه/ييز َمت
components of a Verbal Sentence. In Nominal Sentences, the Subject is followed by the Predicate. The
Predicate can be one of three types: a word/word construction [ دَرْ فُم,[a Jarr Construction [جار ّ وa اجملور,
[or a
Lesson 14. It refers to “bringing something forward and delaying the rest” with respect to sentence
structure. In other words, there is essentially the formation of an “abnormal” sentence structure for a
specific grammatical reason. The reason can be for emphasis, exclusivity, highlighting order, quantity, etc.
Often the specific reason for [دم ْي َّق َتال ري ْخأَّالت و
ِ [has to do with the overall context of the respective passage
section of ā yahs. For example, in a conventional Verbal Sentence, the Direct Object is mentioned after the
verb. If it is mentioned before the verb intentionally, then something important is going on grammatically
with the Direct Object that is being brought forward (i.e. it is not a mistake).
Essentials of Qur’ânic Arabic
Here in this ā yah, the Direct Object is placed before its respective verb to function in exclusivity. In fact, if
we did not have this occurring, there would be a drastic change in the meaning of the ā yah. It would instead
be [َُك ُدب َْعن ُكين َِع ْت َس َن َو,[which would mean, “we worship You and seek help from You”. This would not
hold the meaning of “You alone”, and would even contradict the principles of Tawḥ īd, since most who
practice Shirk also worship and ask God, but not exclusively. Bringing some word forward can also be done
for other grammatical purposes as well, not just for exclusivity or emphasis. However, those are commonly
used functions.
In this example, the [مفعول [ بهwhich is [[ اجالللة لفظis shifted forward. As we saw in the case of the ā yah of
Sū rah Fā tiḥ ah, when the [ولaمفع [ بهprecedes the verb, it usually gains the grammatical functional of
exclusivity. Therefore, the meaning of the underlined section becomes “So Worship Allah only”.
]شِ بْه مجلةConstruction Jarr Shifting. C
Example #2:
ۚ 101
ً وب ِهم م ََّرضٌ َف َزادَ ُه ُم ٱهَّلل ُ َم َر
ضا َ َو َل ُه ْم َع َذابٌ أَلِي ٌم ِب َما َكا ُنوا َي ْك ِذب
ِ ُُون﴾﴿ فِي قُل
In this ā yah, we see that the normal pattern of a Nominal Sentence is not followed. Instead, the order of the
subject and predicate is reversed. If the normal sentence structure were followed, it would be [ ٌم ِِهو ُبلُق ِيف
aض َرم
َ [or “Disease is in their hearts”. By mentioning the predicate first, we are focusing on the
predicate, instead of the subject. Thus, in this case, we focus on the heart of the hypocrite, which is their
(39:66) “Rather, worship [only] Allah and be among the grateful”.
(2:10) “In their hearts is disease, so Allah has increased their disease; and for them is a painful punishment because they
[habitually] used to lie”.