Q1 Nature of Operations Carried Out: Response Response
Q1 Nature of Operations Carried Out: Response Response
Q1 Nature of Operations Carried Out: Response Response
Considerable 2 Reasonably good 2
Moderate 3 Promising and result oriented 3
Below Average 4 Unjustified amount of time and cost 4
Nominal 5 Lack of trust among corporates 5
Q7 Your experience with mutual agreement Response Q1 Business impact of Companies Act, Response
procedures(MAP) as a dispute 5 2013 and Clause 49 of Equity Listing
settlement mechanism Agreement
Highly satisfied 5 Very high 1
Satisfied 4 High 2
Somewhat satisfied 3 Moderate 3
Not satisfied 2 Low 4
Not at all satisfied 1 Very low 5
Q8 Most expected aspects from TP Response Q1 What is your opinion on TP affecting Response
consultants 6 Profit planning of the firm
Report quality 1 Strongly agree 5
Bench marking-Fit for purpose and not 2 Agree 4
an intellectual toy
Professionalism-Guidance, expertise 3 Somewhat agree 3
and cost-effective solution
Information sharing 4 Disagree 2
Accessibility-Working like a business 5 Strongly disagree 1
Section-II: Awareness on the Transfer price tax regime and related issues
Q17. Transfer pricing and Awareness and Tax planning
Q.17 Statement SA A SWA DA SDA
1 I understand what transfer pricing is
2 I understand what transfer pricing rules are
3 The transfer price set by a company affect intercompany transactions with
related parties
4 The intercompany transactions are based on mutually accepted
intercompany agreements
5 Performance management is based on the level of sales& profits
6 Transfer prices affect the level of sales/profits achieved by the company
7 The parent company determines the profit allocation in each subsidiary
8 The company understates it revenue for tax purposes
9 The company has been reporting losses due to high costs allocated by
the other related parties
10 Weather differential transfer pricing is applicable to all the transactions in
same manner
Section-III: TP policy frame work and related issues in transfer pricing (external factors)
Q18. Perceptions on TP policy frame work planning among the respondents
Q18 Statement SA A SWA DA SDA
1 Our company has a global TP policy
2 TP policy guidelines for the group are laid down clearly and completely
3 The company or group has stringent mechanisms to monitor the
implementation of the TP policy on a timely basis
4 The group headquarters review and provide high-level comments on the
TP documents prepared for India
5 The company is able to effectively leverage on the global TP
documentation while preparing annual India-specific TP Documentation
6 India is an exception to the implementation of global TP policy
7 Active involvement in Taking strategic decisions / planning in respect of
transfer pricing arrangements within the group?
8 Implementing and reviewing the strategic decisions in respect of transfer
pricing arrangements within the group?
9 Recording practices and data storage need improvement from both sides
10 Data consistency and redundancy issues to be sort out due to frequent
changes in policy
Section- IV- Issues and challenges in the adoption and implementation of transfer pricing
Q19. Indicate your level of agreement on the issues in the adoption and implementation of Transfer pricing in India
Q19 Statement SA A SWA DA SDA
1 Transfer Pricing has become the most discussed tax topic today in
2 Transfer pricing is one of the most complex tax issues faced by the
3 Coping with frequently changing Transfer Pricing provisions is a difficult
4 Whether the time period of 8 years to keep and maintain the necessary
information after the assessment year is acceptable.
5 Indian Government has not put enough effort to solve the problem of
increasing Transfer Pricing litigations.
6 Documentation procedure
7 Stages of clearances
8 Methods applied in deciding Arm's Length Price
9 Audit procedure related issues
10 Cooperation of Transfer Pricing authorities in Transfer Pricing decision
Q21. What are the hurdles you encountered while working on the information and details requisitioned by the TPOs
during the course of TP audits?
Q.21 Statement SA A SWA DA SDA
1 Information pertains to an earlier period and retrieval
becomes challenging due to admin issues and employee
2 Information being voluminous and / or may not be relevant,
is however insisted during the course of TP audits
3 Required information pertains to the AEs, which is not
readily available and the group usually is not willing to share
4 Certain data is not statutorily required to be maintained, but
is asked by TPO
5 Lack of awareness and associated issues
Section- V- Perceptions on Issues and challenges and impacts of TP audit among the firms
Q22. What are the key issues deliberated on during the course of the company’s TP audit?
Q.22 Statement SA A SWA DA SDA
1 Acceptance or rejection of comparables
2 Multiple year data vs single year data
3 Rejection of economic adjustments
4 Low profitability or losses
5 Questioning commercial expediency
6 Benefit of +/-5%
7 Receipt of services and benefits test
8 Operating vs non-operating
9 Adhoc TP adjustments
10 Selection of tested party
11 Change in TP method
12 Entity level vs transaction level
13 Change of profit level indicator
Section-VI- Preferences and expectations of the firms to deal with transfer pricing transactions in the sample
Q24. What are your expectations from the rules to be prescribed by the CBDT with respect to the use of multiple-year
data and range concept?
Q.24 Statement SA A SWA DA SDA
1 Allowing use of multiple-year data of tested party as well as
comparable companies
2 Allowing use of multiple-year data and range concept with
retrospective effect
3 Specifying that the range concept to be akin to the inter-
quartile range concept accepted globally
4 Range and arithmetic mean concepts to not co-exist:
arithmetic mean to be done away with
5 Issues with consistency of data leads to more issues
Q25. How significantly will the change in regulations pertaining to the use of multiple-year data and use of range impact
the level of existing and future TP disputes in India?
Q.25 Statement SA A SWA DA SDA
1 If allowed with the retrospective effect, could significantly
reduce existing TP litigation
2 Significantly reduce future TP litigation
3 Allow for higher level of certainty in TP planning in India
4 Many companies voluntarily come forward to compliance of
TP audit
5 Increases the level of awareness and co-operation
Q26. What would you like to change with respect to the legal provisions pertaining to compliances as per the existing
Indian TP regulations?
Q.26 Statement SA A SWA DA SDA
1 Clear framework for performing economic adjustments to
account for business and commercial reasons
2 Relaxation of annual documentation requirements: may be
updated bi-annually
3 Simplification of Form 3CEB to reduce the details
4 Relaxation of documentation if the company has opted for
Safe Harbor
5 Compliance period should be equal to collection period
and grace period
9 Involvement of third party arbitrator in mutual consent and approval
10 Involvement of Legal arbitrator to settle the issues
Q28. Preferred changes in the provisions prescribed with respect to RTPs
Q.28 Statement SA A SWA DA SDA
1 The definitions of control and significant influence should be
aligned between the 2013 Act and clause 49
2 The shareholder approval under clause 49 on the basis of
'materiality' should not be required
3 Clear framework with respect to the content of policy
pertaining to dealing with RPTs which is to be displayed on
the company website
4Others RTPs provisions needs to be clearly defined sector wise
5 RTPs provisions should be customised with in the sector
based on size of operations
9 Dedicated and specialized appellate Commissioners and benches of tax
tribunals have been put in place to deal with disputes on transfer pricing
10 The process for Mutual Agreement Procedure(MAP) and Advance Pricing
Agreement Scheme(APAS) has to be put on fast track
Q32. Any other suggestion, you would like to provide to resolve the issues in transfer pricing transactions in your
company and kind of business related to your kind self……………