UltraWAVE Application Book PDF
UltraWAVE Application Book PDF
UltraWAVE Application Book PDF
Milestone Srl
Via Fatebenefratelli, 1/5
24010 Sorisole (BG) Italy
Tel +39 035 573857 – Fax +39 035 575498
UW-ECR-01 Alumina
UW-ECR-02 Ferberite (Iron Wolframite mineral, FeWO4)
UW-ECR-03 Inorganic Fertilizers
UW-ECR-04 Manganese doped Zirconia
UW-ECR-05 Nickel-Chromium (NiCr)
UW-ECR-06 Calcium Tungstate Mineral, CaWO4 (Scheelite)
UW-ECR-07 Tantalite
UW-ECR-08 Iron Manganese Tungstate Mineral, FeMnO4 (Wolframite)
UW-ECR-09 Yttria Zirconia
UW-ECR-10 Zirconia with Rare Earth Oxide
UW-ECR-11 Zirconium Oxide or Zirconium Hydroxide
UW-ECR-12 Platinum and Rhodium Alloy
UW-ECR-13 Carbon Black with high Si content
Milestone Srl UltraaWAVE – Appliccation book
Milestone Srl
Via Fatebennefratelli, 1/5
24010 Sorissole (BG) Italy
Tel +3
39 035 5738557 – Fax +39 035 575498
The lissted appliccation notees are a goood point too start wheen developping a new
methood for yourr samples.. These guuidelines are a the moost relevant methodss
develooped by Milestone Laaboratoriess, based onn real sam mples from Milestonee
worldwwide users.
The Appliccation book is divideed into twoo parts, whhere the seecond part is only deedicated too
UltraWAVEE systems with
w ECR (EEnhanced CChemical Resistance)
R ) kit.
Alll UltraWAV
VE system
ms can be upgraded with the EECR kit
Milestone Srl UltraaWAVE – Appliccation book
UltraWAVEE allows tto digest a wide rrange of samples such s as eenvironmenntal, food,,
pharmaceutical, pettrochemicaal, polymerr, metals, ggeologicals, etc.
This guiddelines, willl help you to find the suitable microwavee digestionn
f all your samples.
method for
These aree only guiddelines, in case you need
n furtheer informatiion, pleasee
contact your
y local M Milestone distributor
Sample wweight
Sample wweight is an important parameterr especiallyy for digesttion of Orgaanic samplles.
Here below
w are somee guidelinees based onn sample tyypes.
Acid mixttures
The choosse of the acid
a mixtuure is a cruucial part of sample preparatioon especiaally for thee
inorganic samples.
w some inddications about acids , based on sample types.
Here below
mples Type Reag
Organic sam
mple with Silicates
S HNO3, H2O2,
Milestone Srl UltraaWAVE – Appliccation book
HNO33, HCl.
Mettal samples (Aqua regiaa or reverse aquaregia.
a Inn some casess
HF is neecessary for a complete ddigestion)
HNO3, HF, H2SO4, etc...
Inorganic samplees (See the appplication bookk or contact the Milestonne
n specialist)
Saamples mu
ust be com
mpletely wet
w by the acid mixtuure.
Digestionn program
Most of thhe samples can be used simultaaneously wiith a standaard microw
wave prograam:
Steep 1 20 min 240°C
Steep 2 10 min 240°C
In some ccases, due to the reacctivity of thhe sampless or to the high tempperature reqquired, thee
microwavee program should bee slightly m modified. Below
B is reeported a ttable that gives
g clearr
indicationss of the appproach too be used for the diffferent sam mples. The table considers twoo
main paraameters:
- Reaactivity of the
t samplee
- Tarrget tempeerature
Application Note
*Milestone suggest Glass or Quartz vials.
5 positions* 2g 10 ml of HNO3
This procedure is only a guideline and it may need to be modified
15 positions* 0,5 g 5 ml of HNO3 or changed to obtain the required results on your sample.
Application Note
In case of “foaming” of samples: This procedure is only a guideline and it may need to be modified
or changed to obtain the required results on your sample.
- ‘Pre-wet’ these samples with 1ml H2O in
these vials, then add the acids for your
Nitrogen tank
Basic Load
Milestone suggest to use glass or quartz vials
Place the following basic load into the main 1 L
In case of high NOx production, it’s suggested
TFM vessel: 150 ml of H2O, 5 ml of HNO3 65%
to use the High temperature PTFE disc (p/n
Sample amount and Reagent MCL0699A). See user manual for more details
or contact the Milestone specialist
Rack type Sample Amount Reagents
5 positions Up to 600 mg*
4ml of HNO3,
15 positions Up to 250 mg*
1ml H2O de.
This procedure is only a guideline and it may need to be modified
or changed to obtain the required results on your sample.
Pressure loading
40 bar of Nitrogen
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
This method provides the acid digestion of the sample 40 bar of Nitrogen
in a Single Reactor Chamber (SRC) using temperature
control and microwave heating for the metal Procedure
determination by spectroscopic methods. This method 1. Switch ON the chiller
is suitable for samples like: Fuel oil, heavy oil, Crude 2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
oil, etc… the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
Instrumentation 4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
5. Tight the clamps
Milestone UltraWAVE with internal temperature and 6. Run the microwave program.
pressure control in all vessels, 640 or 660 terminal 7. Wait the cooling and the pressure release
with easyCONTROL software installed. 8. Untight the clamps and open the main chamber.
9. Collect the solutions in a marked flask and dilute it.
Nitrogen tank
Microwave program
Basic Load
Step Time T1 T2 P Power
Place the following basic load into the main 1 L 1 00:10:00 110°C 60°C 90 1500W
TFM vessel: 150 ml of H2O, 5 ml of HNO3 65% 2 00:15:00 180°C 60°C 90 1500W
3 00:10:00 230°C 60°C 120 1500W
Sample amount and Reagent
4 00:05:00 230°C 60°C 120 1500W
Rack type Sample Amount Reagents
8ml of HNO3,
5 positions Up to 600 mg*
1ml H2O de. Note
5ml of HNO3, Milestone suggest to use glass or quartz vials
15 positions Up to 300 mg*
1ml H2O de.
In case of high NOx generation, it’s suggested
to use the High temperature PTFA disc (p/n
*For solvent samples (i.e. Naphtha) reduce MCL0699A). See user manual for more details
the sample amount to 300 mg in 5 positions or contact the Milestone specialist
rack and 150 mg in 15 positions rack
Application Note
This method provides the acid digestion of the sample 40 bar of Nitrogen
in a Single Reactor Chamber (SRC) using temperature
control and microwave heating for the metal
determination by spectroscopic methods. 1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
Instrumentation the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
Milestone UltraWAVE with internal temperature and 4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
pressure control in all vessels, 640 or 660 terminal 5. Tight the clamps
with easyCONTROL software installed. 6. Run the microwave program.
7. Wait the cooling and the pressure release
Nitrogen tank 8. Untight the clamps and open the main chamber.
9. Collect the solutions in a marked flask and dilute it.
Basic Load
Microwave program
Place the following basic load into the main 1 L
TFM vessel: 130 ml of H2O, 5 ml of HNO3 65% Step Time T1 T2 P Power
1 00:20:00 240°C 60°C 110 1500W
Sample amount and Reagent
2 00:10:00 240°C 60°C 110 1500W
Rack type Sample Amount Reagents
Application Note
Pressure loading
40 bar of Nitrogen
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
5. Tight the clamps
6. Run the microwave program.
Application Note
Mineral Oil
Summary 6. Run the microwave program.
7. Wait the cooling and the pressure release
This method provides the acid digestion of the sample 8. Untight the clamps and open the main chamber.
in a Single Reactor Chamber (SRC) using temperature 9. Collect the solutions in a marked flask and dilute it.
control and microwave heating for the metal
determination by spectroscopic methods.
Microwave program
Place the following basic load into the main 1 L THE CLEANING /MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE MUST
TFM vessel: 150 ml of H2O, 5 ml of HNO3 65%. BE EXECUTED FOLLOWING THE USER MANUAL AND
Sample amount and Reagent
This procedure is only a guideline and it may need to be modified
Rack type Sample Amount Reagents
or changed to obtain the required results on your sample.
4 ml of HNO3,
15 positions* 0,2 g
2ml H2O
Start Pressure
40 bar of Nitrogen
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
5. Tight the clamps
Application Note
Pressure loading
40 bar of Nitrogen
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
5. Tight the clamps
6. Run the microwave program.
Application Note
This method provides the acid digestion of the sample 1. Switch ON the chiller
in a Single Reactor Chamber (SRC) using temperature 2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
control and microwave heating for the metal
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
determination by spectroscopic methods. 4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
5. Tight the clamps
Instrumentation 6. Run the microwave program.
7. Wait the cooling and the pressure release
Milestone UltraWAVE with internal temperature and 8. Untight the clamps and open the main chamber.
pressure control in all vessels, 640 or 660 terminal 9. Collect the solutions in a marked flask and dilute it.
with easyCONTROL software installed.
Microwave program
Nitrogen tank
Step Time T1 T2 P Power
Basic Load
1 00:10:00 150°C 60°C 90 1500W
Place the following basic load into the main 1 L 2 00:05:00 150°C 60°C 90 1500W
TFM vessel: 130 ml of H2O, 5 ml of HNO3 3 00:10:00 250°C 60°C 120 1500W
4 00:10:00 250°C 60°C 120 1500W
Sample amount and Reagent
40 bar of Nitrogen
This procedure is only a guideline and it may need to be modified
or changed to obtain the required results on your sample.
Application Note
Nitrogen tank
Basic Load
Milestone suggest to use glass or quartz
Place the following basic load into the main 1 L vials. Use PTFE vials with HF.
TFM vessel: 150 ml of H2O, 5 ml of HNO3 65%
In case of high NOx generation, it’s suggested
Sample amount and Reagent to use the High temperature PTFE disc (p/n
MCL0699A). See user manual for more details
Rack type Sample Amount Reagents or contact the Milestone specialist
5 positions Up to 500 mg*
5ml of HNO3,
15 positions Up to 300 mg*
(1mL of HF)
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
5. Tight the clamps
6. Run the microwave program.
Application Note
Boron Carbide
6. Run the microwave program.
This method provides the acid digestion of the sample 7. Wait the cooling and the pressure release
in a Single Reactor Chamber (SRC) using temperature 8. Untight the clamps and open the main chamber.
control and microwave heating for the metal 9. Collect the solutions in a marked flask and dilute it.
determination by spectroscopic methods.
Microwave program
Step Time T1 T2 P Power
Milestone UltraWAVE with internal temperature and 1 00:30:00 280°C 70°C 110 1500W
pressure control in all vessels, 640 or 660 terminal 2 00:20:00 280°C 70°C 110 1500W
with easyCONTROL software installed.
Nitrogen tank
*Milestone suggest PTFE vials
Start Pressure
40 bar of Nitrogen
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
5. Tight the clamps
Application Note
Silicon Carbide
6. Run the microwave program.
This method provides the acid digestion of the sample 7. Wait the cooling and the pressure release
in a Single Reactor Chamber (SRC) using temperature 8. Untight the clamps and open the main chamber.
control and microwave heating for the metal 9. Collect the solutions in a marked flask and dilute it.
determination by spectroscopic methods.
Microwave program
Step Time T1 T2 P Power
Milestone UltraWAVE with internal temperature and 1 00:30:00 280°C 70°C 110 1500W
pressure control in all vessels, 640 or 660 terminal 2 00:15:00 280°C 70°C 110 1500W
with easyCONTROL software installed.
Nitrogen tank
*Milestone suggest PTFE vials
3 ml of HNO3,
5 positions* 50 mg 3 ml HF,
This procedure is only a guideline and it may need to be modified
6 ml H2SO4
or changed to obtain the required results on your sample.
Start Pressure
40 bar of Nitrogen
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
5. Tight the clamps
Application Note
This method provides the acid digestion of the sample Step Time T1 T2 P Power
in a Single Reactor Chamber (SRC) using temperature 1 00:20:00 250°C 60°C 110 1500W
control and microwave heating for the metal 2 00:10:00 250°C 60°C 110 1500W
determination by spectroscopic methods.
Milestone UltraWAVE with internal temperature and
*Milestone suggest glass or quartz vials.
pressure control in all vessels, 640 or 660 terminal
Basic Load
This procedure is only a guideline and it may need to be modified
Place the following basic load into the main 1 L or changed to obtain the required results on your sample.
TFM vessel: 130 ml of H2O, 5 ml of HNO3 67%
4 ml of HNO3,
15 positions* 0,25 g
1 ml of H2O
Pressure loading
40 bar of Nitrogen
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
5. Tight the clamps
6. Run the microwave program.
7. Wait the cooling and the pressure release
8. Untight the clamps and open the main chamber.
9. Collect the solutions in a marked flask and dilute it.
Application Note
This method provides the acid digestion of the sample Step Time T1 T2 P Power
in a Single Reactor Chamber (SRC) using temperature 1 00:10:00 175°C 60°C 120 1500W
control and microwave heating for the metal 2 00:10:00 175°C 60°C 120 1500W
determination by spectroscopic methods.
Milestone UltraWAVE with internal temperature and
*Milestone suggest Glass or quartz vials.
pressure control in all vessels, 640 or 660 terminal
Basic Load
Place the following basic load into the main 1 L This procedure is only a guideline and it may need to be modified
TFM vessel: 130 ml of H2O, 5 ml of HNO3 67% or changed to obtain the required results on your sample.
Pressure loading
40 bar of Nitrogen
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
5. Tight the clamps
6. Run the microwave program.
7. Wait the cooling and the pressure release
8. Untight the clamps and open the main chamber.
9. Collect the solutions in a marked flask and dilute it.
Application Note
Milestone UltraWAVE with internal temperature and
*Milestone suggest TFM vials for application with
pressure control in all vessels, 640 or 660 terminal
with easyCONTROL software installed.
Basic Load
Place the following basic load into the main 1 L
TFM vessel: 130 ml of H2O, 5 ml of HNO3 67% This procedure is only a guideline and it may need to be modified
or changed to obtain the required results on your sample.
Sample amount and Reagent
Rack type Sample Amount Reagents
4 ml of HNO3, 2
15 positions* 0,5 g
ml of HF
Pressure loading
40 bar of Nitrogen
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
5. Tight the clamps
6. Run the microwave program.
7. Wait the cooling and the pressure release
8. Un-tight the clamps and open the main chamber.
9. Collect the solutions in a marked flask and dilute it.
Application Note
Pressure loading
40 bar of Nitrogen
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
5. Tight the clamps
6. Run the microwave program.
7. Wait the cooling and the pressure release
Application Note
Carbon Fibre
Summary Microwave program
This method provides the acid digestion of the sample Step Time T1 T2 P Power
in a Single Reactor Chamber (SRC) using temperature 1 00:25:00 270°C 60°C 110 1500W
control and microwave heating for the metal 2 00:10:00 270°C 60°C 110 1500W
determination by spectroscopic methods.
Milestone UltraWAVE with internal temperature and Use the PTFE (MCL0699A) discs for high
pressure control in all vessels, 640 or 660 terminal temperature applications
with easyCONTROL software installed.
Basic Load
Place the following basic load into the main 1 L This procedure is only a guideline and it may need to be modified
TFM vessel: 130 ml of H2O, 5 ml of HNO3 65%. or changed to obtain the required results on your sample.
Start Pressure
40 bar of Nitrogen
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
5. Tight the clamps
6. Run the microwave program.
7. Wait the cooling and the pressure release
8. Untight the clamps and open the main chamber.
9. Collect the solutions in a marked flask and dilute it.
Application Note
Silica Sand
9. Collect the solutions in a marked flask and dilute it.
This method provides the acid digestion of the sample
in a Single Reactor Chamber (SRC) using temperature Microwave program
control and microwave heating for the metal
Step Time T1 T2 P Power
determination by spectroscopic methods.
1 00:15:00 240°C 60°C 110 1500W
Instrumentation 2 00:15:00 240°C 60°C 110 1500W
Sample amount and Reagent This procedure is only a guideline and it may need to be modified
or changed to obtain the required results on your sample.
1 ml of HNO3,
15 positions* 100 mg
4 ml of HF
Start Pressure
40 bar of Nitrogen
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
5. Tight the clamps
6. Run the microwave program.
7. Wait the cooling and the pressure release
8. Untight the clamps and open the main chamber.
Application Note
Summary Start Pressure
This method provides the acid digestion of the sample 40 bar of Nitrogen
in a Single Reactor Chamber (SRC) using temperature
control and microwave heating for the metal Procedure
determination by spectroscopic methods.
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
Milestone UltraWAVE with internal temperature and 3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
pressure control in all vessels, 640 or 660 terminal 5. Tight the clamps
with easyCONTROL software installed. 6. Run the microwave program.
7. Wait the cooling and the pressure release
Nitrogen tank 8. Untight the clamps and open the main chamber.
9. Collect the solutions in a marked flask and dilute it.
Basic Load
Microwave program
Place the following basic load into the main 1 L
TFM vessel: 130 ml of H2O, 5 ml of HNO3 67% Step Time T1 T2 P Power
1 00:20:00 240°C 60°C 110 1500W
Sample amount and Reagent
2 00:10:00 240°C 60°C 110 1500W
Add 2 - 3 drops of pure water into the empty vials Notes
before weight, this will help to completely wet the
powder sample. * Milestone suggest Glass or quartz vials. If HF is
required, use TFM vials.
5 ml of HNO3
15 positions* 0,5 g
(1 ml of HF)
This procedure is only a guideline and it may need to be modified
In case of Si presence, add the HF. or changed to obtain the required results on your sample.
Application Note
This method provides the acid digestion of the sample Microwave program
in a Single Reactor Chamber (SRC) using temperature
Step Time T1 T2 P Power
control and microwave heating for the metal
1 00:15:00 220°C 60°C 110 1500W
determination by spectroscopic methods.
2 00:15:00 220°C 60°C 110 1500W
Milestone UltraWAVE with internal temperature and * Milestone suggest Glass or quartz vials.
pressure control in all vessels, 640 or 660 terminal
Basic Load
This procedure is only a guideline and it may need to be modified
Place the following basic load into the main 1 L or changed to obtain the required results on your sample.
TFM vessel: 150 ml of H2O, 5 ml of HNO3 67%
5 positions* 1g 10 ml of HNO3
Start Pressure
40 bar of Nitrogen
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
5. Tight the clamps
6. Run the microwave program.
7. Wait the cooling and the pressure release
8. Untight the clamps and open the main chamber.
Application Note
This method provides the acid digestion of the sample Microwave program
in a Single Reactor Chamber (SRC) using temperature
Step Time T1 T2 P Power
control and microwave heating for the metal
determination by spectroscopic methods. 1 00:15:00 230°C 60°C 110 1500W
2 00:10:00 230°C 60°C 110 1500W
Instrumentation Notes
Milestone UltraWAVE with internal temperature and * Milestone suggest Glass or quartz vials.
pressure control in all vessels, 640 or 660 terminal
Basic Load
This procedure is only a guideline and it may need to be modified
Place the following basic load into the main 1 L or changed to obtain the required results on your sample.
TFM vessel: 130 ml of H2O, 5 ml of HNO3 67%
Start Pressure
40 bar of Nitrogen
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
5. Tight the clamps
6. Run the microwave program.
7. Wait the cooling and the pressure release
8. Untight the clamps and open the main chamber.
Application Note
Sample amount and Reagent This procedure is only a guideline and it may need to be modified
or changed to obtain the required results on your sample.
Rack type Sample Amount Reagents
2 ml of HNO3,
1 ml of HCl,
15 positions* 50 mg
2 ml of H3PO4,
2 ml of HBF4
Start Pressure
40 bar of Nitrogen
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
5. Tight the clamps
6. Run the microwave program.
7. Wait the cooling and the pressure release
Application Note
Sample amount and Reagent This procedure is only a guideline and it may need to be modified
or changed to obtain the required results on your sample.
Rack type Sample Amount Reagents
2 ml of HNO3,
1 ml of HCl,
15 positions* 50 mg
2 ml of H3PO4,
2 ml of HBF4
Start Pressure
40 bar of Nitrogen
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
5. Tight the clamps
6. Run the microwave program.
7. Wait the cooling and the pressure release
Application Note
Sample amount and Reagent This procedure is only a guideline and it may need to be modified
or changed to obtain the required results on your sample.
Rack type Sample Amount Reagents
3 ml of HNO3,
15 positions* 50 mg
2 ml of HBF4
Start Pressure
40 bar of Nitrogen
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
5. Tight the clamps
6. Run the microwave program.
7. Wait the cooling and the pressure release
Application Note
Sample amount and Reagent This procedure is only a guideline and it may need to be modified
or changed to obtain the required results on your sample.
Rack type Sample Amount Reagents
3 ml of HNO3,
15 positions* 50 mg 2 ml of HBF4,
1 ml of HCl
Start Pressure
40 bar of Nitrogen
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
5. Tight the clamps
6. Run the microwave program.
7. Wait the cooling and the pressure release
Application Note
Sample amount and Reagent This procedure is only a guideline and it may need to be modified
or changed to obtain the required results on your sample.
Rack type Sample Amount Reagents
3 ml of HNO3,
15 positions* 50 mg 2 ml of HBF4,
1 ml of HCl
Start Pressure
40 bar of Nitrogen
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
5. Tight the clamps
6. Run the microwave program.
7. Wait the cooling and the pressure release
Application Note
Fly Ash
Summary Start Pressure
This method provides the acid digestion of the sample 40 bar of Nitrogen
in a Single Reactor Chamber (SRC) using temperature
control and microwave heating for the metal Procedure
determination by spectroscopic methods.
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
Milestone UltraWAVE with internal temperature and 3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
pressure control in all vessels, 640 or 660 terminal 5. Tight the clamps
with easyCONTROL software installed. 6. Run the microwave program.
7. Wait the cooling and the pressure release
Nitrogen tank 8. Untight the clamps and open the main chamber.
9. Collect the solutions in a marked flask and dilute it.
Basic Load
Microwave program
Place the following basic load into the main 1 L
TFM vessel: 130 ml of H2O, 5 ml of HNO3 67% Step Time T1 T2 P Power
1 00:25:00 250°C 60°C 110 1500W
Sample amount and Reagent
2 00:10:00 250°C 60°C 110 1500W
Add 2 - 3 drops of pure water into the empty vials Notes
before weight, this will help to completely wet the
powder sample. * Milestone suggest Glass or quartz vials. If HF is
required, use TFM vials.
0,4g H3BO3
15 positions* 0,5 g powder, 4 ml
HNO3, 2ml HF
Application Note
Aluminium Titanate
Summary 6. Run the microwave program.
7. Wait the cooling and the pressure release
This method provides the acid digestion of the sample 8. Untight the clamps and open the main chamber.
in a Single Reactor Chamber (SRC) using temperature 9. Collect the solutions in a marked flask and dilute it.
control and microwave heating for the metal
determination by spectroscopic methods.
Microwave program
Place the following basic load into the main 1 L Use the PTFE protection for thermowell (P/N
TFM vessel: 130 ml of H2O, 5 ml of HNO3 65%. MCL0664A)
Start Pressure
40 bar of Nitrogen
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
5. Tight the clamps
Application Note
Start Pressure
40 bar of Nitrogen
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
5. Tight the clamps
Application Note
Summary Start Pressure
This method provides the acid digestion of the sample 40 bar of Nitrogen
in a Single Reactor Chamber (SRC) using temperature
control and microwave heating for the metal Procedure
determination by spectroscopic methods.
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
Milestone UltraWAVE with internal temperature and 3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
pressure control in all vessels, 640 or 660 terminal 5. Tight the clamps
with easyCONTROL software installed. 6. Run the microwave program.
7. Wait the cooling and the pressure release
Nitrogen tank 8. Untight the clamps and open the main chamber.
9. Collect the solutions in a marked flask and dilute it.
Basic Load
Microwave program
Place the following basic load into the main 1 L
TFM vessel: 150 ml of H2O, 5 ml of HNO3 67% Step Time T1 T2 P Power
1 00:20:00 250°C 60°C 130 1500W
Sample amount and Reagent
2 00:10:00 250°C 60°C 130 1500W
Add 2 - 3 drops of pure water into the empty vials Notes
before weight, this will help to completely wet the
powder sample. * Milestone suggest Glass or quartz vials.
4 ml of HNO3
15 positions* 0,2 g
1 ml of H2O
Application Note
This method provides the acid digestion of the sample Step Time T1 T2 P Power
in a Single Reactor Chamber (SRC) using temperature 1 00:25:00 260°C 60°C 130 1500W
control and microwave heating for the metal 2 00:15:00 260°C 60°C 130 1500W
determination by spectroscopic methods.
Instrumentation *Milestone suggest PTFE vials
Milestone UltraWAVE with internal temperature and Use the PTFE (MCL0699A) discs for high
pressure control in all vessels, 640 or 660 terminal temperature applications
with easyCONTROL software installed.
Basic Load
Place the following basic load into the main 1 L This procedure is only a guideline and it may need to be modified
TFM vessel: 130 ml of H2O, 5 ml of HNO3 67% or changed to obtain the required results on your sample.
4 ml of HNO3
15 positions* 0,1 g
1 ml of HF
Start Pressure
40 bar of Nitrogen
1. Switch ON the chiller
2. Place the main TFM vessel with the basic load, into
the UltraWAVE chamber.
3. Position the rack into the UltraWAVE
4. Close the UltraWAVE chamber trough the software
5. Tight the clamps
6. Run the microwave program.
7. Wait the cooling and the pressure release
8. Untight the clamps and open the main chamber.
9. Collect the solutions in a marked flask and dilute it.