Physics Case Studies: HELM (2008) : Workbook 47: Mathematics and Physics Miscellany
Physics Case Studies: HELM (2008) : Workbook 47: Mathematics and Physics Miscellany
Physics Case Studies: HELM (2008) : Workbook 47: Mathematics and Physics Miscellany
Studies 47.3
This Section contains a compendium of case studies involving physics (or related topics) as an
additional teaching and learning resource to those included in the previous Workbooks. Each case
study may involve several mathematical topics; these are clearly stated at the beginning of each case
36 HELM (2008):
Workbook 47: Mathematics and Physics Miscellany
HELM (2008): 37
Section 47.3: Physics Case Studies
Physics Case Study 1
Mathematical Skills
Topic Workbook
Logarithms and exponentials [6]
Numerical integration [31]
A common need in engineering thermodynamics is to determine the radiation emitted by a body
heated to a particular temperature at all wavelengths or a particular wavelength such as the wave-
length of yellow light, blue light or red light. This would be important in designing a lamp for example.
The total power per unit area radiated at temperature T (in K) may be denoted by E(λ) where λ is
the wavelength of the emitted radiation. It is assumed that a perfect absorber and radiator, called a
black body, will absorb all radiation falling on it and which emits radiation at various wavelengths
λ according to the formula
E(λ) = (1)
λ5 C
[e 2 /(λT ) − 1]
where E(λ) measures the energy (in W m−2 ) emitted at wavelength λ (in m) at temperature T
(in K). The values of the constants C1 and C2 are 3.742 × 10−16 W m−2 and 1.439 × 10−2 m K
respectively. This formula is known as Planck’s distribution law. Figure 1.1 shows the radiation E(λ)
as a function of wavelength λ for various values of the temperature T . Note that both scales are
plotted logarithmically. In practice, a body at a particular temperature is not a black body and its
emissions will be less intense at a particular wavelength than a black body; the power per unit area
radiated by a black body gives the ideal upper limit for the amount of energy emitted at a particular
T = 10000 K
log E(λ)
2 T = 100 K
− 6.5 −6 − 5.5 − 5 − 4.5 −4 log λ
Figure 1.1
The emissive power per unit area E(λ) plotted against wavelength (logarithmically) for a black body
at temperatures of T = 100 K, 400 K, 700 K, 1500 K, 5000 K and 10000 K.
38 HELM (2008):
Workbook 47: Mathematics and Physics Miscellany
Problem in words
Find the power per unit area emitted for a particular value of the wavelength (λ = 6 × 10−7 m).
Find the temperature of the black body which emits power per unit area (E(λ) = 1010 W m−2 ) at
a specific wavelength (λ = 4 × 10−7 m)
(a) A black body is at a temperature of 2000 K. Given formula (1), determine the value of
E(λ) when λ = 6 × 10−7 m.
(b) What would be the value of T that corresponds to E(λ) = 1010 W m−2 at a wavelength of
λ = 4 × 10−7 m (the wavelength of blue light)?
Mathematical analysis
(a) Here, λ = 6 × 10−7 and T = 2000. Putting these values in the formula gives
5 −2 −7
E(λ) = 3.742 × 10−16 / (6 × 10−7 ) / e1.439×10 /6×10 /2000 − 1
(b) Equation (1) can be rearranged to give the temperature T as a function of the wavelength λ
and the emission E(λ).
C1 C1
E(λ) = so eC2 /(λT ) − 1 =
λ5 [eC 2 /(λT ) − 1] 5
λ E(λ)
and adding 1 to both sides gives
eC2 /(λT ) = 5
+ 1.
λ E(λ)
On taking (natural) logs
C2 C1
= ln 5 +1
λT λ E(λ)
which can be re-arranged to give
T = (2)
λ ln 5 +1
λ E(λ)
Equation (2) gives a means of finding the temperature to which a black body must be heated to
emit the energy E(λ) at wavelength λ.
1.439 × 10−2
T = = 2380 K
3.742 × 10−16
4 × 10 ln +1
(4 × 10−7 ) × 1010
HELM (2008): 39
Section 47.3: Physics Case Studies
Since the body is an ideal radiator it will radiate the most possible power per unit area at any given
temperature. Consequently any real body would have to be raised to a higher temperature than a
black body to obtain the same radiated power per unit area.
Mathematical comment
It is not possible to re-arrange Equation (1) to give λ as a function of E(λ) and T . This is due to
the way that λ appears twice in the equation i.e. once in a power and once in an exponential. To
solve (1) for λ requires numerical techniques but it is possible to use a graphical technique to find
the rough value of λ which satisfies (1) for particular values of E(λ) and T .
40 HELM (2008):
Workbook 47: Mathematics and Physics Miscellany
Physics Case Study 2
Mathematical Skills
Topic Workbook
Logarithms and exponentials [6]
Numerical solution of equations [12], [31]
A common need in engineering thermodynamics is to determine the radiation emitted by a body
heated to a particular temperature at all wavelengths or a particular wavelength such as the wave-
length of yellow light, blue light or red light. This would be important in designing a lamp for example.
The total power per unit area radiated at temperature T (in K) may be denoted by E(λ) where λ is
the wavelength of the emitted radiation. It is assumed that a perfect absorber and radiator, called a
black body, will absorb all radiation falling on it and which emits radiation at various wavelengths
λ according to the formula
E(λ) = (1)
λ5 C
[e 2 /(λT ) − 1]
where E(λ) measures the energy (in W m−2 ) emitted at wavelength λ (in m) at temperature T
(in K). The values of the constants C1 and C2 are 3.742 × 10−16 W m−2 and 1.439 × 10−2 m K
respectively. This formula is known as Planck’s distribution law. Figure 2.1 shows the radiation E(λ)
as a function of wavelength λ for various values of the temperature T . Note that both scales are
plotted logarithmically. In practice, a body at a particular temperature is not a black body and its
emissions will be less intense at a particular wavelength than a black body; the power per unit area
radiated by a black body gives the ideal upper limit for the amount of energy emitted at a particular
T = 10000 K
log E(λ)
2 T = 100 K
− 6.5 −6 − 5.5 − 5 − 4.5 −4 log λ
Figure 2.1
The emissive power per unit area E(λ) plotted against wavelength (logarithmically) for a black body
at temperatures of T = 100 K, 400 K, 700 K, 1500 K, 5000 K and 10000 K.
Problem in words
Is it possible to obtain a radiated intensity of 108 W m−2 at some wavelength for any given temper-
HELM (2008): 41
Section 47.3: Physics Case Studies
Mathematical statement of problem
(a) Find possible values of λ when E(λ) = 108 W m−2 and T = 1000
(b) Find possible values of λ when E(λ) = 108 W m−2 and T = 200
Mathematical analysis
The graph of Figure 2.2 shows a horizontal line extending at E(λ) = 108 W m−2 . This crosses the
curve drawn for T = 1000K at two points namely once near λ = 10−6 m and once near λ = 2 × 10−5
m. Thus there are two values of λ for which the radiation has intensity E(λ) = 108 W m−2 both in
the realm of infra-red radiation (although that at λ = 10−6 m=1 µm is close to the visible light). A
more accurate graph will show that the values are close to λ = 9.3 × 10−7 m and λ = 2.05 × 10−5 m.
It is also possible to use a numerical method such as Newton-Raphson ( 12.3 and 31.4)
8 −2
to find these values more accurately. The horizontal line extending at E(λ) = 10 W m does not
cross the curve for T = 200 K. Thus, there is no value of λ for which a body at temperature 200 K
emits at E(λ) = 108 W m−2 .
E(λ) = 108 W m−2
log E(λ)
6 T = 1000 K
4 λ ≈ 10−6 m T = 200 K
λ ≈ 2 × 10−5 m
log λ
− 6.5 −6 − 5.5 − 5 − 4.5 −4
Figure 2.2
The emissive power per unit area E(λ) plotted against wavelength (logarithmically) for a black body
at temperatures of T = 200 K and T = 1000 K. For T = 100 K an emissive power per unit area of
E(λ) = 108 W m−2 corresponds to either a wavelength λ ≈ 10−6 or a wavelength λ ≈ 2 × 10−5 .
For T = 200 K, there is no wavelength λ which gives an emissive power per unit area of E(λ) = 108
W m−2 .
Radiation from a black body is dependant both on the temperature and the wavelength. This example
shows that it may not be possible for a black body to radiate power at a specific level, irrespective
of the wavelength, unless the temperature is high enough.
42 HELM (2008):
Workbook 47: Mathematics and Physics Miscellany
Physics Case Study 3
Mathematical Skills
Topic Workbook
Logarithms and exponentials [6]
Differentiation [11]
A common need in engineering thermodynamics is to determine the radiation emitted by a body
heated to a particular temperature at all wavelengths or a particular wavelength such as the wave-
length of yellow light, blue light or red light. This would be important in designing a lamp for example.
The total power per unit area radiated at temperature T (in K) may be denoted by E(λ) where λ is
the wavelength of the emitted radiation. It is assumed that a perfect absorber and radiator, called a
black body, will absorb all radiation falling on it and which emits radiation at various wavelengths
λ according to the formula
E(λ) = (1)
λ5 C
[e 2 /(λT ) − 1]
where E(λ) measures the energy (in W m−2 ) emitted at wavelength λ (in m) at temperature T
(in K). The values of the constants C1 and C2 are 3.742 × 10−16 W m−2 and 1.439 × 10−2 m K
respectively. This formula is known as Planck’s distribution law. Figure 3.1 shows the radiation E(λ)
as a function of wavelength λ for various values of the temperature T . Note that both scales are
plotted logarithmically. In practice, a body at a particular temperature is not a black body and its
emissions will be less intense at a particular wavelength than a black body; the power per unit area
radiated by a black body gives the ideal upper limit for the amount of energy emitted at a particular
T = 10000 K
log E(λ)
2 T = 100 K
− 6.5 −6 − 5.5 − 5 − 4.5 −4 log λ
Figure 3.1
The emissive power per unit area E(λ) plotted against wavelength (logarithmically) for a black body
at temperatures of T = 100 K, 400 K, 700 K, 1500 K, 5000 K and 10000 K.
Problem in words
What will be the wavelength at which radiated power per unit area is maximum at any given tem-
HELM (2008): 43
Section 47.3: Physics Case Studies
Mathematical statement of problem
For a particular value of T , by means of differentiation, determine the value of λ for which E(λ) is
a maximum.
Mathematical analysis
Ideally it is desired to maximise
E(λ) = .
λ5 [eC 2 /(λT ) − 1]
However, as the numerator is a constant, maximising
E(λ) =
λ5 [eC 2 /(λT ) − 1]
is equivalent to minimising the bottom line i.e.
λ5 eC2 /(λT ) − 1 .
Writing λ5 eC2 /(λT ) − 1 as y, we see that y can be differentiated by the product rule since we can
y = uv where u = λ5 and v = eC2 /(λT ) − 1
= 5λ4
dv C2
= − 2 eC2 /(λT ) (by the chain rule), Hence
dλ λT
dy 5 C2 C2 /(λT )
=λ − 2 e + 5λ4 eC2 /(λT ) − 1
dλ λT
At a maximum/minimum, = 0 hence
5 C2 C2 /(λT )
λ − 2 e + 5λ4 eC2 /(λT ) − 1 = 0
C2 C2 /(λT )
− e + 5 eC2 /(λT ) − 1 = 0 (on division by λ4 ).
If we write C2 / (λT ) as z then −zez + 5 [ez − 1] = 0 i.e.
(5 − z) ez = 5 (3)
This states that there is a definite value of z for which E(λ) is a maximum. As z = C2 / (λT ), there
is a particular value of λT giving maximum E(λ).Thus, the value of λ giving maximum E(λ) occurs
for a value of T inversely proportional to λ. To find the constant of proportionality, it is necessary to
solve Equation (3).
To find a more accurate solution, it is necessary to use a numerical technique, but it can be seen
that there is a solution near z = 5. For this value of z, ez is very large ≈ 150 and the left-hand side
44 HELM (2008):
Workbook 47: Mathematics and Physics Miscellany
of (3) can only equal 5 if 5 − z is close to zero. On using a numerical technique, it is found that the
value of z is close to 4.965 rather than exactly 5.000.
C2 0.002898
Hence C2 / (λmax T ) = 4.965 so λmax = = .
4.965T T
This relationship is called Wein’s law:
λmax =
where Cw = 0.002898 m K is known as Wein’s constant.
At a given temperature the radiated power per unit area from a black body is dependant only on the
wavelength of the radiation. The nature of black body radiation indicates that there is a specific value
of the wavelength at which the radiation is a maximum. As an example the Sun can be approximated
by a black body at a temperature of T = 5800 K. We use Wein’s law to find the wavelength giving
maximum radiation. Here, Wein’s law can be written
λmax = ≈ 5 × 10−7 m = 5000 Å (to three significant figures)
which corresponds to visible light in the yellow part of the spectrum.
HELM (2008): 45
Section 47.3: Physics Case Studies
Physics Case Study 4
Mathematical Skills
Topic Workbook
Logarithms and Exponentials [6]
Integration [13]
Numerical Integration [31]
A common need in engineering thermodynamics is to determine the radiation emitted by a body
heated to a particular temperature at all wavelengths or a particular wavelength such as the wave-
length of yellow light, blue light or red light. This would be important in designing a lamp for example.
The total power per unit area radiated at temperature T (in K) may be denoted by E(λ) where λ is
the wavelength of the emitted radiation. It is assumed that a perfect absorber and radiator, called a
black body, will absorb all radiation falling on it and which emits radiation at various wavelengths
λ according to the formula
E(λ) = (1)
λ5 [eC 2 /(λT ) − 1]
where E(λ) measures the energy (in W m−2 ) emitted at wavelength λ (in m) at temperature T
(in K). The values of the constants C1 and C2 are 3.742 × 10−16 W m−2 and 1.439 × 10−2 m K
respectively. This formula is known as Planck’s distribution law. Figure 4.1 shows the radiation E(λ)
as a function of wavelength λ for various values of the temperature T . Note that both scales are
plotted logarithmically. In practice, a body at a particular temperature is not a black body and its
emissions will be less intense at a particular wavelength than a black body; the power per unit area
radiated by a black body gives the ideal upper limit for the amount of energy emitted at a particular
T = 10000 K
log E(λ)
2 T = 100 K
− 6.5 −6 − 5.5 − 5 − 4.5 −4 log λ
Figure 4.1
The emissive power per unit area E(λ) plotted against wavelength (logarithmically) for a black body
at temperatures of T = 100 K, 400 K, 700 K, 1500 K, 5000 K and 10000 K.
46 HELM (2008):
Workbook 47: Mathematics and Physics Miscellany
Problem in words
Determine the total power per unit area radiated at all wavelengths by a black body at a given
The expression (1) gives the amount of radiation at a particular wavelength λ. If this expression is
summed across all wavelengths, it will give the total amount of radiation.
Mathematical statement of problem
Z ∞ Z ∞
Eb = E(λ)dλ = dλ.
0 0 λ5 [eC 2 /(λT ) − 1]
Mathematical analysis
The integration can be achieved by means of the substitution U = C2 / (λT ) so that
C2 λ2 T
λ = C2 / (U T ), dU = − dλ i.e. dλ = − dU.
λ2 T C2
When λ = 0, U = ∞ and when λ = ∞, U = 0. So Eb becomes
Z 0 2 Z 0
C1 λT C1 T
Eb = 5 U
− dU = − 3 U
∞ λ (e − 1) C2 ∞ C2 λ (e − 1)
Z ∞ 3 Z ∞
C1 T UT 4 C1
= dU = T dU .
0 C2 (eU − 1) C2 0 (C2 )4 (eU − 1)
The important thing is that Eb is proportional to T 4 i.e. the total emission from a black body scales
as T 4 . The constant of proportionality can be found from the remainder of the integral i.e.
Z ∞ Z ∞
C1 U3 U3
dU where dU
(C2 )4 0 (eU − 1) 0 (eU − 1)
can be shown by means of the polylog function to equal . Thus
C1 π 4 4
Eb = T = 5.67 × 10−8 W m−2 × T 4 = σT 4 , say
15(C2 )4
Eb = σT 4
This relation is known as the Stefan-Boltzmann law and σ = 5.67 × 10−8 W m−2 is known as the
Stefan-Boltzmann constant.
You will no doubt be familiar with Newton’s law of cooling which states that bodies cool (under con-
vection) in proportion to the simple difference in temperature between the body and its surroundings.
A more realistic study would incorporate the cooling due to the radiation of energy. The analysis we
have just carried out shows that heat loss due to radiation will be proportional to the difference in
the fourth powers of temperature between the body and its surroundings.
HELM (2008): 47
Section 47.3: Physics Case Studies
Physics Case Study 5
Glass plate n
Air A1 A2 A3
Figure 5.1: Geometry of a light ray transmitted and reflected through a glass plate
48 HELM (2008):
Workbook 47: Mathematics and Physics Miscellany
Problem in words
Assuming that the internal faces of the glass plate have been treated to improve reflection, and that
an infinite number of rays pass through the plate, compute the total amplitude of the optical wave
passing through the plate.
Mathematical analysis
The objective is to find the infinite sum Λ = Ai of the amplitudes from the optical rays passing
through the plate. The first two terms of the series A1 and A2 are given and the following terms
involve additional factor r2 e−iϕ . Consequently, the series can be expressed in terms of a general term
or rank N as
Λ= Ai = At2 + At2 r2 e−iϕ + At2 r4 e−2iϕ + . . . + At2 r2N e−iN ϕ + . . . (1)
Note that the optical path length difference creating the phase lag ϕ between two successive light
rays is derived in Engineering Example 4 in 4.2. Taking out the common factor of At2 , the
infinite sum in Equation (1) can be rearranged to give
Λ = At2 [1 + {r2 e−iϕ }1 + {r2 e−iϕ }2 + . . . + {r2 e−iϕ }N + . . .]. (2)
The infinite series Equation (2) can be expressed as an infinite geometric series
Λ = At2 lim [1 + q + q 2 + . . . + q N + . . .]. (3)
HELM (2008): 49
Section 47.3: Physics Case Studies
Equation (6) is a complex expression for the amplitude of the transmitted monochromatic light.
Although complex quantities are convenient for mathematical modelling of optical (and other) waves,
they cannot be measured by instruments or perceived by the human eye. What can be observed is
the intensity defined by the square of the modulus of the complex amplitude.
50 HELM (2008):
Workbook 47: Mathematics and Physics Miscellany
Physics Case Study 6
A Air
Glass plate
Air A1 A2 A3 Ai
Figure 6.1: Geometry of a light ray transmitted and reflected through a glass plate
Problem in words
Find how the intensity of light passing through a glass plate depends on the phase lags introduced
by the plate and the transmission and reflection coefficients of the plate.
HELM (2008): 51
Section 47.3: Physics Case Studies
Mathematical analysis
The total amplitude of the optical wave transmitted through the glass plate is given by
Λ= . (1)
1 − |r|2 e−i(ϕ+2ξ)
Using the properties of the complex conjugate of products and ratios of complex numbers (
10.1) the conjugate of (1) may be expressed as
∗ A∗ t2
Λ = . (2)
1 − |r|2 e+i(ϕ+2ξ)
The intensity becomes
∗ AA∗ t2 t2
I ≡ ΛΛ = . (3)
(1 − |r|2 e−i(ϕ+2ξ) )(1 − |r|2 e+i(ϕ+2ξ) )
In 10.1 it is stated that the square of the modulus of a complex number z can be expressed as
|z| = zz ∗ . So Equation (3) becomes
|A|2 (tt∗ )2
I= . (4)
(1 − |r|2 e+i(ϕ+2ξ) − |r|2 e−i(ϕ+2ξ) + |r|4 )
Taking out the common factor in the last two terms of the denominator,
|A|2 |t|4
I= . (5)
1 + |r|4 − |r|2 {e+i(ϕ+2ξ) + e−i(ϕ+20 ξ) }
Using the exponential form of the cosine function cos(ϕ+2ξ) = {e−i(ϕ+2ξ) +e−i(ϕ+2ξ) }/2 as presented
in 10.3, Equation (5) leads to the final result
|A2 | |t|4
I= . (6)
1 + |r|4 − 2|r|2 cos(2ξ + ϕ)
Recall from Engineering Example 4 in 4.3 that ϕ depends on the angle of incidence and the
refractive index of the plate. So the transmitted light intensity depends on angle. The variation of
intensity with angle can be detected. A vertical screen placed beyond the glass plate will show a
series of interference fringes.
52 HELM (2008):
Workbook 47: Mathematics and Physics Miscellany
Physics Case Study 7
Mathematical Skills
Topic Workbook
Trigonometric functions [4]
The laws of optical reflection and refraction are, respectively, that the angles of incidence and
reflection are equal and that the ratio of the sines of the incident and refracted angles is a constant
equal to the ratio of sound speeds in the media of interest. This ratio is the index of refraction (n).
Consider a light ray propagating in air that impinges on a glass plate of index of refraction n and of
thickness e at an angle α with respect to the normal (see Figure 7.1).
Glass plate n
α α
wav wav
Air e E e (II)
Figure 7.1: Geometry of a light ray transimitted and reflected through a glass plate
At the glass plate surface, for example at point A, a fraction of the impinging optical wave energy
is transmitted through the glass and the remaining fraction is reflected. Because the speed of light
in glass is less than the speed of light in air, during transmission at the surface of the glass, it is
refracted toward the normal at an angle ψ. The transmitted fraction travels to B where a fraction
of this fraction is reflected and transmitted again. The fraction transmitted back into the air at B
emerges as wave (I). The fraction reflected at B travels through the glass plate to C where a fraction
of this fraction is reflected back into the glass. This reflected fraction travels to D where a fraction
of this fraction is transmitted as wave (II). Note that while the ray AB is being reflected inside the
glass plate at B and C, the fraction transmitted at B will have travelled the distance BE. Beyond
the glass plate, waves (I) and (II) interfere depending upon the phase difference between them. The
phase difference depends on the propagation time difference.
HELM (2008): 53
Section 47.3: Physics Case Studies
Problem in words
Using the laws of optical reflection and refraction, determine the difference in propagation times
between waves (I) and (II) in terms of the thickness of the plate, the refracted angle, the speed of
light in air and the index of refraction. When interpreting your answer, identify three ray paths that
are omitted from Figure 1 and state any assumptions that you have made.
Mathematical analysis
The propagation time difference between waves (I) and (II) is given by
τ = (BC + CD)/v − BE/c. (1)
As a result of the law of reflection, the angle between the normal to the plate surface and AB is
equal to that between the normal and BC. The same is true of the angles to the normal at C, so
BC is equal to CD.
In terms of ψ and e
BC = CD = e/ cos ψ, (2)
BC + CD = . (3)
cos ψ
The law of refraction (a derivation is given in Engineering Example 2 in 12.2), means that the
angle between BE and the normal at B is equal to the incident angle and the transmitted rays at
B and D are parallel.
So in the right-angled triangle BED
sin α = BE/BD. (4)
Note also that, from the two right-angled halves of isosceles triangle ABC,
tan ψ = BD/2e.
Replacing BD by 2e tan ψ in (4) gives
BE = 2e tan ψ sin α. (5)
Using the law of refraction again
sin α = n sin ψ.
So it is possible to rewrite (5) as
BE = 2en tan ψ sin ψ
which simplifies to
BE = 2en sin2 ψ/ cos ψ (6)
54 HELM (2008):
Workbook 47: Mathematics and Physics Miscellany
HELM (2008): 55
Section 47.3: Physics Case Studies
Physics Case Study 8
Mathematical Skills
Topic Workbook
Trigonometric functions [4]
Complex numbers [10]
Maxima and minima [12]
Diffraction occurs in an isotropic and homogeneous medium when light does not propagate in a
straight line. This is the case, for example, when light waves encounter holes or obstacles of size
comparable to the optical wavelength. When the optical waves may be considered as plane, which is
reasonable at sufficient distances from the source or diffracting object, the phenomenon is known as
Fraunhofer diffraction. Such diffraction affects all optical images. Even the best optical instruments
never give an image identical to the object. Light rays emitted from the source diffract when passing
through an instrument aperture and before reaching the image plane. Fraunhofer diffraction theory
predicts that the complex amplitude of a monochromatic light in the image plane is given by the
Fourier transform of the aperture transmission function.
Problem in words
Express the far-field intensity of a monochromatic light diffracted through an infinitely long slit-
aperture characterised by a uniform transmission function across its width. Give your result in terms
of the slit-width and deduce the resulting interference fringe pattern. Deduce the changes in the
fringe system as the slit-width is varied.
Suppose that f (x) represents the transmission function of the slit aperture where the variable x
indicates the spatial dependence of transmission through the aperture on the axis perpendicular to
the direction of the infinite dimension of the slit. A one-dimensional function is sufficient as it is
assumed that there is no variation along the axis of the infinitely long slit. Fraunhofer Diffraction
Theory predicts that the complex optical wave amplitude F (u) in the image plane is given by the
Fourier transform of f (x) i.e. F (u) = F {f (x)}. Since the diffracted light intensity I(u) is given by
the square of the modulus of F (u), i.e. I(u) = |F (u)|2 = F (u)F (u)∗ , the fringe pattern is obtained
by studying the minima and maxima of I(u).
56 HELM (2008):
Workbook 47: Mathematics and Physics Miscellany
Mathematical analysis
Represent the slit width by 2a. The complex amplitude F (u) can be obtained as a Fourier transform
F (u) = F {f (x)} of the transmission function f (x) defined as
with f (x) = 1 or f (x) = 0 indicating maximum and minimum transmission respectively, correspond-
ing to a completely transparent or opaque aperture. The required Fourier transform is that of a
rectangular pulse (see Key Point 2 in 24.1). Consequently, the result
sin ua
F (u) = 2a (2)
can be used. The sinc function, sin(ua)/ua in (2), is plotted in 24.1 page 8 and reproduced
below as Figure 8.1.
−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 ua/π
F (u) has a maximum value of 2a when u = 0. Either side of the maximum, Figure 8.1 shows that
the sinc curve crosses the horizontal axis at ua = nπ or u = nπ/a, where n is a positive or negative
integer. As u increases, F (u) oscillates about the horizontal axis. Subsequent stationary points, at
ua = (2n+1)π/2, (|u| ≥ π/a) have successively decreasing amplitudes. Points ua = 5π/2, 9π/2 . . .
etc., are known as secondary maxima of F (u).
The intensity I(u) is obtained by taking the product of (2) with its complex conjugate. Since F (u)
is real, this is equivalent to squaring (2). The definition I(u) = F (u)F (u)∗ leads to
2 sin ua
I(u) = 4a . (3)
HELM (2008): 57
Section 47.3: Physics Case Studies
−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 ua/π
I(u) differs from the square of the sinc function only by the factor 4a2 . For a given slit width this is
a constant. Figure 8.2, which is a plot of the square of the sinc function, shows that the intensity
I(u) is always positive and has a maximum value Imax = 4a2 when u = 0. The first intensity
minima either side of u = 0 occur for ua = ±π. Note that the secondary maxima have much smaller
amplitudes than that of the central peak.
The transmission function f (x) of the slit aperture depends on the single spatial variable x measured
on an axis perpendicular to the direction of the infinite dimension of the slit and no variation of the
intensity is predicted along the projection of the axis of the infinitely long slit on the image plane.
Consequently, the fringes are parallel straight lines aligned with the projection of the axis of infinite
slit length on the image plane (see Figure 8.3). The central fringe at u = 0 is bright with a maximum
intensity Imax = 4a2 while the next fringe at u = ±π/a is dark with the intensity approaching zero.
The subsequent bright fringes (secondary maxima) are much less bright than the central fringe and
their brightness decreases with distance from the central fringe.
Diffraction fringes
Slit aperture
Figure 8.3: Geometry of monochromatic light diffraction through an idealised infinite slit aperture
As the slit-width is increased or decreased, the intensity of the bright central fringe respectively
increases or decreases as the square of the slit-width. The Fourier transform variable u is assumed
58 HELM (2008):
Workbook 47: Mathematics and Physics Miscellany
to be proportional to the fringe position X in the image plane. Therefore, as the slit-width a is
increased or decreased, the fringe spacing π/a decreases or increases accordingly. It can be shown
from diffraction theory that
where λ is the wavelength, D is the distance between the image and aperture planes, and X is the
position in the image plane. When ua = ±π, = ±π so the first dark fringe positions are
given by X = ± . This means that longer wavelengths and longer aperture/image distances will
produce wider bright fringes.
HELM (2008): 59
Section 47.3: Physics Case Studies
Physics Case Study 9
Mathematical Skills
Topic Workbook
Trigonometric functions [4]
Exponential function [6]
Complex numbers [10]
Maxima and minima [12]
Sum of geometric series [16]
Fourier transform of a rectangular pulse [24]
Shift and linearity properties of Fourier transforms [24]
Diffraction occurs in an isotropic and homogeneous medium when light does not propagate in a
straight line. This is the case, for example, when light waves encounter holes or obstacles of size
comparable to the optical wavelength. When the optical waves may be considered as plane, which is
reasonable at sufficient distances from the source or diffracting object, the phenomenon is known as
Fraunhofer diffraction. Such diffraction affects all optical images. Even the best optical instruments
never give an image identical to the object. Light rays emitted from the source diffract when
passing through an instrument aperture and before reaching the image plane. Fraunhofer diffraction
theory predicts that at sufficient distance from the diffracting object the complex amplitude of a
monochromatic light in the image plane is given by the Fourier transform of the aperture transmission
Problem in words
(i) Deduce the light intensity due to a monochromatic light diffracted through an aperture consisting
of a single infinitely long slit, characterised by a uniform transmission function across its width, when
the slit is shifted in the direction of the slit width.
(ii) Calculate the light intensity resulting from transmission through N parallel periodically spaced
infinitely long slits.
(i) Suppose that f (x − l) represents the transmission function of the slit aperture where the variable
x indicates the spatial dependence of the aperture’s transparency on an axis perpendicular to the
direction of the infinite dimension of the slit and l is the distance by which the slit is shifted in the
negative x-direction. A one-dimensional function is appropriate as it is assumed that there is no
variation in the transmission along the length of the slit. The complex optical wave amplitude G(u)
in the image plane is give by the Fourier transform of f (x − l) denoted by G(u) = F {f (x − l)}.
The intensity of the diffracted light I1 (u) is given by the square of the modulus of G(u)
I1 (u) = |F {f (x − l)}|2 = |G(u)|2 . (1)
60 HELM (2008):
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(ii) In the image plane, the total complex amplitude of the optical wave generated by N parallel
identical infinitely long slits with centre-to-centre spacing l is obtained by summing the amplitudes
diffracted by each aperture. The resulting light intensity can be expressed as the square of the
modulus of the Fourier transform of the sum of the amplitudes. This is represented mathematically
IN (u) = |F { f (x − nl)}|2 . (2)
Mathematical analysis
(i) Result of shifting the slit in the direction of the slit width
Assume that the slit width is 2a. The complex optical amplitude in the image plane G(u) can be
obtained as a Fourier transform G(u) = F {f (x − l)} of the transmission function f (x − l) defined
f (x − l) = 1 for − a − l ≤ x ≤ a − l, (3a)
HELM (2008): 61
Section 47.3: Physics Case Studies
This is the same result as that obtained for diffraction by a slit centered at x = 0.
No matter where the slit is placed in the plane parallel to the image plane, the same fringe system
is obtained.
Consider an array of N parallel infinitely long slits arranged periodically with centre-to-centre spacing
l. The resulting intensity is given by Equation (2). The linearity property of the Fourier transform
(see subsection 1 of 24.2) means that
F{ f (x − nl)} = F {f (x − nl)} (8)
n=1 n=1
The function G(u) is independent of the index n, therefore it can be taken out of the sum to give
F{ f (x − nl)} = G(u) e−iunl . (10)
n=1 n=1
Taking the common factor e out of the sum leads to
e−iunl = e−iul {1 + e−iul + e−iu2l + . . . e−iu(N −1)l }. (11)
The term in brackets in (11) is a geometric series whose sum is well known (see 16.1).
Assuming that the summation formula applies to complex numbers
X 1 − [e−iul ]N
e−iunl = e−iul . (12)
1 − e−iul
Using (12) and (10) in (2) gives an expression for the light intensity
−iuN l 2
−iul 1 − e
IN (u) = G(u)e . (13)
1 − e−iul
Recalling that the modulus of a product is the same as the product of the moduli, (13) becomes
−iuN l 2
2 −iul 2 1 − e
IN (u) = |G(u)| e 1 − e−iul .
62 HELM (2008):
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The transmission function f (x) of a single slit depends on the single spatial variable x measured on
an axis perpendicular to the direction of the infinite dimension of the slit. The linearity and shift
properties of the Fourier transform show that a one-dimensional intensity function of diffracted light
is obtained with N identical periodic slits. Consequently, no variation of the intensity is predicted
along the projection of the axis of infinite slit length on the image plane. Therefore, the diffraction
interference fringes are straight lines parallel to the projection of the axis of the infinite slit on the
image plane.
In the expression for the light intensity after diffraction through the N slits, the first term
2 sin ua
is the function corresponding to the intensity due to one slit.
The second factor
N ul
sin 2
represents the result of interference between the waves diffracted through the N slits.
Physics Case Study 10 studies the graphical form of a normalised version of the function in (17) for
the case of two slits (N = 2). It is found that the oscillations in intensity, due to the interference
term, are bounded by an envelope proportional to the intensity due to one slit.
HELM (2008): 63
Section 47.3: Physics Case Studies
Physics Case Study 10
Mathematical Skills
Topic Workbook
Trigonometric functions [4]
Complex numbers [10]
Maxima and minima [12]
Maclaurin series expansions [16]
Diffraction occurs in an isotropic and homogeneous medium when light does not propagate in a
straight line. This is the case for example, when light waves encounter holes or obstacles of size
comparable to the optical wavelength. When the optical waves may be considered as plane, which is
reasonable at sufficient distances from the source or diffracting object, the phenomenon is known as
Fraunhofer diffraction. Such diffraction affects all optical images. Even the best optical instruments
never give an image identical to the object. Light rays emitted from the source diffract when passing
through an instrument aperture and before reaching the image plane. Prediction of the intensity of
monochromatic light diffracted through N parallel periodically spaced slits, idealised as infinite in
one direction, is tackled in Physics Case Study 9. The resulting expression for intensity divided by
a2 , 2a being the slit width, is
2 !2
sin uN l
sin ua 2
JN (u) = 4 (1)
ua sin ul2
where l is the centre-to-centre spacing of the slits and u represents position on an axis perpendicular
to that of the infinite length of the slits in the image plane. The first term is called the sinc function
and corresponds to the intensity due to a single slit (see Physics Case Study 8). The second term
represents the result of interference between the N slits.
Problem in words
On the same axes, plot the components (sinc function and interference function) and the normalised
intensity along the projection of the slit-width axis on the image plane for a monochromatic light
diffracted through two 2 mm wide infinite slits with 4 mm centre-to-centre spacing. Describe the
influence of the second component (the interference component) on the intensity function.
64 HELM (2008):
Workbook 47: Mathematics and Physics Miscellany
J2 (ul /π)
ul /π
−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8
Figure 10.1: Plots of the normalised intensity J2 (ul/π) and its component functions
The dotted line is a graph of the interference term
sin(ul) 2 ul
which is equivalent to 4 cos (4)
ul 2
HELM (2008): 65
Section 47.3: Physics Case Studies
The interference function (4) is the square of the ratio of two sine functions and has minima (zeros
because of the square) when the numerator is sin(ul) = 0 and when the denominator is sin(ul/2) 6= 0.
If n is a positive or negative integer, these two conditions can be written as ul/π = n and ul/π 6= 2n.
Both conditions are satisfied by the single condition ul/π = (2n + 1). As a result of scaling the
horizontal axis in units of π/l, the zeros of (4) coincide with positive or negative odd integer values
on this axis.
When the sine functions in the numerator and denominator of (4) tend to zero simultaneously, the
first terms in their Maclaurin series expansions give the ratio [(ul)/(ul/2)]2 = 4 which means that
the maxima of (4) have the value 4. They occur when ul/π = 2n (see Figure 10.1). Note that the
function obtained from the square of the ratio of two functions with periods 2 and 4 (in units of π/l)
is a function of period 2.
The solid line is a plot of the product of the functions in (3) and (4) (i.e. Equation (2)) for a slit
semi-width a = 1 mm and a slit separation with centre-to-centre spacing l = 4 mm. For convenience
in plotting, the product has been scaled by a factor of 4. Note that the oscillations of the solid line
are like those of function (4) but are bound by the dashed line corresponding to the squared sinc
function (3). Function (3) is said to provide the envelope of the product function (2). The solid line
shows a principal maximum at u = 0 and secondary maxima around |u/π| ≈ 2 with about half the
intensity of the principal maximum. Subsequent higher order maxima show even lower magnitudes
not exceeding 1/10th of the principal maximum.
The diffraction interference fringes are parallel straight lines aligned with the projection of the axis of
infinite slit length on the image plane as seen in Figure 10.2. The central fringe at u = 0 is bright with
a maximum normalised intensity J2 (0) = 4. Either side of the central fringe at u/π = 1, (ul/π = 4),
is dark with the intensity approaching zero. The next bright fringes have roughly half the brightness of
the central fringe and are known as secondary. Subsequent bright fringes show even lower brightness.
Note that the fringe at ul/π = 6 is brighter than those at ul/π ≈ 3.5 and ul/π ≈ 4.5 due to the
envelope function (3).
Diffraction fringes
Monochromatic !
plane wave D Image plane
Slit aperture
66 HELM (2008):
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Physics Case Study 11
Mathematical Skills
Topic Workbook
Vectors [9]
Polar coordinates [17]
Consider the general planar motion of a point P whose position is given in polar coordinates. The
point P may represent, for example, the centre of mass of a satellite in the gravitational field of a
The position of a point P can be defined by the Cartesian coordinates (x, y) of the position vector
OP = xi + yj as shown in Figure 11.1.
j vθ v
θ̂ r̂ vr
i θ
r vx
O x
HELM (2008): 67
Section 47.3: Physics Case Studies
derivative of v = (OP ), and use of expressions for (vr , vθ ) leads to the components (ar , aθ ) of
Mathematical analysis
The components (vx , vy ) of velocity v are derived from the time derivative of (1) and (2) as
dx dr dθ
vx = = cos θ − r sin θ (3)
dt dt dt
dy dr dθ
vy = = sin θ − r cos θ. (4)
dt dt dt
The components (ax , ay ) of acceleration are obtained from the time derivatives of (3) and (4),
d2 x d2 r dr dθ dθ d2 θ
ax = 2 = 2 cos θ − 2 sin θ − r cos θ − r 2 sin θ (5)
dt dt dt dt dt dt
d2 y d2 r d2 θ
dr dθ dθ
ay = 2 = 2 sin θ + 2 cos θ − r sin θ + r 2 cos θ. (6)
dt dt dt dt dt dt
The components (vx , vy ) of velocity v = vx i + vy j and (ax , ay ) of acceleration a = ax i + ay j are
expressed in terms of the polar coordinates. Since the velocity vector v is the same in both basis
vx i + vy j = vr r̂ + vθ θ̂. (7)
Use of known expresions for the basis vector (i, j) in terms of the basis vectors (r̂, θ̂) leads to
expressions for (vr , vθ ) in terms of the polar coordinates.
Projection of the basis vectors (i, j) onto the basis vectors (r̂, θ̂) leads to (see Figure 11.2)
θ̂ j
θ i
Figure 11.2: Projections of the Cartesian basis set onto the polar basis set
68 HELM (2008):
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dr dθ d2 θ
aθ = 2 +r 2. (18)
dt dt dt
dθ d2 θ
The angular velocity and acceleration 2 are often denoted by ω and α respectively. The
dt dt
component of velocity along θ̂ is rω. The component of acceleration along r̂ includes not only the
d2 r
so-called radial acceleration 2 but also −rω 2 the centripetal acceleration or the acceleration toward
the origin which is the only radial terms that is left in cases of circular motion. The acceleration along
θ̂ includes not only the term rα, but also the Coriolis acceleration 2 ω. These relations are useful
when applying Newton’s laws in a polar coordinate system. Engineering Case Study 13 in 48
uses this result to derive the differential equation of the motion of a satellite in the gravitational field
of a planet.
HELM (2008): 69
Section 47.3: Physics Case Studies