Making of Perfumes From Essential Oils Extracted From Lavender Plant Collected From Egerton University, Main Campus Njoro, Kenya

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Making of Perfumes from Essential Oils Extracted from Lavender Plant Collected
from Egerton University, Main Campus Njoro, Kenya

Article · December 2016


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Paul Waithaka Eliud Gathuru

St. Joseph's Kirima schools Egerton University


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Pyrex Journal of Biomedical Research
Vol 2 (6) pp. 35-40 December, 2016
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article
Copyright © 2016 Pyrex Journals
ISSN: 2985-8852

Full Length Research Paper

Making of Perfumes from Essential Oils Extracted from

Lavender Plant Collected from Egerton University, Main
Campus Njoro, Kenya
Paul Njenga Waithaka1*, Eliud Mugu Gathuru2, Benson Muriuki Githaiga2 and Jane Mbithe
School of Biological Sciences, University of Nairobi, P. O. Box, 30197-00100 Nairobi, Kenya.
Department of Biological Sciences, Egerton University, P. O. Box, 536 Njoro, Kenya.
Accepted 13 December, 2016
A study was undertaken to extract essential oils from flowers and leaves of the Lavender plant (Lavanda
officinalis) using water distillation method. The extracted oils were further mixed with different
proportions of methanol, ethanol and formaldehyde to make perfumes. Although there was no significant
difference in the amount of essential oils extracted from flowers and leaves of the lavender plant (P=0.08),
flowers gave higher yields of essential oils than leaves. In addition, there was no significant difference in
the percentage composition of the different compounds in the essential oils extracts from flowers and
leaves (P=0.46). Moreover, a mixture of methanol and formaldehyde gave the highest quality of perfumes
in the final products compared to when methanol, ethanol or a mixture of ethanol and formaldehyde is
used. Lavender plant is a potential source of essential oils for making perfumes. There is a need for
testing the essential oils of lavender plant from Egerton University for other uses such as their
antimicrobial properties.

Keywords: Egerton University, essential oils, Extraction, Kenya, Lavender plant, Perfumes.


Lavender plant’s flowers and leaves produce essential which include but is not limited to antimicrobial, antifungal
oils that can be put to many uses such as making of and anti-candida properties (Sekoussounon, 2012).
perfumes, flavoring of foods, and treating of diseases In addition the essential oils have shown expectorant
(Bachhav and Shankar, 2013). Analgesics, antimicrobial and cough stimulating activity. The disinfecting properties
and anti-inflammatory effects of lavender essential oils of essential oils from lavender plant has made them gain
have been reported from many parts of the world (Fornari allot of popularity in treating wounds, cleaning hospital
et al., 2012). Previous studies have shown that essential apparatus and scrubbing floors in hospitals (Vignesh et
oils from lavender are composed of cotronellal (57%), al., 2016). Besides, the essential oils possess herbicidal,
citronellol (15.89%), citronellyl acetate (15.33%) coupled insecticidal, antihelmintic, anti-tumor and anti-leech
with other organic compounds (Kaskoniene et al., 2013). properties not to mention their inclusion in integrated pest
The fore mentioned compounds have indicated a high management (Sambath et al., 2012). Beauty therapy is
potential for wide usage, both domestic and industrial one of the fastest growing industries in the 21 century.
This has created high demand for perfumes (Mann et al.,
2013). As a result, millions of people have fallen prey of
unscrupulous business people who have taken
Corresponding author email: advantage of the high demand to sell below standard
J. Bio. Res. 36

beauty materials (Jakhetia et al., 2011). The materials collected from Egerton University main campus, Njoro,
have proven to have dire consequences for many of their Kenya. The flowers and leaves were separately washed
users, creating a need for coming up with quality, safe to with running tap water and finally with distilled water to
use substances such as perfumes (Velavan et al., 2013). sterilize them.
The use of lavender essential oils in making of
perfumes saw the wake of the day back in ancient Extraction of essential oils
Chinese civilization where people would simply rub
flowers and leaves of the plant on their bodies. Since A sample of 400g of fresh lavender flowers and leaves
then, the use of essential oils from lavender plant has was separately loaded into 2-Litre round bottom flask
gained popularity (Enzo, 2011). containing 1.5 liters of water and placed on a heating
There are various methods of extracting of essential oils mantle having a power rating of 450 watt and timed. The
from plant samples. Expression is the oldest and the samples were boiled with water which helps to release
least complex. Plant materials are manually pressed until the oil held within the matrix of the flowers and leaves.
all the oils are squeezed out (Coelho et al., 2012). The volatile oils evaporated along with the water into the
Following at a close range is another method, popularly condenser connected to the flask at 100 C and
known as effleurage which involves spreading of plant atmospheric pressure (Figure 1). The condensed steam
materials on glass sheets coated with grease. The glass and oils were collected in a separating funnel where the
sheets are placed between wooden frames in tiers. The essential oil and water were separated. The water was
plant materials are removed by hand and changed until drained off gently and the oils were separately collected
the grease has absorbed their fragrance (Herrero et al., in a 10ml measuring cylinder and measured. The
2013). measurement was taken at an interval of 20minutes for
A similar method to effleurage is maceration in which 180minutes. The cumulative volume of the oil was
warmed fats are used to soak up flower smell (Patinha et measured and recorded. The traces of water in the
al., 2013). The grease and fats are in turn dissolved in essential oils were removed by adding 1 gram of
alcohol to obtain the essential oils. In an additional magnesium sulfate in the oil as a drying agent after which
method called solvent method, plant materials are placed the yield obtained was calculated using the formula given
in rotating tanks and drums. Benzene or petroleum ether below (Seid et al., 2014);
is poured over the plant materials so as to extract the
essential oils (Madziga et al., 2010). The method that is ( )
( )
currently witnessing allot of usage is steam distillation ( )
(Kabiru et al., 2016).
In this method, steam is passed through plant materials Determination of essential oil constituents
to convert the essential oils to gas. The gas is passed
through tubes followed by cooling and liquefaction. The In order to identify the chemical constituents of the
oils can also be extracted by boiling the plant materials in essential oils and therefore determine their quality, the
water instead of steaming them (Sovilj et al., 2011). The extracted essential oil samples were analyzed using Gas
main aim of carrying out this study was to make perfumes Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) Agilent
from essential oils of lavender plant. 6890 gas chromatography instrument coupled to an
Agilent 5973 mass spectrometer and an Agilent Chem.
The following operating parameters were used for the
essential oil sample: capillary GC column HP-5MS 5%
phenylmethyl siloxane\(30 x 0.25mm i.d. x 0.25 mm film
thickness), a carrier gas Helium (flow rate 1.2mL min-1)
Study area
and a split-less injection mode. Injector temperature was
250°C; Oven temperature was set initially at 50°C and
Egerton University Main Campus is located 180 then raised to 250°C at 10°C min-1 rate till the end of the
kilometers North West of Nairobi and about 30 Kilometers analysis. The eluted analyses detected using (5973
from Nakuru on a 144 – hectare piece of land donated by network) mass selective detector and Electron Impact
Lord Maurice Egerton of Tatton (1874 – 1958). The ionization (EID) was carried out at 70 eV.
coordinates of the university are: 0°22'11.0"S,
35°55'58.0"E (Latitude: -0.369734; Longitude: Making of perfumes
35.932779). The University lies at an altitude of
approximately 2,250 meters above sea level (GoK, The essential oils from flowers and leaves were
2014). separately blended together according to a formula given
by Andrea et al. (2013). The oils were mixed with varying
Collection of plant samples proportions of methanol, ethanol and formaldehyde to
develop the scent. The perfume was aged for 4 months,
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) flowers and leaves were after which the quality was determined as high or low
Waithaka et al. 37

Figure 1. Essential oil distiller

based on standards described by Chouitah et al. (2011). significant difference in the percentage composition of the
different compounds in the essential oil extract from
Data analysis flowers and leaves (P=0.46).

Data was presented using frequency tables. The Making of perfumes

relationship between time and yield of essential oils was
determined using Pearson correlation. The differences in The addition of a mixture of methanol and formaldehyde
yield of essential oils and the percentage of compounds to the scented products gave perfume of the highest
in the flowers and leaves were calculated using t-test. All quality (Table 3). In addition, addition of methanol yielded
the data analysis procedures were carried out using a product of high quality. However, a mixture of ethanol
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version and formaldehyde gave low quality product just like the
17.0 software. addition of ethanol alone.


Extraction of Essential Oils The induction period for extraction of essential oils was
between 0-20 minutes. Induction period, is the time
The percentage yield of essential oils varied from 4.5 required to rupture the cells of the plant material in order
after the sampled were heated for 180 minutes to 0.5 to release the oil and transport it to the condenser
after heating for 20 minutes in flowers (Table 1). On the (Girotra et al., 2013). In the present study, the induction
other hand, the percentage yield in leaves ranged from period was higher in the leaf as compared to the flower
3.5 after the samples were heated for 180 minutes to 0.1 samples. This may be attributed to differences in particle
after heating for 20 minutes. The weights of the plant strengths, suggesting that flower samples have higher
samples, volume of distilled water and the heating particle strength than leaf samples (Solomon et al.,
temperature were maintained constant at 400g, 1.5 L, 2013). This necessitated the longer induction time in
100 C respectively. There was a relationship between flower samples. The induction period observed in this
heating time and yield of essential oils from flowers (r=1) study agrees with results obtained by other researchers
and leaves (r=0.99). Conversely, there was no significant (Beena and Humaira, 2015). In both the flower and leaf
difference in the amount of essential oils produced by samples, the yield of essential oils increased with time
flowers and leaves (P=0.08). from 20 minutes reaching a maximum after 180 minutes.
This confirms Ficks’s second law of diffusion about the
Constituents of essential oils final equilibrium achieved by the solute concentrations in
plant matrix and in the solvents after a certain time
The percentage composition of myrcene in flowers was (Pereira and Meireles, 2010). Fick indicates that
4.02 and in leaves 4.30, β-lin1oo1 (0.69, 0.70), nerol extraction beyond final equilibrium solute concentration
(20.00, 24.99), citral (16.09, 15.06), limonene oxide (0.20, leads to no significant improvement in oil yield when
0.91), cineole (10.29, 11.02), berbenol (2.10, 1.56) and prolonging the extraction time. These results concur with
oleic acid (25.76, 24.86) (Table 2). There was no a study carried out elsewhere by Verma et al., (2010).
J. Bio. Res. 38

Table 1. Yield of Essential Oil extracted from flowers and leaves of the lavender plant
Plant part Weight (g) Distilled H2O (L) Heating time (Min) Temperature ( C) Yield (%)
Flowers 400 1.5 20 100 0.5
400 1.5 40 100 1.0
400 1.5 60 100 1.5
400 1.5 80 100 2.0
400 1.5 100 100 2.5
400 1.5 120 100 3.0
400 1.5 140 100 3.5
400 1.5 160 100 4.0
400 1.5 180 100 4.5
Leaves 400 1.5 20 100 0.1
400 1.5 40 100 0.3
400 1.5 60 100 0.5
400 1.5 80 100 1.0
400 1.5 100 100 1.5
400 1.5 120 100 2.0
400 1.5 140 100 2.5
400 1.5 160 100 3.0
400 1.5 180 100 3.5

Table 2. GC-MS analysis of eucalyptus leave oil extracted using different methods

Compound Composition (%)

Flowers Leaves
Myrcene 4.02 4.30
β-lin1oo1 0.69 0.70
Nerol 20.00 24.99
Citral 16.09 15.06
Limonene oxide 0.20 0.91
Cineole 10.29 11.02
Berbenol 2.10 1.56
Oleic acid 25.76 24.86

Table 3. Quality of perfume from flowers and leaves of lavender plant after addition of other ingredients

Ingredient Quality
Methanol High
Ethanol Low
Methanol + formaldehyde Highest
Ethanol + formaldehyde low

The percentage composition analysis of the essential oils the current study was carried out in an area that receives
carried out in the present study was meant to determine an adequate amount of rainfall. It is also evident that the
the quality of the products (Table 2). The results values obtained for the various components were almost
concurred with a previous study carried out in Nigeria by the same in both flower and leaves extracts. This
Kabiru et al., (2016). This could be attributed to the disagrees with the result obtained by Baba-Moussa et al.,
sources of the materials under study being similar (2012) in Benin. The variations could have emanated
ecologically (Bencheqroun et al., 2012). However, from differences in time of harvesting and methods of
Gracelin et al., (2013) obtained different results from the processing the samples (Gupta et al., 2015).
ones obtained in this study. The previous study targeted A study carried out elsewhere obtained similar results
plant materials collected from a semi-arid area while us on quality of perfumes, after addition of other ingredients
Waithaka et al. 39

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