Eligibility Criteria 2020 PDF

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तिमलनाडु के ीय िव विव ालय

(संसद ारा पा रत अिधिनयम 2009के अंतगत थािपत)

(Established by an Act of Parliament, 2009)
नील कु ड़ी प रसर|Neelakudi Campusकं गला चेरी|Kangalancherryित वा र/Thiruvarur- 610 005.
तिमलनाडु |TAMIL NADU |Email: admissions@cutn.ac.in |Fax: 04366 277 222
Phone: 04366 277337 / 277261


(Minimum Duration – 4 years)
Degree Subject Eligibility Criterion
A consistently good academic record possessing a Master’s Degree (two years
duration) or M.Phil. degree in Psychology/Applied Psychology or Allied Subjects with
Ph.D Applied Psychology a minimum of 55% marks [50% for OBC (Non-creamy layer) / SC/ST/PWD
candidates] preceded by a Bachelor’s Degree or an equivalent Degree of three years
duration from a recognized University/Institute.

A consistently good academic record possessing a Master’s Degree with a minimum of

55% marks [50% for OBC (Non-creamy layer) / SC/ST/PWD candidates] in
Ph.D Chemistry Chemistry/ Organic Chemistry/ Inorganic Chemistry/ Physical Chemistry or equivalent
degree, preceded by a Bachelor’s Degree or an equivalent Degree of three years
duration from a recognized University/Institute.
A consistently good academic record and possessing a Master's degree in Commerce/
MBA or Post Graduation in Financial Economics / Econometrics / Statistics or
Equivalent or ACA/ACS/CMA or M.Phil. in Commerce / Management / Financial
Ph.D Commerce Economics / Statistics of Equivalent obtained from any recognised Indian University or
its equivalent, with a minimum of 55% marks for General category and 50% marks for
OBC/SC/ST/PWD categories at P.G level.
A consistently good academic record possessing a Master’s Degree (two years or
Integrated five years) / M.Phil.degree with a minimum of 55% marks [50% for OBC
Ph.D Computer Science (Non-creamy layer)/SC/ST/PWD candidates] in Computer Science / Information
Technology or allied subjects, preceded by a Bachelor’s Degree or an equivalent
Degree of three years / four years duration from a recognized University/Institute.

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A consistently good academic record possessing a Master’s Degree in Economics with
a minimum of 55% marks [50% for OBC (Non-creamy layer) / SC/ST/PWD
Ph.D Economics
candidates] overall marks, preceded by a Bachelor’s Degree or an equivalent Degree of
three years duration from a recognized University/Institute.
A consistently good academic record possessing M.Ed. Degree, offered by NCTE
Ph.D Education
approved Institution with a minimum of 55% marks [50% for OBC (Non-creamy layer)
/SC/ST/PWD candidates].
A consistently good academic record possessing a Master’s Degree (two years
duration) with a minimum of 55% marks [50% for OBC (Non-creamy layer) /
Ph.D English SC/ST/PWD candidates] in the concerned or an allied subject, preceded by a
Bachelor’s Degree or an equivalent Degree of three years duration from a recognized
University / Institute.
The minimum academic qualification for admission to the Ph.D. programme is a
second class Master’s or equivalent degree in the relevant subject awarded by a
recognised university in India or abroad, with at least an average of 55 % of aggregate
marks, or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed. In
the case of SC/ST/OBC(non-creamy layer)/differently-abled candidates, the minimum
Ph.D Epidemiology & Public eligibility is an average of 50 per cent of aggregate marks, or an equivalent grade.
The programme suits for those candidates who have an interest/ expertise/ practical
exposure in the area of epidemiology and public health. Relevant subjects include
public health, epidemiology, social work, sociology, MD/ PSM/MVSc/MPH/, M.Sc.
Molecular Biology, M.Sc. Biochemistry, Masters in Life Sciences and relevant
A consistently good academic record and possessing a M.A./M.Sc. or M.Phil. in
Geography/Applied Geography or related disciplines of Earth Sciences obtained from
Ph.D Geography any recognised Indian University or Foreign University equivalent, with a minimum of
55% marks for General category and 50% marks for OBC/SC/ST/PWD categories at
P.G level.
A consistently good academic record possessing a Master’s Degree (two years
duration) in History with a minimum of 55% marks [50% for OBC (Non-creamy layer)
Ph.D History / SC/ST/PWD candidates] overall marks, preceded by a Bachelor’s Degree or an
equivalent Degree of three duration years in any discipline from a recognized

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M.Phil. or Master’s degree or its equivalent degree in the relevant or allied subject from
Ph.D Hindi any University/ recognised Institution with at least 55% marks (50% for SC/ST /PWD
candidates) at P.G. level.

A consistently good academic record possessing a Master’s Degree (two years

duration) with a minimum of 55% marks [50% for OBC (Non-creamy
Ph.D Life Sciences layer)/SC/ST/PWD candidates] in Life Sciences/ Zoology/ Animal Sciences/
Biomedical Sciences/ Biological Sciences/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Genetics/
Botany/ Plant Sciences, preceded by a Bachelor’s Degree of three years duration from a
recognized University/Institute.
A consistently good academic record possessing a Master's Degree in Management
(two years duration)with a minimum of 55% marks [50% for OBC (Non-Creamy
Ph.D Management layer)/SC/ST/PWD candidates] preceded by a Bachelor’s Degree or an equivalent
Degree of three years duration from a recognised University/Institution.

A consistently good academic record possessing a Master’s Degree (two years

duration) in Mass Communication /Journalism and Mass
Ph.D Communication/Communication with a minimum of 55% marks [50% for OBC (Non-
Mass Communication
Creamy layer)/SC/ST/PWD candidates] preceded by a Bachelor’s Degree or an
equivalent Degree of three years duration from a recognised University/Institute.

A consistently good academic record possessing a Master’s Degree (M.Sc.) (two years
duration) with a minimum of 55% marks [50% for OBC (Non – creamy layer)/SC/ST
/PWD candidates] in Materials Science Physics/ Chemistry / Applied Physics / Applied
Chemistry / Nano science / Nano technology / Electronics (OR) M.E./M.Tech.in
Materials Science/Mechanical Engg. / Metallurgy / Nano technology / Nano
Ph.D Materials Science electronics/Applied Electronics / Ceramic Technology / Polymer Technology (except
Computer Science/IT/Food Technology), preceded by a Bachelor’s Degree or an
equivalent Degree of three years duration from a recognized University /
Institute.Minimum marks in the qualifying examination for admission is 55%
forGeneral Category, 50% for OBC (Non-creamy Layer) and45% for

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A consistently good academic record possessing a Master’s Degree (two years
duration) with a minimum of 55% marks [50% for OBC (Non-creamy
layer)/SC/ST/PWD candidates] in Microbiology/Life Sciences/ Zoology/ Animal
Ph.D Microbiology Sciences/ Veterinary Sciences/ Biomedical Sciences/ Biological Sciences/
Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Genetics/ Botany/ Plant Sciences/, preceded by a
Bachelor’s Degree of three or five years duration from a recognized
A consistently good academic record and possessing a Master's degree in Music
Ph.D Music obtained from any recognised Indian University or its equivalent, with a minimum of
55% marks for General category and 50% marks for OBC/SC/ST/PWD categories.
A consistently good academic record possessing a Master’s Degree with a minimum of
Ph.D 55% marks [50% for OBC (Non-creamy layer)/SC/ST/PWD candidates] in Physics,
Physics preceded by a Bachelor’s Degree or an equivalent Degree of three years duration from a
recognized University/Institute.
A consistently good academic record possessing aMaster’s Degree (two years
duration)/ M.Phil.degree with a minimum of 55% marks [50% for OBC(Non-creamy
Ph.D Social Work layer)/SC/ST/PWD candidates] in P.G. in Social Work preceded by a Bachelor’s
Degree or anequivalent Degree of three years/ four yearsduration from a recognized

A consistently good academic record possessing a Master’s Degree (two years

duration) with a minimum of 55% marks [50% for OBC (Non-creamy layer)
Ph.D Tamil /SC/ST/PWD candidates] in Master’s degree in Tamil / equivalent subject in Tamil ,
preceded by a Bachelor’s Degree or an equivalent Degree of three years duration from a
recognized University.
Opening of Online Application Form: Entrance Exam Centres: Chennai &Thiruvarur
Closing of Online Application Form :
Entrance test comprises of 100 MCQs (50 on Research Methodology
& 50 on the relevant subject) and the duration will be 2 hours

Application Fee: For General and OBC candidates: Rs. 800/- For SC/ST candidates: Rs. 350/- For PWD candidates: Nil

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Requirement of experience:
(a) Regular teacher candidates working in CUTN Departments/Institutions having collaboration/MoU with CUTN with at least two
years of continuous teaching/research experience at degree and/or post-graduate level in the the subject concerned
(b) Regular non-teaching staff of this University/institutions having collaboration/MoU with CUTN provided that, the candidate has
at least 3 years of continuous service.
(c) Employees of recognized Education Institutions/Academic Staff College/Research & Development Laboratories and
Organizations/Industries/Public Sector Undertakings/Non-Governmental Organizations, with at least three years of continuous
teaching/research experience or three years of professional experience with Research Aptitutde.
(d) The candidates are required to submit the application through proper channel endorsed by the appropriate authority in his/her
organization to pursue studies on a part-time basis

Procedure for Admission:

Admission will be done through a two stage process
(i) an entrance test with qualifying marks as 50% (45% and above for OBC-NCL, SC, ST & PWD candidates). The syllabus of the
entrance test shall consist of 50% or research methodology and 50% shall be subject specific.
(ii) an interview/viva-voce.
For selection of candidates, a weightage of 70% to the entrance test and 30% to the performance in the Interview/Viva-voce shall be

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