Tutorial 1 (Blood)
Tutorial 1 (Blood)
Tutorial 1 (Blood)
1: Blood
2. Explain classification of human blood type based on ABO blood group system.
Type A – has the A antigen, antibody B.
Type B – has the B antigen, antibody A.
Type AB – has both the A and B antigens.
Type O – has neither the A nor the B antigen.
3. Explain why a person who is blood type AB+ can receive blood from any blood
type but can only donate to a person who is also blood type AB+.
Type AB is a universal recipient. Type AB lack anti-A and anti-B antibodies cannot
agglutinate donor RBC.
4. If your blood clumps with anti-A sera, what would your ABO blood type be?
Type B.
Agglutination – the recipient antibodies attach to the donor’s RBC and form
bridges that cause the cells to clump together.
12. An Rh- women is bearing her second child who is confirmed to have Rh+.
Describe the events that may occur if the mother is not treated with RhoGAM.
Rh antibodies will enter the bloodstream of her new fetus. Mother’s antibodies
will cause its RBC to swell and burst (Hemolytic disease of new born).
13. Describe the cancerous condition that involves white blood cells.
Leukemia, a type of cancer found in your blood and bone marrow, is caused by
the rapid production of abnormal white blood cells. The high number of
abnormal white blood cells is not able to fight infection, and they impair the
ability of the bone marrow to produce red blood cells and platelets.