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Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited: Non-Faculty Group 'C' Posts at Aiims Bhopal

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File No. BECIL/HR/AIIMS-BHOPAL/Advt.2020/38 Dated: 10.12.



(A Government of India Enterprise under Ministry of Information & Broadcasting)
(A Mini Ratna Company)
Corporate Office: BECIL Bhawan, C-56/A-17, Sector-62, Noida-201307
Phone: 0120-4177850, Fax: 0120-4177879 Website: www.becil.com


Applications are invited for recruitment/empanelment of following manpower purely on contract
basis for deployment in Office of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhopal.


Total Consolidat
S.N Essential qualification & Reservation
Name of Post No. of e fee per
. Age Experience Roster
Post month
1 Sanitary (i) 10+2 from recognized
Between 18 29200/-
Inspector board/Institute.
(ii) Health Sanitary Inspector (UR-1O,
Grade II years of
age Course
OBC-04, SC-
18 (1 year duration) from a
recognized Institution. 02,ST-
(iii) Not less than 2 years of 01,EWS-01
experience in the line in a 500
bedded hospital
2 Manifold Between 10+2 in Science with 29200/-
Technician 25-35 years 7 years' experience in Medical 08
of age Gas Pipeline System in a 200
(Gas Steward)
Bedded Govt. Hospital (UR-05,
Or OBC- 02,SC-
08 Trade Certificate or ITI Diploma in 01)
Mechanical Engg. with 5 years’
experience in Medical Gas
Pipeline System in a 200 Bedded
3 Cashier Between Degree in Commerce of 13 25500/-
21-30 years recognized University or
13 equivalent and (UR-08, SC-
(i) At least 3 years' 01, OBC-03,
Experience of handling accounts EWS-01)
work of a Government
Organization. and
(ii) Having proficiency in
Computer application
4 Electrician Not (i) 10th Class 06 25500/-
exceeding /Standard or equivalent
35 years (ii) ITI Diploma Certificate in
(UR-05, OBC-
Electrician Trade
(iii) Electrical
Supervisory certificate of
Competency; and Practical
06 experience of 5 years in erection
running /maintenance of different
types of HT and LT electrical
installations including UG cable
5 Stenographer Between 18- ) 12'" Class pass or equivalent 34 25500/-
27 years of qualification from a recognized
age Board or University (UR-16, SC-
OR ST-02, OBC-
09, EWS-03)
(ii) Matriculation or equivalent
qualification from a recognized
board or University with 5 years'
service (regular or ad-hoc) as
Stenographer in Govt.

(iii) Skill Test Norms:- Dictation: 10

mts @ 80 w.p.m.
Transcription: 50 mts (English) &
65 mts (Hindi)
[only on computers
6 Assistant Between 18 i) 12th pass or its equivalent from a 04 25500/-
Laundry -30 years of recognized Board/School. (UR-03, OBC-
age (ii) Diploma/Certificate in Dry 01)
04 Cleaning/Laundry Technology from
a recognized Institute.
(iii) 2 years' experience in a
reputed mechanized Laundry.
7 Security Cum Between 18 (i) 10 +2 from a recognized UR-01 25500/-
Fire Jamadar -30 years of Board/University; (Relaxable up to;
age class 10 in the case of Ex-
Serviceman who have excellent
01 record and have passed third class
examination of the Services).

(ii) Following Physical Standards:

a. Height: 167cms. And Chest : 80
cm with an expansion of 5 cm (For
residents of hill areas height May
be 162 cm
chest – 76 cm with an expansion of
5 cm)

b. Should possess sound health

free from

c. Vision in both eyes should be

6/12 (without glasses).

d. There should be no color


relaxation in height and chest will

have to produce the certificate to
this effect from the competent
authority viz. Deputy
Magistrates/Tehsildars of their
places of residence).

Note: The standards of Physical

Efficiency test may be relaxed by
the Director (AIIMS) in the case of
Ex-Servicemen only.

(i) Service in the Armed
Forces/Para Military Forces/Police

(ii) Experience M performing

security duties, preferably in a
Hospital of repute.
8 Modellar Between 21- Diploma/Certificate in Fine Arts/ 14 29200/-
(Artist) 35 years of Commercial Arts/Modeling from a (UR-08, SC-
age recognized Institution/University 01, ST-01,
With 2 years' Experience in OBC-03,
Illustration and modeling, in the EWS-01)
concerned department
Matriculation I equivalent with 5
years' experience in the concerned
department of a Medical College.

Degree in Graphic Design,

preferably qualification in
education, media and
9 Jr Scale Steno Between 21- 1. 12th Class or equivalent UR-1 25500/-
{Hindi} 30 years of qualification from a recognized
age board or university.
2. Skill rest Norms: Hindi shorthand
at a speed of 64 words per minute
and transcription at a speed of 11
1 words per minute and mistakes
should not exceed 8%

Excellent command over Hindi
(written and spoken

10 Junior Between 30- (i) Graduate from a recognised 10 19900/-

Warden 45 years of University or equivalent.
{House 10 age (ii) Two years' experience as a Jr. (UR-06, SC-
Keepers) Warden or 01, OBC-02,
equivalent in any (College EWS-01)
11 Operator Between 18- 1Oth Class /Standard or equivalent 12 19900/-
{E&Ml /Lift 30 (ii) ITI Diploma
Operator 12 years of age Certificate/equivalent in (UR-07, SC-
Related trade 01, OBC-03,
12 Plumber Between 18- i) ITI Diploma 15 19900/-
30 Certificate/equivalent
years of age in the trade with at least 5 years (UR-08, SC-
practical experience Should have 02,
the following experience: ST-01,OBC-
Working knowledge of the various 03, EWS-01)
types of specials used in the
plumbing trade of all types of pipes
of different materials and be able
to estimate requirements for any
15 job entrusted to h1m. Working
with various tools used in the trade
such as wrenches, spanners,
caulking tools, stocks and dies
thereof. Able to follow drawings
and sketches and execute work
according to lay out. Able to carry
out overhaul of bibcock's, ball
valves, sluice values including
grinding and seating
Possess Plumbing License
13 Wireman Between Academic Qualification: Should 20 19900/-
18-30 have passed ITI Diploma I equiv.
20 years of age qualification in trade. (UR-10, OBC-
Professional Knowledge: Electrical 05, SC-03,
workman permit/workman's ST-1 ,EWS-
competency certificate electrical 01)
workman's / lineman licence
(Certificate of competency Class -
II) or any other equivalent
certificate with at least 5 years’
experience in the line. Trade Test
14 Upper Division Between i) Degree of recognized University 06 25500/-
Clerk 21-30 or equivalent
06 years of age (ii) Proficiency in computers. (UR-5, OBC-
(iii) Skill Test Norm: Same as that 1)
Lower Division Clerk
15 Social worker Between 18- 10+2 from a recognized board and 02 (UR) 25500/-
35 8 years’ experience as Social
years of Worker
16 Gas/Pump Between 18- 10+2 in Science with 5 years’ 02 (UR) 25500/-
Mechanic 30 experience in Medical Gas Pipeline
years of System in a 200 Bedded Govt.
age Hospital
02 or
Trade Certificate or ITI Diploma in
Mechanical Engg. With 3 years’
experience in Medical Gas Pipeline
System in a 200 Bedded Hospital
17 Library Between 18- i) Matriculation or equivalent 03 (UR) 21700/-
Attendant 30 (ii) Experience of having worked in
Grade years of a Library for at least 2
II age years OR
Certificate in Library
Science/ Librarianship from a
recognized Institution.
Desirable: Knowledge of typing
18 Store Keeper- Up to 30 i) Graduate from a recognised 85 19900/-
cum-Clerk years university with one year
experience in handling stores. (UR-37, SC-
Desirable: Post-graduate ST-06, OBC-
Degree/Diploma in Materials 22, EWS-08)
Management from a recognised
19 Lower Division Between (i) 12'" Class or equivalent 37 19900/-
Clerk 18-27 qualification from a recognized
years of age Board or University. (UR-18, SC-05,
OR ST-02, OBC-
Matriculation or Equivalent 09, EWS-03)
37 qualification from a recognized
Board or University with 5 years’
service (regular or ad hoc) as Lower
Division Clerk in Govt. Organization/
(iii) A Typing speed of
35 w.p.m. in English or 30 w.p.m. in.
Hindi only on computer;

(35 w.p.m and 30

w.p.m corresponding to 10500
KDPH I 9000 KDPH on an average of
5 key depressions for each word.)
20 Dissection Hall Between 10+2 or equivalent with one year 08 19900/-
Attendant 21-30 years experience in the concerned (UR-05, SC-
of age department. 01, OBC-02)
08 Or
1Oth Pass with three years'
experience in the concerned
21 Mechanic (Air Between 1) Pass in Matriculation or 6 19900/-
Conditioning & 18-30 equivalent: {UR-5, OBC-1)
Refrigeration years of age
(2) Must have undergone a
minimum of 12 months'
Refrigeration Mechanic or
equivalent course, in a recognized
Technical Institute
and must have served one year's
apprenticeship in reputed firm or
organization of Air- Conditioning
and Refrigeration
Engineers. OR
Two years 'apprenticeship in a.
reputed firm or organization of Air
Conditioning and Refrigeration

06 (3) A minimum of one year's

experience as an Air Conditioning or
refrigeration serviceman, or aifr a
Junior Mechanic or in any other
skilled capacity on the maintenance
and installation of water coolers,
refrigerators, room air conditioners
and small air conditioning and cold
storage plants.

Note:- In case of candidate with

years’ experience clause 2 may

Trade Test:
(a) Use of leak detector in
testing leaf
(b) Soft soldering
(c) Simple filling and fitting
(d) Dismantle and assemble a
water pump
(e) Pump down a system upto
15 H.P
(f) Oiling and greasing
(g) Charge oil and gas in a
system upto H.P
(h) Dismantle and assemble a
compress upto 5 H.P
(i) Cut a compressor gasket of
any type and size.
*Including the posts of Operator/
Serviceman re-designated as
Mechanic(A/C & Refgn
22 Mechanic Between Should have passed ITI diploma 04 19900/-
{E&M) 21-30 certificate in the trade. Professional (3 UR, 1 OBC)
years of age
Trade certificate from a recognized
vocation training Institute. Three
years practical experience in a
workshop/ department dealing with
operation and maintenance of
mechanical plants
23 Lineman Between (i) 10th Class/ standard or equivalent 02 UR 19900/-
{Electrical 18-30 in related trade
years of age Experience: 2 years in the relevant
24 Manifold Room Between i) 10+2 with Science from a 01 UR 19900/-
Attendant 18-30 recognized Board
01 years of age (I) 3 years’ experience in Medical
Gas Pipeline System in a 200 Bedded
25 Driver {Ordinary Between i) Valid Driving License for driving 16 19900/-
Grade 18-30 heavy vehicles.
years of age ii) Knowledge of Motor (UR-08, SC-02,
Mechanism ST- 01,OBC -
iii) Experience: 3 years 04, EWS-01)
Desirable :
8th passed 3 years’ service as Home
Guard/Civil Volunteer.
26 Tailor Grade III Between (i) 10th Standard pass from a 02 UR 18000/-
18-27 years recognized School/Board
of age (ii) Certificate from ITI or any other
recognized Institution in the
trade of Tailoring.
Experience in stitching of
various types of clothes
27 Data Entry Between (i) 12th Standard pass or 01 UR 25500/-
Operator Grade 18-27 years equivalent
A equivalent. of age (ii) Should possess a speed of not
less than 8000 Key Depressions
per hour for Data Entry Work.
Note: The speed of 8000 Key
Depressions per hour for Data
Entry Work is to be judged by
conducting a speed test on the
EDP Machine(s) by the
Competent Authority.
28 Office/Stores Not (i) 10th Pass or ITI equivalent. 40 18000/-
Attendant exceeding (UR-19, SC-05,
{Multi-Tasking) 30 years ST- 03, OBC -
10, EWS-

29 Hospital Between (i) Matriculation from a recognized 106 18000/-

Attendant 18-30 years School / Board
Grade III (ii) Certificate course in Hospital (UR-46, SC-15,
(Nursing Services conducted by a ST- 07, OBC-
Orderly) 106 recognized organization (such as 28, EWS-
St. Johns Ambulance) 10)
Experience of having worked in a


S. Name of the post No. of Age Essential Qualification & Experience Reservation Consolidate
No Post Roster fee per
1. Public health Age Between B.Sc. (Hons) from a recognized 01- UR 47600/-
Nurse 01 21-35 years Institute/University + 2 years of relevant
2. Ass. Admin. Age Between Degree from recognized University or its 04 44900/-
Officer 21-30 years equivalent. Desirable MBA/PG Diploma in 03 - UR , 01-
04 management from recognized Institute.
Knowledge of Govt. Rules & Regulations. OBC
Proficiency in Computers.
3. Asstt. Engineer Not Graduate in Mechanical /Electrical 01- (UR) 44900/-
(A/C & R) exceeding 35 Engineering from a recognized university
01 years with 5 years exp. in design and
engineering of civil projects, preferably in
a Hospital environment.
4. Assistant Engineer Not Graduate in Civil Engineering from a 01- (UR) 44900/-
Civil exceeding 35 recognized university with 5 years'
01 years experience in design and engineering of
civil projects, preferably in a Hospital
5. Asstt. Store Officer Age Between Degree from a recog. University/ 04 44900/-
18-35 years Institution. PG degree/diploma
Material Management from a
(3- UR, 01
recognized university Or Degree in
Material Management from a
recognized University/Institution and OBC.)
3 years' Experience in store handing
(preferably medical stores).
06 Dietician Age Between M.Sc. (Home Science Food & 04 44900/-
21-35 years Nutrition) /M.Sc.(Clinical Nutrition & (2-UR, 01-
Dietetics)/ M. Sc. (Food Science & OBC, 01
04 Nutrition/M.Sc.(Food & Nutrition EWS)
Dietetics)/M.Sc. (Food Service
Management & Dietetics) from a
recognized University/Institution
07. Legal Assistant Age Between Graduate with experience of UR-01 44900/-
30-40 years minimum period of three years
assisting a qualified legal
practitioner/firm as Legal Assistant in
Legal department of Govt.
08. Librarian Gr.1 Age Between Graduate in Library Science or Library 02 UR 44900/-
(Document list) 21-35 years and Information Service from a
recognized University or Institute. Or
B.Sc. Degree or equivalent from a
recognized University and Bachelor
Degree or Post Graduate Diploma or
equivalent in Library Science from a
recognized university or Institute
02 .And

Ii 5 yrs exp, in a library of repute. iii)

Ability, to use computer hands on
experience in office application
spread sheet and presentations.
Desirable :
Diploma in computer application
from a recognized Univ. or Institute.
09 Manager/Supervis Age Between Degree in Mechanical Engineering 01 UR 44900/-
or/Gas Officer. 30-40 years with 5 years working experience with
Manifold or its repairs in supervisory
capacity in a Medical setup. Or
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
with 7 years' experience with
Manifold or its repairs in supervisory
capacity in Medical setup. Must be
capable of carrying out work
associated with the Medical Gas
Management distribution line, taps,
cocks and outlets.
Medical Social Age Between M.A. (Social Work).MSW, with 05 44900/-
10. Service officer 21-35 years specialization in Medical Social work,
Gr.1 (UR-03, SC -
from a recognized O1, EWS 01)
University/Institution. And 5 years'
experience in a government or
private hospital of minimum 200
beds. Desirable: Ability to use
computers -Hands on experience in
office applications, spread sheets and
11. Medico Social Age Between M.A. (Social work)/MSW with 01 UR 44900/-
Worker 18-35 years specialization in Medical Social Work
from recognized
University/Institution.5 years'
experience in a Govt. or Private
sector hospital of minimum 500 beds
01 in line with welfare or Health Agency,
preferably dealing with
Medical/Public Health Service.
Desirable: Ability to use computers —
Hands on experience in office
applications, spread sheets and
12. PACS Age Between B.E./B.Tech./MCA 2 years' experience 01 UR 44900/-
Administrator 21-35 years in Medical IT system PACS

13 Private Secretary Age Between (i) Degree from recognized 10 44900/-

(PS) 18-30 years university. (06-UR, 02-
(ii) Skill Test Norms: 0BC,
Dictation -7 minutes@120wpm. 01 - SC, 01-
Transcription -45 Minutes EWS.)
English or 60 minutes in Hindi
on a Computer. Desirable:
Diploma/Certificate in Dictation
-7 minutes @120wpm.
Transcription -45 Minutes
English or 60 minutes in Hindi
on a Computer.
Diploma/Certificate in
Secretarial Practice from a
recognized institute. Excellent
command over Hindi and
English (written and spoken)
Ability to use computers.
Diploma in Secretarial Practice
or equivalent.
14 Technical Officer Not B.Sc. in Medical Lab Technology or 12 44900/-
(Technical 12 exceeding 40 equivalent. 10 years' experience in the
Supervisor) (07-UR, 03-
years. concerned field. 0BC,
Or For posts in Anesthesia/Operation 01-SC, 01 –
Theatre, B.Sc. in OT techniques or EWS)
equivalent with 10 years' experience in
concerned field or 10+2 with science
with Diploma in OT Techniques or
equivalent with 13 years' experience in
concerned field.
15 Transport Age Between Degree from recognized University or 01 UR 44900/-
Supervisor 21-30 years Its equivalent. 2 years' experience of
managing vehicles in Govt.
01 Organization.

Desirable: Knowledge of Govt. Rules

and Regulations. Proficiency in
16. Warden (Hostel Age Between Graduate from recognized University 04 35400/-
Warden) 30-45 years /Institute. Diploma/Certificate in (03-UR, 01-
House Keeping /Material 0BC.)
04 Management/ Public Relation /Estate
Management. Possessing two years'
Experience of handling hostel in
Government/Reputed Organization.
17 Assistant Security Age Between (i) Degree of a recognized 01-UR 35400/-
. Officer. 18-30 years University or equivalent.
(ii) Following Physical Standards:
(iii) (iii) Height: 170 cms. Minimum
(relax able by 5 cms. Only for
residents of hill areas).
Chest: 81 cms (85 cms. After
expansion) (Relaxed by 5 cms.
Only for residents of hill
areas). Should possess sound
health free from defect /
deformity / disease. Vision in
both eyes should be 6/12
01 (without glass) There should
be colour blindness.
(Candidates claiming
relaxation in height and chest
will have to produce the
certificate to this effect from
the competent authority viz.
Deputy Commissioner /Distt.
Magistrate/ Tehsildars of their
placed of residence).
Desirable: Experience for at
least 5 years in keeping
security preferably in a
Hospital/ Medical Institution
of repute. Armed forces
personnel of the rank of
Subedar or Inspector of Police
from Civil /Para Military
18 Audiologist Age Between ASLP (Bachelor in audiology & 01 UR 35400/-
. 21-35 years speech language pathology from
RCI recognized institute /university
or equivalent.
19 Junior Reception Up to 35 Degree from a recognized 02 –UR 35400/-
Officer. years University. Desirable Post graduate
Diploma in Journalism/ Public
02 Relations. Experience in Public
Relations/ Publications/ Printing/
Publishing. Exposure to working on
Personal Computer.
20 Junior Accounts Age Between Graduate in Commerce Possessing 04-U.R. 35400/-
Officer 21-30 Years two years' Experience of handling
(Accountant) 04
accounts work in Government
21 Junior Hindi Age Between Master Degree of a recognized 01 UR. 35400/-
Translator 18-30 Years University in Hindi with English as a
compulsory or elective subject or as
the medium of examination at the
degree level.
Or master degree of a recognized
university in English with Hindi as a
compulsory or elective subject or as a
medium of examination at the
degree level.
Or masters degree of a recognized
university in any subject other than
Hindi or English with Hindi Medium
and English as a compulsory of
elective subject or as the medium of
examination at the degree level.
Or master’s degree of a recognized
university in any subject other than
Hindi or English with English Medium
and Hindi as a compulsory or elective
subject as the medium of the
examination at the degree level
Or master’s degree of a recognized
university in any subject other than
Hindi or English with English or Hindi
as a compulsory of elective subject or
either of the two as a medium of
examination and other as a
compulsory of elective subject at
degree level
And recognized diploma or certificate
course in translation from Hindi to
English and vice versa or two years of
experience of translation work Hindi
to English and vice versa in central of
state govt. office including
Government of India undertaking.
22. Laundry Manager Up to 50 12th pass or its equivalent from a 01 UR 35400/-
years recognized Board/School. Diploma/
01 Certificate in Dry Cleaning /Laundry
Technology from a recognized
Institute. 12 years' experience m a
reputed mechanized Laundry.
23 Librarian Gr. III Age Between Graduate in Library Science or Library 04 35400/-
21-30 years and Information Service from a (03-UR, 01-
recognized University or Institute. Or 0BC)
B.Sc. Degree or equivalent from a
recognized University and Bachelor
Degree or Post Graduate Diploma or
equivalent in Library Science from a
recognized university or Institute.
With 2 year's professional experience
04. in a Library of under Central /State
/Autonomous /Statutory
organization/ PSU /University or
recognized research and educational
Institution. Ability to use computers
Hands on experience in office
applications. Spread sheets and
presentations. Desirable in
Computers Application from a
recognized University or Institute.
24. Medical Record Age Between Bachelor Degree preferable with 05 –UR 35400/-
Officer. 21-35 years Science & Recognized University or
Equivalent. Should have done one
year course in Medical Record from
05 recognized Institution. Not less than
5 years of experience in organizing
and maintenance of Medical records
in a not less than 200 Bedded
Medical Hospital/Institute
25. Multi Age Between Bachelor Degree in Physiotherapy UR-01 35400/-
Rehabilitation 21-30 years from recognized Institute/University
(Physiotherapist) 01 with 2 years' experience Or Diploma
in Rehabilitation with 5 years'
experience Registered with the
Physiotherapy Council.
26 Occupational Age Between 10+2 In Science (Physics, Chemistry 01 UR 35400/-
Therapist 21-30 and Biology) and Bachelor Degree in
Years occupational Therapy from a
recognized Institute/University. 02
years' experience. Registered with
Occupational Therapy council.
27. Office Assistant Age Between Degree of recognized University or 58 35400/-
(NS) 21-30 years equivalent. Proficiency in computers. (26-UR, 15-
0BC, 08- SC, 04-
ST, 05-EWS.)
28 Office Age Between 1. Degree of recognized 02-UR 35400/-
Superintendent 21-30 years university or equivalent.
2. Proficiency in Computers
02 3. Typing speed @35 words per
minutes in English or 30""
words per minutes in Hindi
(Time allowed for 10
29 Personal Assistant Age Between Degree from recognized university. 13 35400/-
(PA) 18-30 years Skill Test Norms: Dictation -10 (08 -UR, 03-
minutes @ 100 wpm. Transcription - 0BC, 01-SC, 01-
40 Minutes English or 55 minutes in EWS)
Hindi on a Computer.
Desirable: Diploma/Certificate m
Secretarial Practice from a
recognized institute. Excellent
command over Hindi and English
(written and spoken)
30. Psychiatric social Age Between MA or M.Sc. in Psychology/Psychiatric 03-UR 35400/-
worker. 18-35 Social Work from a recognized
Years Institute/University. 5 years working
experience in Vocational Guidance &
counseling m Psychiatric Centre.
Desirable: Specialization m Social

31. Radiographic Age Between B.Sc. (Hons) (3 yrs. course) in 04 35400/-

Technician Grade- 21-35 (03- UR, 01-
I. Radiography from a recognized
years University/Institution. OR 0BC).
Diploma in Radiography from a
04 recognized Institution with 2 yrs.
experience. Desirable: Ability to use
computers-Hands on experience in
office application, spread sheets and
32. Store Keeper Age Between Degree from a recognized University 14 35400/-
18-35 years / Institution. Post Graduate Degree/ (08-UR, 03-
Diploma in Material Management 0BC, 1-SC, 1-ST,
from a recognized University / 1-EWS)
14 Institution; OR Bachelor's Degree m
Material Management From a
recognized University /Institution and
3 years' experience in store handling
(preferably medial stores.)
33. Speech Age Between B.Sc. Degree in Speech and Hearing 01-UR 35400/-
Pathologist 01 21-30 years From Recognized institution
/University. Desirable: (i) M.Sc. in
Speech and Hearing. (ii) Clinical
experience in a hospital in the field.
34 Technical Age (a) B.Sc. m Medical Lab. 81 35400/-
Assistant/ Bewteen25- Technology or equivalent. (35-UR, 21-
Technician 35 (b) 5 years' experience in the 0BC, 12-
years concerned field or - SC, 06-ST, 07-
(c) Diploma in Medical Lab EWS.)
Technology or equivalent.
(d) 8 yrs experience in the
concerned field or
(e) For posts Anesthesia
81 /Operation Theatre, B.Sc. m
OT techniques or equivalent
with 5 years' experience m
the concerned field.
(f) 10+2 with science with
Diploma in OT techniques or
equivalent with 8 years'
experience in concerned

- Age Relaxation may be considered in case of deserving candidates having relevant experience at
the discretion of the management.
- EPF/ESI/Bonus/Maternity and other benefits shall be applicable as per rule.
- Candidates may be called for interview/interaction in the ratio of 1:7 or as per decision of the
Competent Authority
- Reservation will be followed as per Govt. directives.
- Preference will be given to local candidates

Selection will be made as per prescribed norms and requirement of the job. No TA/DA will be
paid for attending the test/interview or joining the duty on selection. Mode of interview will
be informed separately. Application should be submitted ONLINE only for the above post. For
applying please visit the BECIL website www.becil.com or https://becilaiimsbhopal.cbtexam.in.
Go the ‘Careers Section’ and then click ‘Registration Form (Online)’. Please read ‘How to
Apply’ carefully before proceeding to register and online payment of fee. The instruction
(How to Apply) for filling up the ONLINE Application/Registration is attached below for

In case of any doubt/help please email as below:

For technical problem faced while applying ONLINE: khuswindersingh@becil.com
For queries other than technical: maheshchand@becil.com

Last date for submission of application forms is 26th December, 2020.

Mahesh Chand
Deputy General Manager (HR)

** On horizontal reservation basis

Candidates can apply for more than one post subject to eligibility but application money
for each is required to be deposited separately
The selection process would judge different facets of knowledge, comprehensive aptitude and Interview.
Candidates will have to pass through each stage successfully (including Medical examination if
applicable), before being adjudged as suitable for selection. Candidates, who fail in the prescribed
medical test, will not be given any alternative employment and decision of the BECIL is final on this
issue. Dates of Written examination and all recruitment related information shall be available only on
Website: www.becil.com or https://becilaiimsbhopal.cbtexam.in in career section and candidates
must remain in constant touch with it.
Computer Based Test: The test will consist of one paper to be held on the same day in the same
center) Paper will consist of multiple choice objective type questions, bilingual (Hindi/English), the topics
will be English, Math, Logical reasoning, GK/GA or English, Hindi, Math, Logical reasoning, GK/GA,
depending on the level of post.
There will be a total of 90 questions, each carrying equal marks. The Paper shall be of 90 minutes

No reimbursement shall be made to the candidate appearing for the written examination or for
Personal interaction /Skill Test, as the case may be.

Character & Antecedents: The success in the examination does not confer any right to appointment
unless the BECIL is satisfied after such an inquiry, as may be considered necessary, that the candidate
having regard to his/her character and antecedents is suitable in all respects for appointment to the service.

Age Relaxation:

 5 years for SC/ST

 3 years for OBC
 5 years for PH candidates

Upper age relaxation by 5 years for PH Unreserved candidates and 10 years for PH+SC or ST 8 years for
PH+OBC candidates for posts where reservation for PWD is admissible.
Candidates claiming reservation/age relaxation in more than one category will be entitled to only one
concession whichever is more beneficial to them.
Age relaxation for contractual employees working in AIIMS Bhopal

Ex- Wo Age
Upper Qualifying age Add SC/ST OBC PH
Serviceman men Total (in Years) Limit
Age may be kept Total
( The age shall for
Limit in case of experie
3 10 Period of 10 not be engage
as per existing nce in
5 Years Year Year service + 3 Year exceeded 56 ment of
age worker of AIIMS
s s Years s Years in any manpo
criteria AIIMS Bhopal Bhopal
case) wer
50 + Periods
27 40 7 52 50 57 of Service 57 57 56
44 + Periods
30 40 1 46 44 51 of Service 51 51 51
48 + Periods
35 40 5 50 48 55 of Service 55 55 55
45 + Periods
40 40 2 47 45 52 of Service 52 52 52

Payment of application fee (including postage charges) (non-refundable):

1. UR & OBC (including Ex-servicemen) candidates are required to pay a Non-refundable fee of
Rs.830/- (Rupees Eight Hundred Thirty Only)) and SC/ST/PWD candidates are required to pay a
non-refundable fee of Rs.600/- (Rupees Six Hundred Only). The mentioned fees does not include
any bank charges.

2. Application Fee including Bank transaction charges, once paid will not be refunded under any
circumstances. Candidates are, therefore, requested to verify their eligibility, the closing date for
submission of online application before paying the application fee plus bank transaction charges.

How to Apply :

1. Candidates are required to apply online through website www.becil.com career section only and
click on https://becilaiimsbhopal.cbtexam.in No other means/mode of application will be
2. Before applying for registration candidates are advised to have their Photo and Signature
scanned images for upload the file size should be not more than 100kb.

3. Candidate are required to have a valid personal e-mail ID. It should be kept active during the
currency of this recruitment process. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail
ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID before applying online. Under no circumstances,
he/she should share/mention e-mail ID to/of any other person.

4. Candidates are required to go to the website of BECIL i.e. www.becil.com and click on the link
“Career” https://becilaiimsbhopal.cbtexam.in

5. Thereafter, he/she may open the recruitment notification titled VACANCY ADVERTISEMENT
NO. 38,
6. He/she should thoroughly go through the vacancy notification first to let him/her know the
eligibility, age criteria etc.

7. Candidates will fill up all the details relating to his age, personal details, educational qualification
etc. online in the application form.

8. Candidates will have to upload scanned copy of passport colour photo, signature scan copy, The
size of these scanned copies should be within 100 kb and in jpg/.pdf files only.

9. The registration link will remain active from 18:30 hours 10.12.2020 and up to 23:59 Hours

10. After successful filing up of the application form, candidate are required to pay the requisite fees
through online mode only via credit card, Debit card, net banking etc

11. Only online payment of fees is applicable. There will not be any other mode of payment of
application fee. Demand Drafts, Cheques, Money Orders, Postal Orders, Pay Orders, Banker’s
Cheque, postal stamps etc., will not be accepted, towards application fee.

12. The online registration will remain active from 18.30 hours of 10.12.2020 to 23.59 hrs of
26.12.2020. only. In order to avoid last minute rush, the candidates are advised to apply early
enough. BECIL will not be responsible for network problems or any other problem of this nature
in submission of online application during last day due to heavy rush etc.

13. Candidates are advised to choose the post judiciously and fill in the requisite details in the online
application format carefully. There will be a pre-view of the application filled in by the candidate
before submitting the application, so that it can be edited. After submission of the application,
no modification will be permitted.

14. Mock/practice test will also be available in the website which candidates can practice, after the
admit card is live.

15. The tentative cities of examination will be Delhi/NCR, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad,
Guwahati, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Bhopal, Indore, Jabalpur, Gwalior, Ahmadabad, Lucknow,
Dehradun BECIL reserve a right to add or remove any test city, depending on the number of
application form the region.

##Candidates are advised to Apply through above mentioned website only, candidates will be
solely responsible for submitting their through any other website

General : Most Important

1. While applying for these posts, the applicant should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and
other norms mentioned above on the specified dates and that the particulars furnished by him/her
are correct in all respects. In case, it is detected at any stage of recruitment that a candidate does
not fulfill the eligibility norm and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information or
has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these
shortcomings is/are detected, his/her candidature will stand cancelled.
2. Candidates should keep sufficient numbers of same Photographs in reserve for future use
(candidate are advised to keep same photograph which they upload during the application phase
only colored photograph are permitted), which they are using in the application form.

3. Request for change of mailing address or e-mail address will not be entertained under any

4. At any stage, in case of discrepancy in language, version in English language will only prevail.

5. Court jurisdiction of any dispute will be at Delhi only.

6. Candidates will be deputed to AIIMS Bhopal as per the requirement

7. BECIL reserves the right to fix the minimum standard/qualifying marks for each component of
selection for all posts.

8. Candidates must remain in constant touch with BECIL website for information regarding
dates of written test, result of written test, schedule of Interview/Skill Test/, standards of
Vision for Medical test etc. The eligible candidates, whose applications are available on the
Master list may download the admit card through website www.becil.com or
https://becilaiimsbhopal.cbtexam.in only.

9. The admit card for written test, will NOT be sent by post or email. It will be downloaded
from www.becil.com or https://becilaiimsbhopal.cbtexam.in only.

NOTE: BECIL will not be responsible for any information issued/posted on any other

10. The issue of an Admit Card or result notification to appear in the Written Test fact of having
passed these tests or having been placed on the final merit list, will not be a proof of any
candidate’s eligibility. Candidature will be purely provisional subject to eligibility and other
verification. The onus of ensuring that candidate meets all the eligibility requirements will rest
on the candidate himself/herself all through the recruitment process. Candidates will be allowed
to appear in written test/interview/skill Test/Medical fitness test purely on provisional basis and
no candidate will have a right to appointment or any compensation only on the ground of having
appeared in or passed the written or any other screening test.

11. BECIL is not responsible for any printing error that might have inadvertently crept in.

12. In case of cancellation of exam due to any reason at any center candidates will not be paid any
kind of travelling expenses etc.

13. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate.

14. Bringing Mobile phone/Communication device in the examination Centre will be deemed
GUILTY OF MISCONDUCT & suitable action including immediate expulsion of candidate
from the examination hall will be taken.

15. Candidates are requested to follow all COVID-19 Protocol, without mask no candidate would be
allowed to enter examination hall, candidate having fever and any symptoms of COVID-19 will
not be allowed to enter examination hall.

16. Candidates should refer to advertisement given in the Employment News or on BECIL’s website
only, for the purpose of applying for the job. BECIL has not authorized any other
agency/vendor/website to publish the instant advertisement and application form or issue of admit
cards through online. The only and accepted mode of submission of application has
exhaustively been explained. In case of any discrepancy, in the advertisements published in
various newspapers/Employment News etc., the contents as put on www.becil.com, will prevail.
Any update, corrigendum etc. of this advertisement will be posted in our website only. Hence,
candidates are requested to keep in regular tough with our website, ie. www.becil.com

Disclaimer: Terms and conditions given in the advertisement are guidelines only. In case of any
ambiguity, decision of BECIL will be final and binding on candidates.

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