1 Form Winter 2020 Revision
1 Form Winter 2020 Revision
1 Form Winter 2020 Revision
Concert Report #1
Art of Listening, MUAR 211-001
You may write your answers to the questions on the front of this sheet by hand.
Was this concert given by a large ensemble (many performers on a part, e.g. an orchestra or
chorus), a smaller ensemble (only a few performers on a part, e.g. a small choir), or a chamber
ensemble (only one player on a part, e.g. a quartet or a solo with accompaniment)?
List the categories of instrumentation involved in the performance: voices, strings, brass,
woodwinds, percussion, piano or other keyboard, or electronic. Be as specific as possible.
In what time period(s) was the music on this concert composed? Use the musical style term (if
you know it or can find out) and/or the century when each work was composed.
What was/is the homeland(s) (i.e., country or countries) of the composer(s) on this concert?
On the reverse of this sheet, print (with a computer or typewriter; do not write out by hand) two
paragraphs (each about 6-8 sentences) about the concert, addressing the following:
1. Have you ever heard a live performance of any of this music before, music by the
same composer(s), or music similar in instrumentation/voicing, date, form, style, or
a. If so, compare this performance with the one(s) you have heard before.
b. If not, would you be interested in hearing more music like it or by the same
composer(s)? Why or why not?
2. Describe
a. What you liked most about this concert.
b. What you liked least about this concert.
c. Something new that you learned about music by attending this concert.