Assignment 1: COMP 250 Fall 2020
Assignment 1: COMP 250 Fall 2020
Assignment 1: COMP 250 Fall 2020
Learning Objectives
This assignment is meant for you to practice what we have learned in class in the past few weeks.
A lot of the design decision have been taken for you, but it is important for you to ask yourself
why each choice has been made and whether there could be a better way of doing it. You’ll soon
realize that the classes you have to write are all closely related to one another. We hope that the
assignment will help you appreciate the importance of class design. This is of course just a taste,
you will learn much more about it in COMP 303. As mentioned in class, we suggest you take the
time to draw out a class diagram. This should help you develop a clear picture of the relationship
between all these classes.
General Instructions
• Submission instructions
– Late assignments will be accepted up to 2 days late and will be penalized by 10 points per
day. Note that submitting one minute late is the same as submitting 23 hours late. We
will deduct 10 points for any student who has to resubmit after the due date (i.e. late)
irrespective of the reason, be it wrong file submitted, wrong file format was submitted
or any other reason. This policy will hold regardless of whether or not the student can
provide proof that the assignment was indeed “done” on time.
– Don’t worry if you realize that you made a mistake after you submitted : you can submit
multiple times but only the latest submission will be kept. We encourage you to submit
a first version a few days before the deadline (computer crashes do happen and codePost
may be overloaded during rush hours).
– These are the files you should be submitting on codePost:
Do not submit any other files, especially .class files. Any deviation from these
requirements may lead to lost marks
• ADDED ON SEPT. 22nd Please note that the classes you submit should be part of the default
package. Please remove any package declaration you have at the top.
• You will have to create all the above classes from scratch. The assignment shall be graded
automatically. Requests to evaluate the assignment manually shall not be entertained, so
please make sure that you follow the instruction closely or your code may fail to pass the
automatic tests. Note that for this assignment, you are NOT allowed to import any other
class (including for example ArrayList or LinkedList). Any failure to comply with
these rules will give you an automatic 0.
• Whenever you submit your files to codepost, you will see the results of some exposed tests.
These tests are a mini version of the tests we will be using to grade your work. If your code
fails those tests, it means that there is a mistake somewhere. Even if your code passes those
tests, it may still contain some errors. We will test your code on a much more challenging set
of examples. We highly encourage you to test your code thoroughly before submitting your
final version.
• You will automatically get 0 if your code does not compile.
• Failure to comply with any of these rules will be penalized. If anything is unclear, it is up to
you to clarify it by asking either directly a TA during office hours, or on the discussion board
on Piazza.
Toward a Tower Defense Game
For this assignment you will write several classes as a first step toward building a very simple Tower
Defense game. Tower Defense games are strategy games where the goal is to defend the player’s
territories by obstructing the advance of the enemies troops. Note that you do not need to be
familiar with Tower Defense games in order to successfully complete the assignment. Make sure to
follow the instructions below very closely. Note that in addition to the required methods, you are
free to add as many other private methods as you want. You can also add public toString()
methods in each class to help with the debugging process. No other additional non-private method
is allowed.
Let’s start by creating a skeleton for some of the classes you will need.
• Write a class called Tile. You can think of a tile as a square on the board on which the game
will be played. We will come back to this class later. For the moment you can leave it empty
while you work on creating classes that represents characters in the game.
• Write an abstract class Insect which has the following private fields:
– A Tile representing the position of the insect in the game.
– An int representing the health points (hp) of the insect.
The class must also have the following public methods:
– A constructor that takes as input a Tile indicating the position of the insect, an int
indicating its hp. The constructor uses its inputs to initialize the corresponding fields.
Do not make a copy of the object of type Tile.
– A final getPosition() method to retrieve the position of this insect. Do not make a
copy of the object of type Tile.
– A final getHealth() method to retrieve the health points of this insect.
– A setPosition() method that takes a Tile as input and updates the value stored in
the appropriate field. Do not make a copy of the object of type Tile.
• All of the following must be subclasses of the Insect class:
– Write a class Hornet derived from the Insect class. The Hornet class has the following
private field:
∗ An int indicating the attack damage of the hornet.
The Hornet class has also the following public method:
∗ A constructor that takes as input a Tile which represents the position of the hornet,
an int indicating its hp, and an int indicating its attack damage. The constructor
uses the inputs to create a Hornet with the above characteristic.
– Write an abstract class HoneyBee derived from the Insect class. The HoneyBee class
has the following private field:
∗ An int indicating how much this bee costs in food. Whenever a player wants to
place a bee in the game, they will need to have a certain amount of food available.
Larvae need to eat to become strong bees!
The HoneyBee class has also the following public methods:
∗ A constructor that takes as input a Tile which representing the position of the
bee, an int indicating its hp, an int indicating its cost in food respectively. The
constructor uses the inputs to create a HoneyBee with the above characteristic.
∗ A getCost() method which returns how much this bee costs in food.
– Write a class BusyBee derived from the HoneyBee class. The BusyBee class is used to
represent bees that collect pollen. This class has no fields, but it has the following public
∗ A constructor that takes as input a Tile which represents the position of the bee
in the game. The constructor uses the input to create a bee given with the given
position, health equal to 5, and food cost equal to 2.
– Write a class StingyBee derived from the HoneyBee class. The StingyBee class is used
to represents bees that sting their enemies. The class has the following private field:
∗ An int indicating the attack damage of the bee.
The StingyBee class has also the following public method:
∗ A constructor that takes as input a Tile which represents the position of the bee,
and an int indicating its attack damage. The constructor uses the inputs to create
a bee given the position, the attack damage, health equal to 10, and food cost equal
to 1.
– Write a class TankyBee derived from the HoneyBee class. The TankyBee class is used to
represents bees that are slow to sting, but are very sturdy. These bees are great to stall
the advance of a swarm of hornets. The class has the following private field:
∗ An int indicating the attack damage of the bee.
∗ An int indicating the armor of the bee.
The TankyBee class has also the following public method:
∗ A constructor that takes as input a Tile which represents the position of the bee, an
int indicating its attack damage, and an int indicating its armor. The constructor
uses the inputs to create a bee given the position, the attack damage, the armor,
health equal to 30, and food cost equal to 3.
You can now leave these classes as they are, we will come back to them later. Let’s now focus on
the two other classes:
• Write a class SwarmOfHornets. This class represents a group of hornets together. Despite
what the name ‘swarm’ might let you think, these hornets group together forming a very neat
line. The purpose of this class is to implement your own queue of hornets. Note that you
will not be tested on the efficiency of your code, but we highly encourage you to think about
how you can make your code more efficient when implementing a data structure that does not
have a fixed size of elements and for which the most common operations are removing the first
element of the queue and adding an element to the end of the queue. Note that even though
the remove method you will be writing for this class serves a general purpose, when using this
data type in this assignment only hornets in first position will end up being removed from a
swarm. We want to stress once again that you are not allowed to import any class for this
assignment! The class SwarmOfHornets must have the following private fields:
– An array of Hornets which will be used to store the hornets that are part of the swarm.
– An int indicating the size of the swarm, i.e. how many hornets are part of the swarm.
The class must also have the following public methods:
– A constructor that takes no inputs and creates an empty swarm. To do so, the fields
should be initialized to reflect the fact that at the moment there are no hornets in the
– A sizeOfSwarm() method that takes no inputs and returns the number of hornets that
are part of this swarm.
– A getHornets() method which takes no inputs and returns an array containing all the
hornets that are part of this swarm. The hornets should appear in the order in which
they have joined the swarm. This array must contain as many elements as the number
of hornets in the swarm, and it should not contain any null elements.
– A getFirstHornet() method which takes no inputs and returns the first hornet that
joined the swarm. If there’s no hornet in this swarm, then the method returns null.
Note that this method should not remove the hornet from the swarm.
– An addHornet() method which takes as input a Hornet and does not return any value.
The method adds the hornet at the end of the queue of hornets in this swarm. Make sure
to handle the case in which there might not be enough space for this hornet to join the
swarm. In such case, you need to make sure to create additional space. No hornet should
be rejected from the swarm. If need be, this is a great place to create your own private
method to help you with the implementation. Warning: make sure that no hornet is
removed from the swarm as a result of adding the new one.
– A removeHornet() method which takes as input a Hornet and returns a boolean. The
method removes the first occurrence (remember the hornets should appear in the
swarm based on the order in which they joined it) of the specified element from this
swarm. If no such hornet exists, then the method returns false, otherwise, after re-
moving it, the method returns true. Note that this method should compare hornets
using directly their reference.
• Go back to the class Tile which you have created before. To this class add the following
private fields:
– An int indicating the food present on the tile. Bee collect food to feed their larvea. This
is how strong bees are raised. If a player wants to add a new bee to the game, they will
need to have enough food to do so.
– A boolean indicating whether or not a bee hive has been built on the tile.
– A boolean indicating whether or not a hornet nest has been built on the tile.
– A boolean indicating whether or not this tile is part of the path that leads from the
hornet nest to the bee hive.
– A Tile containing a reference to the next tile on the path from the hornet nest toward
the bee hive. It contains null if the tile is not on the path or at the end of it.
– A Tile containing a reference to the next tile on the path from the bee hive toward the
hornet nest. It contains null if the tile is not on the path or at the end of it.
– A HoneyBee indicating the bee positioned on the tile.
– A SwarmOfHornets containing all the hornets positioned on the tile.
The class must also have the following public methods:
– A constructor that takes no inputs and creates a new tile. A new tile does not have a
bee hive, a hornet nest, nor is on the path that leads from one to the other. On a new
tile there’s no food, no bee, and no hornets. Initialize the fields to represent this.
– A second constructor that takes all the inputs needed to initialize the fields from this
class. The method takes the inputs in the same order as the fields are listed above.
Please do not make copies of any of the objects received as input.
– A isHive() method which returns whether or not a bee hive has been built on this tile.
– A isNest() method which returns whether or not a hornet nest has been build on this
– A buildHive() method which builds a bee hive on this tile. This is a void method that
simply updates the field indicating whether or not there’s a bee hive on the tile.
– A buildNest() method which builds a hornet nest on this tile. This is a void method
that simply updates the field indicating whether or not there’s a hornet nest on the tile.
– A isOnThePath() method which returns whether or not this tile is part of the path that
leads from the hornet nest to the bee hive.
– A towardTheHive() method which returns the next tile on the path from the hornet
nest to the bee hive. If this tile is not on the path, then the method returns null.
– A towardTheNest() method which returns the next tile on the path from the bee hive
to the hornet nest. If this tile is not on the path, then the method returns null.
– A createPath() method which takes two Tiles as input representing the next tile on
the path toward the hive, and the next tile on the path toward the nest respectively.
The method updates the respective fields, making this tile become a tile that is part of
the path that leads from the hornet nest to the bee hive.
– A collectFood() method with takes no inputs and returns an int representing the food
stored on the tile. The tile is then left with no food.
– A storeFood() method which takes an int as input representing the amount of food
received and it adds it to the food stored on the tile. This method does not return
– A getBee() method which returns the bee positioned on this tile. You should not make
a copy of this object.
– A getHornet() method which returns the hornet which first joined the swarm on this
tile. You should not make a copy of this object.
– A getNumOfHornets() method which returns the number of hornets positioned on this
– An addInsect() method which takes as input an Insect and adds it to the tile. Note
that a bee can be added to the tile only if there’s no other bee positioned on this tile.
More over, no bee can be positioned on the hornet nest! On the other hand, there’s no
limit to the number of hornets that can be positioned on a tile. But hornets can only
be positioned either where there’s the hornet nest, or where there’s the bee hive, or on a
tile that is on the path from the nest to the hive. The method returns true if the insect
was successfully added to the tile, false otherwise. Note that adding an insect on a tile,
not only changes the properties of the tile, but also the properties of the insect. That is,
the insect should now result as positioned on this tile. Once again, please do not make
a copy of the input object.
– A removeInsect() method which takes as input an Insect and removes it from the tile.
The method should also return a boolean indicating whether or not the operation was
successful. Note that removing an insect from a tile, not only changes the properties of
the tile, but also the properties of the insect. That is, the insect should now result as
not positioned on a tile. You can indicate this by updating the position to be null.
We are now ready to go back to the classes we created at the beginning.
• In the class Insect go back to the constructor and make sure that when an insect with a
specified position is created, such insect is also added to the corresponding tile. Note that it
is not always possible to do that (for example there cannot be more than one bee on the same
tile). If it is not possible to add the insect to the specified tile, then the constructor should
throw an IllegalArgumentException.
To the Insect class add the following public methods:
– A takeDamage() method which takes as input an int indicating the damage received
by the insect. The method applies the damage to the insect by modifying its health.
To do so, subtract the damage from the insect’s health points. Note that if the insect
is a bee positioned on the bee hive, then the damage should be reduced by 10% before
being applied (the damage should be rounded toward 0). Moreover, if after the damage
is applied the insect ends up having a non-positive health (0 or below), then the insect
has been killed. In such a case, it should be removed from the game. To do that, remove
it from the tile. This method does not return any value.
– An abstract method takeAction() which takes no inputs and returns a boolean. This
method should be abstract (thus, not implemented) because the action to take depends
on the type of the insect.
– Override the equals() method. It takes as input an Object and returns true if it
matches this in type, position and health. Otherwise, the method returns false.
• In the Hornet class do the following:
– Implement the takeAction() method. If there’s a bee positioned on the same tile as
this hornet, the hornet will sting it inflicting on the bee an amount of damage equal to
this hornet’s attack damage. If on the other hand there’s no bee on the same tile as
this hornet, then the hornet will try to move toward the bee hive. Unless of course the
hornet is already on the bee hive, in which case there’s nothing for this hornet to do (the
hornets have won the game!). In the case in which the hornet tries to move toward the
hive, it will do so by moving to the next tile on the path. Note that this means that
the tiles and the position of this hornet must all be updated accordingly. The method
returns true whether the hornet either stings a bee or moves to the next tile. Note that
you can assume that the hornet will never be positioned on a tile that is not the bee
hive, the hornet nest, or on the path from the nest to the hive.
– Override the equals() method. The method returns true if the Object received as
input matches this in type, position, health and attack damage. Otherwise the method
returns false. Note that you do not want to rewrite code that you have already written
in the superclass. How can you access methods from the superclass that have been
• In the HoneyBee class do the following:
– As for the Hornet, override the equals() method. The method returns true if the
Object received as input matches this in type, position, health, and food cost.
• In the BusyBee class do the following
– Override the takeAction() method. This type of bees collect pollen, so excuting an
action results into 2 food being added to the tile where the bee is positioned. The
method returns true.
• In the StingyBee class do the following:
– Implement the takeAction() method. A sting-y bee that is positioned on the path that
leads from the nest to the hive or on the bee hive itself will attempt to sting an hornet.
If on the other hand, it is not positioned on the path that leads from the nest to the hive
nor on the bee hive itself, then it won’t do anything and the method will return false.
Note that if the bee tries to sting an hornet, it is not just simply stinging a random one!
It will start to look for the first non-empty swarm that it can find on the path that leads
from the bee’s tile to the hornet nest. When it finds it, it will sting the first hornet in
the swarm by inflicting it an amount of damage equal to this bee’s attack damage. Note
that the bees cannot sting a hornet that is positioned on its nest! If there’s no hornet
to be stung, then the bee won’t do anything and the method return false. If the bee
stings a hornet, then the method returns true. Note that no matter what the bee does,
the bee will end its action on the same tile on which it was at the beginning of it. So,
this method does not modify the tile on which the bee is positioned on.
– As for the HoneyBee, override the equals() method. The method returns true if the
Object received as input matches this in type, position, health, food cost, and attack
• In the TankyBee class do the following
– Implement the takeAction() method. Tanky bees can only sting hornets that are
positioned on the same tile as them. The bee will look to sting the first hornet in the
swarm (if not empty) by inflicting them an amount of damage equal to the bee’s attack
damage. If no hornet is there, then the tanky bee doesn’t do anything. The method
returns true if the bee stings a hornet, false otherwise.
– Override the takeDamage() method. The method receives an int as input indicating
the damage the bee should receive. Since this bee is tanky, before applying the damage
to the bee (in the same way as takeDamage() from Insect does), the damage should be
multiplied by a multiplier which depends on this bee’s armor. The multiplier is a double
equal to 100/(100 + armor). The damage to be applied to the bee should be then round
toward 0. Once again, you do not want to rewrite code that you already have written
in one of the superclasses. How can you access methods from the superclass that have
been overridden?
– As for all the other bee classes, override the equals() method. The method returns
true if the Object received as input matches this in type, position, health, food cost,
attack damage, and armor.