Mechanics of Writing.

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Defining writing:
■ Writing is a medium of human communication that represents language
with signs and symbols.
■ Writing itself is not a language, but a tool used to make languages
■ The result of the activity of writing is called a text, and the interpreter or
activator of this text is called a reader.
■ The way non-verbal communication (including gestures, body posture,
timing, fillers, artifacts and distance), tone, pitch and spoken words make
face to face communication appear complete, effective and more
meaningful for listener. Similarly mechanics of writing are what
contributes with written signs and symbols to make written
communication equally effective and meaningful for reader.

■ Having strong skills in writing and grammar allows writers to get their
message or story to their readers in a clear and understandable way. It is
important to know the rules of grammar and how to use them properly.
Defining Mechanics of Writing:
■ Error-free writing requires more than just using good grammar.
■ Mechanics of writing specifies the established convention for words that
you use in your documentation. On the other hand, Grammar reflects
the form of words and their relationship within a sentence.
■ For instance, if you put an apostrophe in a plural word (“Create two
file’s”) or add a possessive sign next to a plural ending with “s/es”
(Students’s papers), you have made a mistake in the mechanics of
writing, not grammar.
Mechanics of Grammar
■ The function of capitalization is to emphasize words or to show their
■ The chief reason to capitalize a word is that the word is proper, not
because the word has greater status than other words. A proper noun
identifies a specific member of a class.
■ A common noun, on the other hand, denotes either the whole class or
any random member of the class. For example, King Henry VIII (a
particular member of a class) was a king of England (the class itself).
What to Capitalize?
■ Proper nouns
■ The letters of many abbreviations and acronyms
■ The first letter of the first word in numbered or bulleted lists
■ The first letter of these terms when they are followed by a letter or number: [“table,”
“figure,” “example,” “appendix,” “chapter,” “section,” “part,” and “step”]
■ The Roman numeral that designates the sequence of a part divider in a manual: [Part III]
■ The first letter of each term that identifies the name of a key on a keyboard: [ Control-A,
Escape key, the M key, Ctrl-Shift-Q]
■ The first letter of the first word in a sentence, unless the sentence begins with a literal
command name or other literal computer term that is not capitalized
■ The first letter of the first word of a complete sentence following a colon: [The software
saves time: You can now press a single key to accomplish what used to take hours of
complex calculations.] or [Select from two options: The Save option stores your changes
and the Discard option erases your changes.]
■ The first letter of the second element of a hyphenated compound word in a title or heading
unless the element is an article, preposition, or coordinating conjunction: [Installing a Half-
Inch Disk Drive], [Configuring the Audio-in Component]
■ Figure captions, example captions, table captions, and table column headings, using the
same rules as for titles and section headings
■ Hardware switch names and buttons: [Power-On/Off switch], [Standby switch], [Power
■ Contractions can potentially cause confusion for localization or nonnative English speakers.
When using contractions, follow these guidelines:
■ Never use a contraction when you want to emphasize the negative.
Incorrect: Don’t press the Escape key.
Correct: Do not press the Escape key.
■ Avoid obscure contractions, nonstandard usage, and regionalisms such as “mustn’t,”
“mightn’t,” ”you’d best,” “shan’t,” “ain’t,” or “don’t” to mean “does not.”
■ Never create your own contractions.
■ Avoid adding “’s” for “is” or “has” to form a contraction (for example, “that’s”).
■ This construction can be confused with possessive constructions.
■ Use “it’s” and “its” correctly.
■ “Its” is the possessive of “it.” “It’s” is the contraction of “it is.”
■ If you must use these constructions, make sure that the antecedent is clear.
■ Its features include expanding and contracting list items.
■ It’s the correct contraction to use.
■ The following contractions are not usually a problem for translators: “can’t,” “isn’t,”
■ and “don’t” (for “do not”).
Numbers and Numerals
■ A number is expressed by numerals (1, 2, 3, 4), by Roman numerals (I, II or i, ii), or by words.
Cardinal numbers use words such as “one, two, three.” Ordinal numbers use words such as “first,
second, third.”
Spell out numbers in the following situations:
■ Numbers from zero through nine, unless the number is part of a measurement or is used in
standards that are approved by organizations such as International Organization for
Standardization (ISO): [three computers (a count)], [3 MIPS (a measurement)], [XDR fits into the
presentation layer (layer 6) of the ISO reference model.]
■ Common units of time, greater than one second, from zero through nine: [five minutes], [three
■ The zeroes in extreme values, such as “million” and “billion,” but precede these words with a
numeral: [3 million instructions per second]
■ Any number that begins a sentence: [Ten files are required.]
■ A number that is immediately followed by a numeral: [Print twelve 500,000-byte files.], [Print 12
of the 500,000-byte files.]
Use numerals in the following cases:
■ Numbers 10 or greater
■ Numbers less than 10 if they are of the same type and appear in the same sentence,
paragraph, or bulleted list as numbers of 10 or greater: [The menu offers 11 options, but
you use only 4 options.]
■ Negative numbers
■ Most fractions (see “Using Fractions” on page 9)
■ All percentages
■ All decimals, including the leading zero: [0.15], [1.25]
■ All measurements [6 pounds], [3.5-inch disk drive], [12x12 feet]
■ Units of time smaller than one second: [5 milliseconds]
■ Bit and byte references: [4 bytes], [8-bit color]
■ Chapter, section, page, step, figure, example, and table numbers: [Step 4], [Section 6.2]
■ Part numbers. Use uppercase Roman numerals, for example, “Part IV”
Punctuating Numbers and Numerals
■ Numbers and numerals generally require the same punctuation as words. Punctuating
numbers and numerals becomes troublesome, however, when the numbers are
■ Do not hyphenate numbers or numerals when they serve as single modifiers. Your file
contains 500,000 bytes.
■ Hyphenate numbers or numerals in compound modifiers. Print the 500,000-byte file.
■ Do not use a comma in numerals of four digits. [1028 and 6000]
■ Use a comma in numerals of more than four digits. [10,000 and 600,000]
Follow these guidelines for the use of pronouns:
Avoid the indefinite pronoun or indefinite possessive pronoun, especially at the beginning
of a sentence, unless the noun to which the pronoun or possessive pronoun refers is clear.
■ Apronoun that forces a reader to search for an antecedent can frustrate or mislead the
reader. Pronouns that typically cause this type of confusion include “it,”“they,”
“its,”“theirs,”“this,”“these,”“that,” and “those.”
■ Incorrect: It also describes how to install the software.
Correct: This chapter also describes how to install the software.
■ Incorrect: You can use these either individually or together.
■ Correct: You can use these two options either individually or together.
Abbreviations and Acronyms
■ When using abbreviations or acronyms, follow these guidelines:
■ Do not use the Latin abbreviations e.g., i.e., vs., op. cit., viz., and etc.
■ In most cases, write out the full word or phrase and enclose its abbreviation or acronym in
parentheses the first time the word or phrase is used. Then, continue using the
abbreviation or acronym alone. Alocal area network (LAN) consists of computer systems
that can communicate with one another through connecting hardware and software. Your
company probably uses a LAN.
■ Do not spell out acronyms and abbreviations that are trademarked terms.
■ Avoid using acronyms and abbreviations in the plural form. Acronyms and abbreviations in
the plural form can potentially cause problems for assistive technologies and for
■ If you cite a term only once or twice in a document, show both the abbreviation or
acronym and the spelled-out version at each occurrence.
■ When writing out the full word or phrase, do not capitalize any letters unless the
letters are capitalized as part of a standard or begin a proper noun.
1. floating-point unit (FPU)
2. Internet Protocol (IP)
■ Do not shorten trademarked terms.
■ When using an acronym, ensure that its pronunciation is natural and obvious to a

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