MC No 09 S 12 Clarificatory Guidelines in The
MC No 09 S 12 Clarificatory Guidelines in The
MC No 09 S 12 Clarificatory Guidelines in The
Series of2012
Section 78 of DAR Administrative Order No. 07, series of 2011 on the "Revised
Rules and Procedures Governing the Acquisition and Distribution of Private
Agricultural Lands under Republic Act (RA) No. 6657, as Amended" provides that:
x x x "The LBP shall issue to the PARa a COD upon its receipt of the Order to
Deposit Landowner's Compensation. Within ten (10) days from the PARa's
receipt from the LBP of a copy of the COD, he/she shall immediately transmit
the COD, together with a copy of the ASP and a written request for the issuance
of a TCT in the name of the Republic of the Philippines (RP Title), to the ROD."
1. Issue the title of the land in the name of the Republic of the Philippines, after
the LBP has certified that the claim proceeds have been deposited in the
name of the La constituting full payment in cash and bonds, with due notice
to the La;
4. Issue title for the La's retained area and other non-CARPable areas.
, '.
In connection with the implementation of the CARP pursuant to RA 6657, as
amended by RA 9700, the DAR, LRA and its Registers of Deeds (RODs) are closely
collaborating with each other in the preparation and registration of CARP-related
docwnents, deeds and other instrwnents. LRA is now implementing and using the
Philippine Land Registration and Information System (PHILARIS) for the electronic
registration of titles and deeds involving the CARP under the Joint DAR-LRA
Memorandwn Circular No. 03, Series of2012.
3. In the claim folder documentation, the DAR has prescribed the same documentary
requirements for CA or VOS, the difference lies with the sending of a Notice of
Coverage (NOC) for CA, while an Acceptance Letter is sent to the landowner
(LO)-offeror by the PARO for a duly accepted letter-offer. The acceptance letter
is tantamount to an NOC, in case the LO-offeror fails to comply with the
documentary requirements. An additional cash payment of five percent (5%) is
given to LO under VOS scheme.
4. In case of rejection of the value initially determined by the LBP whether under
CA, VOS, or OLT, a sununary administrative proceeding is conducted by the
DAR Adjudication Board (DARAB), with the value initially determined by LBP
deposited in the account of the LO concerned.
5. The LBP upon receipt of the PARO's Order to Deposit LO's compensation, issues
a Certification of Deposit (COD), which is transmitted by the PARO to the
Register of Deeds (ROD) with a request to issue a TCT in the name of the
Republic of the Philippines (RP) or CLOA/EP in favor of the ARBs. The
surrender of the LO's Owners' Duplicate Copy (ODC) is dispensed with
considering the exercise of police power and eminent domain of the CARP
regardless of whether the mode of acquisition is CA or VOS.
6. The LBP shall release the LO compensation upon surrender of the ODC of title
and other muniments of title.
This Joint Memorandwn Circular is issued to guide and provide all concerned
personnel of the DAR, LRA and its RODs uniform and clear procedures and
requirements in the documentation and registration of the following:
AgencylUnit Activity FormslDocuments
ResDonsible (Requirements)
ROD Issues TCT in the name of RP for each lot or Regular Judicial Title
parcel to be issued CLOA and releases the Form for RP and LO
ODCs of RP Title to the PARO or his duly (original and duplicate)
authorized representative.
Orig. Duplicate Copy
(ODC) of Title in the
DARPO Upon receipt of the ODCs ofRP Title/s from ODe ofRP Title----=---1
the ROD, records, makes a photocopy of the CARPER LAD Form
same for file/reference and forwards the No. 58 (Transmittal to
ODC to LBP-AOC/HO LBP of copy of RP
AgencylUnit Activity FormslDocuments
Responsible (Requirements)
Date - - - -
LBP Keeps the Original ODC of the CLOA-TCT Orig. ODC of CLOA
and provide the PARO two (2) sets of TCT
certified true copies of the CLOA-TCT, Certified true copies of
simulating the appearance, color, and paper CLOA-TCT
of the same, to the PARO.
DARPO Transmits one (1) set of certified true copy of Cert true copy of ODC
Generates CLOA-OCT (original and owners Judicial Fonn No. 45
duplicate certificate) in favor of ARB and AlCLOA Fonn No. I-A
inscribes the lien in favor of LBP. The (OCT), RA 6657
annotation is same as in CLOA-TCT (1.2) (Original and duplicate)
1\gencylUnit Activity FormsJDocuments
Responsible (Requirements)
LBP Keeps the Original ODC of the CLOA-OCT Orig. ODC CLOA-OCT
and provides the PARO two (2) sets of Cert true copies of
certified true copies of the CLOA-OCT, CLOA-OCT
simulating the appearance, color, and paper
of the same, to the PARO.
DARPO Receives two (2) sets of certified true copies Cert true copy of ODC
of the CLOA-OCT and transmits one to the CLOA-OCT
ROD Annotates the registered EP, issues a Cert. true copy of LO's
Certified True Copy of LO's title on file at Title on file at ROD with
the ROD with the corresponding annotation EP annotation
and releases same to DARPO.
DARPO Receives the Certified True Copy of LO's Cert. true copy of LO's
Title with the corresponding annotation for Title on tile at ROD with
inclusion in the claim folder whether it is still EP annotation.
with DAR or at LBP.
LBP Processes OLT-CF and issues COD to the CARPER LAD Form
DARPO Forwards COD to ROD with the request to CARPER LAD Form
cancel LO's Title on file. No. 55 (LBP COD)
In case of partial
coverage, certified copy
of ASP and two (2)
certified copies ofTD.
ROD Cancels LO's Title on file at ROD. In case of Cancelled LO's title
partial coverage, issues separate title in the filed at ROD
name ofLO for the uncovered area. Separate Title III the
name of LO for the
uncovered area (Regular
judicial form)
Date _
DARPO Forwards COD to ROD with the request to OLT Form No. 14
cancel LO's Title on file and register the (PARO Request to
EPs. Cancel LO's Title on
file at ROD)
, .,
. AgencylUnit Activity FormslDocuments
Responsible (Requirements)
In case of partial
coverage, certified copy
of ASP and two (2)
certified copies ofTD.
EP (Original and
ROD Cancels LO's Title on file at ROD and Cancelled LO's Title on
registers the EPs. In case of partial coverage, file at ROD
issues separate title in the name of LO for the Registered EPs (Orig. &
uncovered portions. duplicate
Informs DARPO that ODC ofEP is ready for Original ODC ofEP
release to LBP
LBP Keeps the Original ODC of the EP and Original ODC ofEP
provides the PARO two (2) sets of certified Two (2) sets of certified
true copies of the EP, simulating the true copies of EP.
appearance, color, and paper of the same, to
the PARO.
DARPO Receives two (2) sets of Certified true copies Certified true copies of
ofEP and transmits one to the ARB. ODCEP.
This JMC shall apply to all CARP transactions submitted to and to be submitted to the
ROD relative to the acquisition and distribution of titled or untitled private
agricultural lands, under OLT, CA or VOS by landowners, government fmancing
institutions (GFI), corporations or partnerships, whether the land compensation is
accepted or rejected.
This JMC hereby amends all issuances inconsistent herewith.
# Administrator
Registration Authority