Condensate Recovery System Gestra

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Condensate Recovery and Return System SDR A

Condensate tank of rectangular design type SDR A with

high-pressure centrifugal pump(s) installed next to the tank

Application Rectangular condensate tank

Condensate tanks are used to collect type SDR A
the condensate coming from steam The standard range of rectangular
users or flash vessels. From the tank condensate tanks is designed for
the condensate is pumped into the condensate flowrates of up to
feedwater tank by a level-controlled 10 t/h and a max. service pressure
pump, in most cases via a deaerator. of 0.1 bar g.
Tank made of steel type S235JRG2
(RSt 37-2), inside: untreated, outside:
anti-corrosion coating
with two*) condensate pumps and
accessories installed next to the
tank, e. g. bimetal dial thermometer,
water-level indicator, GESTRA level
electrode and control for automatic
pump operation, non-return valves,
shut-off valves, high-pressure
centrifugal pump(s) and pressure
Completely assembled and
interconnected, control cabinet
supplied but not mounted.
Technical modifications reserved.
*) Except size 1
(only available with one pump)

Volume Pumping Discharge Pump Stock

l capacity m3/h head mWs capacity kW code
1 340 1 17 0.37 4901133
2 550 2 16 0.37 4901233
3 750 3 15 0.37 4901333
4 1000 4 19 0.55 4901433
5 1500 6 19 0.75 4901533
6 2000 8 17 0.75 4901633
7 2500 10 21 1.10 4901733

Optional extras
Plastic coating type “A” up to max. 130 °C
Plastic coating type “B” up to max. 95 °C

Tanks and valves made of other materials available on request.

Other pumping capacities and discharge heads on request.
Condensate Recovery and Return System SDR I

Condensate tank of rectangular design type SDR I

with submersible condensate pump(s) bolted on top

Application Rectangular condensate tank

Condensate tanks are used to collect type SDR I
the condensate coming from steam The standard range of rectangular
users or flash vessels. From the tank condensate tanks is designed for
the condensate is pumped into the condensate flowrates of up to
feedwater tank by a level-controlled 10 t/h and a max. service pressure
pump, in most cases via a deaerator. of 0.1 bar g.
Tank made of steel type S235JRG2
(RSt 37-2), inside: untreated, outside:
anti-corrosion coating
installed with two*) submersible
pumps on top and related
accessories and valves, such as:
bimetal dial thermometer, water-level
indicator, GESTRA level electrode and
control for automatic pump operation,
non-return valves, shut-off valves,
submersible pump(s) and pressure
Completely assembled and inter-
connected, control cabinet supplied
but not mounted.
Technical modifications reserved.
*) Except size 1
(only available with one pump)

Volume Pumping Discharge Pump Stock

l capacity m3/h head mWs capacity kW code
1 340 1 17 0.37 4901132
2 550 2 16 0.37 4901232
3 750 3 15 0.37 4901332
4 1000 4 19 0.55 4901432
5 1500 6 19 0.75 4901532
6 2000 8 17 0.75 4901632
7 2500 10 21 1.10 4901732

Optional extras
Plastic coating type “A” up to max. 130 °C
Plastic coating type “B” up to max. 95 °C

Tanks and valves made of other materials available on request.

Other pumping capacities and discharge heads on request.
Open-Type Condensate Recovery and
Return Tank SD L 100

Condensate receiver tank of cylindrical design type SD L (S) Application

with high-pressure centrifugal pump(s) installed next to the tank Condensate tanks are used to collect
L = horizontal design; S = vertical design the condensate coming from steam
users or flash vessels. From the tank
the condensate is pumped into the
Volume Pumping Discharge Pump Stock feedwater tank by a level-controlled
l capacity m3/h head mWs capacity kW code
pump, in most cases via a deaerator.
I 250 1 19 0.37 4901130
Open condensate tank of
II 390 2 17 0.37 4901230
cylindrical design
III 850 4 22 0.55 4901330
type SD L (S)
IV 1370 6 22 0.75 4901430 The standard range of cylindrical
V 2100 9 18 0.75 4901530 condensate tanks is designed for
VI 2900 12 25 2.20 4901630 condensate flowrates of up to 30 t/h
and a max. service pressure of
VII 3800 16 22 2.20 4901730
1 bar. Higher flowrates available
VIII 4500 20 19 2.20 4901830 on request.
IX 5900 25 25 3.00 4901930 Tanks available as horizontal and
X 6900 30 21 3.00 4902030 vertical design, made of steel
S235JRG2 (RSt 37-2), inside: untreated,
outside: anti-corrosion coating with
two high-pressure pumps and
associated valves and accessories
installed next to the tank: e. g.
bimetal dial thermometer, pressure
gauge assembly, water-level indicator,
level electrode and control for auto-
matic pump operation and non-return
valves. Completely assembled and
Optional extras interconnected,
Plastic coating from D = 1000 mm onwards possible: type “A” up to max. 130 °C control cabinet supplied but not
Plastic coating from D = 1000 mm onwards possible: type “B” up to max. 95 °C mounted.
Other valve and tank materials available on request. Technical modifications reserved.
Other pumping capacities and discharge heads on request.
Closed-Type Condensate Recovery and
Return Tank SD L 130

Condensate receiver tank of cylindrical design type SD L (S) with Application

horizontal-type centrifugal pump(s) installed next to the tank Condensate tanks are used to collect
L = horizontal design; S = vertical design the condensate coming from steam
users or flash vessels. From the tank
TÜV the condensate is pumped into the
Volume Pumping Discharge Pump Stock feedwater tank by a level-controlled
Size inspection
l capacity m3/h head mWs capacity kW code
charges pump, in most cases via a deaerator.
I 250 1 20 0.75 4901131 Closed condensate tanks
II 390 2 20 1.10 4901231 of cylindrical design
III 850 4 30 1.50 4901331 type SD L (S)
acc. to expenses

IV 1370 6 18 1.50 4901431 The standard range of cylindrical

V 2100 9 20 2.20 4901531 condensate tanks is designed for
condensate flowrates of up to 30 t/h
VI 2900 12 22 2.90 4901631
and a max. service pressure of 4 bar.
VII 3800 16 24 3.60 4901731 Higher pressure ratings and flowrates
VIII 4500 20 26 4.30 4901831 available on request.
IX 5900 25 28 5.00 4901931 Tanks available as horizontal and verti-
X 6900 30 30 5.70 4902031 cal design, made of steel boiler plate
type P265GH (H II), inside: untreated,
outside: anti-corrosion coating with
two horizontal-type centrifugal
pumps and associated valves and
accessories installed next to the tank:

e. g. bimetal dial thermometer, pres-

sure gauge assembly, magnetically
operated liquid level gauge, level elec-
trode and control for automatic pump
operation, safety device, overflow, air
vent, vacuum breaker, shut-off valves
Optional extras and non-return valves. Completely
Plastic coating from D = 1000 mm onwards possible: type “A” up to max. 130 °C assembled and interconnected, control
cabinet supplied but not mounted.
Other valve and tank materials available on request.
Other pumping capacities and discharge heads on request. Technical modifications reserved.
Steam Powered Condensate Return Tank

Condensate tanks are used to collect
the condensate from steam processors
or flash vessels. From the tank the
condensate is returned to the main
condensate tank or deaerator with the
aid of level-controlled booster steam.

Steam-powered condensate
return unit KH...
The standard version is suitable for
condensate flowrates of up to 10 t/h
and a max. service pressure of
13 bar g.
Tank made of steel type S235JRG2
(RSt 37-20) or of P265 GH (H II), inside:
untreated, outside: anti-corrosion
Associated valves and equipment such
as pressure gauge assembly, level
electrode and control for automatic
booster steam supply, non-return
Completely assembled, interconnected
and equipped with counter-flanges,
bolts and gaskets.
Technical modifications reserved.

For larger condensate flowrates use

our condensate recovery and return

Volume Pumping Booster Discharge

Type capacity steam head
l m3/h pressure bar
KH 13-2 50 2 13 9.10 4871212
KH 13-3 75 3 13 9.10 4871313
KH 13-5 100 5 13 9.10 4871414
KH 13-10 390 10 13 9.10 4871515

Other tank and valve materials available on request.

Steam Powered Condensate Return Tank
FPS 14

Volume Pumping Max. service Discharge

Type capacity pressure head
code Condensate tanks are used to collect
l m3/h bar g bar g
the condensate from steam processors
FPS 14-13 100 6.30 13 1.40 4871411 or flash vessels. From the tank the
For more information on booster steam pressure, capacities and discharge head refer condensate is returned to the main
to data sheet. condensate tank or deaerator with the
aid of level-controlled booster steam.

Steam-powered condensate
Other tank and valve materials available on request.
return unit type FPS 14...
The condensate is returned to the
main condensate tank with the aid of
booster steam, without electric power.
The standard version of the FPS 14 is
suitable for condensate flowrates of
6 t/h and a max. service pressure of
13 bar g.
The discharge capacity decreases with
rising back pressure. The tank is made
of steel type S235JRG2 (RSt 37-2) or of
P265GH (H II), inside: untreated, out-
side: antirust paint, and equipped with
non-return valves.
Completely assembled and intercon-

nected, inclusive of counter-flanges,

bolts and gaskets.
Technical modifications reserved.

For larger condensate flowrates use

our condensate recovery and return


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