CB-8494 C-B NATCOM Brochure - 2020-WEB

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Advanced burner technology for stringent emissions requirements
Our Technological Edge
HyperMixTM technology for ultra-low NOx
and CO with compact flame to fit large
packaged units

On-line adjustability and possible removal of

individual gas injectors

Multi-fuels applications including natural gas,

refinery gas, landfill gas (LFG) and other processed
waste gases, light to heavy fuel oils, and liquid
waste streams

Air flow meter for strong control signal at

high turndown

No refractory burner throat

Unmatched flame stability with

Center-Core technology

100% reliable ignition

NOx levels less than 30 ppm – No Flue Gas Custom products

Recirculation (FGR)
built to your exact needs
Ultra-low NOx levels less than 7 ppm – FGR
Every Cleaver-Brooks Natcom® burner is custom built
Ultra-low excess air/high efficiency to exacting specifications to meet each application and
furnace configuration, ensuring seamless integration, and
High turndown ratio: 40 to 1 on gas/ unmatched fit and finish.
10 to 1 on oil

Center-Core Technology
Our Center-Core technology provides ultra-stable load following and remarkably reliable turndown
performance. Tuning and maintenance can be completed online, including an adjustable fuel injection
system. Cleaver-Brooks burners are found worldwide on a variety of industrial and utility boiler installations
with capabilities ranging from 20 to over 1,000 MMBTU/hr.


and testing
Our advanced, in-house Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) modeling is the key to our
revolutionary HyperMix™ burner technology.
Matching burner flame and furnace aerodynamics
optimizes efficiency and lowers emissions
without costly field tests. Simulations in a virtual
environment provide calculations for fuel and
air distribution in any furnace configuration. Our
HyperMix™ technology provides ultra-low NOx,
ultra-low CO, and minimal particulate matter (PM).

Single supplier to
provide the industry’s
best service
With more than 90 years of combustion experience in
industrial applications, our Engineering Services include:

• Power plant engineering audits

• CFD analysis
• System retrofitting studies
• Turnkey installation supervision
• Local product and service support anywhere
in the world

Our factory-trained Field Technicians provide reliable,

timely start-up and commissioning services for all
retrofit projects.

Cleaver-Brooks is the global leader in single-source

custom burner experience.
• Petrochemical and refineries
• Institutions
• Metal industries
Industries and Markets • Food processing
• Pulp/paper mills
• Utilities
• Distilleries/breweries
• Automotive manufacturers

The NCB Burner System
Cleaver-Brooks’ NCB burner is a unique packaged burner
system for new boilers and retrofit markets. Single burner
up to 300 MBTU.

These burners are equipped with advanced Natcom design

features, including adjustable gas injectors, Class-III igniters,
atomizers with coupling block valves, industrial-grade
pneumatic actuators, and 4-20mA positioners. In addition,
our NCB product line meets all NFPA and CSA guidelines
and standards.

Windbox-Mounted Fan:
• H
 eavy-duty fan construction to reduce
noise and prolong equipment life
• W
 indbox-mounted control panel
with swing-away capability for
shipment clearance
• C
 ustom control system in single-point,
parallel, or fully metered configuration
• P
 recise, rugged CAMLINK™ system for
single-point positioning, high turndown,
and excess O2 control
• E
 asy access, windbox-mounted fuel
trains built per ASME B31.3
Large-Capacity Burners:
• C
 ompact arrangement with integrated
air flow element and silencer • Stand-alone burner and windbox arrangements
• Air-handling equipment package
• Rack-mounted fuel trains
• Control system with fully metered CCS

Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)
SCR is a proven technology to further reduce NOx emissions on boilers and HRSG 8
systems of up to 95%. Integration of a Cleaver-Brooks Natcom burner and SCR
will provide operational flexibility, highest efficiency, and lowest emissions for any
boiler design. Cleaver-Brooks has the expertise and experience to meet your needs.

1 Controls 2 Boiler
A single integrated system that controls the boiler, With a complete, single-source
burner, and SCR. Control the entire system from Cleaver-Brooks boiler system, we can
one simple-to-use HMI. choose the right boiler to optimize
the system that best meets your
application. An SCR system can
be paired with any new or existing
3 Ammonia metering and firetube, industrial watertube, or heat
dilution skid recovery steam generator.
Three types of ammonia systems available:
• Anhydrous Ammonia (NH3)
• Aqueous Ammonia (NH3+H2O)
• Urea (NH2)2CO

4 Ammonia injection grid and
flow conditioning devices
Boiler outlet transition redesigned for best distribution.
AIG strategically located to inject ammonia into the
flue gas stream.

5 Catalyst reactor
Ammonia mixes with flue gas in reactor, resulting in a
uniform distribution to optimize catalyst performance.
For each application, the catalyst bed geometry is 5
optimized. The highest quality corrugated catalyst is
used with vanadium, titanium, or tungsten oxides as
active agents.

6 Heat recovery
A custom heat recovery system allows flue gas 4
temperatures to be optimized, resulting in the most
effective reduction of NOx emissions. Recovering
the waste heat of the flue gas with an economizer
increases the efficiency of the boiler.

7 Structure, platforms, ladders, and piping
Complete engineering of all ancillary walkways,
structures, etc., is included in our
comprehensive integration.

8 Exhaust systems
An exhaust system designed specifically for your
system, with both installation-ready and freestanding
stacks available.

Burner Retrofits
Retrofitting is simple with burner systems from Cleaver-Brooks. As a single-source provider, we
guarantee a trouble-free retrofit process from start to finish.

Our experienced engineers oversee each project and work closely with Cleaver-Brooks’ global customer
support team to ensure a successful outcome. Our services include complete project documentation,
on-site supervision, field installation, start-up, and commissioning, as well as operator training to guarantee
system performance.

Whether a burner solution to comply with new emissions standards, addition of an alternative fuel source,
or replacement of an obsolete burner system, Cleaver-Brooks’ high-efficiency, ultra-low-emissions systems
are an ideal choice.

Retrofit Applications:
• Oil and gas retrofit burners for:
- Industrial Watertube Boilers
- Field-Erected Boilers
- Utility Boilers
- Thermal Processing Systems
- HRSG Retrofit

• Other retrofit options:
- Control Systems
- Fuel Trains
- Air Handlings
- Combustion Air Blowers

Utility Burners

Years of experience and expertise allow Cleaver-Brooks to meet the rigorous standards of the utility industry.
Our proven Utility Burner systems provide solutions for new emissions requirements, fuel conversions, and
retrofit upgrades.

Cleaver-Brooks uses in-house, proprietary combustion modeling to design and fabricate burners that ensure
low emissions and safe and reliable operations for years of dependable service.

• Ultra-low-NOx, CO, volatile
organic compounds (VOC), and
PM emissions
• Reliable air shutter and oil atomizer
retraction mechanisms
• Stable and dependable
ignition systems
• Low-maintenance design

Duct Burners
We are the only duct burner supplier to offer a complete system with an innovative duct
burner solution for the cogeneration and combined cycle markets.

Cleaver-Brooks’ proven duct burner technology

ensures the lowest levels of NOx, CO, VOC,
and PM emissions available, even in the most
challenging service conditions.

Our innovative flame stabilizer system with

a two-zone fuel manifold generates uniform
combustion and even heat distribution to
fit any heat recovery steam generator
(HRSG) configuration.

Cleaver-Brooks’ in-house simulation experience

allows accurate and complete modeling of
the turbine exhaust flow, distribution grid,
combustion, heat recovery system, and selective
catalytic reduction (SCR) performance.

• S
 elf-supporting, high-temperature stainless assembly
eliminates common “element sagging” issues
• A
 n exclusive Retro™ fuel injection system enhances
turbine exhaust gas (TEG) and fuel mixing for optimal
flame control

• F
 lame stabilizing system (with TEG staged cooling
zones) assures reliable, low-emissions performance and
extended burner life

• C
 omplete CFD analysis, design, and fabrication of TEG
CFD model of duct burner
flow correction devices, including distribution grids,
turning vanes, and anti-swirl systems


Burners Systems
The custom approach to burner design extends
to the Cleaver-Brooks specialty product line for
thermal processing. We offer the perfect burner
solution for industrial drying, air heating, and
thermal oxidizing processes.

These custom systems feature cutting-edge

design, engineering, system modeling, and
testing to ensure the highest performance
and lowest emissions in your thermal
processing application.

Air Heater Features:

• Lower NOx emissions
• Lower excess air
• Improved efficiency
• Reduced equipment footprint
• Greater flexibility to meet new challenges


Control Systems
The brains behind the system
The Cleaver-Brooks approach delivers seamless, fully integrated
and proven control packages that ensure optimized performance of
the boiler plant. Cleaver-Brooks R & D team collaborates with plant
engineers with their specific expertise and experience with boilers,
burners, emission control, boiler plant auxiliaries as well as start up and
commissioning to develop next generation integrated control systems.
Our controls range from a cost-efficient, standard boiler-control logic
and flame safeguard system to a custom-engineered package to meet
specific customer requirements. Regardless of the level of complexity,
we will provide state-of-the art hardware and programming for safe,
reliable and efficient operation with a user-friendly interface. Our control
systems meet the latest NFPA, CSA, CE, TUV and GOST international
Hawk 6000
codes and standards.

• Burner Management System (BMS)
• Combustion Control System (CCS)
• Plant Master panel
• Balance of Plant controls
• Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
• P
 re-engineered and tested for safety and burner
• F
 actory Acceptance Test (FAT) and
Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
• F
 uel transfer, simultaneous firing,
preferred fuel strategies
• Solid state, loop controller, PLC and DCS platforms
• O
 ver 200 factory-trained technicians and
local representatives specifically trained
on HAWK control packages


Fuel Trains • N
 FPA 85, FM, CSA B149.3, ASME B31.1
Cleaver-Brooks offers pre-assembled piping or B31.3
systems for a wide range of gaseous and liquid • S
 afety Integrity Level (SIL) and hazardous
fuel applications. We provide fuel trains that locations designs
precisely and repeatedly meter the fuel flow to • R
 efinery gas, hydrogen, landfill, digester
your specific burner application. Our design gas, tail gas, or other alternative fuels
team has in-depth experience with diverse fuel • Stainless steel piping
compositions, fuel supply conditions, and burner
• Moisture removal management
• Windbox- or rack-mounted fuel trains
• Pressure-reducing stations
• M
 ain and zone trains for multiple
burner applications
• G
 aseous fuel mixing station and
knockout tanks

Burner Accessories
Blade Flowmeters
CAMLINK systems
Class I, II, and III igniters – gas or oil
Coupling blocks with integrated isolation
and purge valves
Oil Atomizers
Retractable oil gun systems

Total integration doesn’t stop
with the burner.
Only Cleaver-Brooks offers complete boiler systems, from fuel inlet to stack outlet,
that are completely designed, engineered, manufactured, integrated, and serviced
by one company. That integration starts with the burner, and Cleaver-Brooks has
been perfecting this integral element of the boiler system through innovation and
expert engineering for more than 90 years.

221 Law Street | Thomasville, GA 31792 USA | 1-800-296-4110

info@cleaverbrooks.com | cleaverbrooks.com

Printed in the USA

©2020 Cleaver-Brooks
Boiler system icons are copyrights of Cleaver-Brooks, Inc. CB-8494

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