AD 431 - Column Web Panel Strengthening, June 2019

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Codes and Standards

New and revised codes & standards

From BSI Updates May 2019


BS 7974 and PD 7974 Series Kit Destructive tests on welds in Application of fire safety UK NA+A1:2019 to BS EN 1991-2
Fire Safety engineering. Application metallic materials. Cold cracking engineering principles to the National Annex (informative) to
of fire safety engineering principles tests for weldments. design of buildings. Initiation and BS EN 1991-2:2003, Eurocode 1.
to the design of buildings Arc welding processes. General development of fire within the Actions on structures - Traffic loads
No current standard is superseded BS EN ISO 17642-2:2005 enclosure of origin (Sub-system 1). on bridges
Destructive tests on welds in Superseded by PD 7974-1:2019 Will supersede NA to
NA to BS EN 1992-4:2018
UK National Annex to Eurocode metallic materials. Cold cracking PD 7974-2:2002 BS EN 1991-2:2003 (R13)
2: Design of concrete structures. tests for weldments. Application of fire safety ISO 9712
Design of fastenings for use in Arc welding processes. Self-restraint engineering principles to the design Non-destructive testing.
concrete. tests of buildings. Spread of smoke and Qualification and certification of
No current standard is superseded BS EN ISO 17642-3:2005 toxic gases within and beyond the NDT personnel
Destructive tests on welds in enclosure of origin (Sub-system 2) Will supersede None
metallic materials. Cold cracking Superseded by PD 7974-2:2019
BS EN PUBLICATIONS tests for weldments. PD 7974-3:2011
BS EN ISO 2063-1:2019 Application of fire safety ISO PUBLICATIONS
Arc welding processes. Externally
Thermal spraying. Zinc, loaded tests engineering principles to the design ISO 2553:2019
aluminium and their alloys. of buildings. Structural response and Welding and allied processes.
Design considerations and quality fire spread beyond the enclosure of Symbolic representation on
requirements for corrosion BRITISH STANDARDS origin drawings. Welded joints
protection systems WITHDRAWN Superseded by PD 7974-3:2019 Will be implemented as an identical
Supersedes BS EN ISO 2063-1:2017 BS 7974:2001 PD 7974-6:2004 British Standard
Application of fire safety The application of fire safety ISO 8560:2019
engineering principles to the design engineering principles to fire safety
BS IMPLEMENTATIONS Technical drawings. Construction
of buildings. Code of practice design of buildings. Human factors.
BS ISO 11484:2019 drawings. Representation of
Superseded by BS 7974:2019 Life safety strategies. Occupant modular sizes, lines and grids
Steel products. Employer’s BS EN ISO 2063-1:2017 evacuation, behaviour and condition Will be implemented as an identical
qualification system for non- Thermal spraying. Zinc, (Sub-system 6) British Standard
destructive testing (NDT) personnel aluminium and their alloys. Superseded by PD 7974-6:2019
Supersedes BS ISO 11484:2009 ISO 11484:2019
Design considerations and quality PD 7974-7:2003 Steel products. Employer’s
requirements for corrosion Application of fire safety qualification system for non-
protection systems engineering principles to the design
PUBLISHED DOCUMENTS destructive testing (NDT) personnel
Superseded by BS EN ISO 2063-1:2019 of buildings. Probabilistic risk
PD 7974-3:2019 Will be implemented as an identical
BS ISO 11484:2009 assessment British Standard
Application of fire safety
Steel products. Employer’s Superseded by PD 7974-7:2019
engineering principles to the design ISO 14174:2019
qualification system for non- PD 7974-8:2012
of buildings. Structural response Welding consumables. Fluxes
destructive testing (NDT) personnel Application of fire safety
to fire and fire spread beyond the for submerged arc welding and
Superseded by BS ISO 11484:2019 engineering principles to the design
enclosure of origin (Sub-system 3) electroslag welding. Classification
Supersedes PD 7974-3:2011 PD 7974-0:2002 of buildings. Property protection, Will be implemented as an identical
Application of fire safety business and mission continuity, and British Standard
engineering principles to the resilience
BRITISH STANDARDS REVIEWED design of buildings. Guide to Superseded by BS 7974:2019
AND CONFIRMED design framework and fire safety
BS EN ISO 17641-1:2004 engineering procedures
Destructive tests on welds in Superseded by BS 7974:2019
metallic materials. Hot cracking tests
for weldments.
Arc welding process. General

AD 431: Figure 1:

Column web panel strengthening bending

around column
web panel
The purpose of this Advisory Desk The special case of full depth is to be utilised, the transverse
note is to draw attention to the stiffeners in both the tension zone stiffeners should be full depth and
contribution that full-depth stiffeners and the compression zone is covered approximately the same width and
make to the shear resistance of by clause of BS EN 1993-1-8. thickness as the column flanges. The
column web panels. This clause allows an additional welds between the stiffeners and
SCI publication P398 covers contribution to the web panel shear the flanges should be full strength, ds
the design of moment–resisting resistance, based on the bending because the full plastic moment
connections to Eurocode 3 and resistance of the flanges and the resistance of the stiffeners is assumed
provides information on types of stiffeners which bound the web in the calculation.
column strengthening in Table 2.1. panel. The stiffeners and flanges can
Within this table, horizontal stiffeners be envisaged as part of a Vierendeel Contact: Richard Henderson
are not credited with increasing the truss, as shown in Figure 1. Tel: 01344 636555
shear resistance of the web panel. If this additional contribution Email:

June 19 29

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