A Systematic High Resolution Remote Sensing Capture For The Magela Creek Catchment: A Case Study Using Worldview 2

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A systematic high resolution remote sensing capture for

the Magela Creek Catchment: A case study using
WorldView 2
Spatial Sciences & Data Integration Program
Presenter: Dr R Bartolo#
e: renee.bartolo@environment.gov.au
# Program Leader, Spatial Sciences and Data Integration

Supervising Scientist - working to protect the environment from the impacts of uranium mining
■ Study Region

■ Problem statement and method question

■ Description of WorldView 2 satellite

■ Scheduling a capture
– Specifications, costs and logistics

■ Ground Control Targets

– Size & material
– Positioning & layout

■ Radiometric Calibration Targets

■ Results

■ Lessons Learned

Supervising Scientist Division 2

Study Region: Alligator Rivers Region



Alligator Rivers Region

28,000 km2

Supervising Scientist Division 3

Study Region: Alligator Rivers Region (KNP)


Kakadu National Park

19,804 km2

Supervising Scientist Division 4

Study Region: Magela Creek Catchment
Magela Creek Catchment
1,640 km2

Magela Floodplain
236 km2

Jabiru ag
Ranger Cr

Supervising Scientist Division 5

Problem statement: Geometeric control
■ For the Alligator Rivers Region and in particular
the Magela Creek Catchment & floodplain area,
there has been a lack of geometric control for
high resolution satellite data.

Supervising Scientist Division 6



X = Differentially corrected location

100 Man


Supervising Scientist Division 7

Problem statement: Calibration of data to reflectance
■ How do we correct raw image data to reflectance values
(removal of atmospheric effects)? Why do we need to do
Atmospheric refraction

After Jensen, 2000

Supervising Scientist Division 8
Atmospheric Scattering

Type of scattering is a function of:

1)Wavelength of the incident


2) Size of the gas molecule, dust

particle &/or water vapour

After Jensen, 2000

Supervising Scientist Division 9
Supervising Scientist Division 10
Conversion Raw Data Æ Radiance Data Æ Reflectance

■ Raw DNs: surface reflectance, solar irradiance curve,

atmospheric effects, variation in illumination resulting
from topographic effects, instrument response.
■ Raw Data Æ Radiance Data removes instrument effects

■ Radiance Æ Reflectance
L0(λ)=Lsun(λ) T(λ) R(λ) cos(θ) + Lpath(λ)
– L0(λ) = observed radiance at sensor
– Lsun(λ) = Solar irradiance above atmosphere
– T(λ) = total atmospheric transmittance
– R(λ) = surface reflectance Note:
– θ = incidence angle Reflectance data scaled to get to
– Lpath(λ) = path scattered radiance integer data (typically x 10,000)

Supervising Scientist Division 11

Why calibrate and correct data?
■ To compare multi-date images – some data sets even
have different atmospheric properties across a scene

■ To compare data sets from different sensors

■ Needed for quantitative analysis, e.g., working with field


■ When using band ratios such as EVI, NDVI, MNDWI

■ Reflectance data needed to compare data spectra with

library reflectance spectra – helps in identifying materials
based on their absorption features
■ To use spectral library to map materials, image must
be in reflectance.

Supervising Scientist Division 12

Method Question:
■ How do we undertake a systematic remote
sensing capture?
– Logistics
– What data do we acquire (format, bands etc)
– Resources

Supervising Scientist Division 13


■ Launch date: 08 October 2009

– Estimated mission life is 7.25 years
– Operating at full capability on 4 January 2010

■ Part of the DigitalGlobe constellation

– WorldView 1 and QuickBird

■ Altitude: 770 kms

■ Revisit capability
– 1.1 days at 1m GSD or less
– 3.7 days at 20° off-nadir or less (52 cm GSD)
Supervising Scientist Division 14
The 8 Spectral Bands of WorldView-2
4 New Spectral Bands Pan
Coastal Band (400 – 450nm) - Blue
can be used in vegetation Green
identification & analysis Yellow
(chlorophyll characteristics) Red
Red Edge
Yellow Band (585 – 625nm) - NIR1
identify “yellow-ness” NIR2
characteristics of targets, 350 450 550 650 750 850 950 1050
Important for vegetation
Wavelength (nm)
Sensor Resolution (GSD)
Red Edge Band (705 – 745nm) -
analysis of vegetation condition. Directly Panchromatic: 0.46 meters GSD at nadir
0.52 meters GSD at 20° off-nadir
related to plant health via chlorophyll
Multispectral: 1.84 meters GSD at nadir
production. 2.08 meters GSD at 20° off-nadir
(note that imagery must be re-sampled to 0.5
NIR2 (860 – 1040nm) - overlaps NIR1 m (Pan) and 2m (mulit) for non-US Government customers)
band but less affected by atmospheric
influence. Used for vegetation analysis &
Swadth Width:
biomass studies.
16.4 kms at nadir
Supervising Scientist Division 15
Scheduling a Capture
■ How do we undertake a systematic remote
sensing capture?
– Specifications
– Costs
– Logistics

Supervising Scientist Division 16

Setting up a back up base station

Supervising Scientist Division 17

Ground Control Targets

• 27 3.5 x 3.5 m square silver–coloured

tarpaulins positioned on the ground prior to
the image acquisition window

• 6 image objects (features such as cross

roads evident in previous image data)

• Centre of each of the tarpaulins and

image objects were measured with a GPS
& differentially corrected to within 12 mm
x,y accuracy.
Supervising Scientist Division 18
Field Data: Panorama using MS-ICE &

Supervising Scientist Division 19

Field Data: Google Earth

Supervising Scientist Division 20

Radiometric Calibration Targets & Recording
Atmospheric Conditions

Supervising Scientist Division 21

Radiometric Calibration Targets

Black synthetic upholstery

Silver plastic weave tarpaulin

White plastic weave tarpaulin

Supervising Scientist Division 22
Pseudo-invariant Features: Golf Green

Supervising Scientist Division 23

Results: Geometric Correction

Root Mean Square Error for the WV-2 Multispectral band

Eriss = orthorecitification GCPs & RPC file DEM

DigitalGlobe = Standard map ready product

ERISS DigitalGlobe
Site Standard
Multispectral Multispectral
25 2.6 4.6

31 0.4 3.9

32 3.2 6.4

100 ManCamp 2.0 3.8

ENRAD Bld 0.5 6.4

Bush humpy 2.2 8.8

Mean RMSE 1.8 5.6

Supervising Scientist Division 24

Results: Geometric Correction

Root Mean Square Error for the WV-2 Panchromatic band

Eriss = orthorecitification GCPs & RPC file DEM

DigitalGlobe = Standard map ready product

ERISS DigitalGlobe
Panchromatic Panchromatic

25 2.1 6.0
26 0.8 7.2
31 1.1 6.1
32 2.7 6.3
100 ManCamp 0.4 4.3
Westcott Bld 2.6 6.5
ENRAD Bld 0.4 4.4
Bush humpy 1.4 8.8
Mean RMSE 1.4 6.2

Supervising Scientist Division 25

Results: Conversion to Reflectance

■ Conversion to reflectance methods

1) Scene derived (statistics): eg. Internal Average

Relative Reflectance (IAR)

2) Ground calibration methods

Empirical Line Regression

3) Radiative Transfer Models: eg FLAASH

Supervising Scientist Division 26

Results: Conversion to Reflectance

Native Grass

A total of nine field targets were used to derive the calibration

model, resulting in a strong linear relationship (r2 = 0.99) for
all 8 multispectral bands.

Accuracy assessment of the calibration model was undertaken

by comparing the image reflectance values against the
surface reflectance values of 17 validation field targets.
Supervising Scientist Division 27
Some issues:
• Majority (95%) of the areas of the three requested
scenes were captured with the specified scene
parameters (nadir angle of 13.8º and total cloud cover
<2%) on 11 May.

• The remaining five percent of one of the scenes was

captured on 22 May (nadir angle of 11.6º). All 27
ground control tarpaulins were visible in the imagery.

Supervising Scientist Division 28

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