RSCH 2005 Book
RSCH 2005 Book
RSCH 2005 Book
Prem Paul
Prem S. Paul
Vice Chancellor for Research and
Dean of Graduate Studies
Active awards in 2005
* Indicates new in 2005
$1 MILLION — $2,999,999
Dzenis, Yuris Engineering Mechanics
NIRT: Manufacturing of Novel Continuous
Nanocrystalline Ceramic Nanofibers
$1,095,200 NSF
Zeng, Xiao Cheng Chemistry
Feng, Ruqiang Engineering Mechanics
Turner, Joseph Engineering Mechanics
Larsen, Gustavo Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
$1 MILLION — $2,999,999
Goddard, Stephen Computer Science and Engineering
Digital Government: A Decision Support
System for Drought Risk Management
$1,031,914 NSF
Hayes, Michael School of Natural Resources
Deogun, Jitender Computer Science and Engineering
Hubbard, Kenneth School of Natural Resources
Wilhite, Donald School of Natural Resources
Waltman, William Computer Science and Engineering
Reichenbach, Stephen Computer Science and Engineering
Revesz, Peter Computer Science and Engineering
Climate & Soil Risk Information System
$1,212,056 Dept. of Agriculture-RMA
Wilhite, Donald School of Natural Resources
Hubbard, Kenneth School of Natural Resources
Green, Jordan Special Education and
Communication Disorders
Early Speech Motor Development
$1,804,739 DHHS-NIH-NIDCD
$1 MILLION — $2,999,999
Koszewski, Wanda Nutrition and Health Sciences
Building Nebraska Families
$2,226,983 Ne Dept. Health & Human Serv
Birnstihl, Elizabeth IANR-Cooperative Ext
Schnepf, Marilynn Nutrition and Health Sciences
Nutrition Education Program
$1,240,527 Ne Dept. Health & Human Serv
Birnstihl, Elizabeth IANR Cooperative Extension
Schnepf, Marilynn Nutritional and Health Sciences
$1 MILLION — $2,999,999
Paul, Prem Vice Chancellor for Research
For the Department of Chemistry
Establishment of Functional Genomics for
Medicinal Chemistry Facility II
$2,000,000 DHHS-NIH-NCRR
Establishment of Functional Genomics for
Medicinal Chemistry Facility II
$1,991,060 DHHS-NIH-NCRR
$1 MILLION — $2,999,999
Weeks, Donald Biochemistry
* Development of Dicamba-Resistant Crops
$2,500,000 Monsanto Co.
$1 MILLION — $2,999,999
Zempleni, Janos Nutrition and Health Sciences
Vitamin-Dependent Modifications of Histones
$1,014,269 DHHS-NIH-NIDDK
$1 MILLION — $2,999,999
Awards of $200,000 - $999,999
Active awards in 2005
* Indicates new in 2005
$200,000 — $999,999
Avramov, Luchezar Mathematics
Homology & Cohomology over Commutative Rings
$356,322 NSF
$200,000 — $999,999
Batelaan, Herman Physics and Astronomy
Matter Optics with Intense Laser Light
$424,997 NSF
$200,000 — $999,999
Bond, Alan Biological Sciences
Mechanisms of Social Cognition
$544,548 DHHS-NIH-NIMH
Kamil, Alan Biological Sciences
Virtual Ecology: Experimental Tests of
Evolution in Predator-Prey Systems
$461,000 NSF
Kamil, Alan Biological Sciences
$200,000 — $999,999
Claes, Daniel Physics and Astronomy
Experimental High Energy Physics
$573,000 NSF
Snow, Gregory Physics and Astronomy
$200,000 — $999,999
Dowben, Peter Center for Materials Research
Development of Semiconducting Boron Carbide
for Solid State Neutron Detectors
$905,000 DOD-Office of Naval Research
Adenwalla, Shireen Center for Materials Research
Balkir, Sina Electrical Engineering
Brand, Jennifer Center for Materials Research
Doudin, Bernard Center for Materials Research
Hallbeck, Susan Center for Materials Research
Robertson, Brian Center for Materials Research
Paul, Prem Vice Chancellor for Research
Surface Chemistry of Adsorbates on Crystalline Polymers
$380,000 NSF
$200,000 — $999,999
Elbaum, Sebastian Computer Science and Engineering
ITR/SW: Collaborative Research: A New Generation of
Scalable, Cost-Effective Regression Testing Techniques
$251,018 NSF
ITR: Dependable End-User Software
$211,294 NSF
$200,000 — $999,999
Gaskell, C. Martin Physics and Astronomy
Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei
$435,611 NSF
$200,000 — $999,999
Hage, David Chemistry
Chromatographic Automation of Immunoassays
$200,000 — $999,999
Holmes, Mary Anne Geosciences
Where Are the Women Geoscientists?
$272,224 NSF
$200,000 — $999,999
Jameson, Mary Liz University of Nebraska State Museum
Monography & Phylogeny of New World Scarabaeoid Beetles
$750,000 NSF
Ratcliffe, Brett Entomology
$200,000 — $999,999
Khattak, Aemal Civil Engineering
Driver Information System at
At-Grade Railroad Highway Crossings
$293,762 Ne Dept. Roads
Pesti, Geza Civil Engineering
$200,000 — $999,999
Lu, Yongfeng Electrical Engineering
* Laser-Assisted Fabrication of
Large-Scale 3-D Photonic Bandgap Structures
$350,000 DOD-DEPSCoR
Wang, Xinwei Mechanical Engineering
Fabrication of Photonic Bandgap Structured in Si &
Ge Substrates Using Laser-Assisted Nanoimprinting
of Self-Assembled Nanoparticles
$210,238 DOD-Air Force Off of Sci Rsch
Magnetic Confinement of Plasmas in Laser-Induced Breakdown
Spectroscopy for Improved Sensitivity & Accuracy
$249,306 Dept. of Energy
$200,000 — $999,999
Morris, T. Jack Biological Sciences
The Role of a Host Protein (TIP) in the Resistance
Response of Arabidopsis to Turnip Crinkle Virus Infection
$360,000 Dept. of Energy
$200,000 — $999,999
Pilson, Diana Biological Sciences
* Transgenic Virus Resistant Squash: Ecological Effect
$314,877 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES
Morris, T. Jack Biological Sciences
$200,000 — $999,999
Rilett, Laurence Civil Engineering
* Development of State of the Art Traffic
Micro-Simulation Model for Nebraska
$222,896 Ne Dept. Roads
Jones, Elizabeth Civil Engineering
$200,000 — $999,999
Scheffler, Marilyn Special Education and
Communication Disorders
$797,184 Dept. of Education
Sanger, Dixie Special Education and Communication Disorders
Project Support: Speech-Language
Pathologists Supporting Literacy Instruction
$800,000 Dept. of Education
Sanger, Dixie Special Education and Communication Disorders
$200,000 — $999,999
Siegfried, Blair Entomology
Population Genetics & Molecular Mechanisms of
Resistant Western Corn Rootworms
$264,000 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES
Wright, Robert Entomology
Meinke, Lance Entomology
A Site Specific Field Corn IPM Program that
Incorporates Transgenic Technology
$283,913 Pennsylvania State University
$200,000 — $999,999
Srisa-an, Witawas Computer Science and Engineering
Building Scalable & Adaptive Garbage Collector for Server Systems
$281,000 NSF
Elbaum, Sebastian Computer Science and Engineering
$200,000 — $999,999
Thippareddi, Harshavardhan Food Science and Technology
* Understanding and Controlling Listeria Monocytogenes
Transmission through Ready-to-Eat Meat Products
$222,270 Colorado State University
HACCP Assistance for Small & Very Small Processors with
Development & Validation of Safe Meat Chilling Processes
$599,916 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES
Wang, Lijun Biological Systems Engineering
Weller, Curtis Biological Systems Engineering
Burson, Dennis Animal Science
HACCP Training & Research to Assist Meat Processors with
Process Deviations for Lethality & Stabilization
$495,640 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES
$200,000 — $999,999
Vasa, Stanley Special Education and
Communication Disorders
Project NETS: Nebraska Educational Transition Specialists
$798,624 Dept. of Education
Scheffler, Marilyn Special Education and
Communication Disorders
$200,000 — $999,999
Weeks, Donald Biochemistry
Development of Herbicide-Resistant Plants for
Environmentally-Safe Production Energy & Biomass Crops
$232,000 Consortium for Plant Biotechnology Research
Role of the Cia 5 Gene in the Carbon Concentrating
Mechanism in Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii
$387,000 NSF
$200,000 — $999,999
Wiener, Richard Psychology
* REU Site: Psychology and Law
$269,280 NSF
* Jury Bias in Criminal Cases: Sexual Assault,
Homicide and Generic Prejudice
$233,883 NSF
$200,000 — $999,999
Wortmann, Charles Agronomy/Horticulture
* Integrated Approach to Reduced Risk of Phosphorus
Pollution of Surface Waters in Crop-Livestock Based
Managed Ecosystems of the Midwest
$235,839 Nebraska Corn Board
Erickson, Galen Animal Science
Schulte, Dennis Biological Systems Engineering
Franti, Tom Biological Systems Engineering
Jose, H. Douglas Agricultural Economics
$200,000 — $999,999
Career and K Awards
Active awards in 2005
* Indicates new in 2005
National Science Foundation CAREER grants are awarded only to
untenured junior faculty. NSF emphasizes that the grants recognize
research and education “of the highest quality and in the broadest
sense.” CAREER grants are unique in requiring a four- to five-year
plan for the scientist’s development as both a researcher and as
an educator.
Adams, Stephanie
Industrial and Management Systems Engineering
Designing Effective Teams in the Engineering
Classroom for the Enhancement of Learning
$623,918 NSF
Becker, Donald
Spectrochemical Studies of Novel PutA
$314,250 NSF
Binek, Christian
Physics and Astronomy
* Education & Research on Nanoscale Spintronic
Systems & Heterostructures
$500,000 NSF
Bloom, Kenneth
Physics and Astronomy
* Top-Quark Physics, Computing & Software at
Large Hadron Collider
$550,000 NSF
Choueiry, Berthe
Computer Science and Engineering
Detecting Interchangeability Relations in
Constraint Satisfaction Problems and Exploiting
them in Problem Solving and Interactions with
$600,000 NSF
Dominguez, Aaron
Physics and Astronomy
* Superior Silicon Tracking & Discovery as CMS
& D0
$550,000 NSF
Elbaum, Sebastian
Computer Science and Engineering
Leveraging Field Data to Test Pervasive Systems
$407,494 NSF
Perez, Lance
Electrical Engineering
Channel Coding for Satellite and Mobile
$269,880 NSF
Scott, Stephen
Computer Science and Engineering
Making Exponential-Time Learning Algorithms
$299,952 NSF
Wang, Lily
School of Engineering Technology
Integrating Time-Variant Source Directivity into
Architectural Acoustic Auralizations
$389,376 NSF
K Awards
National Institutes of Health K Awards provide support for
intensive development experiences in one of the biomedical,
behavioral or clinical sciences leading to research independence.
Candidates for these awards normally must have a research
or health-professional doctorate and postdoctoral research
experience at the time of application. The proposed career-
development experience must be in a research area new to the
applicant and/or one in which an additional supervised research
experience will substantially add to the applicant’s research
capabilities. Candidates must provide a plan for achieving
independent research support by the end of the award, and must
be willing to spend a minimum of .75 FTE conducting research and
career development during the award three-, four-, or five-year
project period.
Angeletti, Peter
Biological Sciences
Maintenance of Human Papilloma Virus Genes
$649,726 DHHS-NIH-NCI
DiLillo, David
Family Functioning of Adults Maltreated as
$670,826 DHHS-NIH-NIMH
Tyler, Kimberly
Neglect and Abuse Histories Among Homeless
Young Adults
$659,525 DHHS-NIH-NIMH
Alexander, Dennis
Electrical Engineering
Title: Laser Machining of Materials
Description: Nanomachining Using Femtosecond/Attosecond
Date: March 8, 2005
No. 6,864,457
Country: United States
Alfano, James
Biological Sciences
Title/Description: DNA Molecules and Polypeptides of
Pseudomonas Syringae HRP Pathogenicity Island and their Uses
Date: February 8, 2005
No. 6,852,835
Country: United States
Azizinamini, Atorod
Civil Engineering
Title: Composite Action System and Method
Description: HBS Composite Action System
Date: March 29, 2005
No. 6,871,462
Country: United States
Berkowitz, David
Title/Description: In Situ Screening to Optimize Variables in
Organic Reactions
Date: December 13, 2005
No. 6,974,665
Country: United States
patents issued
Liu, Mingsheng
Title: Fume Hood Exhaust Stack System
Description: Advanced Stack Systems
Date: May 10, 2005
No. 6,890,252
Country: United States
Sicking, Dean L.
Civil Engineering
Title/Description: High-Impact, Energy-Absorbing Vehicle Barrier
Date: August 9, 2005
No. 6,926,461
Country: United States
Weeks, Donald
Title: Methods and Materials for Making and Using Transgenic
Dicamba-Degrading Organisms
Description: Development of Crops Tolerant to Treatment with
Date: February 19, 2005
No. 42194
Country: North Korea
patents issued
UNL Faculty indicated in red
Licensee: Seedwest
Description: Seeded variety of Buffalograss SWI-2000.
Inventor: Riordan, Terrance P.
Department: Agronomy and Horticulture
Licensee: Monsanto
Description: Germplasm comprising a dicamba-resistance gene.
Inventor: Weeks, Don
Department: Biochemistry
Licensee: Upstate
Description: Antibody(ies) developed and characterized at UNL,
which is specific to monoclonal antibody(ies) against biotinylated
Histone H4.
Inventors: Zempleni, Janos; Sarath, Gautam
Department: Nutritional Science and Dietetics, Biochemistry
Artist, Ivan Fortushniak and Aaron Holz: Lake George Arts Project,
Lake George, N.Y.
Artist, 4th Lessedra World Art Print Annual, Lessedra Gallery &
Contemporary Art Projects, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Burning Bush in the book 500 Baskets, Ashville, N.C., Lark Books,
fiber art, Author/Creator.
Akers, Donna L.
Living in the Land of the Dead: The Choctaw Nation, 1830-1860;
Lansing, Mich., Michigan State University Press, 2004. (History)
Asato, Noriko
Teaching Mikadoism: The Attack on Japanese Language Schools
in Hawaii, California and Washington, 1919-1927; Honolulu,
Hawaii, University of Hawaii Press, 2005. (Modern Languages and
Behrendt, Stephen C.
History ; Minneapolis, Minn., Mid-List Press, 2005. (English)
Denicola, Robert C.
Copyright ; New York, N.Y., Foundation Press, 2005. (Law)
Diamond, Judy, ed.
Virus and the Whale: Exploring Evolution in Creatures Small and
Large ; Arlington, Va., National Science Teachers Association Press,
2005. (Museum)
Dixon, Wheeler W.
Lost in the Fifties: Recovering Phantom Hollywood ; Carbondale,
Ill., Southern Illinois University Press, 2005. (English)
Forsythe, David
The Humanitarians: The International Committee of the Red Cross ;
Cambridge, U.K., Cambridge University Press, 2005. (Political
Foster, Gwendolyn, A.
Class-Passing: Social Mobility in Film and Popular Culture ;
Carbondale, Ill., Southern Illinois University Press, 2005. (English)
Gorman, Robert
The Socratic Method in the Dialogues of Cicero ; Stuttgart,
Germany, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2005. (Classics/Religious Studies)
Grange, William M.
Hitler Laughing: Comedy in the Third Reich ; Baltimore, Md.,
Rowman and Littlefield, 2005. (Johnny Carson School of Theatre
and Film)
Harter, Lynn M.; Japp, Phyllis M.; Beck, Christina S., eds.
Narratives, Health and Healing: Communication Theory, Research
and Practice ; Mahwah, N.J., Lawrence Earlbaum Associates, 2005.
(Communication Studies)
Hayden, F. Gregory
Policymaking For A Good Society: The Social Fabric Matrix
Approach to Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation ; New York,
N.Y., Springer, 2005. (Economics)
Homestead, Melissa J.
American Women Authors and Literary Property, 1822-1869 ; New
York, N.Y., Cambridge University Press, 2005. (English)
Janovy, Karen O.
Sculpture from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery ; Lincoln, Neb.,
University of Nebraska Press, 2005. (Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery
and Sculpture Garden)
Johnsgard, Paul A.
Prairie Dog Empire: A Saga of the Shortgrass Prairie ; Lincoln, Neb.,
University of Nebraska Press, 2005. (Biological Sciences)
Kiewra, Kenneth
Learn How to Study and SOAR to Success ; Upper Saddle River,
N.J., Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005. (Educational Psychology)
Kooser, Ted
The Poetry Home Repair Manual: Practical Advice for Beginning
Poets ; Lincoln, Neb., University of Nebraska Press, 2005. (English)
Lepard, Brian
Hope for a Global Ethic: Shared Principles in Religious Scriptures ;
Wilmette, Ill., Baha’i Publishing, 2005. (Law)
Luebke, Frederick C.
Nebraska: An Illustrated History, 2nd Edition ; Lincoln, Neb.,
University of Nebraska Press, 2005. (History)
Luthans, Fred
Organizational Behavior, 10th Edition ; New York, N.Y., McGraw-
Hill, 2005. (Management)
Lynch, Thomas P., ed.
El Lobo: Readings on the Mexican Gray Wolf; Salt Lake City, Utah,
University of Utah Press, 2005. (English)
MacPhee, Craig
Roll Over Joe Stalin: Struggling with Post-Soviet Reform in the
Caucasus ; Lincoln, Neb., iUniverse, 2005. (Economics)
Moshman, Dave
Adolescent Psychological Development: Rationality, Morality,
and Identity, 2nd Edition ; Mahwah, N.J., Lawrence Earlbaum
Associates, 2005. (Educational Psychology)
Nisse, Ruth
Defining Acts: Drama and the Politics of Interpretation in Late
Medieval England ; Notre Dame, Ind., University of Notre Dame
Press, 2005. (English)
Owomoyela, Oyekan
Yoruba Proverbs ; Lincoln, Neb., University of Nebraska Press,
2005. (English)
Rawley, James A.
The Transatlantic Slave Trade, 2nd Edition ; Lincoln, Neb., University
of Nebraska Press, 2005. (History) Dr. Rawley died in November
of 2005.
Randolph, Ladette
This is Not the Tropics ; Madison, Wis., University of Wisconsin
Press, 2005. (University of Nebraska Press)
Sarroub, Loukia K.
All American Yemeni Girls: Being Muslim in a Public School ;
Philadelphia, Pa., University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005.
(Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education)
Sayood, Khalid
Understanding Circuits: Learning Problem Solving Using Circuit
Analysis ; San Francisco, Calif., Morgan Claypool, 2005. (Electrical
Schlegel, Vicki L., ed.
Process Improvement: A Tool Kit for Healthcare ; Lincoln,
Neb., Leston Quality Engineering LLC, 2005. (Food Science &
Smith, Kevin
Governing States and Localities ; Washington, D.C., CQ Press,
2005. (Political Science)
Yang, Jiashi
An Introduction to the Theory of Piezoelectricity (Advances in
Mechanics and Mathematics) ; Berlin, Germany, Springer, 2005.
(Engineering Mechanics)
Faculty who have been elected to or who have
received national or international honors.
NICHD National Institute of Child Health
and Human Development
NIDCD National Institute on Deafness
& Communication Disorders
NIDDK National Institute of Diabetes,
Digestive & Kidney Disease
NIDA National Institute on Drug Abuse
NIGMS National Institute on General Medical Sciences
NIMH National Institute of Mental Health