RSCH 2005 Book

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Prem Paul

I am pleased to present the fourth annual “Major Sponsored

Program and Faculty Awards for Research and Creative Activity”
report. This booklet highlights the successes of University of
Nebraska–Lincoln faculty during 2005. The funding sources,
projects and investigators on major sponsored program
awards received during the year are listed, as well as patents
issued, published books and scholarship, fellowships and other
recognitions. New this year are intellectual property licenses and
performances and exhibitions in the fine and performing arts.
The list is impressive and continues to grow each year—further
evidence the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is on the move!
We work to closely integrate our research priorities with our
established programs of excellence. We are dedicated to fostering
interdisciplinary research and collaborations with public and
private partnerships, expanding our economic development efforts
by working with business and industry.
This booklet reports only the largest dollar amounts as
reported through our Office of Sponsored Programs. However,
the majority of our research and creative activity is conducted by
single investigators and scholars who are pioneering new frontiers
across all fields. Many faculty obtain funding at levels below the
significantly high thresholds set for inclusion in this report. This in
no way diminishes their scholarly contributions and we are proud
of all our faculty.
Thank you for your interest and support of research at UNL. We
are on the move!

Prem S. Paul
Vice Chancellor for Research and
Dean of Graduate Studies
Active awards in 2005
* Indicates new in 2005

Allen, David Engineering

Blast Wave Absorbing Structures:
an Experimental & Modeling Program
$7,500,000 DOD-Army Research Laboratory
6/25/04 – 6/24/09
David Allen, dean of the College of
Engineering and professor of engineering
mechanics, with funding from the Army
Research Laboratory-Weapons and Materials
Research Directorate, directs a collaborative
effort focused on development of new
materials and technologies relevant to blast
mitigation and weapons detection. The program includes 24 UNL
faculty from six different departments—civil engineering, structural
engineering, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, electrical
engineering, engineering mechanics and mechanical engineering—
working on 15 multidisciplinary projects. The projects have the
common objective of providing new materials and technologies for
blast mitigation, mine detection and pathogen detection.

Banerjee, Ruma Biochemistry

Redox Biology Center
$10,190,697 DHHS-NIH-NCRR
9/30/02 – 8/31/07
Ruma Banerjee, George Holmes University
Professor of Biochemistry in the Institute
of Agriculture and Natural Resources, is
the director of the Redox Biology Center.
The center was established in 2002 with
a grant from the National Institutes of
Health as a Center of Biomedical Research
Excellence. The center’s researchers investigate how cells maintain
a reduction-oxidation balance, a process called redox homeostasis,
and study links between redox homeostasis and diseases such as
cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease and cataracts.
The center’s research will provide important advances in the
understanding of redox regulation, comprising aspects of cellular
aging and controlled cell death.

Epstein, Michael Special Education and

Communication Disorders
Center for Behavior and Reading
$4,498,231 Dept. of Education
10/1/01 – 9/30/06
Michael Epstein, William Barkley Professor
of special education and communication
disorders, and co-investigator Ron Nelson,
associate research professor of special
education and communciation disorders,
have established the Center for Behavior and
Reading in the Center for At-Risk Children’s
Services to focus on implementing and evaluating reading and
behavior intervention programs for school-aged children. The aim


of their research is to assess the overall and intervention-specific
effects of various programs on school, staff, child and family
levels. The project is funded by the U.S. Department of Education
and involves seven participating schools in Lincoln’s public school

Fromm, Michael Center for Biotechnology

A Protein Interaction Database for Rice Protein Kinases
$6,057,747 NSF
9/1/02 – 8/31/06
Michael Fromm, director of the Center for
Biotechnology and a professor of agronomy
and horticulture in the Institute of Agriculture
and Natural Resources, is the Plant Genome
Research Center’s principal investigator.
The center was established in 2002 with a
grant from the National Science Foundation
and involves scientists from six universities. Research at the center
focuses on protein kinases of plants, in particular those of cereal
crops. Protein kinases are enzymes that affect the way plants react
to their environments. Manipulating kinases could provide a means
of regulating the tolerance of plants to disease and environmental
stresses, such as drought and temperature extremes.

Goddard, Stephen Computer Science

and Engineering
* Drought Risk, Impact and Mitigation Information System
$6,407,473 Dept. of Agriculture-RMA-FCIC
Wilhite, Donald School of Natural Resources
9/1/05 – 8/31/08
Stephen Goddard, associate professor
of computer science and director of
UNL’s Laboratory for Advanced Research
Computing, is principal investigator in a
$6.4 million joint effort by climatologists
and computer scientists to bring cutting-
edge computer science technologies to
Stephen Goddard agricultural producers’ age-old decision-
making processes. The three-year
partnership agreements are between
the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Risk
Management Agency, UNL’s Department
of Computer Science and Engineering and
the UNL-based National Drought Mitigation
Center. A separate $1 million cooperative
Donald Wilhite
agreement, directed by Donald Wilhite,
professor in the School of Natural Resources and director of the
National Drought Mitigation Center, will support continued work
on a tool that uses satellite technology and climate information to
detect vegetation stress on the ground for a much more detailed
view of drought’s scope and potential impact.


Harwood, David Geosciences
* ANDRILL: Investigating Antarctica’s Role in
Cenozoic Global Environmental Change
$12,978,160 NSF
Levy, Richard Geosciences
6/1/05 – 5/31/10
David Harwood, professor of geosciences,
leads an international team of scientists
drilling beneath the Antarctic ice pack to
unearth geological strata that could hold
ancient clues to contemporary global
warming trends. The National Science
Foundation has awarded $12.9 million to a
consortium of five U.S. universities headed by UNL and Northern
Illinois University. Dubbed ANDRILL, (ANtarctic geological
DRILLing), the project is administered by the ANDRILL Science
Management Office headquartered at UNL. ANDRILL is backed
by more than $30 million in funding, including $9.7 million in
previous and ongoing national agreements to support operations
and nearly $8 million from the other countries to support
scientific research. Other members of the U.S. consortium making
up the American portion of the ANDRILL program are Florida
State University, Ohio State University and the University of
Massachusetts Amherst. The project also includes scientists from
Germany, Italy and New Zealand.

Lewis, Jim Mathematics

Math in the Middle Institute Partnership
$5,000,000 NSF
Ruth Heaton Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education
Thomas McGowan Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education
Barbara Jacobson Lincoln Public Schools
8/01/04 – 7/31/09
Jim Lewis, professor of mathematics; Ruth
Heaton, associate professor of teaching,
learning and teacher education; Tom
McGowan, professor of teaching, learning
and teacher education; and Barbara
Jacobson, curriculum director for Lincoln
Public Schools, are co-leaders of a $5 million
project titled the Math in the Middle Institute Partnership. The goal
is to create the next set of leaders in middle school mathematics
who will mentor peers and offer challenging courses to their
students. During the five years of the project, about 120 teachers
will participate in three in-residence summer sessions, four non-
resident academic semesters and 10 take courses created by math
and pedagogy experts. Middle school is a gateway to high school
success, and efforts to improve middle school learning, especially
in mathematics, show benefits at later stages in students’
academic careers.


Meagher, Michael Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Process Research & Development of Antibodies as
Countermeasures for C. Botulinum Neurotoxin
$10,627,000 DOD-Army Medical Research
3/1/02 – 2/10/07
Michael Meagher, Donald F. Othmer
professor of Chemical and Biomolecular
Engineering, is the director of the Biological
Process Development Facility. The facility
provides clients with process research and
early manufacturing of new therapeutic
molecules for human clinical testing. The
facility is also involved in the development of vaccines against
biological warfare agents and products that can be used as
therapeutic countermeasures to treat people who have been
exposed to biological agents. Department of Defense funding has
led to the building of new laboratories that give the Biological
Process Development Facility new capabilities in mammalian cell
culture process research and development.
Fast-Track Production of a Heptavalent Botulinum Vaccine
$6,799,173 DynPort Vaccine Company
9/1/03 – 2/28/08
Meagher is also collaborating with DynPort Vaccine Co., the
University of Colorado, and the U.S. Army Medical Research
Institute of Infectious Disease to develop a vaccine that protects
against botulinum neurotoxin, a lethal agent that could be used for
bioterrorism. The goal is to develop vaccines that protect against
five subtypes of the toxin within the next one to two years and to
develop a vaccine for the other two types within five years. The
new vaccines could eliminate the threat of botulism as a weapon of
mass destruction.

Sellmyer, David Center for Materials Research

Materials Research Science & Engineering
Center; Nanomagnetic Structures
$5,491,000 NSF
9/1/02 – 8/31/08
David Sellmyer, George Holmes
Distinguished professor in the department
of physics and astronomy at UNL, leads the
Materials Research Science and Engineering
Center. The center was established in 2002
with a grant from the National Science
Foundation and involves scientists from the
departments of physics and astronomy, chemistry and mechanical
engineering, and the School of Biological Sciences. MRSEC projects
focus on fabricating and studying new magnetic structures and
materials at the nanometer scale. The research has applications
in advanced computing and data storage, handheld electronic
devices, advanced sensors and future medical technologies.


Sheridan, Susan Educational Psychology
Parent Engagement and Learning Birth to Five
$5,068,518 DHHS-NIH-NICHD
9/26/03 – 9/30/08
Edwards, Carolyn Psychology
Susan M. Sheridan, Willa Cather professor of
educational psychology, and co-investigator
Carolyn Edwards, Willa Cather professor
of psychology and family and consumer
sciences, are leading a team of researchers
from UNL and UNMC in a school-readiness
project funded by three federal agencies.
The team will launch and evaluate a comprehensive, community-
based early education program for children aged 0-5. The goal is
to increase children’s readiness for school by teaching parents to
build an effective relationship with their children at home and to
be active participants in their children’s learning when they enter
school. The program is designed to enhance children’s cognitive,
behavioral and socioemotional well-being, which together set the
stage for school readiness.

Tomkins, Alan Public Policy Center

Community-Based & Faith-Based Organization Partners in an
Integrated System of Behavioral Health Care in Nebraska
$3,504,226 DHHS-Admin for Children & Families
9/30/02 – 3/31/06
Alan Tomkins, director of the Public Policy
Center and professor of psychology and
law, is leading a project funded by the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services.
The goal is to enhance and expand the
capacity of community- and faith-based
organizations to provide high-quality services
as part of an integrated system of behavioral health care to rural
and urban communities. Among the hoped-for outcomes is to
address the problem of insufficient resources by tapping into the
extensive network of community- and faith-based organizations
who offer behavioral health care services. The project will be a
model for other states to emulate in coordinating and integrating
these groups into an effective delivery system.

Velander, William Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

* cGMP Recombinant FIX and Oral Hemophilia B Therapy
$9,981,870 DHHS-NIH-NHLBI
Meagher, Michael Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Van Cott, Kevin Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
9/6/05 – 8/31/10
William Velander, Donald R. Voelte Jr.
and Nancy A. Keegan Endowed Chair in
Engineering, is principal investigator in a
partnership funded by a $9.9 million grant
from the National Institutes of Health/
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.
The goal is to develop an abundant, pure,
safe and effective therapy for Hemophilia B using recombinant
human coagulation proteins produced in the milk of transgenic
pigs. The project builds on innovative bioengineering technologies


pioneered by Velander that enable improved intravenous and novel
oral delivery of hemophilic factors to patients. Hemophilia B is a
congenital bleeding disorder that causes pain, crippling injuries
and early death. It can be treated by Factor IX, a blood protein,
but the costs are prohibitive and most patients do not receive it.
Velander’s project isolates Factor IX in the milk of transgenic pigs.
* Production and Purification of Fibrinogen Components
for Production Fibrin Sealant of Hemostatic Dressing
$3,044,606 DOD-Army Medical Research
Meagher, Michael Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Van Cott, Kevin Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Inan, Mehmet Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
8/1/05 – 2/1/07
Velander is also leading a project, funded by the Department of
Defense, to develop processes to produce recombinant fibrinogen
and other blood proteins for bandages and implant devices, and
to conduct research and clinical trials on their effectiveness.
The fibrinogen bandage is a potentially life-saving technology
for patients who lose large amounts of blood. When applied,
the bandage immediately begins clotting the wound, stemming
blood loss. The technology could be used in battlefield or other
applications where patients are hemorrhaging. Fibrinogen
technology could also play a role in helping develop implantable
devices with increased biological compatibility. Fibrinogen made
from human plasma is scarce and expensive; Velander has
developed a process for producing it from transgenic cattle bred
with a human gene that enables them to produce fibrinogen.

Whitbeck, Les Sociology

Cultural Resilience of Rural & Remote Ojibwe Families
$3,138,960 DHHS-NIH-NIMH
7/1/02 – 6/30/07
Hoyt, Dan Sociology
Ojibwe Pathways Through the High School Years
$3,262,793 DHHS-NIH-NIDA
9/3/05 – 6/30/12
Johnson, Kurt Sociology
Park, Mingue Sociology
Hoyt, Dan Sociology
Les Whitbeck, professor of sociology,
is coordinating two major projects. The
National Institute of Mental Health is funding
a five-year project to identify precursors of
mental disorders and to evaluate cultural
risks and protective factors among a
population of pre-teen Native children in the
Upper Midwest area. A second project, funded by the National
Institute on Drug Abuse, is a five-year project to investigate risk
and resilience for early onset substance use and abuse among pre-
teen Native children in the same region.


Wood, Charles Biological Sciences
* Nebraska Center for Virology
$10,354,057 DHHS-NIH-NCRR
9/26/05 – 4/30/10
Charles Wood, Lewis Lehr/3M University
Professor of Biological Sciences, is the
director of the Nebraska Center for Virology.
The center, funded by the National Institutes
of Health, combines the expertise and
facilities of Nebraska’s leading biomedical
research institutions: UNL, the University
of Nebraska Medical Center, and Creighton University. Center
research addresses pathogenic and therapeutic aspects of some
the most devastating viral and neuroimmune disorders facing
the global community, including AIDS, HIV-associated cancers,
Alzheimer’s disease and chronic infections caused by herpes
viruses and a new class of infectious agents called prions.

Yohe, John IANR-Intl Programs

International Sorghum/Millet Collaborative
Research Support Program (INTSORMIL)
$36,990,000 U.S. Agency for International Development
7/1/96 – 6/30/06
John Yohe, associate professor in the
department of agronomy and horticulture,
directs the International Sorghum/Millet
(INTSORMIL) Collaborative Research Support
Program. INTSORMIL is a collaborative
international organization that supports
research focused on improving nutrition
and increasing income in developing countries and the United
States. Scientists from U.S. land grant universities collaborate
with scientists in host countries in the development of technology
to improve production and utilization of sorghum and millet and
facilitate natural resource management. Their work is done in
Africa, Eurasia, Latin America and the United States.


Awards of $1 Million to $2,999,999
Active awards in 2005
* Indicates new in 2005

Banerjee, Ruma Biochemistry

Cystathionine Beta Synthase & Hyperhomocysteinemia
$1,177,264 DHHS-NIH-NHLBI
Mechanism of Methylmalonyl-CoAMutase: A Radical Enzyme
$1,023,449 DHHS-NIH-NIDDK
Regulation of Homocysteine-dependent Redox Homeostasis
$1,531,581 DHHS-NIH-NIDDK

Buckendahl, Chad Educational Psychology

Evaluation of the National Assessment of Educational Progress
$2,398,258 Dept. of Education
Davis, Susan Educational Psychology

Caldwell, Robert School of Natural Resources

Thematic Soil Mapping for Site-Specific Management
$1,025,000 Dept. of Agriculture-IFAFS
Dobermann, Achim Agronomy and Horticulture
Adamchuk, Viacheslav Biological Systems Engineering
Ferguson, Richard Agronomy and Horticulture

Cerutti, Heriberto Plant Science Initiative

* RNA-Mediated Silencing: Mechanisms and
Biological Roles in Chlamydomonas
$1,042,852 DHHS-NIH-NIGMS

Chen, Bing School of Engineering Technology

* SPIRIT: Silicon Prairie Initiative on Robotics in IT
$1,170,488 NSF

Cotton, Dan Communications and Information Technology

National E-Extension Project
$2,570,000 National Association of State Universities
and Land Grant Colleges

Diamond, Judy University of Nebraska State Museum

Explore Evolution
$2,851,409 NSF

Doll, Elizabeth Educational Psychology

* Inspiring Inquiry: Science Instruction Model for
Teachers in Rural, Culturally Diverse Schools
$1,261,684 Dept. of Education
Bruning, Roger Educational Psychology
Bonnstetter, Ron Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education
Horn, Christy Educational Psychology


$1 MILLION — $2,999,999
Dzenis, Yuris Engineering Mechanics
NIRT: Manufacturing of Novel Continuous
Nanocrystalline Ceramic Nanofibers
$1,095,200 NSF
Zeng, Xiao Cheng Chemistry
Feng, Ruqiang Engineering Mechanics
Turner, Joseph Engineering Mechanics
Larsen, Gustavo Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Eccarius, Malinda Special Education and

Communication Disorders
Mountain-Prairie Upgrade Partnership
$1,155,054 Dept. of Education

Engen-Wedin, Nancy Teaching, Learning and

Teacher Education
Nebraska Native American Career Ladder Project
$1,164,735 Dept. of Education
Garcia, Ricardo Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education

Faller, Ronald Civil Engineering

Evaluation & Field Installation of Steel Tube &
Foam Energy Reduction (SAFER) Barrier
$1,045,913 Indianapolis Racing League
Holloway, Jim Civil Engineering
Reid, John Mechanical Engineering
Rohde, John Civil Engineering
Sicking, Dean Civil Engineering

Farritor, Shane Mechanical Engineering

Track Stability Assessment & Data Transmission
$1,190,000 Dept. of Transportation-FRA
Arnold, Richard Mechanical Engineering
Turner, Joseph Engineering Mechanics
Barton, John Mechanical Engineering
Jones, Elizabeth Civil Engineering
Khattak, Aemal Civil Engineering
Sharif, Hamid School of Engineering Technology
Rilett, Laurence Civil Engineering

Fromm, Michael Biotechnology

Metabolite Signaling Center
$2,635,898 NSF-EPSCoR

Gladyshev, Vadim Biochemistry

Functions of Mammalian Thioredoxin Reductases
$1,003,492 DHHS-NIH-NIGMS
Selenoprotein as a Target for Cancer Prevention
$1,188,490 DHHS-NIH-NCI
Methionine Sulfoxide Reduction, Selenium and Aging
$1,256,826 DHHS-NIH-NIA


$1 MILLION — $2,999,999
Goddard, Stephen Computer Science and Engineering
Digital Government: A Decision Support
System for Drought Risk Management
$1,031,914 NSF
Hayes, Michael School of Natural Resources
Deogun, Jitender Computer Science and Engineering
Hubbard, Kenneth School of Natural Resources
Wilhite, Donald School of Natural Resources
Waltman, William Computer Science and Engineering
Reichenbach, Stephen Computer Science and Engineering
Revesz, Peter Computer Science and Engineering
Climate & Soil Risk Information System
$1,212,056 Dept. of Agriculture-RMA
Wilhite, Donald School of Natural Resources
Hubbard, Kenneth School of Natural Resources

Green, Jordan Special Education and
Communication Disorders
Early Speech Motor Development
$1,804,739 DHHS-NIH-NIDCD

Heusel, Gary Student Involvement

Midwest Consortium for Service-Learning in Higher Education
$1,105,041 Corporation for National Service

Hoagland, Kyle School of Natural Resources

* DNR Ground Water Management and
Protection Act Service Agreement
$1,500,000 Nebraska Dept. Natural Resources

Hubbard, Kenneth School of Natural Resources

Services of the NOAA Regional Climate Centers
$1,824,032 Dept. of Commerce-NOAA

Jones, Vicky Northeast Research & Extension Center

Northeast Nebraska Paraprofessional Ladder Project
$1,976,000 Dept. of Education
Lopez, William Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education

Jose, H. Douglas Agricultural Economics

North Central Risk Management Education Center
$2,400,000 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES

Josiah, Scott NE State Forest Service

Cooperative Forestry Program
$1,322,016 Dept. of Agriculture-FS

Kamil, Alan Biological Sciences

Landmarks, Bearings and Way-Finding
$1,338,934 DHHS-NIH-NIMH
Mechanisms of Visual Search and Attention
$1,029,062 DHHS-NIH-NIMH
Bond, Alan Biological Sciences


$1 MILLION — $2,999,999
Koszewski, Wanda Nutrition and Health Sciences
Building Nebraska Families
$2,226,983 Ne Dept. Health & Human Serv
Birnstihl, Elizabeth IANR-Cooperative Ext
Schnepf, Marilynn Nutrition and Health Sciences
Nutrition Education Program
$1,240,527 Ne Dept. Health & Human Serv
Birnstihl, Elizabeth IANR Cooperative Extension
Schnepf, Marilynn Nutritional and Health Sciences

Lenzen, Stephen NET

Advanced Learning Environments Research & Technology (ALERT)
$2,618,000 General Services Administration

Leslie-Pelecky, Diandra Physics and Astronomy

GK-12: Project FULCRUM-Building Partnerships
$1,572,817 NSF
Buck, Gayle Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education
Dussault, Patrick Chemistry
Kirby, Roger Physics and Astronomy
Track 2, GK-12: Project Fulcrum: Phase II
$1,987,732 NSF

Lou, Marjorie Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences

Protein-Thiol Mixed Disulfide in Cataractogenesis
$1,671,431 DHHS-NIH-Natl Eye Institute

Lu, Yongfeng Electrical Engineering

* Multi-Laser-Beam Open-Atmosphere Surface
Coating Techniques Based on Precursor Excitation,
Photodissociation and Controlled Cooling
$2,999,970 DOD-Office of Naval Research-MURI
Wang, Xinwei Mechanical Engineering

Meagher, Michael Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

* Process Research and Development of Antibodies as
Countermeasures for C. botulinum Neurotoxin
$2,877,000 DOD-Army Space and Missile Defense Command
Therapeutic Agents & Vaccines against Biological Warfare
$2,155,900 DOD-Army Medical Research
Schlegel, Vicki Food Science and Technology
Zhang, Wenhui Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Wu, Joey Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Nelson, J. Ron Special Education and

Communication Disorders
Portales a Aprender Leer (PAL)
$2,687,442 Dept. of Education

Parkhurst, Lawrence Chemistry

Assembly Mechanisms of TBP–Nucleated Complexes
$1,129,090 DHHS-NIH-NIGMS


$1 MILLION — $2,999,999
Paul, Prem Vice Chancellor for Research
For the Department of Chemistry
Establishment of Functional Genomics for
Medicinal Chemistry Facility II
$2,000,000 DHHS-NIH-NCRR
Establishment of Functional Genomics for
Medicinal Chemistry Facility II
$1,991,060 DHHS-NIH-NCRR

Ragsdale, Stephen Biochemistry

Enzymology of Reductive Acetyl-CoA Pathway
$1,235,700 DHHS-NIH-NIGMS

Sheridan, Susan Center on Children, Youth,

Families and Schools
* Evaluation of Efficacy of CBC for Addressing Disruptive
Behaviors of Children-at-Risk for Academic Failure
$1,368,067 Dept. of Education
Glover, Todd Center on Children, Youth, Families and Schools

Simpson, Melanie Biochemistry

* Role of Hyaluronan Matrix in Prostate Cancer Progression
$1,084,090 DHHS-NIH-Nat Cancer Institute

Snow, Greg Physics and Astronomy

The Cosmic Ray Observatory Project
$1,374,005 NSF
Claes, Daniel Physics and Astronomy

Van Etten, James Plant Pathology

DNA Replication & Gene Expression of Chlorella Viruses
$1,255,600 DHHS-NIH-NIGMS
Dunigan, David Plant Pathology
Kang, Ming Plant Pathology
Zhang, Yuanzheng Plant Pathology
Agarkova, Irina Plant Pathology
Gurnon, James Plant Pathology

Verma, Shashi School of Natural Resources

Great Plains Regional Center for Global Environmental Change
$2,214,769 Dept. of Energy/NIGEC
Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture
$1,139,462 Kansas State University
Knops, Johannes Biological Sciences

Walker, Judy Mathematics

EMSW21-MCTP: Nebraska Mentoring
through Critical Transition Points
$2,500,000 NSF
Marley, Tom Mathematics

Wedin, David School of Natural Resources

Sand Hills Biocomplexity: Integrating
Biogeophysical Processes Across Space and Time
$1,794,730 NSF
Loope, David Geosciences


$1 MILLION — $2,999,999
Weeks, Donald Biochemistry
* Development of Dicamba-Resistant Crops
$2,500,000 Monsanto Co.

Whitbeck, Les Sociology

Great Plains Cultural Ways Mental Health Careers Program
$1,514,284 DHHS-NIH-NIMH
Moore, Helen Sociology

White, Lynn Sociology

Infertility: Pathways & Psychosocial Outcomes
$2,559,414 DHHS-NIH-NICHD
McQuillan, Julia Sociology

Wilcke, William IANR-Research

North Central Regional Sustainable Agriculture
Research & Education Program – SARE
$2,707,719 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES

Wilhite, Donald School of Natural Resources

* Rangeland and Forage Geospatial Decision
Support System for Drought Risk Management
$1,023,038 Dept. of Agriculture-RMA

Wilson, Brent Mechanical Engineering

Development of Improved Product Performance
through Optimization & Modeling of
Engineering Materials Processing & Function
$1,351,226 Brenco

Wood, Charles Biological Sciences

Kaposi’s Sarcoma & Human Herpesvirus in Africa
$2,783,369 DHHS-NIH-Nat Cancer Institute
Programs in HIV & AIDS Assoc Diseases/Malignancies
$1,938,760 DHHS-NIH-Fogarty Intl Center
Evolution of Clade C HIV-1 in Infected Children
$1,586,250 DHHS-NIH-NICHD
Research Training in Comparative Viral Pathogenesis
$1,217,271 DHHS-NIH-NIAID
Vaccination against Intrapartum HIV Clade C Transmission
$959,278 Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Yamamoto, Catherine Student Affairs

Talent Search Program
$1,626,225 Dept. of Education
Upward Bound Program–Northeast Nebraska
$1,238,496 Dept. of Education
Student Support Services Program
$1,889,008 Dept. of Education

Yohe, John IANR-Intl Programs

Post Graduate Training and Collaborative
Research to Strengthen INIA of Mozambique
$1,199,985 USAID


$1 MILLION — $2,999,999
Zempleni, Janos Nutrition and Health Sciences
Vitamin-Dependent Modifications of Histones
$1,014,269 DHHS-NIH-NIDDK

Zhang, Luwen Center for Virology

* Oncogenic Properties of Interferon Regulatory Factor 7
$1,145,961 DHHS-NIH-Nat Cancer Institute


$1 MILLION — $2,999,999
Awards of $200,000 - $999,999
Active awards in 2005
* Indicates new in 2005

Abdelrahman, Magdy Civil Engineering

Restricted-Zone Requirements for Superpave Mixes
Made with Local Aggregate Sources in Nebraska
$269,350 Ne Dept. Roads
Azizinamini, Atorod Civil Engineering
Yakel, Aaron Civil Engineering
Material Selection & Design Consideration for
Moisture Damage of Asphalt Pavement
$225,527 Ne Dept. Roads

Adenwalla, Shireen Physics and Astronomy

Nanoscale Structural Engineering of Ferroelectric Polymers
$283,641 Dept. of Energy-EPSCoR
Ducharme, Stephen Physics and Astronomy

Admiraal, David Civil Engineering

* Low-Cost Energy Dissipation at Culvert Exits
$201,856 Ne Dept. Roads

Albrecht, Julie Nutrition and Health Sciences

Entrepreneurial Center Development for
Food & Textile Small Scale Business in Tajikistan
$256,000 Dept. of State-BECA
Prochaska-Cue, Kathy Family and Consumer Sciences

Alexander, Dennis Electrical Engineering

Ultra-Short Laser Pulse Propagation
$300,943 DOD-DEPSCoR

Alfano, James Plant Pathology

Functional Genomics of the Interactions of
Tomato & Pseudomonas Syringae
$392,500 Cornell University
Isolation & Characterization of Pseudomonas Type III Effectors
that Suppress Programmed Cell Death in Eukaryotes
$375,000 NSF
Chaperones of the Type III Protein Secretion System
of Pseudomonas Syringae Tomato DC 300
$200,000 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES

Asard, Han Biochemistry

Physiological Functions & Biochemical
Properties of Plant Cytochromes b561
$386,084 NSF

Atkin, Audrey Biological Sciences

Wild-Type PPR1 mRNA Decay by
Yeast Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay Pathway
$403,219 NSF
Moriyama, Etsuko Plant Science Initiative


$200,000 — $999,999
Avramov, Luchezar Mathematics
Homology & Cohomology over Commutative Rings
$356,322 NSF

Avramova, Zoya Biological Sciences

ATX1, Epigenetic Regulator of Plant Development
$442,500 NSF

Ayers, Jerry School of Natural Resources

* Management and Preservation of
Saline Wetlands in Eastern Nebraska
$314,260 Environmental Protection Agency
Harvey, Ed School of Natural Resources
Gosselin, David School of Natural Resources

Azizinamini, Atorod Civil Engineering

* Simple for Dead-Continuous for Live Load System
with Partial Pre-Fabricated Deck System
$242,038 Ne Dept. of Roads
Design, Construction, Testing & Development of Design
Specification for High Performance Steel Bridges
$290,000 Ne Dept. of Roads
Rizos, Dimitri Civil Engineering
Development of Design Tools for Steel Bridge Systems,
Simple for Dead Loads & Continuous for
Superimposed Dead Load & Live Loads
$226,306 Ne Dept. Roads
Steel Box System Monitoring of N-2 over I-480 Bridge
$292,244 Ne Dept. Roads
IBRC 2002 Project
$240,000 Ne Dept. Roads

Baenziger, P. Stephen Agronomy and Horticulture

* Developing Winter Wheat with Improved Fusarium Head Blight
Tolerance by Conventional and Transgenic Approaches
$218,531 Dept. of Agriculture-ARS
Mitra, Amit Plant Pathology
Watkins, John Plant Pathology
Clemente, Thomas Agronomy and Horticulture
Baltensperger, David Panhandle Research and Extension Center
Genetic Basis of Agronomic Traits
Controlled by Chromosome 3A in Wheat
$390,000 Dept. of Agriculture-NRICGP
Eskridge, Kent Statistics
Dweikat, Ismail Agronomy and Horticulture

Barletta, Raul Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences

Molecular Analysis of Mycobacterium Paratuberculosis
Colony-Morphology Attenuated Mutant
$270,000 Dept. of Agriculture-NRICGP

Basolo, Alexandra Biological Sciences

* Behavioral Plasticity in Preexisting Receiver Bias
$360,000 NSF
Effects of Sexual Selection & Prediation on a
Genetic Polymorphism for Body Size
$519,721 NSF


$200,000 — $999,999
Batelaan, Herman Physics and Astronomy
Matter Optics with Intense Laser Light
$424,997 NSF

Becker, Donald Biochemistry

Spectroelectrochemistry of the Novel PutA Flavoprotein

Belli, Robert Gallup Research Center

Verbal Behaviors in Computerized Lifecourse Surveys
$414,430 DHHS-NIH-Nat Inst Aging

Belot, John Chemistry

GOALI: Chemical Factors Affecting Metal-Organic
Chemical Vapor Deposition Precursors
$365,000 NSF

Benson, Andrew Food Science and Technology

* Functional Consequences of Genome
Evolution in Listeria Monocytogenes
$261,515 Dept. of Agriculture-NRICGP
Genome Biology of Francisella tularensis Populations
Population Genomes of Listeria Monocytogenes
$372,468 Dept. of Agriculture-NRICGP

Berkowitz, David Chemistry

New Approaches to Catalyst Screening & Development
$419,416 NSF
Development of Cystathionine Beta-Synthase Inhibitors
$214,500 American Heart Association

Beukelman, David Special Education and

Communication Disorders
* Rehabilitation Engineering Research
Center on Communication Enhancement
$284,994 Duke University Medical Center

Bevins, Rick Psychology

Acquired Appetitive Properties of Nicotine
$902,065 DHHS-NIH-NIDA

Bi, Xin Biochemistry

Heterochromatin Domains & Boundary Elements
Chiu, Ya-Hui Biochemistry

Billesbach, David Biological Systems Engineering

Development & Field Testing of a Rapidly Deployable
Carbon Dioxide Flux Management System
$380,376 Dept. of Energy-Berkeley Nat Lab

Blum, Paul Biological Sciences

Gene Silencing & Catabolite Repression in the
Archaeon Sulfolobus Solfataricus
$413,380 NSF


$200,000 — $999,999
Bond, Alan Biological Sciences
Mechanisms of Social Cognition
$544,548 DHHS-NIH-NIMH
Kamil, Alan Biological Sciences
Virtual Ecology: Experimental Tests of
Evolution in Predator-Prey Systems
$461,000 NSF
Kamil, Alan Biological Sciences

Brand, Jennifer Center for Materials Research

Boron Carbide Semiconductor Films
$307,826 DOD-Battelle

Buhler, Stephen English

Leadership for Institutional Change
$265,000 W. K. Kellogg Foundation

Bulling, Denise Public Policy Center

* Hospital Preparedness
$281,520 Ne Dept. Health and Human Services

Burbach, Mark School of Natural Resources

* Integrated Real-Time Groundwater-Level Monitoring Network to
Support Drought Impact Assessment and Mitigation Programs
$403,293 Dept. of Agriculture-RMA
Ramamurthy, Byrav Computer Science and Engineering

Burson, Dennis Animal Science

Listeria Monocytogenes Controls in Ready to Eat Meat Products
$599,732 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES
Thippareddi, Harshavardhan Food Science and Technology

Cady, Daniel Cooperative Extension

* Nebraska Technology Transfer Center at UNL
$310,000 Nebraska Dept. Roads

Caldwell, Robert School of Natural Resources

Manure & Nutrient Management Practices to
Protect Human Health & the Environment
$662,200 Dept. of Agriculture-ARS

Carlo, Gustavo Psychology

Parenting & Sociocognitive Correlates of Prosocial Behaviors
in Mexican American & European American Children
$339,283 NSF

Cerutti, Heriberto Biological Sciences

Transcriptional Gene Silencing in Chlamydomonas & Arabidopsis
$400,000 NSF

Chollet, Raymond Biochemistry

Molecular/Biochemical Investigations of PEPC
(and its novel ser/thr-Kinase) and SuSy (Nodulin-100),
2 phosphorylated Metabolic Enzymes in Plants
$749,024 NSF


$200,000 — $999,999
Claes, Daniel Physics and Astronomy
Experimental High Energy Physics
$573,000 NSF
Snow, Gregory Physics and Astronomy

Clemente, Thomas Biotechnology/Plant Science

Initiative/Agronomy and Horticulture
Agrobacterium-Mediated Genetic
Transformation of Wheat & Soybeans
$345,537 Dept. of Agriculture-ARS-BRDC
From Proplastid to Chloroplast; Understanding Plastid
Differentiation in Maize by Microarray & Proteome Analysis
$389,225 Cornell University
Research in Nebraska on Improved
Soybean Oil for Biodiesel Fuel
$491,000 Dept. of Energy

Comfort, Steven School of Natural Resources

* Field-Scale Demonstrations of Innovative Remediation
Techniques for Contaminated Soil and Water
$994,100 Environmental Protection Agency

Costello, Don Computer Science and Engineering

GAANN Fellowships for Computer Science & Engineering
$498,132 Dept. of Education

Crockett, Lisa Psychology

Ethnicity, Parenting and Adolescent Adjustment

Daly, Edward Educational Psychology

School Psychology Leadership Specialization in
Response-to-Intervention Research & Systems Change
$800,000 Dept. of Education
McCurdy, Merilee Educational Psychology
Sheridan, Susan Educational Psychology
Kunz, Gina Educational Psychology

DeKraai, Mark Public Policy Center

* Child Mental Health SIG
$650,000 Nebraska Dept. Health and Human Services

DiMagno, Stephen Chemistry

* Hydrogen for Fuel Cells
$966,000 DOD-Office of Naval Research
Takacs, James Chemistry
Berkowitz, David Chemistry
Hydrogenase and Alkane Functionalization Catalysts
$599,748 DOD-Office of Naval Research
Redepenning, Jody Chemistry

Dobermann, Achim Agronomy and Horticulture

Harnessing Breakthroughs in Nutrient Management & Information
Technology for Greater Profitability in Corn, Soybeans & Dry Beans
$300,000 Ne Dept. Agriculture


$200,000 — $999,999
Dowben, Peter Center for Materials Research
Development of Semiconducting Boron Carbide
for Solid State Neutron Detectors
$905,000 DOD-Office of Naval Research
Adenwalla, Shireen Center for Materials Research
Balkir, Sina Electrical Engineering
Brand, Jennifer Center for Materials Research
Doudin, Bernard Center for Materials Research
Hallbeck, Susan Center for Materials Research
Robertson, Brian Center for Materials Research
Paul, Prem Vice Chancellor for Research
Surface Chemistry of Adsorbates on Crystalline Polymers
$380,000 NSF

Drummond, Wayne Architecture

Neighborhoods in Transition: Community Outreach Partnerships
$388,914 Dept. of Housing & Urban Devel
Parsons, Gerald Agricultural Leadership/Education
Carranza, Miguel Sociology
Cantarero, Rodrigo Community and Regional Planning
Waite, Michelle Chancellor’s Office
Larrick, Steven Architecture
Fritz, Susan Agricultural Leadership/Education

Dwyer, Matthew Computer Science and Engineering

* Software Model Checking for Embedded Systems
$212,534 Kansas State University
Parallel Analysis of Models for Distributed
Real-Time Embedded Systems
$309,613 Kansas State University
Program Analysis Techniques to Support
Dependable RTSJ Applications
$207,519 NSF
Elbaum, Sebastian Computer Science and Engineering
Goddard, Stephen Computer Science and Engineering

Dzenis, Yuris Engineering Mechanics

Fundamentals of Fabrication of
Nanofiber Assemblies by Electrospinning
$372,000 NSF
Farritor, Shane Mechanical Engineering
Novel Continuous Carbon Nanofibers for the
Next Generation Lightweight Structural Nanocomposites
$252,362 DOD-Air Force Off of Sci Rsch
Ultra High Speed Digital Imaging System
$330,746 DOD-Army Rsch Office –DURIP

Eccarius, Malinda Special Education and

Communication Disorders
* Mountain Prairie Upgrade Partnership - Early Childhood
$781,642 Dept. of Education
Marvin, Chris Special Education and Communication Disorders


$200,000 — $999,999
Elbaum, Sebastian Computer Science and Engineering
ITR/SW: Collaborative Research: A New Generation of
Scalable, Cost-Effective Regression Testing Techniques
$251,018 NSF
ITR: Dependable End-User Software
$211,294 NSF

Engen-Wedin, Nancy Teaching, Learning

and Teacher Education
* Indigenous Roots Teacher Education Program
$704,730 Dept. of Education
McGowan, Thomas Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education

Epstein, Michael Special Education and

Communication and Disorders
Leadership Training in Emotional Disturbance Disorders
$590,854 Dept. of Education
Postdoctoral Training in Emotional & Behavioral Disorders
$471,512 Dept. of Education
Early Childhood Mental Health Project
$716,290 Dept. of Education
Randomized Clinical Trial of Wraparound Services for
Elementary School Students in School Settings
$538,266 Dept. of Education

Fabrikant, Ilya Physics and Astronomy

Collision Processes Involving Low-Energy Electrons
$210,000 NSF

Farritor, Shane Mechanical Engineering

Track Stability Assessment
$461,944 Dept. of Transportation-FRA
Palmer, Robert Electrical Engineering

Fritz, Sherilyn Geosciences

Lake Titicaca Drilling Project
$314,167 NSF

Fuller, Robert Physics and Astronomy

Algebra-Based Physics with Human Applications
$378,798 NSF
Spiegel, Amy Educational Psychology
Plano-Clark, Vicki Physics and Astronomy

Ganow, Marcella Civil Engineering

* Nebraska ITS Program Support
and ITS Architecture Maintenance
$207,488 Ne Dept. Roads
Glenn, Kathleen Civil Engineering

Gardner, Scott School of Biological Sciences

Worm-Web: Georeferencing Computerized Data & Linking
Databases in the Manter Laboratory of Parasitology
$420,107 NSF
Hosier, Aaron Information Services


$200,000 — $999,999
Gaskell, C. Martin Physics and Astronomy
Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei
$435,611 NSF

Gay, Timothy Physics and Astronomy

Polarized Electron Physics
$652,002 NSF

Gibson, Robert Biological Sciences

Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need:
Integrating Ecology, Evolution, Geosciences, & Sustainable
Natural Resource Management/Agriculture
$452,850 Dept. of Education
Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need
Fellowship for Ecology, Evolution & Behavior at UNL
$622,665 Dept. of Education

Ginting, Daniel Agronomy and Horticulture

Pollution & Economic Decision Support Tool for Impaired
Watershed Management Plans in Eastern Nebraska
$335,000 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES
Helmers, Glenn Agricultural Economics
Mamo, Martha Agronomy and Horticulture
Wortman, Charles Agronomy and Horticulture

Gitelson, Anatoly School of Natural Resources

Consequences of Institutional Change: Land-Cover
Dynamics in Kazakhstan 1960-2000
$538,780 NASA

Gladyshev, Vadim Biochemistry

Identity of Terminator & Selenocysteine UGA Codons

Goddard, Stephen Computer Science and Engineering

Energy-Aware CPU & I/O Scheduling for
Embedded, Real-Time Systems
$200,000 NSF

Graef, George Agronomy and Horticulture

* Sclerotinia Resistance Enhanced by
Accumulation of QTL Transgenic Approaches
$223,142 Dept. of Agriculture-ARS
Clemente, Thomas Agronomy and Horticulture
Steadman, James Plant Pathology

Greve, Vickie Northeast Research and Extension Center

Communities Together Can
$389,000 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES
Swanson, Douglas Cooperative Extension

Griesen, James Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

NU Directions: Program to Reduce High-Risk Drinking
$468,000 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Major, Linda Student Affairs


$200,000 — $999,999
Hage, David Chemistry
Chromatographic Automation of Immunoassays

Harbison, Gerard Chemistry

Structure & Dynamics of DNA Hairpins

Hardy, John Physics and Astronomy

Studies on Novel Ferroelectrics for Microwave Optics
$240,000 DOD-Army Research Office

Harshman, Lawrence Biological Sciences

Identification of Genes & Proteins that Regulate Stress Resistance
$505,985 DOD-DEPSCoR

Harwood, David Geosciences

Acquisition of a Drilling Rig to Recover Geological Records
from the Antarctic Margin for the ANDRILL Consortium
$482,361 NSF

Hay, DeLynn IANR-Cooperative Ext

North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture
Professional Development Program—FY 2005
$910,283 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES

Hayes, Michael School of Natural Resources

Improved Drought Monitoring Through the
Integration of Climate & Satellite-based Data
$241,094 Dept. of Interior-GS
Hubbard, Kenneth School of Natural Resources
Wilhite, Donald School of Natural Resources

Hebets, Eileen Biological Sciences

* Searle Scholar: Exploring Neural Basis of
Complex Behavior in Amblypygids
$240,000 Chicago Community Trust/Searle Scholar

Hefle, Sue Food Science and Technology

Allergenicity Evaluation of Isinglass
$417,610 Various Industries
Taylor, Steve Food Science and Technology

Hein, Gary Panhandle Research and Extension Center

Biologically Intensive Areawide IPM of
Russian Wheat Aphid & Greenbug
$425,823 Dept. of Agriculture-ARS

Henry, Chris Biological Systems Engineering

Livestock Producer Environmental Assistance Project
$567,750 Ne Environmental Trust

Henze, Gregor School of Engineering Technology

Predictive Optimal Control of Active &
Passive Building Thermal Storage Inventory
$357,781 Dept. of Energy-Natl Energy Tech


$200,000 — $999,999
Holmes, Mary Anne Geosciences
Where Are the Women Geoscientists?
$272,224 NSF

Holz, John School of Natural Resources

* Classification of Nebraska Streams and Rivers:
Phase l Data Assessment, Collection and Analysis
$287,853 Nebraska Dept. Environmental Quality
Hoagland, Kyle School of Natural Resources

Horn, Christy Educational Psychology

Building Accepting Campus Communities
$945,171 Dept. of Education

Hubbard, Kenneth School of Natural Resources

Operations & Services of the Regional Climate Centers
$798,302 Dept. of Commerce-NOAA-Desert

Hu, Qi (Steve) School of Natural Resources

Engaging Agricultural Communities in Great Plains of US with
Applications & Development of Climate Prediction & Information
$436,424 Dept. of Commerce-NOAA

Hutkins, Robert Food Science and Technology

Food Safety: Life-Long Learning through Teacher Training
$400,000 Dept. of Agriculture-NRICGP
Durso, Lisa Food Science and Technology
Rupnow, John Food Science and Technology
Thippareddi, Harshavardhan Food Science and Technology
Whipple, Georgianna Food Science and Technology

Hygnstrom, Scott School of Natural Resources

* Development of Spatially Explicit Models of Wildlife Diseases
$315,069 Dept. of Agriculture-APHIS

Impara, James Educational Psychology

Consulting Services/Assist Oklahoma Commission
for Teacher Preparation
$220,090 Oklahoma Office of Public Affairs
Buckendahl, Chad Educational Psychology

Inan, Mehmet Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

* Expression of Chimeric Antibody in Pichia pastoris
$297,562 Research Corporation

Inderbitzen-Nolan, Heidi Psychology

Etiological Factors in Adolescent Social Phobia
$614,387 DHHS-NIH-NIMH

Jaecks, Duane Physics and Astronomy

Mass Dependent Effects in Correlated Motion of
Massive Coulomb Interacting Particles
$717,500 NSF


$200,000 — $999,999
Jameson, Mary Liz University of Nebraska State Museum
Monography & Phylogeny of New World Scarabaeoid Beetles
$750,000 NSF
Ratcliffe, Brett Entomology

Johnson, Ron School of Natural Resources

* Common Sense Conservation of Endangered
Species-Tern and Plover
$222,513 Nebraska Environmental Trust

Jones, Clinton Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences

Functional Analysis of biCPO
$349,500 Dept. of Agriculture-NRICGP
Zhang, Yange Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Regulation of the Latency-Reactivation Cycle by the
Bovine Herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) Latency Related (LR) Gene
$319,600 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES

Jones, Elizabeth Civil Engineering

ITS Resource, Research & Educational Activities
at Peter Kiewit Institute
$921,414 Ne Dept. Roads

Jones, Erick Industrial and Management

Systems Engineering
* Center for Engineering Logistics and Distribution at UNL
$250,000 NSF

Jose, H. Douglas Agricultural Economics

Trade Adjustment Assistance Program
$705,000 Dept. of Agriculture-RMA

Josiah, Scott NE State Forest Service

Community Enhancement Program
$350,000 Ne Dept. Roads

Kamble, Shripat Entomology

Nebraska Pesticide Information Network: Crop-Livestock
Profiles & Pest Management Strategic Plan
$209,479 Michigan State University

Kelling, Clayton Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences

* Role of Nonstructural Proteins in Pestivirus Virion Assembly

Kennedy, Patricia Marketing

* Socially Constituted Food Consumption of Adolescents
$350,000 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES
McGarvey, Mary Economics
Stanek-Krogstrand, Kaye Nutrition and Health Sciences

Keown, Jeff Animal Science

Trilateral Curriculum Modification &
Rural Community Information Delivery
$209,157 Dept. of Education-FIPSE


$200,000 — $999,999
Khattak, Aemal Civil Engineering
Driver Information System at
At-Grade Railroad Highway Crossings
$293,762 Ne Dept. Roads
Pesti, Geza Civil Engineering

Kostelnik, Marjorie Education and Human Sciences

* Planning Project for SAGE Lifelong Learning
$200,000 Bernard Osher Foundation
Eversoll, Deanna Education and Human Sciences

Langell, Marjorie Chemistry

Surface Chemistry of Rock Salt & Spinel 3D Transition
Metal Oxides Tailored by Structural & Compositional Methods
$425,000 NSF

Ledder, Glenn Mathematics

* UBM: Research for Undergraduates in
Theoretical Ecology (RUTE)
$905,000 NSF
Deng, Bo Mathematics
Gibson, Robert Biological Sciences
Loladze, Irakli Mathematics
Louda, Svata Biological Sciences

Lee, Kevin Physics and Astronomy

ClassAction: Model Rapid-Feedback &
Dynam Formative Assess System
$359,768 NSF
Schmidt, Edward Physics and Astronomy
Development of Interactive Simulation Environments
for Inquiry Astronomy Teaching
$336,572 NSF
Schmidt, Edward Physics and Astronomy

Leslie-Pelecky, Diandra Physics and Astronomy

* Magnetic Properties of Disordered Rare-Earth Nanostructures
$420,000 NSF
Shield, Jeff Mechanical Engineering

Liou, Sy-Hwang Physics and Astronomy

Nanometer-Size Magnetic Devices
$236,000 DOD-DEPSCoR

Loope, David Geosciences

Paleometeorological Records from
Sand Dunes & Eolian Sand Stones
$262,570 NSF

Louda, Svata Biological Sciences

* Single vs. Multiple Insect Herbivore Guild
Interactions in Canada Thistle Dynamics
$408,760 Dept. of Agriculture-NRICGP
Insect Herbivore Guild Interactions &
Tall Thistle Population Dynamics
$369,999 NSF


$200,000 — $999,999
Lu, Yongfeng Electrical Engineering
* Laser-Assisted Fabrication of
Large-Scale 3-D Photonic Bandgap Structures
$350,000 DOD-DEPSCoR
Wang, Xinwei Mechanical Engineering
Fabrication of Photonic Bandgap Structured in Si &
Ge Substrates Using Laser-Assisted Nanoimprinting
of Self-Assembled Nanoparticles
$210,238 DOD-Air Force Off of Sci Rsch
Magnetic Confinement of Plasmas in Laser-Induced Breakdown
Spectroscopy for Improved Sensitivity & Accuracy
$249,306 Dept. of Energy

Mackenzie, Sally Plant Science Initiative

Machinery of Mitochondrial Recombination in Higher Plants
$494,080 NSF
Christensen, Alan Biological Sciences
Mitochondrial Sorting & Inheritance in Arabidopsis
$303,000 NSF
Nuclear-Organellar Interactions
Involving AtMSH1 in Arabidopsis
$240,000 Dept. of Energy
Strategy for the Transgenic Induction of
Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Crop Plants
$343,108 Dept. of Agriculture-BRDC

Martin, Alex Agronomy and Horticulture

IWM Implementation: A Regional Approach
$766,718 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES

Martin, Derrel Biological Systems Engineering

* Modeling and Field Experimentation to Determine
Effects of Land Terracing-Republican River Basin (CESU)
$380,000 Dept. of Interior-BR
Food & Agricultural Sciences National Needs
Graduate Fellowship Grants Program
$276,000 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES

Meagher, Michael Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

* Recombinant Type E Botulinum Neurotoxin Vaccine
$345,756 DynPort Vaccine Company
Swanson, Todd Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
cGMP Clinical Research Product/IFN-t/500 L-scale
$819,466 Pepgen Corporation

Miller, Nancy Textiles, Clothing and Design

* Collaborative Research on Small Business Network
Creation and Outcomes for Change and Innovation
$230,011 NSF

Mitra, Amit Plant Pathology

Efficient Gene Silencing by Intrinsic Direct
Repeats: Mechanism & Utilization
$390,000 NSF
Utilization of Direct Repeat Induced Gene
Silencing in Plant Functional Genomics
$200,000 Dept. of Agriculture-NRICGP


$200,000 — $999,999
Morris, T. Jack Biological Sciences
The Role of a Host Protein (TIP) in the Resistance
Response of Arabidopsis to Turnip Crinkle Virus Infection
$360,000 Dept. of Energy

Moxley, Rodney Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences

* Influence of Enterotoxins on Virulence and
Colonization of Porcine Intestine by E.coli
$270,000 Dept. of Agriculture-NRICGP
Role of A/E Proteins in E.Coli:0157:H7 in
Intestinal Colonization of Adult Cattle
$370,000 Dept. of Agriculture-NRICGP

Nickerson, Kenneth Biological Sciences

Structure of Extracellular Quorum Sensing
Molecules from Dimorphic Fungi
$325,000 NSF
Atkin, Audrey Biological Sciences
Dussault, Patrick Chemistry

Noureddini, Hossein Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

* Reduction of Phosphorus from Ethanol
By-Product used as Livestock Feed
$210,781 Nebraska Corn Board

Orr, John Mathematics

Assessment of Student Achievement
in Undergraduate Education (ASA)
$493,156 NSF
Jones, C. Edward Physics and Astronomy
Lindsley-Griffin, Nancy Geosciences
Lee, Kevin Arts & Sciences
Ledder, Glen Mathematics
Evolution of Advanced Electronic Educational Support Material
$408,752 Brownstone Research Group

Orti, Guillermo Biological Sciences

* RCN: DeepFin will Advance the Phylogeny of “Fishes”
$500,000 NSF

Pattnaik, Asit Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences

Analyses of Virulence & Attenuation
Determinants of PRRSV using Reverse Genetics
$320,000 Dept. of Agriculture-NRICGP
Osorio, Fernando Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
VSV RNA Transcription and Replication

Peters, Ed School of Natural Resources

Ecology & Management of Pallid Sturgeon &
Sturgeon in the Lower Platte River
$572,260 Ne Game & Parks Commission
Platte River Fisheries Research
$701,000 Ne Game & Parks Commission
Nebraska Statewide Stream Inventory
$329,967 Ne Game & Parks Commission


$200,000 — $999,999
Pilson, Diana Biological Sciences
* Transgenic Virus Resistant Squash: Ecological Effect
$314,877 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES
Morris, T. Jack Biological Sciences

Ragsdale, Stephen Biochemistry

* Enzymology of Methanogenesis: Mechanism
of Methyl-Coenzyme M Reductase
$280,000 Dept. of Energy
Biochemistry of the Anaerobic
Dehalogenation of Chlorinated Aromatics
$435,000 NSF

Rajca, Andrzej Chemistry

Organic Polymers with Magneto-Dielectric Properties
$308,608 DOD-Air Force Off of Sci Rsch
Ducharme, Stephen Physics & Astronomy
Very High-Spin Polyradicals & Chiral Pi-Conjugated Systems
$555,000 NSF

Rajurkar, Kamlakar Industrial and Management

Systems Engineering
Analysis & Gap Monitoring for Improving
Micro EDM Performance-Supplement
$202,500 NSF
Yu, Zuyuan Industrial and Management Systems Engineering

Ramamurthy, Byrav Computer Science and Engineering

Secure Group Communication over Wired & Wireless Networks
$349,990 NSF
Variyam, Vinod Computer Science and Engineering

Ratcliffe, Brett Entomology

A Faunistic Survey of the Dynastinae of
Honduras, Nicaragua & El Salvador
$342,842 NSF

Redepenning, Jody Center for Materials Research

* Chemically Modified Nano-Electrodes
for Magnetoelectronics Applications
$390,000 NSF
Doudin, Bernard Center for Materials Research
Binek, Christian Physics and Astronomy
Sokolov, Andrei Physics and Astronomy

Reichenbach, Stephen Computer Science and Engineering

SEI: Information Modeling for
Comparative Visualizations & Analyses
$351,428 NSF

Reid, John Mechanical Engineering

Investigating the Use of Small Diameter
Softwood as Guardrail Posts
$280,000 Dept. of Agriculture-FS
Faller, Ronald Civil Engineering


$200,000 — $999,999
Rilett, Laurence Civil Engineering
* Development of State of the Art Traffic
Micro-Simulation Model for Nebraska
$222,896 Ne Dept. Roads
Jones, Elizabeth Civil Engineering

Robertson, Brian Mechanical Engineering

Development of a Novel Inorganic Dielectric
Barrier Layer for Magneto-Resistive Junctions
$400,000 NSF
Doudin, Bernard Physics and Astronomy
Dowben, Peter Physics and Astronomy

Rohde, John Civil Engineering

Midwest States Regional Pooled Fund Program-Yr 15
$545,000 Ne Dept. Roads
Sicking, Dean Civil Engineering
Reid, John Mechanical Engineering
Faller, Ron Midwest Roadside Safety Facility

Rothermel, Gregg Computer Science and Engineering

* CRI: Community Resource to Support Controlled
Experimentation with Program Analysis and Testing Techniques
$874,636 NSF
Elbaum, Sebastian Computer Science and Engineering
Dwyer, Matthew Computer Science and Engineering
* ITR: Dependable End-User Software
$282,992 Oregon State University

Samal, Ashok Computer Science and Engineering

Intelligent Joint Evolution of Data & Information:
An Integrated Framework for Drought Monitoring & Mitigation
$214,000 NSF
Hayes, Michael School of Natural Resources
Hubbard, Kenneth School of Natural Resources
Soh, Leen-Kiat Computer Science and Engineering
Svoboda, Mark School of Natural Resources
Waltman, William Computer Science and Engineering
Wilhite, Donald School of Natural Resources

Saraf, Ravi Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

* Nanodevice for Imaging Normal Stress Distribution with
Application in Sensing Texture and Feel by Touching
$217,156 NSF

Schacht, Walter Agronomy and Horticulture

Grasslands Ecological Monitoring System
$608,880 Dept. of Agriculture-RMA-FCIC


$200,000 — $999,999
Scheffler, Marilyn Special Education and
Communication Disorders
$797,184 Dept. of Education
Sanger, Dixie Special Education and Communication Disorders
Project Support: Speech-Language
Pathologists Supporting Literacy Instruction
$800,000 Dept. of Education
Sanger, Dixie Special Education and Communication Disorders

Selley, Roger Agricultural Economics

Nebraska AgrAbility
$597,720 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES

Sellmyer, David Physics and Astronomy

Acquisition of an X-Ray Diffractometer for
Nanoscale Materials Research & Education
$252,000 NSF

Shank, Nancy Public Policy Center

Bridging the Gap: Information &
Referral Database Interoperability
$600,000 Dept. of Commerce-NTIA

Shapiro, Charles Northeast Research and Extension Center

* Improving Organic Farming Systems
across Nebraska Agroecosystems
$762,949 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES
Baltensperger, David Panhandle Research and Extension Center
Brandle, James School of Natural Resources
Francis, Charles Agronomy/Horticulture
Knezevic, Stevan Northeast Research and Extension Center
Wright, Robert Entomology
Johnson, Ron School of Natural Resources

Sheridan, Susan Educational Psychology

Leadership Training in Interdisciplinary Collaboration
$800,000 Dept. of Education

Shield, Jeffrey Mechanical Engineering

The Effect of Long-Range Dumbbell Ordering on the Properties &
Microstructures of Rare Earth Permanent Magnets
$340,000 NSF

Sicking, Dean Civil Engineering

Identification of Vehicular Impact Conditions
Associated with Serious Ran-Off-Road Crashes
$634,521 Natl Coop Hwy Rsch Prog
Khattak, Aemal Civil Engineering
Jones, Elizabeth Civil Engineering
Improved Procedures for Safety Performance
Evaluation of Roadside Features
$833,940 Natl Coop Hwy Rsch Prog
Reid, John Mechanical Engineering
Rohde, John Civil Engineering
Faller, Ronald Civil Engineering


$200,000 — $999,999
Siegfried, Blair Entomology
Population Genetics & Molecular Mechanisms of
Resistant Western Corn Rootworms
$264,000 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES
Wright, Robert Entomology
Meinke, Lance Entomology
A Site Specific Field Corn IPM Program that
Incorporates Transgenic Technology
$283,913 Pennsylvania State University

Simpson, Melanie Biochemistry

Role of Hyaluronan in Prostate Cancer Progression
$326,250 DOD-Army Medical Research

Sincovec, Richard Computer Science and Engineering

Great Plains Software Technology Initiative for the New Economy
$800,000 Dept. of Education-FIPSE
MRI: Acquisition of High Performance Computing &
Data Visualization for Scientists & Engineers
$500,000 NSF
Jiang, Hong Computer Science and Engineering
Ramamurthy, Byrav Computer Science and Engineering
Seth, Sharad Computer Science and Engineering
Swanson, David Computer Science and Engineering

Smith, Andrew University of Nebraska State Museum

Scarab Biodiversity of Southern South America
$300,000 NSF
Ocampo, Federico University of Nebraska State Museum

Smith, David R. Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences

Intervention Strategies to Reduce
Escherichia Coli 0157:H7 in Beef Feedyards
$500,000 Dept. of Agriculture-NRICGP
Erickson, Galen Animal Science
Hinkley, Susanne Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Klopfenstein, Terry Animal Science
Moxley, Rodney Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences

Soukup, Rodney Electrical Engineering

Electronic Devices of Germanium Carbide
$270,000 NSF
Ianno, Natale Electrical Engineering

Specht, James Agronomy and Horticulture

Elevating Protein Content in the North Central
USA Soybean-Growing States
$642,199 Iowa State University-NCSRP
Graef, George Agronomy and Horticulture

Spreitzer, Robert Biochemistry

Role of the Rubisco Small Subunit
$618,000 Dept. of Energy


$200,000 — $999,999
Srisa-an, Witawas Computer Science and Engineering
Building Scalable & Adaptive Garbage Collector for Server Systems
$281,000 NSF
Elbaum, Sebastian Computer Science and Engineering

Starace, Anthony Physics and Astronomy

Dynamics of Few-Body Atomic Processes
$996,337 Dept. of Energy

Staswick, Paul Agronomy and Horticulture

Jasmonate Signaling in Plants: Activation of Jasmonic Acid
by the JAR 1 Response Locus in Arabidopsis Thaliana
$357,937 NSF

Steadman, James Plant Pathology

Bean/Cowpea Collaborative Research Support Program
$302,760 Michigan State University

Steckelberg, Allen Special Education and

Communication Disorders
High Plains Regional Technology in Education Consortium
$257,005 University of Kansas

Stentz, Terry Construction Management

* Human Factors in Railway Operation
$590,000 Dept. of Transportation-FRA
Jones, Elizabeth Civil Engineering
Rilett, Laurence Civil Engineering
Khattak, Aemal Civil Engineering
Riley, Michael Industrial and Management Systems Engineering

Stubbendieck, James Great Plains Studies

Farm Viability, Farmland Preservation and Smart Growth
$308,000 Dept. of Agriculture-NRICGP
Esseks, J. Dixon Great Plains Studies

Subramanian, Anu Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Prep Zirconia Aggregates/Adsorbents in Bioseparations
$270,131 NSF

Swanson, David Computer Science and Engineering

* US CMS Tier 2 Center
$375,000 University of California-Los Angeles
Bloom, Kenneth Physics and Astronomy
Dominguez, Aaron Physics and Astronomy

Takacs, James Chemistry

Novel Cyclization Reactions for Organic Synthesis
$422,500 NSF

Taylor, Steve Food Science and Technology

* Food Allergen Database
$346,406 Various Industries
Midwest Advanced Food Manufacturing Alliance
$488,921 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES


$200,000 — $999,999
Thippareddi, Harshavardhan Food Science and Technology
* Understanding and Controlling Listeria Monocytogenes
Transmission through Ready-to-Eat Meat Products
$222,270 Colorado State University
HACCP Assistance for Small & Very Small Processors with
Development & Validation of Safe Meat Chilling Processes
$599,916 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES
Wang, Lijun Biological Systems Engineering
Weller, Curtis Biological Systems Engineering
Burson, Dennis Animal Science
HACCP Training & Research to Assist Meat Processors with
Process Deviations for Lethality & Stabilization
$495,640 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES

Tiller, Dale School of Engineering Technology

Converging Redundant Sensor Network
Information for Improved Building Control
$327,000 Dept. of Energy-Natl Energy Tech
Henze, Gregor School of Engineering Technology

Tonn, Steven Southeast Research and Extension Center

Omaha Lake Extension Coordinator
$307,645 Ne Dept. Environmental Quality

Torquati, Julia Family and Consumer Sciences

* Evaluation of Promising Models and Delivery
Approaches to Child Care Provider Training
$239,875 Iowa State University
Wilcox, Brian Center on Children, Families and the Law
Raikes, Helen Center on Children, Families and the Law

Tsymbal, Evgeny Physics and Astronomy

Theory of Electronic Magnetic & Transport
Properties of Nanoscale Magnetic Junctions
$300,000 NSF
Jaswal, Sitaram Physics and Astronomy

Uiterwaal, Kees Physics and Astronomy

Inside a Focused Laser Beam: Molecular Dynamics
$442,001 NSF

Umstadter, Donald Physics and Astronomy

* Ion Acceleration with High Intensity Lasers
$401,277 NSF

Van Etten, James Plant Pathology

* Center for Innovation in Membrane Protein Production
$287,782 Univ of California-San Francisco
Dunigan, David Plant Pathology

Variyam, Vinod Computer Science and Engineering

Studies in Computational Complexity Theory
$200,000 NSF


$200,000 — $999,999
Vasa, Stanley Special Education and
Communication Disorders
Project NETS: Nebraska Educational Transition Specialists
$798,624 Dept. of Education
Scheffler, Marilyn Special Education and
Communication Disorders

Verma, Shashi School of Natural Resources

Carbon Sequestatian in Dryland & Irrigated Agroecosystems
$900,000 Dept. of Energy
Cassman, Kenneth Agronomy and Horticulture
Knops, Johannes Biological Sciences
Hubbard, Kenneth School of Natural Resources
Arkebauer, Timothy Agronomy and Horticulture
Dobermann, Achim Agronomy and Horticulture
Yang, Haishun Agronomy and Horticulture
Walters, Daniel Agronomy and Horticulture

Vidaver, Anne Plant Pathology

Molecular Characterization of
Clavibacter iranicus & Related Species
$318,742 Dept. of Agriculture-ARS

Viljoen, Hendrik Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Multi-Scale Study of Solid Phase Reactions
$275,030 NSF
Vortex-Tube Based Thermocycler w/Intelligent Software
$346,758 DHHS-NIH-Nat Ctr Rsch Resources
Gogos, George Mechanical Engineering

Wagner, William Biological Sciences

* Communication of Direct Mating Benefits to Females
$295,283 NSF

Walstad, William Economics

Interactive Teaching in Undergraduate Economic Courses
$674,928 NSF

Wang, Jun Computer Science and Engineering

* CSR-PDOS: Energy-Efficient,
High-Performance Storage Array Systems
$260,000 NSF

Wang, Xinwei Mechanical Engineering

* Sub-Surface Structural Damages
in Laser-Assisted Surface Nanostructuring
$249,999 NSF
Lu, Yongfeng Electrical Engineering

Weber, John Animal Science

Phenotype Screens for Bone Marrow Failure
$208,050 Baylor College of Medicine


$200,000 — $999,999
Weeks, Donald Biochemistry
Development of Herbicide-Resistant Plants for
Environmentally-Safe Production Energy & Biomass Crops
$232,000 Consortium for Plant Biotechnology Research
Role of the Cia 5 Gene in the Carbon Concentrating
Mechanism in Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii
$387,000 NSF

Weissinger, Ellen Graduate Studies

Ronald E. McNair Graduate Program
$960,172 Dept. of Education

Weisz, Victoria Center on Children, Families and the Law

Nebraska State Court Improvement
$861,502 Supreme Court of Nebraska

Weldon, Robert Biological Sciences

Intracellular Targeting of HIV Gag Proteins

Weller, Curtis Biological Systems Engineering

Purification Process Influences on Structural &
Nutritional Function of Grain Sorghum
$338,000 Dept. of Agriculture-NRICGP
Carr, Timothy Nutrition and Health Sciences
Schlegel, Vicki Food Science and Technology
Cuppett, Susan Food Science and Technology
Hwang, Keum Taek Industrial Ag Products Center
Wang, Lijun Biological Systems Engineering

Whitbeck, Les Sociology

Shonga Ska: Sacred Horse Society Drug Prevent Program
$437,375 DHHS-NIH-Nat Inst Drug Abuse

White, Brett Animal Science

Transcriptional Regulation/Porcine GnRH Receptor Gene
$287,193 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES

White, Joseph Sociology

* Developing an Alcohol Prevention Program with the Dakota
Hoyt, Dan Sociology
Whitbeck, Les Sociology
Godfrey, Joyzelle Sociology

Wiegand, Roger Mathematics

Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need Fellowship
Program: Mathematics at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln
$428,412 Dept. of Education
Lewis, Jim Mathematics
Walker, Judy Mathematics
Walker, Mark Mathematics


$200,000 — $999,999
Wiener, Richard Psychology
* REU Site: Psychology and Law
$269,280 NSF
* Jury Bias in Criminal Cases: Sexual Assault,
Homicide and Generic Prejudice
$233,883 NSF

Wilcox, Brian Center on Children, Families and the Law

Community Context of Rural & Urban Child Neglect
$560,767 Pennsylvania State University
Chambers, Jeff Center on Children, Families and the Law
Graef, Michelle Center on Children, Families and the Law
Wiese, Cheryl Sociology
Midwest Child Care Research Consortium
$800,000 DHHS-Admin for Child & Families
Torquati, Julia Family and Consumer Sciences

Wilhite, Donald School of Natural Resources

Drought Monitoring, Planning & Mitigation
$495,371 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES
Mitigation & Preparedness Technologies for the US
$384,819 Dept. of Agriculture-CSREES

Willis, Mary Anthropology and Geography

Anterior Dentition and Restoration Among Nuer
and Dinka Refugees from Sudan
$227,459 The Jacob and Valeria Langeloth Foundation

Witkowski, John Northeast Research and Extension Center

Integrated Network for Tribal College Community
Watershed Natural Resources Education
$237,105 Iowa State University

Woodward, Gordon Mathematics

Increasing Participation in Computer Science, Engineering, &
Mathematics through NSF Scholarships
at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln
$400,000 NSF
Ballard, John Engineering & Technology
Ramamurthy, Byrav Computer Science and Engineering
Goddard, Steve Computer Science and Engineering
Lee, Kevin Arts & Sciences
Nebraska REU in Applied Mathematics
$223,987 NSF
Rebarber, Richard Mathematics

Workman, Tom Student Affairs

“Greek Revolution”: Enabling Cultural Change in UNL Greek Life
$293,936 Dept. of Education


$200,000 — $999,999
Wortmann, Charles Agronomy/Horticulture
* Integrated Approach to Reduced Risk of Phosphorus
Pollution of Surface Waters in Crop-Livestock Based
Managed Ecosystems of the Midwest
$235,839 Nebraska Corn Board
Erickson, Galen Animal Science
Schulte, Dennis Biological Systems Engineering
Franti, Tom Biological Systems Engineering
Jose, H. Douglas Agricultural Economics

Wunder, Susan Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education

Nebraska Partnership for American History Education
$684,815 Educational Service Unit #7

Yamamoto, Catherine Student Affairs

Upward Bound–Lincoln
$938,496 Dept. of Education
Upward Bound Math/Science Project
$891,664 Dept. of Education

Yang, Yiqi Textiles, Clothing and Design

Resistance of Sulfur Dyed Fabrics to Oxidative Bleaching & Acidic
Tendering: Improvement & Application
$300,618 Procter & Gamble

Zeng, Xiao Cheng Chemistry

Crystallization and Interfacial Properties of Silicon
$235,000 Dept. of Energy
ITR:Multiscale Treatment of Solid-Fluid Interfaces
$400,000 NSF
Diestler, Dennis Agronomy and Horticulture
Feng, Ruqiang Engineering Mechanics
ITR: Multiscale Treatment of Systems with Strong Heterogeneities
$715,121 NSF
Diestler, Dennis Agronomy and Horticulture
Feng, Ruqiang Engineering Mechanics

Zera, Anthony Biological Sciences

* Enzymatic and Molecular Bases of Trade-Offs in
Lipid Metabolism that Underlie Life History Trade-Off
$417,682 NSF
Harshman, Lawrence Biological Sciences
Morph-Dependent Cyclic JH Titer in a Wing-Polymorphic
Insect: Adaptive Significance & Underlying Causes
$321,626 NSF
Harshman, Lawrence Biological Sciences
Physiological & Molecular Causes of Genetic
Variation/Covariation in Endocrine Regulation
$372,000 NSF

Zhang, Luwen Center for Virology

* Interferon Regulatory Factor 7 and NPC


$200,000 — $999,999
Career and K Awards
Active awards in 2005
* Indicates new in 2005

National Science Foundation CAREER grants are awarded only to
untenured junior faculty. NSF emphasizes that the grants recognize
research and education “of the highest quality and in the broadest
sense.” CAREER grants are unique in requiring a four- to five-year
plan for the scientist’s development as both a researcher and as
an educator.
Adams, Stephanie
Industrial and Management Systems Engineering
Designing Effective Teams in the Engineering
Classroom for the Enhancement of Learning
$623,918 NSF

Becker, Donald
Spectrochemical Studies of Novel PutA
$314,250 NSF

Binek, Christian
Physics and Astronomy
* Education & Research on Nanoscale Spintronic
Systems & Heterostructures
$500,000 NSF

Bloom, Kenneth
Physics and Astronomy
* Top-Quark Physics, Computing & Software at
Large Hadron Collider
$550,000 NSF

Choueiry, Berthe
Computer Science and Engineering
Detecting Interchangeability Relations in
Constraint Satisfaction Problems and Exploiting
them in Problem Solving and Interactions with
$600,000 NSF

Dominguez, Aaron
Physics and Astronomy
* Superior Silicon Tracking & Discovery as CMS
& D0
$550,000 NSF

Elbaum, Sebastian
Computer Science and Engineering
Leveraging Field Data to Test Pervasive Systems
$407,494 NSF


Career and K Awards

Orti, Guillermo
Biological Sciences
Molecular Systematics of Ray-Finned Fishes
$533,295 NSF

Perez, Lance
Electrical Engineering
Channel Coding for Satellite and Mobile
$269,880 NSF

Scott, Stephen
Computer Science and Engineering
Making Exponential-Time Learning Algorithms
$299,952 NSF

Wang, Lily
School of Engineering Technology
Integrating Time-Variant Source Directivity into
Architectural Acoustic Auralizations
$389,376 NSF

K Awards
National Institutes of Health K Awards provide support for
intensive development experiences in one of the biomedical,
behavioral or clinical sciences leading to research independence.
Candidates for these awards normally must have a research
or health-professional doctorate and postdoctoral research
experience at the time of application. The proposed career-
development experience must be in a research area new to the
applicant and/or one in which an additional supervised research
experience will substantially add to the applicant’s research
capabilities. Candidates must provide a plan for achieving
independent research support by the end of the award, and must
be willing to spend a minimum of .75 FTE conducting research and
career development during the award three-, four-, or five-year
project period.
Angeletti, Peter
Biological Sciences
Maintenance of Human Papilloma Virus Genes
$649,726 DHHS-NIH-NCI

DiLillo, David
Family Functioning of Adults Maltreated as
$670,826 DHHS-NIH-NIMH

Tyler, Kimberly
Neglect and Abuse Histories Among Homeless
Young Adults
$659,525 DHHS-NIH-NIMH


Career and K Awards

Arts and Humanities Awards
$50,000 or more
Active awards in 2005
* Indicates new in 2005

Behrendt, Stephen English

Genre, Dialogue, and Community in
British Romantic Fiction
$124,822 National Endowment for the Humanities
10/01/2004 – 9/30/2005
Stephen Behrendt, George Holmes
Distinguished Professor of English, received a
major award from the National Endowment
for the Humanities to continue support of a
summer seminar for university and college
professors whose scholarship focuses on
individual writers of the British Romantic
Era (c. 1780-1840). The University Libraries has extremely strong
primary and secondary holdings, including the Corvey Collection
of Romantic era belles lettres. The seminar allows scholars access
to the collection and enriches sustained dialogue about inter-genre
connections, helps remap the landscape of the British Romantic
era and advances future scholarship for applied curricular and
pedagogical design.

Cahan, David History

* A Biography of Hermann von Helmholtz
$80,625 NSF
1/1/2005 – 12/31/2006
David Cahan, Charles Bessey Professor
and professor of history, is writing a full-
scale, definitive biography of Hermann von
Helmholtz (1821-1894), one of the major
figures of modern science. The biography
will provide a fresh account of Helmholtz’s
personal life within the context of his family,
schooling and friends, and portray and analyze his working life
as a scientist—principally as a physiologist and physicist, but also
as a leader in other fields (chemistry, mathematics, psychology
and meteorology), all within the context of German science. It will
show how he represented the aims, results and image of science
to the educated but otherwise non-scientific classes of Europe and
America. It also will show the implications of contemporary science
that he drew for the fine arts, medicine, industry and society at
large. The extensive use of correspondence means the work will be
the first new modern biography of Helmholtz as well as one of the
most detailed biographies of a scientist ever published.


arts and humanities $50,000 or more

Kooser, Ted English
* American Life in Poetry Project
$50,000 Poetry Foundation
1/1/2005 – 1/31/2006
The Poetry Foundation, in partnership
with the Library of Congress, supports
the American Life in Poetry project, an
initiative of Ted Kooser, the Poet Laureate
Consultant in Poetry to the Library of
Congress. American Life in Poetry is a
free weekly column for newspapers and
online publications featuring a poem written by a contemporary
American poet, chosen by Kooser, with a brief introduction written
by Kooser. The sole mission of this project is to promote poetry. The
Poetry Foundation funds the project, with administrative support
provided by the UNL English Department, where the project office
is located.

Myers, Thomas University of Nebraska

State Museum
Omaha Indian Cultural Artifacts & Images:
Online Inventory & Web Site
$218,688 Institute of Museum & Library Services
Dee Ann Allison Libraries
12/1/01 – 11/30/05
Thomas Myers, curator of anthropology
and professor of museum studies and
anthropology, and Dee Ann Allison, chair of
the Automated Systems Office and professor
of libraries, are using a grant from the
Institute of Museum & Library Services in a
collaborative project to locate and catalog
artifacts and photographic images of the Omaha tribe that are
scattered in museums, libraries and private collections worldwide.
The key program is development of a Website to make the resulting
database of Omaha artifacts and an on-line gallery of images
accessible to tribal members, educators, students and the general
public. The Nebraska State Historical Society and members of the
Omaha Tribe are partners with the NU State Museum and UNL
Libraries in this project.

Price, Kenneth English

* Walt Whitman Archive
$500,000 National Endowment for the Humanities
8/1/2005 – 3/31/2009
Ken Price, professor of English and Hillegass
Chair of 19th Century American Literature, is
principal investigator for a $500,000 We the
People Challenge Grant from the National
Endowment for the Humanities. The award
is contingent on UNL acquiring a 3-1 match
of $1.5 million in the next four years. When
fundraising is completed, the $2 million establishes an endowment
at the University of Nebraska Foundation, the proceeds of
which provide permanent annual operating funding for the Walt
Whitman Archive. The Whitman Archive is an electronic research
and teaching tool that makes Whitman’s huge body of work easily


arts and humanities $50,000 or more

and conveniently accessible. Whitman amassed a huge volume
of work during his life. Some 70,000 manuscripts are housed in
about 80 locations, although the bulk is known to be in just five
libraries. But the logistics of finding these various documents, let
alone assessing and comparing their relevance and content, are
daunting. The Archive allows scholars to search the entire body
of Whitman’s writings and scholarship on those works and offers
scholarly analysis.
The Walt Whitman Hypertext Archive
$200,000 National Endowment for the Humanities
5/1/03 – 4/30/05
Price is also part of a project to produce The Walt Whitman
Hypertext Archive, which will build on, enhance and contextualize
the 22-volume Collected Writings of Walt Whitman by publishing a
comprehensive on-line Walt Whitman archive Website. The project
involves encoding all materials in the Collected Writings and
editing, encoding, linking and annotating all remaining materials,
including the vast archive of Whitman’s poetry manuscripts.

Walter, Katherine Libraries

* Interoperability of Metadata Standards for
Digital Thematic Research Collections
$169,651 Institute of Museum and Library Services
11/1/2005 – 10/31/2007
Price, Kenneth English
Bolin, Mary Libraries
Barney, Brett Libraries
Katherine Walter, chair of special collections
and preservation and professor of libraries,
is principal investigator on a team hoping to
develop guidelines that will serve as a model
for the integration of standards used by
scholarly digital projects and could influence
future development. Metadata integration is
an important but yet unattained goal for digital thematic research
collections, which employ standards for transcriptions, digital
images, finding aids and administrative records. These standards
have been developed by different communities. The Metadata
Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS) shows promise as a
means of integrating various standards but no testing of METS has
been done using digital thematic research as a model, thus ad hoc
an idiosyncratic solutions have sprung up, with various unreliable
results. UNL will create a METS profile to test its reliability and
also submit the package to two digital library systems at Brown
University and the University of Virginia.
Benjamin A. Botkin Collection-Preservation/Access
$97,435 National Endowment for the Humanities
7/1/01 – 6/30/06
Walter is also using a National Endowment for the Humanities
grant to preserve a vast collection of materials from the Benjamin
A. Botkin Collection of Applied American Folklore and microfilming
it to improve its accessibility to scholars and the public. Botkin
was national folklore editor of the Federal Writers Project and
chief of the Library of Congress Archive of American Folk Song.
The collection adds to the understanding of this discipline in
development and it consists 8,000 books, 447 linear feet of
archival materials and 700 recordings. The project preserves 291


arts and humanities $50,000 or more

linear feet on microfilm and also preserves 200 sound recordings
made by Botkin himself.
Virtual Archive of Whitman’s Manuscripts
$245,723 Institute of Museum & Library Services
Kenneth Price English
11/1/01 – 10/31/05
Walter and Kenneth Price, professor of English and Hillegass Chair
in 19th Century American Literature, are working with partner
institution the University of Virginia to create a Virtual Archive of
Walt Whitman’s Manuscripts. This project, funded by the Institute
of Museum & Library Services, will create a uniform web-based
guide to Whitman’s manuscripts (estimated at 70,000 items) with
special scholarly enhancements of 4,300 poetry manuscripts at
more than 60 institutions. The project is developing a technically
innovative response to the complex scholarly problem of archival
management, building a searchable database specific to the
nature of Whitman materials and serving as a model for future
scholar-archivist collaborations.
Implementation Grants for Special Projects—
Journals of Lewis and Clark Online Edition
$222,177 National Endowment for the Humanities
Dunham, Gary University Press
Walter and Gary Dunham, University of Nebraska Press director,
are using a National Endowment for the Humanities grant to
create an on-line edition of the Journals of the Lewis and Clark
Expedition, edited by Gary E. Moulton, UNL professor emeritus
of History. The interdisciplinary team is drawn from the UNL
Libraries, the University of Nebraska Press, and the Center for
Great Plains Studies. The site will also feature supplementary texts
relating to Euro-American and Native perspectives on the Lewis
and Clark expedition, images, and audio files of poet William
Kloefkorn reading selected passages. Online searchability will
make the website a useful resource for scholars and the general
public. The project is timed to coincide with the bicentennial
commemoration of Lewis and Clark’s expedition.


arts and humanities $50,000 or more

Arts and Humanities Awards
Active awards in 2005
Indicates new in 2005

Becker, Karen Music

UNL String Project
$10,000 American String Teachers Assn

Bleed, Peter Anthropology and Geography

* Archaeological Reconnaissance of San Juan Hill Battlefield
$5,185 National Geographic Society

Brooke, Robert English

* Voices from Young Citizens: Writing from Rural Nebraska
Youth Involved in Place Conscious Education
$8,100 Nebraska Humanities Council

Dunham, Gary University Press

Moravian Springplace Mission among the Cherokees
$10,000 National Historic Publications and Records
Publication of “Beaver Steals Fire”
$6,000 Montana Committee for Humanities
The Salish People & the Lewis & Clark Expedition
$6,000 Montana Committee for Humanities

Engen-Wedin, Nancy Lied Center

Omaha Cultural Arts Project
$45,000 Friends of Lied

Handa, Rumiko Architecture

* Spirit of Design: Multidisciplinary, Multimedia Database and
$12,000 Graham Foundation
Potter, James Architecture

Reynolds, Guy English

* 10th International Cather Seminar, “Violence, the Arts, and
$8,600 Nebraska Humanities Council

Ritchie, George Music

Organ Scholar, Saint Cecilia Scholastica Cantorum
$11,175 Saint Cecilia Schola Cantorum

Tomkins, Alan Public Policy Center

By the People: America in the World
$42,232 MacNeil/Lehrer Productions; Community Foundation
for Greater New Haven; Cooper Foundation

Walter, Katherine University Libraries

* Quilt Index National Leadership Project
$20,000 Michigan State University
Crews, Patricia Textiles, Clothing and Design
Homestead - Broken Bow Microfilming Project (CESU)
$20,000 Dept. of Interior-NPS
Edwards, Rick Economics


arts and humanities $5,000 — $49,999


arts and humanities $5,000 — $49,999

Recognition for Faculty Who Received Patents
UNL Faculty indicated in red

Alexander, Dennis
Electrical Engineering
Title: Laser Machining of Materials
Description: Nanomachining Using Femtosecond/Attosecond
Date: March 8, 2005
No. 6,864,457
Country: United States

Alfano, James
Biological Sciences
Title/Description: DNA Molecules and Polypeptides of
Pseudomonas Syringae HRP Pathogenicity Island and their Uses
Date: February 8, 2005
No. 6,852,835
Country: United States

Azizinamini, Atorod
Civil Engineering
Title: Composite Action System and Method
Description: HBS Composite Action System
Date: March 29, 2005
No. 6,871,462
Country: United States

Balkir, Sina; Leon-Salas, Walter D.; Perez, Lance; Hoffman,

Electrical Engineering
Title: System and Method for Generating Psuedo-Noise Sequences
Description: Chaos Based Pseudo-Noise (PN) Sequence Generation
Date: December 27, 2005
No. 6,981,010
Country: United States

Berkowitz, David
Title/Description: In Situ Screening to Optimize Variables in
Organic Reactions
Date: December 13, 2005
No. 6,974,665
Country: United States

Chacon, Ofelia; Barletta, Raul

Veterinary & Biomedical Sciences
Title: D-Alanine Racemase Mutants of Mycobacteria and Uses
Description: D-alanine Biosynthetic Enzymes as Targets for
Development of Anti-Mycobacterial Drugs and Vaccines
Date: August 16, 2005
No. 6,929,799
Country: United States


patents issued
Liu, Mingsheng
Title: Fume Hood Exhaust Stack System
Description: Advanced Stack Systems
Date: May 10, 2005
No. 6,890,252
Country: United States

Sayood, Khalid; Hoffman, Michael

Electrical Engineering
Title: System and Method for Joint Source-Channel Encoding, with
Symbol Decoding and Error Correction
Description: Self-Correcting Arithmetic Codes for Noisy
Communication Channels
Date: May 10, 2005
No. 6,892,343
Country: United States

Sicking, Dean L.
Civil Engineering
Title/Description: High-Impact, Energy-Absorbing Vehicle Barrier
Date: August 9, 2005
No. 6,926,461
Country: United States

Tadros, Maher; Foster, Edward Terence; Yehia, Sherif

Civil Engineering, Constructions Systems Technology, Civil
Title/Description: Pre-cast Post-Tensioned Segmental Pole System
Date: February 8, 2005
No. 6,851,231
Country: United States

Weeks, Donald
Title: Methods and Materials for Making and Using Transgenic
Dicamba-Degrading Organisms
Description: Development of Crops Tolerant to Treatment with
Date: February 19, 2005
No. 42194
Country: North Korea

Date: August 18, 2005

No. 781125
Country: Australia

Date: December 16, 2005

No. 10-1999-7009092
Country: South Korea


patents issued
UNL Faculty indicated in red

Licensee: Kansas Organic Producers

Description: NE99495 plant variety.
Inventor: Baenziger, Stephen
Department: Agronomy and Horticulture

Licensee: BASF Plant Science, L.L.C.

Description: Infinity Hard Red Winter Wheat, formerly NH01046.
Inventors: Baenziger, Stephen; Martin, Alexander; Shipman, Mary;
Lyon, Drew
Department: Agronomy and Horticulture

Licensee: Baker Hughes Inteq

Description: Neutron detector for oil well drilling, 10 years from
date of execution.
Inventor: Brand, Jennifer I.
Department: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Licensee: i-Diverse, Inc.

Description: Fragment from animal anti-apoptotic gene confers
stress resistance to transgenic plants.
Inventor: Dickman, Martin
Department: Plant Pathology

Licensee: Garst Seed Company

Description: Soybean variety NEX8903
Inventors: Graef, George; Korte, Leslie; White, Dennis
Department: Agronomy and Horticulture

Licensee: Stonebridge, Inc.

Description: A large-seeded soybean lines with higher protein
and sucrose content and a yellow hilum variety U00-429042 and
Inventor: Graef, George
Department: Agronomy and Horticulture

Licensee: Ramaeker Organic Farms

Description: U96-2831LS soybean variety.
Description: A large-seeded, yellow hilum, high protein soybean
Inventor: Graef, George
Department: Agronomy and Horticulture

Licensee: Seedwest
Description: Seeded variety of Buffalograss SWI-2000.
Inventor: Riordan, Terrance P.
Department: Agronomy and Horticulture

Licensee: USDA ARS, APTRU, Delaware State University, Morgan

State University, UNL Agronomy and Horticulture Department
Description: Licensed CALMIT Software.
Inventor: Rundquist, Don
Department: Conservation and Survey Division


intellectual property licenses

Licensee: Big Sky Wholesale Seed Inc.
Licensee: Heritage Seed Co. Inc.
Description: Beefmaker plant variety.
Inventor: Vogel, Kenneth P.
Department: USDA-ARS

Licensee: Monsanto
Description: Germplasm comprising a dicamba-resistance gene.
Inventor: Weeks, Don
Department: Biochemistry

Licensee: Upstate
Description: Antibody(ies) developed and characterized at UNL,
which is specific to monoclonal antibody(ies) against biotinylated
Histone H4.
Inventors: Zempleni, Janos; Sarath, Gautam
Department: Nutritional Science and Dietetics, Biochemistry


intellectual property licenses

Faculty who created, performed and produced creative works
in fine and performing arts.

Faculty Chamber Music Recital Series School of Music
Anderson, Scott L.
Haar, Paul
Neely, David
Potter, Clark
Chamber Music Recital in Ames, Iowa, a collaborative
performance with the faculty at Iowa State University, featured
two works for Saxophone and Trombone Quartet by UNL composer
Randall Snyder.

Moran Quintet School of Music

Bailey, John
McMullen, William
Barger, Diane C.
Micklich, Albie
French, Allen
Performance/Lecture, Quebec City, Canada, College Music Society
National Conference and Alcalá de Heneras, Spain; College Music
Society International Conference. Wind Chamber Music of Theodor

Everything Old is New Again: Tradition Meets Innovation in Perle’s

‘Wind Quintet No. 4 (with Gretchen Foley).

University of Nebraska Brass Quintet School of Music

Anderson, Scott L.
White, Darryl
Bircher, K. Craig
French, Allen
Fuller, Craig
Chamber Music Recital featuring original brass quintet music at
Central Presbyterian Church, Denver, Colo., and Colorado State
University, Fort Collins, Colo.

Bailey, John R. School of Music

Performance, American Flute Orchestra, Beijing, Shanghai, Xi’an,
China, flute orchestra concert tour. Conducted the American Flute
Orchestra, a professional ensemble of 35 flutists (contrabass,
bass, alto, and concert flutes) assembled from around the U.S. and
Canada on tour in China.

Barger, Diane C. School of Music

Performance, TAMA-Tokyo, Japan, International Clarinet
Association Performance.


creative works in fine and performing arts

Bartels, Ron H. Art and Art History
New Generations 2005 International Exhibition, SangMyung
University, Republic of Korea
Bartels’s lenticular video print work and digital motion video art.
September 1 – December 1, 2005.

Digital Universe, Caladan Gallery, Boston, Mass: Ron Bartels

Contemporary Icons online exhibition July – October, Inside Out,
From Here In Time, Surprise Again, Another Viewpoint, lenticular
prints and QuickTime video motion work.

7th International Abstraction, Upstream People Gallery, Larry

Bradshaw, juror
January 2005- December 2005. Seven of Bartels’ digital lenticular
and polyester prints selected for online juried exhibition.

Fritz, Dana Art & Art History

Artist Residency, Alfred and Trafford Klots Artist Residency
Program, Chateau de Rochefort-en-Terre, Brittany, France.

Solo exhibition, Garden Views: the Culture of Nature, Illinois

Central College, Peoria, Ill.

Group exhibition, Looking at the World: Photography from the

Permanent Collection, Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art,
Scottsdale, Ariz.

Curator’s Choice Award, 2005 HCP Juried Membership Exhibition,

Houston Center for Photography, Houston, Texas.

Holz, Aaron Art & Art History

Artist, Another Place, A Different Garden: RARE Art Gallery. New
York, N.Y.

Artist, Power, Passion & Humiliation: MPG Contemporary, Boston,


Artist, Ivan Fortushniak and Aaron Holz: Lake George Arts Project,
Lake George, N.Y.

Artist, Cool & Collected-Consummate Works from Local

Collectors: Bemis Center For Contemporary Arts, Omaha, Neb.

James, Michael F. Textiles, Clothing & Design

Questioning Convention: The Studio Quilts of Michael James.
30 year retrospective exhibition, Fuller Craft Museum, Brockton,

Mond, Robert A. Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film

Lighting design, The Merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare,
Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival; Center Valley, Pa.

Lighting design for children’s theatre, The Little Mermaid, by Linda

Daugherty, Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival; Center Valley, Pa.


creative works in fine and performing arts

Shomos, William H. School of Music
Author/Creator, War Horse 101, Opera Omaha, staged in Omaha
and throughout Nebraska.

Performance, The Mystic Trumpeter, Lincoln, Neb. Collaborated

with the composer/conductor Tyler White.

Stage director, Des Moines Metro Opera Apprentice Artist

Program, Des Moines, Iowa.

Smith, Virginia L. Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film

Director, Voice of the Prairie, Moscow, Russia.

Souto, Francisco Art & Art History

Artist, Francisco Souto Solo Exhibition, Brookhaven College School
of the Arts, Dallas, Texas.

Artist, 6th Kochi International Triennial of Prints, Kochi, Japan.

Artist, 2005 Pacific Rim International Print Exhibition, Hilo, Hawaii.

Artist, IV Novosibirsk Biennial of Contemporary Graphic Art,

Novosibirsk State Art Museum, Russia.

Artist, 4th Lessedra World Art Print Annual, Lessedra Gallery &
Contemporary Art Projects, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Artist, Open Expressions: Contemporary American Printmaking,

American University, Cairo, Egypt.

Artist, 6th British International Miniature Print Exhibition,

Dumfries, U.K.

Artist, 18th Parkside National Small Print Exhibition, Kenosha, Wis.

Teo, Sharon M. Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film

Author, creator, producer and motion picture editor, Almost
Normal, full-length feature film, shown in Long Island, N.Y.; Dallas,
Texas; Asheville, N.C.; Washington, D.C.; Breckenridge, Colo.;
Little Rock, Ark.; Honolulu, Hawaii; Lincoln, Neb.; and Munich,
Frankfurt, Cologne and Berlin, Germany.

Trout, Barbara L. Textiles, Clothing & Design

Artist, Fiber Art, Burning Bush in Shuttle, Spindle and Dyepot,
Handweavers Guild of America, Suwanee, Ga.

Burning Bush in the book 500 Baskets, Ashville, N.C., Lark Books,
fiber art, Author/Creator.


creative works in fine and performing arts

Weiss, Wendy Textiles, Clothing & Design
Artist, HOME AGAIN: University of Kansas Textiles: Past and
Present, Farm Gallery, Kansas City, Kan.; Design Gallery,
University of Kansas.

Artist, Art of Fine Craft: Nebraska Invitational, Lincoln, Neb., Elder

Gallery, Nebraska Wesleyan University.
Artist, At the Fence #2, RED, A Juried Show on the Color Red, Rapid
City, SD.

Artist, textile and sound environment. Traveler’s Field, Design

Gallery, University of Wisconsin and University Place Gallery,
Lincoln, Neb. Collaborator: Jay Kreimer.

Williams, Sandra M. Art and Art History

Artist, Better Luck in the Next Life, The Museum of Nebraska Art,
Kearney, Neb.

Artist, The Seven Mysteries, McHenry County College, Crystal

Lake, Ill., Stevenson Gallery, Southern Oregon University, Ashland,

Quilt Quest 4-H Youth Development

Five module curriculum written by Patricia Fairchild, Diane Vigna,
Shirley Niemeyer, Susan Brown, Myrna DuBois, Jeanette Friesen,
Lynda Parson, Barbara Schmidt, Phyllis Shoenholz.


creative works in fine and performing arts

Recognition for Faculty Who Have Written Books
UNL Faculty indicated in red

Akers, Donna L.
Living in the Land of the Dead: The Choctaw Nation, 1830-1860;
Lansing, Mich., Michigan State University Press, 2004. (History)

Asato, Noriko
Teaching Mikadoism: The Attack on Japanese Language Schools
in Hawaii, California and Washington, 1919-1927; Honolulu,
Hawaii, University of Hawaii Press, 2005. (Modern Languages and

Beatty, Millard, F.; Hayes, Michael, eds.

Mechanics and Mathematics of Crystals: Selected Papers of J.L.
Ericksen ; Singapore, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2005.
(Engineering Mechanics)

Behrendt, Stephen C.
History ; Minneapolis, Minn., Mid-List Press, 2005. (English)

Borstelmann, Thomas; Jones, Jacqueline; Wood, Peter H.; Tyler

May, Elaine; Ruiz, Vicki L.
Created Equal: A Social and Political History of the United States,
Single Volume Edition ; New York, N.Y., Longman, 2005. (History)

Braithwaite, Dawn O.; Baxter, Leslie A., eds.

Engaging Theories in Family Communication: Multiple
Perspectives ; Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage, 2005. (Communication

Carlo, Gustavo; Pope Edwards, Carolyn, eds.

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, Volume 52. Moral Motivation
through the Life Span ; Lincoln, Neb., University of Nebraska Press,
2005. (Psychology)

Cejda, Brent D., ed.

Community College Exemplary Initiatives, Volume XVI 2004-2005;
Lincoln, Neb., National Council of Instructional Administrators,
2005. (Educational Administration)

Couture, Barbara; Kent, Thomas eds.

The Private, The Public, and The Published: Reconciling Private
Lives and Public Rhetoric ; Logan, Utah, Utah State University
Press, 2004. (English, Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs)

DeFrain, John D., Olson, David H.

Marriages and Families: Intimacy, Diversity, and Strengths ; New
York City, N.Y.,McGraw-Hill, 2005. (Family & Consumer Sciences)

Denicola, Robert C.
Copyright ; New York, N.Y., Foundation Press, 2005. (Law)

Dunham, Gary; Ellis, Clyde; Lassiter, Luke Eric, eds.

Powwow ; Lincoln, Neb., University of Nebraska Press, 2005.
(University of Nebraska Press)


Diamond, Judy, ed.
Virus and the Whale: Exploring Evolution in Creatures Small and
Large ; Arlington, Va., National Science Teachers Association Press,
2005. (Museum)

Digman, Lester A.; Laipply, Harold

Strategic Management: Competing in the Global Information Age ;
Mason, Ohio, Thomson Custom Solutions, 2005. (Management)

Dixon, Wheeler W.
Lost in the Fifties: Recovering Phantom Hollywood ; Carbondale,
Ill., Southern Illinois University Press, 2005. (English)

American Cinema of the 1940s : Themes and Variations; New

Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers University Press, 2005. (English)

Edwards, Richard; Bowles, Samuel; Roosevelt, Frank

Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command and Change ;
Oxford, U.K., Oxford University Press, 2005. (Economics)

Forsythe, David
The Humanitarians: The International Committee of the Red Cross ;
Cambridge, U.K., Cambridge University Press, 2005. (Political

Foster, Gwendolyn, A.
Class-Passing: Social Mobility in Film and Popular Culture ;
Carbondale, Ill., Southern Illinois University Press, 2005. (English)

Giesecke, Joan R.; McNeil, Beth

Fundamentals of Library Supervision ; Chicago, Ill., American
Library Association, 2005. (University Libraries)

Gorman, Robert
The Socratic Method in the Dialogues of Cicero ; Stuttgart,
Germany, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2005. (Classics/Religious Studies)

Grady, Marilyn L.; Brock, Barbara

Developing a Teacher Induction Plan ; Thousand Oaks, Calif.,
Corwin Press, 2005. (Educational Administration)

Grange, William M.
Hitler Laughing: Comedy in the Third Reich ; Baltimore, Md.,
Rowman and Littlefield, 2005. (Johnny Carson School of Theatre
and Film)

Hage, David S., ed.

Handbook of Affinity Chromatography, 2nd Ed ; New York, N.Y.,
Taylor and Francis, 2005. (Chemistry)

Harbourne, Brian; Cilberto, Ciro; Geramita, Anthony; Miro-Roig,

Rosa Maria; Ranestad, Kristian, eds.
Projective Varieties with Unexpected Properties ; Berlin, Germany,
Walter de Gruyter, 2005. (Mathematics)


Harter, Lynn M.; Japp, Phyllis M.; Beck, Christina S., eds.
Narratives, Health and Healing: Communication Theory, Research
and Practice ; Mahwah, N.J., Lawrence Earlbaum Associates, 2005.
(Communication Studies)

Hayden, F. Gregory
Policymaking For A Good Society: The Social Fabric Matrix
Approach to Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation ; New York,
N.Y., Springer, 2005. (Economics)

Homestead, Melissa J.
American Women Authors and Literary Property, 1822-1869 ; New
York, N.Y., Cambridge University Press, 2005. (English)

Janovy, Karen O.
Sculpture from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery ; Lincoln, Neb.,
University of Nebraska Press, 2005. (Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery
and Sculpture Garden)

Japp, Phyllis M.; Meister, Mark; Japp, Debra M., eds.

Communication Ethics, Media, and Popular Culture ; New York,
N.Y., Peter Lang Publishers, 2005. (Communication Studies)

Johnsgard, Paul A.
Prairie Dog Empire: A Saga of the Shortgrass Prairie ; Lincoln, Neb.,
University of Nebraska Press, 2005. (Biological Sciences)

Kiewra, Kenneth
Learn How to Study and SOAR to Success ; Upper Saddle River,
N.J., Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005. (Educational Psychology)

Kooser, Ted
The Poetry Home Repair Manual: Practical Advice for Beginning
Poets ; Lincoln, Neb., University of Nebraska Press, 2005. (English)

Kostelnik, Marjorie J.; Whiren, Alice Phipps; Soderman, Anne K.;

Stein, Laura C.; Gregory, Kara
Guiding Children’s Social Development: Theory to Practice ;
Singapore, Thomson Learning Asia, 2005. (Education and Human

Lee, Sang M.; Olson, David L.

Introduction to Management Science, 2nd Edition ; Cincinnati,
Ohio, Thomson Learning, 2005. (Management)

Lepard, Brian
Hope for a Global Ethic: Shared Principles in Religious Scriptures ;
Wilmette, Ill., Baha’i Publishing, 2005. (Law)

Luebke, Frederick C.
Nebraska: An Illustrated History, 2nd Edition ; Lincoln, Neb.,
University of Nebraska Press, 2005. (History)

Luthans, Fred
Organizational Behavior, 10th Edition ; New York, N.Y., McGraw-
Hill, 2005. (Management)


Lynch, Thomas P., ed.
El Lobo: Readings on the Mexican Gray Wolf; Salt Lake City, Utah,
University of Utah Press, 2005. (English)

MacPhee, Craig
Roll Over Joe Stalin: Struggling with Post-Soviet Reform in the
Caucasus ; Lincoln, Neb., iUniverse, 2005. (Economics)

Moshman, Dave
Adolescent Psychological Development: Rationality, Morality,
and Identity, 2nd Edition ; Mahwah, N.J., Lawrence Earlbaum
Associates, 2005. (Educational Psychology)

Nisse, Ruth
Defining Acts: Drama and the Politics of Interpretation in Late
Medieval England ; Notre Dame, Ind., University of Notre Dame
Press, 2005. (English)

Olson, David L.; Evans, James R.

Simulation and Risk Analysis ; Boston, Mass., Prentice Hall Custom
Publishing, 2005. (Management)

Owomoyela, Oyekan
Yoruba Proverbs ; Lincoln, Neb., University of Nebraska Press,
2005. (English)

Price, Kenneth M.; Folsom, Ed

Re-Scripting Walt Whitman: An Introduction to His Life and Work ;
Oxford, U.K., Blackwell, 2005. (English)

Pytlik Zillig, Lisa; Bodarsson, M.; Bruning, Roger, eds.

Technology-Based Education: Bringing Researchers and
Practitioners Together ; Greenwich, Conn., Information Age
Publishing, 2005. (Educational Psychology)

Rawley, James A.
The Transatlantic Slave Trade, 2nd Edition ; Lincoln, Neb., University
of Nebraska Press, 2005. (History) Dr. Rawley died in November
of 2005.

Randolph, Ladette
This is Not the Tropics ; Madison, Wis., University of Wisconsin
Press, 2005. (University of Nebraska Press)

Sarroub, Loukia K.
All American Yemeni Girls: Being Muslim in a Public School ;
Philadelphia, Pa., University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005.
(Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education)

Sayood, Khalid
Understanding Circuits: Learning Problem Solving Using Circuit
Analysis ; San Francisco, Calif., Morgan Claypool, 2005. (Electrical

Introduction to Data Compression, 3rd Edition ; San Fransisco,

Calif., Morgan Kaufmann, 2005. (Electrical Engineering)


Schlegel, Vicki L., ed.
Process Improvement: A Tool Kit for Healthcare ; Lincoln,
Neb., Leston Quality Engineering LLC, 2005. (Food Science &

Schniederjans, Marc J.; Schniederjans, Ashlyn M.; Schniederjans,

Dara G.
Outsourcing and Insourcing in an International Context ; Amonk,
N.Y., M.E. Sharpe, 2005. (Management)

Scholl, Philip J.; Colwell, D.; Hall, M. J.R., eds.

The Oestrid Flies: Biology, Host-Parasite Relationships, Impact
and Management ; Cambridge, Mass., Cabi Publishing, 2005.

Seefeldt, Douglas; Hantman, Jeffrey L.; Onuf, Peter S., eds.

Across the Continent: Jefferson, Lewis and Clark and the Making
of America ; Charlottesville, Va., University of Virginia Press, 2005.

Siau, Keng, ed.

Advanced Topics in Database Research – Vol. IV; Hershey, Pa., Idea
Group Publishing, 2005. (Management)

Smith, Victoria A. ed.; Stabler, Hollis D.

No One Ever Asked Me: The World War II Memoirs of an Omaha
Indian Soldier ; Lincoln, Neb., University of Nebraska Press, 2005.
(Ethnic Studies, History)

Smith, Kevin
Governing States and Localities ; Washington, D.C., CQ Press,
2005. (Political Science)

Taylor, Stephen L., ed.

Advances in Food & Nutrition Research, Volume 49 ; San Diego,
Calif., Elsevier/Academic Press, 2005. (Food Science & Technology)

Advances in Food & Nutrition Research, Volume 50 ; San Diego,

Calif., Elsevier/Academic Press, 2005. (Food Science & Technology)

Waldren, Richard P.; Martin, John H.; Stamp, David L.

Principles of Field Crop Production ; Upper Saddle River, N.J.,
Prentice Hall, 2005. (Agronomy & Horticulture)

Walstad, William B.; Brue, Stanley L.; McConnell, Campbell R.

Study Guide to Accompany Economics, 16th Edition ; New York,
N.Y., Mc Graw Hill, 2005. (Economics)

Wilhite, Donald A.; Botterill, Linda Courtenay, eds.

From Disaster Response to Risk Management: Australia’s National
Drought Policy ; Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Springer, 2005.
(School of Natural Resources)

Wilhite, Donald A., ed.

Drought and Water Crises: Science, Technology, and Management
Issues ; Boca Raton, Fla., CRC Press, 2005. (School of Natural


Yang, Jiashi
An Introduction to the Theory of Piezoelectricity (Advances in
Mechanics and Mathematics) ; Berlin, Germany, Springer, 2005.
(Engineering Mechanics)

Zempleni, Janos; Dakshinamurti, Krishnamurti, eds.

Nutrients and Cell Signaling ; New York, N.Y., Marcel Dekker, 2005.
(Nutritional Science & Dietetics)


Faculty who have been elected to or who have
received national or international honors.

Braake, Myron Plant Pathology (Emeritus)

National Academy of Science Membership

Kooser, Ted English

2005 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry for Delights and Shadows, Copper
Canyon, 2004
U.S. Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress

Splinter, William Larsen Tractor Test and Power Museum;

Biological Systems Engineering (Emeritus)
National Academy of Engineers Membership

Van Etten, James Plant Pathology

National Academy of Science Membership

Abbott, Douglas, A. Family & Consumer Sciences

Fulbright Scholar, Israel

Adams, Stephanie Industrial and Management

Systems Engineering
American Association for the Advancement of Science/National
Science Foundation, Science and Engineering Policy Fellow

Alfano, James R. Plant Pathology

American Phytopathological Society, Syngenta Award

Anderson, John Economics

President’s Council of Economic Advisers, Senior Economist

Ball, A. Dwayne Marketing

Fulbright Senior Specialist, Portugal

Ballard, John Industrial and Management

Systems Engineering
American Society for Engineering Education, Vice President,
National Board

Barger, Diane C. School of Music

International Clarinet Association, Treasurer

Behrendt, Stephen C. English

Keats-Shelley Association of America, Distinguished Scholar Award
in the Field of Romanticism for 2005

Bell, Lloyd Agricultural Leadership,

Education and Communication
American Association for Agricultural Education - North Central
Region, Outstanding Educator

Berryman, Chuck Construction Management

National Association of Home Builders, National Educator of the



Brumm, Michael C. Animal Science
National Hog Farmer, one of the Top 50 Men and Women Who
Truly Made A Difference in the U.S. Pork Industry in the Last 50

Burnett, Amy History

TIAA-CREF Institute, Theodore M. Hesburgh Award Certificate of

Cahan, David History

Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Senior Fellowship
National Science Foundation, Fellowship

Cassman, Kenneth, G. Agronomy and Horticulture

American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow

Christenson, Ron Animal Science

American Society of Animal Science, Research Fellow

Coble, Parks History

University of Nebraska Outstanding Research and Creative
Activity Award

Crawford, Sidnie W. Classics and Religious Studies

Center of Theological Inquiry, Member

Creswell, John Educational Psychology

Sage Publications Outstanding Sales Award, Research Design:
Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods, 2nd ed.

Crews, Patricia, C. Textiles, Clothing & Design

International Textiles and Apparel Association, Distinguished
Scholar Award

Dahab, Mohamed Civil Engineering

Water Environment Federation, President-Elect

Daly, Ed Educational Psychology

American Psychological Association Division 16 Fellow

Day, Jeffrey Architecture

American Institute of Architects Nebraska—Citation, Design Award
for Burt Pool House and Office Research
American Institute of Architects Nebraska, Design Award for Art
Farm Red Barn

DeFrain, John D. Family and Consumer Sciences

Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars,
Installation Certificate

Dixon, Wheeler W. English

Peter C. Rollins Annual Book Award for Lost in the Fifties:
Recovering Phantom Hollywood, Southern Illinois Press, 2005

Dowben, Peter A. Physics and Astronomy

American Physical Society, Fellow



Ellis, Marion D. Entomology
American Association of Professional Apiculturists, President
Eastern Apiculture Society of North America, Roger A. Morse
Outstanding Teaching and Extension Award

Engen-Wedin, Nancy G. Lied Center for Performing Arts

Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education
John F. Kennedy Center for the Perfoming Arts, National Advisory
Committee Partners in Education Program

Espy, Kimberly Andrews Psychology

Associate Vice Chancellor for Research
American Psychological Association, Division 40, Early Career
American Psychological Association, Fellow

Ferguson, Richard B. Agronomy and Horticulture

Soil Science Society of America Nutrient Management and Soil and
Plant Analysis Division, Chair-elect

Fielding, Christopher Geosciences

Geological Society of Australia, Dorothy Hill Medal

Fischer, Bruce Construction Management

Associated Schools of Construction, National Teaching Award

Ford, Chris Architecture

American Institute of Architects Western Mountain Region and
Southern Arizona, Design Award Citation for Barrio Metalico
American Institute of Architects Western Mountain Region and
Southern Arizona, Design Award Merit and Honor for Ice House

Foster, Edward Terence Construction Systems

National Society of Professional Engineers for Practice Divisions,
National Vice President

Fox, Marilyn; Team Leader Extension

Florence T. Hall Award for the Building Nebraska Families Program,
National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

Francis, Charles, A. Agronomy and Horticulture

American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow

Franti, Tom Biological Systems Engineering

Fox, Amanda
Josiah, Scott
Kucera, Mike
American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Educational Aids
Competition Blue Ribbon, Planning Your Riparian Buffer: Design
and Plant Selection and Installing Your Riparian Buffer: Tree and
Grass Planting, Postplanting Care and Maintenance

Fuess, Scott M. Economics

Institute For The Study of Labor, Bonn, Germany, Research Fellow



Gaussoin, Roch E. Agronomy and Horticulture
American Society of Agronomy, Fellow
Crop Science Society of America Turfgrass Science Division,
Elected Chair-Elect

Goodburn, Amy English

TIAA-CREF Institute, Theodore M. Hesburgh Award Certificate of

Graybill, Andrew R. History

Western History Association, Bolton-Kinnaird Award

Harkness, Janet A. English, Gallup Research Center

European Union, Descartes Prize

Heemstra, Jill Biological Systems Engineering

Koelsch, Richard
American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Educational Aids
Competition Blue Ribbon, Poultry EMS Project

Henneman, Alice C. Extension

Tufts University, “Among the Best” rating from Tufts University,
Nutrition Navigator-A Rating Guide to Nutrition Web Sites

Houser, Kevin W. Architectural Engineering

Leon Gaster Award, Chartered Institution of Building Services
Taylor Technical Talent Award, Illuminating Engineering Society of
North America

Klein, Robert N. Agronomy and Horticulture

American Society of Agronomy, Elected Representative, Board of
Directors, Extension Education Division

Klopfenstein, Terry Animal Science

American Society of Animal Science, Distinguished Teaching Award

Koelsch, Richard K. Animal Science,

Biological Systems Engineering
American Society of Agricultural Engineers, G.B. Gunlogson
Countryside Engineering Award

Kranz, Bill Biological Systems Engineering

Watts, Darrell
Yonts, Dean
American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Educational Aids
Competition Blue Ribbon, Assuring Efficient Center Pivot Irrigation

Leung, Kam Physics and Astronomy

Academia Sinica, Republic of China, Institute of Astronomy and
Astrophysics, Visiting Fellow

Levin, Carole History

Rare Books and Manuscripts Section, Association of College
and Research Libraries, Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab
Exhibition Catalogue Award, Elizabeth I: Ruler and Legend



Levis, Donald G. Animal Science
National Hog Farmer, one of the Top 50 Men and Women Who
Truly Made A Difference in the U.S. Pork Industry in the Last 50

Lindgren, Dale T. Agronomy and Horticulture

American Penstemon Society, The Glenn Viehmeyer Award

Lou, Marjorie F. Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences

International Society for Eye Research, Elected Committee Chair
National Foundation for Eye Research, Board of Trustees
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, Kwan-Biao Zhao
Distinguished Professor

Lyon, Drew J. Agronomy and Horticulture

American Society of Agronomy, Fellow

Mahoney, Timothy R. History

Fulbright Scholar, Poland

Martin, Derrel Biological Systems Engineering

Irmak, Suat
Yonts, Dean
Payero, Jose
Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner’s Water Conservation Award

McLaughlin, William Chemistry

University of Nebraska Outstanding Teaching and Instructional
Creativity Award

Medill, Colleen E. Law

American Law Institute, Elected Member

Morris, Jack Biological Sciences

American Phytopathological Society, Ruth Allen Award

Nelson, Darrell W. Agronomy and Horticulture

American Society of Agronomy, Agronomic Service Award

Newman, Ian Educational Psychology

U.S. Department of Education Office of Safe and Drug-Free
Schools and Communities, National Programs/Drug and Alcohol
Models on College Campuses

Niemeyer, Shirley M. Textiles, Clothing & Design

National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences,
National Extension Housing Outreach Award

Nisse, Ruth English

National Humanities Center, Fellow

Nowak, Andrzej, S. Civil Engineering

Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, Medal
Politechniki Warszawskiej

Olds, Marshall Modern Languages and Literatures

Academicques Palmes de France, Knight



Osorio, Fernando A. Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Pig Improvement Corporation, Ensminger International School on
Swine Diseases, International Veterinary Advisory Board
Porcine Reproductive & Respiratory Syndrome Virus Eradication
Campaign Adviser

Poser, Susan Law

American Law Institute, Elected Member

Rajurkar, Kamlakar Industrial and Management

Systems Engineering
American Society of Mechanical Engineering, Vice President

Ramamurthy, Byravamurthy Computer Science

and Engineering
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Secretary, Optical
Networking Technical Committee

Reichenbach, Stephen Computer Science and Engineering

Applied Information Management Institute, Technology Professor
of the Year

Revesz, Peter Z. Computer Science and Engineering

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Alexander von Humboldt
Research Fellowship

Rieke, Reuben Chemistry

University of Minnesota, Outstanding Achievement Award

Rush, Ivan Animal Science

American Society of Animal Science, Extension Award

Sarroub, Loukia K. Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education

National Reading Conference, 2005 Edward B. Fry Book Award For
Outstanding Contributions to Literacy Research and Practice

Saskova-Pierce, Mila Modern Languages and Literatures

President of the Czech Republic, Gratias Agit Award, Czech
Komensky Club

Savory, Paul A. Industrial and Management

Systems Engineering
TIAA-CREF Institute, Theodore M. Hesburgh Award Certificate of

Seefeldt, Douglas History

Huntington Library, Los Angeles Corral of Westerners Research

Shapiro, Charles A. Agronomy and Horticulture

American Society of Agronomy, Fellow

Shearman, Robert C. Agronomy and Horticulture

United States Golf Association, Green Section Award



Sheridan, Susan Educational Psychology,
Nebraska Center for Research
on Children, Youth, Families and Schools
National Association of School Psychologists Presidential Award

Siau, Keng Management

Association for Information Systems Special Interest Group on
Systems Analysis and Design, Advisory Board Member
Information Resources Management Association, Outstanding
Leader Award

Snow, Gregory Physics and Astronomy

American Physical Society, Fellow

Soukup, Rodney J. Electrical Engineering

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Meritorious Service

Starace, Anthony Physics and Astronomy

University of Nebraska Outstanding Research and Creative
Activity Award

Steadman, James R. Plant Pathology

Alpha Phi chapter of the Phi Delta Honor Society for International

American Phytopathological Society, International Service Award

Caribbean Division of the American Phytopathological Society
Frederick L. Wellman Award

Tadros, Maher Civil Engineering

Prestressed Concrete Institute, Titan of the Industry

Teo, Sharon M. Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film

Endacott, Richard Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film
Oliva, Giacomo Hixson-Lied College of Fine & Performing Arts
Fairfield, Terry University of Nebraska Foundation
Andersen, Kathe Hixson-Lied College of Fine & Performing Arts
Buntain Comine, Lucy University of Nebraska Foundation
Rodriguez, Sarah W. University of Nebraska Foundation
Council for Advancement and Support of Education, Grand
Gold Medal and Gold Medal Award for Overall Excellence In
Fundraising Programs: Technology Applications

Turner, Harriet, S. Modern Languages

Martinez, Adelaida and Literatures
Choice magazine, Outstanding Academic Title, The Cambridge
Companion to the Spanish Novel from 1600 to the Present

UNL for Families Extension Team Extension

Annie E. Casey Foundation, 4-H Families Count: Annie E. Casey
Family Strengthening Award

Van Vleck, L. Dale Animal Science

American Society of Animal Science, Morrison Award



Velander, William H. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Society of Vascular Surgery, Resident Research Prize

Walker, Judy L. Mathematics

Mathematical Association of America, Deborah and Franklin
Tepper Haimo Award for Distinguished College or University
Teaching of Mathematics

Wang, Lily M. Architectural Engineering

Acoustical Society of America, R. Bruce Lindsay Award

Wedeman, Andrew H. Political Science
China Quarterly, Gordon White Prize

Weiss, Wendy Textiles, Clothing and Design

Kreimer, Jay
Fiber 2005, Honorable Mention, Textile and Sound Environment

Wentz, Timothy Construction Management

Mechanical Contractors Association of America, National
Educator of the Year

Wishart, David Anthropology and Geography

American Library Association, Outstanding Reference Source,
Encyclopedia of the Great Plains
Choice magazine, Outstanding Academic Title, Encyclopedia of the
Great Plains

Wristen, Brenda, G. School of Music

American Institute of Physics and Human Factors Society,
Discovery Breakthroughs In Science Award

Yiannaka, Amalia Agricultural Economics

Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society and the
American Agricultural Economics Association, Young Professionals
Heading South Award

Yonts, Dean Biological Systems Engineering

Smith, John
American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Educational Aids
Competition Blue Ribbon, Dry Bean Production and Pest

Zempleni, Janos Nutrition and Health Sciences

American Society for Nutrition, Mead Johnson Award 2006

Zeng, Xiao, C. Chemistry

American Physical Society, Fellow



Glossary of Federal Agency Abbreviations
USAID United States Agency for International Development

CNS Corporation for National Service

USDA United States Department of Agriculture

ARS Agricultural Research Service
BRDC Biotechnology Research and Development
CSREES Cooperative State Research, Education
& Extension Service
ERS Extension Research Service
FAS Foreign Agriculture Service
FS Forestry Service
NRCS Natural Resources Conserv Serv
NRICGP National Research Initiative Competitive
Grant Program
RMA Risk Management Agency
SARE Sustainable Agricultural Research
and Education Program

DOC Department of Commerce

EDA Economic Development Administration
NOAA National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration

DOD Department of Defense

Army Corps of Engineers
Army Research Office
DEPSCoR Defense Experimental Program to
Stimulate Cooperative Research
Naval Research Laboratory
Office of Naval Research
U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity

DEd Department of Education

FIPSE Fund for the Improvement
of Postsecondary Education

DOE Department of Energy

EPSCoR Experimental Program to Stimulate
Cooperative Research
NIGEC National Inst for Global Environmental Change
Sandia National Laboratories

DHHS Department of Health and Human Services

ACF Administration for Children and Families
CDC Centers for Disease Control
NIH National Institutes of Health
Fogarty International Center
NCI National Cancer Institute
NCRR National Center for Research Resources
National Eye Institute
NHLBI National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
National Institute on Aging
NIAID National Institute on Allergy & Infectious


NICHD National Institute of Child Health
and Human Development
NIDCD National Institute on Deafness
& Communication Disorders
NIDDK National Institute of Diabetes,
Digestive & Kidney Disease
NIDA National Institute on Drug Abuse
NIGMS National Institute on General Medical Sciences
NIMH National Institute of Mental Health

HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development

DoI Department of Interior

BR Bureau of Reclamation
FWS Fish & Wildlife Service
GS Geological Survey
NPS National Park Service

DoT Department of Transportation

Federal Highway Administration

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

IMLS Institute of Museum & Library Services

NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Ames Research Center
Goddard Space Flight Center
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
John Stennis Space Center
Lewis Research Center
Wallops Flight Facility

NCHRP National Cooperative Highway

Research Program

NEA National Endowment for the Arts

NEH National Endowment for the Humanities

NSF National Science Foundation

EPSCoR Experimental Program to
Stimulate Cooperative Research

NSA National Security Agency



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