Festive Activities: Gapped Text
Festive Activities: Gapped Text
Festive Activities: Gapped Text
Gapped Text
This activity raises student awareness about word forms, revises
grammatical terminology, and helps students think about text cohesion,
sentence structure and collocations.
1. Review the grammatical terms listed in the gapped text.
2. Put students into pairs, if you’re running this session online you could set
up separate breakout rooms to pair students together. Give student A the
gapped text. Student A should look at the grammar terms next to the gaps
in the text and ask student B for a word. For example, if the gap needs an
adjective, student B should say an adjective.
3. Once the gaps have been filled with the correct part of speech, the students
read the text. Of course, it will sound very silly because student B won’t have
seen the text to know what word would make sense!
4. Give the students another copy of the gapped text and ask them to think
about what words might have been in the original text.
5. Ask students say what clues they used to fill in the blanks. For example, in
the level 1 text, they may have guessed that the place was England because
the letter was from the Oxford Orchestra. In the level 3 text, students will
have used the collocation clue ‘Eve’ and the phrase ‘merry Christmas’ to
guess the holiday.
7. There are a number of ways to follow up. You could ask the students to
write the next paragraph, bring them back together toread their version out
to the class. or promote an active discussion about what they’ve read.
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Gapped Text 1
Bookworms level 1.
Orginal Text.
Source: Christmas in Prague by Joyce Hannam.
The Oxford Bookworms Library. OUP p.5
England 1995
‘Hey, Jan, look at this!’ Carol said. She had a letter in her hand and took it across
to her husband at the breakfast table. ‘It’s from the Oxford Orchestra,’ she said.
‘They’re giving concerts in the Czech Republic this Christmas. They’re doing
three concerts in Prague and they’re asking me to go because they need a
harpist. Shall we go to Prague for Christmas? I can play with the orchestra, and
you can come with us.’
‘When are the concerts?’ asked Jan. ‘I always have a lot of work in the weeks
before Christmas. I must finish writing my new book then.’
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Gapped Text 1
Bookworms level 1.
Gapped Text.
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Gapped Text 2
Bookworms level 3.
Orginal Text.
Source: A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.
The Oxford Bookworms Library. OUP. pp 3-5.
One Christmas Eve, old Scrooge was working busily in his office. It was
cold, frosty, foggy weather. Outside it was already dark, although it was
only three o’clock in the afternoon, and there were candles in all the office
windows. The fog covered everything, like a thick, grey blanket.
‘Merry Christmas, uncle! God bless you!’ cried a happy voice. Scrooge’s
nephew had arrived.
‘Christmas is humbug! Surely you don’t mean that, uncle?’ said his nephew.
‘I do,’ said Scrooge. ‘Why do you call it “merry” Christmas? You’re too poor to be
‘Well,’ replied the nephew, smiling, ‘why are you so cross? You’re too rich to be
‘Of course I’m cross,’ answered the uncle, ‘when I live in a world full of
stupid people like you! You say “Merry Christmas”! But what is Christmas?
Just a time when you spend too much, when you find yourself a year older
and not an hour richer, when you have to pay your bills. Everyone who goes
around saying “Merry Christmas” should have his tongue cut out. Yes, he
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press
Gapped Text 2
Bookworms level 3.
Gapped Text.
‘Christmas is humbug! Surely you don’t mean that, uncle?’ said his
__________ (family member).
‘I do,’ said Scrooge. ‘Why do you call it “merry” Christmas? You’re too
__________ (adjective) to be merry.’
‘Well,’ replied the nephew, smiling, ‘why are you so cross? You’re too
__________ (adjective) to be unhappy.’
‘Of course I’m cross,’ answered the uncle, ‘when I __________ (verb) in a
world full of stupid people like you! You say “Merry Christmas”! But what is
Christmas? Just a time when you spend too much, when you find yourself
a year ____________ (comparative adjective) and not an hour richer, when
you have to __________ (verb) your bills. Everyone who goes around
saying “Merry Christmas” should have his __________ (body part) cut out.
Yes, he should!”
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Extensive Reading Activities
Free sample chapters from our collection of festive graded readers.
Christmas is humbug, Scrooge says - just a time when you find yourself a year
older and not a penny richer. The only thing that matters to Scrooge is business,
and making money. But on Christmas Eve three spirits come to visit him. They
take him travelling on the wings of the night to see the shadows of Christmas past,
present, and future - and Scrooge learns a lesson that he will never forget.
In a house in Oxford three people are having breakfast - Carol, her husband Jan,
and his father Josef. They are talking about Prague, because Carol wants them all
to go there for Christmas. Josef was born in Prague, but he left his home city when
he was a young man. He is an old man now, and he would like to see Prague again
before he dies. But he is afraid. He still remembers another Christmas in Prague,
many long years ago - a Christmas that changed his life for ever...
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12 Days of Winter Singalong
The 12 Days of Christmas is a popular Christmas song, and you could teach
students the song and sing along. Go to www.lyricstraining.com to find the
song with gap-fill activity games for beginners up to ‘expert’. (Use the search
function to find the song). Pre-teach some of the more difficult vocabulary
first. This activity can be delivered online!
Another idea is to take just the theme of the song about giving of gifts over
the 12 days of Christmas to revise vocabulary, counting and ordinals.
2. Start by saying, “On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...”
then point to / display a card and finish the line with the vocabulary word,
getting everyone to join in, e.g. “...one red apple.” Then let students read out
the card in subsequent verses: “On the second day of Christmas, my true love
gave to me two pears and a red apple.”
3. With each verse the numbers increase and you count down, e.g.: “Four
sweet potatoes, three bananas, two pears and a red apple.”
4. Ideally, you and the students should try to remember each verse without
looking back at the card!
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