Mechanics and Criteria For Judging: Creative Video Presentation

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Mechanics and Criteria for Judging

Mechanics for Video Presentation

1. The entry must be at least four minutes per division.
2. Entries must be in an MP4 or AVI format only.
3. Any video editing platforms and/or applications are allowed.
4. Music, sound effects, and audio recordings from third party sources are allowed.
5. Pictures, snippets, and/or clips from third party sources are allowed, provided
they are only there for effects and creative elements; and these must not
consume more than 20% of the total video time.
6. Each entry must not contain any offensive, inappropriate, disparaging remarks
or any content which could adversely affect the name, reputation, or goodwill of
the organization and the person/s involved in the entry.
7. Deadline for submission of entries is on or before 13 December 2020.
8. Special awards shall be given but only one entry will be announced as the grand

Criteria for Creative Video Presentation

Content- 40%
a. Originality
b. Concept
c. Creativity
d. Message

Technical Excellence-35%
a. Cinematography
a) Visual Effects
b) Animation
c) Script (if applicable)
b. Editing
a) Screenplay
b) Optics
c. Musical scoring
a) Sound effects
b) Sound Dynamics
c) Timing
d. Performance
a) Acting delivery

Overall impact-25%
a. Impression
b. Replay Value

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