Concentrator Photovoltaic: 13 November 2020

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13 November 2020

Concentrator Photovoltaic

Dr. Irfan Ullah

Assistant Professor
Electrical Engineering Department
University of Management and technology

EE638 Solar Concentrators


1. Efficiency of CPV system

2. Designing of Fresnel lens
3. Hardware design of Fresnel lens
4. Designs of CPV systems
Requirements for solar concentrators

Factors that influence the design of concentrators for

solar energy
1. Cost and ease of manufacture on an appropriate
2. Extent of guidance required for following the sun
3. Durability and maintenance
4. Required working temperature of absorber
5. Preferred geometry of absorber in relation to the Solartron Energy Systems Inc.
a parabolic solar concentrator that
mode of utilization of the energy tracks the sun throughout the day,
providing up to 12kW of thermal heat
6. Susceptibility to contamination and durability per hour
under ultraviolet irradiation
Solar thermal versus photovoltaic

• the cell temperature must be kept as low as possible
• the cell conversion efficiency decreases with temperature. the
photovoltaic system should be designed to provide a temperature at the
cell p - n junction smaller than 65°C at standard operating conditions
(ambient temperature = 25°C; wind speed = 1m/s; irradiance =
850W/m2) Photovoltaic

• the active surface of the solar cell is always flat, typically with a round or
squared contour of the active area
• medium- to high-temperature solar thermal systems operate with the
absorber at a temperature over 300°C
• In this situation, the optics cannot be in touch with the receiver to avoid
conduction losses and high thermal stresses
• there is a wider variety of receiver geometries
Solar thermal
Central receiver (Cg = 500-1000)

Advanced molten salt technology with storage offers

• Solar/EPGS decoupling
• Load following capabilities
• Capacity factors to 60%

Concentrated solar power using thermal

Central receiver (Cg = 500-1000) cont’d..

• The use of secondary

concentrators to attain high flux
at the receiver
• Advantage of allowing the
power block also to be on the
• Weizmann Institute of Science
in Rehoveth

Schematic of Weizmann “beam down” central receiver plant

Central receiver (Cg = 500-1000) cont’d..

19.9 MW Gemasolar solar plant, Spain The IVANPAH solar thermal power, CA
• 15 hours of storage and can supply power 24 hours a • Size: Approx. 3,500 acres
day • Power Production: 370-392 MW
• Net electrical production expected: 110 GWh/year
• Solar field: 2,650 heliostats on 185 hectares
• The plant will supply clean, safe power to 25,000
homes and reduce atmospheric CO2 emissions by
more than 30,000 tons a year.
Concentrated solar power

Solar Techno Park IBM-led Group

concentrates sunlight on solar cell Hundreds of photovoltaic chips
Tower height: 20 m Concentration: 2,000 suns
Concentration: 1000 times Power: 25 KW
Power: 40-60 kW Location: Kona District, Hawaii, USA
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Concentrated solar power cont’d..

One of the primary aims of the project is to find an efficient Micro-scaled Concentrated Solar Power Plant
way to utilize solar power for driving chemical reactions that The plant contains over 1,000 parabolic trough solar collectors. It
result in the production of clean, zero-pollution hydrogen uses the sun's heat to create steam. The cite is located at Kona
fuel. District, Hawaiʻi, USA. it produces power of 0.1–2 MW with a size
Location: Germany of 3 acres.
Efficiency of CPV

efficiency of 43.5%

Losses occurring in the CPV system

Non-uniform illumination in concentrating solar cells

Designing of Fresnel lens


Focal length
Groove pitch

Draft angle
Designing of Fresnel lens Cont’d..
Fresnel lens
Direct ray

300 mm

311.8 mm

330 mm

17 mm
Collimated ray

14.4 mm
Fresnel lens
Designing of Parabolic reflector
Surface area

Area of the aperture

Length of a parabolic segment
Focal length

Diameter (D)

Focal length (f)

Depth (d)

Length of parabolic segment (L)

Designing of Parabolic reflector
13.75 mm

64o Direct ray

5.5 mm

Convex parabolic
128 mm
Collimated ray
122.5 mm
320 mm

50 mm

Concave parabolic
Compound parabolic concentrator

• CPC appeared in the literature in mid-1960s

• 3D CPCs in 1966 for solar energy
• CPC as a collector of light in 1976 by winston
Solar tracking

Hydraulic Motor

Tracking with nano-composite

Irradiance uniformity

Uniform irradiance over solar cell

CPV system using Fresnel arrays

Irradiance distribution over the receiver

Lens array for concentration

A micro-optic solar concentrator

Homogenizer for Fresnel lens

Performance of CPV modules based on vertical multi-junction cells under non-uniform illumination
Crossed Compound Parabolic Concentrator

Optical efficiency study of PV Crossed Compound Parabolic Concentrator

Two-stage concentrator

Optimal design of symmetrical two-stage flat reflected concentrator



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