Reservoir Fluids Day 10

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Reservoir Fluids

 Dynis Tchato, Senior petroleum engineer at Assala Energy (Gabon)
 Cédric Bella, Junior petroleum engineer
 Freddy Nganso, Junior petroleum engineer
Course outline
1. Definition of PVT analysis
2. Chemical composition of petroleum fluids
3. Petroleum fluids properties
4. Correlations to estimate hydrocarbons
5. Equation of state
6. Sampling
7. Determination of PVT parameters in the
8. Water properties
Required books
 The Properties of Petroleum Fluids, 2nd ed.,
McCain, W. D., Penn Well Publishing Co.,
Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1990.
 Fundamentals of reservoir engineering, 1st
ed., Dake, L. P., Elsevier science,
Amsterdam, 1978.
Chapter 1 : Definition of PVT analysis

Goal of a PVT study

Determine characteristics (chemical and physical) of the
reservoir fluids so as to predict its behaviour when pressure
and temperature vary.

Conclusions of a PVT study

 Parameters for hydrocarbons in-place evaluation (Bo, Bg)
 Recovery-factor calculations
 Fluid composition analysis (chromatography and
 Phase behaviour during production
 Input to reservoir numerical simulation
Chapter 1 : Definition of PVT analysis

Who uses PVT data ?

 Reservoirs engineers
To understand the oil and gas behaviour in the
reservoir and establish a coherent development plan
 Process engineers
To choose the separation process equipment
Chapter 1 : Definition of PVT analysis
 THE PVT FLUID analyzed must be the most representative
Representativity guarantees an accurate production
prediction, exactness of the bubble or dew point, nature of
the fluid in the reservoir, amount of oil produced.
 Requirements are:
acquisition of adequate volume of representative fluid
exact PVT data measurements with strict quality-
assurance/quality control (QA/QC)
 The PVT cost is minimal in regard to economical benefits or
losses brought by the lack of knowledge of the fluid
properties present in the reservoir.
Chapter 1 : Definition of PVT analysis
 Consequences
Don’t hesitate to sample fluids for PVT analysis
Representativity of the sampling is essential
End of chapter 1.
Chapter 2 : Chemical composition of
petroleum fluids
 Petroleum fluids are mainly constituted of
organic elements as hydrocarbons
 Hydrocarbons contains only carbon and hydrogen
 Also crude oils contains non hydrocarbons as
nitrogen (N2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon
dioxyde (CO2), carbon monoxyde (CO), and
mercaptans (R-S-H)
 Also contains elements as traces Hg, Ni, Va, S, O
Chapter 2 : Chemical composition of
petroleum fluids

 Compositional analysis of the gas phase by gas
chromatography; N2, CO2, C1-C10
 Compositional analysis of the liquid phase by
gas chromatography up to C20+, often(C11+,
C7+) and/or distillation from C10 to C20+.
Chapter 2 : Chemical composition of
petroleum fluids
Main families of hydrocarbons

(ex. benzene, toluene, Aliphatics

Saturated (or

Normal Cycloalkanes
alkanes Iso-alkanes (or Alkenes (ex. Alkynes (ex.
(ex. methane, (ex. napthtenes)
ethylene) acetylene)
ethane, isobutane) (Ex.
propane) cyclohexane)
Chapter 2 : Chemical composition of
petroleum fluids
 Depending on its composition, crude oil can either
be paraffinic, napthenic, aromatic or asphaltenic
 For paraffinic crude oils, wax precipitation can
occur at some temperatures
 Wax precipitation can occur
– In wells
– In production facilities
– In pipelines
 Wax precipitation can occur for
– Gas condensates
– Light oil at T < 150 °F
– Heavy oil at T < 150 °F
End of chapter 2.
Homework 1
 Ex 1, 2, 3 p42 &43 From : The properties of
reservoir fluids
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
Types of reservoir fluids
 Physical properties of petroleum fluids are
function of pressure, temperature and
 There are five types of reservoir fluids :
 Crude oil : Saturated oil, Undersaturated oil
 Gas : Dry gas, wet gas, gas condensate
 We can see the difference between these
fluids by looking at their phase diagrams
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties

This is a typical phase diagram of a reservoir fluid. From this diagram it is

necessary to define the following key points : cricondentherm,
cricondenbar, critical point, phase envelope, quality lines, bubble point
curve, dew point curve.
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
 Cricondentherm (Tct) : The Cricondentherm is defined as the maxi-
mum temperature above which liquid cannot be formed regardless of
pressure (point E). The corresponding pressure is termed the Cricon-
dentherm pressure pct
 Cricondenbar (pcb) : The Cricondenbar is the maximum pressure
above which no gas can be formed regardless of temperature
(point D). The corresponding temperature is called the Cricondenbar
temperature Tcb.
 Critical point : The critical point for a multicomponent mixture is
referred to as the state of pressure and temperature at which all inten-
sive properties of the gas and liquid phases are equal (point C).
At the critical point, the corresponding pressure and temperature
are called the critical pressure pc and critical temperature Tc of the
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
 Phase envelope (two-phase region) : The region enclosed by the
bubble-point curve and the dew-point curve (line BCA), wherein
gas and liquid coexist in equilibrium, is identified as the phase
envelope of the hydrocarbon system.
 Quality lines : The dashed lines within the phase diagram are
called quality lines. They describe the pressure and temperature
conditions for equal volumes of liquids. Note that the quality
lines converge at the critical point (point C).
 Bubble-point curve : The bubble-point curve (line BC) is defined
as the line separating the liquid-phase region from the two-
phase region.
 Dew-point curve : The dew-point curve (line AC) is defined as
the line separating the vapor-phase region from the two-phase
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties

Saturated oil :
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties

Undersaturated oil :
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties

Dry gas:
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties

Wet gas:
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties

Gas condensate:
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
Classification of reservoir fluids according to the
chemical composition

- heavy oil C1 < 20% C7+ >40%

- black oil 20% < C7+ < 40%
- light oil C1 – C5 > 60% 13% < C7+ < 20%
- volatile oil/rich condensate 8% < C7+ < 13%
- gas condensate C7+ < 8%
- wet gas C1 > 80%
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
Component %mol C1 = 64.19%
Nitrogen+CO2 2.37 C1-C5 = 86.3%
C7+ = 10.11%
Methane 64.19 Fluid is volatile oil/rich condensate
Ethane 11.18
Propane 6.20
Isobutane 0.75
n-Butane 2.31
Isopentane 0.64
n-Pentane 1.03
C6 1.22
C7+ 10.11
Total 100.00
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
Homework : Identify the type of fluid
1) Component %mol
Nitrogen+CO2 2.16
Methane 30.28
Ethane 6.28
Propane 10.21
Isobutane 1.23
n-Butane 5.75
Isopentane 1.62
n-Pentane 2.61
C6 3.28
C7+ 36.58
Total 100.00
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
2) Component %mol
Nitrogen+CO2 4.49
H2S 3.45
Methane 50.12
Ethane 7.78
Propane 5.18
Isobutane 1.04
n-Butane 2.65
Isopentane 1.11
n-Pentane 1.43
C6 1.92
C7+ 20.83
Total 100
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
3) Component %mol
Nitrogen+CO2 2.12
Methane 63.91
Ethane 8.29
Propane 4.37
Isobutane 0.94
n-Butane 2.21
Isopentane 0.72
n-Pentane 1.15
C6 1.86
C7+ 14.43
Total 100
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
4) Component %mol
Nitrogen+CO2 4.09
Methane 73.80
Ethane 9.43
Propane 4.43
Isobutane 0.87
n-Butane 1.63
Isopentane 0.71
n-Pentane 0.66
C6 0.91
C7+ 3.47
Total 100
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
5) Component %mol
Nitrogen+CO2 1.01
Methane 88.54
Ethane 5.32
Propane 2.30
Isobutane 0.56
n-Butane 0.59
Isopentane 0.27
n-Pentane 0.23
C6 0.27
C7+ 0.91
Total 100
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
6) Component %mol
Nitrogen+CO2 0.40
Methane 94.32
Ethane 3.90
Propane 1.17
Isobutane 0.08
n-Butane 0.13
Total 100
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
Ternary diagram
The petroleum mixture is reduced to three
components :
- a light component (like methane)
- intermediates (like C2 - C5)
- a heavy component (like C6+)
The phase behaviour of this three-component
mixture is represented through an equilateral
triangle, called the ternary diagram
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
 each corner of the triangle corresponds to 100
% of a single component
 each side represents two-component mixtures
 points within the triangle represents three-
component mixtures
Composition is plotted in mole fraction
For a ternary diagram the pressure and the
temperature are constant, only the composition
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
 Petroleum (an equivalent term is crude oil) is a complex
mixture consisting predominantly of hydrocarbons and
containing sulfur, nitrogen,oxygen, and helium as minor
 The physical and chemical properties of crude oils vary
considerably and are dependent on the concentration
of the various types of hydrocarbons and minor
constituents present.
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
 An accurate description of physical properties of
considerable importance in the solution of petroleum
reservoir engineering problems.

 Physical properties of primary interest in petroleum

engineering studies include: Fluid gravity, Specific
gravity of the solution gas, Gas solubility, Bubble-point
pressure, Oil formation volume factor, Isothermal
compressibility coefficient, Total formation volume
factor, Crude oil viscosity
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties

 Data on most of these fluid properties are

usually determined by laboratory
experiments performed on samples of
actual reservoir fluids.
 In the absence of experimentally measured
properties of crude oils, it is necessary for
the petroleum engineer to determine the
properties from empirically derived
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties

Crude oil gravity

 The crude oil density is defined as the mass
of a unit volume of the crude at a specified
pressure and temperature. It is usually
expressed in pounds per cubic foot. The
specific gravity of a crude oil is defined as
the ratio of the density of the oil to that of
water. Both densities are measured at 60°F
and atmospheric pressure
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
Crude oil gravity
It should be pointed out that the liquid specific
gravity is dimensionless, but traditionally is given
the units 60°/60° to emphasize the fact that both
densities are measured at standard conditions.
The density of the water is approximately 62.4
Although the density and specific gravity are
used extensively in the petroleum industry, the
API gravity is the preferred gravity scale.
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties

Crude oil gravity

This gravity scale is precisely related to the
specific gravity by the following expression:
°API = 141.5/d -131.5
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties

Classification of crude oils based on API

gravity :
Condensate, very light oils : d ≤ 0.8 (more
than 45°API)
Light oils 0.8 ≤ d ≤ 0.86 (33 à 45°API)
Black oils 0.86 ≤ d ≤ 0.92 (22 à 33°API)
Heavy oils0.92 ≤ d ≤ 1 (less than 22°API)
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
Gas solubility
The gas solubility Rs is defined as the number of standard
cubic feet of gas that will dissolve in one stock-tank barrel of
crude oil at certain pressure and temperature. The solubility
of a natural gas in a crude oil is a strong function of the
pressure, temperature, API gravity, and gas gravity.

𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑎𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠

𝑅𝑆 =
𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑖𝑙 𝑖𝑛 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
Gas solubility
For a particular gas and crude oil to exist at a constant
temperature, the solubility increases with pressure until the
saturation pressure is reached. At the saturation pressure
(bubble-point pressure) all the available gases are dissolved in
the oil and the gas solubility reaches its maximum value.
Rather than measuring the amount of gas that will dissolve in
a given stock-tank crude oil as the pressure is increased, it is
customary to determine the amount of gas that will come out
of a sample of reservoir crude oil as pressure decreases.
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties

Gas solubility
As the pressure is reduced from the initial
reservoir pressure pi to the bubble-point
pressure pb, no gas evolves from the oil and
consequently the gas solubility remains
constant at its maximum value of Rsb. Below
the bubble-point pressure, the solution gas is
liberated and the value of Rs decreases with
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties

Gas solubility
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties

Bubble point pressure

The bubble-point pressure pb of a
hydrocarbon system is defined as the highest
pressure at which a bubble of gas is first
liberated from the oil.
This important property can be measured
experimentally for a crude oil system by
conducting a constant-composition expansion
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties

Oil formation volume factor

Surface conditions

Reservoir conditions
200 m3 gas

1 m3 oil

0.8 m3 oil

Formation volume factor (FVF) :

Bo = 1/0.8 = 1.25 m3/m3

Gas oil ratio :

GOR = 200/0.8 = 250 Sm3/m3
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties

Oil formation volume factor

The oil formation volume factor, Bo, is defined as the ratio of
the volume of oil (plus the gas in solution) at the prevailing
reservoir temperature and pressure to the volume of oil at
standard conditions. Bo is always greater than or equal to
unity. The oil formation volume factor can be expressed
mathematically as:

𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑖𝑙 𝑖𝑛 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑜𝑖𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠

𝐵𝑜 =
𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑖𝑙 𝑖𝑛 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties

Oil formation volume factor

Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties

Oil formation volume factor

As the pressure is reduced below the initial reservoir pressure
pi, the oil volume increases due to the oil expansion. This
behavior results in an increase in the oil formation volume
factor and will continue until the bubble-point pressure is
reached. At pb, the oil reaches its maximum expansion and
consequently attains a maximum value of Bob for the oil
formation volume factor. As the pressure is reduced below
pb, volume of the oil and Bo are decreased as the solution gas
is liberated. When the pressure is reduced to atmospheric
pressure and the temperature to 60°F, the value of Bo is equal
to one.
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties

Isothermal compressibility
Isothermal compressibility Co, quantifies the volume changes
arising from pressure depletion at reservoir temperature,
above the bubble point pressure. By definition, the
isothermal compressibility of a substance is defined
mathematically by the following expression :

1 𝜕𝑉
𝐶𝑜 = −
𝑉 𝜕𝑃 𝑇
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties

Isothermal compressibility
Average oil compressibility is often assumed constant (valid
except for volatile oil at high pressure) and then:
Bo = Bob [ 1 – Co (p-pb)]
Oil compressibility varies between
1 * 10^(-4) bar ^(-1) black oil 7 * 10^(-6) psi ^(-1)
4 * 10^(-4) bar ^(-1) volatile oil 30 * 10^(-6) psi ^(-1)
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
Oil viscosity
Crude oil viscosity is an important physical property that
controls and influences the flow of oil through porous
media and pipes. The viscosity, in general, is defined as the
internal resistance of the fluid to flow.
The oil viscosity is a strong function of the temperature,
pressure, oil gravity, gas gravity, and gas solubility.
Whenever possible, oil viscosity should be determined by
laboratory measurements at reservoir temperature and
pressure. The viscosity is usually reported in standard PVT
analyses. If such laboratory data are not available,
engineers may refer to published correlations, which
usually vary in complexity and accuracy depending upon
the available data on the crude oil.
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
Oil viscosity
According to the pressure, the viscosity of crude oils can be
classified into three categories:
 Dead-Oil Viscosity
The dead-oil viscosity is defined as the viscosity of crude oil at
atmospheric pressure (no gas in solution) and system temperature.
 Saturated-Oil Viscosity
The saturated (bubble-point)-oil viscosity is defined as the viscosity
of the crude oil at the bubble-point pressure and reservoir
 Undersaturated-Oil Viscosity
The undersaturated-oil viscosity is defined as the viscosity of the
crude oil at a pressure above the bubble-point and reservoir
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties

Oil viscosity
The viscosity varies with the pressure,
temperature and quantity of dissolved gas. In
the reservoir, the following prevail for the
hydrocarbon liquid:
Order of magnitude: from 0,2 cP (very light
oil) to 1 P, called heavy oil above 1 P, up to
about 100 P.
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties

Oil viscosity
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties

Ex 5.3 & 5.4 p160 from “The properties of
reservoir fluids”
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
A gas is defined as a homogeneous fluid of low viscosity
and density that has no definite volume but expands to
completely fill the vessel in which it is placed. Generally,
the natural gas is a mixture of hydrocarbon and
nonhydrocarbon gases. The hydrocarbon gases that are
normally found in a natural gas are methanes, ethanes,
propanes, butanes, pentanes, and small amounts of
hexanes and heavier. The nonhydrocarbon gases (i.e.,
impurities) include carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide,
and nitrogen.
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
Knowledge of pressure-volume-temperature (PVT)
relationships and other physical and chemical properties
of gases is essential for solving problems in natural gas
reservoir engineering. These properties include:
apparent molecular weight, specific gravity,
compressibility factor, density, isothermal gas
compressibility coefficient, gas formation volume factor,
gas expansion factor, viscosity
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
The apparent molecular weight is defined
mathematically by the following equation:

𝑀𝑊 = 𝑦𝑖 𝑀𝑖

where Ma = apparent molecular weight of a gas mixture

Mi = molecular weight of the ith component in the
Yi = mole fraction of component i in the mixture
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
Gas Specific gravity is defined as ratio of gas density to
that of air at standard conditions (60°F, 1 atm).
γ (air =1) = ρgas/ρair = Mgas/Mair
ρgas = Mgas/Vmolar
𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 =
Where MWa is the molar mass of air (28.97 g/mol)
The molar mass could be determined from gas
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
Vmolar= 23.645 l (1 atm, 15°C)
Vmolar= 23.694 l (1 atm, 60°F)
Vmolar= 379.4 scf/lbm mol (1 atm, 60°F)
Mair= 28.9784 (79% nitrogen and 21% oxygen)
ρair =28.97/23.645 =1.225 kg/m³
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
The density of an ideal gas mixture is calculated using
this equation :
𝜌𝑔 =
ρg = density of the gas mixture, lb/ft
Ma = apparent molecular weight
R = the universal gas constant, which, for the above
units, has the value 10.730 psia ft^3/lb-mole °R
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
for a perfect gas : PV = nRT
for a real gas : PV = ZnRT
where the gas compressibility factor z is a dimensionless
quantity and is defined as the ratio of the actual volume
of n-moles of gas at T and p to the ideal volume of the
same number of moles at the same T and p.
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
Knowledge of the variability of fluid compressibility with
pressure and temperature is essential in performing
many reservoir engineering calculations. For a liquid
phase, the compressibility is small and usually assumed
to be constant. For a gas phase, the compressibility is
neither small nor constant. By definition, the isothermal
gas compressibility is the change in volume per unit
volume for a unit change in pressure or, in equation
1 𝜕𝑉
𝐶𝐺 = −
𝑉 𝜕𝑃 𝑇
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
From the real gas equation-of-state:
Differentiating the above equation with respect to pressure at
constant temperature T gives:
𝜕𝑉 1 𝜕𝑧 𝑧
= 𝑛𝑅𝑇 − 2
𝜕𝑝 𝑇 𝑝 𝜕𝑝 𝑝
Substituting the previous value in the compressibility equation
1 1 𝜕𝑧
𝑐𝑔 = −
𝑝 𝑧 𝜕𝑝 𝑇
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties

Formation volume factor :

Bg = 1/200 m³/m³
Ratio condensate/gas :
CGR = 0.2/200 = 0.001 Sm³/m³
GOR = 1/CGR = 1000 Sm³/m³
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
The gas formation volume factor is used to relate the
volume of gas, as measured at reservoir conditions, to
the volume of the gas as measured at standard
conditions, i.e., 60°F and 14.7 psia. This gas property is
then defined as the actual volume occupied by a certain
amount of gas at a specified pressure and temperature,
divided by the volume occupied by the same amount of
gas at standard conditions.
𝐵𝑔 =
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
By using the real gas equation of state, we can find that
𝑝𝑆𝐶 𝑧𝑇
𝐵𝑔 =
Where Psc = 14.7 psi and Tsc = 520 °R
Therefore :
𝐵𝑔 = 0.02827
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
The reciprocal of the gas formation volume factor is
called the gas expansion factor and is designated by the
symbol Eg
Eg = 1 / Bg
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of the internal fluid friction
(resistance) to flow. The gas viscosity is not commonly measured
in the laboratory because it can be estimated precisely from
empirical correlations
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
Ex 3.19 & 3.20 p125 from “The properties of petroleum fluids”
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
Two phase formation volume factor
To describe the pressure-volume relationship of
hydrocarbon systems below their bubble-point
pressure, it is convenient to express this relationship in
terms of the total formation volume factor as a function
of pressure. This property defines the total volume of a
system regardless of the number of phases present. The
total formation volume factor, denoted Bt, is defined as
the ratio of the total volume of the hydrocarbon mixture
(i.e., oil and gas, if present), at the prevailing pressure
and temperature per unit volume of the stock-tank oil.
Chapter 3 : petroleum fluids properties
Two phase formation volume factor
Bt = Bo + Rl * Bg
Where Rl : Free gas in the reservoir
Rl = Rsi – Rs, then :
Bt = Bo + ( Rsi - Rs ) Bg
End of chapter 3.
Chapter 4 : Correlations to estimate
hydrocarbons properties
Knowledge of the fluid properties is required
for reservoir evaluation.
PVT properties of petroleum fluids are
 from empirical laws
 from PVT analysis (laboratory)
 by calculation from an equation of state
Chapter 4 : Correlations to estimate
hydrocarbons properties
 From experimental data obtained from a great
number of fluids, various authors have established
useful correlations concerning hydrocarbons fluids.
– Bubble point pressure
– Volumetric Factor
– viscosities
– densities
– compressibility Factor
 Using little experimental data, one can obtain
relatively precise figures concerning fluid properties
(whether it is oil or gas).
 PVT coherence (measures) can be checked using
Chapter 4 : Correlations to estimate
hydrocarbons properties
 Black oil correlations are usually based on
regional fluid data as for example North
Sea, Middle East or Egypt
 These correlations should not be used
outside the range of data for which there
were derived.
 EOS matched against PVT data are used for
reasonable extrapolation outside the data
Chapter 4 : Correlations to estimate
hydrocarbons properties
1. Bubble point pressure
Standing correlation (old Californian fields)
Glaso correlation (derived from North Sea)
Vasquez and Beggs
Petrosky and Farad

2. Oil Formation Volume Factor

Standing correlation
Glaso correlation
Vasquez and Beggs
Petrosky and Farad
Chapter 4 : Correlations to estimate
hydrocarbons properties
3. Oil density
𝜌𝑔 ∗ 𝑅𝑠
𝜌𝑜 = + 𝜌𝑜

4. Compressibility
STANDING correlation for Isothermal oil
VASQUEZ and BEGGS correlation
5 . Viscosity
Chapter 4 : Correlations to estimate
hydrocarbons properties
Based on 105 experimentally measured bubble-point pressures on 22
hydrocarbon systems from California oil fields, Standing (1947) proposed a
graphical correlation for determining the bubble-point pressure of crude
oil systems. The correlating parameters in the proposed correlation are
the gas solubility Rs, gas gravity γg, oil API gravity, and the system
temperature. The reported average error is 4.8%.
In a mathematical form, Standing (1981) expressed the graphical cor-
relation by the following expression:

𝑝𝑏 = 18.2 𝛾𝑔 ∗ 10𝑎 − 1.4
a = 0.00091*T − 0.0125*API

Where pb = bubble-point pressure, psia

T = system temperature, °F
Chapter 4 : Correlations to estimate
hydrocarbons properties
McCain (1991) suggested that by replacing the
specific gravity of the gas with that of the separator
gas, i.e., excluding the gas from the stock tank,
would improve the accuracy of the equation.
Chapter 4 : Correlations to estimate
hydrocarbons properties
𝐶1 𝑅𝑠
𝑝𝑏 = 𝛾𝑔𝑠 10𝑎
With a =− C3 API/T
γgs is the separator gas gravity

𝛾𝑔𝑠 = 𝛾𝑔 1 + 5.912 10−5 𝐴𝑃𝐼 𝑇𝑠𝑒𝑝 − 460 𝑙𝑜𝑔
Chapter 4 : Correlations to estimate
hydrocarbons properties
The coefficients C1, C2, and C3 have the following
Chapter 4 : Correlations to estimate
hydrocarbons properties
Bo = 0.9759 + 0.00012 *A^1.2
A = Rs (dg/do)^0.5 + 1.25*T
Rs solution GOR , (scf/STB)
dg gas gravity (air = 1)
do gravity of sto (water = 1)
T temperature (°F)
Chapter 4 : Correlations to estimate
hydrocarbons properties
From a total of 4,036 experimental data points used in a
linear regresion model, Vasquez and Beggs (1980) correlated
the isothermal oil compressibility coefficients with Rs, T, °API,
γg, and p. They proposed the following expression:
Chapter 4 : Correlations to estimate
hydrocarbons properties
From a total of 753 values for dead-oil viscosity at and above
100°F, Beal (1946) developed a graphical correlation for
determining the viscosity of the dead oil as a function of
temperature and the API gravity of the crude. Standing (1981)
expressed that correlation in a mathematical relationship as
Chapter 4 : Correlations to estimate
hydrocarbons properties
1. Compressibility factor Z
Standing & Katz

2. Gas viscosity
Chapter 4 : Correlations to estimate
hydrocarbons properties
Compressibility factor z –Standing & Katz

CRITICAL POINT : that state of pressure and

temperature (Pc) and (Tc) at which the intensive
properties of liquid and gas are identical.

Pr = P/Pc reduced pressure
Tr = T/Tc reduced temperature
Chapter 4 : Correlations to estimate
hydrocarbons properties
Compressibility factor z –Standing & Katz
A chart has been prepared giving Z, based on studies of many
gases, as a function of :
- Pseudoreduced pressure = absolute pressure / absolute
pseudocritical pressure
- Pseudoreduced temperature = absolute temperature /
pseudocritical temperature

The pseudocritical pressure and temperature of a given gas

(different from the critical pressure and temperature) are
obtained by calculation from the composition, or by chart
from the specific gravity.
Chapter 4 : Correlations to estimate
hydrocarbons properties
Compressibility factor z –Standing & Katz

𝑝𝑝𝑐 = 𝑦𝑖 𝑃𝑐𝑖
Ppc = pseudo-critical pressure
Pci = critical temperature of I constituent
Yi = molar fraction of I constituent
M = number of constituents

𝑇𝑝𝑐 = 𝑦𝑖 𝑇𝑐𝑖
Tpc = pseudo critical temperature
Tci =critical temperature of I constituent
Chapter 4 : Correlations to estimate
hydrocarbons properties
Compressibility factor z –Standing & Katz
Determination of gas compressibility factor Z by
Standing and Katz chart
 determination of Tpc
 determination of Ppc
 calculation of Tpr and Ppr
.or by Hall and Yarborough equations or
Dranchuk and Abou-Kassem (DAK) which are
digital representation of the Standing and Katz
Chapter 4 : Correlations to estimate
hydrocarbons properties
Compressibility factor z –Standing & Katz
Hall & Yarborough method :
Hall and Yarborough (1973) presented an
equation-of-state that accurately represents the
Standing and Katz z-factor chart. The proposed
expression is based on the Starling-Carnahan
equation-of-state. The coefficients of the
correlation were determined by fitting them to
data taken from the Standing and Katz z-factor
Chapter 4 : Correlations to estimate
hydrocarbons properties
Compressibility factor z –Standing & Katz
Chapter 4 : Correlations to estimate
hydrocarbons properties
Compressibility factor z –Standing & Katz
Chapter 4 : Correlations to estimate
hydrocarbons properties
Compressibility factor z –Standing & Katz
Determination of gas compressibility factor Z
when nonhydrocarbons are present, as N2,
CO2 and H2S. The correlation derived by
Wichert and Aziz allows to calculate
pseudocritical properties of the mixture that
will give reliable Z factors from the Standing
Chapter 4 : Correlations to estimate
hydrocarbons properties
Gas viscosity - The Carr-Kobayashi-
Burrows Correlation Method
Carr, Kobayashi, and Burrows (1954)
developed graphical correlations for
estimating the viscosity of natural gas as a
function of temperature pressure, and gas
End of chapter 4.
Chapter 5 : Equation of state
Equations of state : f(P, V, T, n) = 0
 Ideal gas law : (Mariotte, 1650) PV = nRT
 Equation of state for real gas : PV = ZnRT
 Cubic equations of state
Van der Waals P = RT/(V-b) - a/V2 (1873)
Redlich-Kwong P = RT/(V-b) -a/V(V-b)T½ (1949)
Soave-Redlich-Kwong P = RT/(V-b) - a(T)/V (V+b) (1972)
Peng-Robinson P = RT/(V-b) - a(T)/(V2+2bV-b2) (1976)
Chapter 5 : Equation of state
Van der Waals equation of state
P = RT/(V-b) - a/V2 or (P+ a/V2) (V-b) = RT
a : attraction parameter, the pressure exerted on the walls (cell) is
reduced by the attraction between molecules
b : repulsion parameter or covolume,volume occupied by the
molecules reducing the total volume available
a and b are determined from the law of corresponding state and
are function of Pc,Tc and Vc.
writting at the critical point : (δP/δV)T = 0 and (δP2/δV2)T = 0
Van der Waals EOS can also be expressed in reduced parameters
(Pr + 3/Vr2) (3Vr -1) = 8 Tr
Chapter 5 : Equation of state
Cubic equations of state :
These equations are called « cubic » because volume
determination at fixed pressure and temperature needs to solve a
third order polynomial equation.
Simple cubic equation of state
Z3 + UZ2 + VZ + W = 0
Z = PV/RT and U, V, W depending of two constants A and B.
A = aP/R2T2 and B = bP/RT
Chapter 5 : Equation of state
Acentric factor:
Reflect the deviation from the law of corresponding states of the
vapor pressure curve for pure substances
ω = - 1 - log10 (Pvap/Pc) for Tr = 0.7 (defined by Pitzer)
the vapor pressure curve becomes:
log10 (Pr) = -7/3 (1+ ω) [1/Tr-1]
Originally represented the nonsphericity of a molecule, at present
it is used as a parameter supposed to measure the complexity of a
molecule with respect to geometry and polarity. It increases with
molecular weight and polarity.
Chapter 5 : Equation of state
Redlich-Kwong : the second term is made dependent of
temperature by 1/T½

Soave-Redlich-Kwong : α correcting factor dependent of

a = α * 0.42748 R2Tc2/Pc
α depends of m and Tr
m depends of ω

Peng-Robinson : very similar to SRK

m expression is slightly different
Chapter 5 : Equation of state
Parameters of the Peng-Robinson equation (for a pure
P = RT/(V-b) - a(T)/(V2+2bV-b2)
b = 0.077796 RTc / Pc
a(T) = α * 0.457235 R2Tc2/Pc
α ={ 1 + m [1-(T/Tc)½]}2
m = 0.37464 + 1.54226 ω - 0.26992 ω2 for ω ≤ 0.49
m = 0.379642 + 1.48503 ω - 0.164423 ω2 + 0.016666 ω3 for ω >
Chapter 5 : Equation of state
Mixing rule : previous equations were developed for pure
n n
for mixtures a = Σ Σ xixj(1-kij) (ai.aj)½
j=1 i=1
b = Σ xi bi
Kij = binary interaction coefficient, between ith and jth component,
independent of pressure and temperature. It is equal to zero for
HC/HC interactions, except C1/C7+, and different from zero
between HC and non HC and between non HC together.
Chapter 5 : Equation of state
Peneloux shift :
Purpose : improve the computation of liquid densities, which are
poorly predicted by classical cubic equations of state, without
changing vapour-liquid phase equilibria. Gas density is little
- If V is the molar volume computed from the equation of state the
corrected volume is :
Vcorr = V -c where c is the volume translation (cm3/mol)
-For a monophasic mixture of composition, xi
c = Σ xici
where ci is the volume translation of component i
-Correlations are available for ci determination
Chapter 5 : Equation of state
Zi = component i mole fraction in the mixture
Σ zi = 1
L = liquid molar fraction in the mixture
V = vapour molar fraction in the mixture
L + V = 1 molar fraction in equilibrium
Xi = component i mole fraction in the liquid in equilibrium
Yi = component i mole fraction in the vapour in equilibrium
Σ xi = 1 Σ yi = 1
Overall balance in the mixture:
Zi = xiL+ yiV zi = xi(1-V)+ yi V
Chapter 5 : Equation of state
Equilibrium constants
Ki = component i equilibrium ratio
ki= yi/ xi
Zi = (1-V) xi + V yi = (1-V) xi + V kixi = xi[1+V(ki-1)]
xi = zi/ [1+V(ki-1)] yi= kizi/ [1+V(ki-1)]
Rachford-Rice equation
Σ ( yi-xi) = Σ zi(ki-1)/[1+V(ki-1)] = 0 or F(V) = 0
With mixture composition and k values known, the remaining
unknown is V and F(V) is solved mathematically by iteration using
the Newton-Raphson algorithm
Chapter 5 : Equation of state
K values are a function of pressure, temperature and overall
They are derived either by
- calculation from laboratory data
- empirical correlation
Calculations of phase equilibrium by EOS use values derived by
correlations to initiate the iterative calculation
- for low pressure Wilson equation
- for high pressure Whitson and Torp equation
Chapter 5 : Equation of state
From EOS
Liquid Phase composition xi
Gas Phase composition yi
They should be in chemical equilibrium
Condition: chemical potential of each component identical in the
liquid and gas phase
condition satisfied by the equal fugacity constraint, fugacity
calculated by the equation of state
Chapter 5 : Equation of state
Step by step procedure
- Estimate k values from empirical correlations
- Solve the Rachford-Rice equation for V
- Compute xi and yi
- Compute components fugacity coefficients in each phase from the
EOS and check the equal fugacity constraint
- If convergence is not reached update the k values
Same approach apply to
- liquid-vapour equilibria
- bubble point calculation V=0 xi = zi
- dew point point calculation L = 0 yi = zi
Chapter 5 : Equation of state
Rachford-Rice equation Σ zi(ki-1)/[1+V(ki-1)] = 0


Σ zi(ki-1) = 0
Σ ziki= Σ zi= 1
Σ ziki= 1
Σ zi(ki-1)/ki= 0 Σ (zi-zi/ ki) = 0
Σ zi/ki= 1

. Cubic equations like Peng-Robinson and Soave-Redlich-

Kwong used with volume translation are commonly used
and give good results after matching

. EOS matching against Experimental PVT data is


. EOS as predictible tool without matching is of low value

End of chapter 5.
Chapter 6 : Sampling

Objectives :
 The first requirement - and difficulty - in taking measurements
is that of obtaining a truly representative sample of the
formation fluid.
 The fluid which gets into the production casing must be
identical to the formation fluid.
 In any case, one has to know that the formation fluid is not
homogeneous on the full height of the reservoir.
Chapter 6 : Sampling

Representativity :
 monophasic flow at the bottom of the well
 only one layer per sampling
 stabilized flow regime for well flowing in surface
 pressure
 flow rates, etc...
Chapter 6 : Sampling
Surface sampling:
 Fluids are collected at the well head or the production line:
- one phase flow (rarely)
- or isokinetic sampling
 Fluids collected in the separator, gas and oil, (most
frequent case).
Gas and oil samples collected in the separator are recombined in the
laboratory in proportion to their flow rates.
For this purpose, we must have :
good precision of the measured flow rates, stabilized well
production, oil and gas sampling realized almost
Chapter 6 : Sampling
Chapter 6 : Sampling
Surface sampling :
Essential data for the recombination :
- pressure and temperature in the separator
- gas flow rate at the separator (orifice meter)
- oil flow rate at the separator (oil meter)
- gas density and compressibility factor for the gas
measurement flow rate
- oil tank flow rate (shrinkage)
Chapter 6 : Sampling
Surface sampling of an oil under saturated
. bottom hole flowing pressure ≥ bubble pressure
. no liberation of gas in the reservoir
The well being stabilized
GOR remains constant during sampling
Chapter 6 : Sampling
Surface sampling of an oil saturated reservoir:
. bottom hole flowing pressure < bubble pressure
. liberation of gas in the reservoir should be
. gas saturation should remain below the critical gas
. sample the well initially
. produce the well with small drawdown
GOR should remain constant and minimum during
Chapter 6 : Sampling
Pressure profile in the drainage area
Test sequence
Chapter 6 : Sampling
Bottom hole sampling :
This type of sampling is preferred since it
guarantees the best fluid representativity.
Disadvantage : high cost
Two possibilities
Open hole: wireline tools RFT (Repeat Formation
Tester) , MDT (Modular Formation Dynamics Tester,
Schlumberger), RCI (Baker), RCI (Halliburton)
Cased hole: DST Tools, wireline samplers
Chapter 6 : Sampling
Bottom hole sampling : MDT
Sampling configuration:
• Pump out module to eliminate the filtrate in the sample
• pumping time duration up to one hour
Analyzer module to monitor fluid quality during pumping
time by
- resistivity measurement
- optical measurement by LFA (Life fluid analyzer)
-Sample module: 6×450 cc bottles or 4l,10l and 23 l
Drawback: contamination by filtrate (oil base mud)
Typical MDT tool configuration with pumpout module
Chapter 6 : Sampling
Bottom hole sampling : DST
Under saturated oil reservoir:
- well flowing with BHFP ≥ Bubble point pressure
on minimal choke to control drawdown
Saturated oil reservoir
- well closed and reopened just before sampling
- well flowing at smaller drawdown allowing to remain at
constant GOR
Chapter 6 : Sampling
Bottom hole sampling is not recommended for gas
condensate or wet gas
 volume of fluid sampled gives low liquid recovery and
unrepresentative heavy components analysis
 possible segregation of the liquid at the well bottom
 liquid not totally recovered during transfer of bottom hole
Surface sampling
 sample the well initially
 produce the well with small drawdown to minimize
formation of a condensate ring near the well bore
 stabilize the well rate above minimum gas velocity
Difficulties encountered during surface sampling of gas
. possible liquid carryover at the separator
Produced fluid Fluid flow and Sampling type
characteristics Bottom hole Surface sampling
Undersaturated GOR=GORi=Ct Well in Stabilized well
oil production with with Pwf>Pb
Saturated oil GOR>GORi To bean back To bean back to
Pwsi = Pb progressively. have GOR≈GORi
Well closed and Stabilized flow
stabilized. rate with ΔP min
Sampling at
minimum flow
Gas GOR = GORi = Ct Not Minimum flow
recommended rate possible.
Compatible with :
flow in the tubing
and separator
Chapter 6 : Sampling
Fluid amount necessary :

For oil :
The sampling type is also dependent on the necessary fluid
quantity :
- bottom hole sampling enough for a normal PVT study
- not enough for a heavy fraction decomposition for which
surface sampling is necessary

For gas :
No bottom hole sampling, as the liquid fraction collected is
insufficient, again surface sampling is necessary
Chapter 6 : Sampling


minimum of 3 representatives samples
. Liquid
2 samples of 600 cm3 minimum
. Gas
GOR < 1500 cuft/bl 2 bottles ( 20 liters)
1500 < GOR < 3000 cuft/bl 3 bottles
GOR > 3000 cuft/bl 4 bottles

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