03 - Dry Gas Properties

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Dry Gas Properties

Instructional Objectives:
- Reproduce the ideal gas equation of state in volume, molar volume, specific volume, or
- Define gas compressibility factor (z-factor) and show the shape of a z-factor-pressure
- Reproduce the compressibility equation of state in volume, molar volume, specific
volume, or density.
- Estimate a value of z-factor from composition at a given temperature and pressure using
Kay’s method.
- Estimate a value of z-factor from composition at a given temperature and pressure using
the more accurate Piper-McCain-Corredor method.
- Define gas specific gravity.
- Calculate the apparent molecular weight of a gas from its composition.
- Calculate the specific gravity of a gas from its apparent molecular weight.
- Define standard conditions, define standard cubic feet, and show the relationship
between standard cubic feet and mass in pound moles.
- Define gas formation volume factor, Bg, show the typical shape of a Bg versus pressure
isotherm, and write the equation for calculating Bg.
- Define the coefficient of isothermal compressibility of a gas, cg, and show the typical
shape of a cg versus pressure isotherm.
- Show the typical shape of a gas viscosity versus pressure isotherm.
- Discuss the relationship between viscosity units of centipoise and centistoke.
- Show the typical shape of a gas density versus pressure isotherm.
- List the variables required to estimate values of gas formation volume factor, gas
density, gas viscosity, and the coefficient of isothermal compressibility of a gas.
- Define gas-heating value and explain the meanings of gross, net, wet, and dry as used in
determining values of heating value.

Ideal Gases:

Ideal Gas Equation of State:

pV  nRT

n = number of moles
p = pressure
R = universal gas constant
T = temperature
V = volume

1 A. El-Banbi
The ideal gas equation of state can be written in different forms.

Assumptions of Ideal Gas law:

- Volume occupied by molecules is insignificant compared to volume of gas.
- There are no attractive or repulsive forces between molecules.
- All collisions are perfectly elastic.

Mixtures of Ideal Gases:

Apparent molecular weight

M a   yi M j
Ma = Apparent molecular weight of mixture
yj = Mole fraction of component j
Mj = Molecular weight of component j

Physical Constants:

Critical Constants
Compound Formula Molar Mass, Pressure, Temperature,
molecular weight psia F
Methane CH4 16.043 666.4 -116.67
Ethane C2 H6 30.070 706.5 89.92
Propane C3H8 44.097 616.0 206.06
Isobutane C4H10 58.123 527.9 274.46
n-Butane C4H10 58.123 500.6 305.62
Isopentane C5H12 72.150 490.4 369.10
n-Pentane C5H12 72.150 488.6 385.8
Neopentane C5H12 72.150 464.0 321.13
n-Hexane C6H14 86.177 436.9 453.6
2-Methylpentane C6H14 86.177 436.6 435.83
3-Methylepntane C6H14 86.177 453.1 448.4
Neophexane C6H14 86.177 446.8 420.13
2,3-Dimethylbutane C6H14 86.177 453.5 440.29
Hydrogen sulfide H2S 34.08 1300. 212.45
Carbon Dioxide CO2 44.010 1071. 87.91
Nitrogen N2 28.0134 493.1 -232.51
Argon A 39.944 704.2 -188.53
Oxygen O2 31.999 731.4 -181.43

Example1: Calculate Apparent Molecular Weight of Gas Mixture.

Dry air is a gas mixture consisting of nitrogen, oxygen, and small amounts of other gases.
Compute the apparent molecular weight of air given its approximate composition.

2 A. El-Banbi
Component Composition,
mole fraction
Nitrogen 0.7809
Oxygen 0.2095
Argon 0.0093
Carbon dioxide 0.0003


Composition Weight
Components mole fraction lb/lb/ mole
yj mj yj M j
Nitrogen 0.7809 28.0134 21.88
Oxygen 0.2095 31.999 6.70
Argon 0.0093 39.944 0.37
Carbon dioxide 0.0003 44.010 0.01
1.0000 28.96

M air   y j Mj  28.96 lb / lbmole

Mair = 29 lb/lb mole

Specific Gravity of Gas:

g 
 air
- Both densities measured at the same temperature and pressure, usually 60 oF and
atmospheric pressure.
- Sometimes called g (air = 1).

 g = Specific gravity of gas
 g = Density of gas
 air = Density of air

p Mg
g RT 1 p Ma
g   (from,    )
 air p M air v RT
g 

3 A. El-Banbi
Example 2: Calculate the specific gravity for the gas with the following composition.

Component Composition, mole

hydrogen sulfide 0.00
carbon dioxide 0.00
nitrogen 0.00
methane 96.13
ethane 1.50
propane 0.88
iso-butane 0.15
n-butane 0.16
iso-pentane 0.08
n-pentane 0.06
hexanes 0.10
heptanes plus 0.94

Properties of Heptanes Plus

Density, gm/cc @ 60F 0.798
Molecular weight 164

y i M i  18.17 lb / lb mole  M g
Mg 18.17
g    0.6266
M air 29
Composition Weight
Components mole fraction lb/lb/ mole
yj mj yj Mj
C1 0.9613 16.043 15.422
C2 0.0150 30.070 0.451
C3 0.0088 44.097 0.388
iC4 0.0015 58.123 0.087
nC4 0.0016 58.123 0.093
iC5 0.0008 72.150 0.058
nC5 0.0006 72.150 0.043
C6 0.0010 86.177 0.086
C7+ 0.0094 164. 1.542
1.0000 18.170

Real Gas Equation of State:

p VM  z R T

Other forms:

pV  z n RT
pV  z RT
z RT

4 A. El-Banbi
Symbol Variable Usual Oilfield Units
p pressure psia
VM molar volume cu ft/lb mole
R universal constant 10.732 psia cu ft/ lb mole R
T temperature R
V volume cu ft
n mass lb mole
m mass lb
M molecular weight lb/lb mole
v specific volume cu ft/lb
z gas compressibility factor none

Compressibility Factor:

z  real
That is:
n RT
Videal 
zn RT
Vreal   z Videal
Vreal = Volume of real gas at p and T
Videal= Volume calculated with ideal gas equation at p and T

- z is called compressibility factor

- Also called gas deviation factor, supercompressibility, or z-factor

Typical shape of z-factor:

Compressibility factor, z

z approaches 1.0 co
1.0 ur
T em

Actual V less than ideal V Actual V greater

than ideal V
Pressure, p

5 A. El-Banbi
404 342 320
262 240
0.9 140
-84 -70 -54 -40 -22 -4

p VM 0.7


-4 44

RT -22 104

-40 3000 170


0.5 -54 320

p VM

2000 RT
-84 1.2

0.1 6000 8000 10000
0 1000

Reduced Pressure and Temperature:

p psia T 
pr  and Tr  
pc psia Tc R
pr = reduced pressure
p = pressure, psia
pc = critical pressure, psia
Tr = reduced temperature
T = temperature, oR
Tc = critical temperature, oR

Gas Mixtures (Multi-component Systems):

For multi-component systems, critical temperature and critical pressure are not readily
available. We define pseudocritical temperature and pseudocritical pressure, Tpc and ppc.

Pseudocritical Pressure and Temperature from Kay’s Rules:

p pc   y j pcj
T pc   y j Tcj

Correlate with z-factor

p psia
p pr 
p pc psia

6 A. El-Banbi

T pr  
T pc
Kay’s rules are valid only for very lean gases (dry gases).

Estimating Pseudocritical Properties of Heptanes Plus:

The pseudocritical properties of heptanes plus fraction are needed to calculate the
pseudocritical properties for gas mixtures. The equations developed by Kessler and Lee 2 are

ppc = EXP [ 8.3634 – 0.0566 / C7+ - ( 0.24244 + 2.2898 / C7+ + 0.11857 / C7+2 ) 10-3 TB
+ ( 1.4685 + 3.648 / C7+ + 0.47227 / C7+2 ) 10-7 TB2
- ( 0.42019 + 1.6977 / C7+2 ) 10-10 TB3 ]

Tpc = 341.7 + 811 C7+ + ( 0.4244 + 0.1174 C7+ ) TB + ( 0.4669 - 3.2623 C7+ ) 105 / TB

C7+ is the specific gravity of the heptanes plus fraction and TB is the boiling point of the
heptanes plus fraction. The boiling point can be estimated from the following equation if

  
 C0.715427
TB  4.5579M C0.715178 

MC7+ is the molecular weight of the heptanes plus fraction and pressures and temperatures are
in psia and oR.

These correlations are given in the graph below.

7 A. El-Banbi
8 A. El-Banbi
Estimating Pseudocritical Properties from Gas Specific Gravity:
Sutton3 developed equations for calculating pseudocritical properties of natural gases from the
gas specific gravity. These equations are useful when the composition of the gas is unknown.
The Sutton equations are as follows:

p pc  756.8  131.0 g  3.6 g2

Tpc  169.2  349.5 g  74.0 g2

Pressures and temperatures are in psia and oR. These equations are represented by the
following graph.

9 A. El-Banbi
Effect of Nonhydrocarbon Components:
The presence of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide affect the z-factor calculations. We can
correct the pseudocritical properties for the effect of non-hydrocarbon gases (impurities) as

T pc'  T pc  
p pcT pc'
p '

T pc  y H 2 S 1 y H 2 S 

  120A0.9  A1.6   15B 0.5  B 4 

Where, A is the sum of the mole fractions of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide and B is the
mole fraction of hydrogen sulfide.  has units of oR. The correction factor can also be obtained
from the following graph.

10 A. El-Banbi
z-Factor for Naturally Occurring Gases:

11 A. El-Banbi
Dranchuk and Abou-Kassem4 represented the above chart by the following equations:

z = 1+ (A1 + A2/Tpr + A3/Tpr3 + A4/Tpr4 + A5/Tpr5) pr + (A6 + A7/Tpr + A8/Tpr2) pr2
- A9 (A7/Tpr + A8/Tpr2) pr5 + A10 (1 + A11 pr2) (pr2 / Tpr3) EXP (-A11 pr2)
pr = 0.27 [ ppr / (z Tpr) ]

The constants are as follows:

A1 = 0.3265 A5 = -0.05165 A9 = 0.1056
A2 = -1.0700 A6 = 0.5475 A10 = 0.6134
A3 = -0.5339 A7 = -0.7361 A11 = 0.7210
A4 = 0.01569 A8 = 0.1844

The range of applicability is:

0.2  ppr < 30 for 1.0 < Tpr  3.0
and ppr < 1.0 for 0.7 < Tpr < 1.0

Piper, McCain, and Corredor’s Method:

Piper, McCain, and Corredor suggested a more accurate method for calculating z-factor from
Dranchuk and Abou-Kassem equation. Their correlation takes into account the effects of the
acid gases (hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide) and nitrogen.

Calculation of Pseudocritical Properties:

The following equations5 are more accurate than Kay’s rules:

p pc  2
T pc 

Calculation of J and K when the Composition is Known:

T  T 
J   o   i yi  c    4  y j  c    5 yC 7 M C 7   6  yC 7 M C 7 

i 1  pc  i j  pc  j

3  T   Tc 
K   o    i yi  c    4 j j  p    5 yC 7 M C 7   6  yC 7 M C 7 
 p 
i 1  c i  c j

12 A. El-Banbi

i 1
= hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen

= methane, ethane, propane, i-butane, n-butane, i-pentane, n-pentane, and hexanes

i i i
0 5.2073 E-02 -3.9741E-01
1 1.0160E+00 1.0503E+00
2 8.6961E-01 9.6592E-01
3 7.2646E-01 7.8569E-01
4 8.5101E-01 9.8211E-01
5 2.0818E-02 4.5536E-01
6 -1.506E-04 -3.7634E-03

Calculation of J and K when the Composition is Unknown:

T 
J   o   i yi  c    4  g   5  g

i 1  pc  i
3  T 
K   o    i yi  c    4  g   5  g
 p 
i 1  c i

i i i
0 1.1582E-01 3.8216E+00
1 -4.5820E-01 -6.5340E-02
2 -9.0348E-01 -4.2113E-01
3 -6.6026E-01 -9.1249E-01
4 7.0729E-01 1.7438E+01
5 -9.9397E-02 -3.2191E+00

The above equations can be also represented by the following graphs:

13 A. El-Banbi
Correction x103

Correction x103

Correction x103
0 0 0
-10 -20
-20 -40
-30 -60 -40
-40 -80 -60
-50 -100
0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20
Mol % H2S Mol % CO2 Mol % N2


J for hydrocarbon gases






0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9

Gas specific gravity

0.00 0.0 0.0



-0.05 -0.5
-0.8 -1.0
-0.20 -1.5
-0.25 -2.0
0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20
Mol % H2S Mol % H
Mol CO
2S2 Mol % N2

K for hydrocarbon gases







0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9

Gas specific gravity

Example 3: Obtain a value of z-factor for the gas of Example 2 at 7,600 psia and 200 oF. Use the
specific gravity of the gas to make calculations (although use of composition would result in a
slightly more accurate result).

J = 0.11582 + 0.70729 (0.6266) - 0.099397 (0.6266)2 = 0.52

K = 3.8216 + 17.438 (0.6266) - 3.2191 (0.6266)2 = 13.48

14 A. El-Banbi
13.48 2
T pc   349.7  R
13.48 2
p pc   672.5 psia
0.5200 2
200  460  R
T pr   1.89
349.7  R
7600 psia
p pr   11.3
672.5 psia
z  1.20

Note: Experimentally measured z-factor for this fluid at 7,600 psia and 200oF was 1.1911 - 1%

Gas Density:

Equation: g 
z RT
Units: lb/ft3
 g lb / cu ft psi
Or, 
144 sq in / sq ft ft
psi/ft is often called “fluid gradient”

Typical Shape of Gas Density:

g, psi/ft

0 10000
p, psia

15 A. El-Banbi
Example 4: Calculate the density of the gas of Example 3 at 7,600 psia and 200 oF.

g 

7600 psia  18.17 lb / lb mole
 
z RT 1.20 10.732 psi cu ft / lb mole  R 200  460 R 
 g  16.25 lb / cu ft
 g  16.25 lb cu ft / 144 sq in / sq ft  0.113 psi / ft

Standard Conditions:

- Specified by oil/gas regulatory agencies for use in reporting and selling gas volumes.
- Different pressure values by state, 14.65 to 15.025 psia.
- Standard temperature is 60oF in U.S.
The following table specifies the standard conditions in different US states.
Standard Pressures, psia
Alabama 15.025 Montana 15.025
Alaska 14.65 Nebraska 15.025
Arizona 14.65 New Mexico 15.025
Arkansas 14.65 New York 14.65
California 14.73 North Dakota 14.73
Colorado 15.025 Ohio 14.65
Florida 14.65 Oklahoma 14.65
Illinois 14.65 Pennsylvania 14.65
Indiana 14.65 South Dakota 14.73
Kansas 14.65 Texas 14.65
Kentucky 14.65 Utah 15.025
Louisiana 15.025 West Virginia 14.85
Michigan 14.73 Wyoming 15.025
Mississippi 15.025

Example 5: Determine relationship between standard cubic feet and pound moles.
Calculate the volume occupied by one pound mole of natural gas at standard conditions. Use
standard conditions specified by Texas.


VM 
 
z RT 1 10.732 psia cu ft / lb mole  R 60  459.7  R

p 14.65 psia
VM  380.7 cu ft / lb mole  380.7 scf / lb mole

One pound mole of gas occupies 380.7 cubic feet at standard conditions (scf).
Note: The more nearly correct value of 459.7 was added to Fahrenheit to obtain degrees
Rankin rather than the commonly used 460.

16 A. El-Banbi
Three Entirely Different Numbers:
- Standard conditions - 14.65 to 15.025 psia in U.S.
- Constant conversion factor - 14.696 psi/atm.
- Conversion from gauge pressure, psig, to absolute pressure, psia - variable, 14.7 psi at
sea level.

Gas Formation Volume Factor:

Definition - volume of gas at reservoir conditions required to produce one standard volume of
gas at the surface.
Units: res cu ft/scf
res bbl/scf
res bbl/Mscf
Symbol - Bg

Bg 
z n RT
V p
Bg  R 
Vsc n R Tsc
p z T res cu ft
Bg  sc
Tsc p scf
 1000   bbl  psc z T res bbl
Bg     
 M   5.615 cu ft  Tsc p Mscf

17 A. El-Banbi
Typical Shape of Gas Formation Volume Factor:


Bg, res bbl/Mscf

0 10000
p, psia
Example 6: Calculation of Gas Formation Volume Factor.
Calculate the formation volume factor of the gas of Example 3 at 7,600 psia and 200 oF. Use
standard conditions for Mississippi.

psc z T 15.025 1.20 200  460
Bg    0.00301 cu ft / scf
Tsc p 520 7600
bbl 1000
Bg  0.00301 cu ft / scf x x  0.536 bbl / Mscf
5.615 cu ft M

18 A. El-Banbi
Gas Viscosity:

- Definition - The resistance to flow exerted by a fluid, i.e., large values = low flow rate.
- Units - centipoise or centistoke.

g mass
dynamic viscosity,  centipoise
100 sec cm
sq cm
kinematic viscosity,  centistoke
100 sec
 g mass 
centipoise  centistoke   density , 
 cc 

Typical Shape of Gas Viscosity:

g, cp

0 10000
p, psia

Gas Viscosity Correlation:

 g  A EXP B  gC 10 4 ,
9.379  0.0160 M a  T 1.5 ,
209.2  19.26 M a  T
B  3.448   0.01009 M a ,
C  2.447  0.2224 B

19 A. El-Banbi
T = temperature in °R
g = gas density in gm/cc

Coefficient of Isothermal Compressibility of Gas (Gas Compressibility):

1 V 
Definition: cg    
V   p T
Ideal Gas:
n RT V n RT
V  ;  2
p  p p
 p   n RT  1
c g        
 n RT  p2  p
Real Gas:
p    z
z n RT V   p T
V ;  n RT
p p p2
 z 
 p    z 
 p   p T 
c g      n RT  2 
 z n RT   p 
 
 
1 1z
c g    
p z   p T

20 A. El-Banbi
Typical Shape – Coefficient of Isothermal Compressibility of Gas:

7 0 00

0 1 0 00 0


  z  
   
    
1 0.27  pr Tpr
c pr   2  
p pr z T pr    pr    z  
 
1   z      
   pr  T 
pr 

 pr 
 gc
, 
from which  pr  0.27 p pr / z T pr  
 z 
   A1  A2 / T pr  A3 / T pr3  A4 / T pr4  A5 / T pr5
  
 pr  T

  
 2  pr A6  A7 / T pr  A8 / T pr2  5  4pr A9 A7 / T pr  A8 / T pr2 
2A10  pr

T 3
1  A
11  2pr  A112  4pr  EXP  A11  2pr ,

and cg  c pr / p pc

The constants are as follows: A1 = 0.3265, A2 = -1.0700, A3 = -0.5339, A4 = 0.01569, A5 = -

0.05165, A6 = 0.5475, A7 = -0.7361, A8 = 0.1844, A9 = 0.1056, A10 = 0.6134, A11 = 0.7210.
The range of applicability is 0.2 < ppr < 30 for 1.0 < Tpr < 3.0.

21 A. El-Banbi
Summary of Gas Properties:
P Ma
g  , M a  29  g
z RT
p zT
Bg  sc
Tsc p
 g  f M a ,  g , T 
cg  f  g , z, p, T 
- i.e., need z and Ma
- i.e., need Tpc, ppc
- i.e., need g

Thus the only gas property required to enter all gas property correlations is either gas
composition or gas specific gravity.

Heating Value of Gas:

- Definition - quantity of heat produced when gas is burned completely to carbon dioxide
and water.
- CH4 + 2O2  CO2 + 2H2O
- Units - BTU/scf

Before combustion
Wet (saturated) - gas is saturated with water vapor (about 1.75 vol %).
Dry (bone dry) - gas contains no water vapor.
After combustion
Gross - combustion products cooled to standard conditions and water condensed to
Net - combustion products cooled to standard conditions but water remains vapor.

Equation - Ideal Gas:

Lc ideal   y j Lcj

Equation - Real Gas:

Lc  c ideal

Note, z-factor is determined at standard conditions. Thus, the change from Lc ideal to Lc is less
than 0.5% and normally is ignored.

Lc = Heating value, BTU/scf

22 A. El-Banbi
Lcideal = Heating value of ideal gas, BTU/scf
Lcj = Heating value of component j, BTU/scf
yj = Mole fraction of component j

Heating Value, dry

Net Gross
Compound Btu/scf Btu/scf
Ideal gas Ideal gas
Methane 909.4 1010.0
Ethane 1618.7 1769.6
Propane 2314.9 2516.1
Isobutane 3000.4 3251.9
n-Butane 3010.8 3262.3
Isopentane 3699.0 4000.9
n-Pentane 3706.9 4008.9
Neopentane 3682.9 3984.7
n-Hexane 4403.8 4755.9
2-Methylpentane 4395.2 4747.3
3-Methylpentane 4398.0 4750.3
2,3-Dimethylbutane 4392.9 4745.0
n-Heptane 5100.0 5502.5
2-Methylhexane 5092.2 5494.6
3-Methylhexane 5096.0 5498.6
3-Ethylpentane 5098.3 5500.7
2,2-Dimethylpentane 5079.6 5481.9
2,4-Dimethylpentane 5084.2 5486.7
3,3-Dimethylpentane 5086.4 5488.8
Triptane 5081.2 5483.5
n-Octane 5796.1 6248.9
Diisobutyl 5780.5 6233.5
Isooctane 5778.8 6231.7
n-Nonane 6493.2 6996.5
n-Decane 7189.6 7742.9
Cyclopentane 3512.1 3763.7
Methylcyclopentane 4199.4 4501.2
Methylcyclohexame 4863.6 5215.9
Benzene 3590.9 3741.8
Toluene 4273.6 4475.0
Ethylbenzene 4970.5 5222.2
o-Xylene 4958.2 5209.9
m-Xylene 4956.3 5207.9
p-Xylene 4957.1 5208.8
Styrene 4829.8 5031.1
Isopropylbenzene 5660.9 5962.8
Hydrogen sulfide 586.8 637.1

Example 7: Calculation of Gas Heating Value.

Calculate the heating value (gross dry) of a sales gas of following composition.

Component Composition, mole fraction

nitrogen 0.040
methane 0.850
ethane 0.060
propane 0.030
butanes 0.020


23 A. El-Banbi
Composition Heating Value*
Component mole fraction BTU/scf
yi Lcj yi Lcj
N2 0.040 0.0 0.0
C1 0.850 1010.0 858.5
C2 0.060 1799.6 106.2
C3 0.030 2516.1 75.5
C4 0.020 3257.1 65.1
1.000 1105.3

*gross dry

Ignore correction from ideal to real gas.

Therefore, Lc = 1,105 BTU/scf


1- McCain, W.D. Jr.: The Properties of Petroleum Fluids, 2nd Ed., PennWell Books, Tulsa
2- Kessler, M.G. and Lee, B.I.: “Improve Prediction of Enthalpy of Fractions,” Hydrocarbon
Processing (March 1976) 55, 153-158.
3- Sutton, R.P.: “Compressibility Factors for High-Molecular-Weight Reservoir Gases,” paper
SPE 14265 presented at the SPE 60th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Las Vegas,
Sept. 22-25, 1985.
4- Dranchuk, P.M. and Abou-Kassem, J.H.: “Calculation of z-Factors for Natural Gases Using
Equations of State,” J. Can. Pet. Tech. (July-Sept. 1975) 14, 34-36.
5- Wichert, E and Aziz,K: “Calculate Z’s for Sour Gases” Hyd Proc. (May 1972) 51, 119-122.
6- Piper, L.D., McCain, W.D. Jr., and Corredor, J.H.: “Compressibility Factors for Naturally
Occurring Petroleum Gases,” paper SPE 26668 presented at the 1993 SPE Technical
Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Oct. 3-6.

24 A. El-Banbi

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