Hazardous Substances Rules 2007

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(CAP. 514)

I EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 55 of the Factories

and Other Places of Work Act, Cap. 514, the Minister for Labour and
Human Resource Development makes the following Rules―



Citation. 1. These rules may be cited as the factories

and other places of work (Hazardous Substances)
rules, 2007.

Interpretation. 2. In these rules, except where the context

otherwise requires―

“air quality monitor” means any competent

person who is authorized by the director, by a
certificate in writing, to carry out monitoring and
measurements of the substances in the air.

“biological monitoring” means a technique for

measuring the presence of a chemical or its
metabolites in tissues or excreta or for measuring
pathological effects of toxin on the person.

“competent person” in relation to any duty or

function, means a person who has adequate training,
relevant qualifications and experience to enable him
to perform that duty or function;

“designated sites “means a site designated or

zoned by Local Authority for use of that purpose.

“Director” means the Director of Occupational

Safety and Health Services;
or occupier.

“employer” includes owner and / or occupier.

“Engineering Controls Examiner” means any

competent person who is authorized by the Director
in writing, to carry out thorough examination and test
of engineering control measures for the purposes of
these rules.

“ guidelines” means the guidelines describing

the methodology for implementation of health and
safety under these Rules ;

“harmful substance” means any substance

whether liquid, solid or gaseous which is hazardous
or potentially hazardous to human or the
environment and includes objectionable odours,
radio-activity, noise and temperature.

“hazardous substances” means any chemical,

waste, gas, medicine, drug, plant, animal or
microorganism which are likely to be injurious to
human health or the environment,

“measurement” means periodic evaluation of

workplaces and organizational management systems
in a factory or workplace for prevention of accidents,
occupational diseases, ill-health or damage to

“ occupational exposure limit” (OEL) means the

levels of exposure or discharge or emissions as set
out in Schedule 1 to these Rules;

“worker” includes a person who has entered

into or works under a contract of service or
apprenticeship, written or oral, express or implied,
whether by way of manual labour or otherwise;

“workplace” includes any land, premises,

location, vessel or thing at, in, upon or near where an
employee is, in the course of employment.

“substance” includes any solid, liquid, vapour,

gas or aerosol, or combination thereof;

Application. 3. These Rules shall apply to―

(1) Every factory, premises, places,
process, operation, or work to which the provisions
of the Factories and Other Places of Work Act apply;

(2) Every employer, occupier or owner,

agent, self-employed person or

Shared 4. Whenever two or more employers,

responsibilities by self-employed persons or their agents undertake
employers activities simultaneously at one workplace, they shall
have the duty to collaborate in order to comply with
the prescribed measures without prejudice to the
responsibility of each employer for the health and
safety of his employees.

Exposure limits. 5 (1). Every employer shall ensure that

exposure of hazardous substance does not exceed
the exposure limits set out in schedule 1 to these

(2) Where the exposure limit of a

hazardous substance is not provided for in Schedule
1 to these Rules, it shall be the responsibility of a
supplier or manufacturer of such substance to
provide a provisional exposure limit.

(3) When two or more hazardous

substances are present simultaneously
in the working atmosphere and their
combined effects have to be
considered, Schedule 2 to these Rules
shall apply

(4) The Government Chemist or any other laboratory
approved by the director shall carry sample analysis
of hazardous substances and biological samples to
determine exposure levels and biological exposure
indices respectively.

Amendment 6. The Minister may, on the advice of the

of Schedules Director, by notice in the Gazette, amend the
Schedules to―

(a) vary the exposure limit ;

(b) prohibit the use of a hazardous substance that

may contaminate the working environment;

(c) specify particular measures of prevention or

protection from the effects of a hazardous
substance; or

(d) prescribe any other exposure limit of a

hazardous substance.

Control measures. 7. (1) It shall be the duty of every employer to

prevent his employees form being exposed
to hazardous substance.

(2) Where it is not reasonably practical to

prevent the exposure, it shall be the duty of every
employer to control the exposure of employees from
hazardous substances by-

(a) limiting the amount of hazardous

substances used which may
contaminate the working environment;

(b) limiting the number of employees
who will be exposed or may be

(c) using a substitute for the hazardous


(d) limiting the period during which an

employee will be exposed or may be

(e) introducing engineering control

measures for the control of exposure,
which may include the following:

(i) process separation, automation or


(ii) installation of local extraction

ventilation systems to processes,
equipment and tools for the control
of emission of an air borne
hazardous substances;

(iii) use of wet methods;

(iv) separate workplaces for different


(f) introducing appropriate work

procedures which an employee must
follow where materials are used or
processes are carried out which could
give rise to exposure of an employee
and that procedures shall include
written instructions to ensure:

(i) that a hazardous substance is

safely handled, used and disposed

(ii) that process machinery,
installations, equipment, tools
and local extraction and general
ventilation systems are safely used
and maintained;

(iii) that machinery and workplaces are

kept clean; and

(iv) that early procedures are in place

for corrective action.
Personal protective 8 (1). Where it is not reasonably practical
to ensure that the exposure of an employee is
adequately controlled as contemplated in Rules 7,
the employer shall-

(a) in the case of an air bone

hazardous substances, provide the
employee with suitable respiratory
protective equipment and protective
clothing; and
(b) in case of hazardous substances
which can be absorbed through the
skin, provide the employee with
suitable impermeable protective

(2) Where respiratory protective equipment

is provided, the employer shall ensure-
(a) that the relevant equipment is
capable of controlling the exposure
to below the occupational exposure
limit for the relevant hazardous

(b) that the relevant equipment is

correctly selected and properly used;

(c) that information, instructions,
training and supervision which is
necessary with regard to the use of
the equipment is known to the
employees; and

(d) that the equipment is kept in good

condition and efficient working

(3). Every employer shall, -

(a) issue unused personal protective
equipment to an employee, unless
the relevant protective equipment is
decontaminated and sterilized;

(b) provide separate containers or

storage facility for personal
equipment ; and

(c) ensure that all personal protective

equipment not in use is stored only
in the place provided.

(4) Every employer shall ensure that all

contaminated personal protective equipment is
cleaned and handled in accordance with the
following procedures:

(a) where the equipment is cleaned on

the premises of the employer, care
shall be taken to prevent
contamination during handling,
transportation and cleaning;

(b) where the equipment is sent out the

premises to a contractor for cleaning
(i) the equipment shall be packed in

impermeable containers;

(ii) the containers shall be tightly

sealed and have clear indication
thereon that the contents thereof
are contaminated; and

(iii) the relevant contractor shall be

fully informed of the
requirements of these rules and
the precautions to be taken for
the handling of the contaminated

(5) Subject to the provisions of sub rule 4 (

b), an employer shall ensure that no person
removes dirty or contaminated personal protective
equipment from the premises; Provided that where
contaminated personal protective equipment has to
be disposed of, it shall be treated as waste .

(6) Every employer shall, , provide

employees using personal protective equipment
with : -

(a) adequate washing facilities which are

readily accessible and located in a an
area where the facilities will not
become contaminated, in order to
enable the employees to meet a
standard of hygiene consistent with
the adequate control of exposure, and
to avoid the spread of hazardous

(b) two separate lockers separately

labeled “Protective clothing” and
“Personal clothing”, and ensure that
the clothing is kept separately in the
appropriate locker ; and

(c) (c) separate “clean” and “dirty”
changing rooms if the employer
uses or processes hazardous
substances to the extent that the
hazardous substances could
endanger the health of employees.

Maintenance and testing 9. Every employer shall ensure:

of engineering controls.

(1) That all control equipment and facilities

provided are maintained in good working order; and

(2) That thorough examinations and tests of

engineering control measures are carried out at
intervals not exceeding 24 months by an engineering
controls examiner and a report issued.

Submission of report. 10 An engineering controls examiner shall submit a

signed report to the Director within thirty days
following such examination and test.

Protection against 11.(1) Every employer shall ensure that any

radioactive and
carcinogenic substances. processes involving a significant risk of exposure to
carcinogenic, radioactive, mutagenic or teratogenic
substances shall be performed within an enclosed
system so as to prevent any exposure of the workers
to the substance.

(2) Where any of the processes may involve

use of carcinogenic, radioactive, mutagenic or
teratogenic substances, every employer shall ensure
that such processes are automated or are conducted
by use of remote controlled systems.

(3) Every employer shall issue a permit to

work certificate to any person carrying out
maintenance and service of an enclosed system.

Material Safety Data 12.(1).Every manufacturer or agent of hazardous
substances shall supply information on the
characteristics of such substances as regards to the
health effects of the substances. on human health.

(2)Every person who manufactures, imports,

sells or supplies any hazardous substance for use at
work, shall ensure that the substance is
accompanied by a material safety data sheet
containing all the information set out in schedule 3
to these Rules:

(3)Every employer who uses any hazardous

substance at work shall be in possession of a copy
of material safety data sheet for each type of
substance in use at his premises.

(4)Every employer shall make the material

safety data sheet available for inspection at the
request of any person interested or affected.

(5) Every employer shall provide full

information on the composition and properties of
a product to the Director, when called upon to do so.

Disposal of . 13. Every employer shall ensure that the

hazardous quantity of waste from hazardous substances in his
substances. use are kept at reasonable minimum levels and that
such waste is disposed of in a manner less harmful to
human and the environment, including-

(a) recycling the waste material where


(b) depositing of hazardous waste

substances into containers that will
prevent the likelihood of exposure
during handling;

(c) ensuring that all vehicles, re-usable

containers and covers which have been

in contact with hazardous waste
substances are cleaned and
decontaminated after use in such a way
that the vehicle, containers or covers do
not cause a hazard to human and

(d) (d) ensuring that all employees employed

in the collection, transportation and
disposal of harmful waste substances
are not exposed to the harmful waste
and are provided with suitable personal
protective equipment;

(e) ensuring that all hazardous waste

substances is disposed off only on
specifically designated sites for this

Labeling of containers. 14. (1) Every manufacturer or supplier of

hazardous substances shall ensure that the hazardous
substance is marked or labeled in a distinctive
manner indicating the nature of their contents, health
hazards and instructions for safe handling of the
substance .

(2)Every manufacturer or supplier of a

hazardous substance shall ensure that the chemical or
common name used to identify the chemical on the
label shall be the same as that used on the material
safety data sheet.

Training and
Information. 15.(1) It shall be the duty of every
employer to inform the workers of the hazards
associated with exposure to chemicals used at the
workplace and every employer shall facilitate the
training of his worker on safety by-

(a) instructing the workers how to

obtain and use the information
provided on labels and chemical
safety data sheets;

(b) using the chemical safety data

sheets, along with information
specific to the workplace, as a basis
for the preparation of instructions to
workers, which should be written if

(2) Every employer shall ensure that workers

are trained and certified by a competent person, on
continuing basis in the practices and procedures to be
followed for safety in the use of chemicals at work.

(3) Every employer shall, before any

employee is exposed, ensure that the employee is
adequately and comprehensively informed and
trained, and is thereafter informed and trained at
intervals as may be recommended by the health and
safety committee or by the Director, with regard to-

(a) the contents and scope of these rules;

(b) the potential source of exposure;

(c) the potential risks to health caused by


(d) the potential detrimental effects of

exposure on his or her reproductive ability;

(e) the measure to be taken by the employers to

protect an employee against any risk from

(f) the precaution to be taken by an employee

to protect himself against the health risks

associated with the exposure, including the
wearing and use of protective clothing and
respiratory protective equipment;

(g) the necessary, correct use, maintenance and

potential of safety equipment, facilities and
engineering control measures provided;

(h) the necessity of personal air sampling and

medical surveillance ;

(i) the importance of good housekeeping at the

workplace and personal hygiene;

(j) the safe working procedures regarding the

use, handling, storage and labeling of the
chemical and other hazardous substance at
the workplace; and

(k) procedures to be followed in the event of

spillages, leakages or any similar
emergency situation which could take place
by accident;

(4) Every employer shall give written

instructions to the drivers of vehicles carrying the
hazardous substances, the procedures to be followed
in the event of spillages, leakages or any similar
emergency situation which could take place by

Air monitoring and 16. (1) In every workplace where hazardous

substances are used the employer shall ensure that
measurements of the substances in the air are carried
out at least once every twelve months by a certified
air quality monitor , in order to determine the
prevailing occupational exposure levels.

(2) The costs in connection with such
measurements shall be met by the employer.

(3) The results of measurement of the

substances in the air shall be recorded and shall
specify: -

(a) date, time and period of sampling

(b) nature of work/process evaluated

(c) number of the workers exposed

(d)measuring methods including

analytical methods

(e) type of measurements (e.g. dust,

fumes, vapors….)

(f) results of measurements

(g) recommendations for remedial

measures to be taken

(h)name of the person taking the


(4) Every employer shall keep a copy of the

report of the results of measurements carried out
for a period of two years.

(5) An Air Quality Monitor shall submit a

signed copy of the report of the results of
measurements to the director within a period of thirty
days from the date of carrying out the measurements.

(6) Where the Air Quality Monitor is of the
opinion that occupational exposure levels pose
imminent danger to workers’ health he shall
immediately and not later than 48 hours, inform the
Occupational Safety and Health officer of the area.

Duty of competent 17.(1) Every Air Quality Monitor shall

regularly inspect, calibrate and maintain equipment
for measuring air contaminants.

(2) It shall be the duty of a competent

person to carry out biological monitoring with the
consent of the employee.

(3) A competent person shall inform

employees on the scope of biological monitoring and
on the significance of the results;

Guidelines on hazardous
18. The director may review and issue
guidelines, on how the monitoring of air
contaminants shall be carried out.

Duty of Employees. 19. It shall be the duty of every employee-

(a) not to interfere with or misuse any

means, appliance, convenience or any
other thing provided for securing the
health, safety or welfare of him or
others at the workplace;

(b) to make use of any means, appliance,

convenience or any other thing
provided for securing the health, safety
or welfare of himself or others at the

(c) not to, without reasonable cause do
anything likely to endanger himself or
any other person at the workplace;

(d) to report forthwith to the supervisor or

any other person having authority over
him, any situation which he has reason
to believe would present a hazard; and

(e) to report to his supervisor any accident

or injury that arises in the course of or
in connection with his work.

Medical examination. 19. In every workplace where hazardous substances

are in use, the employer shall ensure that the worker
undergoes medical examination in accordance with
the requirements of the Factories and Other Places of
Work (Medical Examination) Rules, 2005.

Offences and penalties. 20. Any person who contravenes or fails to comply
with any provision of these rules shall commit an
offence and the provisions of the Act on offences
and penalties shall mutatis mutandis apply.


SCHEDULE 1 rule 5(1)



Formula 1995
ppm mg/m3 ppm 3 Notes
Acryl amide CH2=CHCONH2 - 0.3 - - Sk
Acrylonitrile CH2=CHCN 2 4 - - Sk
Arsenic & compounds,
As - 0.1 - -
except arsine (as As)
*Asbestos (see note)
Benzene C 6 H6 5 16 - - -
Bis (chloromethyl) ether 0.00
CICH2OCH2CI 0.005 - -
(BCME) 1
Buta-1,3-diene CH2=CHCH=CH2 10 22 - -
2-Butoxyethanol C4H9OCH2CH2OH 25 120 - - Sk
Cadmium & cadmium
Cd - 0.05 - -
compounds, except cad-
mium oxide fume and
cadmium sulphide pig-
ments (as Cd)
Cadmium oxide fume (as
CdO - 0.05 - 0.05
Cadmium sulphide
pigments (respirable dust CdS 0.04
Carbon disulphide CS2 10 30 - - Sk
Chromium (VI)
Cr - 0.05 - -
compounds (as Cr)

BrCH2CH2Br 0.5 4 - - Sk
(ethylene dibromide)
Dichloromethane CH2CI2 100 350 - -
methylene dianiline CH2.(C6H3CINH2)2. - 0.005 - - Sk
2-Ethoxyethanol C2H5OCH2CH2OH 10 37 - - Sk
2-Ethoxyethyl acetate C2H5OCH2OOCCH3. 10 54 - - Sk
Ethylene oxide CH2CH2O 5 10 - -
Formaldehyde HCHO 2 2.5 2 2.5
*Grain dust - 10 - - Sen
Hydrogen cyanide HCN - - 10 10 Sk
Isocyanates, all (as-NCO) - 0.02 - 0.07 Sen
*Lead and compounds
2-Methoxyethanol CH3OCH2CH2OH 5 16 - - Sk
2-Methoxyethyl acetate 5 24 - - Sk
Nickel Ni - 0.5 - -
Nickel, inorganic
Ni - 0.1 - -
compounds (as Ni)
soluble compounds - 0.5 - -
insoluble compounds
Rubber process dust - 8 - -
Rubber fume - 0.6 - -
Silica, crystalline Si02
respirable dust - 0.4 - -
Styrene C6H5CH=CH2 100 420 250 1050
1,1,1-Trichloroethane CH3CCI3 350 1900 450 2450
Trichloroethylene CCI2=CHCI 100 535 150 802 Sk
**Vinyl chloride CH2=CHCI 7 - - -
Vinylidene chloride CH2=CCI2 10 40 - -
Wood dust (hard wood) - 5 - - Sen

* ote

(a) The concentration of “respirable dust” shall be determined from the

fraction passing a size selector with an efficiency that will allow-
(a) 100% particles of 1 µm aerodynamic diameter,
(ii) 50% particles of 5 µm aerodynamic diameter,
(iii) 20% particles of 6 µm aerodynamic diameter,
(iv) 0% particles of 7 µm aerodynamic diameter.

(b) Asphyxiant substances.
1. Some gases and vapours, when present at high concent6ration in air, act
as simple Asphyxiants by reducing the oxygen content by dilution to such
an extent that life cannot be supported. Many asphyxiants are odourless,
colourless and not readily detectable. Monitoring the oxygen content of the
air is often the best means of ensuring safety. The oxygen content of air in
the workplace should never be allowed to fall below a minimum of 18%
by volume under normal atmospheric pressure. Particular care is necessary
when dense asphyxiants e.g. argon are used, since very high localised
concentrations can arise owing to their collecting in pits, confined spaces
and other low lying areas where ventilation is likely to be poor.
2. Many asphyxiants present a fire or explosion risk. The concentration at
which these risks can arise are liable to be well below those levels at which
asphyxiation is likely to occur and should be taken in to account when
assessing the hazards.

( c) OEL for asbestos

Amosite 0.5 fiber > 5µm/cc
Chrysolite 2 fibers > 5µm/cc
Crocidolite 0.2 fiber > 55µm/cc
Other forms 2 fiber > 5µm/c

(d)OEL for Lead and its compounds

Lead 0.15 mg/m3
Tetra-ethyl Lead 0.10 mg/m3

**Vinyl chloride is also subject to an overriding annual TWA OEL- CL of

3 ppm.


Substance SHORT TERM

Formula TWA OEL-RL 1995
ppm Mg/m3 ppm Mg/m3 Notes
Acetaldehyde CH3=CHO 100 180 150 270
Acetic acid CH3COOH 10 25 15 37
Acetic anhydride (CH3CO)2O - - - 20
Acetone CH3COCH3 750 1780 1500 3560
Acetonitrile CH3CN 40 70 60 105
o-Acetylsalicylic acid - 5 - -
AcrylaJdehyde (Acrolein) CH2=CHCHO 0.1 0.25 0.3 0.8
Acrylic acid CH2=CHCOOH 10 30 20 60
Aldrin (ISO) C12H8CI6 - 0.25 - 0.75 Sk
Allyl alcohol CH2=CHCH2OH 2 5 4 10 Sk
Allyl chloride CH2=CHCH2Cl 1 3 2 6
Allyl 2,3-epoxypropyl ether 5 22 10 44 Sk
Allyl glycidyl ether (AGE) 5 22 10 44 Sk
Aluminium alkyl
- 2 - -
*Aluminium metal A1
total inhalable dust - 10 - -
respirable dust - 5 - -
AI2O3AI(OH)3 and
*Aluminium oxides
total inhalable dust - 10 - -
respirable dust - 5 - -
Aluminium salts, soluble - 2 - -
Aminodimethyl-benzene (CH3)2C6H3NH2 2 10 10 50 Sk
2-Aminoethanol NH2CH2CH2OH 3 8 6 15
2-Aminopyridine NH2C5H4N 0.5 2 2 8
Ammonia NH3 25 17 35 24
Ammonium chloride, fume NH4CI - 10 - 20

Ammonium sulphamidate NH2SO3NH4 - 10 - 20
n-Amyl acetate CH3COOC5HI1 100 530 150 800
sec-Amyl acetate - - 150 800
C 3 H7

Aniline C6H5NH2 2 10 5 20 Sk
Anisidines. 0- and
NH2C6H4OCH3 0.1 0.5 - - Sk
Antimony & compounds
Sb - 0.5 - -
(as Sb)
Arsine AsH3 0.05 0.2 - -
Asphalt, petroleum
- 5 - 10
Aspirin CH3COOC6H4COOH - 5 - -
Atrazine (ISO) C8Hl4ClN5 - 10 - -
Azinphos-methyl (ISO) - 0.2 0.6 - Sk
Aziridine CH2CH2NH - 10 - -
y-BHC (ISO) C6H5Cl4 - 0.5 - 1.5 Sk
Barium compounds,
Ba - 0.5 - -
soluble (as Ba)
Barium sulphate,
BaSO4 - 2 - -
respirable dust
Benomyl (ISO) C14H18N4O3 10 15
Benzenethiol C6H5SH 0.5 2 - -
1,2,4-lricarboxylic acid C9H4O5 - 0.04 - - San
p-Benzoquinone C9H4O2 0.1 0.4 0.3 1.2
Benzoyl peroxide (C6H5CO)2O2 - 5 - -
Benzyl butyl phthalate - 5 - -
Benzyl chloride C6H5CH2Cl 1 5 - -
Beryllium Be - 0.002 - -
Biphenyl (C6H5)2 0.2 1.5 0.6 4

2,2-Bis(p-methoxy-pheny C14H9Cl5 - 1 - 3
(OCH2CHCH2)2O 0.1 0.6 - -

- 5 - 10

2,2-Bis(p-melho-xyphenyl C16H15Cl3O2 - 10 - -
) –1,1,1-lrichloroethane
Bismuth telluride Bi2Te3 - 10 20
Bismuth telluride,
Bi2Te3 5 10
Borates, (tetra) sodium
anhydrous Na2B4O7 - 1 - -
decahydrate Na2B4O7.10H2O - 5
pentahydrate Na2B4O7.5H2O - 1 - -
Boman-2-one C10H16O 2 12 3 18
Boron oxide B2O3 - 10 - 20
Boron tribromide BBr3 - - 1 10
Boron trifluoride BF3 - - 1 3
Bromacil (ISO) C9H13BrN2O2 1 10 2 20
Bromine Br2 0.1 0.7 0.3 2
Bromine pentafluoride BrF5 0.1 0.7 0.3 2
Bromochloromethane CH2BrCl 200 1050 250 1300
Bromoethane C2H5Br 200 890 250 1110
Bromoethylene CH2=CHBr 5 20 - -

Bromoform CHBr3 0.5 5 - - Sk

Bromomethane CH3Br 5 20 15 60 Sk
Bromotrifluoromethane CF3Br 1000 6100 1200 7300

Butane C4H10 600 1430 750 1780
Butan-1-o1 CH3CH2CH2CH2OH - 50 150 Sk
Butan-2-o1 CH3CH2CHOHCH3 100 300 150 450
Butan-2-one CH3COC2,H5 200 590 300 885
trans-But-2-enal CH3CH=CHCHO 2 6 6 18
Butyl acetate CH3COO(CH2)3CH3 150 710 200 950
see-Butyl acetate 200 950 250 1190
tert-Butyl acetate CH3COOC(CH3)3 200 950 250 1190
Butyl acrelate C7H12O2 10 55
n-Butyl alcohol CH3CH2CH2CH2OH - 50 150 Sk
sec-Butyl alcohol CH3CH2CHOHCH3 100 300 150 450 Sk
tert-Butyl alcohol (CH3)3COH 100 300 150 450
n-Butylamine CH3CH2CH2CH2NH2 - - 5 15
Butyl benzyl phthalate - 5 - -
n-Butyl chloroformate ClCO2C4H10 1 5.6 - -
C4H9OCH2CHCH2O 25 135 - -
n-Butyl glycidyl ether
C4H9OCH2CHCH2O 25 135 - -
Butyl lactate C7H14O3 5 25 -
2-sec-Butylphenol 5 30 - - Sk
Caesium hydroxide CsOH - 2 - -
Calcium carbonate CaCO3
total inhalable dust - 10 - -
respirable dust - 5 - -
Calcium cyanamide CaNC=N - 0.5 - 1
Calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 - 5 - -
Calcium oxide CaO - 2 - -
Calcium silicate
total inhalable dust - 10 - -
respirable dust - 5 - -
Camphor, synthetic C10H16O 2 12 3 18
g-Caprolactam NH(CH2)5CO
dust - 1 - 3
vapour 5 20 10 40
Captafol (ISO) C10H9Cl4NO2S - 0.1 - - Sk
Captan (ISO) C9H8Cl3NO2S - 5 - 15
Carbaryl (ISO) C10H7OCONHCH3 - 5 - 10
Carbuforan (ISO) C12H15NO3 - 0.1 -

Carbon black C - 3.5 - 7
Carbon dioxide CO2 5000 9000 15000 27000
Carbon monoxide CO 50 55 300 330
Carbon tetrabromide CBr4 0.1 1.4 0.3 4
Carbon tetrachloride CCl4 2 12.6 - - Sk
Carbonyl chloride COCl2 - 0.4 - - Sk
Catechol C6H4.(OH)2 5 20 - -
total inhalable dust - 10 - 20
respirable dust 5 - - -
total inhalable dust - 10 - -
respirable dust - 5 - -
Chlordane (ISO) C10H6Cl8 - 0.5 - 2 Sk
Chlorinated biphenyls
C12H7Cl3(approx) - 1 - 2 Sk
chlorine) Sk
Chlorinated biphenyls
C6H2Cl3C6H3Cl2 - 0.5 - 1 Sk
chlorine) Sk
Chlorine Cl2 0.5 1.5 1 3
Chlorine dioxide ClO2 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.9
Chlorine trifluoride ClF3 - - 0.1 0.4
Chloroacetaldehyde ClCH2CHO - - 1 3
2-Chloroacetophenone C6H5COCH2Cl 0.05 0.3 -
Chloroacetylchloride ClCH2COCl 0.05 0.2 -
Chlorobenzene C6H5Cl 50 230 -
Chlorobromomethane CH2BrCl 200 1050 250 1300
2-Chlorobuta-1,3-diene CH2=CClCH=CH2 10 36 - - Sk
Chlorodifluoromethane CHCIF2 1000 3500 - -
OCH2CHCH2Cl 2 8 5 20 Sk
Chloroethane C2H5Cl 1000 2600 1250 3250
2-Chloroethanol ClCH2CH2OH - - 1 3 Sk
Chloroethylene CH2=CHCl+ 7 -
Chloroform CHCl3 2 9.8 - Sk
Chloromethane CH3Cl 50 105 100 210
1-Chloro-4-nitro-benzene CIC6H4NO2 - 1 - 2 Sk
CClF2CF3 1000 6320 - -
Chloropicrin CCl3NO2 0.1 0.7 0.3 2

p-Chloroprene CH2=CClCH=CH2 10 36 - - Sk
3-Chloropropene CH2=CHCH2Cl 1 3 2 6
Chlorosulphonic acid HSO3Cl - 1 - -
a-Chlorotoluene C6H5CH2Cl 1 5
2-Chlorotoluene C7H7Cl 50 250 - -
C6H3Cl4N - 10 - 20
thyl) pyridine
Chlorpyrifos (ISO) C9H11Cl3NO3PS 0.2 0.6 Sk
Chromium Cr - 0.5 - -
Cr - 0.5 - -
compounds (as Cr)
Cr - 0.5 - -
compounds (as Cr)
Coal dust
respirable dust - 2 - -
Coal tar pitch volatiles - 0.14 - -
(as cyclohexane solubles)
Cobalt and compounds
Co - 0.1 - -
(as Co)
Copper Cu
fume - 0.2 - -
dusts and mists (as Cu) - 1 - 2
Cotton dust - 0.5 - -
Cresols, all isomers CH3C6H4OH 5 22 - - Sk
Cristobalite, respirable
SiO2 - - - -
Crotonaldehyde CH3CH=CHCHO 2 6 6 18
Cryofluorane (INN) CClF2CClF2 1000 7000 1250 8750
Cumene C6H5CH(CH3)2 25 120 75 370 Sk
Cyanamide H2NCN - 2 - -
Cyanides, - 5 - - Sk
except hydrogen cyanide,
cyanogen & cyanogen
chloride, (as-CN)
Cyanogen (CN)2 10 20 - -
Cyanogen chloride ClCN - - 0.3 0.6
Cychlohexane C6H12 100 340 300 1030
Cyclohexanol C6H11OH 50 200 -
Cyclohexanone C6H10O 25 100 100 400
Cyclohexene C6H10 300 1015
Cyclohexylamine C6H11NH2 10 40 - - Sk

Cyclonite (RDX) C3H6N6O6 - 1.5 - 3 Sk
Cyhexatin (ISO) (C6H11)3SnOH - 5 - 10
2,4D (ISO) C6H3Cl2OCH2COOH - 10 - 20
DDM H2NC6H4CH2C6H4NH2 0.1 0.8 0.5 4
DDT C14H9Cl5 - 1 - 3
DDVP (CH3O)2POOCH=CCl2 0.1 1 - 3 Sk
2,4-DES C8H7Cl2NaO5S - 10 20
DMDT C16H15Cl3O2 - 10 - -
Derris, commercial C23H22O6 - 5 - 10
Diacetone alcohol 50 240 75 360
Dialkyl 79 phthalate - 5 - -
Dialkyl phthalate - 5 -
(NH2CH2CH2)2NH 1 4 - - Sk

4-4'-Diaminodiphenyl-me H2NC6H4CH2C6H4NH2 0.1 0.8 0.5 4

thane (DADPM)
1,2-Diaminoethane NH2CH2CH2NH2 10 25 - -
peroxodisulphate (NH4)2S2O8 - 1 - -
(measured as (S2O8)
Diatomaceous earth,
- 1.5 - -
natural respirable dust
Diazinon (ISO) C12H21 N2O3PS - 0.1 - 0.3 Sk
Diazomethane CH2=N2 0.2 0.4 - -
Dibenzoyl peroxide (C6H5CO)2O2 - 5 - -
Dibismuth tritelluride Bi2Te3 - 10 - 20
Dibismuth tritelluride,
Bi2Te3 - 5
selenium doped - 10
Diborane B2H6 0.1 0.1 - -
Diboron trioxide B2O3 - .10 - 20
Dibrom C4H7Br2Cl2O4P - 3 - 6
dichloroethyl dimethyl C4H7Br2Cl2O4P - 3 - 6
CBr2F2 100 860 150 1290

Dibutyl hydrogen
(n-C4H9O)2.(OH)PO 1 5 2 10
Di-n-butyl phosphate (n-C4H9O)2.(OH)PO 1 5 2 10
Dibutyl phthalate C6H4.(CO2C4H9)2 - 5 - 10
6,6' -Di-tert-butyl-4,4'
C22H30O2S - 10 - 20
Dichloroacetylene ClC=CCl - - 0.1 0.4
1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene C6H4Cl2 - - 50 300
1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene C6H4Cl2 25 150 50 300
CCl2F2 1000 4950 1250 6200

1,3-Dichloro-5,5-dimethy C5H6Cl2N2O2 - 0.2 - 0.4

C14H9Cl2 - 1 3
1 , 1-Dichloroethane CH3CHCl2 200 810 400 1620
1 ,2-Dichloroethane CH2ClCH2Cl 10 40 15 60
1 ,1-Dichloroethylene CH2=CCl2 10 40 - -
ClCH=CHCl 200 790 250 1000
cis:trans isomers 60:40
Dichlorofluoromethane CHCl2F 10 40 - -
C6H3Cl2OCH2COOH - 10 - 20
c acid
1,3-Dichloropropene, cis
CHCl=CHCH2Cl 1 5 10 50 Sk
and trans isomers
CClF2CClF2 1000 7000 1250 8750
Dichlorvos (ISO) (CH3O)2POOCH=CCl2 0.1 1 0.3 3 Sk
Dicyclohexyl phthalate C6H4.(COOC6H11)2 - 5 - -
Dicyclopentadiene C10H12 5 30 - -
Dicyclopenta-dienyliron C10H10Fe - 10 - 20
Dieldrin (ISO) C12H8Cl6O - 0.25 0.75 Sk
Diethanolamine 3 15 -
Diethylamine (C2H5)2NH 10 30 25 75
2-Diethylaminoethanol (C2H5)2NCH2CH2OH 10 50 - - Sk
Diethylene glycol (HOCH2CH2)2O 23 100 - -
Diethylene triamine (NH2CH2CH2)2OH 1 4 - - Sk
Diethyl ether C2H5OC2H5 400 1200 500 1500

Di-(2-ethylhexyl) C6H4.(COOCH2CH(C2
- 5 - 10
phthalate H5)-C4H9)2
Diethyl ketone C2H5COC2H5 200 700 250 875
Diethyl phthalate C6H4.(COOC2H5)2 - 5 - 10
Difluorochloromethane CHClF2 1000 3500 - -
Diglycidyl ether (DGE) (OCH2CHCH2)2O 0.1 0.6 - -
o-Dihydroxybenzene C6H4.(OH) 5 20 - -
m-Dihydroxybenzene C6H4.(OH)2 10 45 20 90
p-Dihydroxybenzene C6H4.(OH)2 - 2 - 4
1,2-Dihydroxyethane CH2OHCH2OH - - - -
particulate - 10 - -
vapour - 60 - 125
Diisobutyl ketone [(CH3)2CHCH2]2CO 25 150 - -
Diisobutyl phthalate - 5 - -
Diisodecyl phthalate (C10H21CO2)2C6H4 - 5 - -
Diisononyl phthalate C6H4.(COOC9H19)2 - 5 - -
Diisooctyl phthalate C6H4.(CO2C8H17)2 - 5 - -
Diisopropylamine 5 20 - - Sk
Diisoppropyl ether (CH3)2CHOCH(CH3)2 250 1050 310 1320
Di-linear 79 phthalate C6H4.(COOC7-9H15-19)2 - 5 - -
Dimethoxymethane CH2.(OCH3)2 1000 3100 1250 3880
NN-Dimethyl-acetamide CH3CON(CH3)2 10 36 20 71 Sk
Dimethylamine (CH3)2NH 10 18 - -
NN-Dimethylaniline C6H5N(CH3)2 5 25 10 50 Sk
1,3-Dimethylbutyt CH3CO2CH(CH3)CH2
50 300 100 600
acetate CH-(CH3)2
NN-Dimethyl-ethylamine C2H5.(CH3)2N 10 30 15 45
Dimethylformamide HCON(CH3)2 10 30 20 60 Sk
[(CH3)2CHCH2]2CO 25 150 - -
Dimethyl phthalate C6H4.(COOCH3)2 - 5 - 10
Dimethyl sulphate (CH3)2SO4. 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.5 Sk
Dinitrobenzene, all
C6H4.(NO2)2 0.15 1 0.5 3 Sk
Dinitro-o-cresol CH3C6H2.(OH)(NO2)2 - 0.2 - 0.6 Sk
2,4-Dinitrotoluene CH3C6H3.(NO2)2 - 1.5 - 5 Sk
Dinonyl phthalate C6H4.(COOC9H19)2 - 5 - -
Di-sec-octy1 phthalate 5 - 10
H5)- C4H9]2

1,4-Dioxane, tech. grade OCH2CH2OCH2CH2 25 90 100 360 Sk
Dioxathion (ISO) C12H26O6P2S2 0.2 - - Sk
Diphenyl (C6H5)2 0.2 1.5 0.6 4
Diphenylamine (C6H5)2NH 10 - 20
Diphenyl ether (vapour) C6H5OC6H5 1 7 -
P2S5 - 1 - 3
peroxodisulphate K2S2O8 - 1 - -
measured as
Diquat dibromide (ISO) C12H12Br2N2 - 0.5 1
Disodium disulphite Na2S2O5 - 5 - -
peroxodisulphate Na2S2O8 - 1 - -
(measured as (S2O8)
Disodium tetraborate,
anhydrous Na2B4O7 1 - -
decahydrate Na2B4O7.10H2O - 5 - -
pentahydrate Na2B4O7.5H.2O - 1 - -
Disulfoton (ISO) 0.1 - 0.3
C 2 H5
Disulphur dichloride S2Cl5 - - 1 6
Disulphur decafluoride S2F10 0.025 0.25 0.075 0.75

2,6-Ditertiary-butyl-parac (C4H9)2CH3C6.H2OH - 10 - -
Diuron (ISO) C9H10Cl2N2O - 10 - -
Divanadium pentaoxide
V2 O6
(as V)
total inhalable dust - 0.5 - -
fume and respirable dust - 0.05 - -
Divinylbenzene C8H4.(CHCH2)2 10 50 - -
total inhalable dust - 10 - -
respirable dust - 5 - -
Endosulfan (ISO) C9H6Cl6O3S - 0.1 - 0.3 Sk
Endrin (ISO) C12H8Cl6O - 0.1 - 0.3 Sk
Enflurane CHFCl-CF2-O-CF2H 20 150 - -
EpichJorohydrin OCH2CHCH2Cl 2 8 5 20 Sk

1,2-Epoxy-4-epoxyethyl- C8H12O2 10 60 - -
C3H7OCH2CHCH2O 50 240 75 360
isopropyl ether
Ethane- 1 ,2-diol CH2OHCH2OH
particulate - 10 - --
vapour - 60 - 125
Ethanethiol C2H5SH 0.5 1 2 3
Ethanol C2H5OH 1000 1900 - -
Ethanolamine NH2CH2CH2OH 3 8 500 1500
Ether C2H5OC2H5 400 1200 - -
Ethyl acetate CH3COOC2H5 400 1400 - -
Ethyl acrylate CH2=CHCOOC2H5 5 20 15 60 Sk
Ethyl alcohol C2H5OH 1000 1900 - -
Ethylamine C2H5NH2 10 18 - --
Ethyl amyl ketone 25 130 - -
Ethylbenzene C6H5C2H5 100 435 - 545
Ethyl bromide C2H5Br 200 890 - 1110
Ethyl butyt ketone 50 230 75 345
Ethyl chloride C2H5Cl 1000 2600 - 3250
Ethyl chloroformate ClCO2C2H5 1 4.4 1
Ethylene chlorohydrin ClCH2CH2OH - 3 Sk
Ethylenediamine NH2CH2CH2NH2 10 25
Ethylene dibromide BrCH2CH2Br 0.5 4 Sk
Ethylene dichloride CH2ClCH2Cl 10 40 15 60
Ethylene dinitrate CH2NO3CH2NO3 0.2 1.2 0.2 1.2 Sk
Ethylene glycol CH2OHCH2OH
particulate - 10 - -
vapour - 60 - 125
Ethylene glycol dinitrate
CH2NO3CH2NO3 0.2 1.2 0.2 1.2 Sk
Ethylene glycol
C4H9OCH2CH2OH 25 120 - - Sk
monobutyl ether
Ethylene glycol
C2H5OH2CH2OH 10 37 - - Sk
monoethyl ether
Ethylene glycol C2H5OCH2CH2OOCC
10 54 - - Sk
monoethyl ether acetate H3

Ethylene glycol CH3COOCH2CH2OCH
5 24 - - Sk
monomethyl ether acetate 3
Ethylene glycol
CH3OCH2CH2OH 5 16 - - Sk
monomethyl ether
Ethyleneimine CH2CH2NH 0.5 1 - - Sk
Ethylene oxide CH2CH2O 5 10 - -
Ethyl ether C2H5OC2H5 400 1200 500 1500
Ethyl formate HCOOC2H5 100 300 150 450
2-Ethylhexyl ClCO2CH2CH(CH2)3C
1 7.9 - -
chloroformate H3 C2H5
Ethylidene dichloride CH3CHCl2 200 810 400 1620
Ethyl mercaptan C2H5SH 0.5 1 2 3
4-Ethylmorpholine C6H13NO 5 23 20 95 Sk
Ethyl silicate Si(OC2H5)4 10 85 30 255
Fenchlorphos (ISO) (CH3O)2PSOC6H2Cl3 - 10 - -
Fernam (ISO) [(CH3)2NCSS]3Fe 10 - 20
Ferrocene C10H10Fe - 10 - 20
Fluoride (as F) F - 2.5 - -
Fluorine F2 - - 1 1.5
Fluorodichloromethane CHCl2F 10 40 - -
Fluorotrichloromethane CCl3F 1000 5600 1250 7000
Formamide HCONH2 20 30 30 45
Formic acid HCOOH 5 9 - -
2-Furaldehyde (Furfural) C5H4O2 2 8 10 40 Sk
Furfuryl alcohol 5 20 15 60 Sk
Germane GeH4 0.2 0.6 0.6 1.8
Germanium tetrahydride GeH4 0.2 0.6 0.6 1.8
Glutaraldehyde OCH(CH2)3CHO - 0.2 0.7
Glycerol, mist CH2OHCHOHCH2OH - 10 - -
Glycerol trinitrate 0.2 2 0.2 2 Sk
Glycol monoethyl ether C2H5OCH2CH2OH 10 37 0.2 2
Graphite C
total inhalable dust 10 - -
respirable dust - 5 - -
Guthion - 0.2 0.6 - Sk
Gypsum CaSO4.2H2O
total inhalable dust 10 - -
respirable dust - 5 - -

Halothane CHBrCl-CF3 10 80 - -
y-HCH (ISO) C6H5Cl6 - 0.5 - 1.5 Sk
Hafnium Hf - 0.5 - 1.5
Heptachlor C10H5Cl7 - 0.5 - 2 Sk
n-Heptane C7H16 400 1600 500 2000
Heptane-2-one CH3.(CH2)4COCH3 50 240 - -
Heptan-3-one CH3CH2CO(CH2)3CH3 50 230 75 345

y-Hexachlorocyc1o-hexan C6H5Cl6 - 0.5 - 1.5

Hexachloroethane CCl3CCl3
vapour 5 50 - -
total inhalable dust - 10 - -
respirable dust - 5 - -
Hexahydro-1,3,5- C3H6N6O6 - 1.5 - 3 Sk
Hexane, all isomers
C6H14 500 1800 1000 3600
n-Hexane C6H14 20 70 - -
1,6 Hexanolactam NH(CH2)5CO
dust - 1 - 3
vapour 5 20 10 40
Hexan-2-one CH3.(CH2)3COCH3 5 20 - - Sk
Hexone (CH3)2CHCH2COCH3 50 205 75 300 Sk
Hexylene glycol 25 125 25 125
Hydrazine NH2NH2 0.1 0.1 - - Sk
Hydrazoic acid (as
NH3 - - 0.1 -
Hydrogen bromide HBr - - 3 10
Hydrogen chloride HCl - - 5 7
Hydrogenfluoride (as F) HF - - 3 2.5
Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 1 1.5 2 3
Hydrogen selenide (as
H2Se 0.05 0.2 -
Hydrogen sulphide H2 S 10 14 15 21
Hydroquinone C6H4.(OH)2 - 2 - 4
4-Hydroxy-4-methyl-pent CH3COCH2C(CH3)2O
50 240 75 360
an-2-one H

2-Hydroxypropyl acrylate 0.5 3 - - Sk
2,2'-lminodiethanol 3 15 - -
2,2'-lminodi (ethylamine) (NH2CH2CH2)2NH 1 4 - - Sk
Indene C 9 H8 10 45 15 70
Indium & compounds (as
In - 0.1 - 0.3
Iodine I2 - - 0.1 1
Iodoform CHl3 0.6 10 1 20
lodomethane CH3l 5 28 10 56 Sk
Iron oxide, fume (a Fe) Fe2O3 - 5 - 10
Iron pentacarbonyl FE(CO)5 0.01 0.08 - -
Iron salts (as Fe) Fe 1 2
Isoamyl acetate 100 525 125 655
Isoamyl alcohol (CH3)2CHCH2CH2OH 100 360 125 450
Isoamyl methyl ketone 50 240 75 360
Isobutyl acetate 150 700 187 875
Isobutyl alcohol (CH3)2CHCH2OH 50 150 75 225
Isobutyl methyl ketone (CH3)2CHCH2COCH3 50 205 75 300 Sk
Isoflurane CF3-CHCl-O-CHF2 50 380 -
lsooctyl alcohol (mixed
C8H17OH 50 270 - -
Isopentyl acetate 100 525 125 655
Isophorone C9H14O - 5 25
lsophorone diisocyanate
- 0.2 - 0.07 San
Isopropyl acetate CH3COOCH(CH3)2 - - 200 840
Isopropyl alcohol (CH3)2CHOH 400 980 500 1225 Sk
Isopropyl benzene C6H5CH(CH2)2 25 120 75 370 Sk
Isopropyl chlorofonnate ClCO2CH(CH3)2 1 5 - -
Isopropyl ether (CH3)2CHOCH(CH3)2 250 1050 310 1320
Isopropyl glycidyl ether
C3H7OCH2CHCH2 50 240 75 360
Ketene CH2=CO 0.5 0.9 1.5 3
total inhalable dust - 10 - -

respirable dust - 5 - -
Lindane C6H5Cl6 - 0.5 - 1.9 Sk

Liquified petroleum gas Mixture:

1000 1800 1250 2250
(LPG) C3H6;C3H8;C4H8;C4H1
Lithium hydride LiH - 0.025 - -
Lithium hydroxide LiOH - - - 1
MbOCA CH2.(C6H3ClNH2)2 - 0.005 - - Sk
MDA 0.1 0.8 0.5 4
total inhalable dust - 10 - -
respirable dust - 5 - -
Magnesium oxide (as
fume and respirable dust - 5 - 10
respirable dust - 10 -
Malathion (ISO) C10H19O6PS2 - 10 - - Sk
Maleic anhydride C4H2O3 0.25 1 - -
Manganese, fume (as
Mn - 1 - 3
Manganese and
Mn - 5 - -
compounds (as Mn)
cyclopentadienyl C5HC5-MN(CO)3 - 0.1 - 0.3 Sk
Manganese tetroxide Mn3O4 - 1 - -

total inhalable dust - 10 - -
respirable dust - 5 - -
Mequinol (INN) CH3OC6H4OH - 5 - -
Mercaptoacetic acid C2H4O2S 1 5 - -
Mercury alkyls (as Hg) - 0.01 - 0.03 Sk
Mercury & compounds,
except mercury alkyls, Hg - 0.05 - 0.15
(as Hg)
Mesityl oxide CH3COCH=C(CH3)2 15 60 25 100
Methacrylic acid CH2=C(CH3)COOH 20 70 40 140

Methacrylonitrile CH2=C(CH3)CN 1 3 - - Sk
Methanethiol CH3SH 0.5 1 - -
Methanol CH3OH 200 260 250 310 Sk
Methomyl (ISO) C5H10N2O2S - 2.5 - - Sk
Methoxychlor (ISO) C16H15Cl3O2 - 10 - -
1-Methoxypropan-2-ol CH3OCH2CHOHCH3 100 360 300 1080 Sk
Methyl acetate CH3COOCH3 200 610 250 760
Methyl acrylate CH2=CHCOOCH3 10 35 - -
Methylal CH2.(OCH3)2 1000 3100 3880
Methyl alcohol CH3OH 200 260 250 310 Sk
Methylamine CH3NH2 10 12 - -
Methyl-n-amyl-ketone CH3.(CH2)4COCH3 50 240 - -
N-Methylaniline C6H5NHCH3 0.5 2 - - Sk
Methyl bromide CH3Br 5 20 15 60 Sk
3-Methylbutan-1-ol (CH3)2CHCH2CH2OH 100 360 125 450
1-Methylbutyl acetate - - 150 800
Methyl-n-butyl ketone CH3.(CH2)3COCH3 5 20 - - Sk
Methyl chloride CH3Cl 50 105 100 210
Methyl chloroform CH3CCl3 350 1900 450 2450
Methyl 2-cyanoacrylate CH2=C(CN)COOCH3 2 8 4 16
Methylcyclohexane C7H14 400 1600 500 2000
Methylcyclohexanol CH3C6H10OH 50 235 75 350
2-Methylcyclcrhexanone CH3CHCO(CH2)3CH2 50 230 75 345 Sk
Methylcyclo-pentadienyl C5HC5-Mn(CO)3 - 0.1 - 0.6 Sk
Manganese, tricarbonyl
(as Mn)

2-Methyl-4,6-dinitropheno CH3C6H2.(OH)(NO2)2 - 0.2 - 0.6 Sk

4,4' -Methylenebis-2- CH2.(C6H3ClNH2)2 - 0.005 - - Sk
chloroaniline) (MbOCA)
Methylene chloride CH2Cl2 100 350 250 780
4,4' -Methylene-diphenyl - 0.02 - 0.07 Sen
diisocyanate (MDI)
4,4'-Methylene- H2NC6H4CH2C6H4NH
0.1 0.8 0.5 4
dianiline (MDA) 2
Methyl ethyl ketone
CH3COC2H5 200 590 300 885
Methyl ethyl ketone
C8H16O4 or C8H18O6. 0.2 1.5
peroxides (MEKP)

Methyl formate HCOOCH3 100 250 150 375
5-Methylheptan-3-one 25 130 - -
5-Methylhexan-2-one 50 240 75 360
Methyl iodide CH3l 5 28 10 56 Sk
Methyl isoamyl ketone 50 240 75 360
Methyl isobutyl carbinol 25 100 40 160 Sk
Methyl isobutyl ketone
(CH3)2CHCH2COCH3 50 205 75 300 Sk
Methyl isocyanate - 0.02 - 0.07 Sen
Methyl mercaptan CH3SH 0.5 1 -
Methyl methacrylate CH2=C(CH3)COOCH3 100 410 125 510
Methyl parathion C8H10NO5PS - 0.2 - 0.6 Sk
2-Methylpentane-2,4-diol 25 125 25 125
4-Methylpentan-2-ol 25 100 40 160 Sk
4-Methylpentan-2-one (CH3)2CHCH2COCH3 50 205 75 300 Sk
CH3COCH=C(CH3)2 15 60 25 100
4-Methyl-m-phenylene - 0.02 0.07 Sen
2-Methylpropan-1-o1 (CH3)2CHCH2OH 50 150 75 225
2-Methylpropan-2-o1 (CH3)3COH 100 300 150 450
Methyl propyl ketone CH3COC3H7 200 700 250 875
1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone CH3N(CH2)3CO 100 400 - -
Methyl silicate (CH3O)4Si 1 6 5 30
a-Methylstyrene C6H5C(CH3)=CH2 - - 100 480
Methylstyrenes, all
CH3C6H4CH=CH2 100 480 150 720
except a-methylstyrene
N-Methyl-N, - 1.5 - 3 Sk
Mevinphos (ISO) C7H13O6P 0.01 0.1 0.03 0.3 Sk
total inhalable dust - 10 - -
respirable dust - 1 - -

Molybdenum compounds
(as Mo)
soluble compounds 5 10
insoluble compounds - 10 - 20
Monochloroacetic acid ClCH2CO2H 0.3 1 - - Sk
Morpholine C4H9NO 20 70 30 105 Sk
Naled (ISO) C4H7Br2Cl2O4P - 3 - 6
Naphtalene C10H8 10 50 15 75
- 0,02 - 0.07 Sen
Nickel carbonyl Ni(CO)4 - - 0.1 0.24
Nickel, organic
Ni - 1 - 3
compounds (as Ni)
Nicotine C10H14N2 - 0.5 - 1.5 Sk
Nitrapyrin C6H3CI4N - 10 - 20
Nitric acid HNO3 2 5 4 10
Nitric oxide NO 25 30 35 45
4-Nitroaniline NO2C6H4NH2 - 6 - - Sk
Nitrobenzene C6H5NO2 1 5 2 10 Sk
Nitromethane C2H5NO2 100 310 - -
Nitrogen dioxide NO2 3 5 5 9
Nitrogen monoxide NO 25 30 35 45
Nitrogen trifluoride NF3 10 30 15 45
Nitroglycerine 0.2 2 0.2 2 Sk
Nitromethane CH3NO2 100 250 150 375
1-Nitropropane C3H7NO2 25 90 - -
2-Nitropropane CH3CH(NO2)CH3 10 36 20 72
Nitrotoluene, all isomers CH3C6H4NO2 5 30 10 60 Sk
Nitrous oxide N2 O 100 180 - -
Octachloronaphtalene C10CI8 - 0.1 - 0.3 Sk
n-Octane CH3.(CH2)6CH3 300 1450 375 1800
Orthophosphoric acid H3PO4 - 1 - 3
Osmium tetraoxide (as 0.000
OsO4 0.0002 0.0006 0.0006
Os) 2
Oxalic acid COOHCOOH - 1 - 2
Oxalonilrile (CN)2 10 20 - -
2,2'-Oxydiethanol (HOCH2CH2)2O 23 100 - -
Ozone O3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.6
Chlorinated biphenyls C12H7C13 (approx) - 1 - 2 Sk

(42% chlorine)
Chlorinated biphenyls
C6H2Cl3 C6H3Cl2 - 0.5 - 1 Sk
(54% chlorine)
Paraffin wax, fume - 2 - 6
Paraquat dichloride (ISO) [CH3.(C5H4N+)2CH3]
respirable dust (Cl-2) - 0.1 - -

Parathion (ISO) (C2H5O)2PSOC6H4NO - 0.1 0.3 Sk

Parathion-methyl (ISO) C8H10NO5PS - 0.2 - 0.6 Sk
Pentacarbonyliron (as Fe) FE(CO)5 0.01 0.08 - -
Pentachlorophenol C6Cl5OH - 0.5 - 1.5 Sk
Pentaerythritol C(CH2OH)4
total inhalable dust - 10 - 20
respirable dus1 - 5 - -
Pentane, all isomers C5H12 600 1800 750 2250
Pentan-2-one CH3COC3H7 200 700 250 875
Pentan-3-one C2H5COC2H5 200 700 250 875
Pentyl acetate CH3COOC5H11 100 530 150 800
Perchloroethylene CCl=CCl2 50 335 150 1000
Perchloryl fluoride ClO3F 3 14 6 28
Phenacy1 chloride C6H5COCH2Cl 0.05 0.3 - -
Phenol C6H5OH 5 19 10 38 Sk
p-Phenytenediamine C6H4.(NH2)2 - 0.1 - - Sk
Phenyl-2,3- C6H5OCH2CHCH2 1 6 - -
epoxypropyt ether
Phenytethylene C6H5CH=CH2 100 420 250 1050
Phenythydrazine C6H5NHNH2 5 20 10 45 Sk
2-Phenytpropene C6H5C(CH3)=CH2 - - 100 480
Phorate (ISO) C7H17O2PS3 - 0.05 0.2 Sk
Phosdrin C7H13O6P 0.01 0.1 0.03 0.3 Sk
Phosgene COCl2 0.1 0.4 - -
Phosphine PH3 - - 0.3 0.4
Phosphorus, yellow P4 - 0.1 - 0.3
Phosphorus pentachloride PCl5 0.1 1 - -
P2S5 - 1 - 3
Phosphorus trichloride PCl3 0.2 1.5 0.5 3
Phosporyt trichloride POCl3 0.2 1.2 0.6 3.6
Phthalic anhydride C6H4.(CO)2O 1 6 4 24 Sen

Picloram (ISO) C6H3Cl3N2O2 - 10 - 20
Picric acid HOC6H2.(NO2)3 - 0.1 - 0.3 Sk
C4H10N2.2HCl - 5 - -
Piperidine C5H11N 1 3.5 - - Sk
Plas1er of Paris (CaSO4)2.H2O
total inhalable dust - 10 - -
respirable dust - 5 - -
Platinum metal Pt - 5 -
Platinum salts, soluble (as
Pt - 0.002 - - Sen
Polychlorinated biphenyls
See PCB's
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
total inhalable dust - 10 - -
respirable dust - 5 - -
Portland Cement
total inhalable dust - 10 - -
respirable dust - 5 - -
Potassium hydroxide KOH - - - 2
Propane-1,2-diol CH3CHOHCH2OH
total (vapour and
150 470 -
particulates - 10 - -
n-Propanol CH3CH2CH2OH 200 500 250 625 Sk
Propan-1-o1 CH3CH2CH2OH 200 500 250 625 Sk
Propan-2-o1 (CH3)2CHOH 400 980 500 1225 Sk
Propargyl alcohol HC=CCH2OH 1 2 3 6 Sk
Propionic acid CH3CH2COOH 10 30 15 45
Propoxur (ISO) - 0.5 2
n-Propyl acetate CH3COOC3H7 200 840 250 1050
Propylene dinitrate CH2NO3CHNO3CH3 0.2 1.2 0.2 1.2 Sk
Propylene glycol CH3CHOHCH2OH
total (vapour and
150 470 - -
particulates - 10 - -
Propylene glycol dinitrate
CH2NO3CHNO3CH3 0.2 1.2 0.2 1.2 Sk
Propylene glycol
CH3OCH2CHOHCH3 100 360 300 1080 Sk
monomethyl ether

Prop-2-yn-1-o1 HC=CCH2OH 1 2 3 6 Sk
Pulverised Fuel Ash
total inhalable dus1 - 10 - - -
respirable dust - 5 - - -
Pyrethrins (ISO) - 5 - 10 -
Pyridine C 5 H5 N 5 15 10 30
2-Pyridytamine NH2C5H4N 0.5 2 2 8
Pyrocatechol C6H4.(OH)2 5 20 - -
Quartz, crystalline SiO2
respirable dust - 0.4 - -
Quinone C6H4O2 0.1 0.4 0.3 1.2
RDX C3H6N6O6 - 1.5 - 3 Sk
Resorcinol C6H4.(OH)2 10 45 20 90
Rhodium (as Rh), Rh
metal fume and dust - 0.1 - 0.3
soluble salts - 0.001 - 0.003
Ronnel (CH3O)2PSOC6H2Cl3 - 10 - -
Rosin core solder
- 0.1 - 0.3 Sen
products as formaldehyde
Rotenone (ISO) C23H22O6. - 5 - 10
total inhalable dust - 10 - -
respirable dust - 5 - -
Selenium and
Se - 0.1 - -
except hydrogen selenide
Silane SiH4 0.5 0.7 1 1.5
Silica, amorphous SiO2
total inhalable dust - 6 - -
respirable dust - 3 - -
Silica, fused SiO2
respirable dust - 0.1 - -
Silicon Si
total inhalable dust - 10 - -
respirable dust - 5 - -
Silicon carbide SiC
total inhalable dust - 10 - -
respirable dust - 5 - -
Silicon tetrahydride SiH4 0.5 0.7 1 1.5

Silver Ag - 0.1 - -
Silver compounds (as
Ag - 0.01 - -
Sodium azide NaN3 - - - 0.3
2-(2,4-dichloro-phenoxy) C8H7Cl2NaO5S - 10 - 20
ethyl sulphate
Sodium fluoroacetate CH2FCOONa - 0.05 - 0.15 Sk
NaHSO3 - 5 - -
Sodium hydroxide NaOH - - - 2
Sodium metabisulphate Na2S2O5 - 5 - -
total inhalable dust - 10 - -
respirable dust - 5 - -
Stibine SbH3 0.1 0.5 0.3 1.5
Strychnine C21H22N2O2 - 0.15 - 0.45
Styrene C6H5CH=CH2 100 420 250 1050
Subtilisins (Proteolytic
enzymes as 100% pure
0.000 0.0000
crystalline enzyme) - -
06 6
Sucrose C12H22O11 - 10 - 20
Sulfotep (ISO) (C2H5)4P2S2O5 - 0.2 - - Sk
Sulphur dioxide SO2 2 5 5 13
Sulphur hexafluoride SF6 1000 6000 1250 7500
Sulphuric acid H2SO4 - 1 - -
Sulphur monochloride S2Cl2 - - 1 6
Sulphur pentachloride S2F10 0.025 0.25 0.075 0.75
Sulphur tetrafluoride SF4 0.1 0.4 0.3 1
Sulphuryl difluoride SO2F2 5 20 10 40
2.4.5-T (ISO) C8H5Cl3O3 - 10 - 20
TDI - 0.02 - 0.07 Sen
TEDP (C2H5)4P2S2O5 - 0.2 - Sk
TEPP (ISO) (C2H5)4P2O7 0.004 0.05 0.01 0.2 Sk
TNT CH3C6H2.(NO2)3 - 0.5 - - Sk
total inhalable dust 10 - -
respirable dust - 1 - -
Tantalum Ta - 5 - 10

Tellurium & compounds,
except hydrogen tellu-
ride, (as Te) Te - 0.1 - -
Terphenyls, all isomers C18H14 - 0.5 5
CHBr2CHBr2 0.5 7 - - Sk
Tetrabromomethane CBr4 0.1 1.4 0.3 4
Tetracarbonylnickel (as
Ni(CO)4 - - 0.1 0.24
1,1 ,1
,2-Tetrachloro-2,2-difluor CCl3CCIF2 100 834 100 834
1,1 ,2,2- Tetrachloro 1
CCl2FCCl2F 100 834 100 834
Tertrachloroethylene CCl=CCl2 50 335 150 1000
Tetrachloromethane CCl4 2 12.6 - Sk
C10H4Cl4 - 2 - 4
all isomers
dithiopyrophosphate (C2H5)4P2S2O5 - 0.2 - - Sk
pyrophosphate (C2H5)4P2O7 0.004 0.05 0.01 0.2 Sk
Tetraethyl orthosilicate Si(OC2H5)4 10 85 30 255
CClF2CClF2 1000 7000 1250 8750
Tetrahydrofuran (C2H4)2O 200 590 250 735
(CH3O)4Si 1 6 5 30
C8H12N2 0.5 3 2 9 Sk
Na4P2O7 - 5 - -
Tetryl - 1.5 - 3 Sk
Thallium, soluble
TI - 0.1 - - Sk
compounds (as Ti)
4,4'- Thiobis(6-tert- C22H30O2S - 10 - 20
Thioglycollic acid C2H4O2S 1 5 - -
Thionyt chloride SOCl2 - - 1 5

Thiram (ISO) - 5 - 10
Tin, compounds,
inorganic, Sn - 2 - 4
except SnH4, (as Sn)
Tin compounds, organic, Sn - 0.1 - 0.2 Sk
except Cyhexatin (ISO),
(as Sn)
Titanium dioxide TiO2
total inhalable dust - 10 - -
respirable dust - 5 - -
Toluene C6H5CH3 50 188 150 560 Sk
Toluene diisocyanate
- 0.2 - 0.07 Sen
p- Toluenesulphonyt
CH3C6H4SO2Cl - - - 5
1,4,7-Tri-(aza)-heptane (NH2CH2CH2)2OH 1 4 - - Sk
Tribromomethane CHBr3 0.5 5 - - Sk
Tributyt phosphate, all
(C4H9)3PO4 - 5 - 5
(C5H5)-Mn(CO)3 - 0.1 - 0.3 Sk
enta-dienyl) manganese
(CH3)C5H4-Mn(CO3) - 0.2 - 0.6 Sk
(as Mn)
Trichloroacetic acid CCI3COOH 1 5 - -
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene C6H3Cl3 5 40 5 40
C14H9Cl5 - 1 - 3
(chlorophenyt) ethane
1,1,2-Trichloroethane CH2ClCHCl2 10 45 20 90 Sk
Trichlorofluoro-methane CCl3F 1000 5600 1250 7000
Trichloromethane CHCl3 2 9.8 - -
Trichloronitromethane CCl3NO2 0.1 0.7 0.3 2
C8H5Cl3O3 - 10 - 20
etic acid
1,2,3-Trichloropropane CH2ClCHClCH2Cl 50 300 75 450
CCl2FCCIF2 1000 7600 1250 9500
Tri-o-cresyl phosphate (CH3C6H4O)3P=O - 0.1 - 0.3

(C6H11)3SnOH - 5 - 10
Tridymite, respirable dust SiO2 - 0.4 - -
Triethylamine (C2H5)3N 10 40 15 60
Trifluorobromo-methane CF3Br 1000 6100 1200 7300
Trimanganese tetraoxide Mn3O4 - 1 - -
Trimellitic anhydride C9H4O5 - 0.04 - - Sen
Trimethylamine (CH3)3N 10 24 15 36
Trimethylbenzenes, all
C6H3.(CH3)3 25 123 - -
isomers or mixtures
Trimethyl-cydohex-2-enon C9H14O - - 5 25
Trimethyl phosphite (CH3O)3P 2 10 - -
2,4,6-Trinitrophenol HOC6H2.(NO2)3 - 0.1 - 0.3 Sk
2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene CH3C6H2.(NO2)3 - 0.5 - - Sk
Triphenyt phosphate (C6H5)3PO4 - 3 - 6
Tripoli, respirable dust SiO2 - 0.4 - -
Tri-o-tolyt phosphate (CH3C6H4O)3P=0 - 0.1 - 0.3
Tungsten & compounds
(as W).
soluble - 1 - 3
insoluble - 5 - 10
Turpentine C10H16 100 560 150 840
Uranium compounds,
soluble (as U) - 0.2 - 0.6
Vanadium pentoxide V2O5
total inhalable dust - 0.5 - -
fume and respirable dust - 0.05 - -
Vinyl acetate CH3COOCH=CH2 10 30 20 60
Vinyl benzene C6H5CH=CH2 100 420 250 1050
Vinyl bromide CH2=CHBr 5 20 - -
C8H12O2 10 60 - -
Vinyl toluenes, all
C6H5C(CH3)=CH2 - - 100 480
Warfarin (ISO) C19H16O4 0.1 0.3
White spirit 100 575 125 720
Xylene,o-,m-,p- or mixed
C6H4.(CH3)2 100 435 150 650 Sk

Xylidine, all isomers (CH3)2C6H3NH2 2 10 10 50 Sk
Yitrium Y - 1 - 3
Zinc chloride, fume Zn Cl2 - 1 - 2
Zinc distearate Zn(C18H35O2)2
total inhalable dust - 10 - 20
respirable dust - 5 - -
Zinc oxide, fume ZnO - 5 - 10
Zirconium compounds (as
Zr - 5 - 10
* The OEL-RL for aluminium does not include exposure to aluminium
coated with mineral oil or to fume arising from aluminium welding


1. OEL-CL: Occupational Exposure Limit-Control Limit.

2. OEL-RL: Occupational Exposure Limit-Recommended Limit.
3. ppm: Parts per million.
4. mg/m milligrams per cubic metre.
5. Sk: Skin absorption.
6. Sen: capable of causing respirable sensitisation.
7. ISO: International Standards Organization


Total p-aminophenol in urine End of shift 50 mg/g creatinine C
During or end of
Methemoglobin in blood 1.5% of hemoglobin B,C,D
Inorganic arsenic metabolites in urine End of workweek 50 µg/g creatinine B
Total phenol in urine End of shift 50 mg/g creatinine B,C

Benzene in exhaled air: Prior to next shift
mixed-exhaled 0.08 ppm D
end-exhaled 0.12 ppm D
Cadmium in urine Not critical 1 0 µg/g creatinine B
Cadmium in blood Not critical 1 0 µg/l B
2-Thiothiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid in
End of shift 5 mg/g creatinine
less than 8% of
Carboxyhemaglobin in blood End of shift B,C
Carbon monoxide in end-exhaled air End of shift less than 40 ppm B,C
Total 4-chlorocatechol in urine End of shift 150 mg/g creatinine C
Total p-clorophenol in urine End of shift 25 mg/g creatinine C
Increase during
Water soluble fume 1 0µg/g creatinine B
End of shift at
Total chromium in urine 30 µg/g creatinine B
end of workweek
N-Methylformamide in urine End of shift 40 mg/g creatinine B
End of shift at end
Mandelic acid in urine 1.5 g/g creatinine A
of workweek
Ethyl benzene in end-exhaled air D
Fluorides in urine Prior to shift 3 mg/g creatinine B,C
End of shift 10 mg/g creatinine B,C
Total furoic acid in urine End of shift 200 mglg creatinine B,C
2,5-Hexanedione in urine End of shift 5 mg/g creatinine C
n-Hexane in end-exhaled air D
Total inorganic mercury in urine Prior to shift 35 µg/g creatinine B
End of shift at
Total inorganic mercury in blood 15 µg/l B
end of workweek
Methemoglobin in blood During or end of 1.5% of hemoglobin B,C,D

Methanol in urine End of shift 15 mg/l B,C
Before shift at
Formic acid in urine 80 mg/g creatinine B,C
end of workweek
Prior to the last
Methyl chloroform in end-exhaled air shift of 40 ppm
Trichloroacetic acid in urine End of workweek 10 mg/l C,D
End of shift at
Total trichloroethanol in urine 30 mg/l C,D
end of workweek
End of shift at
Total trichloroethanol in blood 1 mg/l C
end of workweek
MEK in urine End of shift 2 mg/l -
MIBK in urine End of shift 2mg/l -
End of shift at
Total p-nitrophenol in urine 5 mg/g creatinine C
end of workweek
Methemoglobin in urine End of shift 1.5% of hemoglobin B,C,D
70% of individual’s
Cholinesterase activity in red cells Discretionary B,C,D

Total p-nitrophenol in urine End of shift 0.5 mg/g creatinine C,D

70% of individual’s
Cholinesterase activity in red cells Discretionary B,C,D
Prior to the last
Total PCP in urine shift of 2 mg/g creatinine B
Free PCP in plasma End of shift 5 mg/l B
Prior to the last
Perchloroethylene in end-exhaled air shift of 10ppm
Perchloroethylene in blood Prior to the last 1 mg/l

shift of
Trichlorocetic acid in urine End of workweek 7 mg/l C,D
Total phenol in urine End of shift 250 mg/g creatinine B,C
Mandelic acid in urine End of shift 800 mg/g creatine C
Prior to next shift 300 mg/g creatinine C
Phenylglyoxylic acid in urine End of shift 240 mg/g creatinine B,C
Prior to next shift 100 mg/g creatinine B,C
Styrene in venous blood End of shift 0.55 mg/l D
Prior to next shift 0.02 mg/l D
Hippuric acid in urine End of shift 2.5 gig creatinine B,C
Toluene in venous blood End of shift 1 mg/l D
o-Cresol in urine End of shift 1 mg/g creatinine C
Trichloroacetic acid in urine End of workweek 100 mg/g creatinine C
Trichloroacetic acid and trichloroethanol End of shift at
300 mg/g creatinine C
in urine end of workweek
End of shift at
Free trichloroethanol in blood 4 mg/l C
end of workweek
Trichloroethylene in end-exhaled air D
Methylhippuric acid in urine End of shift 1.5 g/g creatinine
last four hours of
2 mg/min -


“A” notation: This notation indicates that an identifiable population

group might have an increased susceptibility to the effect of the chemical,
thus leaving it unprotected by the recommended BEI.

“B” notation: This notation indicates that the determinant is usually

present in a significant amount in biological specimens collected from
subjects who have not been occupationally exposed. Such background
levels are included in the BEI value.

“C” notation: This notation indicates that the determinant is non-specific,
since it is observed after exposure to some other chemicals. These
non-specific tests are preferred because they are easy to use and usually
offer a better correlation with exposure than specific tests. In such
instances a BEI for a specific, less quantitative biological determinant is
recommended as a confirmatory test.

“D” notation: This notation indicates that the biological determinant is an

indicator of exposure to the chemical, but the quantitative interpretation of
the measurement is ambiguous (semi-quantitative). These biological
determinants should be used as a screening test if a quantitative test is not
practical or a confirmatory test if the quantitative test is not specific and
the origin of the determinant is in question.

SCHEDULE 2 rule. 5 (3)

Applying occupational exposure limits

1. General

The lists of occupational exposure limits given in Tables 1 and 2 unless

otherwise stated, relate to personal exposure to substances hazardous to health
in the air of the workplace.

2 Units of measurement

(2.1) In occupational exposure limits, concentrations of gases and vapour in air are
usually expressed in parts per million (ppm), a measure of concentration by volume,
as well as in milligrams per cubic meter of air (mg/m3), a measure of concentration by

(2.2) In converting from ppm to mg/m3 a temperature of 25°C and an atmospheric

pressure of 101,325 KPa are used. Concentrations of airborne particles (fume, dust,
etc) are usually expressed in mg/m3. i.e. ppm = 24.45 mg/m3
Molecular of the substance
mg/m3 = molecular weight of the substance
(2.3) In the case of dust, the limits in the tables refer to the total inhalable
fraction unless specifically indicated as referring to the respirable fraction.

(2.4) In the case of a man-made mineral fiber, the limit is expressed as fibers per
milliliter of air (fibres/ml1).

3. Occupational exposure limits- control limits: OEL-CL (Table I)

(3.1) An OEL-CL is the maximum concentration of an airborne substance,

averaged over a reference period, to which employees may be exposed by

inhalation under any circumstances, and is specified together with the appropriate
reference period in Table 1.
(3.2) Rule 5 of these rules, imposes a duty on the employer to take all
reasonable precautions and to exercise all due diligence to ensure that exposure
is kept as far below an OEL-CL as is reasonably practicable.

4 Occupational exposure limits – Recommended limit OEL-RL Table 2

( 4.1) An OEL-RL is the concentration of an airborne substance, averaged over a

reference period, at which, according to current knowledge, there is no evidence
that it is likely to be injurious to employees if they are exposed by inhalation,
day after day, to that concentration.

(4.2) For a substance, which has been assigned an OEL-RL, exposure by inhalation
should be reduced to that standard.

(4.3) Control of an OEL-RL as prescribed in regulation 7(1) can always be

regarded as adequate control of that substance for the purposes of these rules,
so far as exposure from inhalation is concerned. However, due to the variations
in process control and the fluctuations in substance concentrations in the
workplace, it will be prudent for employers to reduce exposure below an
OEL-RL so as to ensure that the exposure of all employees does not exceed that
OEL-RL. Similarly, it is not intended that the statutory requirements under
regulation 7(1)should discourage the further application of good occupational
hygiene principles in order to reduce exposure below the OEL-RL.

5 Long-term and short-term exposure limits

(5.1) The pattern of effects due to exposure to substances hazardous to health varies
considerably depending on the nature of the substance and the exposure. Some
effects require prolonged or accumulated exposure.

(5.2) The long-term (8-hour time weighted average) exposure limit is intended to
control such effects by restricting the total intake by inhalation over one or more
work shifts. Other effects may be seen after brief exposures, which have
occurred once or repeatedly.

(5.3) Short-term limits (usually 15 minute) may be applied to such substances. Where
long-term limits also apply, the short-term limits restrict the magnitude of
excursion above the average concentration during longer exposures. For those
substances for which no short-term limit is specified, it is recommended that a
figure of three times the long-term limit be used as a guideline for controlling
short-term excursions in exposure.

(5.4) With some other substances, brief exposure may be critical and the exposure
limit necessary to prevent these excursions will also controls any other effects. A
separate long-term limit is not considered necessary in such cases and the
short-term limit applies throughout the shift.

(5.4) Exposure limits are expressed as airborne concentrations averaged over a

specified period of time. The period for the long-term limit is normally eight
hours. When a different period is used, this is stated. The averaging period for
the short-term exposure limit is normally 15 minutes. Such a limit applies to any
15-minute period throughout the working shift.

6 Limitations to the application of exposure limits

(6.1) The exposure limits relate to personal exposure with the exception of the annual
OEL-CL for vinyl chloride, which should be recorded as the time weighted
average of vinyl chloride in the atmosphere of a working place over a period of
one year. The OEL-RL for cotton dust is not a personal exposure standard, but
a static air standard.

(6.2) The limits cannot readily be extrapolated to evaluate or control non-occupational

exposure, e.g. levels of contamination in the neighborhood dose to an industrial
plant. OELs only apply to persons at work. Employers should also take into
account their duties under the Environmental Management and co-ordination
Act (EMCA).

(6.3) The OELs are also only approved for use where the atmospheric pressure is
between 85 KPa and 101,325 KPa. This covers the normal range of
meteorological variations and slightly pressurized workplaces such as cleaning
rooms, but not the higher pressures that may be encountered in, for example,
tunneling or underwater hyperbaric chambers. Such situations require special

(6.4).Occupational exposure limits, as set out in Tables 1 and 2 are intended to be

used for normal working conditions in workplaces. OELs are not, however,
designed to deal with serious accidents or emergencies, particularly where
employees may be exposed to rapidly rising concentrations of gas, as may arise
from a major escape due to plant failure.

(6.5) Over and above the employers’ responsibilities to ensure that the
requirements of these rules are met, they also have a clear responsibility to
ensure that the plant is designed, operated and maintained in a way that avoids
accidents and emergencies. Where appropriate, detection, alarm and response

measures should be used in order to minimize the effect of any such unplanned
(6.6) To help maintain adequate operational control, employers may find it helpful
to select their own indicators of control when undertaking investigations or
corrective action.

7 Pesticides
Substances used as active ingredients in pesticides are listed under their chemical
names and/or their common (ISO) names. These names may sometimes be used as
parts of the names of proprietary pesticide formulations. In all cases the exposure
limit applies to the specific active ingredients and not to the formulation as a

8 Dusts
The general approach necessary to control occupational exposure to dusts is as

(8.1) Not all dusts have been assigned occupational exposure limits but the lack of
such limits should not be taken to imply an absence of hazard. In the absence
of a specific exposure limit for a particular dust, exposure should be
adequately controlled.

(8.2) Where there is no indication of the need for a lower value, personal exposure
should be kept below both 10 mg/m3 8-hour time-weighted average total
inhalable dust and 5 mg/m3 time weighted average respirable dust. Such, or
greater, dust concentrations should be taken as the substantial concentrations.

(8.3) A substantial concentration of dust should be taken as a concentration of 10

mg/m3, 8-hour time weighted average, of total inhalable dust or 5 mg/m3,
8-hour time-weighted average, of respirable dust, where there is no indication
of the need for a lower value, and as such they are referred to as substances
hazardous to health.

9. Total inhalable dust and respirable dust

(9.1) Total inhalable dust approximates to the fraction of airborne material that
enters the nose and mouth during breathing and is therefore available for
deposition in the respiratory tract.

(9.2) Respirable dust approximates to the fraction, which penetrates to the gas
exchange region of the lung.

(9.3) Where dusts contain components, which have their own assigned occupational
exposure limits, all the relevant limits should be complied with.

10 Fume

(10.1) Where a separate OEL has been set for fume; it should normally be applied to
solid particles generated by chemical reactions or condensed from the gaseous
state, usually alter volatilization from melted substances.

(10.2) The generation of fume is often accompanied by a chemical reaction such as

oxidation or thermal breakdown.

11 Absorption through the skin

(11.1) In general, for most substances the main route of entry into the body is by
inhalation. The OELs given in these regulations solely relate to exposure by
this route.

(11.2) Certain substances such as phenol, aniline and certain pesticides (marked in
the Tables with an SK notation) have the ability to penetrate the intact skin
and thus become absorbed into the body.

(11.3) Absorption through the skin can result from localized contamination, for
example from a splash on the skin or clothing, or in certain cases from
exposure to high atmospheric concentrations of vapour.

(11.4) Serious effects can result in little or no warning and it is necessary to take
special precautions to prevent skin contact when handling these substances.

(11.5) Where the properties of the substances and the methods of use provide a
potential exposure route via skin absorption; these factors should be taken into
account in determining the adequacy of the control measures.

12 Sensitizers

(12.1) Certain substances may cause sensitization of the respiratory tract if inhaled
or skin contact occurs.

(12.2) Respiratory sensitizers can cause asthma, rhinitis, or extrinsic allergic alve-

(12.3) Skin sensitizers cause allergic contact dermatitis. Substances, which cause
skin sensitizations, are not necessarily respiratory sensitizers or vice-versa.
(12.4) Only a proportion of the exposed population will become sensitized, and those
who do become sensitized, will not have been identified in advance.
Individuals who become sensitized may produce symptoms of ill health after
exposure even to minute concentrations of the sensitizer.

(12.5) Where it is reasonably practicable, exposure to sensitizers should be

prevented. Where this cannot be achieved, exposure should be kept as low as
is reasonably practicable and activities giving rise to short-term peak -
concentrations should receive particular attention. As with other substances,
the spread of contamination by sensitizers to other working areas should also
be prevented, as far as is reasonably practicable.

(12.6). The Sen notation (marked in the Tables with a Sen notation) has been
assigned only to those sensitizers that may cause sensitization by inhalation.
Remember that other substances not contained in these Tables can act as
respiratory sensitizers.

13. Other factors

Working conditions, which impose additional stress on the body, such as

exposure to ultra-violet radiation, high temperatures, pressures and humidity
may increase the toxic response to a substance. In such cases, specialist advice
may be necessary to evaluate the effects of these factors.

14. Mixed exposures General

(14.1) The majority of OELs listed in Tables 1 and 2 are for single compounds or
for substances containing a common element or radical, e.g. tungsten and
compounds, and isocyanides. A few of the limits relate to substances
commonly encountered as complex mixtures or compounds e.g. white spirit,
rubber fume, and welding fume.

(14.2) However, workers are frequently subjected to other mixed exposures

involving solids, liquids, aerosols or gases. These exposures can arise as a
result of work with materials containing a mixture of substances, or from work
with several individual substances, simultaneously or successively, in a work

(14.3) Mixed exposures require careful assessment of their health effects and the
appropriateness of control standards. The following paragraphs provide a brief
summary of the advice on the application of exposure limits in these
circumstances. In all cases of doubt, specialist advice should be sought.

15 Effects of mixed exposures

(15.1) The ways in which the constituent substances of a mixed exposure interact
vary considerably. Some mixed exposures involve substances that act on
different body tissues or organs, or by different toxicological mechanisms,
these various effects being independent of each other.

(15.2) Other mixtures will include substances that act on the same organs, or by
similar mechanisms, so that the effects reinforce each other and the substances
are additive in their effect. In some cases the overall effect is considerably
greater than the sum of the individual effects and the system is synergistic.
This may arise from mutual enhancement of the effects of the constituents or
because one substance potentiates another, causing it to act in a way which it
would not do alone.

16 Assessment and control

(16.1) With all types of mixed exposures, it is essential that assessments be based on
the concentrations of each of the constituents in air to which workers are
exposed. Depending on the nature of the constituents and the circumstances
of use, the relative concentrations of the constituents in air may differ
considerably from those in the liquid or solid source material. The compo-
sition of the bulk material should not be relied on for assessment unless there
is good evidence for doing so.

(16.2) Where mixed exposure occurs, the first step is to ensure adequate control of
exposure for each individual substance. However, the nature and amount of
the other substances in a mixture can influence the level to which it is rea-
sonable practicable to reduce exposure to a substance subject to an OEL-CL.

(16.3) When limits for specific mixtures have been established, they should be used
only where they are applicable, and in addition to any relevant individual
limits. They should not be extended to inappropriate situations. It is then
necessary to assess whether further control is needed to counteract any in-
creased risk from the substances acting in conjunction.

(16.4) Expert assessments for some particular mixed exposures may be available and
can be used as guidelines in similar cases. In other cases, close examination of
the toxicological data will be necessary to determine which of the main types
of interaction (if any) are likely for the particular combination of substances

(16.5) The various types should be considered in the following order:

16.5.1 Synergistic substances:

Known cases of synergism and potentiation are considera-
bly less common than the other types of behaviour in mixed
exposures. However, they are the most serious in their effects and
require the most strict control. They are also the most difficult to
assess and wherever there is reason to suspect such interaction,
specialist advice should be obtained;

16.5.2 Additive substances:

Where there is reason to believe that the effects of the con-
stituents are additive, and where the exposure limits are based on the
same health effects, the mixed exposure should be assessed by means
of the formula

C1/L1+C2/L2+C3/L3…. >1
where C1, C2, etc are the time-weighted average (TWA)
concentrations of constituents in air and L1, L2, etc are the corre-
sponding exposure limits. The use of this formula is only applicable
where the additive substances have been assigned OELs, and L1, L2,
etc. relate to the same reference period in the list of approved OELs.
Where the sum of the C/L fractions does not exceed one, the exposure
is considered not to exceed the OELs. If one of the constituents has
been assigned an OEL-CL, then the additive effect should be taken into
account in deciding the extent to which it is reasonably practicable to
further reduce exposure; and
16.5.3 Independent substances:
Where no synergistic or additive effects are known or con-
sidered likely, the constituents can be regarded as acting
independently. It is then sufficient to ensure compliance with each of
the OELs individually.

(16.6) The above steps provide basic protocol for assessment of mixed exposures. It
is open to persons responsible for control of exposure to treat all
nonsynergistic systems as though they were additive. This avoids the need to
distinguish additive and independent systems and can be regarded as the more
prudent course, particularly where the toxicity data are scarce or difficult to

17 Monitoring mixed exposure

(17.1) The number of components of a mixed exposure, for which routine air
monitoring is required, can be reduced if their relative concentrations can be
shown to be constant.

(17.2) This involves the selection of a key or marker, which may be one of the
constituents, as a measure of the total contamination. Exposure to the marker
is controlled at a level selected so that exposures to all components will be
controlled in accordance with the criteria in paragraphs 16.5.1 and 16.5.2.

(17.3) However, if one of the components has been assigned an OEL-CL, the level of
the exposure to that substance should always be reduced as far as is
reasonably practicable.

(17.4) If this approach is to be used, it should take place under the guidance of
suitable specialist advice.

(17.5) Rule 16 imposes a duty on the employer to monitor the exposure of

employees to substances hazardous to health.

18 Complicating factors

18.1. Several factors that complicate the assessment and control of exposure to
individual substances will also affect cases of mixed exposures and will
require similar special consideration. Such factors include-

18.1.1 exposure to a substance for which there is no established limit or for

which an OEL-CL has been set;

18.1.2 the relevance of factors such as alcohol, medication, smoking and

additional stresses;

18.1.3 exposure of the skin to one or more substances that can be absorbed by
this route, as well as by inhalation; and

18.1.4 substances in mixture may mutually affect the extent of their

absorption, as well as their health effects, at a given level of exposure.

SCHEDULE 3 rule 12


Date issued:

Manufacturer/ Supplier Details

telephone no.:
Address: Telex:
Tel: Fax:
1. Material identification:

Trade name:
Chemical family:
Chemical name:
2. Composition:
Hazardous components:

3. Hazards Identification:
Main hazard:
Chemical hazard:
Biological hazard:
Reproductive hazard:
Eye effects: eyes
Health effects - skin:
Health effects - ingestion:
Health effects - inhalation:
4. First-aid Measures:
Material if in eye:
Material if on skin:
Material if ingested:
Material if inhaled:
5. Fire-fighting Measures:
Extinguishing media:
Special hazards:
Protective clothing:
6. Accidental Release Measures:
Personal precautions:
Environmental precautions:

7. Handling and Storage:

Handling/storage precautions:
8. ExposureControls /PersonalProtection:
Occupational exposure limits:
Engineering control measures:
Personal protection - respiratory:
Personal protection - hand:
Personal protection - eye:
Personal protection - skin:
Other protection:
9. Physical and Chemical Properties:
Boiling point:
Melting point:
Flash point:
Explosive properties:
Oxidizing properties:
Vapour pressure:
Solubility - water:
Solubility - solvent:
Solubility - coefficient:

10. Stability and Reactivity:
Conditions to avoid:
Incompatible materials:
Hazardous decomposition products:
11. Toxicological information:
Acute toxicity:
Skin and eye contact:
Chronic toxicity:
Reproductive hazards:
12 Disposal Considerations:
Disposal methods:
Disposal of packaging:
13. Other Information:

Made this day of 2007


Minister for labour and human resource development


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