Screen Examples:: Ex: Design A Coarse Screen and Calculate The Headless Through The Rack
Screen Examples:: Ex: Design A Coarse Screen and Calculate The Headless Through The Rack
Screen Examples:: Ex: Design A Coarse Screen and Calculate The Headless Through The Rack
Ex: Design a coarse screen and calculate the headless through the rack
(B=1.82), using the following information:
Peak design wet weather flow = 0.631 m3/s
Velocity through rack at peak wet weather flow = 0.90 m/s
Velocity through rack at maximum design dry weather flow = 0.6
= 65°, with a mechanical cleaning device
Upstream depth of wastewater = 1.12 m
Choose a 24 mm clear opening, and 10 mm width and 50 mm thick
of bars
Choose 0.5-0.6 m free board
Ex: The sewer pipeline system below shows in Fig. 1 pipe diameter sizes
(Ø), grades, pipe section numbers, and flow direction. Assume there is
no surcharge and full flow in each of sections 1, 2, 3, and 4. All pipes are
UPVC with n = 0.013. A, B, C, and D represent inspection holes.
(a) the flow rate and minimum commercial pipe size for section AB;
(b) the discharge, sewage depth, and velocity in section BC; and
(c) the slope required to maintain full flow in section CD.
Fig. 1