Unit 3
Unit 3
Unit 3
1. Explain any three attributes of Table Tag in HTML. Write code to display following
2. What do you mean by meta tags? Explain & Show their meaning and use with
3. Difference between HTML and XHTML
4. What is the correct HTML for adding a background color?
a). <body color="yellow">
b). <body bgcolor="yellow">
c). <background>yellow</background>
d). <body background="yellow">
5. Write a correct HTML tag for making hyperlink
6. Which HTML tag is used to define an internal style sheet?
7. What is HTML table? Explain table element rowspan and colspan with necessary
attributes. Write HTML code to print following table.
8. Explain ordered and unordered list with example.
9. What is an HTML form tag? Discuss the different form attributes and design a
simple form to register for new user including user_name, password, email,
mobile number, gender and hobbies.
10. Explain following html tags with proper example.
1. <input> 2. <span> 3. <ul> 4. <frameset>
11. Write HTML code for creating following table.
12. Design Login Page HTML. Page must have fields in page Username, Password,
Remember Me and Login Button.
13. Design Registration page in HTML.