Rebei Z 1997
Rebei Z 1997
Rebei Z 1997
150 Rebeiz et al.
microshield line, which resembles a CPW line in circuits and on the effect of vibration on the
free space w4, 5x. Radiation loss into surface waves electrical performance for different type of filters
in CPW lines is a function of both f 3 and Ž e r y Žnarrowband, wideband, etc... However, it is com-
1. 2 , where f is the frequency and e r is the rela- mon knowledge that silicon-nitride membranes
tive dielectric constant of the substrate w6x. Thus, are mechanically very strong, can withstand an
although radiation loss increases rapidly with fre- atmospheric pressure difference without break-
quency, it can be eliminated by using an air ing, and survive all laboratory handling proce-
dielectric Žwith e r s 1.. The same trend is ob- dures. In fact, 30-GHz membrane power dividers
served with parasitic capacitive effects associated and filters with dimensions around 1 cm2 , and
with circuit discontinuities. These effects, which 0.5-cm2 membranes with planar Schottky diodes
occur frequently in filters and power dividers, also epoxied on them, have passed NASA’s vibration
decrease substantially with the dielectric constant space launch tests w8, 9x. Finally, it is a common
of the substrate. In addition, removal of the sili- misconception that membrane-based circuits will
con substrate eliminates any loss associated di- fail under large temperature variations. These
rectly with the dielectric and any dispersion re- circuits are thermally stable with low residual
lated to the dielectricrair interface, and allows a stress and are routinely dipped in liquid nitrogen
single mode TEM propagation over a very broad Ž77 K. or liquid helium Ž4 K. with no observed
bandwidth. In fact, time-domain electro-optic failures. The temperature variation in the perfor-
sampling of a CPW line on a membrane has mance of a membrane supported component is
indicated that these lines are capable of propagat- primarily due to the temperature coefficient of
ing signals at frequencies as high as 2000 GHz the gold metalization and not to that of the
with low loss and low dispersion w7x. Many differ- membrane layer.
ent types of transmission lines have also been
investigated and will be presented in this article.
Membrane-based circuits are typically large Žor MEMBRANE-SUPPORTED
long. because the effective dielectric constant is TRANSMISSION LINES
close to 1.0. While this poses no problem above
10 GHz Ž l0 F 3 cm., it does preclude the use of The transmission lines developed on membranes
distributed circuits on membranes below 5 GHz are all based on standard substrate supported
Ž l0 G 6 cm. because it is hard to build large lines and are presented in Figure 1. The mi-
membranes which are mechanically rigid at these croshield line differs from the standard CPW line
frequencies. No rigorous study yet has been done by the absence of airbridges between the copla-
on the mechanical properties of membrane-based nar ground planes. The reason is that the connec-
Figure 1. The different membrane-based transmission lines. The wafers are standard
silicon or GaAs wafers and are 300]500 m m thick.
Micromachined Filters for MMwa¨ e Applicat. 151
tion between the ground planes is achieved using deposited using plasma-enhanced chemical vapor
the back cavity or ‘‘microshield’’ Žand hence the deposition ŽPECVD.. The deposition parameters
name.. The wafers are typically 300]550 m m thick of the PECVD layer must be chosen to result in a
and are composed of high-resistivity, silicon Žor tensile layer Žin contrast to a layer under com-
GaAs. material. The characteristic impedance of pressive stress . w11x.
these lines is quite high because they are sus- After the dielectric layer is deposited on the
pended in free space, but the proximity of the silicon Žor GaAs. substrate, the planar compo-
ground planes to the transmission lines tends to nents Žfilters, couplers, etc.. are defined on the
result in an impedance range of 50]160 V Žde- top side of the substrate using standard lithogra-
pending on the geometry.. The cutoff frequency phy, gold evaporation, and a 2]3-m m gold elec-
of the first order mode in the underlying cavity troplating process. Next, an opening is defined on
Žtransverse dimensions of 0.5]2 mm. is around the back side of the wafer just underneath the
100 GHz or higher, thereby ensuring a near-TEM specific components, and the silicon Žor GaAs.
operation over a wide frequency range. While the substrate is etched until the transparent dielectric
shielded-membrane microstrip ŽSMM . and membrane appears. The etchant used with silicon
stripline structures do not suffer from any radia- wafers is KOH or EDP w12x, and both solutions
tion loss, attention must be paid to the standard result in a very low undercut rate and smooth
membrane microstrip and for low free-space radi- sidewalls. The sidewalls form an angle of 54.78
ation loss. In the case of the microshield line, the with the planar toprbottom surfaces when a ²100:
backing metalized cavity confines the fields un- silicon wafer is used. ŽThe sloping sidewalls are
derneath the line and results in low radiation loss. usually assumed to be vertical in the theoretical
The microstrip line, the shielded microstrip analysis.. The etchant used with GaAs wafers is
line, the stripline, and the microshield line are an H 2 SO4rH 2 O 2rH 2 O-based solution or dry
fabricated using one or two silicon Žor GaAs. etching in an RIE machine w13x. The via holes, if
wafers. The ground plane is not counted as a needed, are etched at the same time as mem-
fabrication step because it does not require any brane formation, and are electroplated with gold.
lithographic processing. Silver epoxy is regularly In the case of suspended stripline or shielded
used at the University of Michigan to attach the microstrip components ŽFig. 1., additional pro-
ground plane to the membrane wafer, thereby cessing is needed to form the top shielding cavity
resulting in a completely packaged unit. Žfor stripline. and the RF ground plane Žfor
shielded microstrip.. A silicon wafer is etched to
the desired depth, electroplated with 2]3 m m of
MEMBRANE FABRICATION AND gold, and placed on top of the membrane. In the
CAVITY FORMATION case of microshield lines, shadow evaporation is
needed to metalize the sidewalls of the mi-
A three-layer structure of SiO 2rSi 3 N4rSiO 2 is croshield cavity and not the back side of the
deposited on a high-resistivity silicon substrate membrane. This is done using a micromachined
using thermal oxidation and high-temperature mask that is attached to the back of the mem-
chemical vapor deposition w10x. The layer must be brane wafer w14x.
in tension resulting in flat and rigid membranes.
A thermal SiO 2 layer with a thickness of 7000 A ˚
is first grown at a temperature of 11008C. The
wafer is then placed in a LPCVD Žlow pressure STRIPLINE RESONATOR
chemical vapor deposition. furnace. A 3000-A ˚ Q-MEASUREMENTS
Si 3 N4 layer is deposited at 8208C. Next, a 4000-A˚
SiO 2 layer is deposited using the LPCVD furnace Stripline resonators were fabricated on a 350-
at 9208C. The relative dielectric constant of the m m-thick high-resistivity silicon wafer on a 1.4-m m
oxides ŽSiO 2 . is 3.9]4.0 and that of the nitride dielectric membrane layer w15x. A top shielding
ŽSi 3 N4 . is 7.0]7.5 depending on the processing cavity was used at a height of 350 m m above the
parameters. This results in a dielectric layer which resonator ŽFig. 2.. The top shielding cavity struc-
is 1.4 m m thick with a relative dielectric constant ture contacts the membrane wafer everywhere
of 4.70. It is important to note that a membrane except over the 50-V grounded CPW feedline
layer can also be fabricated using GaAs or InP ŽGCPW. where a channel is etched in the top
substrates. In this case, the membrane layer is wafer. The channel is 250 m m high, 1 mm wide,
152 Rebeiz et al.
Figure 2. Cross-section view of the micromachined stripline resonator Žtop. and the
fabricated resonator on a thin dielectric membrane Žbottom..
Figure 4. The 20 GHz interdigital membrane filter Žtop view. and its physical dimensions.
The clear area on this picture is the dielectric membrane. The membrane dimensions are
7.9 = 3.4 mm2.
the passband. As can be seen, excellent agree- tively Žsee Table II.. Both of these filters resulted
ment is achieved between the 850-MHz design in excellent out-of-band rejection and conductor-
and the 20.3-GHz measurements due to the TEM loss-limited performance in the passband. The
nature of the micromachined filter Žno dispersion suspended stripline interdigital filters can be fab-
effects .. ricated using the same technology w20x. The mea-
Table II shows a detailed breakdown of the sured port-to-port insertion losses was 0.7 dB and
loss mechanism in the suspended filter structure. 2.0 dB, respectively Žsee Table II.. Both of these
The resonator loss of the 20-GHz filter is calcu- filters resulted in excellent out-of-band rejection
lated using w17x: and conductor-loss-limited performance in the
passband. The suspended stripline interdigital fil-
D L A Ž dB. , 8.686Cn Ž5. ters can be fabricated anywhere from 6 to 120
v Qu GHz, being limited by the membrane size below 6
GHz Žtoo large. and by the substrate thickness at
It is seen that the measured port-to-port inser- 120 GHz Žaround 80]100 m m..
tion loss of 1.7 dB is very close to the predicted
value of 1.55 dB, indicating, once again, a conduc-
tor-loss-limited performance. This also applies to
the 850-MHz filter structure. MICROSHIELD-LINE RESONATORS
In addition to the 20.3-GHz filter, wideband AND FILTERS
13.5-GHz Ž40%. and narrowband 15-GHz Ž5%.
interdigital filters have been fabricated using the Several millimeter-wave filters and components
same technology w20x. The measured port-to-port from 30 to 250 GHz have been fabricated using
insertion losses was 0.7 dB and 2.0 dB, respec- the microshield-line geometry ŽFig. 6.. The mi-
Micromachined Filters for MMwa¨ e Applicat. 155
croshield line can support a near-coplanar-wave- microshield up to 40 GHz Žsee ref. 5 for more
guide field distribution when the slot dimensions details..
are small compared to the height of the substrate,
or a near-microstrip-field distribution when the
Effective Dielectric Constant
slot dimensions are large compared to the height
of the substrate. One can therefore choose the Due to the air substrate of the microshield line,
microshield line geometry to obtain a relatively the effective dielectric constant, e r, e ff , is very
simple transition between the microshield line close to 1.0. Because of the membrane, however,
and the feeding CPW line on the high-resistivity e r, e ff is slightly increased because a fraction of
siliconrGaAs wafer, despite the large difference the fields are contained within the thin dielectric
in the dielectric constants of the transmission layers. As shown in Figure 6, the measured e r, e ff
media. Although rigorous optimization has not changes from around 1.09 to 1.15 as the slot
been conducted, designs based on a simple width is reduced from 55 to 25 m m. The increase
matching of quasistatic characteristic impedance is a result of greater field confinement in the slot
values have demonstrated very good transitions and thus in the membrane. It is expected that for
from CPW to microshield and from GCPW to a dielectric thickness smaller than 2.0 m m, and
TABLE II. Measured and Calculated Interdigital Membrane Filters Insertion Loss
Calculated Measured Calc.rmeas.
Bandwidth and QU of loss from loss from Measured S11 port-to-port
center frequency resonators resonators feedlines mismatch insertion loss
16% Ž20.3 GHz. 330 0.80 dB 0.6 dB 0.15 dB 1.55 dBr1.70 dB
16% Ž850 MHz. 1610 0.16 dB 0.3 dB 0.14 dB 0.60 dBr0.70 dB
40% Ž13.5 GHz. 272 0.33 dB 0.4 dB 0.01 dB 0.74 dBr0.70 dB
5% Ž15.2 GHz. 290 1.25 dB 0.4 dB 0.35 dB 2.00 dBr2.00 dB
156 Rebeiz et al.
Figure 6. Cross-section view of a microshield line Žtop. and the measured e r, e ff on two
microshield lines with different aspect ratios Žbottom.. The cavity height is 350 m m.
for typical line geometries with a slot widths impedance are designed to be 75 V ŽFig. 7.. The
larger than 20 m m, e r, e ff will remain lower than metalization thickness is 1 m m and is sufficient
1.20, thereby ensuring nearly dispersion-free op- for 30-GHz operation. The membrane dimensions
eration. are 6 = 1.8 mm2 with a cavity height of 350 m m.
Notice that, in contrast to the interdigital filters,
the microshield topology results in filter struc-
Lowpass Filters at 30 and 90 GHz tures on long and narrow membranes. In Figure
The stepped-impedance approach to lowpass fil- 7, the measured data for a five-section, 0.5-dB
ter design is well suited for applications which do ripple Chebyshev filter are compared with results
not require a sharp roll-off in the insertion loss. from a space-domain integral equation ŽSDIE.
Often, however, filter specifications call for high analysis method w5, 22x. The rejection is greater
rejection over multiple-octave bandwidths, a re- than 20 dB up to 75 GHz, which is about 1.5
quirement which may be difficult to meet using octaves above the 3-dB point at 26 GHz. The
conventional substrate-supported lines due to the measured S21 is between 0.25 and 0.9 dB from 10
propagation of higher order modes. Thus, the to 23 GHz. This is very close to the 0.5-dB ripple
very broad, single-mode bandwidth of the mi- design specification, and indicates that the atten-
croshield line can provide superior filter perfor- uation is approximately 0.3 dB greater than pre-
mance in this respect. dicted in the ideal, lossless model.
Stepped-impedance filters using five, seven, and A lowpass filter is also designed at 90 GHz
nine sections have been designed and tested at 30 using a stepped-impedance implementation of a
GHz w5, 21x. The high and low impedance sections seven-section 0.5-dB equal ripple Chebyshev filter
of the five-section filter are 265 V and 45 V, w23x. The high- and low-impedance sections of the
respectively, while the feedline and filter center filter are 277 V and 63 V, respectively, while the
Micromachined Filters for MMwa¨ e Applicat. 157
Figure 7. Measured and calculated ŽSDIE. S-parameters for a microshield lowpass filter at
30 GHz. The lengths of the different sections are L1 s 745, L2 s 1200, and L3 s 1189. All
dimensions are in microns.
feed line and filter center impedance are de- 40]140 GHz. The filter achieves a cutoff fre-
signed to be 92 V ŽFig. 8.. For W-band measure- quency of approximately 90 GHz, with less than
ments, it was found that the best results were 1.0-dB passband insertion loss, and the FDTD
achieved when the wafer probes were set as close technique accurately predicts the filter perfor-
as possible to the membrane edge. Furthermore, mance. The presence of the membrane is incor-
an impedance transformer was used to reduce the porated into the FDTD analysis with a relative
matching problems between the high-impedance dielectric constant of 1.08. It is important to note
membrane circuits and the 50-V cpw-probe that the microshield lowpass filter provides around
impedance. For the 92-V microshield line, a 20-dB better rejection than a comparable lowpass
quarter-wavelength section at 90 GHz of a 68-V filter designed using GCPW lines on 100-m m
microshield line was used. The membrane dimen- GaAs substrates w23x.
sions are 4.3 = 0.6 mm2 Žincluding the inputrout- The discrepancy between the measured and
put impedance transformers . with a cavity height calculated data in both the 30-GHz and 90-GHz
of 355 m m. The measured response of the low- designs is due to the necessity to model this
pass filter from 75 to 110 GHz is shown in Figure circuit with a single effective dielectric constant,
8 along with results of the FDTD analysis at even though the low- and high-impedance sec-
158 Rebeiz et al.
Figure 8. Measured and calculated ŽFDTD. S-parameters for a microshield lowpass filter
at 90 GHz. All dimensions are in microns.
tions have drastically different slot widths. This considerably stronger than the passband reso-
can be solved in the future with the use of more nance. Due to the long narrow slots encountered
flexible FDTD or SDIE analysis routines. in the series stub designs Žaround 20 = 2000 m m.,
the effective dielectric constant of the mi-
croshield line in a series stub configuration is
Low-Loss Bandpass Filters at 30 GHz increased from 1.08 to 1.40 w5, 14x.
A variety of techniques exist for the implementa- A three-section open-end series stub bandpass
tion of bandpass filters. For CPW applications, filter was fabricated using the stub dimensions
filters using a combination of series andror shunt given in Figure 9, with each section separated by
tuning stubs have received considerable attention 150 m m w5x. The filter is centered at 29 GHz with
w24, 25x. By cascading multiple open-end stubs in a 55% bandwidth. The total dimensions of the
series, it is quite simple to realize a bandpass filter are 0.80 l g long at 29 GHz Ž7.5 mm. and
response with high out-of-band rejection and 300 m m wide. The measured response, shown in
low-loss performance w26x. The passband reso- Figure 9, has an insertion loss of only 1.0 dB from
nance of an open-end series stub occurs when the 22 to 32 GHz, which is competitive with the best
mean length is l gr4, and the associated radiation waveguide bandpass filters using suspended
loss is very low due to the location of the stub stripline w27x. The calculated data are generated
within the center conductor. The stopband reso- by using the scattering parameters found from
nance occurs when the stub length is l gr2 and is the full-wave analysis of a single stub and treating
Micromachined Filters for MMwa¨ e Applicat. 159
Figure 9. Measured and calculated ŽSDIE. S-parameters for a microshield bandpass fil-
ter which consists of three open-end series stubs. The distance between the stubs is only
150 m m. All dimensions are in microns.
the filter as three noncoupled elements in series. tion loss of 1.0 dB from 21 to 29 GHz ŽFig. 10.. It
The agreement between the measured and calcu- is immediately apparent that the five-section
lated performance is quite good and indicates folded stub filter provides better out-of-band re-
that there is very little electromagnetic coupling jection than the three-section filter described pre-
between the stubs, even though the stub separa- viously and at 65% of the longitudinal size. The
tion is only 150 m m. performance of this filter is also competitive with
A compact bandpass filter has also been the best suspended stripline waveguide filters.
demonstrated and is based on the folded open-end
series stub pioneered by Weller et al. w14, 28x.
This stub offers comparable performance to the The 250-GHz Bandpass Filter
standard series open-end stub described previ-
ously but at a fraction of the size. A five-section The microshield line has been also applied to
folded open-end series stub bandpass filter was submillimeter-wave components Ž100]1000 GHz..
fabricated using the dimensions given in Figure As is well known, this frequency range is of
10. The filter is centered at 25 GHz with a 40% importance to radio-astronomical receivers and
bandwidth. The total dimensions of the filter are space-based remote sensing of upper atmospheric
0.53 l g in length at 25 GHz Ž5.5 mm. and 300 m m pollutants w29x. The associated components, such
in width. The measured response shows an inser- as receivers, filters and couplers, are built in
160 Rebeiz et al.
Figure 10. Measured and calculated ŽSDIE. S-parameters for a microshield bandpass filter
which consists of five folded open-end series stubs. The filter length is 0.5 l g at 25 GHz. All
dimensions are in microns.
waveguides or in bulky quasi-optical systems. This were sized accordingly to resonate at 250 GHz.
leads to extremely expensive components and has The filter is 1 mm in length, which is around 0.8
retarded the use of this frequency for commercial l g at 250 GHz. The microshield filter is placed in
applications such as very compact collision- a cavity and for the dimensions given in Figure
avoidance radars. The microshield line, or mem- 11, the dominant waveguide mode cut-off fre-
brane supported lines in general, are ideal for quency is greater than 500 GHz.
applications in this frequency range. They offer The filter is attached to a cpw-fed double-
wideband, low-loss, dispersion-free performance folded slot ŽDFS. antenna which receives power
and are easy to fabricate because the membrane from a calibrated plane wave. RF detection is
dimensions are very small Žless than 1 mm in achieved using planar bismuth microbolometers
length in many cases.. after the microshield filter w31x. The DFS antenna
The microshield line was utilized to fabricate has a relative bandwidth of 20%, so three circuits
the first planar bandpass filter at 250 GHz w30x. with three different antennas centered at 170
The bandpass filter has a relative bandwidth of GHz, 250 GHz, and 340 GHz and the same
58% and utilizes four quarter-wavelength open- microshield filter were fabricated. The bolome-
end series stubs with the second and fourth stubs ters of each circuit were absolutely calibrated and
reversed relative to the first and third stub ŽFig. resulted in a responsivity around 2 VrW. As a
11.. The effective dielectric constant of the stubs means of calibration, measurements are first taken
was estimated to be 1.36 due to the small dimen- on a circuit with no filter and a simple mi-
sions of the slots Ž10 m m. and the stub lengths croshield straight line, and then measurements
Micromachined Filters for MMwa¨ e Applicat. 161
Figure 13. The shielded membrane microstrip geometry. Notice that the RF ground plane
is actually on top of the microstrip line.
162 Rebeiz et al.
The propagating mode of the SMM line is tion loss, a very sharp roll-off, and high out-of-
characterized by an electric field orientation which band attenuation. A filter designed for 4.25%
is primarily vertical with respect to the plane of bandwidth achieves a passband insertion loss of
the signal line. Conversely, a horizontally opposed 3.4 dB and a bandwidth of 6.1% at a center
electric field orientation prevails in a CPW-style frequency of 94.7 GHz ŽFig. 15.. To our knowl-
wafer probe. A candidate for a transition between edge, these results represent state-of-the-art per-
these two modes is the microshield line, which formance at 94 GHz.
has shown the ability to support both CPW-like Measured S-parameters of the bandpass filter
and a microstrip-like modes w5x. This is a very reveal a wider bandwidth than the designed value.
convenient solution, because there is an im- The reason is that the distance from the signal
pedance mismatch between the 50-V wafer probe line to the ground plane was approximately 20
and the 90-V SMM line, and a Klopfenstein- m m larger than the 100-m m depth of the ground
tapered section of microshield line can also be cavity. This is verified by the good agreement with
used to accomplish the impedance matching func- the FDTD analysis ŽFig. 15., which was per-
tion w32x. The taper length is 1008 Žaround l gr4. formed using a ground plane separation of 120
at the lowest frequency of interest. m m and the measured value of e r, e ff Ž1.04. for the
The bandpass filters of this work are based on SMM line.
coupled-line resonator designs derived from equal
ripple Chebyshev prototypes and a center im-
pedance of 90 V w23x. A commercially available CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK
software package ŽPARFIL w33x. was used to syn-
thesize the filter geometry for a ground plane It is evident that state-of-the-art filters can be
separation and an upper shield separation of 100 manufactured at low cost using membrane-based
m m and 500 m m, respectively, and the final filter transmission lines. The filters achieved so far are
dimensions were chosen after experimental itera- just a small sample of the performance potential
tion on a 2-GHz scale model. Figure 14 shows a of this micromachining technology. The microma-
fabricated coupled-line bandpass filter centered chined filters are compatible with IC fabrication
at 94 GHz. The microstrip line is 180 m m wide techniques and can be fabricated in large num-
and results in an impedance of 90 V. The mem- bers for low cost applications. The microma-
brane dimensions are 11 mm long = 2.5 mm wide. chined filters can also be combined with planar
The measured results show low passband inser- diodes and transistors to result in active filter
Figure 14. The 6% shielded membrane microstrip bandpass filter with associated dimen-
sions. All resonators are 710 m m in length. The tapered sections at the inputroutput are the
Klopfenstein microshield transformers between the microstrip mode on the membrane and
the GCPW mode on the silicon wafer.
Micromachined Filters for MMwa¨ e Applicat. 163
Figure 15. Measured and calculated ŽFDTD. S-parameters for the filter shown in Fig-
ure 14.
networks and low phase noise oscillators. The miniaturization is a goal, then correct modeling of
application areas are in K, Ka and Ku-band satel- the sidewalls and the surrounding via holes near
lite communication systems, direct broadcast the membrane edge must be done to obtain an
satellite systems at 12.5 GHz, wireless base sta- accurate model.
tion systems, and the emerging millimeter-wave The future work in micromachined filters is
indoorroutdoor communication systems at 38 and shaping up in two independent areas. The first
60 GHz. Furthermore, the micromachined filters one is the continuation of the present work on
can be used in 35- and 94-GHz radar systems and thin dielectric membranes and the construction of
millimeter- Ž94 GHz. and submillimeter-wave ever better and smaller filters and components.
Ž180-GHz, 230-GHz, etc.. radiometric systems for Varactor tuned interdigital filters and microma-
aircraft landing systems and atmospheric remote chined high-isolation filter banks for wideband
sensing applications. radarrreceiver applications are currently being
The underlying theory of the micromachined investigated at 10]20 GHz. Also, miniature folded
filter is not complex due to the thin dielectric resonators on membranes coupled with lumped-
membranes and the resulting low dielectric con- element MIM Žmetal]insulator]metal. capacitors
stant Ž e r, e ff from 1.04 to 1.40.. Excellent results are being investigated at 30 GHz. The membrane
were achieved with simple scale modeling around technology is not limited to transmission lines and
1 GHz for the case of suspended stripline filters, filters alone, and wideband Lange-type couplers
and accurate theoretical models were achieved from 6]20 GHz w34x, low-loss Wilkinson couplers
with the SDIE method in the case of microshield at 33 GHz w35x, high-frequency inductors and
lines, or with FDTD analysis, as in the case of the capacitors w20x, coupled-line couplers covering the
shielded membrane microstrip lines. Obviously, it 20]110-GHz frequency range w36x, and high isola-
would be advantageous to have the numerical tion single sideband mixers at 18 GHz w34x have
flexibility of changing the effective dielectric con- been achieved on thin dielectric membranes.
stant for each section of the microshield Žor SMM. More work will be done in this area for the
filter and this can be easily done in the future. construction of low-power SSB mixers at 60 and
Another refinement of the theory could be to 94 GHz, low-loss power combining networks at 30
model accurately the sloping sidewalls. These and 94 GHz, and active filters and multiplexers
sidewalls are generally far enough from the cir- for satellite applications.
cuit region of interest that they are currently The second area of research involves a funda-
modeled as vertical sidewalls. However, if filter mental rethinking of the role of the solid-state
164 Rebeiz et al.
wafer. It is about viewing a high-resistivity wafer 11. S. S. Gearhart, Integrated Millimeter-Wa¨ e and Sub-
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Proc. IEEE, Vol. 70, 1982, pp. 420]457.
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Transmission Lines on Thin Dielectric Membranes,
Ph.D. thesis, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
15. C. Y. Chi and G. M. Rebeiz, ‘‘Conductor-Loss
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the NASA Center for Space Terahertz Technology at Trans. Microwa¨ e Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-44, April
the University of Michigan and by National Science 1996, pp. 626]630.
Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Awards 16. C. Y. Chi, Planar Microwa¨ e and Millimeter-Wa¨ e
ŽProfs. Rebeiz and Katehi.. It was continued with strong Components Using Micromachining Technologies,
support from the Army Research Office, Electronics Ph.D. thesis, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
Division, the Office of Naval Research. It has also been MI, 1995.
supported by the Pluto Express Program and the Presi- 17. G. L. Matthaei, L. Young, and E. M. T. Jones,
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3. W. Y. Ali-Ahmad and G. M. Rebeiz, ‘‘An 86-106 20. C. Y. Chi and G. M. Rebeiz, ‘‘Planar Microwave
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Trans. Microwa¨ e Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-41, No. pled-Line Filters Using Micromachining Tech-
4, April 1993, pp. 558]564. niques,’’ IEEE Trans. Microwa¨ e Theory Tech., Vol.
4. N. I. Dib, W. P. Harokopus, L. P. B. Katehi, C. C. MTT-43, No. 4, April 1995, pp. 730]738.
Ling, and G. M. Rebeiz, ‘‘Study of a Novel Planar 21. T. M. Weller, G. M. Rebeiz, and L. P. Katehi,
Transmission Line,’’ IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwa¨ e ‘‘Experimental Results on Microshield Transmis-
Symp., 1991, pp. 623]626. sion Line Circuits,’’ IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwa¨ e
5. T. M. Weller, L. P. B. Katehi, and G. M. Rebeiz,
Symp., 1993, pp. 827]830.
‘‘High Performance Microshield Line Com-
22. N. I. Dib, L. P. Katehi, G. E. Ponchak, and R. N.
ponents,’’ IEEE Trans. Microwa¨ e Theory Tech.,
Simons, ‘‘Theoretical and Experimental Character-
Vol. MTT-43, No. 3, March 1995, pp. 534]543.
6. R. W. Jackson, ‘‘Considerations in the Use of ization of Coplanar Waveguide Discontinuities for
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grated Circuits,’’ IEEE Trans. Microwa¨ e Theory ory Tech., Vol. MTT-39, No. 5, May 1991, pp.
Tech., Vol. MTT-34, No. 12, Dec. 1986, pp. 873]882.
1450]1456. 23. S. V. Robertson, L. P. Katehi, and G. M. Rebeiz,
7. H. Cheng, J. F. Whitaker, T. M. Weller, and L. P. ‘‘Micromachined W-band Filters,’’ IEEE Trans.
B. Katehi, ‘‘Terahertz-Bandwidth Characterization Microwa¨ e Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-44, April 1996,
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10. L. I. Maissel and R. Glang, Handbook of Thin Film 25. Y. Noguchi, et al., ‘‘A New Compact l gr4 Copla-
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Micromachined Filters for MMwa e Applicat. 165
ceedings of the 1993 European Microwa e Confer- 31. D. P. Neikirk, W. W. Lam, and D. B. Rutledge,
ence, 1993, pp. 631633. ‘‘Far-Infrared Microbolometer Detectors,’’ Int. J.
26. D. F. Williams and S. E. Schwarz, ‘‘Design and Infrared Millimeter Wa es, Vol. 5, 1984, pp. 245276.
Performance of Coplanar Waveguide Bandpass Fil- 32. R. W. Klopfenstein, ‘‘A Transmission Line Taper
ters,’’ IEEE Trans. Microwa e Theory Tech., Vol. of Improved Design,’’ Proc. IRE, Vol. 44, Jan.
31, No. 7, July 1983, pp. 558568. 1956, pp. 3135.
27. W. Menzel, ‘‘Broadband Filter Circuits Using an 33. WaveCon Software, El Segundo, CA.
Extended Suspended Substrate Transmission Line 34. C. Y. Chi and G. M. Rebeiz, ‘‘Design of Lange
Configuration,’’ Proceedings of the 22nd European Couplers and Single-Sideband Mixers Using Micro-
Microwa e Conference, 1992, pp. 459463. machining Techniques,’’ IEEE Trans. Microwa e
28. T. M. Weller and L. P. Katehi, ‘‘Miniature Stub Theory Tech. Žto appear..
and Filter Designs Using the Microshield Trans- 35. T. M. Weller, L. P. Katehi, M. I. Herman, and P.
mission Line,’’ IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwa e Symp., D. Wamhof, ‘‘Membrane Technology ŽMIST-T.
1995, pp. 675678. Applied to Microstrip: A 33 GHz Wilkinson Power
29. IEEE Proceedings Special Issue on Terahertz Tech- Divider,’’ IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwa e Symp., 1994,
nology, Vol. 80, No. 11, Nov. 1992, pp. 16571864. pp. 911914.
30. T. M. Weller, L. P. B. Katehi, and G. M. Rebeiz, 36. S. V. Robertson, L. P. Katehi, and G. M. Rebeiz,
‘‘A 250 GHz Microshield Bandpass Filter,’’ IEEE ‘‘A 20-40 GHz Micromachined Directional Cou-
Microwa e Guided-Wa e Lett., Vol. 5, No. 5, May pler,’’ IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwa e Symp., 1996, pp.
1995, pp. 153155. 797800.
Gabriel M. Rebeiz Žsenior member, IEEE. earned his PhD in been interested in the development and characterization Žthe-
electrical engineering from the California Institute of Tech- oretical and experimental. of microwave and millimeter-wave
nology in June 1988. He joined the faculty of the University of printed circuits, the computer-aided design of VLSI intercon-
Michigan in September 1988 and was promoted to associate nects, the development and characterization of microma-
professor in September 1992. Prof. Rebeiz received the Na- chined circuits for millimeter-wave and submillimeter-wave
tional Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator applications, and the development of low-loss lines for tera-
Award in April 1991 and the URSI International Isaac Koga hertz-frequency applications. She has also been theoretically
Gold Medal Award for Outstanding International Research in and experimentally studying various types of uniplanar radiat-
August 1993. He also received the Research Excellence Award ing structures for hybrid monolithic and monolithic oscillator
in April 1995 from the University of Michigan. Together with and mixer designs. She has been awarded the IEEE AP-S W.
his students, he is the winner of best paper awards at JINA’90, P. King distinction ŽBest Paper Award for a Young Engineer.
IEEE-MTT’92, ’94, ’95, ’96 and IEEE-AP’92, ’95. Prof. Rebeiz in 1984, the IEEE AP-S S. A. Schelkunoff Award ŽBest Paper
is an elected member of URSI-D. He was a visiting professor Award. in 1985, the NSF Presidential Young Investigator
at Chalmers University of Technology in 1992, and a visiting Award and an URSI Young Scientist Fellowship in 1987, the
professor at the Ecole Normale Superieur in 1993. He is the Humboldt Research Award and The University of Michigan
author of 70 articles published in refereed journals and more Faculty Recognition Award in 1994, and the IEEE MTT-S
than 110 papers presented in National and International Con-
Microwave Prize in 1996. She is a Fellow of IEEE, and a
ferences. Prof. Rebeiz interests are in applying micromachin-
member of IEEE AP-S, MTT-S, Sigma XI, Hybrid Microelec-
ing techniques in silicon and GaAs for the development of
tronics, URSI Commission D, and a member of AP-S AD-
low-loss and low-cost microwave antennas, components and
COM from 1992 to 1995. Also, Prof. Katehi is an associate
subsystems for wireless applications, and satellite communica-
editor for the IEEE Transactions on AP-S and MTT-S.
tion systems. Prof. Rebeiz is also interested in the develop-
ment of planar collision-avoidance sensors for automotive
applications, and in millimeter-wave imaging arrays,
monopulse tracking systems, and phased arrays. ŽPhoto not Thomas M. Weller received the BS, MS, and PhD degrees in
available.. electrical engineering in 1988, 1991, and 1995, respectively,
from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He is currently
an assistant professor in the Electrical Engineering Depart-
Linda P. B. Katehi received her BSEE ment at the University of South Florida, Tampa. His current
degree from the National Technical Uni- research involves micromachining applications for microwave
versity of Athens, Greece, in 1977 and and millimeter-wave circuits, hybrid and MMIC packaging,
her MSEE and PhD degrees from the numerical modeling, and millimeter-wave sensors. ŽPhoto not
University of California, Los Angeles, in available..
1981 and 1984, respectively. In Septem-
ber 1984, she joined the faculty of the
EECS Department of the University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor. Since then she has
166 Rebeiz et al.
Chen-Yu Chi was born in Tapei, Taiwan, in September 1964. Stephen V. Robertson received the BSEE degree from the
He received the BS and MS degrees in electrical engineering University of Texas, Austin, Texas, and the MSE degree from
from the National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, in 1986 and the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 1991 and 1993,
1988, respectively, and in 1994, he earned the PhD degree in respectively. He is currently pursuing his PhD degree in
electrical engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann electrical engineering at the University of Michigan. His re-
Arbor. His thesis was on the development of novel microma- search interests lie in the development of novel microma-
chined filters and components at microwave and millimeter- chined structures for planar and quasi-planar millimeter-wave
wave frequencies. He is currently working at Qualcomm Inc., applications. ŽPhoto not available..
San Diego, CA, in the development of portable telephone
units for the AMPS and PCS bands. ŽPhoto not available..